The Russell Ferguson technique is. Methodology for diagnosing the level of subjective feeling of loneliness by D. Russell and M. Ferguson. Test - “Longing for tenderness”

Instructions. “You are presented with a series of statements. Consider each one sequentially and evaluate in terms of the frequency of their manifestations in relation to your life using four answer options: “often”, “sometimes”, “rarely”, “never”. Mark the selected option with a “+” sign.”

Processing of results and interpretation. The number of each answer option is counted. The sum of the answers “often” is multiplied by three, “sometimes” by two, “rarely” by one and “never” by 0. The results obtained are added together. The maximum possible loneliness score is 60 points.

High degree loneliness show from 40 to 60 points, from 20 to 40 points - average level loneliness, from 0 to 20 points – low level loneliness.

Methodology "T&D" 35

Diagnoses anxiety and depression. Instructions. “We ask you to answer a series of questions that will help us find out how you are feeling. If the conditions specified in the question are

– you have never had one, give 5 points;

Form for diagnosing the level of subjective feeling of loneliness by D. Russell and M. Ferguson







I'm unhappy doing so many things alone


I have no one to talk to


I can't bear to be so lonely


I miss communication


I feel like no one really understands themselves


I find myself waiting for people to call or text me


There's no one I can turn to


I'm not close to anyone anymore


Those around me do not share my interests and ideas


I feel abandoned


I am unable to open up and communicate with those around me


I feel completely alone


My social relations and connections are superficial


I'm dying for company


Nobody really knows me well


I feel isolated from others


I'm miserable being such an outcast


I have trouble making friends


I feel excluded and isolated by others


People around me, but not with me

– very rare – 4 points;

– happen from time to time – 3 points;

– they happen often – 2 points;

– almost constantly or always – 1 point.”

Group or individual research. Test takers receive an answer form and their attention is drawn to ensure that they do not make mistakes when filling out the form.

Questionnaire text

1. Do you notice that you have become slower and sluggish, that you don’t have the same energy?

2. Do you find it difficult to fall asleep if something is bothering you?

3. Do you feel depressed and depressed?

4. Do you ever have a feeling of any anxiety (as if something is about to happen), although there is no particular reason?

5. Do you notice that now you feel less need for friendship and affection than before?

6. Does the thought occur to you that there is little joy and happiness in your life?

7. Do you notice that you have become somehow indifferent, that you don’t have the same interests and hobbies?

8. Do you have periods of such anxiety that you can’t even sit still?

9. Does waiting make you anxious and nervous?

10. Do you have nightmares?

11. Do you feel anxious and worried about someone or something?

12. Do you ever have the feeling that you are treated with indifference, no one is trying to understand and sympathize with you, and you feel alone (lonely)?

13. Have you noticed that your arms or legs are often in restless motion?

14. Do you feel impatient, restless or fussy?

15. Do you often want to be alone?

16. Do you notice that your loved ones treat you with indifference or even hostility?

17. Do you feel constrained and insecure in society?

18. Do you ever think that your girlfriends (friends) or loved ones are happier than you?

19. Do you hesitate for a long time before making a decision?

20. Do you sometimes have the feeling that you yourself are to blame for many troubles?

Table 2.14

Feature numbers



































































Table 2.15

The significance of diagnostic coefficients for depression

Feature numbers



































































Processing of received data. The scores given by the test takers accept certain numeric values, which are indicated in the tables.

According to the values ​​​​indicated in table. 2.14 and 2.15, the well-being score is replaced by a diagnostic coefficient. Following the recoding, the algebraic sum (taking into account the positive or negative sign) of the diagnostic coefficients for each scale separately is calculated.

Algebraic sum coefficients greater than +1.28 indicate a good mental state. A sum less than -1.28 indicates severe mental tension, anxiety, and depression. Intermediate values(from -1.28 to +1.28) indicate data uncertainty. Typically, borderline values ​​are characterized by coefficients ranging from -5.6 to -1.28.

