Who is an educated person and what can he do. Essays on the Russian language and literature

MMMM Class material Material for class hour in 7 classes. The purpose of the class hour: To introduce students to a short set of rules for human behavior. Assess the level of knowledge of students in the field of education. Formation of universal norms of morality among students (kindness, mutual understanding, tolerance towards people) Raising the level of upbringing



Subject: What does it mean to be educated?

Prepared by a math teacher

MBOU secondary school No. 1 with. Iglino

Kamaletdinova F.R.

An educated person is one who

own courtesy not only

Familiar and easy, but also pleasant.

D. S. Likhachev


1. Introduce students to a short set of rules for human behavior.

2. Assess the level of knowledge of students in the field of education.

3. Formation of universal norms of morality among students (kindness, mutual understanding, tolerance towards people)

  1. Increasing the level of upbringing
  1. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

Today we will talk about upbringing and the topic of our class hour is “What does it mean to be educated?”

Read the epigraph, which will be the motto of our lesson. ( slide 2)

Yes, today we must answer this question: “What does it mean to be educated?” and develop rules of conduct for themselves.

Why do you think it is necessary to follow the rules of behavior, to be cultured, educated? Maybe it's easier and better to live without them?

2. Main part of the lesson

There are thousands of situations in life that no - even the most complete - set of rules of conduct can foresee. And then the only right decision will prompt education.What kind of person can be called educated?


He will not tolerate arrogance or rudeness.

He will establish positive qualities in a person - tolerance, unobtrusiveness, simplicity, delicacy, understanding. Etc.

Teacher :

Where do these qualities come from?


Education from childhood.

With the help of adults.

Observe people whose behavior you like. Etc.

Teacher :

But if we distinguish well-mannered people, is it not possible to learn something from them? What is needed for this, let's think together:

Students : 1) you need to know how you would like to be,

2) we need to know what we are.

3) how to bridge the gap between the second and the first.

Teacher :

“Know thyself,” said the ancient Greeks and believed that this was the most difficult thing in the world.

To achieve this, there are several tricks that the guys will tell us about.

(They were given topics in advance to prepare for the event).

student1 : Self-observation.

It is necessary, as it were, to split in two: you live and do everything as usual, and at the same time you observe yourself from the side through the eyes of another person. For example: you have lunch: while your grandmother is pouring soup, you sit and wait, you do not help her;

or scratched your head;

Or touched your nose;

Or they took out a bay leaf and put it on the table;

They bent low over the plate; etc.

Next time the goals will be different.

How do I talk to people?

How do I say hello?

To whom and how do I provide services?

How do I stay away?

Note all your shortcomings and try not to do them.

Teacher : Of course, you need to notice all your shortcomings, but you also need to see the good.

Student 2: Self-esteem.

It is already clear that it is necessary not only to take care of yourself, but also to give yourself an honest assessment, without any discounts. You can in the evening, when you go to bed, remember how the day went, what you noticed behind you, and directly say to yourself: this is bad, but here things are fine. You can keep a diary of your impressions, it also helps, just don't let anyone read it.

Teacher: Right. After all, no one can read our thoughts in the mind, so we have no one to be ashamed of, analyzing our actions.

Student3. Study other people's opinions.

No matter how honestly you try to evaluate yourself, there is always a danger of making a mistake. Much is much better seen from the outside. Therefore, it is very important to know what others think of you.

Teacher : There is a game that even adults play, let's play it too.Here is a list of qualities: educated, kind, affectionate, calm, patient. Put yourself on pieces of paper in front of all these character traits an assessment.

The students are writing.

Teacher: Now exchange sheets with a neighbor and rate the neighbor for the same qualities.

Look: the scores matched? Probably not. We must think!

3 . Conclusion What should be well-mannered person

Now that we've exchanged views, let's summarize:What basic rules should a well-mannered person follow? slide 3)

  1. Be precise and accurate;
  2. Do not vent evil on others;
  3. Do not interrupt the interlocutor;
  4. Do not raise your voice;
  5. On a visit to behave decently;
  6. Don't forget to give thanks.

What do you call a person who follows these rules? (Educated, cultured).

What character traits show a person's upbringing?

4 . The game "Take - do not take" (slide 4)

Guys, I will give you a list where the main character traits of a person are written, and you will note who chooses which character traits for themselves.


