For a good person, everything should be fine. There must be many good people. An attempt to fill an emotional void or escape from unpleasant emotions

Good man there must be a lot

1) about a complete b--ke;

2) about good shit.

Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions. - M.: PAIMS. V.P. Belyanin, I.A. Butenko. 1994 .

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This saying has roots going back to ancient times, when Kievan Rus people with status put pillows under their clothes to appear larger and be visible from afar.

Great weight was a sign of abundance, wealth and high position in society. In Rembrandt's time, plump women were considered the most beautiful.

For breakfast, the French king Louis XV ate a plate of croutons, a plate of pigeon soup, a plate of lamb in garlic, ten hard-boiled eggs, and a piece of fatty ham with dill.

They wrote about him: “The king is 40 years old, but his face is olive-colored, almost gray, and his breath is vile. He is obese and suffocating."

Many pharaohs, kings, and emperors died from abundant, high-calorie food ahead of time, since skilled chefs for thousands of years cooked only to taste, without knowing chemical composition food products, their beneficial, healing properties and the basics of rational nutrition.

Modern people are based on thousands of years of human habits, sometimes going back to animal world. Such experiences are built into our genes as survival information.

In nature, when an animal encounters danger, there is two types of response. The first of the male type is to fight, this requires a large body mass and many animals inflate, this can be seen in the example of cats that raise their fur. Fish swell, birds raise their wings to appear larger. The second type of reaction, like a woman, is to run. This requires a small body weight. They say: “Graceful as a doe” or “Hide like a little mouse.” This phenomenon is based on one of the reasons for weight gain: cases of increased stress and aggressive environmental factors.

The second reason is abandonment, abandonment or abandonment. When a mother bear walks with her cubs through the forest and one of the cubs gets lost, he stands on his hind legs so that his mother can see him. If a child has had a childhood experience of being abandoned, lost, or neglected, he may follow this natural instinct to grow big to be noticed.

In cases of lack of love, care, attention, recognition, respect, the desired is replaced by the simplest pleasure - food. Breast milk tastes like ice cream and is sweet and white. Chocolate, cakes and pastries can also serve their “good” purpose in obtaining the desired pleasure. Maternal care and warmth calmed the child, and now instead of a mother there is a refrigerator, where you can always get satisfaction.

An attempt to fill an emotional void or escape from unpleasant emotions.

It happens when a person is sad, bored, or has experienced severe emotional turmoil, food seems to help fill the feeling of emotional emptiness or alleviate emotional heaviness.

Fat cells are a depot of energy - these are internal reserves from hunger, cold and external danger. When a person is afraid of losing relationships, money, status, material goods, then his body will compensate for this by accumulating mass. So our body perceives these possible or real losses as a threat to survival and stores energy for future use, for those cases when there is no food.

Opportunity to defend yourself.

For women, being overweight is often the only way to escape from an unhappy relationship or from the pain of memories of violence that they carry in their minds. In men, this may be protection from stressful situations perceived as vital.

The desire to be significant and big, to have weight in society.

The position of a person in his life directly depends on this social group, and the body takes this desire literally and wants to take its place, gain its significance. The more I am, the more space I occupy with my body, the more significant I am.

These are just some of the emotional programs that can affect your weight.

The reason is not that a person eats too much, but why does he eat too much, what is the reason for this? By tracking your emotions while eating, you can find this reason! Asking yourself the question: “What emotion am I experiencing? What true need do I want to satisfy? What is really missing?

By using simple techniques you can easily learn to track and manage your emotions, which will make you healthy and beautiful.

