Everyone knows that the hour hand on the dial moves, but to see...: lea_sova - LiveJournal. Collection of ideal essays in social studies Assignment for independent work

getting married. (4) But we don’t feel how this happens. (5) Now a moment has come in our history when we see how the Russian language is changing. (6) And this cannot but frighten. (7) We so want at all costs to move away from the previous era of our life, to build new public relations, new economy that we would even like to have a new language. (8) Once they said “dissociate themselves”, now they say “distance themselves”, we are tired of the expression “to go crazy” - we say “the roof has gone crazy”. (9) Or they stopped liking the word “meeting”, they began to say “tusovka”. (10) The Russian language, according to A.S. Pushkin, “immature and sociable”, he easily accepts foreign words if they are needed. (11) And there is nothing wrong with this when everything is done in moderation. (12) And the measure is lost. (13) “Sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” appear in our speech. (14) Usually 20-30 words change a year, but now we have maybe 20 words a week. (15) In addition, it is important from what sources new words of the language appear. (16) Now, for example, there is a stream of words from rather dubious sources, in particular criminal jargon: “showdown”, “freebie”. (17) Many press outlets use “unprintable” words, which, by the way, are called that way because they do not need to be printed. (18) The “Russian language law” was discussed in the Duma for several years. (19) The law, of course, is needed. (20) But if we seriously talk about the law, then there must be a mechanism for punishment for its violation. (21) However, the proposal to create a philological police and establish fines for mistakes in the Russian language seems frivolous. (22) Whatever you say, the language is made by the people, and it is difficult to force them to obey administrative norms regarding language. (23) There have already been such futile attempts. (24) At one time, in the 19th, and even in the 20th century, it gave an exemplary language fiction. (25) If a person did not know how to speak correctly, then he opened Turgenev and found the answer there. (26) Now, of course, it is not fiction that shapes our linguistic taste. (27) The tone is now primarily set by television and radio. (28) This applies to the pronunciation of sounds, stress, and intonation. (29) And modern announcers like American intonation. (30) And young people begin to imitate them. (31) It happens that the leading God knows what he says and how he says it, but people like it. (32) This, of course, does not apply to all programs, channels, announcers, but many of them are subject to fashion. (33) We are now dissatisfied with the language, but here it is very important to figure out whether the language is to blame for this or something else. (34) After all, language is subject to the people who use it. (35) He adapts to the needs of society. (36) If in our society today there is a need to think about the future, about a strong family, about the happiness of children, then the language will go in this direction and will give us the means for this. (37) If the main thing for us is how to earn a million without working, sex, violence, drugs, then the language will turn here. (38) Why scold him? (39) It reflects the state of society. (40) So it’s not the language that needs to be corrected now. (According to V. Kostomarov)

Text No. 36 ( According to V. Kostomarov). Everyone knows that hour hand moves on the dial...

(1) Everyone knows that the hour hand on the dial moves, but it is impossible to see how it moves. (2) The same thing happens with language. (3) It changes. (4) But we don’t feel how this happens. (5) Now a moment has come in our history when we see how the Russian language is changing. (6) And this cannot but frighten. (7) We so want at all costs to move away from the previous era of our life, to build new social relations, a new economy, that we would even like to have a new language. (8) Once they said “dissociate themselves”, now they say “distance themselves”, we are tired of the expression “to go crazy” - we say “the roof has gone crazy”. (9) Or they stopped liking the word “meeting”, they began to say “tusovka”. (10) The Russian language, according to A.S. Pushkin, “immature and sociable”, he easily accepts foreign words if they are needed. (11) And there is nothing wrong with this when everything is done in moderation. (12) And the measure is lost. (13) “Sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” appear in our speech. (14) Usually 20-30 words change a year, but now we have maybe 20 words a week. (15) In addition, it is important from what sources new words of the language appear. (16) Now, for example, there is a stream of words from rather dubious sources, in particular criminal jargon: “showdown”, “freebie”. (17) Many press outlets use “unprintable” words, which, by the way, are called that way because they do not need to be printed. (18) The “Russian language law” was discussed in the Duma for several years. (19) The law, of course, is needed. (20) But if we seriously talk about the law, then there must be a mechanism for punishment for its violation. (21) However, the proposal to create a philological police and establish fines for mistakes in the Russian language seems frivolous. (22) Whatever you say, the language is made by the people, and it is difficult to force them to obey administrative norms regarding language. (23) There have already been such futile attempts. (24) At one time, in the 19th and 20th centuries, fiction provided an exemplary language. (25) If a person did not know how to speak correctly, then he opened Turgenev and found the answer there. (26) Now, of course, it is not fiction that shapes our linguistic taste. (27) The tone is now primarily set by television and radio. (28) This applies to the pronunciation of sounds, stress, and intonation. (29) And modern announcers like American intonation. (30) And young people begin to imitate them. (31) It happens that the leading God knows what he says and how he says it, but people like it. (32) This, of course, does not apply to all programs, channels, and announcers, but many of them are subject to fashion. (33) We are now dissatisfied with the language, but it is very important to figure out whether the language is to blame for this or something else. (34) After all, language is subject to the people who use it. (35) He adapts to the needs of society. (36) If in our society today there is a need to think about the future, about a strong family, about the happiness of children, then the language will go in this direction and will give us the means for this. (37) If the main thing for us is how to earn a million without working, sex, violence, drugs, then the language will turn here. (38) Why scold him? (39) It reflects the state of society. (40) So it’s not the language that needs to be corrected now.

