Dinosaurs and man at the same time. Everything you were told about dinosaurs was not true. The planet's magnetic field is decreasing

The very first civilizations considered their ancestors to be lizards that came out of the sea. Scientists are at a loss as to who could then inhabit the Earth.

LEGENDS have been circulating about this for a long time ... The theory of the "missing link", which supposedly connected huge prehistoric lizards and humanity, has been actively discussed by scientists all over the world for a hundred years, if not more. First, dinosaurs disappeared on the planet, then people appeared - everything seems to be logical. The problem is that until now no one can say for sure: what exactly happened in that period when some ALREADY died out, but there were STILL no others? One of the most popular versions is that during the gigantic period of time when the dinosaurs disappeared (65 million years ago) and people came (2-3 million years ago), the Earth was inhabited by a mysterious race of unknown creatures...

Monsters by the end of their lives on Earth could become human ancestors

- THIS is a pretty strange thing., - said in an interview with Nature magazine American scientist Robert Martin, who works at the Paleontological Museum of Chicago. - But the fact remains. The first fossilized footprints of unknown bipedal creatures found by us date back to the time period when the lizards disappeared. What kind of creatures they were - some new race or simply anthropoid apes that appeared fifty million years earlier - I cannot say. Although, of course, we already have disputes and discussions, but didn’t these “bipeds” gradually destroy all dinosaurs, hunting them like ordinary game?

In 1961, the expedition of the French explorer Cesar Geman discovered in the hard-to-reach high-mountainous region of the Congo (Marguerite Peak) a tribe of pygmies "Mong" (about 40 natives), who had never seen white man. The discovery gave amazing results - taking samples of pygmy blood, Geman found out that they had it ... not hot. People were able to fall into suspended animation, like lizards, in cold weather (which, however, they hardly needed in the African climate). The tribe worshiped the figure of a lizard carved from wood standing on its hind legs, in which it was easy to guess ... a tyrannosaurus. Returning to Paris, the scientist immediately began to raise funds for the next trip, but the war in the Congo prevented the expedition. And six months later, Cesar died of malaria. It was not possible to send a new expedition - fierce battles are taking place in the area between soldiers and local militants: for many years this has not allowed scientists to get to the natives, in whose veins, perhaps, the blood of dinosaurs flows. If during this time they did not disappear from the face of the Earth at all.

An "independent paleontological group" of the local Academy of Sciences has long been working in Mongolia, cooperating with colleagues from the United States, organizing joint studies of the bones of "local" dinosaurs. Why there? It is in the Mongolian Gobi desert that the world's largest "cemetery" of lizard skeletons is located, as well as huge "layings" of eggs of ancient predators. According to one of the versions developed by local experts, by the end of their era, dinosaurs not only became completely intelligent creatures, they could also be ... distant ancestors modern man.

Humans and lizards may have been linked by an "intermediate race"

- IF you look at how the baby dinosaur is located in the egg, then gasp - he lies in the same position as modern child in the womb,- says the senior employee of the "paleontological group" Khorlogiin Galsan. - We used to think of the "missing link" theory as a link between dinosaurs and birds. But now we are thinking: why not be that there was an "intermediate race", something between people and huge predators? After all, if you think about it, the very first drawings and sculptures of earth civilizations that had just appeared (take Egypt, China and South America, for example) depicted lizard people, as a rule, emerging from the sea: they were considered the rulers of a disappeared kingdom.

Fossilized silhouettes of human feet have been found next to dinosaur paw prints in many places, mostly in America - for example, in the Paluxy River in Texas and Fisher Canyon in Nevada - this caused shock and fierce debate: is the theory of evolution true at all? Some archaeologists accused others of a fake, those in response shouted about ignorance and unwillingness to "understand the obvious." Professional and amateur expeditions from the United States and Canada more than a hundred times over the past five years have visited the temples of the long-vanished Indian civilization of Tiahuanaco on the territory of modern Bolivia, where stone sculptures depict people in scales - the ancient Indians (according to some assumptions, the Tiahuanaco empire was founded 15 thousand years ago ) called them the founders of their state. Moreover, three Indian tribes in the Bolivian jungle still call themselves "lizard people".

