Participle. Control dictation. Test on the topic “Dictation Sea A long steppe road saturated with the wormwood smell dictation

Lesson 46. Control dictation

I v a r i a n t

Petka and Mishka wearily trudged along the deserted seashore, strewn with pebbles polished by the waves. From the barely swaying sea, a strange peace and silence blew over the boys. The rays of the sun, which had not yet set beyond the horizon, slid along the light waves running onto the shore.

The long steppe road, saturated with the wormwood smell, stretching to the sea from the distant city, was left behind, and ahead, the open sea, without borders, stretched out to the full distance and breadth. And it seemed to the guys that they had reached the very end of the world, that there was nothing further. There is one quietly splashing sea, and above it is the same endless sky, here and there covered with pale pink clouds.

Boys, tired the long way, walked in silence. Behind their shoulders they carried heaps of dry weeds, which they had collected for the future fire. (116 words.)

II v a r i a n t

Anton looked around his father's cabin with enthusiastic eyes. The small room, furnished with only the necessary furniture, was very cozy. Everything here was extraordinary. Above the bed, covered with a woolen blanket, hung an oil painting depicting a windmill under a thatched roof and a meadow full of flowers. Not ordinary, but specially attached shelves to the wall held many interesting things. On one of them stood a writing instrument, and next to it lay a stack of leather-bound books. Among them, the boy saw books dedicated to the sea and the history of ships. One of the books caught his attention. On its cover there was a drawing of a schooner running on the waves. Anton examined the small figure of a cabin boy on her deck. A previously unexperienced excitement gripped the boy. He wanted to ask his father about the history of the schooner and the cabin boy. (117 words.)

Grammar task (same for both options): graphically explain punctuation marks for participial phrases, writing participle suffixes (the task is completed as the dictation is written, and not after his writing).


(10 hours +2 hours of speech development)

9 hours are allotted for studying participles in the 7th grade. During this time, students should develop certain spelling and punctuation skills: spelling Not with adverbial participles, using commas to separate circumstances expressed by single adverbial participles and participial phrases. Work on the development of students' speech during the study of this topic is aimed at enriching the language of schoolchildren with gerunds and participial phrases, at preventing errors associated with the formation and use of them in speech. In the course of studying the topic, students must master the ability to recognize gerunds “in person”, use them in speech, and be able to synonymously replace personal forms of the verb and participles with gerunds.

When developing lessons on this topic, it is necessary to take into account that information about gerunds is new and unfamiliar for students. It must be remembered that errors associated with the isolation of gerunds and participial phrases are usually numerous and persistent, despite the fact that this punctuation rule is quite simple (in comparison with the rules for the isolation of participial phrases). This is explained by the fact that schoolchildren usually do not know how to recognize gerunds and often confuse them with the personal forms of the verb and participle.

When studying the topic “Communications”, it is important to use various types of jobs, convincing schoolchildren that the use of gerunds makes speech more accurate, dynamic (highlights the main action among others or several, reveals semantic relationships between two or more actions) and expressive (eliminates monotony in the list of individual actions of the same person or object , completes the main action) 15 .

Lessons 47-48. The concept of participles

and participle turnover.

SpellingNot with gerunds

Objective of the lessons: familiarization with the lexical and grammatical meaning of gerunds as a part of speech, with the rule of writing not with gerunds; introduction of the concept of adverbial verbs; developing the skill of distinguishing between main and additional actions, finding participial phrases and highlighting them with commas.

Job on speech development: constructing sentences according to given models using gerunds to denote an additional action; compiling a coherent story on a grammatical topic; the use of gerunds to convey dynamism in the development of action in narrative texts.

I. Explanation of new material, during which the teacher introduces seventh graders to grammatical features gerunds, leads them to defining the concept, identifying the role of gerunds in speech, and the syntactic role in a sentence.

The task is given to describe the actions of a student who is doing a task in the Russian language: how she writes, what additional actions she performs. “She looks into the book, underlines spellings, leafs through the dictionary, etc.,” note the seventh-graders.

Two sentences are recorded and compared:

Girl carried out homework andemphasized spellings.

Girl carried out homework,| emphasizing spellings |.

During the analysis of sentences, students find out that in the first sentence the predicate verbs name both actions as equally important. In the second sentence carried out denotes the main, main action, and emphasizing- additional, additional. The teacher reports that the part of speech denoting actions additional to the main one is called a gerund. During the conversation, it turns out that participles are formed from verbs and, like verbs, have an aspect. But the participle also has the characteristics of an adverb: it does not change, it is a circumstance in a sentence. As a rule, a gerund can be replaced with a predicate verb.

Based on knowledge about the participle phrase, students find the participial phrase and determine its syntactic role in the sentence; graphically explain the placement of punctuation marks.

