Associations to the word “heart.” Heart What heart adjectives

1. About the spiritual qualities and character of a person; about a person as a bearer of any properties, character traits.
About the ability to feel strongly, passionately, to love; about the kind, courageous, straightforward character of a person.
Angelic, selfless, restless, fearless, good (obsolete), noble, big, stormy (obsolete poet), generous, great, faithful, prophetic, impressionable, high, deep, ardent, humane, virgin, kind, trusting, capacious, greedy, pitiful (obsolete), hot, feminine, lively, sultry, golden, meek, affectionate, lion-like, loving, affectionate, thoughtful (colloquial), much-loving, brave (popular poetic and colloquial), young, wise, courageous, soft, rebellious (obsolete poet.), reliable, innocent, tender, frantic, insatiable, incorruptible, immaculate, restless, vast, fiery (obsolete poet.), fiery, huge, eagle-like, brave, responsive, open, mindful, fiery, pliable, impetuous, truthful, righteous, devoted, simple, direct, ardent, zealous (popular poet), fresh, self-willed, holy, bold, passionate, warm, languid, reverent, daring , good, brave, chaste, child-loving (obsolete), philanthropic (obsolete), humane, honest, pure, sensitive, wonderful, sensitive, silky (colloquial), generous, young.
About the inability to feel strongly, passionately, to love; about an indifferent, tough character.
Soulless, fearless, insensitive, deaf, proud, wooden, iron, hard, cruel, envious, callous, hare, bestial (colloquial), evil, snake, stone, shaggy, icy, deceitful, dead, arrogant, inflexible, petrified, petrified, deadened, empty, indifferent, stingy, sleepy, harsh, hard, cowardly, vain, faded, cold (obsolete poet.), cold, black, callous, selfish, selfish. Giant, frozen, misogynistic, hardened, hazy, powerful, calloused, silent, unlucky, burned, obese, numb, slave, gray-haired, stoic, crazy.
2. About the state, mood, experiences.
Poor, joyless, carefree, sleepless, excited, cheerful, resurrected, alarmed, angry, miserable, freezing, tormented, exhausted, tormented, exhausted, light, long-suffering, sore, torn, restless, unhappy, aching, destitute, revived, embittered, devastated, enchanted, victorious (popular poet), calm, calmly happy, joyful, broken, contrite, calm, constrained, suffering, happy, heavy, killed, depressed, sad, tired.

View value Heart in other dictionaries

Heart- Wed (cor, cordis?) the thoracic womb, which receives blood from the whole body, cleanses it through the lungs and sends renewed blood to all parts, for nutrition, for circulation.......
Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Heart- (rts), hearts, plural, hearts, hearts, hearts, cf. 1. The central circulatory organ, a muscular sac, located in the left side of the chest cavity in humans. Feel it.........
Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

In the Heart Adv.- 1. In the soul, in memory.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

On the Heart Adverb.- 1. On the soul.
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Heart Wed.— 1. The central organ of the circulatory system in the form of a muscular sac, located on the left side of the human chest. 2. transfer This part of the human body is a symbol of concentration........
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Heart...- 1. The initial part of complex words, introducing meaning: associated with the heart (cordial, heart-fastening).
Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova

Heart- -A; pl. hearts, -dets, -dsam; Wed
1. The central circulatory organ in the form of a muscular sac, located in a person on the left side of the chest cavity. Healthy, sick........
Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary

Empty Head and Pure Heart Test— Rule 14e-3, subparagraph (b) of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which, with certain exceptions, prohibits anyone other than a trading participant from......
Economic dictionary

Heart— This common Slavic word is of Indo-European nature. We find correspondences in different Indo-European languages: in Armenian – sirt, in Latin – cor, in Hittite – kard. Let's reverse........
Krylov's etymological dictionary

Artificial Heart- a device used in surgery that takes over the functions of the heart and lungs. It is used for open heart surgery, when one’s own blood circulation........

Heart- a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body through the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. In humans, the heart is located behind the sternum, between the lower parts of the lungs. Divided.......
Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

Heart- (cor, PNA, BNA, JNA) fibromuscular organ of the circulatory system, located in the middle mediastinum, in the pericardial sac and containing a system of cavities (atria and ventricles);......
Large medical dictionary

Heart of Asthenic- (cor asthenicum; synonym: hanging heart, drop heart) constitutional variant of the heart shape, characterized by an anatomical position approaching the vertical........
Large medical dictionary

Graves-thyrotoxic heart— see Thyrotoxic heart.
Large medical dictionary

Bull's Heart— (cor bovinum) significant degree of cardiomegaly.
Large medical dictionary

Heart Hanging- (cor pendulum) see Heart of asthenic.
Large medical dictionary

Hairy Heart- (cor hirsutum) see Villous heart.
Large medical dictionary

Heart Villous- (cor villosum; synonym hairy heart) heart, the surface of which is completely covered with sclerosing and fresh fibrin fibers; observed with massive fibrinous pericarditis.
Large medical dictionary

Heart of Hypersthenic- (syn. recumbent heart) constitutional variant of the heart shape, characterized by an approaching horizontal position of the anatomical axis and relatively large......
Large medical dictionary

Heart Hypothyroid- (cor hypothyreoideum: this. myxedematous heart) a combination of expansion of the borders of the heart, dullness of its sounds, bradycardia, low voltage electrocardiogram waves with the absence .......
Large medical dictionary

Glazed Heart- a heart with a sharply thickened pericardium, looking like a whitish translucent plate; observed in chronic serous pericarditis.
Large medical dictionary

Heart Detrained- a pathological condition of the heart that occurs during prolonged general physical inactivity (for example, after a long stay on bed rest): manifested by a decrease in tolerance......
Large medical dictionary

Heart Fat— (cor adiposum) heart with massive fatty deposits under the epicardium; observed in disorders of fat metabolism.
Large medical dictionary

Artificial heart— (cor artificiale) an implantable device that completely replaces the pumping function of the heart and operates due to an autonomous or external source of energy; is under development.
Large medical dictionary