  1. Indifference, gratitude;
  2. Good manners, politeness, grouchiness;
  3. Coarseness;
  4. Greed;
  5. Anger;
  6. Impudence;
  7. Modesty, empathy;
  8. Tact;
  9. Generosity;
  10. Sneaking.

Now tell me who chose what, and from your words we will make a flower, the petals of which are the best character traits that an educated person has.(slide 5), (slide 6)

5 . Summing up(slide 7)

“Good manners cannot be driven in, hammered into a person, it cannot be instilled, pinned down, it cannot be forcibly pulled on a person.

This is a quality that grows from within as a result of a person’s own work on himself.».

The results of the lesson are summed up by the students, pronouncing the main thoughts that were voiced in the lesson: (slide 8)

◄ be well-mannered:

◄ this should be strived for;

◄ need to work on it,

◄ You need to practice self-improvement.

Each of your actions is reflected in other people, do not forget that there is a person next to you.

I give you as a keepsake the rules that we discussed today. Don't forget to complete them!

Don't forget to thank each other!

Therefore, I also thank you for your active work, be well-mannered, kind, smart!


to extracurricular activities

"What does it mean to be an educated person"


Vdovichenko N.N.

What does "educated person" mean?

Education is the assimilation of good habits.


– How will you answer this question?

AT explanatory dictionary It is said that "well-mannered is one who knows how to behave well."

Who do we consider educated? Maybe someone with a higher education?

Life shows that it is impossible for everyone educated person consider educated. Education in itself does not predetermine upbringing, although it creates favorable conditions for this.

An educated person has sufficient tact, he knows how to behave in society, he has good manners. An educated person is not difficult to recognize at a glance. His appearance speaks for itself: he does not get lost in an unfamiliar society, knows how to sit at the table, eat beautifully and neatly. But good manners are not only about good manners. It is something deep and essential in a person. This "something" is an internal culture and intelligence, the basis of which is cordiality and respect for another person.

Example (memories of the People's Artist of the USSR):

“It seems to me that the actor of the Art Theater Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov is the standard of such qualities. He walked along the street - and then you admire. Both modestly and festively ... He certainly remembered all the names and patronymics of the people he met. He organically respected people and was always interested in them. With him, every woman felt attractive, a gentle creature, worthy of care. The man felt smart and very much needed by him (Kachalov) at the moment. Vasily Ivanovich, as it were, "absorbed" other people's lives, faces, characters, and he was among people like a holiday, like human beauty and nobility.

In this regard, I would like to recall such a personality trait as charm. A charming person has an attractive power, he is always friendly, prudent, his smile is bright and natural, meeting and talking with him is a pleasure. And to be educated means to be attentive to another, delicate, tactful, not petty.

Example. In a letter to his brother Nikolai, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov writes what conditions, in his opinion, educated people should satisfy. We think it is useful for us to listen to his words: “They respect human personality, and therefore they are always indulgent, soft, polite, compliant ... They do not rebel because of a hammer or a missing rubber band; living with someone, they do not do a favor out of this, and when they leave, they do not say: “It is impossible to live with you!” They forgive noise, and cold, and overcooked meat, and sharpness, and the presence of strangers in their homes ...

They are sincere and afraid of lies, like fire. They do not lie even in trifles. A lie is offensive to the listener and vulgarizes the speaker in his eyes. They do not show off, they behave in the street just as they do at home, they do not throw dust in the eyes of the smaller brethren. They are not talkative and do not climb with frankness when they are not asked ...

They do not humble themselves in order to arouse sympathy in another. They do not play on the strings of someone else's soul, so that in response they sigh and coddle with them. They don’t say: “They don’t understand me!” because all this has a cheap effect, it’s vulgar, old, false ...

They are not busy. They are not interested in such fake diamonds as acquaintance with celebrities ... Doing business for a penny, they do not rush with their stick for a hundred rubles and do not brag about the fact that they were allowed to go where others were not allowed to ... ”

Conclusion: genuine good breeding and culture cannot be combined with lordly arrogance.

Cynicism is completely incompatible with the concept of a well-mannered person - impudent, shameless behavior, imbued with contempt for people. Cynicism is a deep manifestation of bad manners, the absence of a true inner culture, disrespect for people and society.

“Cynicism is dangerous, first of all, because it raises malice into virtue” (Andre Morois, French writer).

People with cynical behavior are able not to create, but to destroy, not to respect, but to humiliate the people around them; and most importantly, they do not feel their own responsibility for anything.

