Presentation on the topic of healthy lifestyle. Presentation "I am for a healthy lifestyle" Presentation template on a healthy family lifestyle

Goals of work:

Update the topic of health and healthy lifestyle;

Motivation for a healthy lifestyle;

Try to understand how bad habits affect a person’s life and health.

Popularization of physical education, health and sports activities;

Demonstration of the importance of a healthy lifestyle in the development of a person’s personality;

Foster an active lifestyle and a responsible attitude towards your health.

What is health and a healthy lifestyle?

A healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle) is a system of human habits and behavior aimed at preserving and strengthening his health.

Health is the main value of life; it occupies the highest level in the hierarchy of human needs. Health is one of the most important components of human happiness and one of the leading conditions for successful social and economic development. Realization of intellectual, moral, spiritual, physical and reproductive potential is possible only in a healthy society.

Proper nutrition

Daily regime


Physical activity


Rejection of bad habits

Proper nutrition

If you want to be healthy, eat right. Food should not only be tasty, but also healthy. Rational nutrition ensures proper growth and formation of the body, helps maintain health, high mental and physical performance and prolongs creative longevity.

Physical activity

Reasonable promotion of a healthy lifestyle necessarily includes items related to physical activity. To maintain the functional status of the body, movement is simply necessary. Those starting to practice a healthy lifestyle should devote at least 30 minutes a day to physical exercise: physical activity is one of the main factors influencing human health. What type of physical activity to engage in is up to everyone to decide for themselves, in accordance with their age, temperament and capabilities. Remember that movement is life!

Body hygiene promotes the proper functioning of the body, improves metabolism, blood circulation, digestion, breathing, and the development of physical and mental abilities. It is also necessary to monitor the hygiene of clothing and shoes. Clothing protects the body from adverse environmental influences, mechanical damage and pollution.

Daily regime

A very important point in the basics of a healthy lifestyle. Only proper and complete rest will help you relax and gain strength. Organize your day, but don’t forget to set aside the required 8 hours for sleep. He who works well rests well. A person who does not get enough sleep has poor performance and decreased brain activity. This all affects the quality of the day, as well as life in general.


Hardening your body can be your assistant in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It is best to start it from childhood. The easiest way of hardening is air baths. Water procedures also play a huge role in the hardening process - strengthening the nervous system, beneficially affecting the heart and blood vessels, normalizing blood pressure and metabolism.

Bad habits and their impact on health:


The harm from alcohol begins with memory impairment and ends with serious illnesses that may not respond to treatment and, in some cases, lead to death.

A drinking person puts physical and mental health at risk - internal organs suffer, the work of the most important systems that control the human body goes wrong (the effect of alcohol on the immune system is especially dangerous), personality degradation occurs, which is due to the effect on the human nervous system.

The effects of alcohol on the body affect:


Nervous system and psyche;

Cardiovascular system;

Digestive system;

Immune system;

Muscles and joints;

Endocrine system;


Respiratory system;

Visual organs;


The harm of smoking to the human body lies in its ability to stimulate the development of severe systemic diseases. Many of them are fatal.

The destructive effect of smoking on the body of any person lies in its ability to cause:

Various types of cancer


Chronical bronchitis

Destruction of tooth enamel

Congenital deformities

Developmental delay

Early mortality, etc.

Every year, tobacco kills approximately 5 million people worldwide. Every day in Russia alone, nicotine claims about 1 thousand lives. Approximately 90% of lung cancer deaths are caused by tobacco use.

Smoking harms not only the health of the smoker, but also his family and employees.


A drug is a poison, it slowly destroys a person’s brain, his psyche (internal organs - due to brain damage, dysfunction of the nervous system)


All drugs affect organ and tissue systems, but especially the central nervous system, brain, reproductive system, liver and kidneys. As a rule, people in the best health with regular drug use live no more than ten years.


Emotional devastation increases, irritability, apathy, weakening of the will occur, and when using certain drugs, dementia appears. Outwardly, all this manifests itself as lethargy, callousness, rudeness, selfishness, and deceit. A person who uses drugs loses control over his life, is deeply reborn, and becomes completely different. Intelligence gradually decreases.

Just like for adults, a clear and easy-to-understand series of cartoons about healthy lifestyles was also created for children.


It presents educational cartoons addressing issues of health and a healthy lifestyle. Cartoons are specially adapted for children and can be easily used in the educational process (in a lesson, class hour, etc.). Topics related to proper nutrition, the need for exercise, fighting germs, and hardening are covered.

Excerpt from the cartoon Smeshariki

"It's great to be healthy"

I think living a healthy lifestyle is wonderful! But modern young people are simply too lazy to follow the basic rules of leading a healthy lifestyle and do not want to get rid of this laziness. Many people have addictions to bad habits. They should think about it, analyze their actions and force themselves to stop, throw away the cigarette and end this vicious circle of self-destruction forever, because health is the priceless wealth of every person and must be protected.

