Los Angeles Angels. Full name Los Angeles. Why is the city called Los Angeles? Current state of the city

If your soul craves adventure and travel, then be sure to go to the city of angels. Plan your trip to Los Angeles and enjoy it to the fullest!
What is this city?

Los Angeles is a city located in the southern part of California (USA). It is considered the largest in the state and the second largest in all of America. It is located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, and it is this location that attracts most tourists.

It is a world trade, economic, cultural, educational, scientific and tourism center. The city is administrative center Los Angeles County, as well as the center of Greater Los Angeles, a large metropolitan area in the United States. The city's area is approximately 1,290 square kilometers and its population is approximately 3.9 million. The name, by the way, translates as “city of angels”.

In the 16th century, Indians lived here, and 200 years later a group of Spanish colonists came here. At first Los Angeles was part of Mexico, but then became part of the United States of America.

There is no urban center in Los Angeles, so the city can safely be called a modern metropolis. And yet the main place is Downtown - the business district. The territory is divided into two parts by the Santa Monica mountain range.

In total, Los Angeles has about 80 districts, some of which were previously independent cities. There are also several enclave cities surrounded by the city's territory and satellite cities.

Los Angeles is a city in which, despite comprehensive urbanization, a unique nature has been preserved. Of course, you can’t call it pristine, but still many species of plants and animals are quite rare. There are a lot of natural areas here.

These are gardens, parks, squares, swamps, rivers, beaches, dunes, and hills. Los Angeles is surrounded by subtropical woodlands, dominated by plants with bright colors. And the gardens and even the streets are planted with rare species of plants, including camellias, palm trees and others. There are mountains on the territory of the city, and the most large river- Los Angeles.

The city is located in a tropical climate zone, similar in precipitation to the Mediterranean. Two seasons predominate. The first is arid and dry with almost complete absence of precipitation. The second is quite cool and wet, that is, the so-called rainy season.

In summer, the average temperature usually exceeds 25-27 degrees during the day, and at night it fluctuates between 17-20 degrees. In winter, during the day it’s about 18-20 degrees, and at night it’s about 7-10. Largest quantity precipitation occurs in winter and spring, and the wettest month can be called February. Snow only happens in the mountains.
How to get there?

You can get to Los Angeles by plane; the city is home to a large international airport of the same name. The flight will last on average 12-13 hours.
Where to stay?

Los Angeles hotels are many and varied. If you choose a hotel in one of the central and large areas, then be prepared to pay at least 100-150 dollars for a night’s stay. If you want to save money, it is better to stay in areas remote from the center.

But some of them are considered dangerous, especially for tourists, so be careful. The most dangerous ones include South Central, Downtown (yes, there are a lot of gateways and homeless people), Compton, Carson, Inglewood, Gardina and some others. You can also settle in an enclave or satellite town. Tourists love Long Beach.
How to get around the city?

The transport network is quite developed. The most convenient public transport option is buses. They can deliver to any area and operate on schedule, but night flights are rare.

There is also a subway in Los Angeles, but it is not very convenient to move around, especially if you need to get from one area to another. It is best to rent a car. But be prepared for traffic jams, there are them here, as in any large city.

What to do in Los Angeles? There are plenty of entertainment options:

If you are looking for a relaxing beach holiday, then Los Angeles is a real paradise for you. There are many beaches here, so you can lie on the clean sand and sunbathe, and also enjoy swimming in Pacific Ocean.
Water activities available. Surfing is especially developed. And even if you are a beginner, be sure to try to stand on the board or catch a wave, it’s difficult, but very interesting. You can also go diving or just enjoy a boat trip.
Be sure to head to your local Disneyland. This is a real fairy-tale world with cartoon characters known to everyone and stunningly natural scenery. In addition, there are a lot of attractions to suit every taste.
Another entertainment is shopping. There are many shops in the city for every budget and taste. So take your money with you (don't forget to hide it safely) and go shopping.
Be sure to take a stroll through Hollywood! This is a stellar place where you can see world celebrities if you're lucky.
Enjoy the city's nature by visiting one of the parks or gardens.
Be sure to check out a local restaurant. The cuisine cannot be called unique and amazing, but still some dishes deserve attention.
The nightlife is vibrant, so be sure to check out one of the clubs or bars. But remember to be careful!
There are many museums and exhibitions in Los Angeles, so you can gain cultural enlightenment and aesthetic pleasure.