(According to V. Kostomarov)

“...An article by the famous linguist V.G. Kostomarov is dedicated not to linguistics itself, but rather social problems. The author's task is to provide an explanation of certain phenomena and their assessment. At the same time, V.G. Kostomarov often resorts to introductory words expressing his attitude to the problem. An important role is played by such a technique as _____ (for example, in sentences 36 - 37), and the trope - _____ (in sentences 1 - 4). The following help to express the author’s assessment of phenomena: lexical means, How _____ (“sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” in sentence 13), _____ (“whatever you say”, “God knows what” ), a rhetorical question and others".

List of terms:






comparative turnover




colloquial words and phraseological units


borrowed words




a rhetorical question


syntactic parallelism


Task 1. Read the text.

Each of us is connected with other people by a communication system. This dense network literally permeates humanity. It is this that makes us one whole: we can exchange opinions not only with a neighbor, but also with residents of the other side of the globe, and at the same time it is not at all necessary to enter into direct contact.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys home information contained in the text?

1) The communication system permeates all human relationships.

2) B modern world You can communicate without coming into direct contact.

3) Humanity is perceived as a single whole thanks to a developed communication system.

4) A developed communication system unites humanity, allowing people to communicate directly with each other.

Task 2.

(1)... (2) The earliest image of a diver, discovered on Mesopotamian tombstones, dates back to the turn of the 5th and 4th millennia BC. e. (3) Approximately eight centuries younger are similar drawings preserved on the walls of tombs ancient greek city Thebes. (4) In the 5th century BC. e. The Athenians used divers at the siege of Syracuse. (5) Several decades later, the great Aristotle designed diving equipment in the form of a bell, with the help of which his no less great pupil Alexander the Great plunged into the Mediterranean waters: in this way he personally became acquainted with the underwater barriers of the Phoenician city of Tire, preparing to attack it from the sea. (6)... after successful underwater reconnaissance, the city was captured by the troops of the young tsar-commander.

Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in the gap in the sixth sentence?

1) Because 2) However 3) Despite this, 4) Soon

Task 4. In which word is the letter denoting stress highlighted correctly?


1) curved 3) created

2) positions 4) more beautiful

Task 5. In which sentence should you use RESIDENTIAL instead of the word HOUSING?

1) Many young families face a HOUSING problem.

2) This apartment building was built quite quickly.

3) The answer to the question about ownership of an apartment can be found in the HOUSING Code.

4) Living conditions the families were very unfavorable.

Task 6. Give an example with an error in the formation of the word form.

1) with fifty rubles 3) dried up

2) dress warmly 4) ripe apricots
Task 8. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?

1) designation, press, t...initive

2) to get rich...to...brown, to...dream

3) zap..h, g..rattling, hot...

4) region...boil, b..groovy, app...burning
Task 9. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?

1) to...take, pr...image, the best...

2) pr...gain, pr...bright, pr...growth

3) in..cherish, both...loved, ra...row

4) climb, from...skate, by...skate

Task 10. Which answer option contains all the words where the letter I is missing?

