International fireworks festival “Rostec. International fireworks festival "Rostec II international fireworks festival Rostec July

On August 19 and 20, 2017, an international fireworks festival was held in Moscow. It was held in Brateevsky Cascade Park. The participants were 8 pyrotechnic teams from different countries. On August 19, Austria, Armenia, Romania and Japan performed. August 20 - Russia, China, Croatia and Brazil. The performances were evaluated by a professional jury. Spectators could also vote via SMS directly during the teams’ performances.

We visited Brateevsky Park on August 20. I’ll say right away that the impressions are twofold. The show itself is amazing, but the organization is disgusting. We had a large company: 4 adults and 3 children. Seats were taken on stand A. It is located close to the river.

So, a story in three acts.


The fireworks show was scheduled to start at 9:30 p.m. We (me, my husband and my 3.5-year-old son) met with friends (also with children 3.5 and 7 years old) near the Borisovo metro station at 20:00. The option with a car was shallow right away, realizing that there would be problems with parking.

The number of people near the metro was already alarming. We went with the general flow towards the park. It was not possible to approach the park directly. Borisovskie Prudy Street was completely blocked. The cordon, the National Guard - everything is serious. The flow of people was directed along the blocked street towards the Brateevsky Bridge (in the opposite direction from the park). From the bridge it was already possible to walk towards the park. Apparently, in this way they tried to spread out the crowd and avoid queues at the entrance. By the way, there were free toilets along the way. It was a long and far walk. It's good that everyone was excited. We arrived on a positive note, but the crowd of people personally bothered me.

At the entrance to the park, tickets are checked and bracelets are put on according to the ticket price. Children enter free of charge. You need to go through a metal detector and then show the contents of all bags.

The journey from the metro to the park took us almost an hour! The density of visitors in the park has increased sharply. There were no signs visible. It is not clear which side of the podium it is on. I had to ask representatives of the National Guard several times where to go. It is very difficult to navigate in a crowd. People occupied all the space: they sat and lay on every lawn. The closer we got to the intended location of the stands, the more difficult it was to move forward. I was afraid to step on someone's feet, hands, or even head. Several times we ran into barriers and had to find another road. By some miracle, we still found the entrance to the stands area. It took us 30 minutes to do this. We had to practically run to our sector. We saw the first salute of fireworks in the form of the Russian flag during the raid. While the presenter greeted the audience, we managed to reach the desired sector and take our seats.


As soon as we sat down, the performance of the pyrotechnic team from Russia began almost immediately. The tension after the crush and wandering disappeared. From the rostrum And the most best review, apparently everything was fine.

Fireworks were launched directly over the Moscow River from the opposite bank. Each performance lasted 10 minutes, was accompanied by music and was very spectacular. Between the performances of the pyrotechnic teams, the presenter entertained the audience with stories and various interviews. Each number was rated on a 100-point scale.

The children were delighted and the adults too. Our son clapped and squealed with delight for the first two performances, then he got tired and just silently watched attentively. I didn’t make any attempts to leave, which is a big compliment to the whole event.

Each foreign team must use one musical composition dedicated to Moscow. Probably due to the fact that the theme of the festival is Moscow on seven hills. We were most amused by the Chinese with their song Podmoskovnye Evenings in Chinese.

It was the best fireworks display I've ever seen. I liked the performance of China and Brazil the most. However, none of these teams took a prize. The rating system remains a mystery to us. Well, at least the Chinese team won the People's Choice Award.


After the last team performed, it was announced that Russia was the winner. People began to leave the stands while the presenter announced the results. We sat until the last, as it seemed to us. When the stands were almost empty, we also decided to move forward. At the exit from the stands there were volunteers who showed the direction to the Borisovo metro station. We didn't see a single volunteer again. After a couple of minutes, the crowd thickened so much that the children had to be carried in their arms for safety. Everyone walked shoulder to shoulder. This was the moment when I was really afraid that we could all be run over here if panic suddenly broke out. At some point, the crowd split up and some people walked across the lawns, but in the end everyone ran into the fence and walked back into the general crowd. There was no management, no control, no one told people where to go to get out of the park.

We finally got out of the crowd and out of the park and ended up on the still closed Borisovskie Prudy street. We took a detour again. When we reached the Brateevsky Bridge, the fences were removed along the entire street. The crowd poured through all the streets and courtyards towards the metro. We decided not to stand in line to enter the metro and stood outside in the courtyard for half an hour. Then we calmly went into the subway.

The journey from the stands to the metro ended up taking us more than an hour.


