Marine rescue service of Rosmorrechflot. Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot Club version: ship recycling = destruction of evidence

Life for the fleet
A monument to Admiral Gennady Suchkov was unveiled in Polyarny, and a square was named after him / Society / December, 2016

This event is not at all regional, but on an all-Russian scale, since we are talking about statesman, known in all four Russian fleets - from the Arctic Ocean to the Pacific, from the Black Sea to the Baltic.

Admiral G.A. Suchkov. 2002

And it's not even that Gennady Alexandrovich Suchkov, a sailor to the core, was the only admiral in our history who had the privilege of commanding both the Northern and Pacific fleets. Although this too...

He did not lead his fleets into battle. In life, he had another task - to save these fleets from the pogrom of pseudo-reformers. To save warships that have not served their time from thieves' sales, to save the fleet from stagnation in bases and indefinite repairs.

Thanks to the titanic efforts of the admiral, both of our ocean fleets retained their strategic core, their combat effectiveness in the crafty pacifist times, when it was announced that Russia has no external enemies, and, in general, it does not really need the Armed Forces. How can one not remember the revolutionary year of 1917, when the fleet was destroyed and officers were thrown overboard...


Admiral G. A. Suchkov – Advisor to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. 2010

But he thought differently and acted contrary to the treacherous doctrine. He fought to ensure that the fleet received weapons of the latest developments, and to ensure that invaluable specialists did not leave their ships.


Vice Admiral Yu.I. Boyarkin with a portrait of a friend

He laid down his soul for the fleet. We don’t forgive this kind of thing: “Are you a saint? White crow?. So we’ll show you where the crows winter!”

It wasn’t even a behind-the-scenes fight: fights with conformists took place in open rings, if court hearings can be called a ring.


Captain 1st Rank G. Suchkov leads his brigade to the parade

They were afraid of him. They were afraid that just such an admiral would take the chair of commander-in-chief and cover up “warm spots” and block dubious “financial flows.” The tabloid press avidly maligned the “abuses of the admiral” in connection with the supply of new torpedoes to the fleet. The persecution of Suchkov reached its peak when the admiral was classically framed for towing the decommissioned nuclear-powered icebreaker K-159, which sank in the Barents Sea. The admiral was brought to trial amid the hooting of the “dempresses.”


Captain 3rd Rank Gennady Suchkov (left), assistant commander, on the B-9 submarine during 18 months of combat service. Mediterranean Sea. 1976 "title="Captain 3rd Rank Gennady Suchkov (left), assistant commander, on the B-9 submarine during an 18-month combat service. Mediterranean Sea. 1976

Both the joint Council of Navy Veterans and international club submariners, and heads of many constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and former commanders-in-chief, and elders of the Russian fleet. But there was no need to fear “pressure on the court.” Our military court, the most independent (especially from public opinion) and, of course, the fairest in the world, determined the punishment at “three years probation.”


The commander of the Kola Flotilla, Vice Admiral O. Golubev and the grandson of Admiral Timur Suchkov unveil a monument to the Honorary Citizen of the city of Polyarny, former commander of the Northern Fleet, Admiral G.A. Suchkova

And then the unprecedented appointment of Suchkov to a new position occurred: the “criminal,” albeit a conditional one, was taken on as an adviser by the then Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Sergei Ivanov. But no one cared anymore. The main thing is that the likely contender for the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Navy has been reliably eliminated. And although the punishment was conditional, the admiral’s soul and heart ached more than really. It was a disaster for his entire impeccable career, or rather, for his entire difficult naval life, his selfless service to the Russian fleet. The only consolation was that such military leaders as Ushakov and Suvorov, Zhukov and Kuznetsov also knew disgrace...


Commanding Pacific Fleet Vice Admiral G. Suchkov in the chart room of a strategic nuclear submarine

The British have such a definition - “admiral from the deck”, that is, not a parquet admiral. In relation to the submariner Admiral Suchkov, it could sound like this: “admiral from a strong corps.” Most of his service was spent in the durable hulls of the Polarnina submarines.

One of his long trips lasted 18 months! No one in the world left their bases for a year and a half. This was a record of human endurance, set not for the sake of the Guinness Book, but due to the current military-political situation. Captain-Lieutenant Gennady Suchkov passed this severe test with honor.

A peasant grandson, the son of a front-line officer, he was a student and hero of the most desperate squadron in the Navy - the Fourth Squadron of diesel submarines. He went through all the ranks of the ranks - from lieutenant-miner to commander-admiral. "Century" already told about the fate of Admiral Suchkov (“Forgive us, Admiral!” dated 08/30/2013)


Parade of sailors of the Kola Flotilla on Admiral Suchkov Square

“His father gave him the profession of defending the Motherland. In 1969, Gennady graduated from our best naval school– Higher VMU named after M.V. Frunze, and came to the Northern Fleet as a lieutenant. At first he ended up on a minesweeper, but did everything to transfer to a submarine and, in the end, was appointed commander of a torpedo group on a diesel submarine B-9. It was from this time that, as the sailors say, he “didn’t get out of the seas”, the durable hull became his second home: “autonomy” after “autonomy”, first for six months, then for nine months, then for a year, and in 1975–76 years, an involuntary world record - combat service away from the base for 18 months! A year and a half in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea in the compartments of a diesel submarine!


Relatives and friends of Admiral G. Suchkov at the opening of the monument

Let us note that Suchkov received all his lieutenant and captain’s stars in the seas, and all his orders are sprinkled with sea salt - both the Order of the Red Star and “For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces.” An officer without any connections, without support from above, walked up the steps of the career ladder very confidently: commander of a submarine, commander of a submarine brigade, commander of a submarine squadron, deputy commander of the Black Sea Fleet, commander of the Pacific Fleet, after the death of a nuclear submarine " Kursk" he was appointed commander of his native Northern Fleet...

Before that, he served as first deputy commander of the Black Sea Fleet. During that more than difficult time, Suchkov, with all his soul, contributed to the preservation of the Russian fleet in Crimea, and showed remarkable diplomatic efforts. Sevastopol residents pronounce his name with sincere respect and gratitude. And they are not the only ones.


At the opening of the monument to the naval commander, his colleagues, friends, and most importantly, both sons - Alexander and Yegor, grandson Timur, who, together with the commander of the Kola Flotilla, Vice Admiral Oleg Golubev, tore the cover off the monument, came to Polyarny. Then there was a solemn meeting, a rifle salute from the guard of honor. The crews of the Flotilla's surface and submarine ships marched in parade. The brass band played “Farewell of the Slavic Woman”, “Victory Day” and even Gennady Suchkov’s favorite song “Farewell, Rocky Mountains” transposed to the marching step...


The same bust was installed in the admiral’s homeland in Sechenov Nizhny Novgorod region

Admiral Suchkov became bronzed only after his death. Three bronze bust erected in his honor: on small homeland in the city of Sechenov, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, at the Troekurovsky cemetery in Moscow and here, in Polyarny, the former capital of the Northern Fleet, which named Gennady Suchkov its honorary citizen. During his lifetime, he was open to everyone who sought his help and support. There was no more cheerful and witty interlocutor in the close company of officers.

But the most amazing thing: submariner Suchkov never drank. He didn’t even take a sip from his glass. He picked it up with everyone else and put it on the table. Perhaps this was the secret of his phenomenal memory and exceptional performance?

One way or another, Admiral Suchkov was more often seen on the piers and decks, in compartments and wheelhouses, than in the coastal office. And even far on land, within the walls of the ministry, he always remained a sailor. Sailors always gathered with him. He always did everything for the fleet and in the name of the fleet. Let's believe that one day a warship with the name "Admiral Suchkov" on board will appear in the North. Admiral Suchkov saved the fleet and helped the sailors. But he couldn’t save himself, he couldn’t help himself - he died suddenly from an advanced illness. Usually in such cases they say - burned out at work. Yes, it burned down. But his life shone like a torch. Like the light of a beacon warning: your course leads to danger.


Timur Suchkov in the guard of honor at the monument to his grandfather

Now they stand in close proximity: a bust of Admiral Gennady Suchkov and a bronze statue of Admiral Fyodor Ushakov. Both look at the piers of the Catherine Harbor, at the ships flying the St. Andrew’s flag, ready to sail into distant seas. This was the meaning of the service and service of Admiral Gennady Aleksandrovich Suchkov - to send to distant seas warships, and wait for them with victory.

The article was published within the framework of the socially significant project “Russia and the Revolution. 1917 – 2017" using state support funds allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President Russian Federation dated 12/08/2016 No. 96/68-3 and on the basis of a competition held by the All-Russian public organization"Russian Union of Rectors".

