The mystical meaning of the triangle. The magic symbol of unity is a triangle

A triangle is a universal geometric figure, whose symbolic interpretation is determined by the type, arrangement, or combination of triangles. Only one type of this planar figure has the most distinct symbolism - an equilateral triangle. Its meanings associated with a number of associations directly depend on where the top of the triangle is directed. An equilateral triangle with an upward pointing apex personifies divine perfection and harmony, serves as a sign of the sun and fire, life and heart, mountains and spiritual uplift. The upside down triangle is the sign of the moon, water and rain. Two such triangles, touching at the tops, symbolize cyclicity, the waxing and waning moon, the beginning and the end, life and death. At the point of their contact, a radical transformation takes place, one phenomenon turns into the opposite. Finally, two intersecting equilateral triangles forming a hexagram (a six-pointed star, called in occultism the "Shield of David" or "Seal of Solomon"), signify the unity of opposites.

The symbolism of an equilateral triangle is closely connected with man. The triangle with its apex pointing upwards is an ancient phallic sign, a symbol of creative male power; an inverted triangle is an even more ancient sign of the feminine, a symbol of fertility and the emblem of the mother goddess (in primitive cultures, this triangle, with a line drawn from the top, was associated with the female genitalia). "Female" and "male" triangles, connected by vertices, naturally constitute the emblem of sexual harmony. The threat to this harmony is expressed by the so-called love triangle. Based on the principle: "the third is superfluous", "the love triangle is a symbol acute conflict in the intimate sphere, generated by the appearance of a third partner.

In the philosophy of the Pythagoreans, a geometric figure with three angles was a symbol of the number "3" and the emblem of wisdom, rightfully belonging to the goddess Athena.
An interesting interpretation different types triangles in the teachings of Xenocrates of Calchedon (c. 395-312 BC). The head of the Athenian Platonic Academy called the equilateral triangle "divine", the isosceles - "demonic", and the versatile - "human". In the first of them, according to Xenocrates, embodied divine harmony and perfection, in the second - hidden inferiority with apparent correctness; as for the third, then irregular shape transparently alludes to the imperfection of man.

In the religion of the Egyptians, Hindus, Celts, Scandinavians, Aztecs, Incas and many other peoples, the triangle could personify the triad of the main gods. The Egyptians, for example, associated the vertical side of the triangle with Osiris, the horizontal side with Isis, and the hypotenuse with their son Horus.
In Christian iconography, the three hypostases of God (God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit) that make up the Holy Trinity were depicted either in the form of an equilateral triangle or in the form of a triangle formed by three intersecting circles. The symbols of the triune Christian God were also a triangular halo and an eye in a triangle (the emblem of the "God's eye").
In blue Freemasonry, the golden emblem of the "all-seeing eye of God" was replenished with an additional element of perfection - nine rays emanating from its center.
In alchemy, two equilateral triangles with their vertices pointing up and down represented, respectively, fire and water. Taken together, they symbolized the unity of opposites: essence and substance, stability and variability, spirit and matter, etc.
In allegorical art, the triangle, as a musical instrument, belonged to Erato's muse, who performed lyrical songs to its accompaniment.
In Eastern occultism, the magical "Seal of Solomon", formed as a result of the intersection of white and black triangles, was regarded by mystics as the most powerful talisman, transferring power over matter to its owner and allowing him to command the genies. The evil genies were more afraid of the magical hexagram than the devils were of the sign of the cross. This can be judged at least by medieval Arabian tales describing a favorite way of punishing obstinate spirits. Bent "in three deaths" disgraced genie, the ruler pushed into an empty jug, sealed the neck with the "Seal of Solomon" and threw the vessel far into the sea. The unfortunate sufferer, imprisoned in a cramped dungeon, rushed along the sea waves for thousands of years, vainly crying out for help and mercy. At that moment, when he was finally re-educated and swore an oath once and for all to break with his criminal past, the jug fell into the net of some poor fisherman. Having pulled out the catch and cracked the seal on the jug, the poor man freed the prisoner and found in him a faithful and powerful servant. The grateful genie first revealed to his savior the secret of ancient treasures, and then arranged his marriage with some beautiful, but very capricious princess, who in the end was also re-educated and turned into an exemplary housewife.