II. Fixing the material.

1. Expressive reading of a text familiar to seventh-graders, for example, an excerpt from N. V. Gogol’s story “Taras Bulba.” First, the text is read as a whole, then sentence by sentence.

And the enemy army was already advancing from the city, blaring kettledrums and trumpets. The gentlemen rode out, arms akimbo, surrounded by countless servants.

And they began to advance closely on the Cossack camps, threatening, aiming with arquebuses, sparkling eyes and shining copper armor. The entire field was covered in smoke, and the Cossacks kept firing without taking a breath.

What are the main actions mentioned in the passage?

By what means of language does N.V. Gogol achieve a vivid, figurative description of these actions?

(A conclusion is drawn about the function of gerunds in speech - the main action is described and completed.)

2. Replacing the first verb with a gerund, then the second. Write a sentence with punctuation marks. (Students should be reminded that single gerunds are also separated by commas. It is advisable that the adverbial phrases be placed in different parts of the sentence.)

1) The squirrel fluffed its tail and jumped along the branches. 2) Snow fell to the ground and covered it with a fluffy carpet. 3) The lantern blinked and dimly illuminated the street.

Do versions I and II of each sentence differ in meaning? Determine the type of participles.

III. In order to develop in students the ability to distinguish gerunds from personal forms of the verb and to use gerunds in speech, an exercise is given with the task of replacing, where possible, predicate verbs with gerunds; graphically explain punctuation marks; Based on the questions, determine the type of participle.

1) Gerasim walked, took his time, did not let Mumu off the rope. 2) The sea played with small waves, gave birth to them, decorated them with a fringe of foam, and pushed them against each other. 3) His comrades noticed his concern and left. 4) Occasionally gusts of wind brought dry leaves with them and threw them into the fire.

Which sentences better convey the dynamism and rapidity in the development of action? (Sentences with gerunds and participial phrases are more dynamic than sentences with homogeneous predicate verbs.)

IV. Analysis of narrative text.

It is useful to remind students that in a narration the world appears in dynamics, in motion, it tells about alternating, successive actions, as if a tape of frames is being created. To emphasize this sequence of actions, in this type of speech verbs of movement, perfect participles or participial phrases are often used, with the help of which dynamism and rapidity in the development of action are conveyed.

An excerpt from M. Gorky’s story “Childhood” is offered for analysis. After the teacher reads the text, seventh-graders must find in it signs of this type of speech and conclude that the gerunds “add on” and complement the main action.

Grandma didn’t dance, but seemed to be telling something. Here she walks quietly, thoughtful, swaying, looking around from under her hand, and her whole large body sways hesitantly, her legs carefully feel the road. She stopped, suddenly frightened of someone, her face trembled, frowned and immediately shone with a kind, welcoming smile. She rolled to the side, moving someone away with her hand; lowering her head, froze, listened, smiling more and more cheerfully - and suddenly she was torn from her place, spun like a whirlwind, she became all slimmer, taller, and it was impossible to take your eyes off her - she became so wildly beautiful and sweet in these moments of the wonderful return to youth!

At the teacher's choice, a number of sentences are written down in notebooks and analyzed.

V. Teacher's message about writing Not with gerunds (coincides with the writing rule Not with verbs).

The following exercises are performed.

1. Vocabulary dictation.

Students determine whether the prefix, particle, or part of the root is Not in words didn't feel, didn't feel, didn't wonder, didn't wonder, didn't depend, didn't regret, didn't disappear.

2. Selective dictation.

Students write out participles, graphically explaining the spelling Not with participles.

Without thinking, without thinking, without being present, without being present, hating, indignant, without asking, without remembering, without being weary, without being surprised.

Summarizing the lesson material.

What is the role of gerunds in speech? (The gerund completes, adds the main action, called the predicate, complements it.)

What type of speech is characterized by the use of gerunds? (In texts of a narrative nature to convey dynamism in the development of action.)

Which person (or thing) performs the action indicated by the gerund? (Same as action indicated by a verb.)

What are the characteristics of a verb in a gerund?

What is syntactic role participles in a sentence? (It is an adverb, like an adverb.)

What other sign of an adverb does the gerund have? (It doesn't change.)

How do you spell Not with participles? Give examples. At the end of the lesson, a test is carried out.

