Description of nature in autumn in an artistic style. Autumn in fiction (synesthesia of the arts in the comprehension of a literary image). Essay on the topic “Autumn time”

How many guises does this capricious steppe autumn have? So she turned into an angry, hateful mother-in-law, covered herself with an old woman’s gray scarf and, well, slammed doors throughout the cold, uncomfortable house. And everything is wrong for her, and everything is out of place. She angrily chases tufts of tangled grass across the steppe, tugging at the prickly braids of a young honey locust, her unloved daughter-in-law. And then suddenly she will howl, wail, and burst into cold tears, and cry, cry, nothing can calm the disturbed old woman. But suddenly she will peek out from behind a gray cloud with the edge of a warm, soft sun. And cheerful winter trees will flash in its life-giving rays, and smile green smiles around the world. How tenderly, with what maternal care autumn cherishes its green babies in a black fluffy cradle. And it happens that she will turn into a rich, beautiful bride. Then autumn will dress up her girlfriends in the forest stripes in the most elegant sundresses: light yellow, like maple leaves, and crimson-red, like wild steppe cherries, and brown, like young oak trees, and purple, like privet and euonymus . How many outfits her friends have! And what kind! And above all this cheerful and colorful wealth spreads a tall and autumn-lightened dome of transparent blue sky. And small spiders hung on thin cobwebs and flew to God knows where...

Kolesnikov G. Silent screams. Rostov n/d, 1991. P. 327.

Description of late autumn

How sharply late autumn differs from that “original autumn” about which Fyodor Tyutchev spoke with transparent tenderness. The brightest and purest colors flash on the canvases of artists depicting the early evening of the year. And perhaps the best of these paintings is Levitan’s “Golden Autumn”.

But when the leaves fall from the trees, the grass in the steppe withers, the blue of the sky turns pale, then autumn becomes the property of graphics. The whimsical ligature of the branches of naked trees works best with black ink on a white sheet of paper. And the thinner and sharper the pen in the artist’s hands, the more sincerely he will convey the sad charm late autumn.

Kolesnikov G. Autumn graphics // Secrets of the steppe forest / G. Kolesnikov. Rostov n/d, 1987. P. 340.

Bright palette

Autumn is a magnificent artist. Birch and linden trees are turning yellow calmly and gently. The maples are also turning yellow, but in their own way - brightly, strongly. The foliage of rowan and cherry trees becomes densely crimson. Hammered copper and old bronze decorate autumn apple and pear trees in steppe gardens. Heavy brown rust eats up the greenery of the oak forests. The bushes of euonymus and privet fill October with a deep purple tone. The chestnuts will remain in their brownish-yellow foliage until snowy November. And on the edges of the forest strips, poles flare up like cold fires. There is probably not a single shade of yellow, orange, red, purple that autumn would not throw on our steppe gardens, forests and copses. And only the silver poplars, never succumbing to the charm of autumn, drop their patterned leaves in their summer green dress to the ground...

Didn't the fire painting of Khokhloma come to Rus' from the Russian autumn?!

Kolesnikov G. Bright palette // Secrets of the steppe forest / G. Kolesnikov. Rostov n/d, 1987. P. 339

Description of the Don steppe in autumn

How many thoughts the autumn road evokes...

Along the Don, covered with leaden autumn ripples, all the way to Semikarakorsk, a flexible ribbon of asphalt highway runs, the road is bordered by stripes of a steppe forest flaring up in the October fire, it runs through fields of winter crops, crosses the reddish-brown panels of floodplain lowlands... a town of glass-enclosed greenhouses flashes by. Sprinklers sway with their wide-open wings. It is impossible to take your eyes off the dear pictures of the Don autumn.

To the native steppe dweller there is nothing dearer and more beautiful than the autumn gold of the Don region. And indeed, our Don steppe is incomparable in its beauty and capricious uniqueness! She has so many fabulous forms, unexpected, unexpected transformations.