God, why?! – Ted groaned painfully, dissatisfiedly picking up another piece of Brussels sprouts from the plate with his fork. - Cabbage is healthy, it contains a lot of vitamin C and almost no calories! - Veniamin defended the vegetable, although he himself, however, did not express a desire to stand in line for the healthy product. - When will we get the normal menu back? – the pilot did not calm down. “I have a slice of grapefruit for breakfast, cabbage for lunch, and I don’t even want to think about dinner.” It simply doesn't exist! When will the extra kilos disappear from the sides and... ahem... somewhere else... Polina and we will be able to eat normally?! For me, it suits her anyway... *** Two weeks earlier. A heart-breaking cry came from the biologist's cabin. Then something fell to the floor with a rattling sound. - Fifty eight! My God! Even elephants don't weigh that much! “If you’re talking about tons, then yes, they don’t weigh,” the cyborg carefully informed his friend, looking into her cabin. – And if we talk about kilograms, then this is the weight of a newborn elephant... – I don’t intend to joke here! All! I am losing weight! - Lose weight, please, who forbids you? – Theodore climbed in with an impudent look. – Should I say that today there is one less serving of dessert? - What's for dessert? - I won’t tell you, you won’t have it anyway! – Ted chuckled, glancing meaningfully at the shelf with a box of chocolates. Catching the direction of his gaze, Polina decisively grabbed the box from the shelf and thrust it into the hands of the cyborg, who was a little taken aback by such generosity. - Here! All! And I don't need dessert! And I won’t eat at all! Theodore carefully closed the cabin door and looked back with a blank look at Dan, still standing with the box in his hands. - And what came over her anyway? – the pilot asked in bewilderment. - And in general, she’s not that fat... And when the three of us couldn’t fit on the sofa, it was Dan’s fault. - Why me? – the cyborg was indignant. - Mmmm... Well... You took a pack of chips with you, so it took up space! - I held her on my knees. - And what? I still occupied it! *** For several days after this conversation, Polina walked around irritated and ate very little. Hungrily watching Dan eat condensed milk and chips, and Ted feast on meat or drink beer (terribly high in calories!), she became more and more gloomy. “Don’t be sad, friend,” Ted said carelessly, throwing a cookie into his mouth, “there should be a lot of good people!” And in general, I weigh twenty-five kilograms more than you and that suits me! - You have half of that muscle, and you are two heads taller than me! - And what? – Ted asked smugly. - That this conversation is just a waste of time! The cabin door slammed. The pilot was left to finish the cookies with an absolutely innocent look. The situation was different with Dan. He didn’t understand at all: a) why Polina was so concerned about her body weight; b) why does Ted not care at all that Polina cares what her body weight is. - She's a girl! - Ted explained to his friend, - well... she wants to be beautiful and thinks that for this she needs to lose weight. - Why is she angry with me? - Yes, she’s angry at everyone, she’s just hungry! By the way, that box that she gave you... Have you already eaten all the chocolate? - No. I'm going to give it back to her when she loses weight. - So, never. Give it to me, will you? - Can i? “It’s my own fault that I gave it away,” Theodore laughed, taking the box. – If anything, you can buy chocolates almost everywhere! *** By the way, it was now almost impossible to go to the gym. On one of the sports equipment, a puffing Polina was always found. Dan was puzzled. Polina, who used to be such a good friend, turned into a vixen obsessed with losing weight. She even made him plan the route so that they would only land at stations that had a fitness club! All this had such an impact on the ship’s crew that after a week of torment, the captain decided to talk to Polina. - Polina, you understand... This is harmful for your body. You're young, you need to eat well! Venya believes that you are only undermining your health. - I'm correcting him! I'm losing extra pounds! Are they harmful to health? Harmful! And Veniamin Ignatievich will also confirm this! Let's call him! A few minutes later the doctor was already in the captain's cabin. - Polina, I fully approve of your initiative! – Benjamin began enthusiastically. “Of course, you shouldn’t leave things to chance.” I can make a menu for you. And it wouldn’t hurt for you, Stasik, to lose a couple of extra pounds... - What? – the captain choked. - Then you too! Look what a belly he's eaten! - I got a great idea! - Polina intervened. - Let's all lose weight! Otherwise, I’m bored by myself... And we’ll force Ted to do it! He laughs at me all the time! “Theodore eats a lot of fatty foods, I think it won’t hurt him,” the captain grinned. *** As a result, everyone on the ship began to lose weight, except for Dan (he could already control his metabolism) and Mikhalych, who hardly ate anyway, being in the engine room all the time. Polina enthusiastically promoted the diet. They came to an agreement with Masha (“a woman with a woman always mutual language will find it!” - said Theodore), and now, if there was a rustle in the cabin from a chocolate wrapper, a candy wrapper, or the crack of a beer can lid, Masha would turn on an old-fashioned air raid alarm (as in the twenty-first century) and an enraged Polina would come to the sound. She caught Ted in the act a total of fourteen times, and he sighed and went to eat his salad. Or cabbage. The menu was varied. After much persuasion, without ever winning Dan over to her side, Polina, reluctantly, allowed Masha not to control his cabin. Taking condensed milk from Dan was somehow awkward, especially since the cyborg required much more energy than a human. Dan's cabin was now something of a safe mess. Ted would come there with a bag of chips, and if Polina happened to pass by, he would hastily shove the chips at Dan, and there was nothing to complain about. But I still had to give up beer. Cyborg didn't like him. Ignoring Theodore, the captain and doctor followed the diet. They went to the gym, ate healthy food and encouraged Polina with just their zeal. However, it gradually began to disappear. *** On the fifteenth day, Benjamin stepped into Dan’s rescue cabin with a bag of chips, hamburgers and other fast food. To the cyborg’s silent bewilderment, he whispered, “Don’t give me up to HER!” and started eating, treating Dan to a hamburger. On the eighteenth day, Theodore and Benjamin collided in the cyborg's cabin. Taking a philosophical approach to the problem, they divided the food among themselves and began to come to Dan together. On the twenty-fifth day, the captain, unable to bear it, ran into Dan’s cabin. Taking out from under his shirt a cake that he had secretly bought at the last station, he turned around and stared in surprise at the friendly group sitting on the sofa and eating chips. Dan looked with emotion at his hungry friends, melancholy tormenting the cookie. - Welcome, captain! - Ted shouted, cheerfully throwing the chip up into the air and catching it in his mouth. *** Since then, the company began to gather regularly on their island of freedom. Polina, who noticed that her friends not only did not lose weight, but also gained weight, began to suspect something. And she put the team under surveillance. On the thirtieth day, she finally figured out what was going on. Getting ready to triumphantly solve the crime, she, having waited for the next gobble, opened the door to the cabin and... froze in place. The cabin smelled deliciously of food. Normal food that the poor girl hadn't seen in over a month. She simply did not notice her friends, frozen with their mouths full. Polina's attention was completely and completely captured by SHE. Chocolate with nuts. She was lying on a chair, so tasty, so alluring... - Oh, to hell with everything! – the biologist shouted and sank her teeth into the chocolate bar. Dan and Ted looked at each other, and the pilot upsetly handed the redhead a can of condensed milk. - I told you that two months would not pass! – Dan remarked contentedly.


