Test on correctional pedagogy on the topic: Test for teachers: "Your creativity." Test “What is your creativity?”


What is your creative potential?

Choose one of the suggested answers.

for the answer "a" - 3 points;

for the answer "b" - 1 point;

for the answer "c" - 2 points.

1. Do you think that the world around you can be improved:

a) yes;

b) no, he is already good enough;

c) Yes, but only to a certain extent.

2. Do you think that you yourself can participate in significant changes in the world around you:

a) yes, in most cases;

b) no;

c) yes, in some cases.

3. Do you think that some of your ideas would bring significant progress in the field in which you work:

a) yes;

b) yes, under favorable circumstances;

c) only to some extent.

4. Do you think that in the future you will play such an important role that you will be able to fundamentally change something:

a) yes, for sure;

b) it is unlikely;

c) maybe.

5. When you decide to take some action, do you think that you will carry out your undertaking:

a) yes;

b) often think that you will not be able to;

c) Yes, often.

6. Do you feel like doing something that you absolutely do not know:

a) yes, the unknown attracts you;

b) the unknown does not interest you;

c) It all depends on the nature of the case.

7. You have to do something unfamiliar. Do you feel the desire to achieve perfection in it:

a) yes;

b) satisfied with what you have achieved;

c) yes, but only if you like it.

8. If you like a case that you do not know, do you want to know everything about it:

a) yes;

b) no, you want to learn only the most basic;

c) no, you only want to satisfy your curiosity.

9. When you fail, then:

a) you persist for some time, contrary to common sense;

b) give up on this idea, as you understand that it is unrealistic;

c) continue to do your job, even when it becomes obvious that the obstacles are insurmountable.

10. In your opinion, a profession should be chosen based on:

a) their capabilities, future prospects for themselves;

b) stability, significance, the need for the profession, the need for it;

c) the benefits it will provide.

11. When traveling, could you easily navigate the route that you have already traveled?

a) yes;

b) no, you are afraid to go astray;

c) yes, but only where you liked and remembered the area.

12. Immediately after a conversation, can you remember everything that was said:

a) yes, without difficulty;

b) you can’t remember everything;

c) remember only what interests you.

13. When you hear a word in an unfamiliar language, you can repeat it syllable by syllable without error, without even knowing its meaning:

a) yes, no problem

b) yes, if the word is easy to remember;

c) repeat, but not quite right.

14. In your free time, do you prefer:

a) stay alone, think;

b) be in the company;

c) you do not care whether you will be alone or in the company.

15. You are doing something. You decide to stop this activity only when:

a) the job is finished and seems to you perfectly done;

b) you are more or less satisfied;

c) you have not yet managed to do everything.

16. When you are alone:

a) like to dream about some, maybe even abstract things;

b) at any cost trying to find a specific occupation;

c) sometimes like to dream, but about things that are related to your work.

17. When an idea captures you, then you will think about it:

a) no matter where and with whom you are;

b) you can only do this in private;

c) only where it will not be too noisy.

18. When you stand up for some idea:

a) you can refuse it if you listen to the convincing arguments of your opponents;

b) stay with your opinion, no matter what arguments you hear;

c) change your mind if the resistance is too strong.

Calculate the points you have scored in this way:

Questions 1, 6, 7, 8 define the limits of your curiosity;

Questions 2, 3, 4, 5 - faith in yourself; questions 9 and 15 - persistence;

Question 10 - ambition; questions 12 and 13 - auditory memory;

Question 11 - visual memory;

Question 14 - your desire to be independent;

Questions 16, 17 - the ability to abstract;

Question 18 - the degree of concentration.

These abilities constitute the main qualities of creativity.

The total amount of points scored will show the level of your creativity.

49 or more points. You have a great deal of creativity that presents you with a wide range of possibilities. If you can actually apply your abilities, then a wide variety of forms of creativity are available to you.

From 24 to 48 points. You have quite normal creativity. You have those qualities that allow you to create, but you also have problems that hinder the creative process. In any case, your potential will allow you to express yourself creatively, if you, of course, wish it.

23 points or less. Your creative potential, alas, is small, but perhaps you simply underestimated yourself, your abilities? Lack of self-confidence can lead you to think that you are not capable of creativity at all.