The fireworks were incredible, amazing, spectacular. Everyone was greatly impressed by what they saw. The children are delighted, the adults are happy. The organization of this entire event is simply disgusting.

Shall we go again? Don't know. I would like to, but in such a crowd with children it is very scary. For safety reasons, it is worth coming much earlier, when there is not such an influx of spectators. And leave 40-60 minutes after the end of the show. Perhaps then we will be able to avoid the crush. And definitely buy tickets only for the stands.

On August 18-19, the best pyrotechnic teams in the world will paint the sky of the capital with millions of lights: Moscow will host one of the brightest and largest events of the summer - the Rostec International Fireworks Festival.

This year, leading pyrotechnicians from Austria, Andorra, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Slovakia and the USA will surprise the audience and compete for the title of the best.

Also, as part of the festival, for the first time in Russia, viewers will see a multimedia show of 120 dynamic fountains dancing to the rhythm of classical and modern music, a light show, projections on water screens in combination with art laser design and use latest technologies. The length of the installation will be 500 meters. The height of the fountain jet will reach 40 meters. The show's producer is one of the best show designers in Austria, Michel Anton.

This is the fourth time the event has been held with the support of the Moscow Government. Last year the festival attracted more than 700,000 spectators.

“Once again, Moscow will become the center of attraction for the leaders of the world market of pyrotechnic displays. “Tens of thousands of volleys await festival guests in the Brateevsky Cascade Park,” said Nikolai Gulyaev, head of the Moscow Department of Sports and Tourism, “I am confident that pyrotechnic masters from different countries will find something to surprise the sophisticated Moscow audience this year.”

Year of Volunteer and Charitable Activities

In the Year of the Volunteer, the theme of the festival is dedicated to goodness and magic. It will be revealed at different levels: from the daytime program to pyrotechnic shows.

“For the Rostec company, which includes the majority of pyrotechnic enterprises in Russia, the fireworks festival is not only a platform for demonstrating the technological capabilities of Russian pyrotechnics, but also a chance to give a real holiday to the residents and guests of the capital,” comments the assistant general director for social projects State Corporation "Rostec", Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company - organizer of the festival "Pyrotechnic Technologies" Yulia Voronova. - We pay great attention social component of the event. The partners of the festival this year were the charitable foundations “Line of Life”, “Old Age in Joy”, “Penetrating into the Heart”, the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation and the Vera Hospice Fund. To support the funds, a number of volunteer and charitable activities will take place at the site.”

Art objects and day program

Traditionally, during the festival, Brateevsky Cascade Park turns into an interactive open-air museum with many art objects. This year they are being developed by the legendary artist and experimenter Andrei Bartenev. All art objects will be tactile, you can interact with each of them: hug it, climb on it, take a photo. Walking through the art labyrinth, viewers will meet a cat in the sun's rays, a bear with an armful of flowers, an elephant and many more exhibits that will energize solar energy and joy. The height of some of them exceeds 5 meters. The main symbol and art object of the festival will be a sunbeam.

On August 18 and 19, Brateevsky Cascade Park will open to guests at 14:00. During the day, all visitors will be able to take part in outdoor and board games, compete in bossaball (similar to volleyball, but on inflatable mats), curling, and go through an obstacle course. For the youngest visitors of the festival there will be a large animation zone, “silent parties” in the dome cinema, a children’s dance area and much more. And lovers of intellectual leisure will be able to take part in quizzes or relax while watching their favorite films and cartoons on the big screen in the open air. And, of course, as always, many creative master classes will be held on the site.

Music program

From 18:30 to 20:30 musicians will perform on the main stage. On August 18, the headliners of the concert program will be the groups “Tantsy Minus” and “Chizh & Co” with their favorite hits of several generations. On the second day of the festival, guests will enjoy a performance by the group “Zveri”, which will perform best works from different albums.

Fireworks show

The competitive fireworks show starts at 21:00. Every day, viewers will be able to see four performances: on August 18, Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, and the USA will present their programs; on August 19, Andorra, Great Britain, Greece, and Slovakia. A competent international jury will monitor the technical details of the performances. It included award-winning pyrotechnicians from the USA, Romania, Portugal, Canada and Spain. The entertainment value of the show will be assessed by representatives of the amateur jury - composer and producer Igor Krutoy and film director Pavel Chukhrai. The audience will be able to vote for the best performance along with them. Based on the results of SMS voting, the winner of the People's Choice Award will be selected.

