Google electronic translator. Free online translators from Google, Yandex and other services - choose the best translation. Voice Google translator online and communication in two languages

If your own knowledge of a foreign language is shallow or there is a need to translate specific words, terms and texts, then you cannot do without a translator. Processing large text volumes is rarely required. Usually you only need to translate a few paragraphs or even sentences. Purchasing and installing special software in this case will not be an advisable step.

It is better to use the capabilities of Google Translator with online pronunciation. The speed, accessibility and effectiveness of this system have already been confirmed by many of its users around the world. What advantages does Google Translate provide?

Based on all processed documents, Google constantly improves the quality of translation independently. Analysis of various word forms and variants of their use allows the program to produce the most accurate results. The service developers have provided the possibility of feedback - each translation made can be evaluated by the user and thereby subsequently improved. There are also other translation services, for example, .

Google translator with online pronunciation of words (translate)

Now Google Translator freely uses 71 languages ​​for text processing, and the automatic recognition system allows you to determine which language was used when writing the text. The capabilities and number of translated languages ​​are updated every day and new ones are added. You just need to paste the initial information into the input window and select the “Define language” option. Then Google Translate will do everything itself. You can select the language manually.

Functionality, the ability to self-learn the system taking into account user preferences and ease of use have already made Google Translate one of the most popular online services for translating all kinds of texts.

Its capabilities allow you to process information available to the user in various formats:

  • text pasted or typed in the translator window;
  • web pages;
  • downloaded documents;
  • speech - you just need to say the necessary phrase, and Google Translator will recognize it and translate it.

Google voice translator with pronunciation (voiceover)

Besides this, you can always translate with sound on the computer, how to correctly pronounce this or that word. An incorrectly entered word will be corrected by the translator himself.

Translation with transcription

The web service operates in dynamic translation mode. For the result to be accurate and correct, you must enter the entire phrase to the end. The translation of the text is displayed on the screen as you enter it.

Meaning of words and their use

When writing one word, Google translator with online pronunciation gives all its meanings, which can be used in a particular context. The most common variant and the rarest value are indicated. In addition, Google can show where and how a certain phrase is used and what its true meaning is. Indicating the source from which the translation was taken adds additional reliability and user trust to the online service.

A translator using the service from Google and six other online translators. When you select any text in most programs, a window appears with buttons for translation, searching in online dictionaries and Wikipedia, copying the text to the clipboard and replacing the selected text with a translation. There is also the possibility of regular translation in the translator window.

Screenshot gallery

Today's article will talk about greed, monopoly and how to deal with it :). In order not to languish for a long time, I’ll tell you one true story...

There was one company that became famous as the “Good Corporation” because, being so good, it helped everyone for free. She did a lot of things for us (and continues to do), and one of her “good deeds” was a free online translator.

Faithfully and truly, this interpreter served good fellows and beautiful girls from more than 50 foreign countries, so that they, foolish ones, could understand and understand each other. And the wise programmers from the Corporation saw that they had done a good job, and they wanted to do it even better!

If you have chosen the traditional installer (which you will download in an archive from our website), then you will only need two clicks to install the program! We launch the installer and in the first window click the “I Agree” button, confirming our agreement with the license agreement, and then we find ourselves in the following window:

Here we have some options that can be changed or left untouched (as you like :)). By default, the program is installed for use only under the current account in the Program Files folder and creates a shortcut on the desktop. If you want, you can install the program for all users (first drop-down list), and also create a shortcut on the quick launch panel (second checkbox).

In any case, we can leave this window and complete the installation by clicking the “Install” button.

Program interface

Once installed, QTranslate will automatically launch in windowed mode:

Like the Google client, the QTranslate workspace consists of two text fields and two toolbars (between and below the fields). The first toolbar contains buttons for clearing the input field (top), selecting pairs of languages, and, in fact, translating. The lower toolbar is a set of switches between available translation services.

In addition to the buttons on the panels, QTranslate has the following buttons:

  • listening to text (headphones in the lower right corner of the text field);
  • navigate through the translation history (arrows in the upper left corner of the working window);
  • menu (down arrow button in the upper right corner of the working window).

Here, in fact, is the entire interface :).

How the program works

By default, the text is displayed in the top text field (data entry field for translation) brief help on working with QTranslate. And, as we saw in the previous screenshot, it did not transfer. Why? Because our default translation service is Google Translate, which, as we remember, imagined itself to be the one and only and demanded money for using itself.