So she turned into an evil mother-in-law, covered herself with an old woman’s gray scarf and, well, slammed doors in her cold, uncomfortable house. Everything is wrong for her, everything is out of place for her. She angrily chases tufts of tangled grass across the field, tugging young honey locust by its prickly braids, like an unloved daughter-in-law. And suddenly she begins to wail, howl, and burst into cold tears - nothing can calm the disturbed old woman.

Suddenly autumn will peek out from behind a gray cloud with the edge of a soft warm sun - and cheerful winter ones will flash in its animal rays, and smile green smiles around the world. How tenderly, with what maternal care the steppe autumn cherishes its green babies in a black fluffy cradle!

And it happens that she will turn into a rich, beautiful bride. Then he will dress up his girlfriends in the forest stripes in colorful sundresses: light yellow, like maple leaves, and crimson-red, like wild cherry, and brown, like young oak trees, and purple, like privet and euonymus. How many outfits her friends have! And above all this cheerful and colorful wealth stretched a high, autumn-like, spacious and enlightened dome of transparent blue sky. And small paratrooper spiders hang on thin cobwebs and fly to God knows where. Then autumn will turn into a generous mistress, who does not even count her wealth, and will begin to throw countless treasures into the bins of our land, into barns and elevators, at collective farm bazaars and fairs.

That's how diverse it is, our magnificent steppe autumn!

Kolesnikov G. Many faces of autumn // Secrets of the steppe forest / G. Kolesnikov. Rostov n/d, 1987. pp. 334-335


Our Don steppe is beautiful! Thin gray clouds slowly float across the blue and green sky. The blossoming winter crops burn and shimmer with green fire in the red-crimson frames of the forest stripes. Fresh layers of plowed land under the cool autumn sky seem to be covered in ink black as night. Having described a smooth arc, a noisy flock of rooks flew across the forest line. She slowly descends onto the plowed field and begins her work.

The steppe garden is very good in the time of pre-winter dormancy. Under the grayish autumn sky, the bronze foliage of apple and cherry trees smolders dimly. They stand quiet, sad, and their souls become sad. The air in the forest belts is saturated with the strong, sour smell of fallen leaves. This autumn smell is incomparable and unique...

Kolesnikov G. Decided: I will definitely become a winegrower // Secrets of the steppe forest / G. Kolesnikov. Rostov n/d, 1987. pp. 159-160

Autumn in the North (northern autumn)

Autumn in the North is very beautiful, and it comes quickly, but does not last long. The lemon-cherry lights of the birch trees go out. Larch needles quickly turn yellow and fall off. The hills turn dull brown. It's starting to get cold long rains. Snow will soon fall on the wet ground. He falls and melts. And the tops of the hills are already steadily white until the new summer.

Kolesnikov G. Brown bear carries water // Secrets of the steppe forest. Rostov n/d, 1987. pp. 265-268.

Integrated lesson

literary reading and fine arts in 3rd grade

(synesthesia of the arts in the comprehension of a literary image)

(teacher primary classes highest qualification category MOU LPPG

Samara, Tikhonova T.Yu.)

Topic: Autumn in sounds and colors. A.S. Pushkin about autumn.

Lesson objectives:

    To familiarize students with the works of A.S. Pushkin, to introduce him to his poems about autumn.

    Show the relationship between poetry, music, painting as components art.

    Show the beauty of nature in autumn, teach to distinguish characteristic features autumn.

    Develop creative abilities.

    To deepen the ability to depict simple scenes from the surrounding life from memory, from imagination and based on observation; learn to convey perspective.


    Poems, riddles about autumn, creative works of students

    Musical album by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons” (composition “Autumn”)

    Exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: “Autumn”

    Slides with reproductions of paintings by Russian artists about autumn.

    Exhibition of books with works about autumn.