Heart Drip— see Heart of an asthenic.
Large medical dictionary

Kyphoscoliotic Heart— (cor kyphoscolioticum) cor pulmonale in patients with kyphoscoliosis, developing in connection with deformation of the chest, compression of the lungs and the frequent development of pulmonary pathology in such patients.
Large medical dictionary

Heart Pulmonary— (cor pulmonale) a pathological condition characterized by hypertrophy and (or) dilatation of the right ventricle of the heart as a result of pulmonary hypertension; usually occurs......
Large medical dictionary

Heart Pulmonary Decompensated— (p. pulmonale decompensatum; synonym: pulmonary-heart failure) S. l., characterized by severe circulatory and external respiration failure.
Large medical dictionary

Heart Pulmonary Acute— (p. pulmonale acutum) S. l., characterized by the sudden and rapid development of right ventricular failure; occurs when there is a sudden and sharp increase in blood........
Large medical dictionary

Heart Pulmonary Subacute- (p. pulmonale subacutum) S. l., characterized by the appearance of signs of overload of the right heart in a few days, and right ventricular failure in a few weeks;......
Large medical dictionary


1. About the spiritual qualities and character of a person; about a person as a bearer of any properties, character traits. About the ability to feel strongly, passionately, to love; about the kind, courageous, straightforward character of a person. Angelic, selfless, restless, fearless, good (obsolete), noble, big, stormy (obsolete poet), generous, great, faithful, prophetic, impressionable, high, deep, ardent, humane, virgin, kind, trusting, capacious, greedy, pitiful (obsolete), hot, feminine, lively, sultry, golden, meek, affectionate, lion-like, loving, affectionate, thoughtful (colloquial), much-loving, brave (popular poetic and colloquial), young, wise, courageous, soft, rebellious (obsolete poet.), reliable, innocent, tender, frantic, insatiable, incorruptible, immaculate, restless, vast, fiery (obsolete poet.), fiery, huge, eagle-like, brave, responsive, open, mindful, fiery, pliable, impetuous, truthful, righteous, devoted, simple, direct, ardent, zealous (popular poet), fresh, self-willed, holy, bold, passionate, warm, languid, reverent, daring , good, brave, chaste, child-loving (obsolete), philanthropic (obsolete), humane, honest, pure, sensitive, wonderful, sensitive, silky (colloquial), generous, young. About the inability to feel strongly, passionately, to love; about an indifferent, tough character. Soulless, fearless, insensitive, deaf, proud, wooden, iron, hard, cruel, envious, callous, hare, bestial (colloquial), evil, snake, stone, shaggy, icy, deceitful, dead, arrogant, inflexible, petrified, petrified, deadened, empty, indifferent, stingy, sleepy, harsh, hard, cowardly, vain, faded, cold (obsolete poet.), cold, black, callous, selfish, selfish. Giant, frozen, misogynistic, hardened, hazy, powerful, calloused, silent, unlucky, burned, obese, numb, slave, gray-haired, stoic, crazy. 2.About state, mood, experiences. Poor, joyless, carefree, sleepless, excited, cheerful, resurrected, alarmed, angry, miserable, freezing, tormented, exhausted, tormented, exhausted, light, long-suffering, sore, torn, restless, unhappy, aching, destitute, revived, embittered, devastated, enchanted, victorious (popular poet), calm, calmly happy, joyful, broken, contrite, calm, constrained, suffering, happy, heavy, killed, depressed, sad, tired.

Dictionary of epithets. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what HEART is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • HEART in Miller's Dream Book, dream book and interpretation of dreams:
    To dream that your heart hurts and you feel suffocated foretells troubles in business. Some of your own...
  • HEART in the Encyclopedia Biology:
    , the central organ of the circulatory system, providing blood circulation or hemolymph circulation. In arthropods, the heart is tubular, in the form of a dorsal vessel with paired...
  • HEART in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nikephoros:
    (Acts 16:14) - the seat of love, desires and affections of men. Therefore, to what extent can the heart be the guardian of holy love for God and...
  • HEART in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Attention, this article is not finished yet and contains only part of the necessary information. Heart in Scripture...
  • HEART in Medical terms:
    (cor, pna, bna, jna) fibromuscular organ of the circulatory system, located in the middle mediastinum, in the pericardial sac and containing a system of cavities (atria ...
  • HEART in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    the central organ of the circulatory system of animals and humans, pumping blood into the arterial system and ensuring its return through the veins. The heart of some...
  • HEART in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    the central organ of the circulatory system of animals and humans, pumping blood into the arterial system and ensuring its movement through the vessels. Comparative morphology. ...
  • HEART in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron.
  • HEART in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    2 [rts], -a, sentence. pl. in hearts, m. (colloquial). In certain expressions: anger, irritation: Say with your heart (angrily, irritably). Have …
  • HEART in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    HEART, center. an organ of the circulatory system of animals and humans that pumps blood into the arterial system and ensures its return through the veins. WITH. …
  • HEART* in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron.
  • HEART in Collier's Dictionary:
    a powerful muscular organ that pumps blood through a system of cavities (chambers) and valves into a distribution network called the circulatory system. A person has a heart...
  • HEART in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    heart, hearts, hearts, hearts, hearts, hearts, hearts, hearts, hearts, hearts, hearts, …
  • HEART in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    [rts], -a, plural. heart "a, -d"ets, s. 1) The central organ of the circulatory system, as well as the place on the left side of the chest where this ...
  • HEART in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    chest, soul. Her chest was tight with melancholy. “And it aches and aches, it hurts zealously.” Ring “His whole insides froze.” Turg. "The spirit freezes...
  • HEART in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    chest, soul, zealous, heart, little heart, ...
  • HEART...
    The initial part of compound words that introduces meaning: associated with the heart (cordial, ...
  • HEART in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    Wed 1) The central organ of the circulatory system in the form of a muscular sac, located on the left side of the human chest. 2) a) trans. This …
  • HEART in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
  • HEART in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    heart, -a, plural -dtsa, -dets, ...
  • HEART in the Spelling Dictionary:
    heart, -a, plural. -d'a, -d'ets, ...
Heart, Love Heart