A. hi...

B. offended..to be offended

V. nostril...vaty

G. improve...

1) A, B, D 3) C, D "

2) A, B, C 4) A, D
Task 11. In which row is the letter I missing in both cases?

1) those who love to talk, passengers are dozing...t

2) a house under construction, needles prickling...

3) dyes, grasses creeping...

4) foaming waves, the neighbors will wake up
Task 12. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place the letter I is written?

An honest researcher (1) may, no matter what he (2) does, end up among the false scientists: he (3) will (4) deceive his colleagues, (5) distort facts.

1) 2, 4, 5 2) 2 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 4, 5
Task 13.In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?

1) It takes a lot of effort to raise a puppy, FOR how much joy it will bring you!

2) Younger son He loved books just like everyone else in our family, SO we had no doubt about what to give him on his birthday.

3) SO that the fish would bite AS (SAME) well as yesterday, I dug up fresh worms.

4) I thank you, and ALSO your secretary FOR giving me the opportunity to study this project.

Task 14. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers, in the place of which one letter N is written?

Developments(1) Chinese linguists various projects for the transition to letter-sound writing were never realized: society (3) saw the threat of a break with the centuries-old culture, embodied (4) in hieroglyphic writing.

1) 1, 3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2, 4

A19.Indicate the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:

Many of the participants in the literary society "Conversation" were consistent classicists () and some of them perfected traditional classicist genres.

1) Compound sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is not needed.

2) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is not needed.

3) A complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.

4) Simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.


Under the sun (1) competing with it (2), unusually tall, juicy and large-colored swimsuits (3) similar to yellow roses shone brightly.

1) 1,3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1, 2, 3

A21. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences?

It was a surprisingly pleasant experience (1) I remember (2) for me to lie on my back in the forest and look up. Then the sky (3) seemed (4) like a bottomless sea, spread out before my eyes.

1) 1,2,3,4 2) 1,2 3)3,4 4)1,3

A22.Indicate the sentence in which you need to put one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)

1) The sun rolled to the edge of the earth and spread across the sky like a cherry glow.

2) The artist painted both urban and rural landscapes.

3) I had to wait my turn and inevitably listen to boring and annoying conversations.

4) In budgerigars, the growth at the base of the beak can be blue or dark blue.

A23.How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?

People are divided into two kinds: some think first, and then speak and act, and others speak and do first, and then think.

1) The generalizing word comes before homogeneous members of the sentence.

2) The second part of the non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.

3) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the first part.

4) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.

A24.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

Stone paths (1) whose winding lines (2) (3) symbolize the flow of energy (4) acquire special significance in a Japanese garden.

A25.Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?

It was time to leave (1) and (2) when buses came from the city to pick us up (3) we realized (4) how sorry it was to part with the lake.

A26. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?

1) In the eleventh grade, after school we went to a cafe, which was located on the square near the Palace of Culture.

2) There are people who, from the very beginning early childhood bear some imprint of being chosen.

3) Since we were unable to cancel the meeting in London, which will take place tomorrow, it was decided to exchange tickets.

4) According to rumors that sometimes reached us, Zhenya became a first-class military doctor.

1Ongoing Processes in Modern Language

2 Measures to overcome Negative processes associated with the use of Language

3 Language change and its causes

Language cannot help but change, but change must lead to improvement Modern Language changes very quickly and sometimes out of place

The law will not change the situation, since the Problem is Society’s Diseases

1. ARGUMENT Remember the speech of your classmates, what new words appeared in their and your vocabulary in Lately? Is it really necessary to use them?

2 Argument Remember the words of great writers and poets about the Russian language. Are they relevant today?

3 Argument The speech of which TV presenter or politician is a model for you? Whose speech is annoying? Do the media influence the language situation in society?


Work with text

1 option

Everyone knows that the hour hand on a dial moves, but you cannot see how it moves. The same thing happens with language. He is changing. But we don't feel how this is happening.

Now a moment has come in our history when we see how the Russian language is changing. And this cannot but frighten. We so want at all costs to move away from the previous era of our life, to build new social relations, a new economy, that we would even like to have a new language. Once upon a time they said “dissociate themselves”, now they say “distance themselves”, we are tired of the expression “to go crazy” - we say “the roof has gone crazy”. Or they stopped liking the word “meeting” and started saying “party.”

Problem: the language is changing

Me: language is really changing (Give examples: jargon, new words on TV, advertising, etc.)