In the history of European costume of the 18th century, a very prominent place belongs to the cocked hat - a felt hat decorated with feathers and galloons, with brim squeezed at three corners. The fashion for this original headdress, which originated in France, quickly spread to all European countries. The cocked hat was recognized not only by the nobles, but also by representatives of the third estate; in many armies of the world, including the Russian one, the cocked hat was part of the uniform; and during the Rococo period, women also began to wear it. Thus, the cocked hat, which conquered all hearts and crowned the heads of all dandies and fashionistas of the 18th century, should be recognized as the most versatile headdress of the New Age.

In the middle of the 20th century, the so-called Bermuda Triangle, an anomalous region in the western Atlantic Ocean, with corners formed by Bermuda, the southern part of the Florida peninsula and the island of Puerto Rico, became a symbol of a gloomy, sinister secret. This mysterious zone of our planet, where ships and planes disappear without a trace for no apparent reason, rumor has also dubbed the "Hell Circle", "Cemetery of the Atlantic", "Harbor of the Missing Ships" and "Devil's Triangle".
The term "Bermuda Triangle" was first coined by the American journalist W. Geddis in 1964. It was then that the terrible legend of the devil's triangle was born. Hundreds of books and thousands of articles devoted to this topic have enveloped the triangle in a veil of impenetrable mystical secret. A lot of noise was made, in particular, by the books of the American writer C. Berlitz "The Bermuda Triangle" and "Without a Trace". In pursuit of a sensation, the authors put forward the most fantastic and absurd hypotheses: some talked about aliens, others about Atlanteans, others about the curvature of time and space, and so on. etc., but authentically scientific research Units dealt with problems. Among them belonged former pilot, University of Arizona Librarian, Lawrence David Kouchet, who examined in detail all the cases of mysterious disappearances that have taken place in the notorious triangle since the time of Christopher Columbus. The result of his titanic work was the book "Bermuda Triangle: Myths and Reality", which mercilessly debunked the most popular legend of our time. Here is the conclusion of L.D. Kusche as formulated in this book:
"Legend of bermuda triangle This is an artificially fabricated hoax. It arose as a result of carelessly conducted investigations, and then was finalized and perpetuated by authors who, with or without intent, used incorrect theories, erroneous documentation and all kinds of sensational revelations. This legend was repeated so innumerably times that in the end it began to be accepted as something reliable.

In military emblems, the triangle was the insignia of a junior commanders Red Army. Since 1919, a patch in the shape of a triangle made of red fabric with a black border was placed on the cuffs of uniforms under a red five-pointed star; since 1922, it was worn on a special sleeve flap, and in 1924-1935, red metal triangles were attached to buttonholes. One triangle denoted the flight commander; two triangles - the commander of the squad, calculation, light tank or armored car; three triangles - an assistant platoon commander, and four triangles - a foreman of a company, battalion, battery, division or deputy political instructor. For a short period from 1922 to 1924. large golden triangle occupied the highest level in the symbolic military hierarchy, becoming the hallmark of the commander in chief himself.

Most wide application found a triangle in modern emblems. A separate group of road signs inscribed in a yellow triangle with a red border is of a warning nature, informing the driver about a particular danger that awaits him on the road. A similar function is performed by some technical signs - a lightning zigzag, an exclamation mark and other signs placed inside the yellow triangle, requiring attention and warning of danger.
In our time, interest in the magical hexagram, which has somewhat faded in Europe, has revived with renewed vigor in African continent. In Ethiopia, for example, the golden six-pointed "Star of David" is the main element of two high state awards - the orders of the "Seal of Solomon" and the "Queen of Sheba".
In classical heraldry, the triangle did not find a worthy place, but in modern Russian heraldry this figure is sometimes used. For an example, you can refer to the emblem of the city of Magnitogorsk Chelyabinsk region adopted on June 17, 1993. It is easy to guess about the symbolism of the black triangle depicted here, if we remember that on geographical maps with an indication of the places of extraction of minerals, it is with this sign that iron ore deposits are indicated.

The triangle is one of the first geometric figures that began to be used in the ornaments of ancient peoples. AT Ancient Egypt it was rectangular and was the embodiment of the triad of spiritual will, love and the higher mind of man.

The triangle is a symbol of the triune nature of the universe: Heaven, Earth, Man; father, mother, child; man as body, soul and spirit; mystical number three; three, the first flat figures. Hence the symbol of the surface in general. The surface consists of triangles (Plato).

The equilateral triangle symbolizes completion.

In the ancient East, the triangle was revered as symbol of the nature of all things. A triangle with a vertex connected to the same geometric figure was used by pharmacies as an emblem of the time cycle.