But, as they say, no one is irreplaceable, and we can easily switch to using any other service (for the English-Russian/Russian-English direction I recommend Yandex):

As you can see, everything translates perfectly! Instead of Yandex, you can also use services from Microsoft, Promt Babylon and SDL. The remaining last service, Youdao, specializes in oriental hieroglyphic languages ​​(mostly Chinese), so it will be useful to us only in exceptional cases.

And now about the directions of translation. By default, the language pair is recognized through the Auto-Detect function and the target language is usually English. If we need, for example, to translate text into another language (for example, Ukrainian), then we must explicitly indicate it in the second drop-down list of languages, and then click the “Translate” button:

I would also like to draw your attention to one interesting and right moment: If the language is supported by the server you select, the flag of the country in which it is used will be displayed to the left of it. Opposite the languages ​​for which there is no support, there will be just a gray rectangle.

Another feature of QTranslate is that it displays not only the translation, but also a group of synonyms with a definition of the part of speech if we translate only one word:

If we often use certain pairs of languages ​​for translation, then we can speed up the selection of the pair by adding it to a special drop-down menu, which is called up by the down arrow button to the left of the source language selection button:

By default, there is a “Reset” button, which returns the default pair, Russian-English and English-Russian translation direction, and an “Edit” button. If we click the last one, we will be taken to the “Languages” window, where we can add a new pair of languages ​​to the list.

The last element of the interface that we have not yet considered is the main menu of the program:

It is called up by the down arrow button in the upper right corner of the working window and is divided into two sections and separate sections for calling up help and exiting the program.

The first group contains options that allow you to quickly switch certain interface parameters of the translator's working window. So, for example, here we can activate the function of instant translation (so as not to press the “Translate” button every time) or reverse translation (so that in the third panel that appears below, display the translation for the already translated text).

In the “Advanced” section you will find a number of additional features that may be useful to you in your daily work.

The second group contains a number of functions that do not relate to the main translation window and open in their own separate windows. We'll talk about them further.

Additional QTranslate tools and settings

The first in the list of tools is “Dictionary”:

It allows you to find the meaning of any desired word in any language. To get started, we just need to select a language from the drop-down list, and then enter the word we are interested in in the search bar and press the search or Enter button. All articles found for the desired word will be displayed in a list below, indicating the source.

It seems that everything is simple, but it is important to know one feature: if we are looking for a word in the same language that is specified in the drop-down list, then QTranslate works in the explanatory dictionary by finding articles that explain the meaning of a given word.

However, if the selected language and the language of the searched word do not match, then the program switches to regular dictionary mode and searches for a translation of the given word in the specified language.

After the “Dictionary” in the menu there are the items “History” and “Keyboard”. The first one opens a window in which chronological sequence a list of previously translated words and phrases is displayed, and the second is a multilingual virtual QWERTY keyboard. However, these items are not particularly useful, so let's look at the last function - “Settings”:

Here all the options are logically sorted into sections, so I think it won’t be too difficult to find the settings you need. I advise you to enable program autorun in the “Basic” settings, and also check the “Hot Keys” section for a match with other combinations you use.

Contextual translation

Translation in a separate window is convenient if we need to translate large pieces of text. However, in everyday work at the computer, we are more often faced with the need to translate only individual phrases or words. To do this, it is not so convenient to switch to a different window every time. Therefore, QTranslate, as one of the leading clients, uses contextual translation technology.

The point of this technology is that you can get a translation of any word or sentence by simply highlighting it and pressing a special button!

By default this feature is disabled. To activate it, you need to call up the program icon menu in the tray and go to the “Mouse Mode” section, where you can check the “Activate” checkbox:

The program icon should turn green, and two options will become available under the activation item. By default, the “Show icon” option is active (I recommend leaving it).

If it is activated, then when we select text in any application, a small button will appear at the bottom right of it, by pressing which we will have access to several functions of our choice. If you activate “Show translation”, there will be no icon, and by default a pop-up window will appear with the translation of the selected text. The last option is not always convenient, since it may block the information we need below from the selection.

Let's look at how contextual translation works in the “Show icon” mode. To do this, open any text and select any fragment of it:

As I already said, a small button will appear, by clicking which we will get a menu, as in the screenshot above. There will be five functions in this menu:

  1. Translation. This is the main function that allows you to get the translation right under the selection in the pop-up window. In it you can select a translator service, and all other pop-up menu keys are available (except for “Dictionary”):

  1. Dictionary. A function that passes the selected words to the dictionary module we already looked at. Naturally, there is no point in sending entire sentences to the Dictionary and this button is only suitable for individual words and fixed expressions.
  2. Listening. This function, as in the main translator window, allows you to reproduce the selected text in the “voice” of the computer. The quality of playback will be better, the better the sound engines you have installed!
  3. Copy to clipboard. Here, I think, we can do without any special comments - copying is copying in Africa too :).
  4. Replacing the highlighted with translation. QTranslate allows you to quickly replace selected text with translated text. This function is especially useful for those who often work with text translations and come across unfamiliar words that can be immediately replaced with their foreign equivalent!