Option 2

The Russian language, according to A.S. Pushkin, is “relatable and communal”; it easily accepts foreign words if they are needed. And there is nothing wrong with this when everything is done in moderation. And the measure is lost. “Sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” appear in our speech. Usually 20-30 words change a year, but we now have maybe 20 words a week.

Problem: the process of borrowing in language

Me: I hear a lot of words that I don’t understand. Give examples

Option 3

In addition, it is important from what sources new words appear. Now, for example, there is a stream of words from rather dubious sources, in particular criminal jargon: “showdown”, “freebie”. Many press outlets use “unprintable” words, which, by the way, are called that way because they do not need to be printed.

Problem: negative processes in language: dominance of limited vocabulary by new words.

Me: Unfortunately, I use it myself.

Option 4

At one time, in the 19th and even in the 20th century, fiction provided an exemplary language. If a person did not know how to speak correctly, then he opened Turgenev and found the answer there. Now, of course, it is not fiction that shapes our linguistic taste. The tone is now primarily set by television and radio. This applies to the pronunciation of sounds, stress, and intonation. And modern announcers like American intonation. And young people begin to imitate them. It happens that the host God knows what he says and how he says it, but people like it. This, of course, does not apply to all programs, channels, and announcers, but many of them are subject to fashion.

Problem: the way to overcome negative processes is to read fiction.

Me: I don’t read much

Option 5

The “Russian Language Law” was discussed in the Duma for several years. Law, of course, is needed. But if we seriously talk about the law, then there must be a mechanism for punishing its violation. However, the proposal to create a philological police and introduce fines for mistakes in the Russian language seems frivolous. Whatever you say, it is the people who make the language, and it is difficult to force them to obey administrative norms regarding language. There have already been such futile attempts.

Problem: is a language law necessary?

Me: the law for TV, radio...

Option 6

We are now dissatisfied with the language, but it is very important to figure out whether the language is to blame for this or something else. After all, language is subject to the people who use it. He adapts to the needs of society. If in our society today there is a need to think about the future, about a strong family, about the happiness of children, then language will go in this direction and will give us the means for this. If our main thing is how to earn a million without working, sex, violence, drugs, then the language will turn here. Why vilify him? It reflects the state of society. So it’s not the language that needs to be corrected now. (According to V. Kostomarov)

Problem: who is to blame for the degradation of language?

“We have been given possession of the richest, most accurate, powerful and truly magical Russian language”

K. Paustovsky

“Our language is limitless and, living like life, can be enriched every minute”


“The Russian language is inexhaustibly rich and everything is being enriched with amazing speed”

M. Gorky

“Our language is expressive not only for high eloquence, for loud Poetry, but also for tender simplicity, for the sounds of the heart and sensitivity”

N.M. Karamzin

“The Russian people created the Russian language, bright as a rainbow after a spring shower, accurate as arrows, melodious and rich, sincere, like songs over a cradle.”

(1) Everyone knows that the hour hand on a dial moves, but it is impossible to see how it moves. (2) The same thing happens with language. (3) It changes.


We are all witnesses to historical changes, which, quite possibly, will become a turning point and serve as the beginning of a new, completely different milestone in development. V.G. Kostomarov raises in this text the problem of language change.

The world is changing, people are changing, and, accordingly, the way of communication between them is changing - a completely normal phenomenon, but in the modern world it has begun to develop into something spontaneous, inappropriate, and the boundaries of what is permissible have begun to blur. The problem put forward by V.G. Kostomarov, is especially topical these days, because the Russian language, which has variable properties, has begun to change in a completely inappropriate direction. The author focuses on the fact that words from the everyday life of an ordinary Russian person, either under the influence of fashion or thanks to the general desire to make speech as modern as possible, began to be replaced by unsightly foreign analogues and jargon, and the pathetic attempts of the state to correct everything at the legislative level remained only attempts without their logical conclusion. While discussing the problem, the philologist draws our attention to the fact that earlier language was formed thanks to classical works, and now – television and radio. The concept remains the same, the only problem is the integrity of media people and society as a whole.

