Psychological tests like Luscher. Pass the color luscher test online. How to pass the Luscher color test


The eight-color Luscher test, which allows you to determine how the current psychological state of a person affects the functioning of his body, determines the desired goals and the existing state of affairs of the person being examined. It is the most reliable, since the test does not contain a single question or statement, the answer to the question occurs subconsciously. To complete the test, you will be offered eight cards of different colors twice, you need to choose a card with the color you like the most, then you need to repeat the choice for the remaining 7 colors. After completing the selection of the first eight cards, you need to stop for a minute to rest and close your eyes. After that, you will need to re-select cards with the colors you like. Do not think about the choice for a long time, because there are no right or wrong answers. In the process of performing the second step of testing, do not try to remember the choice from the first step, choose the color you like best based on your feelings.

Psychophysiological and psychological impact of color on a person.

It would seem that the obvious is the judgment that the colors that surround each of us from birth have an objective, direct effect on the human body, nervous system and psyche, setting it in unison with the outside world. However, this idea about the direct impact of color on the human psyche, and thus the immanence of color meanings, has caused and continues to actively reject the supporters of the sociocultural approach in explaining the genesis of color associations. The main thing in their approach is the assertion that the color effect is mediated by subjective color connections, not necessarily presented in the mind in an expanded form, but each time actualized when a person observes one or another color. In this case, the concepts of "latent learning", "cultural memory", etc. can be used. Thus, the attitude to color is entirely determined by cultural and historical traditions and customs.

Without denying the role of the objective connections of color in the formation of its meanings, it should be recognized that the leading factor in the formation of color meanings is, by no means, they, but the objective nature of the color effect on a person, as evidenced by the data of psychophysiological and psychological studies.

Luscher test- this is a psychological test of color psychodiagnostics of a personality that allows you to measure the subjective states of a person, namely his communication skills, stress resistance and activity. According to the results of the Luscher test, recommendations can be given on how to avoid stress and identify the professional qualities of a person.

Since the choice of color set occurs unconsciously, we can find out what the character and personality traits of the person being tested are in reality, and not how he presents himself, or how he wants to appear in society.

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The real Luscher Complete Color Test (Lüscher Farbwahl Test), includes 72 color shades, 7 shapes and consists of three subtests. But besides this, there is another short version of the so-called eight-color Luscher test, which is divided into two subtests and, as the name implies, 8 color cards. The author of the original test, Max Luscher, himself claims that the short version cannot give accurate results. Nevertheless, in psychodiagnostic practice and on the Internet on online test sites, the short version is most often used. Therefore, we will further consider this particular version as it combines the simplicity and speed of testing and the acceptable degree of information content of the results.

The psychological interpretation of the obtained series of subjective color preferences is based, first of all, on the theory that each color can be associated with a certain symbolic meaning:

  1. Blue color. Means calmness, contentment, gentleness and affection.
  2. Green color. It symbolizes purposefulness, perseverance, self-confidence, self-respect.
  3. Red color. It symbolizes activity, willpower, aggressiveness, assertiveness, the desire to rule, sexuality.
  4. Yellow. activity, propensity to communicate, curiosity, originality, positivity, ambition.

Secondary colors and their associative meaning:
No. 5 - purple; No. 6 - brown; No. 7 - black; 0 - gray
These colors are a symbol of a group of negative tendencies: anxiety, stress, fear and chagrin.
In this case, the number of the position occupied by the color is important.

Take the Luscher test online

Choose a color that suits you by clicking on it with the left mouse button. Do not tie the choice of color to anything, your clothes, etc. Just choose the color that suits you best. It is important.

The first sample of two.

Before you take the full Luscher color test online and find out your true psychophysiological state for free, you need to carefully read the instructions.

This color test uses Max Luscher's specially selected eight colors (blue, red, green, yellow, purple, brown, gray and black - common, similar colors are not suitable for testing).

To undergo a complete psychodiagnostics of a personality and identify one's neuropsychic well-being or psychophysiological problems and their solution, online psychoanalysis is required.

What does the Luscher color test online reveal?

This test will show your mental state by the first chosen color, the most PLEASANT for you at the moment of the eight.

Before you take the FULL Luscher color test - take a free online color blindness test (find out your color perception - do you have “color blindness”), but for now, use the short version.