A borderline state of anxiety manifests itself in a decrease in the threshold of arousal in relation to various stimuli, indecision, impatience, and inconsistency of action. The neurotic reaction of anxiety as concern for one’s own health and for the health of one’s loved ones when communicating with people is manifested in the fact that a person behaves insecurely.

Depression manifests itself in neurotic reactions - in a weakening of the tone of life and energy, in a decrease in mood, narrowing and limiting contacts with others, a feeling of joylessness and loneliness.

Level indicators subjective feeling loneliness according to the method of Ferguson, Russell

Younger age group

Senior age group

The study revealed that the indicators of feelings of loneliness in men in both age groups correspond to a low level, and in women - to an average level. However, the differences between men and women are not statistically significant. There is also a noticeable trend among men towards a decrease in average levels of feelings of loneliness from younger to older age. Perhaps over the years people get used to their life situation, the severity of the experience decreases and there is an acceptance of everything that has been lived and is being lived at the present moment.

Especially high level loneliness was identified among people of the older age group living in a boarding school. The scores in this group correspond to the average level of loneliness on the Russell-Fergusson scale. For men it is 22.6 points (for comparison: for men living in families it is 10.1 points). For women living in a boarding school - 33 points, for women living in families - 13.4 points.

Loneliness scale


A study of the level of a person’s subjective feeling of loneliness. The identified state of loneliness can be associated with anxiety, social isolation, depression, and boredom. It is necessary to distinguish between loneliness as a state of forced isolation and as a desire for solitude, a need for it.


You are presented with a series of statements. Consider each one sequentially and evaluate in terms of the frequency of their occurrence in relation to your life using four answer options: “often,” “sometimes,” “rarely,” “never.” Mark the selected option with a “+” sign.

Processing of results and interpretation

The number of each answer option is counted. The sum of the answers “often” is multiplied by three, “sometimes” by two, “rarely” by one and “never” by 0. The results obtained are added together. The maximum possible loneliness score is 60 points.

A high degree of loneliness is indicated by 40 to 60 points, from 20 to 40 points - an average level of loneliness, from 0 to 20 points - a low level of loneliness.

Questionnaire text

Approval Often Sometimes Rarely Never
1. I'm unhappy doing so many things alone.
2. I have no one to talk to
3. I can't bear to be so lonely.
4. I miss communication
5. I feel like no one really understands themselves.
6. I find myself waiting for people to call or text me.
7. There is no one I can turn to
8. I'm not close to anyone anymore right now.
9. Those around me do not share my interests and ideas.
10. I feel abandoned
11. I am unable to open up and communicate with those around me.
12. I feel completely alone
13. My social relationships and connections are superficial.
14. I'm dying for company
15. Nobody really knows me well
16. I feel isolated from others
17. I'm miserable being such an outcast.
18. I find it difficult to make friends
19. I feel excluded and isolated by others.
20. People are around me, but not with me

Depression scale

The questionnaire was developed for the differential diagnosis of depressive conditions and conditions close to depression, for screening diagnostics in mass studies and for the purpose of preliminary, pre-medical diagnosis. Test adapted by T.I. Balashova.

Full testing with processing takes 20-30 minutes. The subject marks the answers on the form.

Depression level (DL) is calculated using the formula:

UD = ∑ ex + ∑ rev

where ∑ pr ​​is the sum of crossed out numbers for “direct” statements No. 1,3,4,7,8,9, 10, 13, 15, 19;

∑ obr - the sum of the numbers “reverse” crossed out to statements No. 2,5,6, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18,20.

For example: statement No. 2 has the number 1 crossed out, we put 4 points in the total; For statement No. 5, answer 2 is crossed out - we add 3 points to the total; For statement No. 6, answer 3 is crossed out - we put 2 points in the total; For statement No. 11, answer 4 is crossed out - we add one point to the total, etc.

As a result, we get a UD that ranges from 20 to 80 points.

If the LOD is no more than 50 points, then a state without depression is diagnosed. If the LOD is more than 50 and less than 59 points, then a conclusion is made about mild depression of situational or neurotic origin. A UD score of 60 to 69 points indicates a subdepressive state or masked depression. A true depressive state is diagnosed when the UD is more than 70 points.

