What letters are consonants deaf in Russian. voiceless and voiced consonants. How the softness of consonants is conveyed in writing

Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation. Complete academic reference book Lopatin Vladimir Vladimirovich

Voiceless and voiced consonants

Voiceless and voiced consonants

§ 79. General rule. Paired voiceless consonants p, f, t, s(and corresponding soft), k, w at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants can be transmitted respectively by letters P or b, f or in, t or d, with or h, to or G, w or well . The same letters can convey paired voiced consonants b, c, e, h(and corresponding soft), g, f before paired voiced consonants (except in). In order to correctly write a consonant letter in these cases, you need to choose a different form of the same word or another word, where in the same significant part of the word (the same root, prefix, suffix) the consonant being checked is before the vowel or before the consonants r, l, m, n, v(and corresponding soft), as well as before j(in writing - before separators b and b , see § 27-28). Examples:

Consonants in roots and suffixes:

1) at the end of a word: du b (cf. oak, oak), deep P (stupid, stupid), gra b (rob), sy pi (pour), but with (noses), in h (carts), th d (of the year), cro t (mole), wife t (married), hand in (sleeves), cro vy (blood, blood), shtra f (fines, penalty, penal), vymo to (get wet, get wet, wet), blue to (bruises), mo G (can, could), small w (baby, baby), monta well (mounting, mounting), draw zh (tremble, tremble); cf. izmoro sz (frost, frost, freeze) and izmoro camping (drizzle, drizzle);

2) before consonants:

a) in front of the deaf: du b ki(cf. oaks, oak), trya P ka (rag, rag, rag, rag), ku P ca (merchant), about in ca (sheep), lo in cue (dexterous), hand in chik (sleeves), scale f chik (cabinets), neither h cue (low), mi with ka (bowls), Wa camping ka (Vasya), Ku sz ka (Kuzya, Kuzma), ka d ka (tub), me t cue (marks), to G ti (claw), lo to ti (elbow), be G stvo (running, fugitive), lo well ka (spoon, spoon), room w ka (small rooms), wings w to (wings); cf. together well ku (intersperse) and together w ku (mix), su P chik (soups) and su b chik (subject);

b) before paired voiced (except in): molo be ba (thresh), swa d ba (weddings, wedding; do not check with a word woo), ho d ba (walk), about camping ba (ask), re sz ba (cut), ox w ba (magic), bo well ba (swear), vra well Yes (hostile), well gu (burn, burn), well to give (wait).

Exceptions: in words holed and open spelled with , although there are verbs open(Xia), open(Xia) and open(Xia), open up(Xia). In words abstraction, reaction, correction spelled to (although abstract, react, correct), in the word transcription spelled P (although transcribe); in these cases, the letter reflects the alternation of consonants in the source language (Latin). About type relations prognosis - prognostic, diagnosis - diagnostics see § 81, para. 2, note 1.

Note. In some words, the letter G sound is transmitted X: the God (god, gods), light, lighter (easy), soft, softer (soft, soft). The words soft, softer, soften etc. should not be checked with words like pulp, soften, soften.

Consonants in prefixes (before a voiceless or paired voiced consonant, except in): in walk, in beat(cf. enter, enter), on the d prick (cut, tear), about b thrash, oh b fry (cut off, cut off, go around), about t talk about t call, oh t advise (wean), on d throw, by d throw, by d send (bring, send), with make, with cunning (be able to, be able to, fail), Pre d carpathian (Cis-Urals).

Note. On the spelling of prefixes ending in h , see § 82.

§ 80. The spelling of unchecked consonants in roots is determined in dictionary order, for example: a b sept, a b salty, ane to DotA P teka, and P sitting, and with best, and f Ghanaian, in friend, in to hall, in torii, G de, zi G zag, cosmon in then b shchy, oh P about f set, ryu to zach, with trousers, then G Yes, f thor, fu t bol, uh to substitutions.