- 65 million is just a gigantic span of years- Jeremy Melforn, professor of the British Society for the Study of Dinosaurs, said in an interview with AiF. - During this time, anything could have appeared that we do not know about. Imagine the situation: human society, God forbid, will die as a result of the fall of a monstrous meteorite or a nuclear war. So, in a million years another race will calmly form - and it can disappear in the same way, and after it new civilizations will arise that will not know anything about the previous ones. Thus, theoretically, after the dinosaurs and before the advent of modern man, there could easily have been a race of bipedal creatures unknown to modern science, which were relatives of pangolins or simply a separate species. It is possible that they lived in the water (hence the ancient legends about the Atlanteans), after which they were destroyed or simply died out. The period after the disappearance of the dinosaurs and before the appearance of people has been studied very little: there is practically no evidence of what exactly happened then.

Some lizard skulls found during recent excavations in the Gobi made me shudder academia- at the very end of the "reign" of dinosaurs on Earth, small predators had much more space for the brain, in fact, it doubled. This news led to a flurry of interviews and discussions. Opinions were expressed that the lizards could even "talk" with each other in a kind of "dialect". So who inhabited the Earth after the death of dinosaurs 65 million years ago, before it appeared human race, - half-humans, half-lizards, great apes or a mysterious amphibian people? Unknown. After all, the "missing link" has not been found so far ...


Dinosaurs were not studied at all two hundred years ago. Even when fossilized eggs of prehistoric reptiles with cubs inside were found in France in 1769, no one paid attention to this. Real study began only towards the middle of the 19th century, when the British scientist Richard Owen coined the word "dinosaur" (translated from Latin - "terrible lizard"). According to the remains found, it was very soon possible to recreate the "portraits" of monsters: the largest creatures reached a height of 40 meters (about the size of a 12-story building) and weighed under 80 tons. Theories about the death of dinosaurs appear with enviable constancy, but most experts believe that the animals were killed by the fall of a giant meteorite up to 10 kilometers in diameter to Earth. On Earth and now live "descendants" and "relatives" of pangolins, preserved after millions of years - these are crocodiles, sharks and turtles.

Anecdote on the topic

A TV correspondent asks a man in the studio:

What is the probability that when you go out into the street, you will meet a dinosaur?

One chance in a billion.

The same question is asked to a woman:

- Fifty fifty! she answers.

- How to understand it?

Well, I either meet or I don't.

We are accustomed to believe the official statements of scientists. “If something is written on Wikipedia,” we think, “it means it’s true.” This fact has long been proven, and it cannot be disputed. If we go to the page of an Internet encyclopedia about dinosaurs and read it a little, we will understand that the giant lizards died out about 65 million years ago and could not cross in time with the human ancestors that appeared on Earth, according to the researchers less than 3 million years ago. But there are people who question everything. Thanks to them, there is now a point of view according to which ancient people and dinosaurs not only existed at the same time, but met and closely interacted with each other.

Adherents of an alternative point of view on the life of ancient reptiles will provide you with a lot of evidence that humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time. They will talk about ancient works of art depicting dinosaurs in various forms and plots. Or they will read written documents in which, albeit veiled, but very clearly, our ancestors mention animals that are very similar to giant reptiles. Below we will get acquainted with the main evidence of the hypothesis about the life of dinosaurs in human times.

How dinosaurs became extinct

According to scientists, dinosaurs reached their peak on land about 160 million years ago. At this time, large reptiles dominated other animal species. But after more than a hundred million years, there was a global extinction of the creatures that inhabited the Earth in those days. Then all non-avian dinosaurs, pterosaurs and many marine reptiles disappeared. Several groups of lizards, mammals and birds have also gone missing. This cataclysm marked the end and the beginning of the Cenozoic. What exactly led to this global change in the biosphere of the planet? So many questions and so few answers...