What to see in this city? Here are the most popular attractions:

Avenue of Stars in Hollywood. Celebrities can be seen here.
If you're planning a vacation to Los Angeles, be sure to stop by the Griffith Observatory. There you can see starry sky and large constellations.
Los Angeles is the center of the world for film, so be sure to stop by one of the major film studios (Warner Brothers or Universal Studio) to see how films are made.
The Walt Disney Concert Hall fascinates with its original architecture and resembles something cosmic and futuristic.
The Watts Towers were assembled almost from scrap materials. In total, the group includes 17 towers, the height reaches 30 meters.
Kodak Theater. The Oscar ceremony takes place here every year.
The Memorial Coliseum Stadium is a large stadium that has hosted two Olympic Games.
The City Hall building is a monumental structure that can withstand an earthquake. On the 27th floor there is an observation deck, which offers stunning views of the city.
Griffith Park is one of the largest and most beautiful parks in Los Angeles.
Walk along Olvera Street if you want to buy souvenirs.
Madame Tussauds is a place where you can see the most popular stars, but not real ones, but wax ones.
Getty Center - Large museum complex, where you can see real masterpieces of art.

What to buy?

What to bring as a souvenir from the city of angels?

An excellent souvenir would be a miniature Oscar figurine, which is exactly like the real thing.
Be sure to buy a real cowboy hat.
Indians used to live in the city, so buy some American Indian product as a souvenir, for example, a wolf paw amulet or a necklace made of teeth.
In any souvenir shop you can buy a T-shirt or mug with the image of the American flag or the president.
Watch. In Los Angeles you can buy watches from the famous Timex brand (it is one of the most popular) at a very affordable price.
Be sure to buy some souvenirs at Disneyland.

Let your trip to the city of angels be remembered for a long time and give you the most pleasant impressions.

The history of Los Angeles began when Felipe de Neve, the Spanish governor, sent eleven men and the same number of women, as well as 22 children, to wild, deserted, uninhabited, but fertile lands, stretching under the bright sun that filled these lands with life. And a new settlement appeared on the shores of the warm ocean, the name of which was dedicated to the charming queen - El Pueblo de Noystra Señora la Reina los Angeles de Porzencula. No one knows whether the queen was beautiful or all this is an exaggeration, but the settlement proudly bore the name of this woman.

By the way, the future California was populated very unevenly and not gradually, but despite this it was very active. Not only missionaries, but also merchants, travelers, and sometimes even adventurers found housing here. This place was also popular for pirates who decided to put an end to their robber past. All of them increased the population and thereby provided the opportunity for its growth. Thanks to the settlement of the lands by these people, cities such as Santa Barbara, San Diego, Monterey, San Luis Obispo, San Francisco and others were born.

Of course, not only the Spaniards encroached on such fertile and rich, and most importantly free, lands; the British, Russians, and later even the Americans also dreamed of settling here. All of them were attracted by the excellent conditions that were created in these areas: wonderful harbors, wonderful high mountains, and an almost ideal climate. Have been to these waters often Russian ships who hunted sea otters and seals.

It is interesting that not long before the arrival of the Spaniards, the English navigator James Cook visited these shores; he explored and compiled an approximate map of the coast from San Francisco to Alaska. The navigator had plans to return here next year to explore these territories in more detail, but this never happened.

In 1832, the overland route of the Oregon Trail was developed, and in practice it was more difficult than the sea route. It started on the Missouri River in the town of Independence and followed a winding road 2 km long to Oregon. It was very difficult to navigate this path. Homemade maps were drawn for huge sums of money; many people died on this road from all sorts of reasons: diseases, steppe fires, drought, accidents.