I v a r i a n t

I. Find sentences that contain a part of speech that denotes an additional action to the main one.

1. The astronaut listens and smiles.

2. Having landed, he looked around happily.

3. The landing paratroopers surrounded their comrade.

4. The birds flap their wings and fly up.

5. Curving their long necks, the birds rise up.

II. Find sentences that contain a gerund.

1. Mom sat leaning back in her chair.

2. I opened the window and admired the view.

3. The brother bowed his head and wrote something.

4. Having laid out the games, the children sat in a circle.

1. Vitya washed the dishes, whistling some song.

2. A man came out of the house and headed towards the car.

3. Leaving the house, the man went to the car.

4. The man who left the house walked towards the car.

5. The banks surrounding the lake are densely overgrown with reeds.

II v a r i a n t

I. Find a phrase with a gerund.

1. Wrapped in a sheepskin coat;

2. laid by geologists;

3. strengthened the bolt;

4. locked;

5. having grown a crop;

6. swaying from the wind.

II. Find a phrase with a gerund.

1. Painted; 4. settling down for the night;

2. painted; 5. locked at home;

3. arranged according to the project; 6. locking the house.

III. Find sentences with adverbial verbs.

1. Bright lightning flashed and a clap of thunder sounded.

2. Forests scorched by war keep many secrets.

3. The lake, agitated by the wind, rustled along the shores.

4. Dahlias, blackened by frost, hung their heads sadly.

5. Without knowing grief, you will not know joy.

6. The boy walked and did not understand the road.

IV. Find sentences with adverbial verbs.

1. The flotilla, not noticed by the enemy, began to land.

2. An old wolf makes his way through the dark forest, through remote ravines with prey.

3. When a strong wind began to blow, the forest came to life again.

4. Without noticing me, the swans swam and talked.

5. I forgot about the gun, admiring the extraordinary spectacle.

6. A large flock of swans returning from the south began to circle over the bay.

Teacher checklist:

I option II option

I. 2, 5; II. 14; III. 1, 3. I. 5; II. 2, 4, 6; III. 5; IV. 4, 5.

Students are given a grade for their work. Seventh graders who fail to complete the assignment receive it home.

As the task progresses, students who complete it earlier than others can come up with and write down sentences with single gerunds.

Homework:§ 26, 27, 28; ex. 159 (orally), 172 (written). Graphically explain the spelling Not with participles, punctuation marks when dee involved turnover X; repeat the order of morphological analysis of the participle (§ 23).


The sea roared, standing out menacingly from all the noise in this alarming and sleepy night. It was felt that night now reigned supreme in this deserted place. late autumn and the large old garden, the house closed for the winter and the open gazebos at the corners of the fence were eerie in their abandonment. One sea hummed smoothly, victoriously and, it seemed, more and more majestic in the consciousness of its strength. The damp wind knocked us off our feet on the cliff, and for a long time we were not able to get enough of its soft, penetrating freshness to the depths of our souls. Then, sliding along wet clay paths and the remains of wooden stairs, we began to descend down to the surf sparkling with foam. Black poplars rose and hummed, and beneath them, as if in response to them, the sea played with a greedy and furious surf. The high waves reaching us with the roar of cannon shots crashed onto the shore, swirled and sparkled with whole waterfalls of snow foam, dug up sand and stones and, running back, carried away tangled algae, silt and gravel, which rattled and grinded in their wet noise. The whole air was full of fine cool dust, and everything around breathed the free freshness of the sea. The darkness grew pale, and the sea was clearly visible into the distant space.

The task:

30. Place punctuation marks. Determine the shades of meaning. Determine where the sentences are complex and where they are simple.

55. Copy by filling in the missing punctuation marks and letters. Determine the type of subordinate clauses.

56. Write it off. Explain missing spellings and punctuation marks. Indicate the place of subordinate clauses in relation to the main ones and sentences with consistent, heterogeneous and combined subordination.

57. Write an explanatory dictation. Place conjunctions and allied words in a frame. Perform a syntactic analysis of the given sentences.

Option 1

If a person has never disclosed good books, excited the hearts and minds of millions of people, did not remember at least a dozen or two lines of a favorite poet or does not have one at all, he is doomed to spiritual poverty, he lives with half his heart, depriving himself of a huge share of the joys that a person who communicates with the world of beauty enjoys (Kassil ).

Option 2

A person’s path to the world of beauty begins in the family.

Simple sentence, objective real modality, affirmative, articulated, distributed, two-part, complete, uncomplicated. The sentence is open structure, narrative, non-exclamatory.

Test in Russian language 4th quarter

6th grade Dictation with grammar task

The arrival of spring.

The leaden sky is still frowning, but for a while a ray of sun breaks through the gaps of the clouds like a sword. Spring is picking up speed.
In the mornings, a slight chill lingers in the lowlands, and on the southern side of the hillock the yellow lights of some plant have already lit up. This is coltsfoot. The yellow baskets of her flower cannot be confused with anything.
Something flashed in the pink fan of rays. It softly merges with the shine of the waters and the remnants of the snow, the sky-high radiance of the sun.
Someone singing comes from the bushes, like a silver bell ringing. Oatmeal! In winter they are sluggish and inconspicuous, but now they speak in full voice. Some week will pass, and the hubbub of rooks and the songs of larks will announce the victory of spring. Other birds will return too. They will have to overcome many difficulties on the way to their native places, but no obstacles will stop them. (118 words)

Title the text. Execute parsing 1 offers.