Preliminary preparation


    must draw a picture on the theme “Autumn”

    learn a poem about autumn, take part in a poetry competition


    prepare recordings of compositions about autumn, portraits of artists, poets, composers writing about nature

    conduct a preliminary conversation with students in order to find out which works about autumn are familiar to them, recommend literature appropriate to their age based on the works of artists, poets and composers writing about nature

    Distribute students in advance into creative groups:

Group 1 – prepares an expressive reading of poetry about autumn

Group 2 – gets acquainted with the biography of landscape painters (I. Levitan, V. Polenov)

Group 3 – gets acquainted with the biography of P.I. Tchaikovsky

During the classes.

    Updating students' knowledge.

Autumn... It bores many people and seems dull. It rains all day long, our walks become shorter and shorter, and often we don’t even want to go outside. Let's take a closer look at this time of year. After all, autumn is very diverse!

Many writers, artists, musicians admired autumn, and each showed it in their own way in their works. Since ancient times, Russian nature has inspired poets, writers, and artists with its beauty. By drawing nature, they expressed their attitude towards it, conveyed undisguised love for native land. This is exactly what we will talk about today in class.

    Learning new material.

a) acquaintance with A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Autumn”;

b) acquaintance with the reproduction of I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”.

On the desk:

Autumn bushes rustle.

The leaves rustle on the tree.

And the rain rustles,

And the mouse, rustling,

He hurries to the hole.

What word appears most often? (rustles)

What about the sound? (Sound [sh])

What's rustling? (fallen leaves)

    Rustling - quieter, slightly extending the sound, the rest of the words - louder

    Rustle - louder, other words - quieter

Let's imagine autumn. When we hear the word “autumn,” everyone has their own image: early or late. Early autumn, when the first colorful leaves appear on the trees, and late autumn, when leaf fall ends and life freezes, preparing to take on a white outfit. But most of all we love golden autumn. At this time, the forest becomes more fun and elegant. The crowns of the trees are colored in all shades from green to purple. Red, yellow, brown, golden leaves fall on the ground. Cranberries are turning red in the swamps, and here and there clusters of lingonberries flash. Nature becomes lush, majestic and amazingly beautiful.

For many poets, autumn was also a favorite time of year. The famous Russian poet A.S. Pushkin in his poem “Autumn” confesses his love for this time of year.Appendix 1. (portrait of A.S. Pushkin)

- Listen to the work of A.S. Pushkin, determine which genre it belongs to.(Audio recording of A.S. Pushkin’s work “Autumn” sounds)

It's a sad time! charm of the eyes!

Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me -

I love the lush decay of nature,

Forests dressed in scarlet and gold,

In their canopy there is noise and fresh breath,

And the skies are covered with wavy darkness,

And a rare ray of sunshine, and the first frosts,

And distant gray winter threats.

    Vocabulary work.

Can you explain the meaning of the words "eye charm"?

“Ochi” - eyes; “to charm” - to make an irresistible impression on someone, to subjugate one to one’s charm; "nature's withering"; “crimson” - crimson, dark red.

    Independent reading of the poem.

    Work on expressive reading of the poem.

Where should you pause?(Children's answers)

In the poem, the last words of each line have little emphasis, because they rhyme, and this rhyme must be shown.

A.S. Pushkin has many poems dedicated to autumn. Now we will listen to the poems that 1 creative group has prepared for us. These are poems by A.S. Pushkin about autumn.Appendix 3. (texts of poems)

    Work based on the reproduction of I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn” (performance of the 2nd creative group) Appendix 4. (Portrait of I. Levitan, reproduction of the painting “Golden Autumn”)

Autumn was Levitan's favorite time of year, and he dedicated more than a hundred paintings to it. One of the most famous paintings is “Golden Autumn,” although it is not so characteristic of the artist’s work - it is too bright, bold, and majorly executed. It is possible that Levitan himself was not entirely satisfied with it, because a year later he painted another picture with the same name, but painted more softly, tenderly, crystalline...