Answer form

Depression scale

Last name__________ Date _________


Read each of the sentences below carefully and cross out the appropriate number on the right depending on how you feel about it. Lately. Don't overthink the questions because there are no right or wrong answers.

A - never or occasionally

B - sometimes

D - almost always or constantly


1. Antsiferova L.I. New stages of late life: time of warm autumn or harsh winter? // Psychological journal. - 1994. No. 3.

2. Antsiferova L.I.. Late period of human life: types of aging and possibilities of progressive personality development // Psychological journal. - 1996. No. 6.

3. Liverhood B.. Life crises - life chances. Human development between childhood and old age. - Kaluga, 1994.

4. Maksimova S. G. Social and psychological features of the personality of late times. - Barnaul, 1998.

5. Massen et al. Personality development in middle age // Personality Psychology. Texts. - M, 1980.

6. Psychological tests/ Ed. A.A. Karelina: In 2 vols. - M., 2001.

7. Sapogova EE Psychology of human development: Textbook. allowance. - M., 2001.

8. Slobodchikov V.I., Isaev E.I. Fundamentals of psychological anthropology. Psychology of human development: Development of subjective reality in ontogenesis: Textbook. manual for universities.-M., 2000.

9. Tolstykh A.V. Age of life. - M., 1998.

10. Frankl B. Man in Search of Meaning. - M., 1990.

11. Shakhmatov N.F. Mental aging: happy and painful. - M., 1996.

12. Erickson E. Childhood and society. - M., 1996.

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Statements Often Sometimes Rarely Never
I'm unhappy doing so many things alone
I have no one to talk to
I can't bear to be so lonely
I miss communication
I feel like no one really understands themselves
I find myself waiting for people to call or text me
There's no one I can turn to
I'm not close to anyone anymore
Those around me do not share my interests and ideas
I feel abandoned
I am unable to open up and communicate with those around me
I feel completely alone
My social relationships and connections are superficial
I'm dying for company
Nobody really knows me well
I feel isolated from others
I'm miserable being such an outcast
I have trouble making friends
I feel excluded and isolated by others
People around me, but not with me

– very rare – 4 points;

– happen from time to time – 3 points;

– they happen often – 2 points;

– almost constantly or always – 1 point.”

Group or individual research. Test takers receive an answer form and their attention is drawn to ensure that they do not make mistakes when filling out the form.

Questionnaire text

1. Do you notice that you have become slower and sluggish, that you don’t have the same energy?

2. Do you find it difficult to fall asleep if something is bothering you?

3. Do you feel depressed and depressed?

4. Do you ever have a feeling of any anxiety (as if something is about to happen), although there is no particular reason?

5. Do you notice that now you feel less need for friendship and affection than before?

6. Does the thought occur to you that there is little joy and happiness in your life?

7. Do you notice that you have become somehow indifferent, that you don’t have the same interests and hobbies?

8. Do you have periods of such anxiety that you can’t even sit still?

9. Does waiting make you anxious and nervous?

10. Do you have nightmares?

11. Do you feel anxious and worried about someone or something?

12. Do you ever have the feeling that you are treated with indifference, no one is trying to understand and sympathize with you, and you feel alone (lonely)?

13. Have you noticed that your arms or legs are often in restless motion?

14. Do you feel impatient, restless or fussy?

15. Do you often want to be alone?

16. Do you notice that your loved ones treat you with indifference or even hostility?

17. Do you feel constrained and insecure in society?

18. Do you ever think that your girlfriends (friends) or loved ones are happier than you?

19. Do you hesitate for a long time before making a decision?

20. Do you sometimes have the feeling that you yourself are to blame for many troubles?

Table 2.14

The value of diagnostic anxiety coefficients

Feature numbers Points
-1,38 -0,44 1,18 1,31 0,87
-1,08 -1,3 -0,6 0,37 1,44
-1,6 -1,34 -0,4 -0,6 0,88
-1,11 0,0 0,54 1,22 0,47
-0,9 -1,32 -0,41 -0,41 1,2
-1,19 -0,2 1,04 1,03 0,4
-0,78 -1,48 -1,38 0,11 0,48
-1,26 -0,93 -0,4 0,34 1,24
-1,23 -0,74 0,0 0,37 0,63
-1,92 -0,36 0,28 0,56 0,1