II. Active fleet – 78 units.

I. Rescue tugs

Multifunctional rescue tug (mbs), over 2000 hp. - 6 units.

1. Multifunctional rescue tug (mbs), 3000 hp. project 1454 – 5 units.

Multifunctional salvage tug (mbs) of project 1454, place of construction - Yaroslavl (JSC Yaroslavl Shipyard), navigation area - unlimited. RS class: KM µ UL AUT2 tug/salvage ship.

- MBS "Lazurit", year of construction 1990 - Primorsky branch, Vladivostok;

— mbs “Atlas”, year of construction 1987 – Sakhalin branch, Korsakov village;

- MBS "Rubin", year of construction 1982 - Sakhalin branch, Korsakov village;

- MBS "Captain Beklemishev", year of construction 1985 - Northern branch, Murmansk;

- mbs "Epron", year of construction 1983 - Caspian branch, Astrakhan.

Main characteristics:

Maximum length, m 58,61
Width, m 12,23
Theoretical width, m 12,64
Side height, m 5,9
Deadweight, t 404
Gross tonnage, t 1160
Loading capacity of the stern cargo boom, t 5
Main engine power (6CHN 30/38 (5-2D-42) or Zulcer 8 AL 25/30), hp 2 x 1500
Fuel type diesel
Fixed pitch propeller steel
Steering gear swivel nozzle
Diesel generators (6 CHN 18/22) total power, kW 2 x 165
Thruster – bow, power, kW 130
Maximum travel speed, knots/fuel consumption, t/day. 12/9,5
Economical travel, knots/fuel consumption, t/day. 8,0/5,5
When towing, travel speed, knots/fuel consumption, t/day. 5,0/11,0
Traction force on winch (NORWICH), tf 35

Diving equipment - RKMU pressure chamber, two posts in a hose version ensuring the work of two divers simultaneously, up to a depth of 60 meters.

Rescue tug (bs), over 600 hp. – 3 units.

1. Rescue tug (bs), 5228 hp. "Mercury" project 151 - 1 unit.

Rescue tug (bs) "Mercury" project 151, built in 1975, built in Yugoslavia, twin-screw with controlled propeller pitch, multi-purpose anchor breeder, navigation area - unlimited.

RS class: KM µ R1 Tug.

Main characteristics:

Maximum length, m 39.05
Length between perpendiculars, m 32.0
Width, m 9.6
Side height, m 5.30
Summer load line draft, m 4.61
Draft in ballast: bow – 4.2 m, stern – 4.2 m.
Displacement, t 820
Deadweight, t 315
gross tonnage, t 456
Registered tonnage: general - 456.0 b.r.t.;

clean - 136.0 n.r.t.

Autonomy, days 24
Crew, people 17
Mast height from OL, m 27.2
Traction force on towing winch, t 65.0
Diesel fuel DL-62, t 180
Lubricating oil, t 6.0
Fresh water, t 41
Total power of the main engine (B@W 16V23L-VO - 2 units), kW 3660
— in cargo, knots. 14
— in ballast, knots. 5.0
Cargo space on the aft deck for 100 tons with CG height < 0.5м.

2. Rescue tug (bs), 810 hp. “Bold” project B820 DZ – 1 unit.

Tug "Daring" (bs) of project B820 DZ, place of construction - Poland, year of construction 1988, navigation area - 20 miles from the port of refuge, A1.

RS class: KM µ L3 R3 Tug.

The vessel is in operation as part of the ASF of the Azovo-Chernomorsky branch, its home port is Novorossiysk.

Main characteristics:

Displacement, t 133
Gross tonnage, t 91
Deadweight, t 29.61
Length, m 20.45
Width, m 06
Side height, m 3.15
Draft, m 2.32
Displacement, t 133
Gross tonnage, t 91
Deadweight, t 29.61
Passenger capacity, persons 18
Crew, people 6
Total power of the main engine (diesel Cummins GSM11-M - 2 units), kW 596
Travel speed, knots 10
Autonomy, days 5

3. Rescue tug “Vyborg” project 8059.1 – 1 unit.

Tug "Vyborg" project 8059.1, place of construction - Germany, year of construction 1970, navigation area - 20 miles from the port of refuge.

RS class: KM µ L3 R3 Tug.

The vessel is in operation as part of the ASF of the Arkhangelsk branch, its home port is Arkhangelsk

Main characteristics:

Total displacement, t 368
Lightweight displacement, t 368
Gross tonnage, t 226
Deadweight, t 71
Length, m 34.75
Width, m 8.6
Side height, m 3.7
Draft, m 2.84
Crew, people 8
Main engine power (6NVD B48A-2U), kW 640
Travel speed, knots 10
Autonomy, days 12

Coastal sea tug (mbpp) up to 600 hp. – 9 units.

1. Coastal sea tug (mbpp), 316 hp. project 1496 - 4 units.

Rescue tug of project 1496, place of construction in Azov, navigation area - 100 miles from the port of refuge. RS class: mbpp "Groza" KM µ L3 R1 tug; MBPP "Zaliv" KM µ L3 R2 tug; MBPP "Portovy-1" KM µ L3 R2 tug. RRR class: MBPP "Zenit" X O-PR 2.0 (ice 20).

The vessels are in operation as part of the ASF branches of the Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot with placement in the home ports:

— MBPP “Zaliv”, built 1982 – Azov-Black Sea branch, Novorossiysk;

— MBPP “Zenith”, year of construction 1984 – Azov-Black Sea branch, Novorossiysk;

— MBPP “Portovy-1”, year of construction 1985 – Baltic branch, St. Petersburg;

- MBPP "Groza", year of construction 1987 - Kamchatka branch, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky village.

Main characteristics:

Length, m 21.5
Width, m 5.7
Side height, m 2.6
Draft, m 1.88
Displacement (summer load line), t 41,6
Gross tonnage, t 78
Deadweight, t 17.2
Passenger capacity, persons 8
Main engine power (8ChNSP 18/22), kW 232
Travel speed, knots 10
Autonomy, days 5

2. Coastal sea tug (mbpp), 150 hp. “KZh-374” project 1439 – 1 unit.

Tugboat (mbpp) "KZh-374" project 1439, place of construction - Ulan-ude, year of construction 1989, navigation area - inland water basins of category "R" with a limitation on wave height of 1% probability of 1.2 m and wind speed no more than 17 m/s. RS class: KM µ R3 tug

Main characteristics:

Maximum length, m 16.22

Maximum width, m 3.8

Side height, m ​​2.16

Draft amidships (average), m 1.39

Gross tonnage (BRT), t 35

Deadweight, t 4.66

Net capacity (NRT), t 10

Number of crew, people. 5

Travel speed, knots 8.5

Main engine power (3D6), kW 110

Diesel fuel reserves, m³ 3.4

Fuel consumption on the go:

— full speed, kg/day 600

— economic progress, kg/day 435

— in the parking lot, kg/day 150

Autonomy, 5 days

3. Coastal sea tug (mbpp), 225 hp. "Buran-123" project 1437 – 1 unit.

Tugboat (mbpp) "Buran-123" project 1437, place of construction - Astrakhan, year of construction 1990, navigation area - according to navigation area R3, with a distance of up to 20 miles from the place of refuge, according to weather conditions, navigation is permitted with sea waves up to 4 points. RS class: KM µ R3 tug.

Main characteristics:

Length, m 13.30

Width, m 3.96

Board height, m ​​02.00

Draft, m 1.44

Displacement, t 36.3

Gross tonnage, t 24.00

Deadweight, t 5.00

Main engine power (diesel 6 ChNSP 18/22 -1 unit), kW 165

Travel speed, knots 9.6

Crew, people 2

Autonomy, days. 2

4. Coastal sea tug (mbpp), 150 hp. "BT-566", project 1606 - 1 unit.

Towing motor ship (mbpp) "BT-566" of project 1606, place of construction - Rybinsk, year of construction 1979, navigation area - inland water basins of category "P" with a limitation on wave height of 1% probability of 1.2 m and wind speed not more than 17 m/s. RRR class: X O 1.5.

The vessel is in operation as part of the ASF Caspian Branch, its home port is Astrakhan.

Main characteristics:

Length, m 16.65

Width, m 3.45

Theoretical width, m 3.70

Load line draft (maximum), m 0.88

Side height, m ​​1.6

Freeboard, m 0.73

Displacement (summer load line), t 30

Gross tonnage, t 24.7

Deadweight, t 2.30

Main engine power (3D6), kW 110

Travel speed, knots 9.2

Autonomy, 4 days

5. Coastal sea tug (mbpp), 150 hp. “Sever-7” project 16332 – 1 unit.

Tugboat (mbpp) "Sever-7" project 16332, place of construction - Murmansk, year of construction 1989, navigation area - Kola Bay, A1. RS class: KM µ R3 tug.