Music school and similar institutions. The more specific the list, the better for analysis and selection of options.

Rank the list by likely ability. At the end of the list, place circles or specialties that you definitely do not like. At the beginning, write options for which you are sure that there are some abilities. Place in the areas of activity that you don’t know anything about, but you can see if they would be attractive if they were pursued. Remove anything you don't like from the list. The remaining options are candidates for consideration.

Visit groups for each line of business. Tell the leaders that you will sit quietly and watch what the participants are doing, and then post the impressions on the blog with the address and time of the classes. Not necessarily long articles, a few sentences are enough. This blog will help you remember where you've been and what you've seen. Photos would be nice.

Make a list of attractive destinations. When you have gone around all the circles, select those in which you would like to enroll.

Attend a trial class and make your final choice. For some, modeling from plasticine seems like a tedious task, while others get great pleasure. This is how it happens in every business: someone plays for hours, and the other cannot bring himself to learn the notes. In creativity there is a visible, front, festive, when others admire the results. And there is invisible everyday work, continuous, many attempts, mistakes, tests. If you want to do some work again and again, creative abilities are manifested in this. Therefore, to choose your own business, you need to try attractive destinations to taste.

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The fashionable word “creativity” is understood by most people in different ways. Most often, a creative person is equated with a creative person. However, this is not entirely true. So what is creativity and how can you recognize it?

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Creativity is the ability to create, manifested in creative thinking. Creative abilities can be manifested in the labor activity of a person, products of material or spiritual culture. Creativity implies the ability of a new, original view of creativity. For evaluation, special tests are used.


The first creativity tests were developed by J. Gilford. His methodology consists of 4 subtests. Three of the four tests are based on non-verbal stimulus material. One verbal test. All four subtests diagnose abilities within the framework of social intelligence. Social intelligence is responsible for understanding speech, actions, deeds. It also provides recognition of gestures and facial expressions. That is, non-verbal behavior of a person. J. Gilford's test can be used for any age category, starting from 9 years old.

The stimulus material includes a set of 4 test sessions. Each subtest has 12-15 tasks. A person's ability to mental operations is checked in the following areas: visual, semantic, behavioral, symbolic. It is necessary to develop tasks taking into account the fact that different types of results should be obtained as a result. Based on visual content - 4. On symbolic and semantic content - 10. The time allotted for each subtest is limited.

To diagnose the level of creativity, the popular method of E. Thorens is often used. Although this is a test not only for creativity, but also for creativity in general. In 1966, E. Torrens grouped 12 tests into scales. The verbal scale assesses verbal creative thinking. On the pictorial - pictorial. By sound - verbal-sound. Verbal battery testing takes 45 minutes. According to the figurative battery - 30 min. This time does not include reading the manual. Also, to conduct a verbal battery, you need an album “Express your ideas with the help of words” and an answer sheet for it. You will need the "Express your ideas with pictures" test book for the pictorial battery. The method of E. Torrance is considered more reliable than the method of J. Gilford.

There is a fairly popular and reliable domestic test for creativity. The technique was developed by N.B. Shumakova. It consists of 3 tasks. It can be used both individually and in a group. Suitable for identifying the level of creative thinking in children after 8 years and adults. First you need to write down information about yourself. After that, you must complete a series of tasks within a certain amount of time. To do this, stock up on colored pencils, a pen, an eraser, glue. You must also have a test book.
The essence of the test is that on the basis of the pasted figure, you need to depict something that other members of the group do not have. Points are awarded for originality. For example, if the answer was found in a larger number of subjects, then 0 points are given for originality.

The difficulty of any test for creativity is that a complete list of the characteristics of such thinking simply does not exist. Therefore, the results of even the most reliable study cannot give a 100% guarantee. In addition, any of the methods requires experience and reliable assimilation of methodological information. Therefore, with the question of diagnosing your own abilities for creative thinking, it is better to contact a specialist.

It has long been known that a person is happy when he does what he loves and enjoys it. But for some reason today, many feel uncomfortable in their workplace. Is it because they chose the wrong direction of activity? Back in the last century, the great artist correctly noted: “Do not be a cow crow, do not fly frogs under a cloud!” But how do you define your purpose? Irina Yurievna Sokolova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Teacher-Researcher of the TSPU, tells about this.