HEART, noun. Anat. central organ of the circulatory system of humans and vertebrates

HEART, noun. Peren. the place on the left side of the chest under which the heart is located

HEART, noun. Peren. soul, human feelings

HEART, noun. Peren. the central, most important place of something

HEART, noun. Peren. stylized image of a heart symbolizing love

HEART, noun. Peren. pulse as an external manifestation of the work of the heart

HEART HURTS, stable combination. With inf. unpleasant, difficult

THE HEART IS BLEEDING, A stable combination. About a strong feeling of pity, indignation, regret, etc. sorry, unpleasant

THE HEART DOESN'T LIE, A stable combination. The same thing that the soul does not lie; I don’t want something, it’s not nice

HEART IS NOT IN PLACE, Sustainable combination. Anxiety

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

HEART (rts), hearts, plural, hearts, hearts, hearts, cf. 1. The central circulatory organ, a muscular sac, located in the left side of the chest cavity in humans. Feel how my heart beats. Chekhov. Heart diseases. Heart disease (disorder of the functioning of the heart valves). And I myself, with an unworthy hand, hit the villain right in the heart. May. || That place on the left side of the chest, under the Crimea there is this organ. He hastily pressed his hand to his heart. Pushkin. The old man, gasping for breath, clutched his heart. 2. transfer This part of the body is a symbol of the focus of a person’s feelings, experiences, and moods. Again his heart flutters. Lermontov. I listen to a fairy tale and my heart sank. Surikov. Burn the hearts of people with the verb. Pushkin. The heart flutters joyfully and painfully. Fet. Horror chills her heart. Nekrasov. An indiscreet hint from her nephew stirred a secret in her heart. Goncharov. She finds no relief for her suppressed tears, and her heart breaks in half. Pushkin. My heart breaks with agony. Nekrasov. My heart aches. My heart aches. The heart jumps for joy (colloquial fam.). The heart is not a stone. Proverb. Out of sight, out of mind. Proverb. The heart gives the message to the heart. Proverb. He who is Russian at heart, cheerfully, boldly and joyfully dies for a just cause. Ryleev. If the long-restrained torment boils up under my heart, I write. Nekrasov. A letter where the heart speaks, where everything comes out. Pushkin. Having taken a walk, a Man brings everything out: what’s in his heart, so on his tongue. Gogol. What are you hiding in your heart? A. Koltsov. || The totality of a person’s mental properties; A person with certain mental properties. He has a heart of gold. Heart of stone. Vengeful heart. Husband... of an angelically kind heart. Nekrasov. He had a kind heart and a friendly manner. Turgenev. In slavery, a free heart saved is gold, the people's heart is gold. Not. || ability to feel and understand, responsiveness, cordiality. If he has a heart, he will understand. Goncharov. He has no heart. A man with a heart. 3. transfer This same part of the body is a symbol of the focus of a person’s love experiences; ability of love; Love. Yevsey firmly occupied a place both behind the stove and in the heart of Agrafena. Goncharov. no, I wouldn’t give my heart to anyone in the world. Pushkin. force me against my heart to marry someone who is not dear to me. A. Ostrovsky. Her heart was still silent (the need for love had not yet appeared). 4. transfer This same part of the body is a symbol of some kind of focus. strong passion, preferably anger. He has a quick-witted heart. My heart couldn't stand it. The old Prince Priimkov-Rostovsky, unable to contain his heart, interrupted Vasily Vasilyevich. A. N. Tolstoy. Indomitable heart. || only units Anger, the state of a person being angry with someone. (obsolete). Zhukovsky is angry for this: but I greet his heart not with fear, but with a smile. A. Turgenev. 5. transfer, units only The most important point, a place of significant importance for something, the center of something. Moscow is the heart of the world revolution. Paris is the heart of France. (Close) to take something to heart - to relate to something. very sympathetically, with great interest. Of course, Marya Alekseevna did not really take these words to heart. Chernyshevsky. take by the heart - see take. In the hearts (or in the hearts) - see in the hearts. Lady Doesn't have a heart for someone (colloquial) - there is no disposition, sympathy for someone. With all my heart - with all my soul, with full willingness and desire. From the bottom of my heart - completely sincerely. It relieved my heart - it became easier, I felt relief. To win someone's heart (obsolete) - to achieve someone's. love, affection, take possession of someone. trust. He won her heart. The speaker won the hearts of the audience. Hand on heart (colloquial) - completely frankly. According to one's heart (colloquial) - likes, corresponds to desire, to one's liking. I don't like his words. propose marriage - see propose. Heart hurts with inf. - unpleasant, difficult. It hurts my heart to watch him suffer. My heart! - used as an affectionate, tender address to someone. The heart does not lie with someone (colloquial) - the same as the soul does not lie (see soul). The heart is out of place - see the place. The heart is falling, the heart has fallen - see fall, fall. Reluctantly - see fasten. To put something in (your) heart (bookish) - remember it well, keep it in your soul as especially exciting. rip your heart out on someone (colloquial) - pour out your anger on someone. (cf. pick in 5 values). With an open or pure heart - with complete frankness, without cunning, sincerely. With the heart (say, do; colloquial) - irritably, with anger. Eck, he's inflating it with kvass! - Zakhar grumbled with his heart. Goncharov. From the hearts (reg.) - in anger, with