We ourselves are the sculptors of our speech, and the language in which future generations will think and speak depends only on the preferences and needs of modern society. The author's point of view, it seems to me, is expressed quite clearly. It is as follows: the native language must be taken seriously, without any distortions and deviations from the norms, without thoughtless pursuit of fashion, without useless legislative measures - this does not contribute to positive changes. The basis for pure, beautiful, “classical” Russian speech should be responsibility and decency, because the vector of language development depends only on the state of society.

I completely agree with the author’s position and also believe that only modern society, because our speech is a reflection of our own needs and preferences. The purity of speech of the future generation depends on how many borrowings we wish to approve, how much jargon we introduce into our speech, how many distortions and deviations from norms we allow, and we must be fully aware of this and treat the Russian language with all seriousness.

From generation to generation, poets and writers sincerely worried about the state of the Russian language, and A.A. was no exception. Akhmatova. In the poem “Courage” she expresses sincere love for the “Russian word”, because who else but this poetess knows its true beauty and grace. A.A. Akhmatova also believes that society is inseparable from language, and the speech of the future generation directly depends on its integrity in the present. Therefore, the poetess demonstrates her readiness to fight for the correctness of Russian speech, and despite all difficulties, to carry it through the centuries through her creativity.

The problem of changing the language is also raised by A.S. Griboyedov in the play "Woe from Wit". Main character, Alexander Chatsky, ridicules the many vices of Famus society, the main one of which is the thoughtless adherence to fashion, namely the abundant use of French vocabulary in speech, or rather, confusion “ French with Nizhny Novgorod". The author shows that, unfortunately, most people of that time communicated in this way, and those few who understood the stalemate of this situation, due to their small numbers, simply did not have the opportunity to prevent this.

Thus, we can conclude that the Russian language is capable of modification: it can and should change, but in everything you need to know when to stop. After reading this text, I realized that it is important first of all to pay attention to our own behavior, speech, interests and needs, because the future of our children depends on this.

according to V. Kostomarov* “Everyone knows that the hour hand on the dial...”
A1. In which word is the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound correctly highlighted?
1) curved 3) created 2) positions 4) beautifulA2. In which sentence should we use RESIDENTIAL instead of the word HOUSING?
1) Many young families are faced with a HOUSING problem.
2) This apartment building was built quite quickly.
3) The answer to the question about ownership of an apartment can be found in the HOUSING Code.
4) The family’s HOUSING conditions were very unfavorable.
AZ. Give an example of an error in the formation of a word.
1) with fifty rubles 3) dried up
2) dress warmly 4) ripe apricots
A4. Provide a grammatically correct continuation of the sentence.
Using language means expressiveness,
1) speech is filled with bright colors.
2) the writer solves the problem of Napoleonism in a figurative form.
3) the individuality of the style is emphasized.
4) the author’s idea looks more convincing.
A5. Indicate the sentence with a grammatical error (in violation of the syntactic norm).
1) The magazine published a review of a new collection of poems by young poets.
2) Everyone who wrote about Russian nature noted its poetry and picturesqueness.
3) In the painting “Neighbors” by the artist Bogatov, the luxurious interior of the room is striking.
4) None of the passersby hurrying to the fair paid attention to the carts with household utensils standing aside
A6. In which sentence can the subordinate part of a complex sentence not be replaced by a separate definition expressed by a participial phrase?
1) In the eleventh grade, after school we went to a cafe, which was located on the square near the Palace of Culture.
2) There are people who, from early childhood, bear some imprint of being chosen.
3) Since we were unable to cancel the meeting in London, which will take place tomorrow, it was decided to exchange tickets.
4) According to rumors that sometimes reached us, Zhenya became a first-class military doctor.
Read the text and complete tasks A7-A12.
(1)... (2) The earliest image of a diver, discovered on Mesopotamian tombstones, dates back to the turn of the 5th and 4th millennia BC. e. (3) About eight centuries younger are similar drawings preserved on the walls of the tombs of the ancient Greek city of Thebes. (4) In the 5th century BC. e. The Athenians used divers at the siege of Syracuse. (5) Several decades later, the great Aristotle designed diving equipment in the form of a bell, with the help of which his no less great student Alexander the Great plunged into the Mediterranean waters: in this way he personally became acquainted with the underwater barriers of the Phoenician city of Tire, preparing to attack it from the sea. (6)... after successful underwater reconnaissance, the city was captured by the troops of the young tsar-commander.
A7. Which of the following sentences should come first in this text?
1) Often the seas and oceans served as the arena for fierce battles in which the fate of entire states was decided.
2) Attempts to penetrate depths of the sea have been undertaken by people since ancient times.
3) Historians believe that in the last five centuries alone, the ocean has absorbed an eighth of the world's total gold and silver production.
4) Over the millennia, the ocean floor has turned into the richest museum in the world, in whose endless halls History itself seems frozen.
A8. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in the blank in the sixth sentence?
1) Because 2) However 3) Despite this, 4) Soon
A9. What word or combination of words is grammatical basis in one of the parts of a complex sentence of the text?
1) younger drawings (sentence 3)
2) used (sentence 4)
3) Alexander the Great met (sentence 5)
4) there was a city (sentence 6)
A10. Indicate the correct characteristic of the second (2) sentence of the text.
1) complex non-union 2) complex compound
3) simple, complicated
4) complex
A11. Which sentence(s) have passive participles?
1) 3, 5 2) 2 3) 3, 5, 6 4) 2, 6
A12. State the meaning of the word WATER in sentence 5.
1) useful mineral springs
2) nutrient fluid filling containment fetus
3) water spaces of the seas
4) water solution substances
A13. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers replaced by one letter H?
Various projects for the transition to letter-sound writing developed by Chinese linguists were never implemented: society saw the threat of a break with the centuries-old culture embodied in hieroglyphic writing.
1) 1, 3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 2, 4
A14. In which row in all words is the unstressed vowel of the root being tested missing?
4) region...kettle, b..grovy, application...A15. In which row is the same letter missing in all words?
1) to…take, pr…image, n…best2) pr…acquisition, pr…bright, pr..growth3) in..cherish, both…done, ra…row
4). In which row is the letter I missing in both cases?
1) those who love to talk, passengers are dozing...t
2) a house under construction, needles prickling...3) dyes, grass creeping...4) foaming waves, neighbors will wake up...t
A17. Which answer option contains all the words where the letter I is missing?
A. hi...
B. offended..to be B. nostril...watty
D. improve 1) A, B, D 2) A, B, C 3) C, D 4) A, D