- What is the main quality that distinguishes a well-mannered person from an uneducated person?

Attitude towards people, attention to them, respect for their individuality.

Each person experiences and perceives in their own way. the world, he has his own characteristics of memory, thinking, attention, he has a peculiar imagination, his own interests, needs, sympathies, affections, mood characteristics, greater or lesser strength of emotional experiences, strong or weak will, "easy" or "difficult" character, his own life experience, his observations, his disappointments, sorrows and joys, habits, and finally, his own destiny. What a wealth - the inner world of man!

There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Their fates are like planetary histories:

Each has everything special, its own,

And there are no planets like it.

E . Yevtushenko

How important it is to understand and constantly remember that not only I have such a complex inner world, but also each of the people around me. And if the person who is next to me is different from me, this does not mean that he is worse than me. He is just different, and you need to respect this other person with his individual features, with its strengths and weaknesses. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that the other person is an independent person who determines his own behavior. Therefore, goading, rudeness, pulling back, commanding tone, etc., are incompatible with the concept of a "well-mannered person."

An educated person not only knows how to understand himself, his desires, opportunities, actions, but also knows how to understand the people around him, take into account and respect their interests, desires, tastes, habits, moods, sincerely respond to their feelings and experiences.

Example. “It also happens,” writes the writer S. Shurtakov, “whether on the road, in a distant village, you meet a new person, an unfamiliar one; you will look at a person: he is both handsome in appearance, and it is interesting to talk with him, and smart, and in general, as they used to say in the old days, all the land is in him. However, you talked with your new acquaintance, got to know him better, shook his hand in parting and said “goodbye”, but you just feel, you understand: if this meeting does not happen, you won’t be very upset, you won’t be sad. A man remained in your eyes, but not in your heart, nothing touched him, none of all the interesting conversations resonated in him.

Indeed, how each of us would like to meet in the interlocutor the consonance of thoughts, feelings, moods. We are grateful to those people who sympathetically listen to us, try to understand what interests us and excites us. We often do not need specific advice, but we need to “speak out” in the presence of a person whose goodwill we feel in ourselves. What about feedback?

But other people expect the same from us! They hope for understanding and interest in them from our side. And to understand the characteristics of a person is not so easy. We often explain the actions, moods, and attitudes of others in terms of our own ideas about their causes. It must be said that good man in the actions and attitudes of people usually sees good motives. And bad is bad.

A good person is usually trusting. In his relations with people, he proceeds from the idea that everyone is kind, honest, decent, and is very surprised and upset when he does not find these qualities in someone. Bad person suspicious, he sees in everyone a swindler, a careerist, he explains any luck of another person by the cunning of that, flattery, deceit; and it is very difficult to convince him of the decency of this person.

In general, the ability to understand the most essential features of another person, to determine the true meaning of his actions, moods, differences in assessments and ideas that arise in people, indicates a fairly high cultural development of a person.

A cultured, educated person, first of all, takes care not to humiliate the dignity of another person.

I would like to draw attention to one more quality that we are embarrassed to talk about out loud, which many, unfortunately, consider old-fashioned. This is nobility.

True nobility is to come to the aid of a person, no matter what adverse circumstances and consequences accompany this. This quality is associated with a person's ability to sympathize, empathize, sympathize, contribute - a sign of the spiritual maturity of the individual.

Nobility is the high morality of a person, combined with selflessness and honesty.

We sometimes have happy moments of meeting a noble person, but these moments are very rare. Why? Probably because there are really very few noble and truly cultured people in the life.

Well, what about ourselves? For some reason, we dare to demand nobility and generosity, sympathy and understanding, forgiveness and help from other people in relation to us. What about yourself? Let's ask ourselves a few questions and try to answer them.

What is the most important thing for us - "to be" or "to seem"? Are we interested in people on their own, outside of their position, place of work and material opportunities? Do we respect others or are we just pretending? Do we love anyone but ourselves? In other words, what are our innermost, most intimate needs, desires, and values?

No matter how we answer these questions, our words, actions, deeds and attitudes betray us.

The great I. Goethe wrote that "behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his true appearance."


The following phrases became quite natural for us: “He is a well-mannered person”, “She is just a boorish woman”, etc. But often we ourselves find it difficult to determine what we mean by the term “educated person”. And, by the way, it would be nice to know what exactly makes up good breeding, if only in order to be exactly the way others want to see us.

