F Tyutchev spring rain. Athanasius Fet - Spring rain: Verse. "Spring Rain" Afanasy Fet

Introspection on literary reading. Ignatovich E.S.

Lesson topic: “The image of rain in the poem by A.A. Feta "Spring Rain"

The purpose of the lesson: the formation of the ability to analyze the work of art by A. Fet "Spring Rain"

Lesson type: a lesson in discovering new knowledge


    Organizing time.

    Knowledge update. Formulation of the problem.

    Educational and cognitive activity.


    Continuation of educational and cognitive activity



Tasks: analyze the poem by A.A. Feta "Spring rain"; to form the ability to analyze the text of a work of art; develop the ability to draw conclusions; form an idea of ​​the artistic images of the work; enrich vocabulary. develop the oral speech of students; poetic text analysis skills; develop the ability to generalize what has been learned; cultivate a sensitive attitude to the artistic word; the ability to see the extraordinary in the ordinary.

Personal UUD: the formation of a respectful attitude towards a different opinion; development of thinking, attention, phonemic hearing; development of independence and personal responsibility for the results of their activities, goodwill.

Metasubject results:

regulatory UUD: independently formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson; have the ability to set goals.

cognitive UUD: to form the ability to realize the importance of reading for further learning, to understand the purpose of reading; describe the content of the text.

communicative UUD: to form the ability to argue your proposal, to convince and yield; to form the ability to negotiate, to find a common solution; own monologue and dialogic forms of speech; listen and hear others.

Methods: problem - search (prompting and leading to dialogue), method of independent work with text, visual method (presentation).

Receptions: dialogue, commented expressive reading, frontal questioning, cinquain.

I Org.moment


I am glad to welcome you.

You have an unusual lesson today, a new teacher and many new interesting people. Let's say hello.

I want to start our lesson with the phrase:amazing near...

How to understand this phrase? What should be a person to see this amazing? Try to continue...I continued like this

The motto of our lesson today: "The amazing is near, be able to see, observe"

Today we will work with you under this motto.

Now I will ask you to close your eyes, relax and try to imagine what I am about to tell you.

Loose snow melts in the sun,

The wind plays in the branches

So, we have come...Spring

What images have emerged? What did you see? What did you feel?

II stage. Knowledge update. Formulation of the problem

What happens in spring with nature? (what natural phenomena in spring do you know?)

A raindrop is a rainy note.

Rain can be seen, heard, smelled.

Artists, musicians present us their vision of rain.

I suggest you listen to the music of the rain and look at the paintings on the theme of the rain.

What feelings arose? Are there any new sensations? A new perception of rain?

Each of you has seen rain, and this natural phenomenon never leaves you indifferent. For everyone, the rain is presented in a special way.

What do you think we will talk about in today's lesson?

Today I invite you to get acquainted with one of the works about spring rain. Turn over the sheets you have. Read the title of the piece. What else should you pay attention to? (author) Pay attention to the portrait of Fet. Judging by the portrait, what can you say about this person? When did the poet live? Is it our contemporary? What are the characteristics of the people of that era? Does he know you? Do you know what works he wrote? What did he write about?

Fet is called the master of landscape lyrics. His works are musical and melodious. It was on his poems that many Russian composers composed songs.

Before you get acquainted with this work, what questions do you have on this topic? - I have combined all your questions into one group - learning tasks:

Get acquainted with the work .... what else????

Get to know new literary techniques;

Expand vocabulary;

Learn to expressively read a poem;

By answering these questions, we can see the image of rain presented by the poet.

(this is the goal)

The theme of our lesson is “The image of rain in A. Fet’s poem “Spring Rain”.

III Stage. Educational and cognitive activity

Today we will try to figure out what techniques the author uses to create his own image of rain.

Of all the seasons, Afanasy Fet loved spring most of all. He dedicated a lot of heartfelt, “heartfelt” poetic lines to her. Here are some of them. (audio recording)

What mood did this poem give you?

Has the image of rain changed after listening to the poem?

Rain seems to be a common occurrence, but here the author is trying to show us that the amazing is nearby.

Before looking into the poet's workshop and understanding how the author manages to create a special, spring mood with simple words, to evoke such a storm of emotions, we will try to understand all the words.