The hermeneutic tradition knows many types of triangles with different interpretations.

Yantra of Tara

Triangle pointing down, is lunar and has the symbolism of the feminine, uterus, water, cold, nature, body, yoni, shakti. Symbolizes the Great Mother as a parent. The horizontal line is the earth; its color is white. In the symbolism of the mountain and the cave, the mountain is a masculine, upward-facing triangle, and the cave is a feminine triangle, apex-downward. In many yantras of the goddesses, a triangle is placed in the middle, point down with a dot.

Upside down triangle, is solar and has the symbolism of life, fire, flame, heat (hence the horizontal line symbolizing air), masculinity, lingam, shakta, spiritual world; it is also the trinity of love, truth and wisdom. Means royal majesty and has a red color as a symbol.

Hexagram. When it is superimposed on the sign of the feminine principle described above, we will get the Hindu emblem of the union of the creative and generative principles - the hexagram.

In the Indian tradition, such a symbol was also interpreted as a sign of the love of the gods for everything earthly. In Europe, this geometric figure was known as the Star of David.

A triangle inscribed in a circle represents the world of forms enclosed in the circle of eternity. Plutarch, describing this geometric figure, called the space bounded by the sides of the triangle, the plain of truth, on which are located the images of everything that was and will be. Triangles can also act as a lunar symbol, then they are located horizontally and touch their vertices. The common point of these triangles symbolically denotes death and the new moon.

In the Buddhist tradition, two interlocking triangles represent pure flame and the Three Jewels of the Buddha.

Trinity and triangle

Since the early Christians, the triangle has been a symbol of the Holy Trinity. The equilateral triangle was interpreted as equality and a single divine essence of God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. Sometimes this symbol was made up of three intertwined fish. The symbol of the Trinity, according to the Catholic tradition, was made up of three small triangles inscribed in one large one with circles at the tops. These three circles mean the trinity, but each circle is independent and perfect in itself. This scheme illustrated the principle of the trinity and, at the same time, the individuality of each component of the Holy Trinity.

Seal of Solomon

The seal of Solomon is another name for David, formed by superimposing two triangles on top of each other, i.e. hexagrams. According to legend, King Solomon with the help of this sign controlled the spirits enclosed in a copper vessel. It is believed that the seal of Solomon is a powerful amulet that can protect its owner from the influence of evil spirits.

Kepler triangle

AT early XVII in. The famous astronomer Kepler made a diagram of the conjunction of the planets Saturn and Jupiter. So in astronomy they call the location of the planets, in which for an earthly observer the ecliptic longitudes are equal to zero, and they themselves celestial bodies are close to each other or even overlap. Kepler presented this phenomenon in the form of a triangle that rotates around the zodiac circle, making a complete revolution in 2400 years.

Triangle in ancient architecture

In the ancient tradition, the triangle with its apex up symbolized the aspiration of matter to the spirit. Therefore, the pediments of ancient Greek temples in the deepest antiquity were made triangular and decorated in every possible way. Unlike later, more northerly European buildings, the presence of a gable roof was not caused by climatic conditions. AT Ancient Greece the climate was warm and there was no snow in winter.

Triangles on vessels

In the Neolithic era, among the early agricultural peoples, triangles in ornaments symbolized air, earth and fire. They are one of the most ancient symbols associated with agricultural work, nature and its calendar cycles.

Constellation Triangulum

The exact origin of the name of this constellation is unknown. It got its name in the Ancient East, it was known and used in navigation by Phoenician sailors. For them, it symbolized the sacred stone of a pyramidal shape. The triangle was one of the 48 classical constellations of antiquity. The ancient Greeks believed that this was the Nile Delta transferred to the sky, which indicates the Egyptian roots of the name of the constellation. Already in the New Age, the constellations of the Southern Triangle and Square were distinguished in the starry sky.

Eye in a triangle

The symbol, graphically representing an eye inscribed in a triangle, called the “eye of providence” or the “all-seeing eye”, appeared in Europe in the 17th century. It is believed that it goes back to the solar eye of Horus of the ancient Egyptians. This sign was widely used in baroque architecture, decorating the pediments of luxurious Catholic churches. In the 19th century, it also appeared on Orthodox churches, for example, on the pediment of the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Christianity considered it as a symbol of the Holy Trinity. At the same time, this symbol was also used by Masons, who interpreted it as a symbol of the absolute, enlightenment and higher knowledge. For Freemasons, the “eye of providence” is located above the chair of the master of the lodge, in order to thus remind of the all-pervading wisdom of the Creator in all the secrets.