There are about 60 versions of the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event. Scientists assumed that various diseases were to blame for the extinction of dinosaurs; discrepancy between the number of males and the number of females; eating plants by caterpillars or the appearance poisonous species plants; irreversible climate change, etc.

The most famous and plausible version today is the fall of a giant space object to Earth. Not a single endogenous (occurring within the planet) event could change the course of evolution so quickly and strongly. According to the hypothesis of physicist Louis Alvarez, a cosmic body crashed into the Earth, causing a huge amount of dust to rise into the air and cover the Sun. As a result, the plants could not receive daylight and died. The death of plants has led to the destruction of most ecosystems. So the food chain began to die out animals one by one.

If the mass extinction did not spare the dinosaurs, then other animals descended from these reptiles survived. It's about about birds - it was easier for them to survive the consequences of climate change. First, they ate insects. Secondly, they knew how to fly and could leave the territory where living conditions became unbearable for them. Dinosaurs found it harder to adapt and naturally died out.

This is the name of stones with various engraved images found near the Peruvian city of Ica in the 60s of the last century. The plots on the stones tell about the life of the ancient Peruvians. Erotic scenes, episodes about organ transplants, observation of space bodies, hunting scenes, etc. Including on many stones there are images of how a person kills dinosaurs or even rides on them.

The greatest popularity of these stones was brought by Dr. Javier Cabrera, who in the mid-60s began to buy them for nothing from collectors. On the this moment there are more than 55,000 copies of these products. Until now, no one can either prove or disprove their authenticity. Chemical analysis is unable to determine how old the stones are, although some sources claim that patina (a film formed by exposure to environment) covers the surface of the thread, so the products supposedly have an impressive age. In addition, the main evidence of the antiquity of stones with scenes about dinosaurs and people, according to researchers, is that they depict sauropods (four-legged herbivores. After all, the presence of spikes in this group was discovered only in the 1990s, so the stones cannot be a fake , and our ancestors saw the lizards live, since they conveyed their main anatomical features.Also, Ica products were sometimes found in ancient burials, which also contradicts the official view on the age of the finds.

These are figurines depicting people of different races, extinct mammals and, of course, dinosaurs. In some figurines, standing, sitting together dinosaurs and people are easily guessed, which is especially confusing for scientists - adherents of Darwinism. The products were found by archaeologist Waldemar Julsrud in 1944 near the city of Acambaro, which is located almost in the center of Mexico. At the moment, the number of clay figurines has crossed over 33,000 copies. The first examination of products, which was carried out with the help of thermoluminescence, showed that the age of handicrafts is on average 3000 BC. In 1969, scientists analyzed the figurines in a more modern way and decided that the products were no more than 30 years old from the date of dating.

Proponents of the theory about the authenticity of the figures, as in the case of Ica stones, confirm their point of view by the presence of a dorsal crest on sauropod figurines. They also pay attention to signs that the works of art have lain underground for quite a long time and could not have been placed there on purpose by amateur hoaxers. Most of the items depicting dinosaurs and humans still stand in the Waldemar Julsrud Museum in Akambaro to this day.

Thousand copies

What unites these two stories with out of place artifacts is that their number is in the tens of thousands. Even assuming that Ica stones and Acambaro figurines were made in the twentieth century by people who love to mislead the scientific world, what is the point of hoaxers to work for several years and make thousands of fakes depicting people who lived with dinosaurs, and so that none of them repeated another? To play a trick on scientists, hundreds of images of dinosaurs would be enough. But not a few thousand.


Great amount information about dragons from the past makes one seriously think that man lived with dinosaurs. It is known that dinosaurs at one time lived on all continents of the globe. It is not surprising that in every culture one can find many myths and legends about the existence of so-called dragons.

The appearance and qualities of the dragon differ for each nation, but no matter how this mythological creature is depicted, the dragons different countries and continents have one thing in common: they are very reminiscent of extinct reptiles. It can be assumed that the knowledge about giant lizards, which was transmitted from ancestors, was distorted over the centuries. This is how dragons appeared in the forms that we now know from ancient images and records in documents of those times. Usually in the folk epic, dragons play the role of negative characters and even messengers of Satan himself. Flying monsters opposed man in legends, as in real life Dinosaurs fought against humans.