Healthy lifestyle


A lifestyle that strengthens human health and is aimed at preventing and maintaining a healthy body is called a healthy lifestyle in medicine.

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Human health depends on:

  • Lifestyle by 50 percent,
  • Environment by 20 percent,
  • From heredity by 20 percent
  • From healthcare and medicines by 10 percent.

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A healthy lifestyle consists of several elements

  • Healthy habits developed from early childhood
  • Wednesday. Environment and atmosphere.
  • Quitting bad habits (smoking, alcoholic drinks, drugs)
  • Physical exercise. Physical education and physical activity of a person
  • Healthy eating (balanced diet)
  • Hygiene (both personal and public)

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Formation of healthy lifestyle

The formation of a healthy lifestyle occurs at 3 levels:

  • Personal (what depends directly on the person: nutrition. Healthy habits, etc.)
  • Social (educational work, propaganda in the media, in society)
  • Infrastructure (availability of material resources, health facilities, etc.)

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Human health is affected by:

  • schedule,
  • full sleep,
  • physical activity,
  • disease prevention,
  • hardening.

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10 rules for a healthy lifestyle:

  • train your brain (by solving crosswords, reading, memorizing poems, the brain works.
  • Work. Work should bring pleasure and benefit.

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  • Eat a balanced diet. Food should be appropriate to a person’s age and lifestyle. Vitamins obtained from food should be sufficient for the normal and complete functioning of the human body.
  • Don't eat too much. For normal functioning of the body, a person needs 1500 kcal per meal. Excess food is harmful to the body.

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  • Fall in love. The hormone of happiness (endorphin) is simply necessary for the human body. It stands out when a person falls in love.
  • Have your own opinion. Know how to defend your opinion and decision.
  • Sleep in a cool room. Cool air has a better effect on the body. A person retains youth and beauty in the cold.

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  • Move. Movement is life. The more a person moves, the more he maintains his health.
  • Pamper yourself. Pleasant little things make a person happy. Sometimes it's worth pampering yourself.
  • Don't hold back your anger. By holding back negative emotions, you suppress yourself.

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Promotion of healthy lifestyles

Healthy lifestyle promotion is aimed at popularizing this lifestyle. Propaganda is actively carried out in the media, magazines, newspapers, television, the Internet, etc.

Today we are conducting a class hour from the “Healthy Lifestyle” series, it will be held in the form of a discussion. You will be presented with several messages on the topic. Be careful! So let's begin... The most important element of a healthy lifestyle is balanced nutrition.“If people ate only when they were very hungry, and if they ate simple, clean and healthy food, then they would not know diseases and it would be easier for them to control their soul and body,” said L.N. Tolstoy Principles of rational nutrition