In the picture"Gold autumn"we see a birch grove in copper-gold autumn decoration. In the depths of the meadow the river is lost, on the left bank of which there are slender white-yellow birch trees and two aspen trees with almost fallen leaves. Reddish branches of bushes are visible in the distance. The ground is covered with yellowing withered grass. And on the right bank of the river there is a row of still green willows, which seem to resist autumn withering. The river surface seems motionless and cold. A bright sky with white clouds is reflected on the surface of the water. The autumn day depicted by the artist is full of light. The picture is dominated by cheerful light colors. Almost on the horizon line one can see the outlines of distant buildings, forests, fields sown with winter crops.

Compare the reproduction of the painting by I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn” with a description of autumn in a poem by A.S. Pushkin.

What words of the poet did the artist seem to transfer to the canvas?(children's answers)

Scenery"Gold autumn"depicts the most lyrical of seasons. “A sad time! The charm of the eyes! Your farewell beauty is pleasant to me,” Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin said about the golden autumn. Probably, it was precisely these terms that Isaac Levitan repeated to himself while working on his famous landscapes. The artist understood autumn, first of all, as a festival of colors, as a farewell to summer. This landscape does not evoke sad thoughts about the long winter ahead. After all, in nature everything is equally beautiful, and each season has its own unique charm.

    Word drawing. Appendix 5. (portrait of V. Polenov, reproduction of the painting “Golden Autumn”)

3. Physical education minute.

(Children recite poems and, following the teacher, repeat the movements, imitating the movements of leaves)

Autumn with a long thin brush

Recolors leaves.

Red, yellow, gold –

How beautiful you are, colored leaf!

And the wind puffed out its thick cheeks, puffed it up, puffed it up

Red, yellow, gold...

The entire colored sheet flew around.

How insulting, how insulting!

There are no leaves -

Only branches are visible.

- “Golden Autumn” by Polenov is a symbol of Russian nature. Polenov managed to convey the beauty of autumn like no one else in Russian art.

A broad picture of nature opens up to the viewer's eyes. The majestic river calmly rolls its clear blue waters. Its high bank turns into a slightly hilly plain, stretching to the very horizon. The hills, outlined by smooth, flowing lines, gradually disappear and disappear into the blue distance. Only a small part of this plain falls into the artist’s field of vision - the hills, trees and river appear as if accidentally cut off by the frame of the picture. Thanks to this, the viewer can mentally continue the image, imagine the whole view as a whole and feel the vastness of the Oka meadows captured by the artist. Polenov's landscape with its calm and wide spread of space, abundance of light, air, smooth, flowing rhythms of the terrain lines, balanced composition produces a surprisingly peaceful impression. It is harmoniously combined with the state of the depicted nature. It is a transparent and clear autumn, slightly gilding the banks of the Oka and humbly shining with its “quiet beauty” (A.S. Pushkin).

Native nature inspired Russian composers as well. With the richness of its colors, autumn attracted the attention of the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, who wrote the musical album “The Seasons” in 1876. Let's listen to our 3rd creative group.(musical accompaniment: excerpt from the album “Seasons”), performance by the 3rd creative group). Appendix 6. (portrait of P.I. Tchaikovsky) Tchaikovsky's "Seasons" is a kind of musical diary of the composer, capturing episodes of life dear to his heart, meetings and pictures of nature. As his brother later recalled : “Peter Ilyich, like rarely anyone, loved life. Every day had significance for him and he was sad to say goodbye to him at the thought that there would be no trace left of everything he had experienced.” The music of one of Tchaikovsky’s musical masterpieces, the piano cycle “The Seasons,” is filled with this lyrical feeling of the composer, love for life and admiration for it. This cycle of 12 characteristic paintings for piano can be called an encyclopedia of Russian estate life of the 19th century and the St. Petersburg city landscape. In his images, Tchaikovsky captured the endless Russian expanses, rural life, pictures of St. Petersburg city landscapes, and scenes from the domestic musical life of Russian people of that time.