Disassemble the words according to their composition: lights, gaining, chill.

The leaden sky is still frowning, but for a while a ray of sun breaks through the gaps of the clouds like a sword.

7th grade Dictation with grammar task

By the sea

Petka and Mishka wearily trudged along the deserted seashore, strewn with pebbles polished by the waves. From the barely swaying sea, a strange peace and silence blew over the boys. The rays of the sun, which had not yet set beyond the horizon, slid along the light waves running onto the shore.
The long steppe road, saturated with the wormwood smell, stretching to the sea from the distant city, was left behind, and ahead, the open sea, without borders, stretched out to the full distance and breadth. And it seemed to the guys that they had reached the very edge of the world, that there was nothing further. There is one quietly splashing sea, and above it is the same endless sky, only here and there covered with pale pink clouds.
The boys, tired from the long journey, walked in silence. Their heads were hidden behind heaps of dry weeds that they had collected for the future fire. (117 words)

Parse the sentence and build a diagram.

The boys, tired from the long journey, walked in silence.

Find 3 participial phrases in the dictation text and highlight them.

Dictation grade 10

Tushin's battery was forgotten, and only at the very end of the matter, continuing to hear the cannonade in the center, Prince Bagration sent Prince Andrei there to order the battery to retreat as quickly as possible. The cover stationed near Tushin's guns left, on someone's orders, in the middle of the action, but the battery continued to fire and was not taken by the French only because the enemy could not imagine the audacity of firing four unprotected guns.
All guns fired in the direction of the fire without orders. As if urging them on, the soldiers shouted to each shot: “Dexterously! That's it! The fire, carried by the wind, spread quickly. The French columns that had marched for the village retreated, but, as if in punishment for this failure, the enemy placed ten guns to the right of the village and began firing at Tushin with them.

In the smoke, deafened by continuous shots that made him flinch every time, Tushin ran from one gun to another, now taking aim, now counting the shells.
As a result of this terrible hum and noise, the need for attention and activity, Tushin did not experience the slightest unpleasant feeling of fear, and the thought that he could be killed or painfully wounded did not occur to him. On the contrary, he became more and more cheerful.

Parse the sentence and build a diagram. Indicate the types of connections and the type of subordinate clause.

Tushin's battery was forgotten, and only at the very end of the matter, continuing to hear the cannonade in the center, Prince Bagration sent Prince Andrei there to order the battery to retreat as quickly as possible.

11th grade test

TEST No. 1 (option I)