What does "educated person" mean?

Education is the assimilation of good habits.


How will you answer this question?

The explanatory dictionary says that "an educated person is one who knows how to behave well."

Who do we consider educated? Maybe someone with a higher education?

Life shows that every educated person cannot be considered educated. Education in itself does not predetermine upbringing, although it creates favorable conditions for this.

An educated person has sufficient tact, he knows how to behave in society, he has good manners. An educated person is not difficult to recognize at a glance. His appearance speaks for itself: he does not get lost in an unfamiliar society, knows how to sit at the table, eat beautifully and neatly. But good manners are not only about good manners. It is something deep and essential in a person. This "something" is an internal culture and intelligence, the basis of which is cordiality and respect for another person.

Example (memories of the People's Artist of the USSR):

“It seems to me that the actor of the Art Theater Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov is the standard of such qualities. He walked along the street - and then you will admire it. Both modestly and festively ... He certainly remembered all the names and patronymics of the people he met. He organically respected people and was always interested in them. With him, every woman felt attractive, a gentle creature, worthy of care. The man felt smart and very much needed by him (Kachalov) at the moment. Vasily Ivanovich, as it were, "absorbed" other people's lives, faces, characters, and he was among people like a holiday, like human beauty and nobility.

In this regard, I would like to recall such a personality trait as charm. A charming person has an attractive power, he is always friendly, prudent, his smile is bright and natural, meeting and talking with him is a pleasure. And to be educated means to be attentive to another, delicate, tactful, not petty.

Example. In a letter to his brother Nikolai, Anton Pavlovich Chekhov writes what conditions, in his opinion, educated people should satisfy. We think it is useful for us to listen to his words: “They respect the human personality, and therefore they are always condescending, gentle, polite, compliant ... They do not rebel because of a hammer or a missing rubber band; living with someone, they do not do a favor out of this, and when they leave, they do not say: “It is impossible to live with you!” They forgive noise, and cold, and overcooked meat, and sharpness, and the presence of strangers in their homes ...

They are sincere and afraid of lies, like fire. They do not lie even in trifles. A lie is offensive to the listener and vulgarizes the speaker in his eyes. They do not show off, they behave in the street just as they do at home, they do not throw dust in the eyes of the smaller brethren. They are not talkative and do not climb with frankness when they are not asked ...

They do not humble themselves in order to arouse sympathy in another. They do not play on the strings of someone else's soul, so that in response they sigh and coddle with them. They don’t say: “They don’t understand me!” because all this has a cheap effect, it’s vulgar, old, false ...

They are not busy. They are not interested in such fake diamonds as acquaintance with celebrities ... Doing business for a penny, they do not rush with their stick for a hundred rubles and do not brag about the fact that they were allowed to go where others were not allowed to ... ”

Conclusion: genuine good breeding and culture cannot be combined with lordly arrogance.

Cynicism is completely incompatible with the concept of an educated person - impudent, shameless behavior, imbued with contempt for people. Cynicism is a deep manifestation of bad manners, the absence of a true inner culture, disrespect for people and society.

“Cynicism is dangerous, first of all, because it raises malice into virtue” (Andre Morois, French writer).

People with cynical behavior are able not to create, but to destroy, not to respect, but to humiliate the people around them; and most importantly - they never feel their own responsibility.

What is the main quality that distinguishes an educated person from an uneducated person?

Attitude towards people, attention to them, respect for their individuality.

Each person feels and perceives the world around him in his own way, he has his own peculiarities of memory, thinking, attention, he has a peculiar imagination, his own interests, needs, sympathies, attachments, mood characteristics, greater or lesser strength of emotional experiences, strong or weak will, “easy” or “difficult” character, he has his own life experience, his own observations, his own disappointments, sorrows and joys, habits, and finally, his own destiny. What a wealth - the inner world of man!

There are no uninteresting people in the world.

Their destinies are like planetary histories:

Each has everything special, its own,

And there are no planets like it.

E. Evtushenko

How important it is to understand and constantly remember that not only I have such a complex inner world, but also each of the people around me. And if the person who is next to me is different from me, this does not mean that he is worse than me. He is just different, and you need to respect this other person with his individual characteristics, with his strengths and weaknesses. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that the other person is an independent person who determines his own behavior. Therefore, goading, rudeness, pulling back, commanding tone, etc., are incompatible with the concept of a "well-mannered person."