Now I ask you to reread the poem with buzzing reading and highlight those words that you do not understand. Try to explain to each other. What does it mean? When I was preparing for the lesson, I found such definitions in the dictionary.

On the desk

A curtain is a thick curtain. In a figurative sense - a dense veil that envelops something.

Trembling - trembling, trembling.

What is common and how do our perceptions of rain and perceptions of Fet differ? (return to slide) Why?

- Students' answers (we explain that Fet perceives rain differently than we perceive it, because he is a poet, to express his perception the author uses means of linguistic expression).

Fizminutka . Drop - one, drop - two,Very slow at firstAnd then, then, then -Everyone run, run, run.Run.Drops began to ripenTo catch up with a drop.Clap your hands for every word.Cap-cap, cap-cap.Free finger movements.Let's open the umbrellasWe'll shelter ourselves from the rain.Join hands above head

From lexic. we figured out the meaning of the words. Who can read this work to us?

C) Step by step analysis of the poem.

Let's see what techniques the author uses to show us the image of rain.

Read the first stanza carefully. What feelings arose? Does it feel like it's about to rain? (Yes, the sky is already overcast)

Explain why the "sparrow trembles"? (He waits for it to rain soon)

Riddle question: What folk sign did A.A. Fet “hid” in his poem? (Sparrows bathe in the dust - to the rain!)

Read the second stanza. What happens in the second stanza?

How do you know it's already raining?

(the line "swinging, the veil moves)

Note that Fet does not use the word "Rain" itself. However, we understand that we are talking about him.

What words replace the word "rain"? (swaying, the curtain moves)

What literary device does the author use for this?

This letter. technique is called a metaphor. Remember the definition of metaphor.

On the slide: Metaphor is a hidden comparison based on the similarity or difference of objects and phenomena.

In the same stanza, the poet also uses the method of comparison. Find it. (as if in gold dust)

What is a comparison?

On the slide: Comparison - the image of one phenomenon by comparing it with another.

Underline the word that helped you recognize the comparison. (as if)

Read the last stanza. In what lines does the author manage to convey the description of the rain? (Something came up to the garden and drummed on the leaves). What helped revive the dod? What happens to the image of rain?

What technique does Fet use? (personification)

What words helped you understand that this is a personification? (approached, drumming)

Do you remember what a personification is?

On the slide: Personification is the giving of an inanimate object the properties of a living being.

Let's now try to convey all the feelings that the author conveyed to us and read the poem again to each other. Compliment your neighbor. Thank him for reading. Who can recommend a neighbor to us?

6. Development of a figurative vision of a lyrical text

And now, when we got acquainted with the image of rain that A. Fet represents, something has changed in the representation of rain.

We will try to compose Cinquain. Who knows what it is?

Cinquain is a small poetic form, a short literary work that characterizes an object (topic), consisting of five lines, which is written according to a certain plan.

The word "cinquain" comes from a French word that means "five"

(loosely translated - “five inspirations” or “five lucks”).

Cinquain is a five-line poem written according to certain rules. 1 line - the heading, in which the keyword, concept, theme of syncwine is entered, expressed in the formpresent.
2 line - two appendices.
3rd line - three g l a g o l a.
4th line - a phrase that carries a certain meaning. line 5 - conclusion, one (two) words, noun (usually).

Compilation of syncwine. In couples or alone.

Outcome . I return to the tasks of the lesson. And how do you rate our lesson and your contribution to achieving the objectives of the lesson.Continue suggestions:

The most interesting was...

It was difficult for me...

I learned…

The really amazing is nearby, it is worth sometimes stopping and looking around and the secrets of nature will be revealed to you.

In this lesson, you will get acquainted with the features of the work of A.A. Fet, analyze his poem "Spring Rain".

You see an old man, with a bald head and a beard. We are accustomed to seeing the classics depicted in this way - at a venerable age and when their merits have already been recognized. Therefore, the idea arises that the depicted person has always been the same as in the portrait, like the Lord God, as he is depicted in the church.

Fet was not always such a venerable old man. He was both a boy and a youth. Earlier portraits of him show an officer with a mustache, much like the young Leo Tolstoy (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Athanasius Fet ()

Athanasius Fet, like many Russian nobles, paid tribute to military service. He was a guards cavalryman and retired with the rank of headquarters captain. This is a decent title.