    Mark the number of the word in which the letter and is written in place of the gap:
    1) circle;
    2) lily of the valley;
    3) outshine;
    4) thoughtful.
    2. Mark the number of the word where the spelling with is not combined:
    1) did (not) like that;
    2) I’m (not) hot;
    3) many (not) successful in mathematics;
    4) an (un)known story.
    3. Mark the number of the sentence in which a comma is placed in the blank:
    1) Girls and boys_ and their young teacher got lost in the forest.
    2) The wind blew from a black cloud, carrying with it clouds of dust and the smell of rain_ and wet earth.
    3) Large white birds circle over the water_ or sit down to rest on the stones.
    4) Handsome in face and worthless in disposition.
    4. Mark the number of the word where a letter is written in place of the gap, conveying a voiced consonant sound:
    1) eat;
    2) sweet;
    3) fearlessly;
    4) try_ba.
    5. Mark the number of the word where the spelling is separate:
    1) (In) the morning I always feel better.
    2) Flowers stretch (toward) the sun.
    3) Postpone an unpleasant conversation (until) tomorrow.
    4) (That’s why I’m here because I miss you so much.
    6. Mark the number of the word with a double consonant:
    1) ap(p)etitis;
    2) number;
    3) im(m)imitation;
    4) makeup(m)asa.
    7. Indicate the number of the option that does not correspond to the stylistic norms of the language:
    1) kilogram of sugar;
    2) in one thousand nine hundred and eighty-four;
    3) with three scissors;
    4) despite him.
    8. Mark the number compound word with a connecting vowel:
    1) cook;
    2) TV game;
    3) athletics;
    4) art studio.
    9. In which row should I omit ь in all words?
    1) don’t get hung up, blue, worry;
    2) take care, completely, swear;
    3) don’t cry, look away, lie down;
    4) nightingale, take it from pears.
    10. The text below refers to the following style of speech:
    1) official business;
    2) artistic;
    3) journalistic;
    4) scientific.
    The State Commission commissioned the Novosibirsk Metro. So far he is the only one in the entire Trans-Urals, Siberia and Far East. The high-speed transport route connected the districts of the city with a population of one and a half million, located on both banks of the Ob. It was built in an unprecedentedly short time: in just six and a half years. Domestic practice has never seen such a pace.
    11. In what example is nn written in the suffix?
    1) fried pie;
    2) inventions are patented;
    3) a smart boy;
    4) the girl’s words are frivolous.
    12. In which sentence should a dash be placed in place of the gap?
    1) I trust those who love because they are generous.
    2) The earth is round; you can’t hide secrets on it.
    3) I love cheerful art of nature_ flowers, butterflies, tropical plants, waterfalls, fountains.
    4) I hear a titmouse ringing among the yellowing fields.
    13. A spelling mistake was made in the word:
    1) steal;
    2) tongs;
    3) spotted;
    4) fence.
    14. In which word is the letter t enclosed in brackets not written?
    1) crunch(t)nut;
    2) provincial;
    3) dangerous;
    4) furious.
    15. In what case is only one spelling possible?
    1) (from) that;
    2) (until) tomorrow;
    3) note;
    4) oblique.
    16. In which sentence is there no comma in place of the gap?
    1) There would have been no happiness, but misfortune helped.
    2) Life is given once_ and you want to live it cheerfully, meaningfully, beautifully.
    3) Answer me, otherwise I’ll worry.
    4) It was already quite dawn_ and the people began to rise when I returned to my room.
    17. In which word does the stress fall on the second syllable?
    1) shaft;
    2) deepen;
    3) dyeing;
    4) strengthening.
    18. In what case is it not written separately?
    1) (not) invented by me;
    2) speak (un)restrained;
    3) (not) friendly with me;
    4) a completely (un)thought-out decision.
    19. In which sentence is someone else’s speech formed incorrectly?
    1) The official did not answer, he covered his face with his hands, his chest was agitated, despair was visible in his abrupt words, he seemed to be sobbing, and finally he exclaimed: “No, I can’t, I won’t destroy her!” - And running.
    2) “Strange... - thought the deacon, not recognizing Laevsky’s gait. - Like an old man.”
    3) “Grandma,” said Yegorushka, “I want to sleep.”
    4) “What are they doing?” thought Prince Andrey, looking at them. “Why doesn’t the red-haired artilleryman run when he has no weapons? Why doesn’t the Frenchman stab him?”
    20. Mark the number of the word with the prefix pre-:
    1) pr_sec;
    2) pr_ruchit;
    3) pr_preserve;
    4) pr_dorozhny.
    21. Lexical meaning Which word is defined incorrectly?
    1) Banality - an ordinary, hackneyed opinion.
    2) Factor - reason, driving force, necessary condition any process, phenomenon that determines its character or individual features.
    3) Revelation - sincerity, sincerity, truthfulness, directness.
    4) Spectacular - producing a strong impression, effect; calculated to produce an effect.
    22. In which word is the letter u missing?
    1) windy winds;
    2) frowning father;
    3) foaming wave;
    4) believers pray.
    23. In what example is ni written?
    1) Which of us found a warm welcome in this house?
    2) It was none other than my faithful friend.
    3) No one else but a faithful friend will help you in difficult times.
    4) Whoever cried over this novel, everyone explained their tears in different ways.
    24. We need commas in place of numbers:
    The rain lashes the glass windows (1) the wind blows loudly (2) and (3) when (4) the glassy twilight of the street is illuminated by flashes of lightning (5) the flowers from the window sills (6) seem to (7) fall.
    1) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.
    2) 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7.
    3) 1, 2, 4, 5.
    4) 1, 2, 5.
    25. Which word is missing the letter o?
    1) sh_loch;
    2) survive;
    3) rail;
    4) canvas.
    26. Mark the number of the sentence with the punctuation error.
    1) When on a moonlit night you see a wide rural street with its bends, haystacks, sleeping willows, your soul becomes calm.
    2) The forest we entered was extremely old.
    3) How nice it is that there is snow and that she has arrived, and that tomorrow I will take her to my favorite places.
    4) The forest is never empty, and if it seems empty, then it’s your own fault.
    27. Which word has the same number of letters and sounds?
    1) driver;
    2) casually;
    3) birdhouse;
    4) cabin.

Grade 9 Presentation with elements of an essay

N 5


Dog jealousy

They returned here late in the morning, but without taking the gun.

Since everything was clearly visible (not like that time at dusk), Bim began to act more boldly: he ran around the forest to his heart’s content, not forgetting to keep an eye on his owner. Everything was going as well as possible.