The vessel is in operation as part of the ASF of the Northern Branch, its home port is Murmansk.

Main characteristics:

Length, m 12.41

Width, m 03.42

Side height, m ​​01.5

Draft, m 1.03

Displacement, t 19.93

Gross tonnage, 16

Deadweight, t 02

Crew, people 8

Main engine power (6 ChSP 15/18), kW 1 x 110

Travel speed, knots 9

Autonomy, 5 days

6. Coastal sea tug (mbpp), 300 hp. "ASPTR - 5" project R-100 - 1 unit.

Sea imported tugboat (MBPT) "ASPTR-5" project R-100, place of construction - Taganrog, year of construction 1967, navigation area - coastal and offshore, sailing possible in winds of no more than force 4, with a wave height of no more than 2 m RS class: KM µ R3.

Main characteristics

Maximum length

19.5 m

Upper deck width

6.0 m

Board height

1.81 m

Load line draft

1.03 m

Light bow draft

0.77 m

Light draft by stern

1.05 m

Gross registered tonnage

57.4 r.t.

Register capacity net

13.0 rub. T

Displacement of cargo. brand

79.76 t

Empty displacement

68.68 t

Boom capacity

5 t

Towing hook pull *

Speed ​​3 knots

3.36 t

Construction speed

9.5 knots

Technical speed

8.0 knot


6 people

Cruising range

1000 miles

Sailing autonomy

4 days

Main engine

2 x 3D 6

Power e.h.p./kW

2 x 150/110.4

Main engine rotation speed

1500 rpm

Type of fuel

design "L" GOST 305-82, Gasoil

Main engine fuel consumption per day:

On the run

1.29 t

Parking with VDG

0.1 t

Fuel tank capacity

6.9 m3

Consumption of lubricating oils per day:

On the run

24 kg

Parking with VDG

2.4 kg

Auxiliary engine

4 H 8.5/11

VDG power hp/kW


Rotation frequency

1500 rpm

Propulsion type

2 x VFS

Propeller speed

480 rpm

Drinking water supply

1.2 t

Washing water supply

1.2 t

Fresh water consumption

0.3 m 3

II. Support vessels

Multifunctional rescue vessel (MSV) – 8 units.

1. Multifunctional rescue vessel (MSV) project B-92/I and B-92/II— 5 units.

Support vessels (MSS) of project B-92/I and B-92/II, place of construction - Poland (Szczecin), navigation area - unlimited. RS class: KM µ UL AUT2 Supply vessel.

The vessels are in operation as part of the ASF branches of the Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot with placement in the home ports:

- MS "Neftegaz-55", year of construction 1987 - Primorsky branch, Vladivostok;

- MS "Yasny", year of construction 1985 - Baltic branch, St. Petersburg;

- MS "Captain Martyshkin", year of construction 1987 - Northern branch, Murmansk;

— mss “Irbis”, year of construction 1986 - Primorsky branch, Vladivostok;

- MS "Agat", year of construction 1987 - Sakhalin branch, Korsakov village

Main characteristics:

Maximum length, m 81.16

Length between perpendiculars, m 71.45

Theoretical width, m 16.3

Theoretical board height, m ​​7.2

Load line draft (maximum), m 4.9

Displacement (summer load line), t 4017

Deadweight, t 1329

Gross tonnage, t 2737

Main engine – 2 x Zulzer-Zgoda 6ZL40/482pcs, total, kW 5300

Fuel type diesel

Crankshaft propellers, quantity 2

Steering device PZL

Diesel generators – Zulzer 6AL 20/24, total power, kW 3x412

Maximum travel speed, knots/fuel consumption, t/day. 15/30.0

Economical travel, knots/fuel consumption, t/day. 10.0/20

Travel speed when towing, knots/fuel consumption, t/day 5.0/20

Traction force on winch (ND-150A), tf 82

Diving equipment – ​​equipped with a rapid deployment diving station, VSBR-2, hose version.

2. Multifunctional rescue vessel (MSV) “Svetlomor-3” project 2262 - 1 unit.

Support vessel (MSS) "Svetlomor-3" project 2262, built in 1987, place of construction - Singapore, navigation area - unlimited. RS class: KM µ L1 AUT2 Supply vessel

The vessel is in operation as part of the ASF Primorsky Branch, its home port is Vladivostok.

Main characteristics:

Length, m 61.0

Width, m 14.0

Side height, m ​​6.0

Load line draft (maximum), m 4.5

Displacement (summer load line), t 2474

Gross tonnage, t 1695

Deadweight, t 1650

Load boom – lifting capacity, t 12.5

Traction force of towing winch (Electro-Hydraulic), tf 40

Main engine power (8 R 22 H F –D) (2 units), kW 2x 1300

Bow thruster (Bow), kW 1x300

Speed, knots 12

Autonomy, days 25

3. Research vessel (vessel) “Igor Maksimov” project 655 (ssm) – 1 unit.

Research vessel(s) "Igor Maksimov" of project 655, place of construction - Finland, Turku, year of construction - 1987, navigation area - unlimited. RS class: KM µ L1 AUT2 Special purpose ship.

The vessel is in operation as part of the ASF of the Sakhalin branch, its home port is Korsakov.

Main characteristics:

Maximum length, m 49.90

Width, m 10.00

Side height, m ​​5.00

Maximum draft, m 3.60

Displacement fully loaded, t 929.2

Deadweight, t 293

Gross tonnage, t 693.00

Main engine power (diesel 6MG 25BX 1 unit), kW 994

Maximum speed, knots 12

— fuel, t 93.5

— water, t 96.5

Swimming autonomy:

— provisions for 35 people, 35 days

— on fuel (at a speed of 11 knots), miles 5500

4. Research vessel(s) "Impulse" project 535M - 1 unit.

Research vessel (vessel) "Impulse" of project 535M, place of construction - Gorokhovets, year of construction 1982, navigation area - 200 miles from the port of refuge. RS class: KM µ R1

The boat is in operation as part of the ASF of the Azovo-Chernomorsky branch, its home port is Novorossiysk.

Main characteristics:

Maximum length, m 37.01

Theoretical width, m 8

Side height, m ​​3.55

Draft, m 2

Displacement (summer load line), t 291

Deadweight, t 44

Load capacity of cargo boom, t 2

Main engine power (3D12), kW 2 x 220

Maximum speed, knots. 10

Diving equipment - a stationary air compressor, a pressure chamber of the RKMU type, two diving stations in a hose version, ensuring the work of two divers simultaneously, up to a depth of 60 meters.

Marine rescue vessel (ssm) – 1 unit.

1. Marine rescue vessel (ssm) “Metel” project 1458 – 1 unit.

All-weather rescue boat (ssm) "Metel" project 1458, built in 1981, place of construction - Astrakhan, navigation area - A1, A2. RS class: KM µ R1.

The vessel is in operation as part of the ASF of the Arkhangelsk branch, its home port is Arkhangelsk.

Main characteristics:

Length between perpendiculars, m 23.5

Maximum length, m 27.07

Width, m 6.64

Side height, m ​​3.41

Service draft, m 1.60

Total displacement, t 102.53

Gross tonnage, t 98

Deadweight, t 8

Crew, people 10

Number of seats for rescued people: 40

Main engine 3D12A1

Afterburning engines 2 x M401V1

Total power of the main engine, kW 1693

Vessel speed in clear, calm water, knots:

— when operating GD 10

— during main engine operation + afterburning engines 17

III. Diving vessels

Marine diving vessel (MVS) – 4 units.

1. Project 522 sea diving vessel (MVS) – 4 units.

Diving boat of project (MVS) 522, place of construction - Leningrad, navigation area - coastal with a distance of 20 miles from the place of refuge in the period October-April, 50 miles in the period May-September. RRR class: X M-PR 2.5 (ice 30).

The vessels are in operation as part of the ASF branches of the Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot with placement in the home ports:

— MVS “Vodolaz-15”, built 1960 - Baltic Branch, St. Petersburg;

— MVS “Vodolaz-5”, year of construction 1957 – Arkhangelsk branch, Arkhangelsk village;

— MVS “Vodolaz-14”, year of construction 1960 – Azov-Black Sea branch, Novorossiysk village;

— MVS “Vodolaz-10”, year of construction 1987 – Kamchatka branch, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky village.