An educated person not only knows how to understand himself, his desires, opportunities, actions, but also knows how to understand the people around him, take into account and respect their interests, desires, tastes, habits, moods, sincerely respond to their feelings and experiences.

Example. “It also happens,” writes the writer S. Shurtakov, “whether on the road, in a distant village, you meet a new person, an unfamiliar one; you will look at a person: he is both handsome in appearance, and it is interesting to talk with him, and smart, and in general, as they used to say in the old days, all the land is in him. However, you talked with your new acquaintance, got to know him better, shook his hand in parting and said “goodbye”, but you only feel, you understand: if this meeting does not happen, you won’t be very upset, you won’t be sad. A man remained in your eyes, but not in your heart, nothing touched him, none of all the interesting conversations resonated in him.

Indeed, how each of us would like to meet in the interlocutor the consonance of thoughts, feelings, moods. We are grateful to those people who sympathetically listen to us, try to understand what interests us and excites us. We often do not need specific advice, but we need to “speak out” in the presence of a person whose goodwill we feel in ourselves. What about feedback?

But other people expect the same from us! They hope for understanding and interest in them from our side. And to understand the characteristics of a person is not so easy. We often explain the actions, moods, and attitudes of others in terms of our own ideas about their causes. I must say that a good person usually sees good motives in the actions and attitudes of people. And bad - bad.

A good person is usually trusting. In his relations with people, he proceeds from the idea that everyone is kind, honest, decent, and is very surprised and upset when he does not find these qualities in someone. A bad person is suspicious, he sees in everyone a swindler, a careerist, he explains any luck of another person by cunning, flattery, deceit; and it is very difficult to convince him of the decency of this person.

In general, the ability to understand the most essential features of another person, to determine the true meaning of his actions, moods, differences in assessments and ideas that arise in people, indicates a fairly high cultural development of a person.

A cultured, educated person, first of all, takes care not to humiliate the dignity of another person.

I would like to draw attention to one more quality that we are embarrassed to talk about out loud, which many, unfortunately, consider old-fashioned. This is nobility.

True nobility is to come to the aid of a person, no matter what adverse circumstances and consequences accompany this. This quality is associated with a person's ability to sympathize, empathize, sympathize, contribute - a sign of the spiritual maturity of the individual.

Nobility is the high morality of a person, combined with selflessness and honesty.

We sometimes have happy moments of meeting a noble person, but these moments are very rare. Why? Probably because there are really very few noble and truly cultured people in the life.

Well, what about ourselves? For some reason, we dare to demand nobility and generosity, sympathy and understanding, forgiveness and help from other people in relation to us. What about yourself? Let's ask ourselves a few questions and try to answer them.

What is more important for us - "to be" or "to seem"? Are we interested in people on their own, outside of their position, place of work and material opportunities? Do we respect others or are we just pretending? Do we love anyone but ourselves? In other words, what are our innermost, most intimate needs, desires, and values?

No matter how we answer these questions, our words, actions, deeds and attitudes betray us.

The great I. Goethe wrote that "behavior is a mirror in which everyone shows his true appearance."


The following phrases became quite natural for us: “He is a well-mannered person”, “She is just a boorish woman”, etc. But often we ourselves find it difficult to determine what we mean by the term “educated person”. And, by the way, it would be nice to know what exactly makes up good breeding, if only in order to be exactly the way others want to see us.

Politeness. The ancient Greeks said that one must be very outstanding person to allow yourself to be impolite. It is politeness that softens morals, prevents quarrels, pacifies irritation and hatred, forces restraint, and contributes to the emergence of love and respect. Politeness can be learned, but there is also an innate politeness that comes from the heart, and not from education.

Politeness rules prohibit:

To enter an official institution in a hat (for men) and talk loudly (for both sexes);

Make noise, disturb and annoy others;

Criticize someone's religious beliefs;

To humiliate someone's nationality;

Laugh at the mistakes and blunders of other people;

Give the interlocutor aloud offensive epithets;

Send a letter or a gift to the return address;

In a disrespectful tone, speak about the relatives of the interlocutor;

Mangle surnames and names;

Open someone else's bag, look into it if it is open, examine the contents of other people's pockets;

Arbitrarily pull out the drawers of someone else's desk and shift their contents both at work and at home, as well as open someone else's closet, sideboard, pantry.