  • Strict adherence to the rhythm of eating.
Unlearn to satiate yourself with food to the limit. Food should be eaten with attention and pleasure, slowly chewed and tasted. Subconsciously, the design of dishes and table setting have a beneficial effect on digestion. Eat raw plant foods. High physical activity and sufficient physical activity contribute to the preservation and strengthening of human health.
  • It's not true that there is no way out
  • From various types of misfortunes:
  • Cardiovascular troubles
  • And radiculitis misfortunes.
  • Salvation from their onslaught
  • In a simple and proven tool:
  • Running - on our own for two
  • With cheerful excitement, like in childhood.
  • Run - if it's cold and dark,
  • Run - if there is dirt under your feet,
  • Run - if there is a pack of dogs
  • Will go half the distance with you,
  • Run - let it not flare up in anyone
  • Cowardly phrase: “Well, that’s enough!”
  • Run - in spite of her - run,
  • Until the delight takes over.
  • Delight in what is now
  • Both muscles and nerves are fine.
  • Delight from the consciousness that is in you
  • Large reserves have opened up.
Lately we have often heard the word physical inactivity. This is insufficient, reduced motor activity.
  • In Izhevsk, doctors took 1,416 schoolchildren under observation. All of them were healthy, but half of them did physical education in school, and half also attended sports clubs.
  • Surveys have shown that physical development occurs more harmoniously among those who engage in additional sports. They have a higher lung capacity and greater muscle strength.
Hardening is one of the forms of strengthening human health.
  • 1000 years ago, the great physician of the Ancient East, Avicenna, wrote:
  • Be friends with gymnastics,
  • Always be cheerful
  • And you will live 100 years,
  • And maybe more.
  • Potions, powders –
  • The wrong path to health.
  • Heal yourself with nature -
  • In the garden and open field.
There are many ways to harden
  • A very simple and effective way of hardening is walking barefoot. The fact is that the soles of our feet are a somewhat unusual part of the skin of our body. There are points there - projections of our internal organs. By pressing them, you can relieve pain and have a healing effect on certain organs
Swimming brings a lot of joy. Through nerve endings located in the skin, water procedures affect the entire human body. Human emotional sphere can fluctuate sharply over the course of a day, hours and even minutes, depending on a variety of reasons.
  • Sunlight, moonlight, the sound of rain, a word addressed to you, someone's fleeting smile - everything finds an echo in our minds, attracts or repels, causes joy or anxiety. The ability to control oneself depends not only on the emotional sphere of a person, but also on the individual level of education and strong-willed qualities of a person.
A good person first of all sees the good in people, and a bad person sees only the bad.
  • Here are the most important moral standards that Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky tried to convey to his students: “You live among people. Your every action, your every desire is reflected in people. Know that there is a line between what you want and what you can. Your desires are the joys or sorrows of your loved ones. Check your actions with your consciousness: are you not causing harm or trouble to people? Make the people around you feel good.”
A significant role in maintaining health is played by the fight against bad habits: smoking and alcohol.
  • There is such a joke. A tobacco seller praises his product at a fair: “Buy tobacco, wonderful tobacco! My tobacco is not simple, but with a secret. My tobacco won't make you an old man, a dog won't bite you, and a thief won't break into your house.
  • One guy bought some tobacco and started asking the seller:
  • -Why won’t I be an old man?
  • -Because you won’t live to old age.
  • Why doesn't the dog bite?
  • -So you will walk with a stick.
  • - Why doesn’t the thief break into the house?
  • “Because you’ll be coughing all night.”
  • Remember:
  • He who smokes tobacco is his own enemy.
  • Tobacco is no friend to the mind.
  • A smoker is his own gravedigger.
Drinking alcohol is also a bad habit of the body. No wonder they say: “If you reach for vodka, your life will be short.”
  • Drunkenness leads to 6 evils: poverty, discord, illness, loss of reputation, shame and weakening of mental activity.
  • Alcohol requires the sacrifice of not only adults, but also their future.
  • For example, in the attic of the barn, where moonshine was secretly distilled, there were 160 chicken eggs for subsequent incubation. Imagine the surprise of the owners when only 78 chickens hatched from the eggs. 40 of them soon died, and 25 turned out to be monsters. The embryos were poisoned by vapors of alcohol and essential oils.
  • All this applies to humans. In families that drink, 38% of children are underdeveloped and sick. Children are stillborn 2 times more often. Alcohol shortens life by an average of 17 years.
So, let's summarize our conversation by solving a small crossword puzzle.
  • Our class hour was accompanied by poetic lines from the great doctor of the Ancient East. His name…
  • Morning procedure.
  • Necessary quality of human character
  • A liquid that has a negative effect on all vital organs and systems.
  • “Ice water is good for the body and mind,” said the Russian commander...
  • Author of the fable “The Drunk Hare.”
  • What is the name of the world famous Russian physiologist?
  • The name of the Frenchman who brought tobacco seeds from Portugal.
  • A necessary condition for saving time.
  • The pectin contained in this fruit removes everything harmful to it from the body and contains a large amount of iron.
Vertically we get another name for a bad habit. We'll talk about it another time.
Thank you for your attention!

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Healthy lifestyle
Completed by student 5 “b” Surkova Anya Under the guidance of physical education teacher Irina Viktorovna Polovnikova

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Goal and objectives: - get acquainted with the concept of “Healthy lifestyle”; - promote the development of habits and the need for a healthy lifestyle; - instill skills in managing your health; - form an active position in maintaining and strengthening your health; - education of a socially significant personality.

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Few of us, in the hustle and bustle of our days, in the frantic flow of the present time, think about our health. Only when illness knocks us down or old age sets in do we begin to think about the carelessly lived years. What is a healthy lifestyle? A healthy lifestyle (HLS) is the way of life of an individual with the aim of preventing diseases and promoting health.

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A healthy lifestyle is a person’s way of life aimed at preventing diseases and promoting health. Representatives of the philosophical and sociological school consider a Healthy Lifestyle as a global social problem, an integral part of the life of society as a whole.

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What does the concept of healthy lifestyle include? 1. Proper nutrition and healthy sleep. 2.Physical activity. 3. Refusal of bad habits.

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Proper nutrition The most important thing for a person’s health is what he eats. And he eats, let’s say, not always healthy foods. For example, there are now a number of products on the market that adversely affect a healthy lifestyle. This “range” includes instant products and industrially processed products. All of them contain harmful substances that negatively affect the human body. Therefore, you shouldn’t eat whatever you like, whenever you like. We decided to lead a healthy lifestyle - therefore, we need to follow a diet. Proper nutrition and diet are the key to your future health and longevity.