Main characteristics:

Length, m 27.00
Width, m 5.2
Side height, m 2.8
Draft, m 1,8
Displacement (t):
- complete 114,7
- empty 101,2
Deadweight 13,5
Gross tonnage, t 88.3
Main engine power (6 ChSP 23/30) (1 unit), kW 331
Travel speed, knots 11
Fuel reserve, t 9
Autonomy, days 7

Diving equipment - stationary air compressor, RKMU type pressure chamber, two diving stations in a hose version

Marine diving boat (mvb) – 2 units.

1. Marine diving boat (mvb) project 1415 - 2 units.

Diving boat (DVB) of project 1415, place of construction - Sosnovka, navigation area - 20-mile coastal zone A1. RS class: KM µ R3.

- Volna international bank, built 1992 - Caspian branch, Astrakhan;

— international bank “Valentin Podgorny”, built in 1992 – Azov-Black Sea branch, Novorossiysk village.

Main characteristics:

Length, m 19.46
Maximum length, m 21.2
Theoretical width, m 3.92
Side height, m 2.25
Load line draft (maximum), m 1.8
Theoretical draft, m 1.24
Displacement (summer load line), t 43,2
Gross tonnage, t 35
Deadweight, t 7
Load boom with lifting capacity, t 1
Main engine power (YaMZ – 238 ND5), kW 1 x 220
Screw 1 x VFS
Autonomy, days 10
Seaworthiness, points 5
Diesel fuel reserve, t 1,6

Diving equipment - a stationary air compressor, a pressure chamber of the RKMU type, two diving stations in a hose version, ensuring the work of 2 divers simultaneously to a depth of 60 m.

Raid diving boat (rvb) – 13 units.

1. Raid diving boat (rvb) project RVM-376 – 13 units.

Diving boat (RVB) of project RVM-376, place of construction - Sosnovka, navigation area - A1 at a distance of 10 miles from the port of refuge. RPP class: X O 2.0.

The boats are in operation as part of the ASF branches of the Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot with placement in the home ports:

— RVB “VRD-1462”, built in 1991 – Baltic Branch, St. Petersburg;

— RVB “VRD-1111”, built in 1978 – Caspian branch, Astrakhan;

— RVB “VRD-4”, built in 1982 – Northern Branch, Murmansk;

— RVB “VRD-10”, built in 1983 – Northern Branch, Murmansk;

— RVB “VRD-1097”, built in 1983 – Primorsky branch, Vladivostok;

— RVB “VRD-1170”, built 1984 – Kaliningrad branch, Kaliningrad village;

— RVB “Vodolaz-31”, built in 1984 – Azov-Black Sea branch, Novorossiysk village

- RVB "Mayak", year of construction 1985 - Northern branch, Murmansk;

— RVB “Signal”, year of construction 1985 – Arkhangelsk branch, Arkhangelsk village;

— RVB “Vodolaz-32”, built in 1986 – Azov-Black Sea branch, Novorossiysk;

- RVB "VRD-1409", year of construction 1989 - Primorsky branch, Vladivostok;

- RVB "VRD-1505", year of construction 1992 - Kaliningrad branch, Kaliningrad village;

- RVB "VRD-1025", year of construction 1981 - Caspian branch, Astrakhan.

Main characteristics:

Maximum length, m 19
Width, m 3.8
Side height, m 2.15
Freeboard height, m 2.15
Draft, m 1.05
Maximum draft, m 1.2
Lightweight displacement, t 33.9
Displacement (summer cargo draft), t 37.1
Gross tonnage, t 32.5
Deadweight, t 9.7
Net capacity, t 10
Passenger capacity, persons 8
Load boom – lifting capacity, t 1,0
Main engine power (3D6) (1 unit), kW 110
Maximum speed, knots. 10
Fuel reserve, t 1.3
Autonomy, days 2
Seaworthiness, points 4

Diving equipment: stationary air compressor, pressure chamber of the RKMU type, two diving stations in a hose version ensuring the work of two divers simultaneously, up to a depth of 60 meters. Underwater welding, cutting and video filming.

IV. Rescue vessels, boats

Rescue vessel - boom setter (ssb) - 3 units.

1. Rescue vessel - boom releaser project 1344 (ssb) - 2 units.

Boom-laying vessel (SSB) of project 1344, place of construction in Astrakhan, navigation area - pools of the "OPR" category. RRR class: X O-PR 2.0.

The vessels are in operation as part of the ASF branches of the Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot with placement in the home ports:

— ssb “Kolonok-57”, year of construction 1979 – Caspian branch, Astrakhan;

— SSB “Kolonok-99”, built 1981 – Caspian branch, Astrakhan.

Main characteristics:

2. Rescue vessel - boom setter (ccb) “SPA-004” project M-12911 - 1 unit.

Rescue vessel (SSB) "SPA-004" of project M-12911, place of construction - Sovgavan, year of construction 1988, navigation area - 2nd (navigation at a distance of no more than 50 miles from the place of refuge - July and August, and not more than 20 miles during the rest of the navigation period, in non-icing conditions). RS class: KM µ L3 R2

The vessel is in operation as part of the ASF of the Sakhalin branch, its home port is Korsakov.

Main characteristics:

Length, m 33.63
Width, m 7.2
Side height, m 2.4
Design draft, m 1.9
Maximum draft, m 2.2
Displacement (summer load line), t 192
Gross tonnage, t 189
Deadweight, t 118
Cargo deck capacity, t up to 50
Hydraulic crane, t 0,9
Main engine power (6 ChNSP 18/22-300), kW 220
Diesel fuel reserve, t 16.8
Maximum speed, knots. 8.5
Fuel consumption, t/day 1.9
Crew, people 7
Passenger capacity, persons 2
Autonomy, days 10

Diving equipment: pressure chamber with two shut-off chambers, diving switchboard for three divers, compressor high pressure DK-23M 2 pcs, air retainers for 600 liters (6 cylinders).

Rescue boat – boom setter (SKB) – 18 units.

1. Rescue boom-laying boat (SKB) project HS-1500 – 3 units.

Rescue vessel (svb) of project HS-1500, place of construction - Norway, navigation area - sea areas with a distance from the shelter of up to 20 miles. RS class: SKB "Alfard" and SKB "Arneb" - KM µ R3; SKB "Aliot" KM µ II SP.

The vessels are in operation as part of the ASF branches of the Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot with placement in the home ports:

- SKB "Alfard", built in 1989 - Baltic branch, St. Petersburg;

- SKB "Aliot", built in 1989 - Baltic Branch, St. Petersburg;

- SKB "Arneb", year of construction 1989 - Baltic branch, St. Petersburg.

Main characteristics:

Rescue boom-laying boat (SKB) of project HS-2000, place of construction - Norway, navigation area - at a distance of 50 miles from the port of refuge. RS class: KMµ L2 R2-RSN.

2. Rescue boom-laying boat (SKB) project HS-2000 – 2 units.

The vessels are in operation as part of the ASF branches of the Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot with placement in the home ports:

— design bureau “Markab”, year of construction 1989 – Northern branch, Murmansk;

— SKB “Mizar”, built in 1990 – Primorsky branch, Vladivostok.

Main characteristics:

Maximum length, m 15.4
Width, m 5
Side height, m 1.55
Draft, m 1.2
Lightweight displacement, t 34.9
Gross tonnage, t 37
Deadweight, t 9.6
Permissible number of people on board 15
Total power of the main engine (diesel Fiat-Aifo 828 ISRM 70/10), kW 2 x 794
Travel speed, knots 20
Autonomy, days 5
Type of booms on board EXPANDY - L= 243 meters
Skimmer Mini Max - Desmi, productivity, m³/hour 32

3. Rescue boat - boom setter (skb) "KARAT" project LC-9000 – 2 units.

Work boat for installation of booms (SKB) "KARAT" project LC-9000, place of construction - Finland, navigation area - coastal, river, discharge basin (R). RRR class: X P 1.2.

The boats are in operation as part of the ASF Baltic Branch with accommodation in the home port of St. Petersburg:

— SKB “KARAT”, year of construction 2004 – Baltic branch, St. Petersburg;

- design bureau "KARAT - 2", year of construction 2007 - Baltic branch, St. Petersburg

Main characteristics:

Gross tonnage, t 7.5

Deadweight, t 3.5

Material Aluminum-magnesium alloy

Length, m 7.60

Width, m 2.60

Side height, m ​​1.30

Displacement, t 6.2

Gross tonnage, t 7.5

Deadweight, t 3.5

Housing material: aluminum-magnesium alloy

Total power of the main engine (outboard motor Mercury XL 150 -2 units), kW 220

Travel speed, knots 33

Cruising range, miles 25

4. Rescue boat – boom-laying boat (SKB) “Sportis” project S-7500K – 1 unit.

Rescue boom-laying boat (SKB) "Sportis" project S-7500K, place of construction - Sweden, year of construction - 2006, navigation area - MP - 12 miles of GDP. GIMS, MP; distance - 2 miles; hv-1.8 m.