5. Summing up the lesson.

Today we saw autumn through the eyes of people of art. Autumn never repeats itself; every year it brings us something new, unknown, delighting and delighting people with a wonderful sight. You just need to be attentive and be able to see this unknown.

What names of artists, composers, poets were mentioned in the lesson?

What works did you become familiar with?

What we learned during visual arts?

At the end of the lesson, let's listen to the winners school competition readers(the winners of the competition read poems about autumn.) Appendix 2. (texts of the poems)

6. Homework . (reading task is optional)

    Learn the poem “Autumn” by A.S. Pushkin.

    Write a miniature essay “Autumn Picture”.

    Finish the drawing in color.

Annex 1.

Appendix 2.

Poems about autumn

Autumn looked into the garden -
The birds have flown away.
There's rustling outside the window in the morning
Yellow snowstorms.
The first ice is underfoot
It crumbles, breaks.
The sparrow in the garden will sigh,
And sing -
Shy. . (V. Stepanov)

Leaf fall

Ice pieces crunch under your feet,
I can not see anything. Darkness.
And the invisible leaves rustle,
Flying around from every bush.
Autumn walks along the roads of summer,
Everything is quiet, it’s easy to rest.
Only in the sky is it festive from the light -
The sky lit up all the constellations!..
Similar to golden leaves
Stars are falling from the sky...flying...
As if in the dark starry sky Same
Autumn leaf fall has arrived (E. Trutneva)

Leaf fall

The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.

Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, like a window.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
Over the summer it dried out from the sun,
And Autumn is a quiet widow
Enters his motley mansion. ( I. Bunin)

Appendix 3

The sky was already breathing in autumn A.S. Pushkin

The sky was already breathing in autumn,
The sun shone less often,
The day was getting shorter
Mysterious forest canopy
With a sad noise she stripped herself,
Fog lay over the fields,
Noisy caravan of geese
Stretched to the south: approaching
Quite a boring time;
It was already November outside the yard.


October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing.

The stream still runs babbling behind the mill,

But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry

To the departing fields with my desire,

And the winter ones suffer from mad fun,

And the barking of dogs wakes up the sleeping oak forests.


The days of late autumn are usually scolded,

But she’s sweet to me, dear reader,

Quiet beauty, shining humbly.

So unloved child in the family

It attracts me to itself. To tell you frankly,

Of the annual times, I am glad only for her

Appendix 4.

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

Very often in Russian language lessons they ask for years." As a rule, such work allows the student to develop descriptive skills and the ability to construct texts various styles. A descriptive essay is built according to certain rules. Typically, such creative work is carried out in artistic style. The most popular topic is the description of autumn.

Artistic style: how to write in it?

The artistic style of speech is the style of any literary work. It is characterized by an abundance of images, epithets, metaphors, personifications and other tropes. Texts of this style are very bright and emotionally charged. Describing autumn in an artistic style is one of the most fertile grounds for work. After all, many writers wrote about this time of year; autumn attracted them with its colors and tranquility.

How to write an essay about nature?

To correctly describe the golden autumn, you must first prepare a plan. The plan can consist of any number of parts - it all depends on the imagination and the required volume of the essay. An approximate “skeleton” of any description of the season might look like this:

1. Changes in nature with the arrival of autumn.

2. What advantages does autumn have?

3. What do we see outside the window?

4. My attitude to the time of year.

Based on these points, you can write Good work, which will not resemble “butter oil”, and such a danger always exists when writing an essay.

Sample work

So, describing autumn in an artistic style is a rather difficult task. You also need to have good vocabulary, and the ability to construct sentences, and observation, and a sense of beauty. What might an essay look like?