Unchecked are consonants in the following prefixes, suffixes, endings.

Prefixes. Letter to written in appendices the ex- and extra-: ex-champion, ex-president, extraterritorial, extraordinary, extra class. Letter with written in appendix dis-: disqualification, discomfort, disproportion, disharmony, imbalance; cf., however, disassociation, disjunction, where before a vowel and before j spoken and written h .

Suffixes. Letter in written in suffixes of participles and participles ?vsh(uy), ? lice, ? in: taking away, reading, taking, taking, reading; letter well - in the suffix of adverbs ?times: twice, once, four times; letter d before c - in numerals ending in ?twenty, ?eleven: twenty, thirty, eleven, sixteen.

Endings. Letter in written at the end of the forms genus. n. pl. h. nouns type houses, cities, chairs; letter t - at the end of the forms of the 3rd person unit. and many others. hours of verbs: knows, sleeps, writes, draws, walks, grumbles; letters sh - at the end of the form of the 2nd person unit. h. - bud. time: you know, write, walk, give.

§ 81. Words with consonant combinations sk, st, zg, zd. In these combinations, the first consonant is usually unverifiable. When writing words containing these very common consonant groups, one should be guided by the following patterns of letter combinations.

1. There are no stems in Russian that end in letter combinations sg, sd , but there are only the basics on zg, zd (b ); are written: brain (brain), clanging, squealing, small fry; thrush, much, nail, nest, star, train, passage etc. At the beginning of the roots are written zg, zd: no idea (can not see), here, health, building; exception: sweetness, sweet.

2. At the end of the stems, letter combinations predominate sk, st (b ); are written: start (launch), search, risk, melancholy, gloss, arabesque, Bryansk, Kursk, adjectives with suffix ?sk- (royal, seaside, factory); tail, leaf, cross, bush, place, for now, simple, clean, revenge, envy, hatred, words with suffixes ?ist (guitarist, footballer), awn (courage, greed), ?ist(th) (hilly, intermittent), ?ast(th) (eyed, toothy). Same combination st - in suffixes ?stv(about) (wealth, witchcraft, Cossacks), ?stvenn(th) (feminine), ?trunks(be) (to be angry, to be awake), in the prefix fast- (postmodernism, post-soviet), at the end ?st (give, get bored).

At the beginning of the basics and roots of letter combinations zk, zt missing, but written sk, st , for example: scrape, creak, cheekbone, wall, groan, step, country.

Note 1. Letter combination st as part of the stems of nouns and adjectives, it is also written in those words where in place st in other related words there is a combination gp , for example: sarcastic(cf. sarcasm), spastic, spastic (spasm), atavistic (atavism), aphoristic, aphoristic (aphorism), snobbish (snobbery), Bolshevik (Bolshevism), enthusiast (enthusiasm); in a few words (foreign borrowings) combination st corresponds in single-root words consonant h: prognostic, predictive (forecast), diagnostic, diagnosis, diagnostician (diagnosis), paraphrastic (paraphrase), periphrastic (paraphrase).

Note 2. Letter combination zt occurs only at the junction of the root with the suffix of the indefinite form (infinitive) of the verb: climb, gnaw, crawl, carry; letter combination zk - only at the junction of the root and suffix ?to-, for example: close, vile, grease, wagon, dragonfly. In all these cases, the consonant h checked according to the general rule § 79.

§ 82. Prefixes ending in s/s. Prefixes without-, vz-, air-, from-, bottom-, times- (roses-), through- (through-) are written according to a special rule: before letters that convey deaf consonants ( k, p, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, u), they contain the letter with , and in other cases - the letter h , for example: useless, plow, use, bite, dry up, calculate, overthrow, trample, package, common, price, stir up, splitting, painting, striped; but: mediocre, weak-willed, tasteless, trouble-free, take a nap, excite, beat, wear out, bring down, cut, search, through the grain, excessive.