Main characteristics:

Length, m 7.56

Width, m 2.50

Minimum side height, m ​​1.5

Gross tonnage, t 4.5

Main engine power (Yamaha-340 -1 unit), hp 340

Travel speed, knots thirty

Cruising range, miles 50

Passenger capacity, persons 10

Load capacity, kg 1000

5. Rescue boat – boom-laying boat (SKB) “Hitek-75” project Hitek (SKB) – 2 units.

Rescue boom-laying boat (SKB) "Hitek-75" of the Hitek project, place of construction - EK MARINE, navigation area - MP - 2 miles of GDP. GIMS, MP; distance - 2 miles; hv-1.8 m.

The boats are in operation as part of the ASF of the Azovo-Chernomorsky branch, their home port is Novorossiysk.

— design bureau “High-tech-75”, year of construction 2007 – Azov-Black Sea branch, Novorossiysk;

— design bureau “High-tech-75”, year of construction 2010 – Azov-Black Sea branch, Novorossiysk village.

Main characteristics:

Material fiberglass

Length, m 7.58

Width, m 2.65

Capacity, t 1.8

Load capacity, t 1.0

Passenger capacity, persons 10

Diameter of inflatable side, m 0.5

Number of inflatable board compartments 5

Main engine power (outboard motor Mercury-115/150 - 1 unit), hp. 115/150

Travel speed, knots thirty

Cruising range, miles 50

6. Rescue boat – boom-laying boat (SKB) “Hitek-85S” project Hitek (SKB) – 6 units.

Rescue boat-boom-laying boat "Hi-tech-85S", type RIB, place of construction - EK MARINE.

Class: navigation area - MP, distance 2 miles; GDP, GIMS, hv-1.8 m.

Boat type: Rigid inflatable boat

Purpose: To carry out rescue, pilotage, patrol work and perform transport tasks at sea, reservoirs, lakes and rivers in difficult weather conditions.

The boats are in operation:

2 units – Azov-Black Sea branch (Novorossiysk village);

2 units – Caspian branch (Astrakhan village);

1 unit – Arkhangelsk branch (Arkhangelsk village);

1 unit – Sakhalin branch (Korsakov village).

Main characteristics:

Material fiberglass
Length, m 7.58
Width, m 2.65
Capacity, t 1.8
Load capacity, t 1.0
Passenger capacity, persons 10
Diameter of inflatable side, m 0.5
Number of inflatable board compartments 5
Main engine power (Mercruiser outboard motor) 1x264 hp + 2x220 hp; 1x130 hp +2x130 hp; 2x130 hp; 2x130 hp - respectively.
Travel speed, knots 30
Cruising range, miles 50

7. Rescue boat – boom setter (SKB) RAF-1571 “Scat” project BL-820 – 1 unit.

Rescue boom-laying boat (SKB) RAF-1571 "Scat" project BL-820, year of construction - 2011, place of construction - St. Petersburg, navigation area - GDP, MP, pools of category "R", hv-3.5-4 m, distance - 100 miles. Class formula GIMS EMERCOM: 1L2 (IIIm) 12/212.8.

The boat is in operation as part of the ASF of the Caspian Branch, its home port is Astrakhan.

Main characteristics:

Maximum length, m 8.7

Width, m 3.5

Load line draft, m 0.23

Freeboard height, m ​​1.5

Minimum freeboard height, m ​​0.6

Displacement, t 4

Deadweight, t 0.84

Load capacity, kg 1200

Speed, knots 40

Autonomy, days 0.3

Passenger capacity, persons 12

Engine power (Cummins Mercruiser DISEL QSD 4.2 – 1 unit), hp 320

8. Rescue boom-laying boat (SKB) “Rescuer-1 Parker” project “Baltic-900” - 1 unit.

Rescue boom-laying boat (SKB) "Rescuer-1 Parker" (SKB) of the "Baltic-900" project, year of construction - 2012, place of construction - Russian Federation, navigation area - MP - 2 miles of GDP. GIMS, MP; distance - 2 miles; hv-1.8 m.

The boat is in operation as part of the ASF of the Azovo-Chernomorsky branch, its home port is Novorossiysk.

Main characteristics:

9. Rescue boat-boom-laying type "SN 0316 A» — 1 unit.

The boat was built in 1984, Japan., navigation area - VP, MP, coastal, in/out up to 1.2 m, distance 6 miles.

The boat is in operation as part of the ASF of the Sakhalin branch, its home port is Korsakov.

Main characteristics
Maximum length 12.25 m
Upper deck width 4.0 m
Board height 1.4 m
Capacity 3.2 tons
Passenger capacity 9 people
Load capacity 2700 kg.
Power 70 hp

10. Motor boat (Amphibious rigid inflatable boat) typeRIBSealegs7.1, 150 hp "Sealegs 7/1 Rib» – 1 unit.

Motor boat, built 2013 ( New Zealand), navigation area – MP up to 6 miles, VP, GDP, in/in up to 1.2 m.

The boat is in operation as part of the Azov-Black Sea branch, its home port is Novorossiysk.

Main characteristics
Maximum length 7.13 m
Upper deck width 2.61 m
Board height 0.9 m
Maximum draft 0.82 m
Maximum speed (sea) 78 km/h
Maximum speed (land) 10 km/h
Vessel empty weight 1100 kg
Maximum number of people 650 kg.
Weight of luggage and other cargo 50 kg.
Maximum fuel volume 180 kg.
Maximum load capacity 700 kg.
Weight when fully loaded 1980 kg.
V6 engine – type PLM EVINRUDE 150 hp

V. Auxiliary vessels - 5 units.

Oil and waste skimmer (NMS) – 3 units.

1. Oil and waste disposal unit (NMS) project 2550/4 and 25505 - 3 units.

Oil and waste skimmers (NMS) of project 2550/4 and 25505, place of construction - Moreupol, navigation area - coastal, with a distance from the shelter of up to 10 miles.

RRR class: X 1.2.

The vessels are in operation as part of the ASF branches of the Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot with placement in the home ports:

- NMS "NMS-29" (project 2550/4), year of construction 1979 - Baltic Branch, St. Petersburg;

- NMS "NMS-17" (project 2550/4), year of construction 1989 - Caspian branch, Astrakhan;

- nms "NMS-26" "(project 25505), year of construction 1990 - Kaliningrad branch, Kaliningrad village.

Main characteristics:

Gross tonnage, t 46.91

Deadweight, t 25.00

Length, m 17.71

Maximum length, m 18

Width, m 4.7

Side height, m ​​2.4

Draft, m 1.68

Gross tonnage, t 46.91

Deadweight, t 25

Main engine power (diesel YaMZ-236 SR2-1 - 1 unit), kW 99

Travel speed, knots 6

Bilge water collector (SLV) – 2 units.

1. Bilge water collector (SLV) “Collector-348” » project1582 UD

Bilge water collector (SLV) of project 1582 UD, place of construction - Baku, 1981, navigation area - coastal, with a distance from the shelter of up to 10 miles.

Class: O 2.0.

Vessel type: motor ship, bilge water collector.

The vessels are in operation:

"Collector-348" - Azov-Black Sea branch;

"Kalmar" - Azov-Black Sea branch.

Main characteristics:

Gross tonnage, t 243
Deadweight, t 442
Length, m 34.45
Maximum length, m 35.14
Width, m 7.6
Side height, m 3.6
Draft, m 1.04
Displacement at load line draft, t 46.91
Main engine power (diesel 6ChNSP18/22- 1 unit), kW 165
Travel speed, knots 8.1

Rescue barge (sba) – 6 units.

1. Rescue barge (sba) “Picnic” project 1733 – 1 unit

Self-propelled barge (sba) "Picnic" ("Vostok" type) project 1733-464008, place of construction - USSR, year of construction 1991, navigation area - MP 15 miles, A1. GIMS, MP; distance - 2 miles; hv-1.8 m.

Main characteristics:

Length, m 16.50

Width, m 4.78

Side height, m ​​1.35

Minimum freeboard height, m ​​0.71

Total displacement, t 38.9

Capacity, persons 6

Crew, people 2

Load capacity, t 19.2

Main engine power (diesel 3D6 -1 unit), hp 235

Travel speed, knots 8, 2

Cruising range, miles 350

2. Rescue barge (sba) “SPRUT-2” project 81040 – 1 unit.

Emergency rescue vessel (SBA) for emergency rescue operations "SPRUT-2" of project 81040, place of construction - St. Petersburg, year of construction 1984, area and navigation conditions - A-1 category pool (M). RRR class: X M-PR2.5 (ice30).