Table 2.15

The significance of diagnostic coefficients for depression

Feature numbers Points
-1,58 -1,45 -0,41 0,7 1,46
-1,51 1,53 -0,34 0,58 1,4
-1,45 -1,26 -1,0 0,0 0,83
-1,38 -1,62 -0,22 0,32 0,75
-1,3 -1,5 -0,15 0,8 1,22
-1,34 -1,34 -0,5 0,3 0,72
-1,2 -1,23 -0,36 0,56 -0,2
-1,08 -1,08 -1,18 0,0 0,46
-1,2 -1,26 -0,37 0,21 0,42
-1,08 -0,54 -0,1 0,25 0,32

Processing of received data. The scores given by the test takers take certain numerical values, which are indicated in the tables.

According to the values ​​​​indicated in table. 2.14 and 2.15, the well-being score is replaced by a diagnostic coefficient. Following the recoding, the algebraic sum (taking into account the positive or negative sign) of the diagnostic coefficients for each scale separately is calculated.

The algebraic sum of coefficients greater than +1.28 indicates good mental state. A sum less than -1.28 indicates severe mental tension, anxiety, and depression. Intermediate values ​​(from -1.28 to +1.28) indicate data uncertainty. Typically, borderline values ​​are characterized by coefficients ranging from -5.6 to -1.28.

A borderline state of anxiety manifests itself in a decrease in the threshold of arousal in relation to various stimuli, indecision, impatience, and inconsistency of action. The neurotic reaction of anxiety as concern for one’s own health and for the health of one’s loved ones when communicating with people is manifested in the fact that a person behaves insecurely.

Depression manifests itself in neurotic reactions - in a weakening of the tone of life and energy, in a decrease in mood, narrowing and limiting contacts with others, and a feeling of joylessness and loneliness.

V. Zung’s method of differential diagnosis of depressive states (adapted by T. I. Balashova)

The questionnaire was developed for the differential diagnosis of depressive conditions and conditions close to depression, for screening diagnostics in mass studies and for the purpose of preliminary, pre-medical diagnosis.

Full testing with processing takes 20-30 minutes. The subject marks the answers on the form.

Depression level (DL) is calculated using the formula:

where S is the sum of crossed out numbers for “direct” statements No. 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 15, 19; Z – the sum of the numbers “reverse” to crossed out statements No. 2, 5, 6, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20. For example: for statement No. 2 the number 1 is crossed out, we put 4 points in the sum; For statement No. 5, answer 2 is crossed out, we put 3 points in the total; For statement No. 6, answer 3 is crossed out - we add 2 points to the total; For statement No. 11, answer 4 is crossed out - we add one point to the total, etc.

As a result, we get a UD that ranges from 20 to 80 points.

If the LOD is no more than 50 points, then a state without depression is diagnosed. If the LOD is more than 50 points and less than 59, then a conclusion is made about mild depression of situational or neurotic origin. When the LOD score is from 60 to 69 points, a subdepressive state or masked depression is diagnosed. A true depressive state is diagnosed when the UD is more than 70 points.

Instructions. “Read each of the sentences below carefully and cross out the appropriate number on the right depending on how you have been feeling lately. Don’t overthink the questions because there are no right or wrong answers.”

Answer form

Depression scale

FULL NAME________________________

Date of experience_____________ Time _______

Statement Never or occasionally Sometimes Often Almost always or constantly
I feel depressed
I feel best in the morning
I have periods of crying or close to tears
I have a bad night's sleep
My appetite is no worse than usual
I enjoy looking at attractive women, talking to them, being around them
I notice that I'm losing weight
Heart beats faster than usual
I get tired for no reason
I'm thinking as clearly as ever
It's easy for me to do what I can do
I feel restless and can't sit still
I have hopes for the future
I'm more irritable than usual
It's easy for me to make decisions
I feel useful and needed
I live enough life to the fullest
I feel that other people will feel better if I die
What still makes me happy is what always made me happy

Methodology for differential diagnosis of depressive states V. A. Zhmurova

Instructions. “Read each group of readings and choose the appropriate answer - 0, 1,2 or 3.”