Tact. Tact is the moral intuition of an educated person, as if prompting him the most correct approach, the most subtle, delicate, cautious line of behavior in relation to others.

Tact implies in us tolerance, generosity, attention and deep respect for inner world other people, a sincere desire and ability to understand them, to feel what can bring them joy, and what can upset them. Tact is a sense of proportion that should be observed in a conversation, in any relationship with people, the ability not to cross the line, behind which there is always an insult to the interlocutor. Tact also involves the ability to timely determine the reaction of the interlocutor to our words or actions and in necessary cases- self-criticism and the ability to apologize in time for a mistake.

Tact does not negate integrity, directness, honesty, and the rules of tactful behavior are far from the first in the moral code. But very often it is the lack of tact that hurts people close to us.

Punctuality. It is she who testifies to good manners. Only the serious reason may excuse the delay. Deliberately making yourself wait (even for young ladies invited on a first date) is impolite.

Modesty. A modest person never strives to show himself better, more capable, smarter than others, does not emphasize his superiority over them, does not talk about his qualities, does not require any privileges, special services, amenities.

However, modesty is not timidity or shyness. Usually truly humble people in critical situations are much stronger than others in upholding their principles.

Helpfulness. It is a virtue as long as it does not become an obsession. It is best to make it a rule to provide services only when you are asked to do so. If you are approached with a request that you are not able to fulfill, it is better to refuse immediately than to give a word and not keep it.

Good manners.“The one who embarrasses the fewest people has good manners,” said Jonathan Swift.

Not accepted in society:

Put yourself and your clothes in order, straighten your tie, hairdo, clean your nails;

Combing your hair and generally touching your hair;

Use the nail of the little finger as a toothpick;

Snap your knuckles;

Rub your hands;

Pull up clothes;

Constantly “purring” something under your breath;

Stormy manifestations, insulting, rude words reveal their anger and indignation.

Now look at your behavior and think about how polite you are.

How often do you hear people think about what it means to be educated these days? Our society has made progress in many ways, the standard of living has become better. But despite this, you often observe that many simply have not been taught the elementary norms of behavior. But the real adornment of a person is not gold and diamonds, but his words and behavior.

It's nice to hear from others that your opinion will be heard, it means a lot and everyone considers you a well-mannered person, this is the best praise. But how does one form such an idea of ​​the surrounding people? Maybe, having received a diploma, any of us immediately automatically become educated and cultured? And is upbringing important in our society, or is a decent education still the main thing?

A well-mannered person has good manners, which are rooted deep in his mind. His behavior will remain the same, no matter the circumstances. Some may restrain themselves while they are in plain sight with strangers, but may be rude to loved ones when no one is watching.

  • In an educated person, intelligence is rooted inside.
  • It’s nice to be around well-mannered people, outwardly these charming people.
  • Their words will not be rude, tactless, they behave delicately with others.
  • They treat others with respect, causing mutual respect.
  • An educated person does not attract all the attention to himself, leaving others in the shadows, not allowing others to say a word. Such a person knows how to listen without interrupting.

But what does it mean to be educated from birth? It is especially important for the younger generation to see examples of such behavior and learn from them, but much depends on the parents. If mom and dad do not themselves possess such qualities, do not consider them important, it is unlikely that their children will grow up well-mannered. If children are not taught to give up their seats to elders in transport, or they can speak disrespectfully to elders, and their parents do not react to this, they will grow up rude and behave in a boorish way. Parents are the teachers from whom the child learns the most and the main responsibility in matters of education lies with them.

Observing how adults behave in different situations, what kind of relationship between mom and dad and other family members, how labor is valued in the family, the child absorbs this and he develops certain behaviors. It is important how adults talk to children, in what tone. If mom explains everything with a cry, what will these words mean: well-behaved child can't look intimidated. After all, good breeding is the ability to conduct a dialogue, unobtrusively, respecting the opinions of others, even if it is just a baby. You can speak Right words, but in such a tone that no one wants to listen to them.

Paying attention to external things, beautiful clothes, hairstyles, let's also remember the main human qualities that make us human. Of course, a well-mannered person will look civilized and neat in appearance, without losing moral qualities. And it is also important that these qualities will help you to be happy yourself.

This is the one who mastered it to perfection. Thanks to good manners, one can establish favorable relations with society, which significantly increases the comfort of life for each individual.