It is not for nothing that the proverb “There must be many good people” was born. Observant people have long noticed that fat people are, as a rule, the life of the party. Cheerful, cheerful, kind. And now these character traits have been confirmed by genetic tests.

“Fat people are less likely than thin people to feel sad and mopey,” says study leader Professor David Mair from McMaster University (Canada).

He and his colleagues analyzed 17,200 DNA samples taken from study participants in 21 countries. And they found that the so-called FTO obesity gene, which is responsible for the development of obesity, is also a “happiness gene” - it reduces the risk of developing depression by 8 percent.

Special tests and surveys have shown that people with the FTO gene are more optimistic than their skinny peers.

By the way, maybe people gain weight because of their kindness. This paradoxical hypothesis was put forward by scientists from the National Institute of Aging (USA). For almost 50 years, they scrupulously collected information about two thousand earthlings. They studied their character, habits, inclinations, and at the same time weight fluctuations. And it turned out amazing fact: a person’s character influenced his figure.

So, it turned out that extroverts certainly gain excess weight. Volunteers who were highly emotional, open, and friendly weighed on average 10 kg more than introverts - closed, non-impulsive people. However, the reason for this phenomenon is not yet clear.


Large breasts, thin waist, wide hips attract men's gaze. And, as a rule, they are in demand among true connoisseurs of female beauty. But, as it turned out recently, it’s not just about the external effect. And it’s not that a woman with more pronounced forms is better able to bear children, as was previously believed.

Scientists from the University of California at Santa Barbara and the University of Pittsburgh, having examined and tested 16 thousand volunteers, came to the conclusion: the intellectual abilities of curvy women are much higher than those of thin women. Moreover, their children are born smarter.

“Women's thighs contain omega-3 fatty acids, which promote brain development first in the mother and then in the child,” says one of the researchers, Stephen Galin. – Men respond because it is important for reproduction.

However, scientists emphasize that fat on the thighs contributes to increased intelligence. And the one at the waist contains a lot fatty acids omega-6. And it doesn’t make you smarter. And men don’t react either.

“By the way,” says Galina’s colleague William Lassek, “children born to skinny teenage mothers perform worse on cognitive tests because they did not have enough omega-3 acids accumulated in their thighs.”


If there are problems in the body, then no diet will help.

Being overweight isn't such a bad thing. However, most would like to lose weight. But nothing will come of it if you don’t try. For lazy people, the body perceives extra pounds as normal. Until the end of his days, nothing will help such a fat man lose weight - neither physical activity, nor all kinds of diets.