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

HEART, cf. (cor, cordis?) the thoracic womb, which receives blood from the whole body, cleanses it through the lungs and sends renewed blood to all parts, for nutrition, to turn it into flesh. The human heart is a hollow, strong muscle, divided crosswise inside: at the blunt end (posterior) there are two atria, at the acute (anterior) there are two cavities of the heart; black, burnt (reverse) blood flows into the right atrium, goes from there to the right half of the heart, and from there to the lungs, returns as scarlet, purified, vital blood to the left atrium, from it to the left cavity, and from here it is accelerated by the first fighting vein throughout the body . The heart lies between two unequal halves of the lungs, on the left side, with its base on the gander, surrounded by a tightly strong, leathery membrane, and, compressing and expanding alternately, to expel and receive blood, it gives birth to a pulse or beat that resonates in all the fighting veins of the body. | People often call with their hearts the spoon, the pit of the stomach, the inframammary cavity, above the stomach, where the abdominal brain is, a large plexus of nerves. | Heart, point, cutout, in the form of a point card of the red suit, depicting a heart. | Materially, the heart sometimes takes on the meaning: inside, subsoil, womb, center, inner middle; | morally, it is the representative of love, will, passion, moral, spiritual principle, opposite to the mental, reason, brain; every inner feeling is reflected in the heart. | Anger, resentment, anger and malice. The heart of the earth, the inside. The heart of a tree, the core or middle of its thickness. A soft, kind, warm, loving heart, a person, according to his moral state. And a kind heart, and a brainless (stupid) head. The heart could not bear it, passions took over. A stone-hearted, insensitive and hard-hearted man. The heart will tell or the heart will say for whom it hurts, feeling, love. He senses the heart of friend and foe. My heart sank and skipped a beat. condolences, fear, fright. With the heart, from the heart, cordially, with love. This is after my heart, I like it. Reluctantly, against will, desire. Indomitable heart, self-will of passions, height. Unbelief has hardened your heart, you are unmerciful. Whatever he eats is not to the heart, about the patient, not for future use. The heart gives the message to the heart. His heart is with me, angry, angry. From the hearts, according to the hearts, in the hearts, angry, in anger, out of malice or hatred. It relieved my heart, I got rid of fear or worries. The heart has moved away, the anger has passed. An easy-going heart, a quick-tempered but kind disposition. My heart is aching and sad. A sparrow's heart, in an insignificant person, an ebullient temper. Heart and fist. You can't do anything with your heart by being angry. How God puts it on your heart. The heart feels (hears). The heart has ears. The heart protects the soul, and troubles the soul. The closer to the fire is hotter; What is closer to the heart is more painful. Where the heart flies, the eye runs. Every disease comes to the heart. The child by the hand, and the womb by the heart. The heart is a falcon, and the courage is a crow. Wine gladdens the heart. I would be happy with my heart, but my soul doesn’t accept it. And without pepper it will reach the heart. A stone fell away from my heart. There is no mind, but there is heart (anger). You can't even break a straw with your heart. The heart is of no help to the matter (or: it will not help). You can’t take anything with your heart (or: you can’t do it). Two needles crossed against the heart prevent damage. The soul is on the Velikaya (river), the heart is on the Volkhov (the river, regarding the brotherhood of Novgorod and Pskov, in the 14th century). Sea heart, arch. fleshy animal jellyfish, Acalephe, sea lard. You are my heart, my dear, dear little heart, you will diminish. caress. Gold heart on a chain. Apple heart, nest, seeds with casing. Cordial, relating to the heart. Heart barriers. I offer my heartfelt gratitude, from the heart, sincere. A warm-hearted person, sincere, loving and direct. A matter of the heart, a love affair. I'm heartily glad - I'm sorry. | Heartfelt or heartfelt, for whom I regret with all my heart, my condolences; sick, prayed for, ill. Eh, dear one - but there’s nothing to help! | Heartfelt, sib. vigorous, plump, hefty; strong, durable. Heart root, plant. Polygonum bistorta, see brylena. | Heart, plant. Ajuga, see Dubrovka. | Asarum, see hoofweed. | Plant. Inula salicina | Ophioglossum vulgatum | Scutellaria gallericulata field St. John's wort. | Smilacina bifolia, see tussock. | Centaurea jacea, field webbing. | Leonurus cardiaca, dead nettle, shooting nettle, core. | Orobus vernus, see caterpillar. | Pyrethrum ambiguum. Heartwood, Cardamine pratensis plant, field mustard, smolyanka. | The core is any rod inserted into the trunk, into the hole; a bolt passed through the front cushion and the axle of the cart, on which the front end rotates; pin, pin, trigger. | An iron rod with a ball for forming a void when casting hollow artillery shells. Heartfelt, related to the heart. Keep these things of the heart, stikher; cherished, dear. Serdyaga vol. cordial (cordial), sick, bad, for whom I regret and for whom my heart ache. Coral m. Erythraea centaurium, centaury, spool, small vasilek, thousand. To make someone angry, to anger, to arouse anger, heart, indignation, to irritate, to infuriate; tease on purpose. - to be angry, to be indignant, to be dissatisfied with something, to be annoyed and angry or angry, to be angry. Got angry to the point of bile. He got angry, he got angry with me. He gets angry and stops. They got angry at each other. Been angry with me all morning. I was seriously angry. Serzhenie, active. according to verb. What to get angry with - either fight or make peace. The woman was angry with the world, but the world doesn’t know it! The old woman was angry with the world for three years, but the world didn’t know it. Don’t be angry, but rather submit. Dress up, don't rush: do it, don't get angry. If you are not strong, do not fight; not rich, don't be angry. Even if he is angry, he will have mercy. It's old to be angry. to be angry, angry; about the beast, to rage. Angry, displeased, angry, enraged, heartbroken, irritated; | spiteful, angry, irritable, tough, evil disposition. Angry and powerless, the pig's brother. Angry, taking revenge on himself. Throw an angry dog ​​a bone. He looks angrily. They carry water on angry people, on stubborn horses. Both cheap and cheerful. A kind person is more likely to do something than an angry one. An angry person will find a stick. The angry one will find a stick. He is big and slobbering, but small and angry. Serious little man, let's get angry at work. Angry - not beaten for a long time (wife). Angry, angry, angry or angry person. Serotsvina, the middle pulp in the tree, running like a vein from the root to the very top. Palm trees grow from the core, from the inside, and ours grow from layers under the bark. | In general, any special substance, inside another, by nature. The core of a stone, the core, where it is, of a special type or composition of a stone, inside another. Salt core, in mountain salt (Iletsk), clean proofs, transparent as glass, lie in nests; flint pebble in the chalk, or kaz. heart. Core, related to it. Core root of a tree, seredovaya, taproot, stanovoy, radish. Heart of Psk. hard core; | axis, or spindle, the rod of the lantern. Compassion Wed. heartfelt participation, compassion, pity and efforts to help. Compassionate father. Compassionate noun. and. a compassionate woman, a woman who devoted herself to serving and caring for the sick and wounded; There are also brotherhoods of compassionate widows or sisters. To be compassionate, to devote oneself to this matter; | mocked take care of someone else’s things where they don’t ask, missing out on what’s yours. God is the seer of all our deeds. Someone else's soul is dark, but God alone knows the heart. Heart science cf. knowledge, guessing other people's thoughts, feelings and desires. Heart-shaped, heart-shaped, in the form of a red-colored point.