Changes in nature with the arrival of autumn

Golden autumn has arrived. The sky became dimmer and there was a fresh smell in the air. Although it is still warm, it is no longer as warm as in summer. Everything suggests that nature, after a couple of months, will plunge into a serene winter sleep. The nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter. More and more often, flocks of migratory birds are visible in the sky, heading to warmer climes. Everything that happens evokes some sadness, because for some reason the quiet “dying” of nature always reminds us that human life is also finite.

What are the benefits of the season?

Despite this, many writers and artists looked forward to this time of year and openly admired it. Why? Quiet serenity, a riot of colors, unique aromas - all this attracted such masters as Pushkin, Levitan, Tyutchev. “The charm of the eyes” is what Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin called autumn. It’s hard to disagree with him, because autumn really is very beautiful. But what, besides beauty, can attract attention? Right now, when nature falls asleep, the most amazing dreams, fantasies and thoughts come to mind. Perhaps they are not as bright and positive as in the spring, but they are more philosophical and deep. For many, another autumn is a reason for action, life changes, because almost immediately it is followed by New Year. For others, autumn is an opportunity to reflect on everything that came before, analyze your life, delve into yourself, and correct something. Apparently, this is why descriptions in works of art always have a symbolic meaning.

What do we see outside the window?

There is so much to write about this time of year! The leaves on the trees turn from bright green to first pale, then gradually turn yellow. It is especially beautiful in the autumn forest where they grow different types trees. Then there is a sea of ​​colors: from bright yellow to dark brown. On the aspen trees, red trembling leaves are burning with thousands of lights, and on the maples there are carved bright stars, as if they had just fallen from the sky. It is very easy and pleasant to relax on a soft carpet of fallen leaves, which nature generously gives us. The sky is almost always gray, it seems to sink lower. But when it’s a clear day, the trees look even more beautiful against the blue sunny sky. (Don’t be afraid to overdo it with images and tropes, because describing autumn in an artistic style requires special sophistication of speech.)

The most beautiful autumn time is Indian summer. The air becomes even clearer, even cleaner. It seems that the world has suddenly awakened again, but this is only a short-term phenomenon. Therefore, in the Indian summer you definitely need to take walks in the air. A light breeze brings cobwebs that stick to your face, but for some reason it doesn’t bother you at all, on the contrary, it even seems pleasant.

And then the trees suddenly become almost naked. They seem so defenseless without their magnificent robes! Through birch groves, bare blackened fields, haystacks... It is especially pleasant to look at the changing panorama from the car window, to watch how one landscape gives way to another.

What do I like about autumn?

The description of the golden autumn should be completed with this paragraph. Of course, someone will say that autumn is dirty, damp and cold. However, if you think about it, you can certainly find a lot of advantages at this time of year. Some people like to walk, others like to draw autumn, harvest, prepare for winter... Their opinion expressed in the text gives it meaning, emotionality and evidence.

When writing an essay, you need to remember the following. The main thing is that the description of autumn in the artistic style is succinct and complete. Also, the text should be divided into meaningful segments (paragraphs).

Autumn nature inspired many creative people: writers, artists, musicians, sculptors. A miniature essay on the theme “Autumn” can describe not only the beauty of nature, but also mood characteristics associated with changing weather, as well as the impact of changing seasons on the life of forest animals and plants.

In contact with

Golden autumn time

With the onset of autumn, nature transforms. The trees are clothed in gold, purple, and crimson robes. The sky becomes faded, but still remains warm, thanks to the glow of the last rays of the setting sun. But it is precisely these colors that give autumn its unique beauty, special atmosphere and mood.

This time of year is the season of harvesting from fields and vegetable gardens. This is another reason to consider it a truly golden time, because in ancient times food was literally worth its weight in gold.

Essay on the theme “Autumn”

The beginning of autumn is the most beautiful and bewitching time. She creates a special mood: both solemn and sad.

The riot of colors amazes the imagination, but it is so fleeting. Because we know it won't last long. The trees will shed their variegated leaves and soon a harsh winter will begin.