The teams will present programs consisting of two parts: the participant’s calling card - fireworks in the colors of the national flag accompanied by music with a national flavor - and a free program on the theme of goodness and magic. The performances will be accompanied by a laser and water-light show specially created for the festival.
The online broadcast of the fireworks show will be conducted by MIA Rossiya Segodnya, Yandex and social network"In contact with".

Admission to the festival is free for children under 7 years old (accompanied by an adult with tickets).

The organizer of the festival is the Pyrotechnic Technologies company.

You can view the program and purchase tickets starting today on the festival website

On July 23 and 24, Moscow will host a fireworks festival that is becoming traditional. This year the festival includes not only beautiful fireworks, but also an entertainment program! True, the entrance to the park, where all the action will take place, will be paid...

Taking into account all their incredible problems with, where, due to the growing forest, half of the show program was not visible to the visiting guests, the organizers of the 2016 festival made many changes to the program.

So, this year the fireworks festival will be held in…. yes, exactly in it. In the Maryino area, or even more precisely - Borisovo. Brateevsky Park, which was restored, improved and seriously updated especially for the event, will welcome all Muscovites! The advantage compared to last year is that there are few trees. It should be visible to everyone. Even for those who don't buy tickets...

Here's the downside. Having always been free, the fireworks festival is now paid for. Entry to the park requires money. Since the festival is two days, the price is as follows (all pictures are clickable):

Simple entrance to the park to be closer to the action and take part in interactive events and a concert - 250 rubles for 1 day, 400 rubles for two. From a person. Children under 8 years old are free. In general, it’s not that expensive, you can live with it. Do you want to watch fireworks from best places as close as possible? Buy a subscription to the grandstand, which, together with the entrance, will cost 1,250 rubles for 1 day and 2,000 for two days.

Not expensive, but not free either. What is the money for? Most likely for concerts. Let's take a look at the entertainment program and schedule of the fireworks festival in Moscow in 2016(picture clickable):

There are many interactive zones waiting for us, I won’t list them all, they are clearly visible on the event map. There will even be a dome cinema and a concert stage. Young bands will perform on stage, and Polina Gagarina on Saturday and Chaif ​​on Sunday are expected to headline in the evening with full concert sets! This is what the general schedule of entertainment programs in the park looks like:

The concerts will begin at 5 p.m., at 7:30 p.m. the headliners perform big sets, and then at 9:30 p.m. the fireworks show and festival itself begins.

8 pyrotechnic teams from 8 countries will take part in the festival: Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Malta, Portugal, France and Estonia.

Well, this year the festival is getting bigger and more interesting. I'm planning to visit, will you go? By the way, for those who really don’t mind spending money, you can see the fireworks, of course, outside the park. But only the riding part, like last year.

The easiest way to get to the festival is on foot from the Borisovo metro station. The entrance to the festival will be at the intersection of Borisovskie Prudy and Natashinsky Proezd.

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On July 23 and 24, 2016, the II International Fireworks Festival will be held in Brateevsky Cascade Park« Rostec". Muscovites and guests of the capital are in for a bright weekend: a rich entertainment program and a breathtakingly beautiful multimedia show from leading pyrotechnic teams from eight countries of the world. The headliners of the Festival's concert program will be Polina Gagarina and Chaif.

The festival is held with the support of the Moscow Government for the second time and is on par with the world's largest fireworks festivals.

This year, for the first time, spectators will be treated not only to an evening fireworks show, but also to a rich daytime program aimed at family recreation. The park will have seven large thematic zones, each of which will be associated with the world of cinema: a children's playground, a film location on the water, a sports and stunt area, the main stage, an airfield, cinema pavilions with non-stop film screenings and a lounge area for relax.

In each of the sectors, Festival visitors will find entertainment for every taste. Guests can enjoy playgrounds, art objects, performances, demonstrations, master classes on kite flying and sketching from nature, areas for outdoor enthusiasts with areas for a rope course and a climbing wall, a training ground for artist competitions, science show with demonstrations of colorful experiments in physics and chemistry and much more. The start of the day program is 14.00.

A concert will take place on the main stage with the participation of stars of the television project “The Voice”. The headliners of the concert program of the II International Fireworks Festival “Rostec” will be Polina Gagarina (July 23) and “Chaif” (July 24). The concert starts at 17.00.

Each competition day, spectators will be able to see four pyrotechnic shows from different teams. Start of demonstration performances – 21.30. Let us remind you that this year among the participants in the competition are the best pyrotechnic teams from China, Portugal, France, Russia, Malta, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Estonia. Each of them has many awards and unique experience in hosting large-scale events, such as the opening and closing ceremonies of summer Olympic Games in Beijing, Eurovision 2012, the first European Games and many others.