Fet retired, married and became a landowner. This is perhaps the most interesting feature of him as a person. He was not a simple landowner, but active, active. This trait of his amazed and still amazes. It was generally accepted that the economy and landlord affairs are something not poetic, this is something that the poet should not have been interested in and dealt with seriously. In the traditional view, the poet is a child of the ether, a person who is not attached to the material world, does not care about its structure. Of course, this idea is somewhat far-fetched, exaggerated, but there is something fair in it.

If we consider the biographies of the most famous, major poets of the 19th century (Pushkin, Lermontov, Tyutchev, etc.), then there are no economic predilections and interests there. As a rule, these people really did not care too much about practical life, about its arrangement and similar non-poetic needs. And Fet cared.

He was a very successful, active landowner, very experienced. He devoted a lot of time and effort to this work.

In addition to the fact that Fet composed poetry and was a landowner, he translated a lot from Latin (from the classics of ancient Roman poetry) and from German, which was his native language, like Russian. Fet was a German by origin, but a Russian landowner and a Russian poet.

He translated Goethe's tragedy "Faust" - the largest work of the German classic (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Johann Goethe ()

And he even threatened to translate the largest work of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Immanuel Kant ()

Fet was an excellently educated person, he knew philosophy well, and his scope was epic. But, despite the fact that he undertook translations of such large, serious works, we remember him primarily as the author of small lyrical poems. He did not write major works, unlike, for example, Pushkin (Fig. 5), Nekrasov and his other older contemporaries.

Rice. 5. A.S. Pushkin ()

Fet - landowner and poet

In the school literature course, there are often such names of lessons as "The beauty of native nature", "Native Nature". This is not always justified, because many beautiful poems about nature are written in such a way that it does not matter whether it is Russian or not. For example, Fedor Tyutchev (Fig. 6) - a contemporary and colleague of Fet - lived a lot in Germany, Italy and Russia. He wrote about nature. As a rule, it is impossible to say what kind of nature Tyutchev has - this is nature in general.

Rice. 6. Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev ()

As for Afanasy Fet, this is completely justified. Nature in his works is Russian. This German, like few people, expressed the features of the Russian landscape. Probably, this happened because he was a landowner - a person who had specific relations with the land - labor, like a peasant. He, of course, did not sow, did not plow, but personally took care of the farm (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Athanasius Fet in his estate ()

Nature for him was not the nature of a garden in which one could simply walk, not the nature of fields where one could ride a horse for fun, for the sake of a physical fortress, as Pushkin liked to do. For Fet, nature is the source of life, the source of bread. Spring rain also has a double meaning for the author. For Fet, on the one hand, heaven is a watering can for his fields, and on the other hand, it is some kind of beauty, this is something that can be contemplated. Such a duality of perception of a person who in nature simultaneously acts and contemplates it is very characteristic. Maybe that's why Fet's landscapes of nature are always so specific, definite, recognizably Russian, Russian.

The poem "Spring Rain" is very characteristic of Fet because he himself stands in one place, like a person who has grown to the ground, this is the center of his world. From this center he looks. He is not a traveller, not a tourist in this nature, in this landscape, in this landscape. Therefore, the landscape is concrete. It wears national, local, characteristic features. Fet is a singer of native nature.

“The sun shines through the breaks in the clouds…”

Part of the sky is already darkened by clouds, but somewhere the sun is shining. This is how old artists liked to depict: gold and azure - everything is nearby (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. F. Vasiliev. "Wet Meadow" ()

"And the sparrow with its wing,

Bathing in the sand, it trembles.

Everyone has seen many times in the children's sandbox or on the banks of the river how sparrows bathe in the river. That is, a person who stands at the window sees everything at once: from heaven to earth, from small to large. This creates a picture of movement, scope, scale, air, light and expectation of something.

Pay attention to the rhyme sparkle - tremble:

"It's still light in front of the window,

In the breaks of the clouds the sun shines,

And the sparrow with its wing,

Bathing in the sand, it trembles.

At first glance, this is a simple rhyme, but it is not accidental. Both that, and another - in motion: both the sparrow, and the sky. Maybe something in common makes them move, shine and tremble. We are entitled to make such an assumption.