That's all :) We can sum up the results of our “research”.

Advantages and disadvantages of the program

  • support of several good online translators;
  • support for online dictionaries;
  • availability of Russian-language interface;
  • contextual translation function;
  • output of synonymous rows for words.
  • incomplete support for the service from Google;
  • There is no way to work offline.


If you have previously used a client from Google, you will quickly get used to QTranslate, since its operating principle is the same, but it also has a Russian-language interface!

As for the quality of translation, the program is not particularly behind its (now almost entirely paid) counterpart. The main thing is to choose a suitable service from the available list. As an almost complete replacement for Google, I advise you to use the Yandex translator to translate into European languages and English (although all services usually translate well into English).

For reverse translation into Russian, Yandex will again be preferable. Services from Babylon and Promt are also good, and if you need to translate into Chinese, then Youdao can help you ;).

In general, there is quite a wide choice good translators and quick access to them, which is usually required from programs of this kind. A nice bonus to this functionality will be the presence of support for online dictionaries and contextual translation, which also supports working with Google Translate.

Again, I repeat that QTranslate has a portable version that you can always take with you on a flash drive and use wherever you have a computer connected to the Internet!

I think that I have given enough reasons to use the program, so if you are looking for a worthy replacement for Client for Google Translate, don’t hesitate to download QTranslate - you won’t regret it;).

Bonus for those who are just starting to learn English: a small game with English verbs actions. Move the blocks with verbs to the correct places with your mouse to roll the ball to the bottom right man. To check the correctness, press the "CHECK" button, to return all blocks back "RESET".

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Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Not everyone can boast of a comprehensive knowledge of one of the world’s popular languages, let alone two or more. Unfortunately, I suffer from “linguistic cretinism,” which greatly hinders me.

It’s too late to study, and it’s useless, because an additional area in my brain responsible for communicating in another language is not being formed (even with written Russian there are problems, I have to use the services constantly).

Therefore my destiny is look for a suitable translation option the information I need. At one time I was very pleased, in whose person I received a very convenient assistant when reading bourgeois sites, and online translation Google's chik has become the only option for communicating with technical support for bourgeois services or advertisers from overseas (there was a precedent for communicating through it with representatives of the Chinese DX store).

Comparison of online translators from Google, Yandex, Bing...

  1. There are also few languages ​​supported, but the main ones are available in the form of English, German, French and Italian.
  2. Pragma 6 is a Ukrainian translator with good quality and a huge number of supported languages, the ability to specify the subject of the text for better processing. Among the disadvantages, we can note the antediluvian design and a weak constructor that allows you to install its script on your website:

Free website translator from Google - installation

Google's online service ( has a link to a website translator at the very bottom. Several years ago I tried to integrate this cartoon into the interface of my blog, but earlier all this disgrace looked somewhat worse than it does now, and it didn’t make much sense for me to fish in the troubled waters of the bourgeoisie.

There are probably no fewer languages ​​there than in Google, but you should judge the quality of the translator yourself.

Script for adding an online translator to your website

The script described above allows visitors to your site to translate its pages into the language they need, and now I want to mention a script that can work with texts entered by users into the form. Those. you can based on it create your own online translator and promote it according to relevant requests. As paradoxical as it sounds, I know an example where, for such a request, a site with this same script occupied a position in the top.

Although your plans may not be so grandiose, but simply aimed at retaining visitors and offering them a number of online services to increase the time they spend on your resource. To do this, you just need to configure and install the widget from this page on your website:

From the drop-down list you can select the widget option that suits you best, and use the “Preview” button to see how this mess will look. The most suitable options for me seem to be insertion using (when a fragment of another is loaded into an area of ​​a given size on a page of your site).

True, along with the translation form, you will also receive a couple of Google Adsense ads, the income from clicks on which will, naturally, be received by the owner of this script, and not you. I don’t know for sure, but apparently loading ads into Iframes is not prohibited by the Adsense rules, or this case was separately discussed with the technical support of this advertising network (placing ads in regular programs is strictly prohibited).