197Finally, Bim smelled the faint scent of woodcock and made a classic stance. “Forward,” Ivan Ivanovich commanded, but he had nothing to shoot with. He ordered to lie down as it should when a bird takes off. It became unclear to Bim whether the owner could see or not? And he began to glance sideways at him until he was sure that he could see him.

The situation repeated itself with the second woodcock. But now resentment was creeping into Bim’s movements. Discontent sought a way out in a wary look, jogging to the side, even in attempts at disobedience. This is what prompted Bim to chase the third woodcock that had already taken off, as if he, Bim, were an ordinary mongrel. But you won’t chase the woodcock: it flashed in the branches and the next second it disappeared. Now, in addition to the fact that Bim was punished, dissatisfaction with the results of the hunt was added. Well, okay, he stepped aside, lay down and took a deep breath.

Ivan Ivanovich stopped, looked around and sniffed the air. Then he stepped, sat down and gently stroked a tiny flower growing near the tree (almost no smell to Ivan Ivanovich, but terribly smelly to Bim). And what did he find in this flower? Sits and smiles. And, solely out of respect for the personality of the owner, Bim pretended that he, too, was having fun and well. In fact, he was very surprised. Meanwhile, the owner said to him: “Look, look, Bim,” and tilted the dog’s nose to the flower.

Bim couldn’t stand this and turned away, immediately walked away and lay down in the clearing, expressing one thing with his appearance: “Well, smell your flower!” Such a discrepancy required an urgent clarification of relations, but Bim’s owner only laughed happily in his eyes. Bim was offended: “Me too, he’s laughing!”

And the owner of the flower is nowhere and talks to him: “Hello, first one!” - and “hello” is definitely not said to him, to Bim. And what happened was that jealousy began to creep into the dog’s soul, so to speak. And although relations at home seemed to have improved, Bim considered this day a failure: there was game - they didn’t shoot, he chased a bird - he was punished, and what’s more - it was a flower.

Yes, it still happens in dogs dog life, because she lives under the hypnosis of three “whales”: “You can’t”, “Back”, “Good”.

Speak out about the problem of relationships between humans and animals.

Our p..water lo..ka is a small, barely noticeable string in the for..concert.. of war. Now she is in woof..n.. ..tdyha..t. P..I guess I (in) my way love her. Did (during) the time of our marches we (n..) escaped on it in the most constrained conditions? But at the first (same) opportunity, I try to get away from her. My tormented heart needs affection. And I can only find this (h, s)here, on the deserted of the sea. Warm v..t..rock z..b..ra..t..sya for the spacious vor..t of my m..rope..whom..suit and body. I lie..lie on the polished..pebbles..and smile at the sun..sun of the sea. There are so many waves at my feet. About wh..m? Do I know? Maybe about how they argued with the violent v..tras, how hot.. under..quat..r..m, how freely they f..f..sya on the other side.. . Above the mountain..d..m that r..wandered along a wide square..n..mountain with..river green..n..yu dimly from black..and dust. A (h, s) here is holy..tlo and glad..s..but. And in my soul there is a clear morning.. seas. (A. Novikov-Priboy.)


On a deserted seashore

Our submarine is a small, barely noticeable string in the roaring concert of war. Now she is standing in the harbor, resting. I guess I love her in my own way. During our campaigns, didn’t we escape on it in the most risky situations? But at the first opportunity I try to get away from her: a tormented heart needs affection. And I can only find this here, on the deserted seashore. A warm breeze climbs behind the spacious collar of my sailor suit and tickles my body. I lie on polished pebbles and smile at the rare clouds, the sun, and the sea. The waves are crashing at my feet. About what? Do I know? Maybe about how they argued with the violent winds, how hot it is under the equator, how freely they live in the open air. Above the city, which is scattered across a wide plateau with sparse greenery, dimly covered with smoke and dust. And here it is light and joyful. And in my soul there is a clear morning of tropical seas. (A. Novikov-Priboy.)

(140 words. Spelling of unstressed vowels in the root of a word, roots with alternating vowels, endings of verbs, consonants, prefixes, n And nn in words, endings and suffixes of nouns and adjectives, adverbs, derived prepositions and particles; the use of punctuation marks at the end of a sentence, in simple complex, complex and complex non-conjunct sentences.)