The triangle in a circle means the world of forms enclosed in the circle of eternity. The area within such a triangle is the common center of them all and is called the Plain of Truth, on which are the cause, forms and images of everything that was and that will be; they dwell there in a rest that cannot be disturbed, and Eternity surrounds them; and hence time, like a jet of a fountain, flows down into the worlds (Plutarch).

Three connected triangles denote the inviolable unity of the three persons of the Trinity.

The double triangle, the six-pointed star, the Seal of Solomon, Mogun David, says that every true analogy must be used in reverse, as above, so below. This is a union of opposites, male and female, positive and negative, with the upper triangle white and the lower black, fire and water, evolution and involution, interpenetration, everything is an image of the other, hermaphrodite, a perfect balance of complementary forces, an androgynous manifestation of a deity, a person peering into its own nature, the dual forces of creation, the synthesis of all the elements, with the triangle turned upwards as a heavenly symbol, and downwards - as a symbol of the earth, and together - a symbol of man, as uniting these two worlds. As the Seal of Solomon is the image of the Keeper; it gives spiritual power over matter and is the master of the jinn.

Two triangles lying horizontally and touching the tops are the lunar symbol, the waxing and waning moon, eternal return, death and life, dying and resurrection. The point of contact is the new moon and death. Alchemists have two triangles - essence and substance, forma and materia, spirit and soul, sulfur and mercury, stable and changeable, spiritual strength and bodily existence.

The triangles symbolizing are as follows:

fire (upside down)
water (upside down)
air (facing the truncated top up),
ground (facing the truncated top down).

Chinese the triangle with hanging swords symbolizes restoration.

Christians an equilateral triangle or a triangle formed by three intersecting circles symbolizes the Trinity in unity and equality of its three constituent persons. Triangular radiance is an attribute of God the Father.

Egyptians the triangle symbolizes the Triad. They compare the vertical side ( right triangle) with a man, horizontal - with a woman, and the hypotenuse - with their descendant: Osiris as the beginning, Isis as the middle or repository, and Horus as the completion (Plutarch). The hand of the Egyptians is the union of fire and water, man and woman. The figure of three double triangles, surrounded by concentric circles, symbolizes Khui, the Land of Spirits.

Greeks delta symbolizes the door of life, the feminine, fertility.

Indians triangles facing up and down are shakta and shakti, lingam and yoni, Shiva and his Shakti.

The Pythagoreans the equilateral triangle symbolizes Athena as the goddess of wisdom.

Aztecs used the image of a triangle with a top at the top, connected to an inverted triangle, as a symbol of the time cycle, about the Triangle in combination with the cross forms the alchemical sign of Sulfur. Inverted, it means the completed Great Work.

An equilateral triangle, symbolizing, according to the Hebrew tradition, perfection, Christians means the Trinity - Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Masons the triangle symbolizes the Trinity of the cosmos, and its sides - Light, Darkness and Time (base).

The triangle seen in a dream symbolizes the mother's womb of the cosmos.

AT Ancient China the triangle is a "symbol of the feminine", but does not play a significant role in speculative reasoning. In Tibetan Tantrism, the combination of two equilateral triangles in the form of a hexagram represents "penetration into the feminine of the male fire."

The symbolic sign "Heart of Hrungnir" of three intertwined triangles. Viking times. Island of Gotland.

In Judaism and Christianity the triangle is the sign of God. The God of the Christian Trinity is sometimes represented by an eye within a triangle or a figure with a triangular halo. The alchemists used triangles with their vertices pointing up and down as signs of fire and water. More generally, linear triangles or compositions shaped like a triangle can represent triads of gods or other tripartite concepts.

magic triangle Christian theosophists have the famous "abracadabra", to which they attributed extraordinary properties. Used as a magic formula, this word was usually inserted into or lined up as an inverted triangle.

san jiao fu, or "Triangle Spell", is a piece of paper on which spells are written, folded into a triangle.

Gnostic amulets were varied in shape: triangular, rectangular, fire - Tejas - red - green - triangle.

Unions - all paired oppositions, perfect circle, intersecting circles, double triangle, androgyne, trees with intertwined branches, unicorn horn, yin-yang, lingam and yoni.