Dragons in different cultures

  • Quetzalcoatl in the culture of the Mayan civilization, which existed in 250-900 AD, was depicted as a feathered serpent with a human head.
  • Vritra is a demon of ancient Indian mythology. It personifies evil, darkness and gloom. Serpentine, has no arms and legs, emits a hiss.
  • Fafnir is a huge snake from Scandinavian legends. He was originally a human, but turned into a dragon. He is usually depicted with wings, powerful paws and a tail with which he demolishes everything in his path.
  • Druk is the main symbol of Bhutan. The dragon is completely oriental in appearance. Depicted on the flag of the state, it also participates in the cultural and political life of the country. Almost all the symbolism of Bhutan is somehow connected with this dragon.
  • Python is an ancient Greek dragon. He guarded the entrance to the Delphic soothsayer until Apollo killed him with 100 or 1000 arrows (versions differ). Depicted with a stocky body, but a long neck.
  • Colchis dragon - also a creature from mythology Ancient Greece guarding the golden fleece.

The list is endless. Dragons are known everywhere: in Europe, India, Africa, the Far and Middle East. In the South and North America… How else can this phenomenon be explained, if not by the fact that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time, closely interacting with each other?

Saul's suicide

It is worth talking about the painting by the artist Pieter Brueghel the Elder "The Suicide of Saul", which is dated 1562. The canvas depicts the death of the first king of Israel, Saul, during the battle with the Philistines and a crowd of Jews fleeing from the victorious Philistine army. In addition to the crowd of people and horses in the background, the vigilant eye of the viewer saw three animals, very much reminiscent of herbivorous dinosaurs - sauropods. But if we can still believe in stories about dinosaurs and people who lived together several million years ago, then the version that giant reptiles existed in the Middle Ages, and were even used by humans as a horse, looks completely fantastic and implausible.

Brueghel, as a representative of the Northern Renaissance school, had never been to the countries of the Middle East, so he wrote historical events that took place in those parts, only from his idea of ​​​​them according to the information that reached him in a distorted form. The action of the painting "The Suicide of Saul" takes place in Palestine (then Judea), where Brueghel the Elder, of course, did not visit. If you go into details, then both armies and the landscape of the Jewish land in the artist's painting are depicted completely unrealistically.

Now to the dinosaurs. In the Middle Ages, books with drawings and descriptions of animals - fantastic or real - were popular. They were called bestiaries. To draw the Middle Eastern fauna, Brueghel, of course, used these medieval encyclopedias. And since he could not even conceive of the existence of dinosaurs, even in Palestine (there were no diplodocus in bestiaries), the version remains that the artist painted more real creatures.

It is probably easy to guess that the "dinosaurs" on the canvas turned out to be none other than ordinary camels in the view of medieval Europeans. In bestiaries, camels were indeed portrayed as similar to sauropods: stocky, dense legs, a long and thick neck, and an elongated muzzle. And often one hump, which in the painting "The Suicide of Saul" in camels strongly resembles the back of a diplodocus.

Dinosaurs and creationism

Many proponents of creationism (that is, that our planet and everything around it was created by God) support the theory that dinosaurs and humans lived at the same time. After all, she completely refutes evolutionary doctrine Darwin and proves that Homo sapiens did not originate from apes. According to the official theory, giant reptiles reached their peak 160 million years ago, but this is not consistent with the version of Christians who are used to believing that less than 7,000 years have passed since the creation of the world. There are 30 known references to dinosaurs in the Bible. Only there they are called "behemoth" and "leviathan". These terrible imposing creatures were created by God along with man on the sixth day of the universe. The hippopotamus is described as a herbivore with powerful legs like copper pipes, with bones like iron rods, with veins intertwined at the hips, and with a huge tail that he twirls like a cedar. His portrait is very reminiscent of the appearance of a diplodocus. Leviathan, unlike the hippopotamus, is a marine animal. The Bible speaks of him as a huge monster with sharp teeth and a body covered with strong shields that fit tightly together. From the mouth of the leviathan spews fire, smoke comes out of its nostrils. This description no longer resembles any dinosaur known to us. Especially the sea.