For example, the largest size option online translator widget for your website it will look like this:

The resulting widget code can be inserted either into the template or simply onto a specially designated one for this purpose. WordPress page(or any other engine). As you can see, your free translator, although it will have a rather overloaded appearance due to advertising blocks, will be able to translate using well-known and popular technologies of the user’s choice: Promta, Babylon (which belongs to Yahoo), Google (mine from English to Russian did not work) and the engine is from small soft ones.

It is possible to install an online translation script from the company Pragma 6 on your website, but this will be somewhat more difficult to do (registration is required), and contextual advertising will again be present.

If you don’t have your own website, but need a functional translator when surfing the internet, then the same developers offer you browser plugins that can be downloaded on this page.

Well, for a snack I would like to offer a short video about capabilities of the modern Yandex translator and use it for your needs:

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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One of the most convenient and modern online translators that does not require installation on a computer is Google translator. This service provides access to all machine translation technologies of the company Google, including many languages.

In this article we will show with examples how to use the service. "Google Translate" to be able to perform online translation as simply and efficiently as possible.

Main features of the system online Google translator:

  • Online translation of individual words and texts of unlimited size;
  • Large collection of languages ​​available for translation (65 at the time of publication of the article);
  • Automatic language detection;
  • Virtual keyboard (especially important, for all languages ​​except English);
  • "Govorilka" - voice text synthesizer (not all languages ​​are supported);
  • Transliterator (automatic writing of the entered text in Latin);
  • Translation of web pages;

Opening online Google translator

To open the application "Google translator", click on the following link (opens in a new window):

Basic Features

Main function online Google translator– translation of individual words and texts of unlimited size from one language to another.

1) Word translation

As an example, consider the translation of the word "translator" With in English into Russian.

By going to, you will see the standard application interface Google Translate:

In the area marked “1” in the figure, select the language from which the translation will be performed. In our case, it is English.

In the area marked “2” in the figure, select the language into which the translation will be performed. For us it will be Russian.

Then in the “3” field enter the text: "translator".

"Google Translate" will immediately translate the entered text.

2) Translation of a sentence

Now let's try to translate the sentence from English into Russian . To do this, in the field where we entered the word "translator" enter “A friend in need is a friend indeed”. Google Translate will immediately display the translation of the entire string:

note that Google translator analyzes the entered text and suggests, perhaps, more correct options - a rectangle with the number “1” in the figure.

In this case, we entered a proverb, and the system did not offer its literal translation ( "A friend in need is a friend indeed"), and the Russian-language analogue: "A friend in need is a friend indeed".

Additional features

  • Frequency of use of the translated word

If only one word was translated, then similar words and forms will also be shown, and the frequency of their use:

View the frequency of use of the translated word in Google translator possible in the area marked in the figure with the number “3”. The wider the gray bar, the more often the word is used. This feature is very useful when learning new words.

  • Examples of using the word

To see real examples to use the translated word, click the special button “Show examples of words used”, as it shown on the picture:

Google Translate will display examples of the word's use on various websites. To see other examples, click on the button marked “1” in the figure.

  • Choosing a less common language

To select a language that is not in the list of suggested ones, you can use the drop-down list in which you can select any of the available 65 languages:

  • How to switch translation languages

To quickly swap the source and target languages, click the button as shown in the figure:

  • Automatic language detection

Also for convenience, if during work it is necessary to translate from different languages, you can activate the function "Define language", as shown in the figure (area “1”):

The result of activating the function of automatic detection of the source text language in Google Translator:

Please note that the area marked with the number "1" indicates that the Russian language was detected automatically.

In this mode, you can enter text in any supported language in the left area. System "Google Translator" It will automatically detect it and immediately offer a translation (the language into which you want to translate, of course, you need to specify yourself).

  • Virtual keyboard

A very useful feature online Google Translator is virtual keyboard. This is especially important if you need to enter text or a word in a language for which you don't have a dedicated keyboard at hand.

For example, let's say we need to translate the word "Übersetzer" into Russian. Select, as shown above in the article, the source and translation languages ​​- German and Russian. And click on the virtual keyboard button:

Using the keyboard that opens, enter the word "Übersetzer". As usual, Google Translate will immediately offer its translation:

  • Voice text synthesizer

Another interesting and useful feature Google translator is the ability to “read aloud” the entered text. This feature is currently not available for all languages, but only for the most popular ones.

To listen to the translated text, after entering, press the special button "Listen", as it shown on the picture:

Attention! Make sure your computer's sound is turned on.

The ability to listen to translated text is especially useful for self-study when learning new words, and not just for translating texts.

  • Transliterator (automatic writing of the entered text in Latin letters)

The transliteration function can be useful if you need to convert some text, for example, in Russian, into one written in Latin.