Modern explanatory dictionary

HEART, the central organ of the circulatory system of animals and humans, pumping blood into the arterial system and ensuring its return through the veins. The heart of some reptiles (crocodiles), birds, mammals and humans is a hollow muscular organ divided into 4 chambers: the right and left atria, the right and left ventricles. In humans, the heart is enclosed in the pericardial sac (pericardium) and located in the mediastinum of the chest cavity. In adults, the length of the heart is 12-15 cm, the transverse size is 8-11 cm, the weight (without blood in the chambers) on average in women is approx. 240 g, for men approx. 330 g. The heart of an adult (under normal conditions) contracts 55-80 times per minute, driving 4.5-5 liters of blood; 60-75 ml of blood is released per contraction. The function of the heart is carried out through alternate contraction (systole) and relaxation (diastole) of the muscles of the atria and ventricles. The activity of the heart is regulated by neurohumoral mechanisms, but the heart muscle is automatic, that is, it is able to contract without the influence of the central nervous system.

Wise words

Words, if only they are well chosen, have such power that what is described on paper often makes a more vivid impression than what is seen in person.

1. About the spiritual qualities and character of a person; about a person as a bearer of any properties, character traits.
About the ability to feel strongly, passionately, to love; about the kind, courageous, straightforward character of a person.
Angelic, selfless, restless, fearless, good (obsolete), noble, big, stormy (obsolete poet), generous, great, faithful, prophetic, impressionable, high, deep, ardent, humane, virgin, kind, trusting, capacious, greedy, pitiful (obsolete), hot, feminine, lively, sultry, golden, meek, affectionate, lion-like, loving, affectionate, thoughtful (colloquial), much-loving, brave (popular poetic and colloquial), young, wise, courageous, soft, rebellious (obsolete poet.), reliable, innocent, tender, frantic, insatiable, incorruptible, immaculate, restless, vast, fiery (obsolete poet.), fiery, huge, eagle-like, brave, responsive, open, mindful, fiery, pliable, impetuous, truthful, righteous, devoted, simple, direct, ardent, zealous (popular poet), fresh, self-willed, holy, bold, passionate, warm, languid, reverent, daring , good, brave, chaste, child-loving (obsolete), philanthropic (obsolete), humane, honest, pure, sensitive, wonderful, sensitive, silky (colloquial), generous, young.
About the inability to feel strongly, passionately, to love; about an indifferent, tough character.
Soulless, fearless, insensitive, deaf, proud, wooden, iron, hard, cruel, envious, callous, hare, bestial (colloquial), evil, snake, stone, shaggy, icy, deceitful, dead, arrogant, inflexible, petrified, petrified, deadened, empty, indifferent, stingy, sleepy, harsh, hard, cowardly, vain, faded, cold (obsolete poet.), cold, black, callous, selfish, selfish. Giant, frozen, misogynistic, hardened, hazy, powerful, calloused, silent, unlucky, burned, obese, numb, slave, gray-haired, stoic, crazy.
2. About the state, mood, experiences.
Poor, joyless, carefree, sleepless, excited, cheerful, resurrected, alarmed, angry, miserable, freezing, tormented, exhausted, tormented, exhausted, light, long-suffering, sore, torn, restless, unhappy, aching, destitute, revived, embittered, devastated, enchanted, victorious (popular poet), calm, calmly happy, joyful, broken, contrite, calm, constrained, suffering, happy, heavy, killed, depressed, sad, tired.

See also `Heart` in other dictionaries


HEART-A; pl. hearts, -dets, -dsam; Wed

1. The central circulatory organ in the form of a muscular sac, located in a person on the left side of the chest cavity. Healthy, sick p. from smb. Molodoe village Increased heart rate. Sore throat gives a complication on p. In the village noises are heard. Heart disease(heart valve disease). Heartbreak. Operation on (open) p. Heart transplant. S. plays pranks, gives in (colloquial). S. beats, knocks, pounding(usually about the manifestation of fatigue, anxiety, excitement). S. falls, trembles, breaks off(about a sudden feeling of anxiety, fear). S. ra...

In the Holy Scriptures it means the center of a person’s spiritual and physical life (De 11.13; 20.3; Acts 4.32), his inner world (De 9.4) and true essence (Jer 17.9). The Lord may touch the heart (1Ts 10.9,26), or may not give the heart-understanding (Deut 29.4). God does not look at a person’s appearance, but at his heart (1C 16.7), from which everything good and bad comes (Mt 12.34-35; Lk 6.45). Only in one place does this word designate a bodily organ (4Ts 9.24). Scripture also speaks about the heart of God (Gen. 8.21; Jer. 30.24. Mt. 11.29).

heart heart pl. hearts, dial heart, Donsk. (Mirtov), ​​Ukrainian heart, blr. heart, other Russian heart, old glory heart καρδία (Supr.), Bulgarian. heart, Serbohorv. srce, slovenian. srcȇ, Czech., Slvts. srdce, Old Polish siеrse, Polish, n.-luzh. serse. Praslav. *sьrdьko, like *sъlnьko (see sun), contains a diminutive. -ko-. The ancient root name is preserved in Old Slav. mercy οἰκτίρμων, tezhkosrad βαρυκάρδιος, other Polish. miɫosirdy "merciful". Wed. also compassionate (Frenkel, ZfslPh 13, 211; Trautman, VSW 302; Meillet, Ét. 343; Brandt, RFV 24, 150; Zubaty, LF 25, 239). Original *sьrd-/*sьrdь is related to lit. širdìs f. "heart", lt. sir̂ds "heart, courage, anger", Old Prussian. seуr "heart" (*sērd-), Greek. κῆρ avg. R. (*k̂ērd-), and...