In total, participants will fire more than 50 thousand salvos using 25 tons of pyrotechnics. The height of the fireworks will reach 300 meters. The winner of the festival will be announced on July 24, after the completion of the competition program.

There will be a food court in the park throughout the Festival. For those who like to capture the moment, Instabooths, GIF stands and Instaprinters will be installed, which will allow you to take the brightest selfie of the summer.

Tickets can already be purchased on the website and at the box office, as well as on the Festival website The cost of a standard ticket for one day is 250 rubles, for two days – 400 rubles. You can also purchase tickets for the spectator stands near the water (cost from 1,250 rubles). The ticket price includes entry to the grounds, access to all daytime events and an evening fireworks show. For those who want to watch the fireworks from the water, the Radisson flotilla will launch special flights. All details are on the partner’s website.

Free entry to the Festival upon presentation of a supporting document and accompanied by an adult is provided to children under 8 years of age.

Part of the proceeds from ticket sales will go to the Life Line and Penetrating the Heart charities, which have saved thousands of lives.

According to tradition, the festival will close with a gala fireworks display from Russian pyrotechnicians.

Please note that in order not to create a traffic collapse and for safety reasons, parking on Borisovskie Prudy Street will be prohibited. Therefore, it is better to come by metro and walk to the park. You can reach the park from Alma-Atinskaya, Borisovo, Maryino, Shipilovskaya stations. The journey will take you no more than 20-30 minutes. And if you still want to travel by car, then think in advance about intercepting parking lots.

More information about the Festival on the website:

All the latest news about the Festival and program can be found on our pages at Facebook, V Vkontakte And Instagram.


Pyrotechnic Technologies Company is the organizer of the Rostec International Fireworks Festival. The founders of the company are the Rostec State Corporation, the Federal Research and Production Center Research Institute of Applied Chemistry (part of Rostec) and the Ceremony Agency, whose portfolio includes the organization of such large-scale events as the opening and closing ceremonies of the XXII Olympic and XI Olympic Games. Paralympic Winter Games in Sochi 2014, opening ceremonies of City Day on Red Square, opening ceremonies of the Russian stage of the FIA ​​Formula 1 World Championship and car racing international series"GP2" and "GP3" and others.

Rostec State Corporation is a Russian corporation created in 2007 to promote the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products for civil and military purposes. It includes 663 organizations, of which 9 holding companies in the military-industrial complex and 6 in civilian industries are currently formed, as well as 32 direct management organizations. Rostec’s portfolio includes such well-known brands as AVTOVAZ, KAMAZ, Russian Helicopters, VSMPO-AVISMA, etc.

Rostec organizations are located in 60 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and supply products to markets in more than 70 countries. Rostec's revenue in 2014 amounted to 964.5 billion rubles.

About Charitable Foundations

The charitable foundation for helping to solve social, medical, cultural and educational problems of the population “Penetrating into the Heart” was founded on the initiative of People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Malikov in February 2011. The founders and employees of the foundation consider their main task to be the implementation of projects and programs aimed at comprehensive solution problems of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of disabled people and people suffering from serious illnesses.

Currently, the foundation provides assistance in referring children with serious illnesses for treatment and rehabilitation, and supporting medical and social institutions. The charity program “Special Children” and the project “Construction of a Rehabilitation and Advisory Center” are also being implemented on the basis of the Sergiev Posad orphanage for the deaf-blind.

Life Line Foundation helps seriously ill children under the age of 18 whose lives are at risk due to deadly diseases, such as congenital heart disease, arrhythmia, congenital vascular pathology of the brain, cranial hernia, epilepsy, as well as severe scoliotic deformities of the spine. The Fund provides “targeted” assistance - pays for high-tech operations and the purchase of special expensive medical instruments, the use of which guarantees each individual child a significant improvement in the quality of life or complete recovery.

Over 12 years of work, the Life Line Foundation has helped return to healthy full life more than 9,200 seriously ill children. 100% of funds received by Life Line are used to treat children. The foundation finances the treatment of children throughout Russia.

Please note that in order not to create a traffic collapse and for safety reasons, parking on Borisovskie Prudy Street will be prohibited. Therefore, it is better to come by metro and walk to the park. You can reach the park from Alma-Atinskaya, Borisovo, Maryino, Shipilovskaya stations. The journey will take you no more than 20-30 minutes. And if you still want to travel by car, then think in advance about intercepting parking lots.