"And from heaven to earth,

Swinging, the curtain moves ... "(Fig. 11)

Rice. 11. A. Gorbov. "It will be raining" ()

There is a wall of rain. This is not often seen in the city, but outside the city, when traveling from the window of a car or train, while walking through the field, when rain or a thunderstorm is approaching, you can often see how the sun is still shining and really the wall is going. The rain can be seen as if from the side: it is all candle-like, it shimmers. A gray curtain is visible from heaven to earth. The author stands at the window and sees the panorama through it, the whole world appears as a whole. It is a world captured by one glance, one touch.

The veil has an interesting property. She exists to hide something. Let us suppose that we have before us a theater of landscape, a theater of nature. A curtain is coming towards us, swinging, behind which, probably, there is something. The curtain is transparent, and the author immediately informs that there is a forest behind it. This forest, which is hidden behind a golden moving curtain, becomes something mysterious, enticing. The reader, like the author, stands at the window (in place), but the perspective deepens: everything is seen further and further: sparrow - sky - veil - forest. It becomes interesting what is in the forest, I want to see what's next, because the edge of the forest is the next curtain, the next curtain.

Fet in these few lines puts before us a whole chain of visual riddles. We see the plans as if it were a theater stage. The author invites us to think about what else can be mysterious and interesting in this world? And all this in two quatrains. All of this is incredibly concise.

At the moment when the reader, together with the author's gaze, reaches the distant forest, Fet makes an unexpected cavalry maneuver. He steps back abruptly.

"Two drops splashed into the glass..."(Fig. 12)

We again see glass and two drops. Everything is presented very concretely (Fig. 13).

Rice. 13. M. Gorban. "Still life" ()

Two specific drops are the first messengers. This means that the veil has come close, it is already in front of us. The space is again folded, contracted.

“From lindens it pulls with fragrant honey ...”

We are talking about garden lindens, which the landowner Fet planted, and then transferred to poetry (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. A. Gerasimov. "After the rain" ()

“... And something came up to the garden,

Drumming on fresh leaves.

The last two lines of the work have a unique feature that makes Fet a great lyric poet. A graphomaniac (a person who has a penchant for all sorts of writing) would have written easier. For example, like this: "rain came...". Fet says: "something came up". He hints to readers on a certain thought. We know it's rain. But the author does not want to call him by his own name, because, probably, this rain is not just rain. That is, on the one hand, it is rain, and, on the other hand, it is all nature, the soul of this nature, someone mysterious who is behind it. He came up and knocked.

This is where it all ends. Fet does not explain anything to us. This wide nature, into which he was looking, moved closer to him, it is already on the verge of something happening. The wait is over. But what exactly is happening remains unclear. In fact, it’s understandable - it’s an ordinary spring rain, but the way Fet prepares us for his arrival, what he invites us to experience is something more than the expectation of an ordinary spring rain. Apparently, the author wants to inform that nature has some kind of mystery, that there is something in it that cannot be reduced to its individual phenomena. Fet conveys to readers not some kind of list of events, not some kind of story, but his perception of the world and nature as a whole. This is quite an interesting perception.

There is the concept of male and female poetry or prose. If you re-read the poem and ask yourself who the narrator is, it will be difficult to give an answer. If you read this poem for the first time as an unknown, without a signature, it is impossible to tell if it is a man or a woman, an old man or a young one. This is no coincidence. Fet's point of view on the world in this poem is extremely generalized, freed from the personal experience of a person, from his biography. This is the view of a person in general. The look of the human soul, cleansed of some random events.

The main thing in this poem is the mood and experience of the world, which is similar to a state of calm happiness. It seems that this landowner's garden, which is in front of our eyes, is a kind of serene world. This is such a perfect country of harmony. Such a country once, back in the days of Ancient Greece, was invented by poets and called it Arcadia.

Arcadia - a place where carefree, happy life.

This is a world in which nothing happens, in which there are no storms, clashes, where no one argues with anyone, there are no upheavals and wars, and a calm, unhurried, peaceful life flows against the backdrop of rural nature. There are forests, shepherds and sheep. But there is no state, no politics, no strife, no dispute over property. There is Her Majesty Nature and a person who can enjoy this nature, freeing himself from his bad moods, spiritual turmoil, all sorts of hardships.