Definition from Wikipedia: Transliteration is the exact transmission of characters of one writing system by signs of another writing system, in which each character (or sequence of characters) of one writing system is transmitted by the same character (or sequence of characters) of another writing system.

In other words, the word "translator" after transliteration into the Latin alphabet it will look like this: "translator".

As an example, let's translate the word "translator" from English to Russian. How to do this using the program Google translator, read at the beginning of the article. Now, to see how the word obtained in Russian "translator" looks like it is written in Latin, click the special button “ In Latin»:

The result is shown in the figure in the highlighted area “1”.

  • Translation of web pages

Let's say we need to translate a web page on the website of the British newspaper “The Guardian” into Russian. For example, this one. Open this link, then copy the address from your browser's address bar as shown in the image:

Then return to Google translator and indicate the source and translation languages ​​- English and Russian. Then paste the link into the left area:

A link will appear in the right area where the translation is usually shown. Click on it with the left mouse button. A special mode will open Google translator to translate web pages:

Here you can also switch the language for translation (highlighted area “2”), as well as view the original. To do this, press button “3”.

This is an overview of online opportunities Google translator completed.

If you have questions or suggestions, leave comments or visit our forum.

Thank you for your attention.

5 best online translators with audio pronunciation.

Today without knowledge foreign languages nowhere... If earlier languages It was possible to learn only with a teacher (tutor), but with the advent of various types, you can master this task on your own. At the same time, of course, we must not forget that learning the meaning of words is one thing, but pronouncing them correctly is quite another.

In this article we will look at the five best online translation services, where it is easy not only to find out the meanings foreign words, phrases and even entire texts, but also view their transcription and listen to audio pronunciation.

Myefe – online translator from English with pronunciation

What is the most widely used language in the world? English of course! The developers of the service decided not to bother with other languages, but to make only a translator from English into 21 languages ​​of the world.

You can listen to the pronunciation in English and American, look at the transcription, examples of the use of a particular word in various situations. Also, after registration, you can create your own personal online dictionary.

There are two types of translation: short and detailed. Switching between them is carried out using the buttons:

Wordreference – voice translator with pronunciation

By default, two translation options are available: from English to Russian and vice versa. But if you click the “more” option, the choice of languages ​​will become much wider:

  • Spanish

  • French

  • Italian

  • German

  • Chinese

  • Japanese, etc.

If, for example, you are translating from English into any other language, then you can listen to the audio pronunciation of the source word not only in English and American, but also in various regional accents:

  • Irish

  • Scottish

  • Southern England

  • Australia, etc.

By the way, no other service presented in the review has such an opportunity. Are there any analogues at all? If you know, write in the comments. – Promt online

The translator Promt is well known to many. At the dawn of the appearance of the PC among ordinary users, it was super popular and was included in the category of “must have” programs. The service is an online version of Promt. According to a number of professional translators, it copes with its task better than its competitors, especially when translating highly topical (specific) texts.

For a more correct translation, the service offers the opportunity to select a topic: travel, gadgets, business correspondence, business, cars, etc.

For some reason, audio pronunciation here starts with a slight delay of 2-3 seconds. after clicking on the corresponding icon, but otherwise everything works perfectly.

Yandex and Google Translate

Online translators from two giants and of course cannot be ignored, because... they are very popular with users and work with hundreds of . It is advisable to consider them together, since they have very similar functionality and even appearance:

It is very simple to use: in the left window we insert what needs to be translated and select the source language, and in the right window we select the language into which we need to translate and get the result.

Unlike the first three services, Google and Yandex translators can voice the pronunciation of not only individual words, but also large texts. At the same time, the robot’s voice sounds almost like human speech, with the correct pauses, accents, etc.

You can get the meaning of each individual word and its synonyms by double-clicking on it, and also find out its transcription:

Yandex was pleasantly surprised: if the translation does not suit you for some reason, you can look at its alternative in Google translator and Bing. Links for this are available in the right box at the bottom. But Google is no different in its favor towards competitors and alternatives :)

imTranslator - amazing 3in1 online translator

Finally, I will introduce you to a service that, in my opinion, is the best online translator with all the necessary functions.

I will not dwell in detail on the description of its functionality now, because I have already reviewed this service (I will immediately refer you to it). Let me just say that it earned its name “3in1” due to the fact that it is capable of producing text translations with the simultaneous use of three engines:

  1. Microsoft Translator

  2. PROMT-Online

All you have to do is choose the most successful option :) Voice translator (Russian speech sounds like the host of a news show), transcription and other functions are of course also available.

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