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Principles of rational nutrition: Strict adherence to the rhythm of food intake. Unlearn to satiate yourself with food to the limit. Food should be eaten with attention and pleasure, slowly chewed and tasted. Subconsciously, the design of dishes and table setting have a beneficial effect on digestion. Eat raw plant foods.

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Sleep Sleep is important for human health. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' they said, “he sleeps like a hero.” That’s why it’s heroic because a healthy person sleeps. Sleep is important for the body, as is proper nutrition, such as hardening the body. His nervous system depends on how much a person sleeps. For a good sleep, it is worth preparing the bedroom: ventilate, remove excess lighting, unnecessary noise, such as music. And naturally, in order to sleep better, you need to follow a daily routine, from which all kinds of negative emotions should be excluded.

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Sports Physical education is another factor that plays an important role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. After all, every person wants to live his life longer, have more time to do something useful for society, for himself, for his family and friends. But in order to do all this, you need not only to live longer, but also not to grow old ahead of time. For this, a person has a physical condition. And to maintain the tone of the body, one should do physical exercise. Engaging in various types of physical exercise will help a person not only meet a dignified old age, but also stay in good shape.

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Routine, one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle. Routine is the correct distribution of time for the basic life needs of a person.

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RECOMMENDATIONS -train yourself to wake up and get up at the same time every day; -do morning exercises every day; - keep your body, hair, nails and mouth clean; - try to eat at the same time.

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Hardening. Hardening is one of the forms of strengthening human health. 1000 years ago, the great physician of the Ancient East, Avicenna, wrote: Be friends with gymnastics, Always be cheerful, And you will live 100 years, And maybe more. Potions, powders - the wrong path to health. Heal yourself with nature - in the garden and open field.

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There are many ways to harden. A very simple and effective way of hardening is walking barefoot. The fact is that the soles of our feet are a somewhat unusual part of the skin of our body. There are points there - projections of our internal organs. By pressing them, you can relieve pain and have a healing effect on certain organs

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Rejection of bad habits. Bad habits are established methods of destructive (self-destructive) behavior, the implementation of which in certain situations takes on the character of a need. Bad habits can: develop spontaneously, be a by-product of targeted upbringing and training, develop into stable character traits, acquire automatic traits, be socially conditioned

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Rules for a healthy lifestyle.
Exercise 3-5 times a week, without overexerting yourself with intense exercise. Be sure to find a way of physical activity just for yourself. Don't overeat or starve. Eat 4-5 times a day, consuming the amount of proteins, vitamins and minerals necessary for a growing body, limiting yourself in fats and sweets. Do not overwork yourself with mental work. Try to get satisfaction from your studies. And in your free time, be creative. Treat people kindly. Know and follow the rules of communication. Develop, taking into account your individual characteristics of character and body, a way of going to bed that allows you to quickly fall asleep and restore your strength. Engage in daily hardening of the body and choose methods for yourself that not only help you fight a cold, but also give you pleasure. Learn not to give in when you are offered to try a cigarette or alcohol. Grow healthy!

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Healthy lifestyle in kindergarten

Health: Human health is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical infirmity. Spiritual health is the ability to live in harmony with oneself and others.

Healthy lifestyle A healthy lifestyle is a lifestyle that contributes to the preservation, strengthening and restoration of human health. Therefore, a healthy lifestyle (HLS) is considered not only as a medical, but also as a socio-economic problem.

Objectives: To form children’s attitude towards their own health To begin general hygienic education from the age of 2-3 To develop healthy habits and skills from an early age

A healthy lifestyle includes: Optimal motor mode Fruitful work activity Good hygiene Proper nutrition Refusal of any bad habits Hardening

Optimal motor mode: Daily morning exercises Outdoor games Daily walk Physical education classes

Hygiene, hardening, proper nutrition Children learn to maintain hygiene with the help of adults Hardening (air, sun and water) After a quiet hour, gymnastics and washing the face with cool water are carried out Proper nutrition (balanced four meals a day enriched with vitamins)

Normal sleep: During sleep, the body works at a different rhythm. It rests and gains strength. Sleep allows the brain to develop and the body to grow.

Vitamins: Important vitamins are found in our food. These are necessary elements that need to be consumed every day, because our body does not produce them!

Hygiene: You need to wash every day. Being clean and smelling fresh is always nice! Clothes get dirty from sweat and dust and need to be changed regularly. Maintaining hygiene also means washing your hair, cutting your nails, brushing your ears and teeth.

Rejection of bad habits:

A healthy lifestyle is not only all the knowledge acquired over a certain period of time, but a whole lifestyle, adequate behavior in different life situations. After all, children may find themselves in completely unexpected situations, and the main goal here is to develop in them independence, responsibility, and sometimes automatism. Everything that parents and teachers teach children must be applied by them in real life.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The presentation will help make the lesson more fun....

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