An important role in architecture is played by the geometric symbolism of the cosmos: all round shapes express the idea of ​​the sky, the square is the earth, the triangle symbolizes the interaction between the earth and the sky.

Excel has several types of radio buttons and a colored triangle that can appear in or next to a cell. These buttons and triangles provide useful commands and information about the contents of the cell, and they are displayed at the moment that they are needed. This article describes the contents of each of these buttons and triangles in mind and how to work with them.

Buttons that can be seen on the sheet

The seven buttons that can be displayed next to a cell are as follows: AutoCorrect Options, Paste Options, Autocomplete Options, Trace error, Paste Options and .

AutoCorrect Options

Button AutoCorrect Options can be displayed when hovering the mouse pointer over the blue box in the text section that automatically appeared. For example, when entering a hyperlink or address Email in a cell, a button may appear AutoCorrect Options. If you find text that you don't want to correct, you can uncorrect it or turn AutoCorrect options on and off. Turn AutoCorrect options on or off, click AutoCorrect Options, and then select the desired option from the list.

Paste Options

Button Paste Options appears below the selection after pasting text or data. Clicking the button will bring up a list that lets you know how to insert this data into the spreadsheet.

The available options depend on the type of content that determines what is inserted from the program and the format of the text where it will be given.

Autocomplete Options

Button Autocomplete Options may appear below with filled text immediately after filling in text or data on a worksheet. For example, if you enter a date in a cell, and then drag the cell down to fill in the cells below it, you might see a button Autocomplete Options. When you click the button, a list of options for how to fill in text or data will appear.

The options available in the list depend on the content you're filling in, the program you're filling in from, and the text formatting or data you're filling in.

Source of error

Button Source of error is displayed next to the cell where the formula error occurs, and a green triangle appears in the upper left corner of the cell.

If you click the arrow next to the button, a list of error checking options will appear.

Paste Options

Button Paste Options can be displayed next to inserted cells, rows and columns.

If you click the arrow next to the button, a list of formatting options will appear.

Note: If you don't want this button to appear every time you paste formatted cells, rows, or columns, you can disable this option in file > Options > Additionally > under Cut, copy and paste> remove the checkbox next to buttons Show Paste Options.

Apply formatting rule to

Button Apply formatting rule to is used to change the visibility of the conditional data formatting method in a PivotTable report.

Clicking the arrow next to the button displays a list of visibility options.

Colored triangle that can be seen on the sheet

Two colored triangles that can be displayed in a cell, green (formula error) and red (remarks).

green triangle

- (Embankment of the Obvodny Canal, 138), a production association for the production of products from elastomers. Created in 1962. It produces shoes made of polymeric materials, tires, more than 20 thousand items of rubber and more than 2 thousand items ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

red triangle- (Embankment of the Obvodny Canal, 138), a production association for the production of products from elastomers. Created in 1962. It produces shoes made of polymeric materials, tires, more than 20 thousand items of rubber and more than 2 thousand items ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

red triangle- ("Red Triangle",) see Leningrad Production Association "Red Triangle" (See Leningrad Production Association) ...

Red Triangle (factory)- This term has other meanings, see Red triangle ... Wikipedia

Leningrad Production Association Red Triangle- (Leningrad Production Association "Red Triangle") the country's largest enterprise for the production of rubber products. Organized in 1962. It includes factories of rubber technical products, rubber shoes, tire, ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Triangle (disambiguation)- In Wiktionary there is an article "triangle" A triangle in the broad sense is an object of a triangular shape, or a triple of objects, pairwise connected ... Wikipedia

triangle-, a, m. The common name of the three leaders of a l. subdivision or the whole enterprise, institution (director, secretary of the party organization and chairman of the trade union organization). MAC, vol. 4, 408. ◘ The authorities somehow hinted: ... ... Dictionary the language of the Soviets

Triangle- The triune nature of the universe: Heaven, Earth, Man; father, mother, child; man as body, soul and spirit; mystical number three; triple, the first of the flat figures. Hence the symbol of the surface in general. The surface consists of triangles (Plato). ... ... Symbol Dictionary

pink triangle- (English Pink triangle, German Rosa Winkel) is the oldest and, along with the rainbow flag, one of the most recognizable characters communities of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, etc ... Wikipedia

black triangle- This term has other meanings, see Black triangle (meanings). The black triangle (German: Schwarzer Winkel) is a symbol that was used during the days of National Socialism for identification in concl ... Wikipedia


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