Note. In a composite attachment under- a letter is written with: surreptitiously, surreptitiously, beneath.

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2.15. Voiced and deaf consonants Consonants differ not only in hardness / softness, but also in voicedness / deafness. When pronouncing, the final voiced consonants are deafened: oak - du [n], bay - bay [f], haystack - hundred [k]. However, the replacement when pronouncing the voiced consonant [g]

From the author's book

§ 8. Voiced and deaf consonants 1. To check the spelling of a dubious consonant, you need to change the form of the word or choose a related word so that the checked consonant is followed by a vowel sound or one of the consonants l, m, n, p. For example: lubrication - lubricate, threshing -

From the author's book

§ 8. Voiced and deaf consonants 1. To check the spelling of a dubious consonant, you need to change the form of the word or choose a related word so that the checked consonant is followed by a vowel sound or one of the consonants l, m, n, p. For example: lubrication - lubricate, threshing -

In Russian, not all speech sounds are indicated, but only the main ones. There are 43 basic sounds in Russian - 6 vowels and 37 consonants, while the number of letters is 33. The number of basic vowels (10 letters, but 6 sounds) and consonants (21 letters, but 37 sounds) also do not match. The difference in the quantitative composition of the main sounds and letters is determined by the peculiarities of Russian writing. In Russian, hard and soft sounds are denoted by the same letter, but soft and hard sounds are considered different, which is why there are more consonant sounds than the letters they are denoted by.

Voiced and voiceless consonants

Consonants are divided into voiced and voiceless. Voiced sounds are made up of noise and voice, deaf sounds are made up of noise only.

Voiced consonants: [b] [b "] [c] [c "] [g] [g "] [d] [d "] [h] [h "] [g] [l] [l "] [ m] [m "] [n] [n"] [r] [r "] [th]

Deaf consonants: [n] [n "] [f] [f "] [k] [k "] [t] [t "] [s] [s "] [w] [x] [x"] [ h "] [u"]

Paired and unpaired consonants

Many consonants form pairs of voiced and voiceless consonants:

Voiced [b] [b "] [c] [c "] [g] [g "] [d] [d "] [s] [s"] [f]

Deaf [n] [n "] [f] [f "] [k] [k "] [t] [t "] [s] [s "] [w]

The following voiced and voiceless consonants do not form pairs:

Voiced [l] [l "] [m] [m "] [n] [n "] [r] [r "] [th]

Deaf [x] [x "] [h "] [u"]

Soft and hard consonants

Consonants are also divided into hard and soft. They differ in the position of the tongue during pronunciation. When pronouncing soft consonants, the middle back of the tongue is raised to the hard palate.

Most consonants form pairs of hard and soft consonants:

Solid [b] [c] [g] [d] [h] [k] [l] [m] [n] [p] [r] [s] [t] [f] [x]

Soft [b "] [c"] [g "] [d"] [h "] [k"] [l"] [m "] [n"] [n "] [p"] [s"] [ t "] [f"] [x"]

The following hard and soft consonants do not form pairs:

Solid [w] [w] [c]

Soft [h "] [u"] [th"]

Hissing consonants

The sounds [w], [w], [h ’], [u ’] are called hissing.

[w] [w] [h "] [u"]

Whistling consonants

[s] [s "] [s] [s "] [c]

Whistling sounds s-s, s-z anterior-lingual, slotted. When articulating hard s-z, the teeth are exposed, the tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is slightly curved, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars, which causes a groove to form in the middle. Air flows through this groove creating frictional noise.

When pronouncing soft s, z, the articulation is the same, but additionally the back of the tongue rises to the hard palate. When pronouncing sounds, the z-z ligaments are closed and vibrate. The palatine curtain is up.

What sounds are called consonants?
What is a consonant made of?
What are consonant sounds?
How many consonant letters and consonant sounds are there in the Russian alphabet?
Which consonants are always hard and which are always soft?
What letters indicate the softness of a consonant sound?