This year, on August 18–19, one of the brightest and largest events of the summer will take place in Moscow in Brateevsky Cascade Park. The best pyrotechnic teams in the world will paint the capital's sky with millions of lights. Leading pyrotechnicians from Austria, Andorra, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Greece, Italy, Slovakia and the USA will surprise the audience and compete for the title of the best.

Also, as part of the festival, for the first time in Russia, viewers will see a multimedia show of 120 dynamic fountains dancing to the rhythm of classical and modern music, a light show, projections on water screens in combination with art laser design and the use of the latest technologies. The length of the installation will be 500 meters. The height of the fountain jet will reach 40 meters. The show's producer is one of the best show designers in Austria, Michel Anton.

The event is being held with the support of the Moscow government for the fourth time. Last year the festival attracted more than 700,000 spectators.

“Once again, Moscow will become the center of attraction for the leaders of the world market of pyrotechnic displays. Tens of thousands of volleys await festival guests in the Brateevsky Cascade Park,” said Nikolai Gulyaev, head of the Moscow Department of Sports and Tourism. “I am sure that pyrotechnic masters from different countries will find something to surprise the sophisticated Moscow audience this year.”

Year of Volunteer and Charitable Activities

In the Year of the Volunteer, the theme of the festival is dedicated to goodness and magic. It will be revealed at different levels: from the daytime program to pyrotechnic shows.

“For the Rostec company, which includes the majority of pyrotechnic enterprises in Russia, the fireworks festival is not only a platform for demonstrating the technological capabilities of Russian pyrotechnics, but also a chance to give a real holiday to the residents and guests of the capital,” commented the Assistant General Director for Social Projects of the Rostec State Corporation, Chairman Board of Directors of the company - organizer of the festival "Pyrotechnic Technologies" Yulia Voronova. – We pay great attention to the social component of the event. The partners of the festival this year were the charitable foundations “Life Line”, “Old Age in Joy”, “Penetrating into the Heart”, the Konstantin Khabensky Foundation and the Vera Hospice Foundation. To support the funds, a number of volunteer and charitable activities will take place at the site.”

Art objects and day program

Traditionally, during the festival, Brateevsky Cascade Park turns into an interactive open-air museum with many art objects. This year they are being developed by the legendary artist and experimenter Andrei Bartenev. All art objects will be tactile, you can interact with each of them: hug it, climb on it, take a photo. Walking through the art labyrinth, viewers will meet a cat in the sun’s rays, a bear with an armful of flowers, an elephant and many more exhibits that will charge you with solar energy and joy. The height of some of them exceeds 5 meters. The main symbol and art object of the festival will be a sunbeam.

On August 18 and 19, Brateevsky Cascade Park will open to guests at 14:00. During the day, all visitors will be able to take part in outdoor and board games, compete in bossaball (similar to volleyball, but on inflatable mats), curling, and go through an obstacle course. For the youngest visitors of the festival there will be a large animation zone, “silent parties” in the dome cinema, football training with gifts from the “Ball School”, a children’s dance area and much more. And lovers of intellectual leisure will be able to take part in quizzes or relax while watching their favorite films and cartoons on the big screen in the open air. And, of course, as always, many creative master classes will be held on the site.

In addition, musicians will perform on the main stage from 18:30 to 20:30. On August 18, the headliners of the concert program will be the groups “Tantsy Minus” and “Chizh & Co” with their favorite hits of several generations. On the second day of the festival, guests will enjoy a performance by the group “Zveri”, which will perform the best works from various albums.

Fireworks show

The competitive fireworks show starts at 21:00. Every day, viewers will be able to see four performances: on August 18, Austria, Bulgaria, Italy, and the USA will present their programs; on August 19, Andorra, Great Britain, Greece, and Slovakia. A competent international jury will monitor the technical details of the performances. It included titled pyrotechnicians from Canada, Spain, USA, Romania, and Portugal. The entertainment value of the show will be assessed by representatives of the amateur jury - composer and producer Igor Krutoy and film director Pavel Chukhrai. The audience will be able to vote for the best performance along with them. Based on the results of SMS voting, the winner of the People's Choice Award will be selected.

The teams will present programs consisting of two parts: the participant’s calling card - fireworks in the colors of the national flag accompanied by music with a national flavor - and a free program on the theme of goodness and magic. The performances will be accompanied by a laser and water-light show specially created for the festival.

The online broadcast of the fireworks show will be conducted by MIA Rossiya Segodnya, Yandex and the social network VKontakte. Admission to the festival is free for children under 7 years old (accompanied by an adult with tickets). The organizer of the festival is the Pyrotechnic Technologies company. You can view the program and purchase tickets starting today on the festival website Ticket prices start from 500 rubles.

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