Everything starts at birth

At one time, working at a technical college, I helped many students decide on a professional path, - says Irina Yuryevna. - It seems, you see, a person has a mathematical mindset, and the intellect is a diplomat, so maybe he doesn’t need to get behind the machine, but to manage people. There is potential in every person, it is important to discover and develop it in time. Each of us comes to earth already with inclinations, that is, with physiological characteristics and a type of nervous system. The intellect is formed in the process of education, training, as a response to the mind to overcome certain difficulties. By socializing, the child will either develop his natural talents or drive them into a corner. The task of parents at this stage is to observe what the child likes best: draw, dance, write stories, sing, build multi-storey buildings or collect a herbarium.

Of great importance is the definition of left-handedness - right-handedness. Since it is known that the left hemisphere, which is considered dominant in right-handed people, is responsible for logic, analysis, speech-thinking activity, for storing and processing factual information, and mathematical abilities. The right hemisphere is responsible for intuition, imaginative thinking, imagination, processing of non-verbal information, musicality, spatial orientation and emotions. In children under 7 years of age, the cerebral hemispheres are at the stage of formation, interhemispheric connections are actively developing, so left-handedness can be hidden. To recognize which hand is leading, you need to pass the following tests.

Left-Right Tests

    Determine the leading eye. The child is invited to look into a kaleidoscope or a telescope (to which eye will he bring it first (L, P).

    Interlacing of the fingers: the upper position of the thumb (L, R).

    Cross your arms over your chest: "Napoleon's pose", which hand lies on top - L, P.

    Determination of the size of the fold of the nail of the thumb.

    On which hand (L, R) is the venous system more developed.

    Determine which hand is 1-2 mm longer.

    Observe which foot starts the movement.

    Which hand holds a pen, fork, spoon, brushes teeth, shoes.

    Which hand is combed.

10. Which hand cuts the paper, unlocks the door.

More than half of the answers P - right-handed, L - left-handed, if three or four questions showed a left reaction - hidden left-handedness. It is necessary to develop the child's abilities based on the functions of the dominant hemisphere.

Personality types

I.P. Pavlov proposed a classification of personality types based on the characteristics of the activity of the nervous system. The scientist divided all people into three types, depending on the mechanism of work and interaction of the right or left hemisphere.

artistic type personality (functions of the right hemisphere are active) - a person perceives the world through images, does not analyze and does not attach importance to details.

thinking type(functions of the left hemisphere are active) - a person is inclined to logical thinking, resorts to analysis, calculates the situation.

Medium type- the most common, corresponds to the balance between the left and right hemispheres, between logical thinking and artistic perception.

Research by psychophysiologists indicates that nature in each person has the potential of a “thinker” and “artist” - a creative personality, which is associated with the in vivo formed properties of the nervous system, the functions of the cerebral hemispheres, on the basis of which various human abilities and types of giftedness develop. But, unfortunately, in the modern school, children develop the type of “thinker” more, leaving the artistic type without much attention. In this case, a very important potential of the individual remains unused, because of which the choice of a professional path suffers.

M.S. Kagan singled out five potentials in the structure of each personality:

1) Epistemological. It is determined by the amount and content of information that a person has, based on knowledge about the natural and social world, and the ability to cognize it. The set of information depends on the natural mindset, education and practical experience of the individual.

2) Axiological potential of personality. This system of values ​​(ideals, aspirations, goals, beliefs), which is acquired by a person in the process of socialization.

3) Creative. Received from nature and independently used abilities for certain actions, for creative or destructive, productive and reproductive work, as well as the degree of their implementation in a particular area.

4) Communication potential. It is characterized by the degree and form of her communication, the nature and strength of establishing contacts with other people. The essence of interpersonal communication is expressed in the paradigm of social roles.

5) The artistic potential of the individual. The level of artistic needs, the intensity of their use, the method of satisfaction.