HEART is the central organ of the circulatory system of animals and humans, pumping blood into the arterial system and ensuring its return through the veins. The heart of some reptiles (crocodiles), birds, mammals and humans is a hollow muscular organ divided into 4 chambers: the right and left atria, the right and left ventricles. In humans, the heart is enclosed in the pericardial sac (pericardium) and located in the mediastinum of the chest cavity. In adults, the length of the heart is 12-15 cm, the transverse size is 8-11 cm, the weight (without blood in the chambers) on average in women is approx. 240 g, for men approx. 330 g. The heart of an adult (under normal conditions) contracts 55-80 times per minute, driving 4.5-5 liters of blood; 60-75 ml of blood is released per contraction. The function of the heart is carried out through alternate contraction (systole) and relaxation (diastole) of the muscles of the atria and ventricles. The activity of the heart is regulated by neurohumoral mechanisms, but the heart muscle has automaticity, that is, it is able to contract without...

1. Central circulatory organ.
2. Collection of poems by a Palestinian poet of the 20th century. Muina Bsisu "Motherland in...".
3. The novel “And Only... Knows” by the American writer Joanna Lindsay.
4. The novel by the American writer Joanna Lindsay “As prompted...”.
5. The novel “This Wild One” by American writer Joanna Lindsay.
6. Alan Parker's film "...Angel".
7. Film by Gianni Amelio “At the very....”
8. Film by Claude Sautet “Ice...”.
9. Collection of Latvian poet of the 20th century. Alexandra Chaka "... on the sidewalk."
10. Collection of Czech poet of the 20th century. Joseph Gore "... and the chaos of the world."
11. Rob Cohen's film "...dragon."
12. Danko Lantern.
13. “... is bleeding.”
14. Film by Ian Softley “Inky...”.
15. Clint Eastwood's film "White Hunter, Black...".
16. Robert Benton’s film “Places in...”.
17. What did the Tin Woodman ask the wizard of the Emerald City?
18. Throbbing in the chest.
19. The novel by American writer Carson McCullers “...


(Irkutsk region) a high-mountain lake on the slope of the Khamar-Daban ridge - in its outline, when viewed from above, it really resembles the shape of a heart. This is one of the favorite places for tourists in Khamar-Daban.

Geographical names of Eastern Siberia. Irkutsk and Chita regions. - Irkutsk: East Siberian Book Publishing House. M. N. Melkheev. 1969.


muscular, rhythmically contracting expansion of the vascular system. Such expansions can occur in both the lymphatic and circulatory systems. In the first case, they are called lymphatic S. (see Lymphatic system), in the second - simply S. S. most often there is one, but along with the main S. there may be other S., smaller in size. Then they are called accessory S. Lymphatic S. are small extensions equipped with openings, one of which is in communication with the lymphatic vessels, and the other with the venous ones. These holes are equipped with valves located in such a way that they pump lymph from the lymphatic system into the venous system. Tailed amphibians have several C on each side of the body along the lateral line. In tailless amphibians, for example. the frog, of which o...


noun, With., used max. often

Morphology: (no) what? hearts, what? to the heart, (see) what? heart, how? with my heart, about what? about the heart; pl. What? hearts, (no) what? hearts, what? hearts, (see) what? hearts, how? hearts, about what? about hearts

human circulatory organ

1. With my heart called the central organ of human blood circulation, which is located in humans...

Heart (Latin Cor, Greek Kardia), the central organ of the circulatory system that carries out blood circulation. S. of mammals is a muscular, four-chambered [four-chambered] organ. consisting of two atria and two ventricles. Located in the chest cavity between the lungs, in front of the diaphragm in the area from the 3rd to the 6th rib, in the plane of the center of gravity of the 2nd quarter of the body. The base of the S. lies at the height of the middle of the 1st rib, the apex is in the area of ​​the 5th-6th intercostal [intercostal] space near the sternum. 3/5 S. is located to the left of the midsagittal plane. Anatomy. S. develops from paired anlages of the visceral layer of mesoderm. It has a cone shape, with a cr. horn. cattle S. narrowed-elongated; [narrowed-elongated;] in horses, sheep and pigs, widened-shortened; in a dog it is round-oval, in a rabbit...


Human* Marriage * Girl * Childhood * Soul * Wife * Woman * Maturity * Mother * Youth * Husband * Men * He and She * Father * Generation * Parents * Family * Heart * Old Age Heart -
The cruelest loneliness is the loneliness of the heart. -
Seek God in your own heart, you will not find Him anywhere else. - Arabic saying
The mind cannot play the role of the heart for long. -
La Rochefoucauld
Happy is the one who keeps his heart pure in dark days. -
Charles de Coster
The sight of misfortune produces the effect of the head of a jellyfish on most people: when they look at it, their hearts turn to stone. -
Helvetius Claude
Of all the paths leading to a woman's heart, pity is the shortest. -
Sometimes a woman’s heart is like snow: barely defiled, it immediately transforms...


Big heart. Razg. Responsive, kind, mentally generous. FSRY, 420.

Throw it out of your heart whom. Gorky Forget someone BalSok, 29.

Tear/rip out of the heart who, what. Razg. Forcing yourself to forget about smb., sth. FSRY, 96; ZS 1996, 303; BTS, 180.