Los Angeles joins the United States

At first, the borders of Mexico, England and the United States were open, but only until the rebel general Antonio Lopez de Santa Ana came in 833. With his arrival it was completed coup d'etat, after which he announced that from now on he is the dictator of Mexico. Of course, there was opposition to such a regime - the Texans rebelled. There was a struggle between opponents and supporters of independence, but legendary hero Samuel Houston defeated the Mexicans at the Battle of San Jacinto on March 21, 1836, and Texas became an independent republic. This continued until 1845, after which it became an American state.

Since Mexico did not want to recognize Texas as a newly created state, skirmishes and raids began on its territory. Of course, all this ended with the United States declaring war on Mexico on April 24, 1846, which, predictably, Mexico lost. On February 2, 1848, a peace treaty was signed, according to which the borders between Texas and Mexico ran along the Rio Grande River, and Mexico also ceded the vast territories of California and New Mexico to the United States for eighteen million, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

In 1848, the Spanish settlement of Los Angeles, having existed for almost 70 years, was annexed to the United States, and on April 4, 1850 it received city status.

Current state of the city

On this moment This The largest city California has a total of about 14 million residents. Urban developments occupy a huge part - about 1200 square meters. km. The film industry is very developed here; Los Angeles is famous for its Hollywood. Disney himself opened the world's first Disneyland here in 1955. It was opened in one of the areas of Los Angeles - Anaheim.

For many years in a row, Los Angeles has been ranked second in the number of murders, behind the famous New York. In 1989, 877 people were killed here, in 1990 - 983 people. The “gangster capital” of Chicago has almost overtaken Los Angeles, but is still behind it - 742 murders in 1989, 850 in 1990.

But local authorities excited not only by this problem, there are many others, one of which is the shortage drinking water. In May 2000, there was even a rumor that the government was going to replenish its amount using... wastewater. The population received this statement with hostility, becoming very indignant and generating unrest among the masses, but the government reassures us that after 5 years of high-quality and reusable water treatment, it will meet all standards and can still be taken orally.

To completely lose drinking water, the population of Los Angeles needed only 219 years. The population really hopes for a reasonable solution to the existing problem, since problems with drinking water are no joke.

Los Angeles or the City of Angels, the “city of eternal celebration”, the largest center for the production of the “American dream”, is located in the western United States between the magnificent Californian Pacific coast and the snow-capped mountain peaks. One of the most favorable Mediterranean climates, sunny days all year round and the ocean breeze attract millions of holidaymakers here.

(Total 24 photos)

1. Los Angeles, a city with a striking and recognizable skyline, is a great place for those who dream of seeing A-list stars. However, it is also a place of smog and chaos and home to about 10 million people. (David McNew/Getty Images)

2. East Pavilion at the Getty Center in Los Angeles. The J. Paul Getty Museum continues to expand its collections by continually adding, collecting, preserving and exhibiting the best works art. (David McNew/Getty Images)

3. Venice Beach has a boardwalk, volleyball courts, a cycling track and many different entertainment options that have been satisfying the needs of tourists for many decades. “Venice has always been a gathering place for creative and talented people"- writes the website venicebeach.com. (Gabriel Bouys/AFP - Getty Images)

4. If you love hauling iron, you'll love this part of Venice Beach. Muscle Beach is a special area where bodybuilding fans exercise with iron to demonstrate their strength. Pictured is Larry Pollock in the finals of the annual bodybuilding competition on Venice Beach. Just a week before, a strip plastic competition was held here. (David McNew/Getty Images)

5. Women walk past a boutique selling luxury brands on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills. Home to many fashionable shops, this street is known throughout the world as the epicenter of luxury shopping. (David McNew/Getty Images)

6. Want to see stars in Los Angeles? Turn your attention to Griffith Observatory. Of course, maybe you weren't talking about the same kind of stars, but the observatory does have a view of the Hollywood Hills. (David McNew/Getty Images)

7. Sleeping Beauty Castle at Disneyland is the center of Fantasyland and one of the most recognizable buildings in the world. (Paul Hiffmeyer for Disneyland)