The middle of the season is accompanied by long, heavy rains, the days gradually shorten and the length of the night increases. Last golden leaves fall from the trees.

The end of this time of year is gloomy and frosty. Fallen golden, crimson, brown foliage is bound by frost. But this does not prevent autumn from retaining its charm and sad charm.

Important! Remember that the nature of early and late is sometimes different, so the narrative may contain a variety of descriptions. For students junior classes It is recommended to write an essay on the topic “Golden Autumn”, and for high school students it is better to touch upon the relationship between mood and autumn weather.

The smell of autumn

Autumn is an amazing time. Everything about it is special: nature, weather, atmosphere, and even creates some special mood. Emotional condition man also changes along with nature.

The smell of autumn is special. It smells of fallen, rotting leaves, soil damp from heavy rains, wet asphalt. But at the same time its scent is fresh, invigorating and frosty.

How to write an argumentative essay correctly

Firstly, it is worth paying special attention to describing the features of this time of year:

  • How does nature and human life change?
  • Autumn mood, what is it like?
  • You can refer to the narrative in an artistic style, give examples from literature.

Secondly, you should use stable phrases epithets and:

  • leaden clouds;
  • gold, amber, crystal;
  • beauty-autumn;
  • a harsh, weeping, dull, long, hard, ringing, red, deep, gloomy, severe, stormy, fiery, flowery, painted, damp, dark, warm, icy, wonderful, transparent, vigorous, dreary autumn has arrived, etc.

Using these simple tips, you can compose a beautiful and accurate text dedicated to describing this amazing, wonderful time of year. It is quite easy to write an essay on the theme of autumn, since you can choose any narrative.


Why is autumn considered the most interesting, unique time of the year? This question is easy to answer by looking out the window in the autumn era.

What will we see on the other side of the glass? Beautiful, amazing combination of bright colors and colors, a heavy, cloudy, faceless sky, which look so harmonious and balanced together.

We will see people who are engaged in agriculture. What a rich harvest they reaped! Fruits and vegetables picked from the garden add even more color to the fall landscape.

Another one distinguishing feature dull and motley season - migratory birds. They gather in large and small flocks and fly away to spend the winter in warmer climes.

After the birds have left our region and the last leaves have fallen from the trees, winter is just around the corner.

Description of trees

Everything is beautiful here, especially the autumn nature. Trees are transforming, the color of the foliage changes. The leaves acquire a thick, deep, bright shade: light green, yellow, orange, burgundy, marsh, brown.

What a pity that this beauty is short-lived, because leaves need sunlight. Meanwhile, the days are getting shorter and shorter, so the leaves from the trees will soon fall off. After the branches are completely exposed, it will become completely dreary and sad.

Attention! Descriptions of trees are an integral part of a descriptive essay or an autumn-themed essay.

Autumn mood

In autumn, everything changes, even your mood. When the “Indian summer” lasts, the soul rejoices in the last hot days. Life is easy and serene, we are overwhelmed with positive emotions.

When the weather starts to get colder, we feel a little dreary and sad. beauty nature is slowly fading away. You look at this sad landscape, and you yourself involuntarily indulge in gloomy thoughts.

We can conclude that autumn nature affects a person’s mood.

It is better to write a text-argument on this topic. Description of autumn in artistic style more conveys the beauty of the surrounding landscape.

Description in artistic style

Autumn is impressionable and amazing time year, so it attracts the attention of creative figures.

For Alexander Pushkin, this season appears as a “sad time”, for Boris Pasternak - “ a fairy-tale palace, open for everyone to see”, Alexey Pleshcheev has a “boring picture”. Ivan Bunin admired the beauty of the autumn forest: “The forest looks like a tower, painted, lilac, gold, crimson, a cheerful, motley wall stands above a bright clearing.”