“The subconscious mind does not allow a person to lose weight and avoid getting it back,” says study leader Malcolm Lowe from the University of Michigan. – As soon as a person gains weight, the brain is “reprogrammed” and gets used to the new image of “beautiful and moderately well-fed.” It is incredibly difficult to convince him.

Often contrary to the common saying,
especially in people who are overweight
there is an internal feeling of one’s own “badness” and worthlessness.

This is a very deep sensation, which is sometimes presented immediately, and sometimes is carefully hidden under the mass of extra pounds, as well as under various kinds of compensatory activities.

Self-esteem issues for obese people are a very sensitive and painful topic.

If they decide to seek help, it pains me every time to see how vulnerable and sensitive they are deep down.

It sometimes seems that some fat people are covered with “hippopotamus” skin and feel nothing. They may push and not notice, behave like a bull in a china shop, not hear or respond to the comments of others. Some people use a sparkling sense of humor and laugh off painful and wounding situations.

But all this is ultimately done in order to protect the vulnerable inner child, who cannot fully express himself. adult life, because he does not feel safe in it.

It is in the family that a person coming into this world gets the opportunity to feel that he is alive, that he is valuable and loved in himself. It is reflected in my mother’s eyes and, in a good situation, reads my mother’s message in them: “I love you, you are good, you are alive and real!”

This often doesn't happen various reasons. A child whose mother was insensitive to his needs and conditions is constantly in anxiety. It is difficult for him to understand what is happening to him and how to calm this anxiety.

Either he is tired and wants to sleep now, or he is offended, or he is very bored and nervous because his mother did not come for him on time. All these feelings gather into one big ball of anxiety, and the child does not know how to cope with it.

The child grows, and his worries also grow. Now he is no longer a child, but a real adult, but not having within himself the mechanism that would help adequately process anxiety, he resorts to a mechanism that is both pathological and natural at the same time. He eats away his anxiety.

Why is food addiction so difficult to treat?
If we are dealing with drug addiction, we can at least call the enemy by name and declare a fight against him.

It is impossible to call food an enemy - something without which not a single person can live on this planet. It turns out to be difficult to separate what is the vital need of the body, satisfies natural hunger, and what the hunger for love and acceptance is shifted to, which simply dulls the strongest anxiety for a while.

To avoid confronting one’s own “badness,” a person uses numerous strategies.

At best, it develops vigorous activity and achieves universal recognition. It’s as if he wants to prove to himself and others that there really is a lot of him, he has great weight and significance.

But if you look closely at these attempts to increase your own self-esteem, they always have a tinge of “unsatisfactory.” As if the achieved results and recognition are not enough, you need to prove your exclusivity and unusualness again and again every day. For others to notice and appreciate...

Any lack of attention is very painful. A person can hide his vulnerability, dress it up as a joke, and not realize how much he depends on the opinions of others.

A person may not feel the painful stings of wounded pride, “being offended is stupid!” Instead, he will feel an irresistible desire to retire and eat his favorite delicacies or simply eat as much as possible, calming down from the very process of eating and from the feeling of a full stomach.

Or, on the contrary, an obese person in every possible way avoids society, the very possibility of encountering others, communication, although deep down in his soul he terribly craves it and needs it.

He has absolutely no faith in himself, is afraid to compete and achieve something. The anxiety that they might laugh at him, look at him the wrong way, say something wrong, is enormous. And a person tries in every possible way to avoid it.

He finds it difficult to enter into close, spontaneous relationships with others, as he is focused only on picking up negative signals about himself.

It is difficult for him to separate his condition from the condition of the one with whom he comes into contact. It is difficult to grasp the moment when one's own suspicion and expectation of hostility becomes so unbearable that it is projected into another, and the other is then seen as hostile and attacking.

The fat layer seems to help isolate yourself a little from the wounding effects of the outside world, serves as a kind of airbag. In the end, all your difficulties can be attributed to this very excess weight. After all, if it weren’t for him, then it would be possible to go out with people, and there would be no problems with communication...

Here we come to where we started. In the well-known saying that there must be many good people, excess weight performs an important function.

He builds up and enlarges a person's volume so that no one can guess how small and lost he sometimes feels inside. Or it performs a protective function and seems to prevent one from entering into relationships that a person does not know how to build, and is very afraid of being rejected in them.

And many more different functions carry extra weight...

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