The questionnaire was proposed by D. Russell, L. Peplo, M. Ferguson.

The purpose of the technique: study of the level of a person’s subjective feeling of loneliness. The identified state of loneliness can be associated with anxiety, social isolation, depression, and boredom. It is necessary to distinguish between loneliness as a state of forced isolation and as a desire for solitude, a need for it.

The subject is asked to consider a number of statements sequentially and evaluate from the point of view of the frequency of their occurrence in relation to his life using four answer options: “often”, “sometimes”, “rarely”, “never” (Table 10).

Table 10. Questionnaire "Loneliness Scale"






I'm unhappy doing so many things alone

I have no one to talk to

I can't bear to be so lonely

I miss communication

I feel like no one


doesn't understand me

I find myself

waiting for people

call or write

There's no one I can turn to

I'm not close to anyone anymore

Those around me do not share my interests and ideas

I feel abandoned

I'm incapable

loosen up

and communicate with those who

I'm surrounded by

I feel completely alone

My social relationships and connections are superficial

I'm dying for company

Nobody really knows me well

I feel isolated from others

I'm miserable being such an outcast

I have trouble making friends

I feel excluded and isolated by others

People around me, but not with me

Processing the results: count the number of each answer option. The sum of the answers “often” is multiplied by three, “sometimes” by two, “rarely” by one and “never” by 0. The results obtained are added together. The maximum possible loneliness score is 60 points.

A high degree of loneliness is indicated by 40 to 60 points, from 20 to 40 points - an average level of loneliness, from 0 to 20 points - a low level of loneliness.

Test "Unfinished sentences"

This test refers to methods that study the motivational sphere and orientation of the individual (Fig. 16). Motives are motivations related to the satisfaction of certain needs and motivation for activity. If needs constitute the essence, the mechanism of all types of human activity, then motives act as specific manifestations of this essence. When considering a person’s behavior and analyzing his actions, it is necessary to find out their motives. Only in this case can one judge whether a given act is accidental or natural for a person, foresee the possibility of its repetition, prevent the occurrence of some and encourage the development of other personality traits.

Rice. 16.

Motives differ from each other in the type of needs that manifest themselves in them, the forms they take, their breadth or narrowness, and the specific content of the activity in which they are realized.

The central element of the motivational sphere of the individual is its orientation. Directionality - This is a system of conscious goals that are actively achieved in the process of activity. K. K. Patonov identifies the following qualities of direction: level, breadth, intensity, stability and effectiveness.

Level- this is the social significance of a person’s orientation, depending on the extent to which the goals of an individual’s activity correlate with social ideals. This quality of direction is associated with the moral character and ideological character of the individual.

Breadth of focus associated with the variety of goals that a person sets for himself.

Directional intensity determined by the degree of formalization, awareness and activity underlying its motives.

Directional stability- this is its stability over time, the degree of resistance to distracting influences. The stability of direction is associated with the volitional properties of the individual.

Effectiveness - this is the degree of implementation of the goals of the orientation in practical activities.

The purpose of the test is to study the orientation of the individual, the system of his relationships. The technique belongs to the group projective tests, consists of 60 unfinished sentences, each of which is aimed at identifying the subject’s relationship to a particular group of social or personal interests and aspirations.

Processing the results. All proposals in accordance with the key (Table 11) are distributed according to scales, after which qualitative analysis each proposal. If the proposal clearly states positive attitude, then it is worth one point. If a negative attitude is expressed, the proposal is given a score. If the proposal is neutral, it is scored 0 points. The data is noted on a form where the personality profile is graphically depicted.

Table 11. Key to the test "Unfinished sentences"

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