A18. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers in whose place the letter I is written?
An honest researcher (1) may, no matter what he (2) does, end up among the false scientists: he (3) will (4) deceive his colleagues, (5) distort facts.
1) 2, 4, 5 2) 2 3) 1, 2, 3 4) 4, 5
A19. In which sentence are both highlighted words written together?
1) It takes a lot of effort to raise a puppy, FOR how much joy it will bring you!
2) The youngest son loved books just like everyone else in our family, SO we had no doubt about what to give him on his birthday.
3) SO that the fish would bite AS (SAME) well as yesterday, I dug up fresh worms.
4) I thank you, and ALSO your secretary FOR giving me the opportunity to study this project.
A20. Provide the correct explanation for the use of a comma or its absence in the sentence:
Many of the participants in the literary society "Conversation" were consistent classicists () and some of them perfected traditional classicist genres.
1) Complex sentence, before the conjunction And no comma is needed.
2) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction. And a comma is not needed.
3) A complex sentence, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.
4) A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the conjunction And a comma is needed.
A21. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
Under the sun (1) competing with it (2), unusually tall, juicy and large-colored swimsuits (3) similar to yellow roses shone brightly.
1) 1,3 2) 2 3) 3 4) 1, 2, 3
A22. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentences?
It was a surprisingly pleasant experience (1) I remember (2) for me to lie on my back in the forest and look up. Then the sky (3) seemed (4) like a bottomless sea, spread out before my eyes.
1) 1,2,3,4 2) 1,2 3)3,4 4)1,3
A23. Indicate a sentence that requires one comma. (There are no punctuation marks.)
1) The sun rolled to the edge of the earth and spread across the sky like a cherry glow.
2) The artist painted both urban and rural landscapes.
3) I had to wait my turn and inevitably listen to boring and annoying conversations.
4) In budgerigars, the growth at the base of the beak can be blue or dark blue.
A24. How to explain the placement of the colon in this sentence?
People are divided into two kinds: some think first, and then speak and act, and others speak and do first, and then think.
1) The generalizing word comes before homogeneous members of the sentence.
2) The second part of a non-union complex sentence explains, reveals the content of what is said in the first part.
3) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the condition of what is said in the first part.
4) The second part of a non-union complex sentence indicates the consequence of what is said in the first part.
A25. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
Stone paths (1) whose winding lines (2) (3) symbolize the flow of energy (4) acquire special significance in a Japanese garden.
1) 1,3 2) 1,4 3) 2,3,4 4) 2,4
A26. Which answer option correctly indicates all the numbers that should be replaced by commas in the sentence?
It was time to leave (1) and (2) when buses came from the city to pick us up (3) we realized (4) how sorry it was to part with the lake.
1) 1,3 2) 2,3 3)1,4 4)1,2,3,4