1. Choose the most attractive color of the Luscher test, at the moment, from the eight offered, without correlating it with preference (for example: the color of clothes, curtains, furniture, cars, etc.)

Attention! Due to the possible distortion of color, brightness and contrast on computer or smartphone monitors, you may subconsciously perceive color spectra and shades incorrectly.

Therefore, for the purity of testing, it is better for you to go face-to-face to a professional psychotherapist, psychoanalyst or purchase special Luscher cards with detailed instructions (special ones, and not any).

If you need to pass the full Luscher color test online and for free- to psychodiagnose your psychophysiological state; if you want to know your inner problems, fears and conflicts, then you need to alternately choose colors from the eight offered, starting with the most pleasant, prettiest, and ending with the most unpleasant color. And write down their sequence.

Standard neuropsychic well-being is such an order of Luscher color preference: Red - Yellow - Green - Purple - Blue - Brown - Gray - Black.

Relative psychological well-being is when the primary colors (blue, green, red and yellow) are in the first five positions of the selected row.

In other cases, one can speak of some

The Luscher color test is one of the most popular projective techniques. Color psychodiagnostics, which allows the Luscher test, is aimed at effectively identifying the psycho-emotional state of people of different ages.

There is hardly a person who would not have heard about the existence of a close relationship between mental state and color. Psychologists have long been looking for an effective technique that would make it possible to correctly interpret the color choice of the subjects, but for the first time this was done by the Swiss psychiatrist Max Luscher in the middle of the last century. Today, the Luscher test is included in the arsenal of any practicing psychotherapist and is a high-quality tool for psychodiagnostics. You can always go through it online on our website, and also get a brief interpretation for free.

Tool for personal psychodiagnostics

The CTL (or Luscher Color Test) was first described in 1948. He immediately brought his author worldwide fame. The Luscher projective test gives an idea of ​​a person's inclination to a certain activity, the predominance of a particular mood, and reveals the most stable personality traits.

Whatever the purpose of the psychotherapist, the Luscher color test requires serious experience in interpretation. When publishing this test, the author repeatedly emphasized that this method works great only when using a standardized set of color stimuli.

Unfortunately, many modern specialists in the field of psychology neglect the instructions of the author of the test and are engaged in self-decoding. As a result, the interpretation of the test is often unreliable and does not inspire confidence in clients. Therefore, you need to either find a specialist who will be able to correctly diagnose you by CTL, or take this test online, limiting yourself to a brief transcript.

Short description

Specialists know two versions of the Luscher test: short and full. Both of these options you can go online on our website. CTL makes it possible to see the origins of intrapersonal conflicts and build an adequate system of psychotherapeutic influences.

Usually this test is used to determine the psycho-emotional state of a person. It's also effective:

The essence of testing is the ranking of the proposed colors, based on the feeling of their pleasantness for oneself. A person must arrange all the colors in turn, starting with the most preferred. Testing is carried out in daylight using standard stimulus material. Depending on the shape of the test, a person has to choose from 8 or 48 colors. The eight-color test is the more common form, and the full CTL is more commonly used in clinical psychotherapeutic practice.

Abridged version

Do you want to get the result quickly, without a detailed analysis of the personality structure? Take the short (eight color) version of this quiz! This form of CTL consists of stimulus material in the form of a set of 8 colors. Each stimulus is assigned a serial number: 0 for gray, 1 for blue, 2 for green, 3 for red, 4 for yellow, 5 for purple, 6 for brown, 7 for black. Also, these colors are divided into primary and secondary.

The main colors are: green, blue, red, yellow. They reflect the most preferred behavior of a person and talk about his inclinations. Most often, a person seeks to place these colors in the first 5 positions, although there are a variety of options.

Additional colors include brown and purple, as well as black and gray. These colors are symbols of a variety of negative manifestations: anxiety, fears, stress and grief. The values ​​of these colors are also determined by their ranking. Usually their place (except purple) is below position 4, but, of course, you are free to put them wherever you want.

expanded version

If you want to get a detailed personal characteristic, then go through the full version of the Luscher test. It consists of 48 stimuli in the form of various combinations of complementary and primary colors. This allows you to study in detail the relationship of a person, to conduct an in-depth psychodiagnostics of his psycho-emotional state. The key to interpreting this CTL variant lies in the subconscious of the individual.