Afanasy Fet shows such a conditional, ideal, poetic world in his short poem “Spring Rain”. Only 12 lines, in which there are many possible values.


1. Textbook-nik-hre-sto-ma-tiya for grade 5 / under red. Ko-ro-vin-noy V.Ya. - M. "Pro-sve-shche-nie", 2013.

2. Akhmetzyanov M.G. Textbook-reader "Literature in grade 5 in 2 parts" - Magarif, 2005.

3. E.A. Samoilova, Zh.I. Kritarova. Literature. Grade 5 Textbook in 2 parts. - M. Association XXI century, 2013.

1. Internet portal "Afanasy Afanasyevich Fet" ()

2. Internet portal "Poems of great Russian poets" ()


1. Learn by heart a poem by A.A. Feta "Spring rain".

2. How is the world presented to readers in the poem "Spring Rain"?

3. Draw an illustration for the poem "Spring Rain".

Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: one work will captivate you more if you look at it closely, and another if you move further away.

Little cutesy poems irritate the nerves more than the creak of unoiled wheels.

The most valuable thing in life and in poetry is that which has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Of all the arts, poetry is most tempted to replace its own idiosyncratic beauty with stolen glitter.

Humboldt W.

Poems succeed if they are created with spiritual clarity.

The writing of poetry is closer to worship than is commonly believed.

If only you knew from what rubbish Poems grow without shame... Like a dandelion near a fence, Like burdocks and quinoa.

A. A. Akhmatova

Poetry is not in verses alone: ​​it is spilled everywhere, it is around us. Take a look at these trees, at this sky - beauty and life breathe from everywhere, and where there is beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

For many people, writing poetry is a growing pain of the mind.

G. Lichtenberg

A beautiful verse is like a bow drawn through the sonorous fibers of our being. Not our own - our thoughts make the poet sing inside us. Telling us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our souls our love and our sorrow. He is a wizard. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

Where graceful verses flow, there is no place for vainglory.

Murasaki Shikibu

I turn to Russian versification. I think that over time we will turn to blank verse. There are too few rhymes in Russian. One calls the other. The flame inevitably drags the stone behind it. Because of the feeling, art certainly peeps out. Who is not tired of love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

- ... Are your poems good, tell yourself?
- Monstrous! Ivan suddenly said boldly and frankly.
- Do not write anymore! the visitor asked pleadingly.
I promise and I swear! - solemnly said Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "The Master and Margarita"

We all write poetry; poets differ from the rest only in that they write them with words.

John Fowles. "The French Lieutenant's Mistress"

Every poem is a veil stretched out on the points of a few words. These words shine like stars, because of them the poem exists.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

The poets of antiquity, unlike modern ones, rarely wrote more than a dozen poems during their long lives. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, behind every poetic work of those times, a whole Universe is certainly hidden, filled with miracles - often dangerous for someone who inadvertently wakes dormant lines.

Max Fry. "The Talking Dead"

To one of my clumsy hippos-poems, I attached such a heavenly tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not excite, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not a sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore drive away critics. They are but miserable drinkers of poetry. What can a critic say about the depths of your soul? Don't let his vulgar groping hands in there. Let the verses seem to him an absurd lowing, a chaotic jumble of words. For us, this is a song of freedom from tedious reason, a glorious song that sounds on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Krieger. "A Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And tears are nothing but pure poetry that has rejected the word.

Fet's poems about spring are kind and surprisingly understandable. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy wrote: And where does this good-natured fat officer get such incomprehensible lyrical impudence, a property of great poets?»

The willow is all fluffy

The willow is all fluffy
Spread around;
Spring is fragrant again
She waved her wings.

The clouds are rushing about,
warmly illuminated,
And again they ask to the soul
Captivating dreams.

Everywhere diverse
The eye is busy with the picture,
Noisy crowd idle
The people are happy about something ...

Some secret longing
The dream is inflamed
And over every soul
Spring is passing by.

Afanasy Fet is a man who surprisingly understands poetry, willingly opening his soul to her. The subtle sense of nature inherent in Fet, the ability to convey in words the nuances and shades of spiritual life, have been noticed by more than one generation of readers.


Warmth in the sun. Spring
Takes his rights;
In some places the depth is clear in the river,
Grass is visible at the bottom.