In each person three "I" are combined in different proportions. An individual is a person as a biological being living according to the program of nature, his tasks: to protect himself, to survive. Personality - a person as a being living in a certain society and pursuing the goals set by society. Individuality - a person who can live according to his own program, set his own goals, create, create. A personality is determined not only by its character and temperament, but by the volume and quality of knowledge, the system of values ​​and the ability to communicate with the outside world. The highest task of any person is to develop individuality, relying on the potential of the individual.

temperament type

Also, already in elementary school, it is possible and necessary to identify the type of child's temperament, - the teacher-psychologist comments, - which depends on the physiological processes of the brain and their relationship: excitation, inhibition. Extroverts (choleric, sanguine) are impulsive individuals who tend to splash their feelings out, introverts (phlegmatic, melancholic) are reflective types, prone to inner experience, closed behavior.

Impulsivity-reflexivity are two sides of one of the ways of cognitive activity, knowledge of the features of which is important for the teacher to take into account in the process of educational activity in relation to each student. Thus, it was found that, according to their individual characteristics, reflective students (“maturing later”) most often have an inert nervous system and perceive information visually well. Impulsive schoolchildren, as a rule, have a mobile nervous system, perceive information better by ear, according to psychophysiologists, they are considered to be “early maturing”. When building educational and cognitive activity, it is very important to take into account the ratio of impulsivity-reflexivity for the effective formation of intelligence and the disclosure of the child's potential.

To determine impulsivity-reflexivity, you can pass the following test.

Impulsivity-reflexivity test

The technique is used to diagnose the impulsive-reflexive cognitive style. This cognitive style, in accordance with the initial assumption of J. Kagan, characterizes individual differences in the tendency to make decisions quickly or slowly. This stylistic property manifests itself most clearly in conditions of uncertainty, when it is required to make the right choice from a certain set of alternatives. Impulsive subjects tend to react quickly in multiple choice situations, with hypotheses being put forward without analyzing all possible alternatives. Reflective subjects are characterized by a slow response rate in such a situation, hypotheses are tested and repeatedly refined, the decision is made on the basis of a thorough preliminary analysis of the features of alternative objects.


The subject is presented with 2 training, then 12 main sheets, on each of which there is an image of a familiar object (reference figure) on top, and 8 almost identical images of the same object are arranged in two rows below, among which only one is completely identical to the reference figure. The subject must find and indicate an image that is completely identical to the reference figure.


“Now you will see one picture and several similar ones. You need to find exactly the same picture in this picture as the one above and show it. For the initial training, you will be shown two demo cards. Further tasks will not be so simple at all. Find a picture as close as possible to this one above as quickly as possible and show it right away.”

Processing and interpretation


Numbers are counted from left to right, top to bottom.

demo 1 - 1; demo 2 - 5;

sheet - 4; steamboat - 7; flower - 1; lamp - 8; bear cub - 4; cat - 1; cowboy - 8; points - 4; chicken - 5; aircraft - 1; scissors - 5; dress - 5.

Indicators of impulsivity / reflectivity:

  1. latent time of the first response (sum);
  2. the total number of errors.

Reflective individuals are above the median response time and below the median number of errors, while impulsive individuals are below the median response time and above the median number of errors.

On average, about 2/3 of the sample falls on reflective and impulsive subjects, 1/3 - on two special categories of subjects, called "fast / accurate" and "slow / inaccurate".

People with an impulsive style are quick to hypothesize in alternative choice situations, and they make many wrong decisions. For people with a reflective style, on the contrary, a slower pace of decision-making is characteristic, respectively, they make few mistakes due to a thorough preliminary analysis of hypotheses.

Eight Kinds of Intelligence

Together with the growing up of the child, his intellect develops, - continues Irina Yuryevna, - and by the age of 10 it is possible to determine the type of intellect. H. Gardner singled out eight types of intelligence, having learned which of them prevails in your child, you can gradually direct him to one or another professional area.

    Linguistic intelligence- a person uses different language styles to convey information (poet, writer, editor, journalist).

    musical intelligence- a person enjoys composing, listening and performing music (music performer, composer).

    Logical-mathematical intelligence- a person knows how to explore, thinks in categories, finds relationships between structures through the manipulation of symbols, signs, is prone to ordering actions (mathematician, scientist).

    Spatial intelligence- a person is able to perceive objects through images, unfold the picture in the mind, create spatial compositions (architect, engineer, surgeon).

    Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence- a person feels the need and is endowed with the ability to move, implements these skills in sports, performing arts, in manual labor (dancer, athlete, mechanic).

    interpersonal intelligence- a person is able to notice and understand the needs and desires of other people, to capture the mood of people, to anticipate their behavior (political leader, teacher, psychotherapist, diplomat).

    intrapersonal intelligence- a person knows how to manage his feelings, control them, skillfully using them in the transfer and processing of information (for example, a religious leader, philosopher, writer).

    Naturalist Intelligence- the ability to explore wildlife and the relationships between its components (biologist, botanist, farmer, livestock breeder, veterinarian).

Path choice

Taking into account the opinion of I.P. Pavlov that a person is “a system that is developing and self-developing, supporting and even improving itself”, it can be concluded that a person has the potentials of self-regulation, self-development, self-education and self-actualization. Given the temperament, personality type and type of intelligence, one should not forget about the important principle of harmony of the bodily, mental and spiritual nature, the psychologist sums up. Unrealized abilities during life can lead a person to illness. It is also important to use the principle of search activity, if, when choosing a profession or favorite business, something no longer satisfies, we are looking for something new. Here the principles of self-actualization come into force - what you need and is important at the moment - and self-realization - the ability to put into practice what you have planned.

For professional self-determination, even at school age, a psychologist should work with a child, but parents can notice many points and direct them in the right direction. The age of professional self-determination is 17-20 years, but even earlier you can not only understand, but feel what you want to do in life. For an adult, the scheme for choosing a profession is the same, it’s enough to remember what you liked to do in childhood, what brought you pleasure and, based on your interests, choose a new or change your old profession.

Julia Savelyeva

Practice cards for the test

Choose one of the suggested answers.

1. Do you think that the world around you can be improved:

b) no, he is already good enough;

c) Yes, but only to a certain extent.

2. Do you think that you yourself can participate in significant changes in the world around you:

a) yes, in the majority;

c) yes, in some cases.

3. Do you think that some of your ideas would bring significant progress in the field in which you work:

b) yes, under favorable circumstances;

c) only to some extent.

4. Do you think that in the future you will play such an important role that you will be able to fundamentally change something:

a) yes, for sure;

b) it is unlikely;

c) maybe.

5. When you decide to take some action, do you think that you will carry out your undertaking:

b) often think that you will not be able to;

c) Yes, often.

6. You have to do business. Do you have a desire to achieve perfection in it:

a) yes, the unknown attracts you;

b) the unknown does not bother you;

c) It all depends on the nature of the case.

7. You have to do business. Do you have a desire to achieve perfection in it:

b) I am satisfied with what I managed to achieve;

c) yes, but only if you like it.

8. If you don't like a case that you don't know, do you want to know everything about it:

b) no, you want to learn only the most basic;

c) no, you only want to satisfy your curiosity.

9. When you fail, then:

a) you persist for some time, contrary to common sense;

b) give up on this idea, as you understand that it is unrealistic;

c) continue to do your job, even when it becomes obvious that the obstacles are insurmountable.

10. In your opinion, a profession should be chosen based on:

a) their capabilities, future prospects for themselves;

b) stability, the need for a profession, the need for it;

c) the benefits it provides.

11. When traveling, could you easily navigate the route that you have already traveled?

b) no, you are afraid to go astray;

c) yes, but only where you liked and remembered the area.

12. Immediately after a conversation, can you remember everything that was said:

a) yes, without difficulty;

b) you can’t remember everything;

c) remember only what interests you.

13. When you hear a word in an unfamiliar language, you can repeat it syllable by syllable, without mistakes, without even knowing its meaning:

a) yes, no problem

b) yes, if it is easy to remember;

c) repeat, but not quite right.

14. In your free time, do you prefer:

a) stay alone, think;

b) be in the company;

c) You do not care whether you will be alone or in the company.

15. You are doing something. You decide to stop this activity only when:

a) the job is finished and seems to you perfectly done;

b) Are you more or less satisfied?

c) You haven't succeeded yet.

16. When you are alone:

a) like to dream about some even, maybe abstract things;

b) at any cost trying to find a specific occupation;

c) sometimes like to dream, but about things that are related to your work.

17. When an idea captures you, you will think about it:

a) no matter where and with whom you are;

b) You can only do this in private;

c) only where it will not be too noisy.

18. When you defend some idea:

a) you can refuse it if you listen to the convincing arguments of your opponents;

b) stay with your opinion, no matter what arguments you hear;

c) change your mind if the resistance is too strong.