The vessel is in operation as part of the ASF Baltic Branch, its home port is St. Petersburg.

Main characteristics:

Gross tonnage: 330.00 r.t.

Deadweight: 46.98 t.

Length 28.88

Width 12.28

Side height 02.60

Main engine power: (diesel 6Ch 23/30) - 1 unit. — 246 kW

Autonomy, days. 2

3. Rescue barge (sba) "ASPTR - 8" project M - 10 - 1 unit.

Non-self-propelled tank barge (SBA) "ASPTR - 8" project M - 10, place of construction - USSR, year of construction - 1973, navigation area - coastal, distance - 2 km; hv-0.5 m.

The barge is in operation as part of the ASF of the Arkhangelsk branch, its home port is Arkhangelsk.

Main characteristics

Gross tonnage, t 261.36

Length, m 16.03

Width, m 4.97

Side height, m ​​1.14

4. Rescue barge (sba) “PRP-20 No. 40” project 1345 – 1 unit.

Non-self-propelled rescue barge (sba) of project 1345, place of construction - village. Mumra, Astrakhan region., year of construction - 1980 navigation area - category pools (P), at a distance of 20 miles from the port of refuge, accompanied by a tug. RRR class: X Р1,2.

The barge is in operation as part of the ASF of the Caspian branch of the Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot, home port: Astrakhan.

Main characteristics:

Length, m 25.90

Width, m 7.20

Board height, m ​​01.40

Draft, m 0.78

Freeboard, m 0.62

Displacement, t 126.46

Deadweight, t 54.4

Diesel generator (4H 10.5/13) power, kW 39

Diving equipment – ​​container diving complex KVK-20.

5. Rescue barge (sba) “Sever-46” project 16332 – 1 unit.

Self-propelled barge (sba) "Sever-46" project 16332, place of construction - USSR, year of construction 1965, navigation area - MP 12 miles, A1. GIMS: MP; distance - 2 miles; hv-1.8 m.

The barge is in operation as part of the ASF of the Azov-Black Sea branch, its home port is Novorossiysk.

Main characteristics:

Gross tonnage, t 16.00

Deadweight, t 2.00

Length, m 13.6

Width, m 3.6

Side height, m ​​1.8

Draft, m 1.03

Passenger capacity, persons 2

Load capacity, kg 800

Main engine power (diesel 6 ChSP 15/18 -1 unit), kW 110

Travel speed, knots 8

6. Rescue barge (sba) “ASPTR-3” project KK-22500 – 1 unit.

Non-self-propelled dry cargo barge (SBA) "ASPTR - 3" project KK - 22500, year of construction - 1963, place of construction - St. Petersburg, navigation area - coastal. RS class: KM µ AT 2.

Main characteristics:

Gross tonnage, t 247.70

Material steel

Length, m 40.00

Width, m 08.00

Board height, m ​​02.30

7. Planing work boat of the AMUR type - 2 units.

Boats of the KPVD-070 project, built in 1987 in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, located under GIMS

The boats are in operation as part of the Caspian branch of the FBU "Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot" (home port - Astrakhan).

8. Middle class motor boat of the “Master - 500” type – 1 unit.

The boat was built in 2006, Baltiysk and is in operation as part of the ASF Kaliningrad branch, home port - Kaliningrad.

9. Motor boat of the “Neman – 2” type - 1 unit.

The boat was built in 2001, in Russia. Navigation area – VP, MP, coastal, in/out up to 1.2 m, distance up to 5000 m.

Main characteristics
Maximum length 3.80 m
Upper deck width 1.4 m
Board height 0.75 m
Passenger capacity 4 people
Load capacity 400 kg.
Navigation area (VP, MP, coastal, in/out up to 1.2 m, distance up to 6 miles)
Main engine, stationary Mercury-15M
Power 75 hp
Material AMG

10. Motor boat of the "Progress - 2M" type - 1 unit.

The boat was built in 2003 in Russia. Navigation area – MP, GDP, VP – in/out up to 0.6 m, distance up to 5000 m.

The boat is in operation as part of the ASF Kaliningrad branch, its home port is Kaliningrad.

11. Motor boat (ship license RAF 1572), 6 hp. , project
SILVERADO27 - 1 unit.

Motor boat of the SILVERADO project, place of construction - Taganrog, year of construction 2011, navigation area - GDP, with a wave height of no more than 0.3 m, distance - 1000 m.

The boat is in operation as part of the Caspian branch, its home port is Astrakhan.

Rescue boat (sp) – 5 units.

1. Rescue boat (sp) project 698 P (ssb) – 2 units.

Oil tanker vessel (self-propelled dinghy) (sp) project 698 P, built in Arkhangelsk, navigation area - 20 miles from the port of refuge. RRR class: X P 1.2.

The vessels are in operation as part of the ASF branches of the Marine Rescue Service of Rosmorrechflot with placement in the home ports:

— joint venture “SRP-21”, built in 1974 – Northern Branch, Murmansk;

- JV "Pribrezhny" built in 1981 - Kaliningrad branch, Kaliningrad.

Main characteristics:

Gross tonnage: 162.0

Deadweight, t 165.0

Length, m 33.63

Width, m 7.20

Load line draft, m 1.2

Side height, m ​​2.40

Maximum power of the main engine (6 ChNSP 18/22), kW 1 x 220

Screw 1xVFS

Travel speed, knots 8

Sailing autonomy, 3 days

2. Rescue diving boat (SP) “RP-178” project 741/3M – 1 unit.

Non-self-propelled dry-cargo boat (SP) "RP-178" project 741/3M, place of construction - USSR, year of construction - 1983. Purpose and navigation area: the boat is designed for delivery of bulk and general cargo by towing to ships and from ships to shore, and also for their transportation along the coast in the coastal zone at a distance from the place of refuge of up to 20 miles with waves up to 5 points.

The vessel is in operation as part of the ASF Primorsky Branch, its home port is Vladivostok.

Main characteristics:

3. Rescue diving boat (SP) “ASPTR-7” project 010 – 1 unit.

Non-self-propelled diving boat (SP) "ASPTR - 7" project 010, year of construction - 1967, place of construction - USSR, navigation area - coastal. GIMS.

The splashcoat is in operation as part of the ASF of the Arkhangelsk branch, its home port is Arkhangelsk.

Main characteristics:

Gross tonnage, t 247.70

Material steel

Length, m 16.70

Width, m 03.65

Board height, m ​​01.40

4. Rescue diving boat (SP) “ASPTR-9” project 10271 – 1 unit.

Non-self-propelled diving boat (SP) "ASPTR - 9" project 10271, year of construction - 1976, place of construction - USSR, navigation area - coastal. GIMS.

The splashcoat is in operation as part of the ASF of the Arkhangelsk branch, its home port is Arkhangelsk.

Main characteristics

Gross tonnage, t 261.36

Material steel

Length, m 16.03

Width, m 04.97

Side height, m ​​01.14

Rescue hovercraft (hovercraft) – 2 units

1. Rescue hovercraft (SCV) “Khivus-78” project A8 – 1 unit.

Hovercraft "Khivus-78" project A8, place of construction - Nizhny Novgorod, year of construction 2006, area of ​​operation - water basins with a wave height of no more than 1.2 m, intended for year-round operation as a rescue, medical, cargo and patrol vessel. GIMS class.

Main characteristics:

Full displacement
Payload weight
Gross tonnage
Passenger capacity
Overall length
Overall width
Minimum freeboard height
Board height
Overall height

petrol ZMZ 1 unit.

Engine power
Cruising speed on water
Maximum speed on water
Cruising speed on snow
Maximum speed on snow
Climbing angle
Height of obstacles to be overcome
Fuel consumption
Fuel tank capacity
Minimum operating temperature
Allowable wind speed

2. Rescue hovercraft "Argo" project 110 - 1 unit.

Hovercraft "Argo" project 110, place of construction - Svirskaya shipyard, Leningrad region, year of construction 2005, area of ​​operation - ensures year-round operation along rivers, lakes and coastal zones of seas and reservoirs in direct visibility of the shore, difficult terrain conditions. RRR class: "P".

The boat is in operation as part of the ASF of the Caspian Branch, its home port is Astrakhan.