The meaning of color stimuli

Knowing what a particular color means for a particular person, you can say a lot about him. The main psychological features of different color types very accurately reflect the personality and preferences of the subject. The color type is determined by the main preferred color, that is, they speak of a "yellow" person or, say, "blue". Each color type has its own characteristics, characteristics, preferred activities, and even favorite hobbies and clothing styles. Due to its simplicity and clarity, the Luscher color test is often used as the basis for many modern tests and techniques that allow you to work with the emotional sphere of a person. Knowing the color type of a person, you can easily choose a suitable work companion, marriage or sexual partner for him.

The typology of "color personality" according to Luscher has long outdone the test itself in popularity. It turned out that our color preferences also directly affect motivation and behavior. It has been proven that young people under 25 prefer red and yellow colors, while older people like brown, gray and green tones. These colors are also chosen by young people if they are disappointed in life, or suffer from neurosis or physical illness. Today CTLs are successfully used in their work by both family and child psychologists and psychotherapists.

At various times, the Luscher color test received a variety of reviews: from complete delight to harsh criticism. However, according to most experts, this test is one of the most valuable and interesting projective techniques.

Alarm level:

First choice: 5
Second choice: 6
The level of anxiety is rising!

Total deviation from the autogenous norm (CO):

First choice: 22
Second choice: 22


4-1 Tension caused by an unsatisfied need for love, warm relationships, a feeling of misunderstanding. Restless search for new relationships that could bring joy and peace.

7-1 Unsatisfied need for love and understanding. Externally accusing reaction to stress, protest forms of behavior and statements.

4 The need for action, emotional involvement, change, communication. Optimism, emotional instability, easy getting used to different social roles, demonstrativeness, the need to please others, dependence on environmental influences, the search for recognition and the desire for ownership in interpersonal interaction. Tendency to avoid responsibility. In choosing the type of activity, the greatest importance is attached to the fact that the process of activity itself brings pleasure. Any formal framework is cramped and poorly tolerated. Pronounced emotional switchability without depth of experience and inconstancy in attachments. Immediacy of feelings, addiction to fun, game component in activity.

4+7 Need for action, emotional involvement, change, communication. Optimism, emotional instability, easy getting used to different social roles, demonstrativeness, the need to please others, dependence on environmental influences, the search for recognition and the desire for ownership in interpersonal interaction. Tendency to avoid responsibility. In choosing the type of activity, the greatest importance is attached to the fact that the process of activity itself brings pleasure. Any formal framework is cramped and poorly tolerated. Pronounced emotional switchability without depth of experience and inconstancy in attachments. Immediacy of feelings, addiction to fun, game component in activity. Pronounced emotional tension. The desire to get away from problems and responsibility is faced with a serious obstacle that causes a feeling of protest. The immediacy of actions and statements can be hasty and ahead of their thoughtfulness. Active searches for a way out of the situation are excessively fussy, inconsistent, unplanned.

7 Protest reaction to the current situation. Defending your own point of view. Subjective assessment of circumstances, irreconcilable attitude towards the position of others, intolerance towards the opinions of others. Counteraction to external pressure, environmental influences, protest against fate.

*6 Feelings of anxiety and insecurity, physical overexertion. Fears, heightened suspiciousness, discomfort, need for rest and relaxation.

0 Known tension in contacts with others, the desire to get away from the conflict and avoid unnecessary unrest.

1 The desire to cope with depression, to master oneself, while remaining active. The need for warm interpersonal relationships, dependence on the object of deep affection is blocked. Anxiety and irritable incontinence can impair concentration. Restless dissatisfaction.

1-5 Painfully experienced by the lack of opportunity to realize the need for love and warm relationships; the desire to get rid of the oppressive state, impatience; the need for understanding and benevolent relations is unsatisfied. Tension causes a feeling of irritation, a feeling of being misunderstood by significant others.

5 Tension associated with a tendency to contain emotional manifestations. Pronounced selectivity in interpersonal contacts, subtlety of taste and increased sensitivity to external influences dictates the need for increased self-control. Increased demands on others - as protection against their own excessive credulity.

4-5 The need for deep attachment is not fully satisfied, there is no necessary mutual understanding, which leads to increased self-control.

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