Read the text.
Each of us is connected with other people by a communication system. This dense network literally permeates humanity. It is this that makes us one whole: we can exchange opinions not only with a neighbor, but also with residents of the other side of the globe, and at the same time it is not at all necessary to enter into direct contact.
A 27. Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?
1) The communication system permeates all human relationships.
2) In the modern world, you can communicate without coming into direct contact.
3) Humanity is perceived as a single whole thanks to a developed communication system.
4) A developed communication system unites humanity, allowing people to communicate directly with each other.
Read the text and complete tasks A28-A30. B1-B8
(1) Everyone knows that the hour hand on the dial moves, but it is impossible to see how it moves. (2) The same thing happens with language. (3) It changes. (4) But we don’t feel how this happens.
(5) Now a moment has come in our history when we see how the Russian language is changing. (6) And this cannot but frighten. (7) We so want at all costs to move away from the previous era of our life, to build new social relations, a new economy, that we would even like to have a new language. (8) Once they said “dissociate themselves”, now they say “distance themselves”, we are tired of the expression “to go crazy” - we say “the roof has gone crazy”. (9) Or they stopped liking the word “meeting” and started saying “party”.
(10) Russian language, according to A.S. Pushkin, “immature and sociable”, he easily accepts foreign words if they are needed. (11) And there is nothing wrong with this when everything is done in moderation. (12) And the measure is lost. (13) “Sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” appear in our speech. (14) Usually 20-30 words change a year, but now we have maybe 20 words a week. (15) In addition, it is important from what sources new words of the language appear. (16) Now, for example, there is a stream of words from rather dubious sources, in particular criminal jargon: “showdown”, “freebie”. (17) Many press outlets use “unprintable” words, which, by the way, are called that way because they do not need to be printed.
(18) The “Russian language law” was discussed in the Duma for several years. (19) The law, of course, is needed. (20) But if we seriously talk about the law, then there must be a mechanism for punishment for its violation. (21) However, the proposal to create a philological police and establish fines for mistakes in the Russian language seems frivolous. (22) Whatever you say, the language is made by the people, and it is difficult to force them to obey administrative norms regarding language. (23) There have already been such futile attempts. (24) At one time, in the 19th and 20th centuries, fiction provided an exemplary language. (25) If a person did not know how to speak correctly, then he opened Turgenev and found the answer there. (26) Now, of course, it is not fiction that shapes our linguistic taste. (27) The tone is now primarily set by television and radio. (28) This applies to the pronunciation of sounds, stress, and intonation. (29) And modern announcers like American intonation. (30) And young people begin to imitate them. (31) It happens that the leading God knows what he says and how he says it, but people like it. (32) This, of course, does not apply to all programs, channels, and announcers, but many of them are subject to fashion.
(33) We are now dissatisfied with the language, but it is very important to figure out whether the language is to blame for this or something else. (34) After all, language is subject to the people who use it. (35) He adapts to the needs of society. (36) If in our society today there is a need to think about the future, about a strong family, about the happiness of children, then the language will go in this direction and will give us the means for this. (37) If the main thing for us is how to earn a million without working, sex, violence, drugs, then the language will turn here. (38) Why scold him? (39) It reflects the state of society. (40) So it’s not the language that needs to be corrected now. (According to V. Kostomarov)
A28. Which statement corresponds to the author's point of view expressed in the text?
1) Negative changes in language lead to negative changes in society.
2) It is necessary to protect the language from any changes and preserve it as it was in the previous era.
3) Negative changes in society lead to negative changes in language.
4) It is necessary to dissociate ourselves from the previous era and create a completely new language.
A29. What type(s) of speech are represented in sentences 33-40?
1) narration
2) description
3) reasoning
4) reasoning and description
A30. Indicate the meaning of the word VAIN in sentence 23.
1) aimless
2) unsuccessful
3) diligent
4) harmful
IN 1. From sentences 26-29, write down a word formed in a prefix-suffix way.
AT 2. From sentences 1-5, write down all demonstrative pronouns.
VZ. From sentences 33-35, write down subordinating phrase with the CONCORDING connection.