There are many paintings that depict delightful autumn nature. These are paintings by Polenov and other authors. This season - the most wonderful time. She deserves to be dedicated to the most beautiful works of art in the world.

How to write an essay

Essay on the topic: “Autumn in the forest”


We can conclude that autumn is the most amazing, bewitching, stunning and enchanting time of the year. This season is special: cozy, making you think about something deep, eternal. It is also worth noting the extraordinary beauty of fading nature. Description text “autumn is an amazing time of year” you can write for a short time , inspired by the landscape outside the window, a beautiful painting or photograph.

An essay about "Autumn has come"

Autumn has come. The sun still warms almost like summer, trying to give away the last unspent heat. On blue and clear sky There are almost no clouds yet. Only the wind became colder and harsher, reminding us that it was already September. Among the bright greenery, the first harbingers of autumn are noticeable: yellow and red leaves. Soon they will fall from the trees and cover all roads and paths.

Essay on the theme “Autumn”

Autumn is the time of farewell to warmth and the arrival of cold weather. The days are getting shorter, the nights are getting longer, and this is becoming more noticeable with each new day. The sun appears on the horizon later and later, and sets earlier, and day after day it warms less and less. The temperature on the thermometer outside the window slowly drops, and in the evenings it becomes noticeably colder.

It's here Golden autumn. The most beautiful and picturesque time of the year. Autumn loves yellow, red, orange colors, and how she loves to sprinkle everything with gold. You come to a birch grove and you can’t take your eyes off, everything is in gold. There are gold coins hanging on the birch trees instead of leaves, and it seems that with just one breath of wind they will immediately begin to ring.

Essay on the topic “Autumn time”

Autumn- the most beautiful time of the year. No wonder Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin had autumn as his favorite time of the year. One cannot help but admire the beauty that autumn nature gives us. How beautiful it is in the forest in autumn! Sometimes words are simply not enough to describe all this splendor; only an artist can convey the autumn landscape.

Essay on the theme “Golden Autumn”

The fun summer is over. September became the rightful owner. It becomes unusually cold in the morning and at night. Only during the day the sun is still warm, trying to remind us of summer. After exhausting long labor, the fields are resting. The golden gardens have already given their owners their harvest. The cool breeze of autumn can be felt everywhere. Low clouds began to appear more and more often in the gray sky. It's raining lightly.

An essay about "Why I like autumn"

Autumn, autumn is coming...Wonderful and wonderful time. The sun no longer burns mercilessly from morning to evening, as in summer, and does not yet hide behind dense gray clouds, as it will in winter. It generously and gently warms, caressing every cell, it seems to ring in the sky with a million bells and scatters its tenderness and warmth. Go, people and animals, blades of grass and flowers, birds and trees, catch its lovely rays, bathe in them, rejoice, smile.

An essay about "Autumn" for grades 2, 3, 4

Option 1. Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees turned yellow. Soon they will begin to fall to the ground.
Yesterday my mother and I walked through the autumn park. It's sunny and quiet there. The birds don't sing anymore. They are preparing to fly to warmer climes.

Option 2. On the first day of autumn we went to school. The days are fine. Every day I return from school and enjoy the autumn sun.
The autumn rains will come soon. It will get cold. Now the foliage on the trees is golden. But soon it will wither and fall off.

An essay about "Autumn in Odessa"

I live in Odessa. This is a very cozy and nice city. Here it has reached us autumn. The trees gradually began to dress in yellow, orange and red clothes.

Our autumn is very warm, but this year it is even warmer than before. You can still swim in the sea. The sun shines not so intensely, but still quite often. I was always surprised that in the fall we sometimes don’t even need to wear jackets and coats, while in all other cities to the north everyone bundles up, feeling winter is approaching. It’s very nice to walk among the trees now, when everything around is so colorful and bright. I love my city, it is like a whole world for me in which I can enjoy life. Autumn gives Odessa even greater grace and beauty. We can say that autumn is coming to my city.

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