Dinosaurs ate people

Nothing is known about dinosaurs eating humans. Neither the Ica stones nor the Acambaro figurines depict bipedal carnivorous dinosaurs. And even more so, there is no plot in the work of the ancestors about how a dinosaur ate a man. Even if you believe that the ancient inhabitants met dinosaurs, it becomes clear that for the most part these reptiles were herbivores, and it was more likely that a person hunted them, and not vice versa.

dinosaurs vs humans

If you start from the drawings of the ancient inhabitants of Peru on the stones of Ica, you can understand a lot about the relationship between man and this animal. Sauropods were slow and non-aggressive creatures, so they could hardly do something serious to a man armed with a spear. If people met with prehistoric giants, then first of all they wanted to tame the animal and make it work for themselves. Since people were smarter than dinosaurs even in the distant past, they succeeded. What is proved by numerous drawings of everyday scenes about dinosaurs and people.


So did humans cross timelines with dinosaurs? There will never be a clear answer to this question. Everyone has the right to decide for himself whether people lived in the time of dinosaurs or not. We can choose the version that is most attractive and closest to our worldview, and we will be right, because it is unlikely that humanity will ever know how it really was. But sometimes the most absurd and implausible version turns out to be correct and makes a person believe in the impossible.

There are many stories about the life of giants, from the Greek myth hero Odysseus, who met the one-eyed giant on the island, to the fairy tale "Jack and the Beanpod" by the Brothers Grimm, and "Gulliver's Travels", which ended up in the Land of the Giants. After the 18th century, all these stories have sunk into oblivion. Materialistic science began to take over the minds of mankind. All these true stories about giant people soon fell into the category of fairy tales and myths, and no one believes in the actual existence of giants. However, some archaeological finds made people wonder if these are fairy tales?

Figurine from the Gilsrud antiquities collection. Man and dinosaur together.
The age of the figurine is approximately 500 years BC.

AT South America, in Peru, drawings were found on Inca stones, they were collected in the museum of Dr. Javir. The images on these stones clearly show that humans lived at the same time as the dinosaurs. Dinosaurs resemble pets, and perhaps they were pets among people of that time. Scientists believe that dinosaurs disappeared over 100 million years ago. Who then cut out all these drawings?

More Gilsrud figurines.

One such stone depicts a royal tyrannosaurus rex chasing a wounded man. This tyrannosaurus is exactly the same as in the movie "Jurassic Park". This is an upright type of dinosaur. Its hind limbs are extremely strong, while its forelimbs are very short and underdeveloped compared to its huge body. Currently, archaeologists are finding dinosaur fossils that are carefully classified, selected and, by combining all the found bone fragments, are restored to their original physical structure. They give an idea of different types dinosaurs of that time according to reasonable extrapolation. If the people who made engravings on these stones did not live 100 million years ago, then they obviously had the knowledge of modern scientists, and they were able to depict a dinosaur by restoring its fossils.

In another drawing, a man rides a three-horned dinosaur, brandishing an axe-like weapon. This dinosaur resembles a giant rhinoceros. Its name, Triceratops, comes from the three horns on its head. Another shows a man riding a pterodactyl. Almost all dinosaurs known today are depicted on such stones, in addition, it seems that these dinosaurs lived with the people who engraved the images.

Dinosaurs served giants as pets

By carefully comparing the drawings on the stones, you can find even more amazing fact: Human and dinosaur have similar proportions. Let's use the fossil of a royal tyrannosaurus rex as an example. Tyrannosaurus has the size of a three-story building. In the movie "Jurassic Park", we see a Tyrannosaurus rex of enormous size, it can easily crush a person with one movement of its foot. In all the drawings found, although the dinosaur was depicted much larger than the man, the proportion between them cannot be said to be unequal. The ratio between a Triceratops and the person sitting on its back is exactly the same as between today's man and a cow. What does this mean? Is it possible that people who lived during the time of the dinosaurs were incredibly tall? In fact, they were giants.