To the heart to whom what. Pribike. Does anyone care? smb. SNFP, 112.

Overwhelm to the heart whom. Sib. Charm someone FSS, 81.

Lie near the heart. Perm. To please someone Podyukov 1989, 105.

Between the hearts [who]. Psk. About a state of quarrel, enmity between someone. SPP 2001, 69.


center. an organ of the circulatory system of animals and humans that pumps blood into the arterial system and ensures its return through the veins. S. of certain reptiles (crocodiles), birds, mammals and humans is a hollow muscular organ divided into 4 chambers: the right and left atria, the right and left ventricles. In humans, S. is enclosed in the pericardial sac (pericardium) and located in the mediastinum of the thoracic cavity. In adults long. S. 12-15 cm, cross-section 8-11 cm, mass (without blood in the chambers) on average. in women approx. 240 g, for men approx. 330 g S. of an adult (under normal conditions) contracts 55-80 times per 1 minute, driving 4.5-5 liters of blood; 60-75 ml of blood is released per contraction. S.'s function is carried out through alternating contraction (systole) and relaxation (diastole) of the atrium muscles...


HEART, a muscular organ that pumps blood throughout the body through the CIRCULATORY SYSTEM. In humans, the heart is located behind the sternum, between the lower parts of the lungs. Divided by a longitudinal muscular wall. The right side of the heart contains only venous blood (poor in oxygen), and the left side contains only arterial blood (enriched in oxygen). Each part consists of two chambers: ATRIUM and VENTRICLE, which are connected by valves. The average heart rate in adults during rest is 70-80 beats per minute.

Heart. The sequence of individual heart contractions occurs with a period of approximately 0.9 seconds; (A) atria (1, 2), filled with blood; atrium walls...

in the understanding of a person in Holy Rus' - the ability to feel, love and do good. “Believe what your heart says, be afraid to think without the participation of your heart,” the Russian people said. “Life is heaven when the heart gives the message to the heart through love.”
However, the feeling of the heart needs spiritual guidance. As Theophan the Recluse writes: “The heart must be kept on a leash, otherwise it will make a lot of nonsense. It is true that even without a heart it is bad: for where there is no heart, what kind of life is there? but still he should not be given free rein. It is blind, and without strict guidance it immediately falls into a ditch.” “It is better to have blind eyes than a blind heart” (“The Tale of Akira the Wise”).
According to popular proverbs: “The heart feels (hears). The heart has ears." The relationship between heart and soul in the popular consciousness is as follows: “The heart is a prophet, and the soul is a measure. The heart is a nurturer, the soul is a uncle”, “The heart protects the soul and troubles the soul”, “The soul knows the soul, but the heart gives news to the heart.”
O. Platonov

Heart `Dictionary of accents of the Russian language`

Heart Ć noun cm. _Appendix II


pl. hearts hearts

according to my heart And according to the heart ( decomposition taste) ;

touches the heart or enough ( decomposition worries) ;

on the heart And lie on your heart or mouth ( decomposition about longing, grief, etc.) ;

I. In the OT and NT the word "S." used preferentially in a figurative sense. In the literal sense, S. is a vital organ (see Deut. 28:28 - “numbness of the heart”); an arrow pierced into S. brings death (2 Samuel 18:14). Lies, fear, disobedience, fright or great joy make S “shake.” (1 Samuel 24:6; 2 Samuel 24:10; Isaiah 7:2). II. The word "S." denotes in the Bible mainly the essence of man. personality, the CENTER OF SOUL AND SPIRIT. Thus, the S. of a person feels depression (Ps 33:19), sadness (John 16:6), confusion (John 14:1), sorrow (2 Cor 2:4) or joy (John 16:22). Human S. is filled with will and determination to act (Neh 4:6, lit. “the heart has enough to work”), it “considers its path”...

Heart the central organ of the circulatory system of animals and humans, pumping blood into the arterial system and ensuring its return through the veins. The heart of some reptiles (crocodiles), birds, mammals and humans is a hollow muscular organ divided into 4 chambers: the right and left atria, the right and left ventricles. In humans, the heart is enclosed in the pericardial sac (pericardium) and located in the mediastinum of the chest cavity. In adults, the length of the heart is 12-15 cm, the transverse size is 8-11 cm, the weight (without blood in the chambers) on average in women is approx. 240 g, for men approx. 330 g. The heart of an adult (under normal conditions) contracts 55-80 times per minute, driving 4.5-5 liters of blood; 60-75 ml of blood is released per contraction. The function of the heart is carried out through alternating contraction (systole) and relaxation...

(cor), the central organ of the circulatory system of animals, whose contractions carry out the circulation of blood or hemolymph through the vessels. Most animals follow. the contraction of S.'s sections and the structure of its valves ensure one-sided blood flow. In the process of evolution, S. differentiates as a section of a blood vessel and first appears in annelids in the form of a pulsating dorsal vessel or part of it. In most mollusks, the ventricle is well developed, consisting of 1-4 (usually 2) atria and a ventricle. In arthropods, the S. is part of the dorsal vessel, divided into chambers, the side walls of which are pierced by openings (ostia), through which blood is sucked into the S. In the lancelet, the role of the S. is performed by part of the abdominal vessel and the base of the vessels carrying blood to the gills. In vertebrates, S. develops during embryogenesis from the primary paired vessel rudiment located under the pharynx. The endocardium is formed from its walls, and the myocardium and epicardium are formed from the adjacent visceral layer of the peritoneum. The plot as a whole...


organ (animal)

for (what), movement, blood

circulatory system

The heart is an organ that is a machine for pumping blood in the body.


cardiography. cardiogram. electrocardiogram. pneumogram.





Ideographic dictionary of the Russian language. - M.: ETS Publishing House. Baranov O.S. . ...