Sounds, during the pronunciation of which air meets an obstacle in the mouth, are called consonants. A consonant sound consists of noise and voice, or only noise.

The consonants are divided into voiced and deaf. Voiced sounds are made up of noise and voice, deaf sounds are made up of noise only.

Sounds consist only of noise: [k], [p], [s], [t], [f], [x], [c], [h], [w], [u]. These are voiceless consonants.

Many consonants form couples by voice-deafness: [b] [p], [c] [f], [g] [k], [d] [t], [s] [s], [f] [sh].

To memorize voiced consonants, you can learn the phrase: " LION AND TOAD HAVE MANY FRIENDS».
See all phrases for memorizing voiced and voiceless consonants.

Deaf consonants are easy to remember by the phrase: " STEPKA, WANT A CHICK?Ugh!».

Consonant sounds are indicated by letters:


In total, the Russian language has 21 consonants.

Consonants are also hard and soft.

Hard and soft sounds differ in the position of the tongue during pronunciation. When pronouncing soft consonants, the middle back of the tongue is raised to the hard palate.

Most consonants form pairs of hardness-softness:

The following hard and soft consonants do not form pairs in hardness-softness:

Solid [f] [w] [c]
Soft [h❜] [n❜] [th❜]

Table "Consonants: paired and unpaired, voiced and deaf, hard and soft" (grades 1-4)

Note: in elementary school, hard consonants are marked in blue, soft consonants in green, and vowels in red.

Hardness consonants are indicated in writing by vowels BUT , O , At , S , E .

Softness consonant sound is indicated in writing by vowels E , Yo , I , Yu , I, as well as the letter b(soft sign).

Compare: nose[nose] - carried[n❜os], injection[injection] - coal[ugal❜].

Unpaired voiced sounds [d❜], [l], [l❜], [m], [m❜] [n], [n❜] [r], [r❜] are called sonorous, which means "sonorous" in Latin.

Sounds [g], [w], [h❜], [u❜] are called hissing. They got this name because their pronunciation is like a hiss.

Sounds [w], [w] are unpaired solid hissing sounds.
The sounds [h❜] and [u❜] are unpaired soft hissing sounds.

The sounds [c], [s❜], [z], [z❜], [c] are called whistling.

Consonant can not be percussive or unpercussed.

In Russian, there are more consonant sounds (36) than consonant letters (21), since one letter can denote paired hard and soft sounds: for example, the letter L (el) denotes the sounds [l] and [l❜].

Attention! A consonant can form a syllable only with

A lot of trouble with letters, that's the kind of people they are.

Sounds change without asking, and they pretend to be different.

How much trouble these letters and sounds bring to children! Learn the letters, and then also remember when and what sound they represent! And the sounds of these oh-oh-oh, how many. How to remember everything voiced and voiceless consonants?

Everything, it turns out, is very simple, if you properly set up the child.

Oh, I already wrote. But consonants are not only hard and soft, but also voiced - deaf. And they bring so much trouble in the form of mistakes to children! How to teach a child to correctly identify?

Just memorizing voiced and deaf consonants is a losing business. Even if the child remembers, it will be very difficult for him to apply this knowledge. But if the child understands how voiced and deaf sounds are obtained, learns to hear them and identify them by signs, then it will be easy for him to remember.

Let's take a look at ourselves first voiced and voiceless consonants.

In Russian, consonants are divided into voiced and deaf, depending on the participation of the voice in the pronunciation of the sound. How to define it? Pronounce a single consonant sound and put your hand to your throat. If the vocal cords vibrate, then it is a ringing sound. If not, then deaf. Check with your child and say the sounds B - P, M or X. Did you notice?

Voicedness or deafness can be defined differently. Cover your ears with your palms and pronounce the consonant sound. Did you hear a voice or noise? If a voice is heard, then the sound is sonorous, if the noise is deaf.