Main characteristics:

Width (with hanging sections)
Height (on VP with mast)
Unladen weight
Air cushion height (clearance)
Load capacity:
Maximum (limited), water
Maximum (limited), ice
Operational, water
Operational, ice
In displacement mode

Petrol, VAZ-21124 1.6 16kl

Fuel consumption *
Cooling type

water closed

Wind speed

Wave height

Height of sharp obstacles

Height of smoothed obstacles

Lifting angle (from “start” position)

Temperature Range

not less than 6 degrees.

30 +30 deg. WITH


Self-propelled floating crane (SPK) – 2 units.

1. Self-propelled floating crane (SPK) "ASPTR - 1" project 17037 Bleicher - 1 unit.

Self-propelled floating crane (SPK) "ASPTR-1" project 17037 Bleicher, year of construction - 1962, place of construction - Arkhangelsk, navigation area - port waters, 20 miles from the port of refuge. RS class: KM µ R3 floating crane.

The floating crane is in operation as part of the ASF of the Azovo-Chernomorsky branch, its home port is Novorossiysk.

Main characteristics:

Displacement, t 1000

Gross tonnage, t 551

Deadweight, t 171

Length, m 38.00

Width, m 13.65

Side height, m ​​03.20

Draft, m 01.95

Load capacity, t 15

Total power of the main engine (diesel R8 DV 136 - 2 units), kW 588

Travel speed, knots 7

Autonomy, days. eleven

Crew, people 8

Cruising range, miles 1680

Diesel-electric self-propelled floating crane "Mighty"projectDG-042A – 1 unit.

Diesel-electric self-propelled floating crane "Mighty" project DG-042A, built in 1986 (Austria, Korneuburg) - accepted into the Caspian branch (Astrakhan village).

Class: 02, 0 (LED20)A

Type and purpose: Self-propelled floating crane, cargo transshipment.

Main characteristics:
Gross tonnage, t 2867
Net capacity, t 0
Deadvet, t 1004
Dock weight 2773
Full displacement, i.e. 3777
Overall length, m 63.18
Construction length, m 62.68
Overall width, m 25.21
Structural width, m 24.71
Side height, m 4.51
Vessel draft 2.9
Fuel reserves, t 40
Fuel type Diesel
Water ballast, t 0
Total lifting capacity, t 350
Loading capacity of the 1st boom, t 175
Loading capacity of the 2nd boom, t 175
Freeboard, m 1.61
Main engine brand Germany, 8VD26/20AL – 1
Main engine power, kW 3x636, 1000 rpm
Auxiliary engines Germany, 6NVD26A – 2 (1x 192 kW, 750 rpm)
Propulsion type Screw on the UPC
Number of movers 2
Total power of generators, kW 2195
Number of generators 1
Crew, people 17
Container capacity, feet 4x20
Diving bell BP 1500/10 (DEP-Star-40)
Decompression chamber (flow-through, 2-compartment, HAUKS pro Starcom 1080.10 t.).

Non-self-propelled floating crane (NPC) – 1 unit.

1. Non-self-propelled floating crane (NPC) “SPK-19/35” project D-9040 – 1 unit.

Non-self-propelled floating crane (NPC) "SPK-19/35" project D-9040, year of construction - 1989, place of construction - Hungary, navigation area - Kola Bay, A1. RS class: KE µ R3 floating crane.

The floating crane is in operation as part of the ASF of the Northern Branch, its home port is Murmansk.

Main characteristics:

Gross tonnage, t 606.00

Net capacity, t 181

Deadweight, t 211.00

Length, m 36.30

Width, m 18.50

Side height, m ​​3.20

Load capacity, t 35

For several years now in Moscow there has been a struggle for the Moscow City Children's Maritime Center named after Peter the Great, or, as teachers and graduates traditionally call it, the Club of Young River Sailors and Polar Explorers (YUMRP). The city Department of Education intends to dispose of the club's flotilla, consisting of four vessels, which since 1957 have provided full-fledged practice for thousands of future captains, navigators, and mechanics.

Authorities say the vessels, one of which dates back to 1937, are dilapidated and unsafe for children to learn from. The opposite side, the social movement “Save the Fleet,” claims that the ships have recently been repaired and are in good condition. And the process of destroying ships is not connected with concern for schoolchildren, but with plans to build a hotel complex on the last undeveloped plot of land on the coast of the Khimki Reservoir.


The Moscow City Club of Young Sailors, Rivermen and Polar Explorers was created by order of the Moscow City Council on the basis of the Moskvoretsky Children's Park in 1957. From the very beginning, the club had its own flotilla of training ships that made long voyages with crews of cadets. Schoolchildren underwent internships on ships of the Baltic, Northern and Black Sea fleets, participated in conferences, rallies and meetings with famous sailors. By the way, the club itself was created with the participation of the legendary polar explorer Ivan Papanin. At the exit, schoolchildren received certificates in the specialties of navigator, signalman and mechanic, but in the late 90s they stopped issuing documents. During the existence of the club, more than 50 thousand people studied there, a third of them connected their lives with the civil and military fleet.

The club's problems began in April 2013, when it was first renamed the Moscow City Children's Maritime Center named after Peter the Great (MGDMC), and then included in the GBOU DPO "Center for Military-Patriotic and Civil Education" (TSVPGV). Since that time, there has been talk about the need to dismantle four ships at the disposal of the center: Saima, Leningrad, Belyakov and UK-5. In the fall of 2014, “Leningrad”, “Belyakov” and “UK-5”, based on a negotiated auction, were sent to the Gorodets shipyard for Nizhny Novgorod for the next scheduled repair. More than 10 million rubles were allocated from the city budget for this.

According to the staff of the Kyiv Youth Club and the “Save the Fleet” public movement, the work was almost completed ( “Repair contracts were completed by 80-90%, and by 99% for Leningrad”), when in the summer of 2015 the contracts were terminated by agreement of the parties. The ships were blocked inside the plant, where they remain to this day. Most big ship club, the motor ship "Saima", is located in Moscow, but the TsVPGV guards do not allow outsiders, including journalists, to approach the ship. On January 18, 2016, the Moscow City Property Department issued an order to write off and dispose of all ships based on defect reports issued by the Russian River Register, where the ships were declared unfit. The crews of three ships located at the plant have already been given redundancy notices.


We ask the senior mechanic of the Saima, Ivan Zhatko, whether the ships are so dilapidated and unsafe for children.

No, I don’t think so and will never agree with it,” he replies. – Ships can sail for 100 years, or 200, or 300. It all depends on how they are looked after. All our ships are repaired and in good condition. The motor ship "Belyakov", built in 1937, was also filmed in the film "Volga-Volga". But the administration is silent that six years ago the underwater part of the hull was completely replaced, electrical equipment was changed and repaired, it has the latest navigation and even a computer that monitors the presence of water in the ship’s hull. The premises have been finished, there are air conditioners, TVs and video surveillance. According to documents, it was built in 1937, but in fact it is a new ship. Moreover, this is already a rarity, there is no other like it.

According to Ivan, all ships undergo repairs every five years.

"Leningrad" 1951 release. This does not mean that it is a piece of scrap metal that no longer represents anything. It underwent scheduled repairs every five years, all necessary units were replaced or repaired. Leningrad is 99% ready, it may need to change five or six square meters decks and fencing, it costs about 100 thousand rubles. The ship is safe to sail.

“Saima” was built in 1965, but from 2010 to 2012 almost 25 million rubles were invested in the repair of the ship. The underwater part of the hull is completely new, the rudder group is done, the electrical equipment is done, the only problem is in the finishing - the walls need to be painted, the furniture needs to be changed somewhere, because for the last 30 years no one has dealt with these issues inside the ship. Also according to UK-5, he is the youngest, 1979. Everything that was needed was done at the factory. Meanwhile, our shipowner is positioning that the ships are beyond repair.


“Initially, we saw the problem as an attempt to hide the theft of allocated funds for ship repairs, because some of the work was not completed, and some was carried out at greatly inflated prices. They were inflated literally 10 times; what cost 1,000 rubles, our organization paid for as 10 thousand,” a senior mechanic at Saima voices the opinion of the Center’s employees. – The second main reason is that we have very good land near the Vodny Stadion metro station. As long as there are ships, a shore is needed. There are no ships - the site will go under some developer, who, I think, had his eye on it a long time ago. Believe me, this is the only piece of land on the Khimki Reservoir that still belongs to the state.”

“Why was the decision made to scrap the ships and not sell them, for example? There’s only millions of non-ferrous metals there,” asks lawyer, former cadet of the club Ivan Yuzhin and quickly answers his question. – It is impossible to get rid of the ships “according to the law”; the ships are in good condition, planned repairs have been carried out on them, and budgetary funds have been spent. Their write-off and disposal is based on a criminal principle, and a criminal principle requires the destruction of evidence. They wanted to start the disposal procedure in September, but then our initiative group appeared.”