Municipal government educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 2 Teploye village"

Teplo-Ogarevsky district, Tula region

Test materials

In Russian

7th grade

Compiled by:

Demina Victoria Olegovna

Teacher of the highest qualification category

2014-2015 academic year

Input control dictation No. 1 on the topic “Repetition”

Vasyutka walked through the taiga, followed the signs on the trees and thought that, probably, every taiga road begins with a rough road. A man will make a notch on one tree, move away a little, hit it again with an ax, then again. Other people will follow him. They will knock off the moss, trample the grass, leave footprints - and you will get a path. The forest paths are narrow and winding, like the wrinkles on grandfather Afanasy’s forehead. Only other paths become overgrown with time. At the very top of the old disheveled spruce Vasyutka saw a nutcracker.
Cones lay on the moss. In some of the holes of the cones, nuts stuck out like bees. But there is no use in trying them. The nutcracker has an amazingly sensitive beak: the bird does not even remove empty nuts from the nest.
Suddenly something clapped in front of Vasyutka. He shuddered in surprise and saw a large black bird. (116 units) (V. Astafiev.)

Grammar task

1. Title the text.
2. Label 5 different spellings and the conditions for their selection.
3. Parse the sentences. (according to options) .
4. Find complex sentences, underline grammar basics.

Control dictation No. 2 on the topic “Communion”

Contemporaries called the opera by M.I. a magical flower that grew on Russian soil. Glinka "Ruslan and Lyudmila".

When you first listen to the overture of this opera, the ebullient, fast-paced music immediately captivates you. It begins energetically, jubilantly. This is the mood of a holiday in which many people participate.

Then a soft, soulful melody of cellos appears. We will hear it in Ruslan's aria.

Ruslan encounters unexpected obstacles on his way. We learn about the danger from the mysterious, tense harmonies that characterize Chernomor's opera. Then the quiet, mysterious ringing of bells appears. Unusual, some kind of transparent harmonies alternate. The Chernomor Gardens are an enchanted kingdom where everything is frozen and submitted to the power of an evil sorcerer. And again the same prickly melody. The procession of Chernomor, surrounded by a retinue of obedient slaves, continues.

At the end the music sounds with triumphant joy. Chernomor is defeated. The opera glorifies the courage of people who overcame violence and treachery. (120 words.)

Grammar task

  1. Write down 4 words with different spellings, indicate the conditions for their selection.
  2. Perform a syntactic analysis of the sentence (according to options) (I option: Courage is glorified in the opera...; II option: Chernomor's procession...)

Control dictation No. 3 on the topic “Communion”

By the sea

Petka and Mishka wearily trudged along the deserted seashore, strewn with pebbles polished by the waves. From the barely swaying sea, a strange peace and silence blew over the boys. The rays of the sun, which had not yet set beyond the horizon, slid along the light waves running onto the shore.
The long steppe road, saturated with the wormwood smell, stretching to the sea from the distant city, was left behind, and ahead, the open sea, without borders, stretched out to the full distance and breadth. And it seemed to the guys that they had reached the very edge of the world, that there was nothing further. There is one quietly splashing sea, and above it the same endless sky, only here and there covered with pale pink clouds.
The boys, tired from the long journey, walked in silence. Their heads were hidden behind heaps of dry weeds that they had collected for the future fire. (117 words)

Grammar task

Option 1 – Boys, tired...

Option 2 - Their heads hid...

  1. Specify the composition of words:

Option 1 – swaying, soaked

Option 2 - stretching, splashing

  1. Morphological analysis of one participle.

Control dictation No. 4 on the topic “Communications”


In the old park, which begins behind the fence of our house, there is a maple alley. Whirling whimsically, the snow-covered alley rushes out of the city. Bullfinches visit there every day, they are attracted by winter trees, completely strewn with light winged seeds.

The birds sit on the maple trees importantly, calmly, and slowly peck at the golden seeds. And how good they are! The bullfinch's chest is scarlet.

The back is blue, and on the head is a black beret. From time to time, birds dive into the snow, bathing in it. Then, slowly, they walk around the sparkling snow, drawing intricate grooves and cross marks on it.

The name of the bird is given from the word “snow” - “bullfinch”. And it’s not without reason that bullfinches are the first heralds of winter. (According to L. Barkov.) (100 words)

Grammar task

  1. Sort out the proposals by member:

Option 1 – Wriggling whimsically

Option 2 - From time to time the birds dive...

  1. Produce morphological analysis and analysis by word composition:

Option 1 – swimming

Option 2 – take your time

Control dictation No. 5 on the topic “Adverb”

The boy wandered through the taiga, almost falling from fatigue. Suddenly the forest parted, revealing the sloping bank of the Yenisei before him. Vasyutka even took his breath away - his native river was so beautiful, so wide. And before she seemed ordinary to him and not very friendly.

Vasyutka woke up with joy, and even became somewhat embarrassed and looked around. But there was no one anywhere, and he began to decide where to go; up or down the Yenisei.

Vasyutka looks up and down the river. The banks stretch towards each other, want to close and get lost in the vastness.

Smoke appeared in the upper reaches of the river. The ship is coming. There's still a long wait for him.