Calculate the points you have scored in this way:

for the answer "a" - 3 points;

for the answer "b" -1 point;

for the answer "c" - 2 points.

So, on the "management grid" there will be 4 - 5 conditional points that characterize you from different positions. Circle all the points with a contour, and you will get a clear picture of how objectively you approached self-esteem, how closely the characteristics of your individual qualities fit.

For example, if you chose position 9.1 on the “grid”, and on the text “Are you decisive?” turned out to be indecisive, it means that in one of the cases you were not objective enough, you were cunning.

Based on the results obtained, each participant in the game draws appropriate conclusions for himself, outlines measures, a program to improve his personality.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher makes a generalization and gives a general description of the small groups as a whole.

The key to the test "Are you a conflict personality?"


33 points or less. You are overly peaceful, which is due to insufficient confidence in your own strengths and capabilities. This, of course, does not mean that you bend under any breeze. Still, more determination will not hurt you! You are friendly to criticism from below, but you are afraid of criticism from above.

34 -44 points. You are moderately aggressive, but successfully go through life, because you have enough ambition and self-confidence. You are friendly with criticism if it is business-like and without claims. However, she is not always happy with it. A lot depends on your mood here.

45 or more points. You are overly aggressive, while often being overly hard on other people and unbalanced. You hope to get to the management "top" by relying on your own methods, and succeed by sacrificing the interests of others. Be ambivalent about criticism: you accept criticism from above painfully, sometimes carelessly. You can pursue criticism from below.

If you scored three points on seven or more questions and one on less than seven questions, then the explosions of your aggressiveness are more destructive than constructive. You treat people dismissively and with your behavior provoke conflict situations that you could well have avoided.

If you got one point for seven or more questions and three points for less than seven questions, then you are excessively closed. This does not mean that you also do not have outbursts of aggressiveness, but you suppress them too carefully.

The key to the test "Are you decisive?"

From 0 to 9 points. You are very indecisive. Constantly and for any reason, you weigh all the pros and cons for a long time and painfully. If you manage to shift the decision to someone else, you sigh with great relief. Before deciding on a step, you consult for a long time and the decision is often half-hearted. At meetings and meetings, you prefer to remain silent, although on the sidelines you gain courage and eloquence. But do not try to justify everything by the fact that this is your "inborn" discretion. No, most of the time it's cowardice. It is difficult to live and work with you. And even if you have knowledge, erudition, experience, such a character trait as indecision greatly reduces your "utility factor". Not only that, it's hard to rely on you, you can let you down. Of course, it is not easy to reforge a character, but it is possible. Start small, take the risk of making a decision on your own - it will not let you down.

10 to 18 points. You make decisions carefully, but do not shy away from serious problems that need to be solved right now. You usually hesitate when you have enough time to make a decision. That's when you begin to overcome various doubts, there is a temptation to "settle" everything, "coordinate" with higher leaders, although this question is of your level. Rely more on your experience, it will tell you how to solve the case correctly. In the end, consult with one of your colleagues, your subordinates, but in order to test yourself.

From 19 to 28 points. You are determined enough. Your logic, the sequence with which you approach the study of a problem, and, most importantly, your experience help you resolve issues quickly and mostly correctly. Relying on yourself, you do not ignore the advice of others, although you do not resort to them very often. The decisions made are defended to the end, but if their fallacy is revealed, do not continue to stubbornly defend the honor of the uniform. All this is good. But try to always remain objective. Do not consider it shameful to consult on those issues in which you are not competent enough.

From 29 points and above. Not decisiveness is a concept unknown to you. You consider yourself competent in all aspects of your activities and do not consider it necessary to ask anyone's opinion. You understand unity of command as the right to individual decisions, critical remarks about them cause you irritation, which you do not even try to hide at times. You are impressed when you are called a resolute and strong-willed person, although the will is not at all what was said about you above. To establish yourself in such an opinion among those around you, it happens that you reject the reasonable proposals of others. You experience mistakes painlessly, deeply believing that someone else is to blame for them, but not you. Faith and the infallibility of one's opinions is a serious defect. Such a trait of character, such a method of work suppress the initiative of subordinates, their desire for independent action. This brings up in them indecision, the very one from which you run. All this is not good for the cause, causes serious damage to the psychological climate of the team, interferes with work. You urgently need to change the way you work!