Pure cold stream
Follow the float -
Naughty fish, I see
Plays with a worm.

bluish back,
Like silver itself
Eyes - Burmese two grains,
Crimson feather.

Goes, does not flinch under water,
It's time - a worm in your mouth!
Alas, a brilliant stripe
Slipped into the darkness.

But here again the evil eye
Flashed in the distance.
Wait, maybe this time
Hang on a hook!

Reading Feta, you rest your soul. Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov wrote about Fet: “ A person who understands poetry and willingly opens his soul to its sensations, in no Russian author, after Pushkin, will he draw as much poetic pleasure as Mr. Fet gives him».

More fragrant bliss of spring

More fragrant bliss of spring
We did not have time to descend,
More ravines are full of snow
Still at dawn the cart rumbles
On a frozen path

As soon as the sun warms at noon,
The linden blushes in height,
Through, the birch tree turns a little yellow,
And the nightingale does not dare yet
Sing in a currant bush.

But the news of rebirth is alive
There are already in the flying cranes,
And, following their eyes,
There is a beauty of the steppe
With blush bluish cheeks.

Afanasy Fet is from the Oryol province. Born and spent his childhood in the Novoselki estate of the Mtsensk district, owned by his stepfather, the landowner A.N. Shenshin. Fet's father is the Darmstadt official Johann Fet. Until the age of fourteen, Afanasy Afanasyevich was listed as the son of Shenshin. And in 1834, changes were made to the register of births. And overnight, from the Russian nobleman Shenshin, the young man turned into a foreigner, "Hesse-Darmstadt subject Athanasius Fet." Thus, he lost his noble rank and rights to own an ordinary estate. This fact influenced his whole life.

O first lily of the valley!

O first lily of the valley! From under the snow
You ask for sunbeams;
What a virgin bliss
In your fragrant purity!
Like the first ray of spring is bright!
What dreams descend in it!
How captivating you are, a gift
Flaming Spring!
So the maiden sighs for the first time -
About what - it is not clear to her -
And a timid sigh is fragrant
The excess of life is young.

In 1873, according to " supreme command”, Fet was again assigned to the Shenshin family, he received the court rank of chamberlain in 1889. With great difficulty, using all sorts of connections and relationships, Fet again became a nobleman, but in his heart he was not sure of his noble rights.

Spring rain

Still light in front of the window
In the breaks of the clouds the sun shines,
And the sparrow with its wing,
Bathing in the sand, it trembles.

And from heaven to earth,
Swaying, the curtain moves,
And as if in golden dust
Behind it is the edge of the forest.

Two drops splashed into the glass
From lindens it pulls with fragrant honey,
And something came to the garden
Drumming on fresh leaves.

Until old age, Afanasy Fet wrote poetry, for a long time he retained the poignancy and originality of his poetic talent. Fet also made a great contribution to Russian literature as a translator. His pen belongs to the translations of the Roman poets Ovid, Virgil and others, Goethe's Faust.

What an evening!

What an evening! A stream
And so it breaks.
Like the dawn of a nightingale
Is distributed!

Moonlight from above
Podal fields,
And in the ravine the gleam of water,
Shade and willow.

Know, for a long time in the dam to flow:
Rotten boards -
And you can't lie down here
On the railing.

So everything is alive in the spring!
In the grove, in the field
Everything trembles and sings

We will shut up that in the bushes
These choirs -
They will come with a song on their lips
Our kids;

And not children, so will pass
With the song grandchildren:
They will descend to them in the spring
The same sounds.

Spring in the yard

How the chest breathes fresh and capaciously -
Words will not express anyone!
As through the ravines at noon loudly
Streams are spinning on the foam!

In the ether the song trembles and melts,
Rye turns green on a block -
And a gentle voice sings:
"You'll survive the spring!"

I came to you with greetings

I came to you with greetings
Say that the sun has risen
What is hot light
The sheets fluttered;

Tell that the forest woke up
All woke up, each branch,
Startled by every bird
And full of spring thirst;

Tell that with the same passion
Like yesterday, I came again
That the soul is still happy
And ready to serve you;

Tell that from everywhere
Joy blows over me
That I don’t know myself what I will
Sing - but only the song matures.

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