The steamer was getting closer and closer.

The figures of passengers loomed on it. Vasyutka rushed about on the shore. Someone noticed him and waved.

(V. Astafiev.)

Grammar task

1. Underline the adverbs as parts of the sentence.

2. Parse the sentence:

Option 1 - 2nd sentence;

Option 2 - 1st sentence.

3. Parse two adverbs as parts of speech.

4. Title the text.

Test dictation No. 6 on the topic “Adverb”


The novice naturalist walked along a ravine overgrown with young forest. It was still fresh in the morning and smelled of leaves and nettles. Log turned left, and a sunlit clearing opened up ahead. The large wood pigeon Vityuten rose heavily from the ground and, flashing
white folds of the wing, disappeared behind the bushes.

Not many people know how to walk in the forest. Usually everyone moves so noisily
that more or less cautious animals and birds manage to either hide,
or run away.

Going into the forest, they run deep into paths and paths. You won't see it anywhere
There are as many interesting prints as there are on the roads. Moving along the road is easier and faster, and most importantly, quieter. It is not for nothing that most often encounters with wary animals occur on the roads, and not in the cramped wilderness.

Everyone who comes to the forest for its gifts must behave correctly.

Grammar task

  1. Find adverbs, indicate which part of the sentence they are, indicate the studied spellings in them.
  2. Parse two adverbs (to choose from) as parts of speech.

The task is completed according to the following options: Option 1 – the first half of the text, Option 2 – the second.

Test dictation No. 7 on the topic “Preposition.” Union"

The first sailors who saw penguins in Antarctica almost mistook them for a crowd of people dressed in tailcoats and snow-white shirtfronts!

Scientists specially came to the harsh Antarctica to learn more about these unusual birds.

Penguins are remarkably adapted to harsh conditions. They feed on fish and squid.

In icy water, their clumsy body turns into a fast, flexible torpedo. Sometimes the penguin accelerates so much that it flies out of the water onto the ice, like a pebble from a slingshot.

IN polar night Penguin mothers bring a half-kilogram egg into the house, and penguin fathers carry them for two months. But mothers also take care: they store food. If it is necessary to transfer a precious egg to a penguin, the father quickly rolls it out into the snow, and the mother also quickly hides it in a warm nest on her stomach.

(120 words)

Grammar task

  1. Title the text.
  2. Construct sentence diagrams:
    Option I – “Scientists came specially...”
    Option II – “On the polar night...”.
  3. Carry out a morphological analysis of one preposition and one conjunction.

Test dictation No. 8 on the topic “Service parts of speech”

Blind dog.

Arcturus was not like any of the dogs. His feeling for his master was extraordinary. The owner would be in a bad mood at times, often smelling of cologne - a smell never found in nature. But most often he was kind, and then Arcturus languished with love. He wanted to jump up and rush, choking joyful barking. But still he held back.

It seems to me that he somehow felt inferior. I have never seen him walking or running freely, calmly and quickly.

He couldn’t see anything, but not a single dog could compare with his sense of smell.. Gradually he studied all the smells of the city and perfectly oriented . And there weren’t any smells ! But no matter where Arcturus wandered, there was no chance that he got lost.

This was an amazing dog. (127 words)

Grammar task

  1. Parse the sentence:

Option 1 – Feeling it...

Option 2 - Gradually he learned...

  1. IN complex sentence outline the grammatical basics.
  2. Enclose the particles in a rectangle and indicate the category.

Final control dictation No. 9

Living lights.

In the middle of the night I got out of the tent and stopped amazed: the night was blooming with lights! Lights of every imaginable color!
High above your head is a green leaf of the moon, around it are silver splashes of dewdrops-constellations...
Here and there, mysterious droplets of falling meteorites suddenly cross out the deep blackness of the sky. It even seems as if, as they fall, they ring, crashing against the rocks of the gorges. And when the flashes of distant shepherds' fires on the slopes seem like sparks carved by a star.
Sparks of fireflies flicker above the black bushes. Just like the sparks over a wild fire when you poke it with a stick!
Incomprehensible, somehow elusive and unfaithful eyes shine from the thicket of the bush. Sometimes they suddenly fill with a pinkish fog, sometimes they suddenly turn coldly green, as if they are heating up and cooling down. A dune cat was hiding in the bushes.
Festival of night lights. Stars burning like eyes, twinkling just like stars. (124)

Grammar task

  1. Indicate above each word what part of speech it is:

1 option - It’s even weird...
Option 2 - Stars, burning...

2. Do phonetic analysis words:
Option 1 – bloomed;
Option 2 – bushes.
3. Sort the words according to their composition:
Option 1 –
got out, amazed, of the constellations;
Option 2 - lurking, elusive, high

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