Distinctive features

This is a person who uses in conversation expressions, intonation and tone, conducive to benevolent communication. Gestures, gait, facial expressions also play an important role. You should be moderately modest, but not squeezed and secretive. When giving a word, you need to be responsible for it, keep your promises, because you need not only to make a good impression, but also to consolidate it, to maintain it for a long time.

The qualities of a well-mannered person help him to communicate with others tactfully. There are specific instructions and tips, thanks to which you can get a fairly clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe framework of etiquette, being in which, you will be considered a pleasant conversationalist and a welcome guest in any company.

Proper Communication

To begin with, you should not speak too loudly and use rude language, because your goal is not to outshout your opponent. If you have a dispute with someone, you should completely rely on logic and reasoning own position. An educated person is a person who is able to assert himself through calm confidence in his own arguments, and not through emotional pressure on a competitor. Gestures should be calm and smooth, you should not make excessively abrupt movements, they usually do not leave the most pleasant impression.

In fact, the people around you want to tune in to a wave of peace and harmony, deep down they will not forgive you if you want to break this state. In addition to the fact that you should not interfere with the rest of the world, you should also think about yourself. Take care of your wardrobe. It is not necessary to dress in the latest fashion in the latest fashions from the most expensive brands, but a well-mannered person should at least control the cleanliness and neatness of his own clothes. There is nothing difficult in putting on only clean clothes, ironing them before putting them on, and cleaning your shoes.

The Importance of Self-Control

Life does not always flow according to the scenario that we draw in our imagination. Sometimes it drives us into a dead end, causes stress, makes us leave the comfort zone, but even then we should not lose our composure, attributing everything to circumstances.

What kind of person is called educated? Perhaps the one who, having stepped on a cat in a dark corridor, calls it a cat. That is, good manners should not be a mask for you, with which you are trying to ingratiate yourself with others. They should become a norm, a habit, the only acceptable way of communication.

Even if you didn’t share something with someone, your opinions differed from someone else’s in a dialogue, you are faced with a complete unwillingness to take into account your arguments, you should not lose control. In such situations, the best adviser is the voice of reason, as well as previously learned ones that will help not lead the situation into an even greater impasse.

The rules of a well-mannered person exclude the manifestation of ill will towards other people. We can say that you have a different point of view, but in no case do not get personal. It is enough to conclude that you are not on the way, and disperse without going into further details.

Show respect and courtesy

Respect in society must be earned and, most importantly, not lost in the future. What kind of person is called educated? Someone who is always ready to listen attentively to anyone who turns to him for advice or in any case not to show obvious disdain. Sometimes it's difficult.

Everyone has situations when they have neither the time nor the desire to communicate with a particular person. At such moments, it is very important to deviate from the conversation tactfully so that the interlocutor does not have an unpleasant aftertaste in his soul.

To be able to follow your interests, while not offending others, is a great art worthy of understanding and mastering, because it greatly simplifies life and opens up many opportunities.

Do not be humiliated and do not impose

You can also consider the opposite situation, when you need something, but they no longer want to communicate with you, for lack of the same free time or a banal craving for this. An educated person is one who will not impose himself and put his own interests at the forefront. You can only offer your own society.

There is nothing shameful in asking others for a favor, but it will be true tactlessness to extort her, blame her for indifference, and so on. In essence, blaming other people is a lack of tact. In fact, such people blame others for what they themselves sin a lot.

If you try to achieve what you want with such methods, you can fall very low in the eyes of others, and then it will be very difficult to return a positive impression about yourself.

Improving the social life of the individual

Thanks to the rules of etiquette, you can get an idea of ​​how you should behave so that there are no awkward situations and conflicts with other individuals. In general terms, they imply respect and benevolence during communication. At the same time, the social position or position of the interlocutor should not play a significant role. Everyone is equally worthy to be treated properly.

Within the framework of humanism, it is believed that every human creation is originally pure. Etiquette helps not to lose this Inner Light, maintain it in yourself and take care of the well-being of others.

Man is a creature for whom life in a society of his own kind is considered optimal. We are all intimately connected. When you offend someone, you are dishonoring yourself. This is never done by a man whose upbringing and manners will not allow such a stoop.

By maintaining friendly relations with other people, a person ensures his own peace. By respecting others, you put yourself high. Those who assert themselves through rudeness and humiliation tend to have low self-esteem and do not consider themselves important.

Conversely, individuals who show a respectful attitude towards those who are nearby feel quite confident and comfortable in society. The choice is yours.

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