AT 4. Among sentences 2-11, find complex ones that contain one-part sentences impersonal offers. Write the numbers of these complex sentences.
AT 5. Among sentences 22-32, find a sentence with a separate clarifying circumstance. Write the number of this offer.
AT 6. Among sentences 1 - 10, find a complex sentence with sequential subordination of subordinate clauses. Write the number of this offer.
AT 7. Among sentences 24-31, find one that connects with the previous one using a demonstrative pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

AT 8. “...An article by the famous linguist V.G. Kostomarov is devoted not to linguistic issues themselves, but rather to social problems. The author's task is to provide an explanation of certain phenomena and their assessment. At the same time, V.G. Kostomarov often resorts to introductory words expressing his attitude to the problem. An important role is played by such a technique as _____ (for example, in sentences 36 - 37), and the trope - _____ (in sentences 1 - 4). Such lexical means as _____ (“sandwiches”, “lunches”, “displays” in sentence 13), _____ (“whatever you say”, “God knows what”), rhetorical question and others help to express the author’s assessment of phenomena.”
List of terms:
1) metonymy
2) comparison
3) comparative turnover
4) irony
5) spoken words and phraseological units
6) borrowed words
7) litotes
8) rhetorical question
9) syntactic parallelism

A1 - 1 A6 - 3 A11 - 4 A16 - 4 A21 - 4 A26 - 4
A2 - 2 A7 - 2 A12 - 3 A17 - 4 A22 - 2 A27 - 4
A3 - 1 A8 - 4 A13 - 2 A18 - 1 A23 - 2 A28 - 3
A4 - 2 A9 - 1 A14 - 1 A19 - 1 A24 - 2 A29 - 3
A5 - 2 A10 - 3 A15 - 3 A20 - 3 A25 - 2 A30 - 2

B1 - modern B3 - something else B5 - 24 B7 - 28
B2 - this, this, such B4 – 7.11
B6 - 5 B8 - 9265
Main problems Author's position
- negative processes in language: the dominance of new words in limited vocabulary.
- the process of borrowing in a language
- the language is changing - these words are not needed in the language
- measure lost
- what’s alarming is that we “would like to have a new language.”
Language is a great thing. Great because words can unite people for grateful, great deeds. In words you can express love and all the subtlest movements of the soul. But sometimes we don’t notice what processes are taking place in the Russian language today and what they can lead to.
It is this problem that V. Kostomarov raises in his article. He argues that the Russian language, according to A.S. Pushkin, “immature and sociable”, he easily accepts foreign words if they are needed. And there is nothing wrong with this when everything is done in moderation. And the measure is lost. The text is structured as a discussion about what is happening now with the Russian language. The author gives many examples of replacing native Russian words with modern vocabulary: “Once they said “dissociate”, now “distance themselves”, we are tired of the expression “go crazy” - we say “we say “the roof has gone crazy”. Or they stopped liking the word “meeting” and started saying “party.” But most often we borrow words from criminal jargon or foreign words that we do not need at all, and radio and television accustom young people to American intonation.
V. Kostomarov makes us think about what we don’t value native language, although he is ours cultural heritage, and allow it to change by borrowing foreign and slang words.
It is difficult to disagree with the opinion of the author of the text. People should value and protect their native language. Yes, the language should develop, but not at such a speed; there is no need to introduce foreign words that are in the great and mighty Russian language into our lexicon.
This problem worried many great Russian writers. In his poem “Russian Language,” I. S. Turgenev calls the Russian language great, powerful, truthful and free. “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts,” he was support and support for the writer.
It is of great value to us" Dictionary living Great Russian language" by V.I. Dahl. For half a century, the famous writer and ethnographer not only collected more than two hundred thousand Russian words, but also explained their meaning, gave examples of proverbs and sayings. Are there really no suitable words in this work!
We must be attentive to our speech, try to use Russian words where there is no need to replace them with jargon or in foreign words. We must understand: the Russian language is wonderful! And the best songs about the future will be sung on it.

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