According to Ivan, once the Young Sailors Club actually saved his life. In the early 90s, a fatherless street hooligan, who had completely gotten out of hand and dropped out of school, suddenly fell ill with the sea... I sailed on the Leningrad for several years, returned to school, entered a university, got a profession and Good work, and remembers his years at the club with trepidation. Many former cadets tell similar stories.

“KYUM has always been such a melting pot where they found mutual language, sometimes for many years, children from very different families. Now, during a crisis, this is especially important, parents are starting to work more and earn less: hobbies that are really interesting for teenagers are either expensive or dangerous. But here there is both interest and safe risk, and the club has never been an expensive pleasure,” says former Saima cadet Maria Cheglyaeva, now the head of the Internet broadcasting “MIR 24”.

But let's return from the lyrical to the prosaic. “In the 90s, a program for developing the coast of the Khimki Reservoir was adopted, among others, a land plot transferred by the Moscow City Council to the Young Sailors Club was involved. This is the last piece of land on the Khimki Reservoir that is not used for commercial purposes. Previously there were two of them, ours and the neighboring one. Neighboring plot belonged to DOSAAF, at first there was a very good maritime school “Severomorets”, then they began to train drivers there. About six months ago this plot of land was taken away, and what remained was ours. Bye. There is also a small area on the opposite side, but this is a water protection zone, it is very tiny,” says the lawyer.

“So, in 1997, the development of the coasts was adopted, and the well-known INTECO company received investment rights to the land plot that was taken from KYUM. According to the investment contract, a new building with a gym and a swimming pool, a high-quality pier, etc. were to be built on the territory of the base. For some reason, INTECO did not do anything, and the property rights were transferred to another company. Nothing happened either, but at some point this land plot disappeared from the cadastral register. If you open a cadastral map today, you won’t see it in the register - it doesn’t exist. This is considered empty land, that is, undemarcated, undefined. A small strip of land was left for the club, I am convinced that it was left due to the fact that it is simply a water protection zone. In 2011-2012, club employees began to write to the Moscow government, Mr. Isaac Kalina, Marat Khusnullin, with a request to return the site, but no answers were forthcoming.”


According to Yuzhin, from a legal point of view, decommissioning ships is illegal for a number of reasons. Representatives of the public movement “Save the Fleet” have not seen the original orders on the basis of which the disposal is planned. In addition, the documents were certified only by a seal, but not by a signature, which is a necessary formality in documents of this kind. Documents about which we're talking about, firstly, is the order of the property department number 633 and 634 dated January 18, 2016. 634 is for the ship “Saima”, 633 is for the other three ships.

“In our country, state and municipal property is at the disposal of the property department - if in Moscow, Rosimushchestvo - if in Russia. But the state is not engaged in acquisitiveness; on the contrary, it must use this property. It is distributed among institutions, business entities - this can be rent, operational management, in our case, the property was transferred to the Department of Education for operational management. In this case, the education department should be viewed as the owner.”

“We have budget funds that have been spent, the result has not been achieved, and property has been lost. According to the decree of the Moscow government, an algorithm has been established for writing off property. To do this, you must provide a package of documents, including a market value assessment report. This act should not be prepared more than six months before the submission of these documents. An assessment was made on Saima, but in January last year. For the rest, they didn’t do it at all. Yes, maybe they did this somehow at the level of a desk assessment, that is, they assessed solely based on documents, but can this be trusted? The market value is still based on the actual condition of the property. Judging by the fact that they did not conduct an assessment, they could not collect the necessary package of documents.”

According to naval practice, a ship that currently does not meet the requirements and is formally declared unfit is either sent for repairs or written off - removed from the fleet, but usually not disposed of, but transferred to someone else. Unsuitability in this case does not mean the impossibility of use in the everyday sense, but the presence of certain comments during the examination. Even if the ship passed it after the deadline, the report will indicate “unfit” with the note “missed the deadline.” At the same time, the ship may be in good condition and need to eliminate formal comments. In our case, the RRR inspector was not provided with documents confirming the completion of the work, due to their retention by the shipyard and the contractor, Neptune LLC.


After stories about the fate of the flotilla appeared in a number of media outlets, Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Education Igor Pavlov announced that it was planned to buy others to replace the scrapped ships by the summer of 2016.

“This is a lie,” says Ivan Zhatko. – Our administration said that they will probably purchase it by the summer of ’17. But we don’t believe in this either: normal people first bring in new ships and then get rid of the old ones. None of them said what kind of ships they wanted to buy. And I’ll tell you: they want to buy four small vessels. Two of them are motor-sailing, 12 meters long, for 12 children. And two small ships, wooden, which there is no one to service and store, for four people. That is, four fleet units can take on 30 people in total. Such small ships, the size of a boat, do not ensure navigation safety in any way. In addition, there are no toilets, no electricity, no refrigerator. There is a gas stove, which is dangerous on a wooden boat. These ships cannot provide normal, safe practices.”

"Saima" takes almost 100 cadets, "Leningrad" (former ship - Large submarine hunter of project 122-BIS)– 30. This is despite the fact that these are large iron ships, safe, with refrigerators, a normal kitchen, toilets, showers, good living quarters and normal practices. Children, if they want to continue working in the navy, will not row boats, but will work on large ships, that is, they must undergo practical training on appropriate ships. "Saima" and "Leningrad" have a register class of M30, the highest in domestic waterways. So it's just an unequal replacement, even if there is one. And in terms of cost - they seem to be going to spend 25 million - believe me, in order to repair four of our ships, this money will be even a lot.”

According to the crew, the small vessels promised by the Moscow government will go on one-day trips at most in the Khimki Reservoir area:

“Saima” went along the route Moscow - St. Petersburg and back, or Moscow-Volgograd and back. “Leningrad” is the same. And these small boats will at most go on daytime walks in the area of ​​the Khimki Reservoir. There will be no practice as such - it will just be children riding boats. And on our ships, children undergo the full scope of training: they steer the ship, they learn to operate the controls and navigation of the ship, they stand watch in the engine room, and they help in the galley, that is, our children completely replace the crew. There’s nothing to do on a small boat,” sighs the mechanic of the “Saima” motor ship. “You can’t imagine how many of these small vessels are sinking...”


The Ukrainian Navy needs anti-submarine ships to protect against Russian submarines, said the commander of the Ukrainian Navy, Vice Admiral. This statement is more like an attempt to preserve his fleet, he told the correspondent Federal News Agency military expert, captain 1st rank reserve Vasily Dandykin.

“Given the existing challenges and threats, primarily the entry into service of the Russian Black Sea Fleet of six new submarines, we really need anti-submarine ships to protect the country from the sea,” Voronchenko wrote on his page in social network Facebook.

In addition, the Navy representative noted that the Vinnitsa corvette, which has been in service for 40 years, needs urgent repairs and modernization. According to Voronchenko, the presence of an anti-submarine ship in the Ukrainian fleet would make it possible to “contain Russia.”

“All this sounds very pathetic, and the statement itself looks more like an attempt to preserve the fleet of a neighboring state, an attempt to stay afloat. The fact is that at present the Ukrainian Navy is in such decline that it is easier to get rid of it than to build new ships or modernize existing ones. Just look at the same “Hetman Sagaidachny”, the modernization of which was carried out by volunteers and simply caring Ukrainians,” the expert explains the situation.

Indeed, in mid-August, Vice Admiral of the Ukrainian Navy Sergey Gaiduk reported that due to the lack of state maritime policy, the Ukrainian military fleet may cease to exist.

“In addition, even if Kyiv had anti-submarine ships, even American-made ones, they would not be able to oppose anything to the latest developments of the Russian army. So, from 2010 to 2016 Black Sea Fleet The Russian Federation received six Project 636.3 “Varshavyanka” boats, but these are no longer the same submarines that were created in the 70s, these are completely new ships in the old hull,” concluded the FAN interlocutor.

Let us remind you that currently the Ukrainian naval forces have only 11 ships. This is the frigate "Hetman Sahaidachny", the missile boat "Pryluki", the minesweeper "Genichesk", landing ships“Svatovo” and “Kirovograd”, as well as the artillery boat “Skadovsk”. In addition, Kyiv has at its disposal the Vinnitsa, the only ship that was returned to it after the reunification of Crimea with Russia. Now the corvette is in Odessa and awaiting repairs. The team painted it and patched the hull at their own expense.

Project 636 Varshavyanka submarines (NATO classification - Improved Kilo) are a type of multi-purpose diesel submarines. It is an improved version of the Project 877EKM export submarine, developed in 1970.

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