The key to the test "What is your creativity?"

23 points or less. Your creativity, alas, is not great. But maybe you just underestimated yourself, your abilities? Lack of self-confidence can lead you to think that you are not capable of creativity at all. You need a psychological analysis of your situation in order to find a direction in yourself for the development of your creative potential.

24 - 48 points. You have quite normal potential. You have the qualities that will allow you to create, but you have problems that hinder the creative process, in any case, your potential allows you to express yourself creatively, if you, of course, wish it.

49 or more points. You have a significant creative potential, which provides you with a wide range of creative possibilities. If you can actually apply your abilities, then a wide variety of forms of creativity are available to you.

Choose one of the three answer options available for each question.

1.Do you think that the world around you can be improved:

b) no, he is already good enough;

c) Yes, but only to a certain extent.

2. You yourself can participate in significant changes in your environment;

a) yes, in most cases

c) yes, in some cases.

3. Is it true that some of your ideas would bring significant progress in your field of activity?

b) yes, under favorable circumstances;

c) to some extent.

4. Do you think that in the future you will play such an important role that you can fundamentally change something:

a) yes, for sure;

b) unlikely;

c) maybe.

5. When you decide to take some action, are you sure that you will carry out your undertaking:

b) often doubt;

6. Are you tempted to do something that you absolutely do not know:

a) yes, the unknown always attracts;

b) the unknown does not interest you;

c) It all depends on the nature of the case.

7. You have to do something unfamiliar. Do you feel the desire to achieve perfection in it:

b) be satisfied with what you have achieved;

c) Yes, if you like it.

8. If you like a case that you don't know, do you want to know everything about it:

b) no, you want to learn only the most basic;

c) no, you just want to satisfy your curiosity.

9. When you fail then

a) for some time you persist contrary to common sense;

b) give up on this idea, as you understand that it is unrealistic;

c) keep doing what you're doing

10. In your opinion, a profession should be chosen based on:

a) their capabilities, future prospects for themselves;

b) stability, the importance of the profession, the need for it;

c) the benefits it will provide.

11. When traveling, could you easily navigate the route that you have already traveled:

b) no, you are afraid to go astray

c) yes, but only where you like the area.

12. Immediately after the conversation, can you remember everything that was said:

a) yes, without difficulty;

b) you can’t remember more often;

c) remember only what interests you.

13. When you hear a word in a language you don't know, you can repeat it without error:

a) yes, no problem

b) yes, if the word is easy to remember;

c) yes, but not quite right.

14. In your free time, do you prefer:

a) stay alone, think;

b) be in the company;

c) it doesn't matter with whom to spend.

15. You are doing something. You decide to stop this activity when:

a) the job is finished and seems to you perfectly done;

b) you are more or less satisfied;

c) you haven't managed to do everything yet.

16. When you are alone, then:

a) like to dream about some abstract things;

b) trying to find a specific occupation for yourself;

c) like to daydream about things that are related to your work.

17. When an idea captures you, you will start thinking about it:

a) no matter where and with whom you are;

b) you can only do this in private;

c) only where it will not be too noisy.

18. When you advocate an idea:

a) you can refuse it if you listen to the convincing arguments of your opponents;

b) stay with your opinion, no matter what arguments you hear;

c) change your mind if the resistance is too strong.


for each choice of answer option "a" - 3 points;

for each choice of answer option "b" - 1 point;

for each choice of the answer option "c" - 2 points.


If in total you scored 49 or more points- you have a significant creative potential, which provides you with a wide range of creative opportunities. If you can actually apply your abilities, then a wide variety of forms of creativity are available to you.

From 24 to 48 balloon. You have quite normal creativity. You have those qualities that allow you to create, but you also have problems that hinder the creative process. In any case, your potential will allow you to express yourself, if you, of course, wish it.

23 points or less. Your creativity, alas, is small. But maybe you just underestimated yourself, your abilities? Lack of self-confidence can lead you to think that you are not capable of creativity at all. Get rid of it and thus solve the problem.

There will be a file: /data/edu/files/e1454955731.doc (Answer Form (Your Creativity))

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