It is difficult to accept such an idea immediately. But if it is known that dragonflies in the time of the dinosaurs had a wingspan of more than a meter wide, then it is very likely that the people of that time were giants.
People 5 meters tall
More riddles. The drawing of a monkey on one of the excavated Inca stones is almost identical to that of the drawings in the Nazca desert. Is it possible that the same person made the engraving on the stone and was the creator of the huge image in the Nazca desert? And is it possible that the creator of the painting in the Nazca desert was a giant?
Later, in the 1950s, many giant fossilized bones were discovered in one of the mountain valleys in Turkey. The study confirmed that those bones were extremely similar to human bones. The only difference was their huge size. The fossilized bone of a human leg is 120 cm long. Judging by this size, this person was 5 meters tall. The word giant is an appropriate term for people with such bones.

Do not fit into science - get out of history!
There was another similar discovery in the United States. An Indian legend tells that a long time ago red-haired giants lived. They were extremely cruel. The ancestors of the Native Americans (Indians) expelled these giants many years ago, who lived in a mountain cave called Lovelock, located 35 km southwest of Lovelock, Nevada. At first, no one paid attention to this cave. But in 1911, guano miners unearthed several mummified remains of mysterious red-haired people from 2 to 2.5 meters tall in it. This confirmed the legends of the local Paiute Indians about the people they called Si-Te-Kah. Surprisingly, scientists did not want to examine the remains and, in the end, most of the bones were simply thrown away by the workers. However, some of them were saved by local residents, but almost all died in a strong fire that engulfed the shed where they were stored. However, one of the Lovelock skulls, more than 30 cm high, is stored with other bones and exhibits at the Humboldt Museum in Winemook, Nevada. Other exhibits from Lovelock are in the Nevada Historical Society Museum in Reno.
If you put it all together...

There are also legends about giants in the Sarawak region of Malaysia. At the beginning of this century, huge wooden blocks from 2.5 to 9 meters long were found in the forest of Sarawak. It is assumed that they were the tools of giant people.

Did giants exist during such a long history of human development? If not, how can one explain the findings of giant bones in Turkey and Lovelock Cave? If they really existed, then where did they go today?
Considering all these facts separately, we will not arrive at anything. They will remain unsolved mysteries. However, if you put it all together...


People love to show pictures of places they've been. For example, a person who has traveled in Africa may bring home photographs of lions. What for? For many, this is an opportunity to show others what they have seen. Photos also testify to the stories we tell.

For millennia, people not only told stories about huge reptiles (i.e.), but they also left behind "photos" of these animals. Some are depicted with serpentine necks, powerful limbs, and huge tails; others have knobby heads, short necks, and spiked tails. Of course, these "photographs" are not like today's, but are drawings and carvings on stones, earthenware, caves, etc.

The drawing on the stone depicts an ancient Peruvian riding a dinosaur.

As with deer and mammoths, various ancient depictions of dinosaurs have also been discovered around the world. If indeed they lived side by side with dinosaurs at the same time, then this is exactly the kind of evidence that we would expect to find.

The question of whether dinosaurs lived at the same time as humans or not. There is a whole lot of evidence of their coexistence in the past, about which the modern education system, for a number of reasons, prefers to remain silent. In the first articles of our series, we will look at physical evidence.

Ica stones

In the early 1960s, in the province of Ica (Peru), tombstones from pre-Inca times were discovered in ancient Indian burial sites. Engraved on the stones are mysterious drawings depicting scenes ancient culture, her accomplishments and... various dinosaurs in close interaction with humans.

This suggests that the ancient Peruvians saw living dinosaurs and lived with them at the same time, which completely contradicts the theory of evolution. Ica stones gained real fame thanks to the activities of Dr. Cabrera. It was he who became so interested in them that he devoted them to collecting and studying 40 years of his life. His collection includes 11,000 stones, and the total number of Ica stones in private collections reaches 50,000.