And so you can easily and simply determine voiced or voiceless consonant. At first, this method is very good. But if the child continues like this, then it will take a lot of time. The child will not have time to complete the work in the lesson. Therefore, it is necessary that the child remember the consonants voiced and deaf.

And here we need to remember that the brain can perceive information in different ways - through hearing, sight or sensations. This means that in order for the child to remember the information, it is necessary to influence all the systems of the child.

Determining the voicedness and deafness of consonants by ear, we have already included hearing in the work. Putting a hand to the throat, we connected the sensations. Now we need to connect and vision. To do this, you need to make a plate or drawing, where to designate voiced and deaf consonants with some symbols.

Voiced and voiceless consonants are paired and unpaired. So, when compiling such a scheme or tablet, it is necessary to place paired consonants side by side. You can use any symbols that remind the child that the sound is voiced or deaf. So in this scheme, voiced consonants are indicated by a bell, and deaf ones by headphones.

Draw a similar sign with your child. Let him independently place the letters near the desired symbol, and you only control and direct the actions of the child. Remember that a person will remember well only what he did on his own.

Play the resettlement of letters on floors or houses with the desired symbol several times and the child will perfectly remember voiced and deaf consonants. Hang this sign in a prominent place and periodically return to it, ask the child to tell, show, name some sounds.

So, playing, repeating the already familiar properties of sounds and letters, you will help your child learn the basics of the Russian language without difficulty, memorize voiced and voiceless consonants.

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In the meantime, get a portion of positive and watch a wonderful cartoon. We will learn from this resilient monkey to find the good in everything.

All consonants in the Russian language are divided according to several criteria, including the principle of voiced-deafness. This pronunciation characteristic affects whether the voice is used when pronouncing the sound or not. The study of this topic is very important for understanding the basic principles of the phonetic system, because voiceless consonants are a very important part of it.

What is a voiceless consonant

Deaf consonants are produced only by noise, without the participation of the voice. When they are pronounced, the vocal cords are completely relaxed, the larynx does not vibrate.

Paired and unpaired voiceless consonants

Most of the sounds that fall into this category have a voiced pair. What these sounds can be found in the table “Deaf consonant sounds in Russian”.

Thus, in Russian there are 11 deaf consonants that have a voiced pair. But there are also unpaired ones - these are sounds such as [x], [x '], [h '] and [u '].

They cannot become voiced, regardless of position.

To remember all the deaf consonants that are in the Russian language, a special mnemonic phrase helps: “Stepka, do you want a cabbage? - Ugh!". But it will not help to remember their pairing in terms of hardness-softness, since deaf consonants that have a pair are presented in it in only one variety - either hard or soft.

Consonant Stunning Rule

In Russian, there are cases when a voiced consonant is written in writing, and in speech it turns into a deaf consonant. This happens, for example, when a voiced letter appears at the very end of a word, as in the word mushroom, the transcription of which will look like [flu].

Due to the fact that voiced consonants are stunned at the end, it is often difficult to reproduce such words in writing. However, there is an easy way to check which letter to use: you need to change the word so that the consonant is before the vowel, for example, mushroom - mushroom. Then it will immediately become clear what needs to be written. The same applies to cases where there is a deaf consonant at the end, and in writing it is voiced "according to the general rule." You can check which letter is written in the same way: cry - cry, lot - lot.

Voiced consonants located in positions at the beginning and in the middle of a word can also be stunned if they are followed by a deaf consonant. This is easy to understand with an example: booth [butka].

What have we learned?

Deaf consonant sounds are such sounds, during the formation of which the larynx does not vibrate, that is, the voice does not participate. They consist only of noise. Most deaf consonants have a voiced pair, but there are four unpaired sounds of this type - these are [x], [x '], [h '] and [u ']. Due to the rule of stunning consonants during pronunciation, those consonants that are voiced in writing go into their deaf pair. This happens if they are at the end of a word, and also when they are preceded by another deaf consonant.

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