8. Amusement park visitors float through a realistic landscape of hot springs and geysers on the Grizzly Rapids River in Anaheim. The 22-hectare park next to Disneyland, which opened in 2001, features decorations depicting California. (David McNew/Getty Images)

9. A bullnose ray swims past a diver who feeds a tropical fish in the Pacific Aquarium. The aquarium has a shark lagoon and three main galleries where visitors can learn about ocean pollution issues and ocean flora and fauna. (Mark Ralston/AFP - Getty Images)

10. The famous shark attack simulator from the movie “Jaws” is just one of the many attractions that attract tourists to the Universal Studios Hollywood park. Other attractions in the park include Revenge of the Mummy, Shrek 4-D, Jurassic Park, The Blues Brothers, The Simpsons and others. (Universal Studios)

11. The famous Hollywood sign underwent some changes in 2005. This sign is one of the most famous in America and is located on the top of Mount Lee in Santa Monica. (David Livingston/Getty Images)

12. The American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is famous for its 82nd edition. The Academy's members include more than 6,000 of the most famous men and women in film. (Frazer Harrison/Getty Images)

13. In the Hollywood studio gallery on the Walk of Fame, where Hollywood stars are immortalized, you can buy various goods and souvenirs. (David McNew/Getty Images)

14. For over eighty years in a row, stars have left their handprints and footprints in the outer courtyard of Grauman's Chinese Theater. (David McNew/Getty Images)

15. Dodger Stadium opened in 1962. To date, 125 million fans have already passed through its gates. Here, baseball fans can buy the famous Dodger Dog hot dog and beer, bask in the sun, enjoy the magnificent views of Los Angeles, look for celebrities and, of course, watch America's favorite sport. (Getty Images)

16. The Museum of Modern Art has about 500 types of works of art created by more than 200 artists. The museum was founded in 1979 and is the only museum in Los Angeles dedicated exclusively to contemporary art. (Ted Thai/Time & Life Pictures via Getty Images)

17. People walk along Olvera Street near the market, where you can buy a lot of Mexican-style souvenirs. On weekends people come here to listen to music - performances by mariachi and Aztecs. (L.A. Convention & Visitors Bureau)

18. Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles seats 2,265, designed by architect Frank Gehry and covered with more than 6,000 steel panels. It is home to the Los Angeles County Music Center, Philharmonic and Chorale. (David McNew/Getty Images)

19. The Farmers Market opened in July 1934, when several farmers in wagons arrived on the desert lands of Gilmore Island. Customers came here to buy fruits, vegetables and other goods. The atmosphere was great, trading at outdoors flourished, and all the products were fresh. As a result, this farmers market still exists today. (Farmers Market)

20. This diorama at the Page Museum depicts a mastodon stuck in the La Brea tar pit. Rancho La Brea is one of the most famous sites in the United States where many fossil remains of prehistoric animals have been found. The largest and most diverse collection of extinct plants and animals of the era is exhibited here. Ice Age. (David Peevers/Lonely Planet Images)

21. A surfer, who managed to download Naruto Manga in the morning, goes to the water at Laguna Beach in Malibu, California. Malibu's numerous beaches attract great amount tourists and surfers from all over the world. (Jewel Samad/AFP - Getty Images)

22. The $1.5 million Ferris wheel is powered by solar energy and is located at the Pacific Park amusement park on the Santa Monica Pier. This wheel has 160 thousand light bulbs, but nevertheless this attraction consumes 75% less electricity than the Pacific Wheel, which was installed here earlier. The old wheel sold on eBay for $132,400. By the way, delivery from ebay, in Lately, possible to Russia. (Andrew Gombert / EPA)

23. Gustavo Dudamel conducts the Los Angeles Philharmonic at the Hollywood Bowl on October 3, 2009. The Philharmonic Orchestra performs regularly at Walt Disney World. (Mathew Imaging/WireImage)

24. Manhattan Beach is located 32 km southwest of Los Angeles, has about 3 km of beach and has an area of ​​16 hectares, perfect for entertainment events. (Richard Cummins/Lonely Planet Images)

This is L.A., baby! I was there, and you?