  • #one. Testimony of God's Word. The Bible mentions dinosaurs over 30 times.
  • #2. physical evidence.
  • #3. Rock paintings depicting dinosaurs.
  • #four. Discovery of human fossils and artifacts in the "ancient" Cretaceous and Jurassic layers, which also contain dinosaur fossils.
  • #5. Mention and description of dinosaurs in ancient chronicles, annals and other historical sources.
  • #6. Evidence of Chinese culture.
  • #7. An abundance of stories and stories among different peoples of the world about dragons ( ancient name dinosaurs) and human encounters with these reptiles.
  • #eight. Finding unfossilized soft tissue and red blood cells in dinosaur bones.
  • #9. Carbon-14 dating data.
  • #10.Detection of human footprints along with dinosaur footprints.

Because of the images of dinosaurs on these stones, evolutionists vehemently attack their authenticity, declaring the entire collection a fake (which is understandable, since the Ica stones destroy more than a hundred years of evolutionary propaganda).

However, despite their best efforts, the Ica stones are archaeological fact. The stones with drawings are ancient and authentic, and by virtue of many reasons simply cannot be a fake of the 1940s-60s (as evolutionists would like it to be).

Facts and evidence confirming the antiquity of the Ica stones

Drawing living dinosaurs... right down to the details

Kurovsky Dmitry

Many sauropod dinosaurs are depicted on the ancient stones of Ica. Interestingly, the sauropods in the drawings have skin spikes on their backs(Figure 1).

However modern world I learned about the spikes that adorned the backs of these dinosaurs only quite recently, after the discovery in 1992 of diplodocus skin prints: “The recent discovery of fossilized sauropod (diplodocus) skin imprints reveals a completely different species of these dinosaurs. The petrified skin shows that a median row of (dermal) spines was present… Some were rather narrow, others wider and more conical.”.

In 1975, in his book The Message of the Engraved Ica Stones, Dr. Javier Cambrera described in detail the found stones, publishing many of their photographs. Several pages contain images of sauropod dinosaurs with a median row of spines. Many of the stones were discovered before 1975, long before paleontologists discovered sauropod skin in 1992!

Picture 1. An ancient Peruvian next to a sauropod depicted with skin spikes on its back. Paleontologists only recently (in 1992) became aware that some sauropods had a median row of skin spines.

Further, some of the stones depict dinosaurs with skin that has a certain pattern (Fig. 2), as well as armor patches on the back and sides. It didn't make any sense...until the recent discovery of fossilized dinosaur skin. As it turned out, its bumpy design matches the image on the stones. (Figure 2).

But that's not all. It turns out that on a number of stones (discovered in the 1950s and 60s) the Apatosaurus dinosaur is correctly drawn. To scientists, this dinosaur (formerly called Brontosaurus) was known from fossils, but before 1979 they mistakenly depicted him with the wrong head! Since the paleontologist-discoverer confused his head with the skull of another dinosaur.

Figure 2. The ancient designs on the Ica stones depicting dinosaurs alongside humans correctly depicted the dinosaur skin design with armor patches on the back and sides. The design of the skin in the figure is exactly the same as the recently discovered fossil skin of dinosaurs.

When this was found out, the error was corrected. It is noteworthy that on the stones this dinosaur is depicted with the correct head. even before how scientists discovered the bug in 1979.

A number of questions arise. How could the ancient authors of the drawings know all these details? How did they know what the back of sauropods looked like? And that they were decorated with leather cone spikes? How could they accurately depict the "pattern" of dinosaur skin? How did they know the correct head shape for Apatosaurus?

But these images were carved on stones long before modern paleontologists made all these discoveries. The conclusion is obvious: the ancient people saw living dinosaurs, interacted with them, and carved their exact images into stones hundreds of years ago. These facts confirm the authenticity of the ancient images on the stones and refute the objections of skeptics.

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