Los Angeles (English) Los Angeles, also known as L.A. And City of Angels - City of Angels) is a city in the United States in the south of California, located on the Pacific Ocean. The city is the administrative center of the district of the same name, as well as the center of Greater Los Angeles, an agglomeration with a population of over 17 million people. Residents of Los Angeles are called "Angelenos". (excerpt from Wikipedia)

Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States in terms of population after New York. Number of inhabitants - more than 4 million.

Honestly, all I remember about this city is the terribly stuffy and humid air. It’s even a little heavy when you just leave the airport building. In contrast, so to speak. From the airport we went straight to the hotel.

Yes, roads! The roads there are so... very different from ours. And even from all of America they are different. How? Drawing))) Painted with signs and other things in some bizarre manner, but I like it.

Actually, what are we talking about! It 'warm over there. It's warm there - and that decides everything. I suggest you just see for yourself. It's better than listening to me rant. Enjoy!)))

Main attractions and iconic places in Los Angeles:

  • City Hall building
  • Chinatown
  • K-town (Korean district of Los Angeles, Koreatown)
  • Little Tokyo
  • Olvera Street
  • Venice
  • Walt Disney Concert Hall
  • Kodak Theater
  • Griffith Observatory
  • Getty Center
  • Memorial Coliseum Stadium
  • Staples Center
  • Los Angeles County Museum of Art or LACMA
  • Grauman's Chinese Theater
  • Hollywood Sign
  • Hollywood Boulevard
  • Capital Records Tower
  • Hollywood Bowl

There are almost 850 museums and art galleries in Los Angeles County, many of which are located downtown, particularly on Gallery Row.

The city of Los Angeles evokes a tempting association for most people:

  • Disneyland (located in the southeast of Greater Los Angeles. By the way, it is the very first of all such parks - opened in 1955);
  • Hollywood;
  • embankments of Malibu, Long Beach, Manhattan Beach;
  • the city of happiness, where the richest and most famous live;
  • a place on the map where the sun always shines, the ocean splashes, where dreams of fame and wealth come true.

Why is Los Angeles the city of angels?

The history of the City of Angels began in 1781. At the insistence of California Governor Philip de Neve, fifty Spanish colonists founded a village on the shores of San Diego Bay in the Pacific Ocean, where the mission of the Archangel Gabriel had been working since 1771. They called it the village of the Virgin Mary, Queen of Angels (as the Spanish name is translated). In Spanish it sounds long and ornate. The Americans, after the end of the Mexican-American War in 1848, took this territory for themselves and shortened the name to Los Angeles - the city of angels.

Probably its founders initially chose the right name for the city. Now Los Angeles is the largest in the state of California in terms of population (about 4 million people), the second in the United States, the largest center of industry, science, culture and entertainment. The inhabitants of the city are called Angelinos.

TOP 5 attractions in Los Angeles

The greatest fame for Los Angeles, the city of angels, came from Hollywood. The Dream Factory is the only place on Earth:

  • where Cinderella can really become a princess;
  • where unknown poor people, who have caught Fortune by the tail, overnight become millionaires and idols of millions.

Therefore, the TOP 5 places in Los Angeles traditionally include:

  • Hollywood Boulevard - Walk of Fame, with the stars of film's most famous actors etched into the pavement, and the Kodak Theater, where the lavish Academy Awards ceremony takes place each year;
  • Universal Studios, which has become a giant amusement park, the design of which uses scenery from the most famous and iconic Hollywood films;
  • huge inscription Hollywood, located in the Hollywood Hills. The white letters are visible from afar, although you cannot touch them - the police do not allow this. The inscription itself has long become one of the calling cards of Los Angeles - the city of angels;
  • luxurious Malibu beaches, stretching along the ocean coast for 40 km, with the most famous windsurfing schools in the world;
  • elite Beverly Hills area, where only celebrities and rich people live. Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra and Walt Disney once lived here in luxurious villas.

Now don't you wonder why Los Angeles is the city of angels? They really reliably protect these places blessed by God, creating here an earthly Eden of luxury, bliss and wealth.

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