(heart, cor) - a hollow, cone-shaped muscular organ located between the lungs; its apex (apex) is directed downward, forward and to the left. The size of the heart does not exceed the size of a clenched fist. Its walls are formed mainly by striated cardiac muscle (myocardium), which is surrounded by the epicardium and lined with endocardium. The septum (septum) divides the heart into right and left halves, each of which, in turn, is formed by the atrium located above and the ventricle located below it (see figure). Oxygen-depleted blood from the vena cava enters the right atrium, from where it enters the right ventricle through the right atrioventricular orifice. It contracts and pumps blood to the lungs through the pulmonary artery. The oxygenated blood then returns through the pulmonary veins to the left atrium, and from there enters the left ventricle. This causes its contraction, as a result of which blood is thrown into the aorta and then distributed throughout the body. Direction of blood flow...

Wed (cor, cordis?) the thoracic womb, which receives blood from the whole body, cleanses it through the lungs and sends renewed blood to all parts, for nutrition, to turn it into flesh. The human heart is a hollow, strong muscle, divided crosswise inside: at the blunt end (posterior) there are two atria, at the acute (anterior) there are two cavities of the heart; black, burnt (reverse) blood flows into the right atrium, goes from there to the right half of the heart, and from there to the lungs, returns as scarlet, purified, vital blood to the left atrium, from it to the left cavity, and from here it is accelerated by the first fighting vein throughout the body . The heart lies between two unequal halves of the lungs, on the left side, with its base on the gander, surrounded by a tightly strong, leathery membrane, and, compressing and expanding alternately, to expel and receive blood, it gives birth to a pulse or beat that resonates in all the fighting veins of the body. | People often call with their hearts the spoon, the pit of the stomach, the inframammary cavity, above the stomach, where the abdominal cord...

This common Slavic word is of Indo-European nature. We find correspondences in different Indo-European languages: in Armenian – sirt, in Latin – cor, in Hittite – kard. Let us note that the word heart goes back to the same basis as the middle: initially - “that which is in the center.”

(rts), hearts, plural, hearts, hearts, hearts, cf. 1. The central circulatory organ, a muscular sac, located in the left side of the chest cavity in humans. Feel how my heart beats. Chekhov. Heart diseases. Heart disease (disorder of the functioning of the heart valves). And I myself, with an unworthy hand, hit the villain right in the heart. May. || That place on the left side of the chest, under the Crimea there is this organ. He hastily pressed his hand to his heart. Pushkin. The old man, gasping for breath, clutched his heart. 2. transfer This part of the body is a symbol of the focus of a person’s feelings, experiences, and moods. Again his heart flutters. Lermontov. I listen to a fairy tale and my heart sank. Surikov. Burn the hearts of people with the verb. Pushkin. The heart flutters joyfully and painfully. Fet. Horror chills her heart. Nekrasov. An indiscreet hint from her nephew stirred a secret in her heart. Goncharov. She finds no relief for her suppressed tears, and her heart breaks in half. Pushkin. My heart breaks with agony. Nekrasov. My heart aches. My heart aches. Sir...


Indo-European – kerd- (middle, heart).

Common Slavic – sьrdce.

Old Slavonic - heart.

Old Russian - heart.

The word “heart” was known in the early era of the Old Russian language in the form “srdtse” and was borrowed from Old Church Slavonic, where “srdtse” goes back to the Common Slavic suffixal derivative sрд+ce and further to the Indo-European root k\"erd-, kird-.

Related are:

Ukrainian is the heart.

Bulgarian is the heart.

Polish – serce.

Czech – scdce.

Derivatives: heartfelt, core, mercy.

Etymological dictionary of the Russian language. M.: ...

(Acts 16:14) - the seat of human love, desires and affections. Therefore, to the extent that the heart can be the guardian of holy love for God and dispose a person to fulfill God’s commandments, they believe in righteousness with the heart, says St. Paul (Rom. 10:10), in the same way it will be a source of wickedness in a state of corruption. “From the heart come evil thoughts,” says the Savior, “murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false witness and blasphemy” (Matthew 15:9). When your flesh and your body are exhausted, says the Wise One, you will say: Why did I hate instruction and my heart despise reproof" (Proverbs 6:12). "The heart is deceitful above all things, says the Prophet, and desperately wicked, who can know it? " (Jer. 17:9). In response to this expressive question, God himself answers: “I, the Lord, penetrate the heart...

rts], -a, pl. -dtsa, -dts, -dtsam, cf. 1. The central organ of the circulatory system in the form of a muscle sac (in humans, on the left side of the chest cavity). S. is beating. Heart disease. 2. transfer This organ is a symbol of the soul, experiences, feelings, moods. Kind, sensitive, responsive. Callous village Zolotoe village from someone (about a very kind person). He has no heart (about an evil, callous person). Give your s. someone (to fall in love). S. gives news to the heart (about those who love, remember, think about each other; colloquial). 3. transfer The most important place of something, the center. Moscow - s. our Motherland. 4. A symbolic image of the center of feelings in the form of an oval elongated on the sides, gently bifurcated at the top, tapering and pointed at the bottom. S., pierced by an arrow. * Hand on heart (colloquial) - completely frankly. With all my heart or with all my heart - with all my soul, sincerely. With all my heart - the same as with all my heart, with all my soul. The heart rejoices at someone (colloquial) - very pleasant, joyful, the soul rejoices at someone...


the central organ of the circulatory system of animals and humans, pumping blood into the arterial system and ensuring its movement through the vessels.

Comparative morphology. S. is present only in animals with a well-developed circulatory system (See Circulatory system).

Nemerteans do not yet have proper blood circulation; blood is transfused through the vessels only under the influence of contractions of the general muscles of the body. In annelids, proper blood movement is achieved by pulsating the dorsal blood vessel, but some of them, such as earthworms, have additional “side hearts” - pulsating annular vessels. In echiurids, sipunculids, and tentacles (except brachiopods), S. is absent. Brachiopods, in addition to S., located near the stomach and with...

The center of the being, both physical and spiritual, the divine presence at the center. The heart represents central wisdom, the wisdom of feeling as opposed to the rational wisdom of the head. Both methods are reasonable, but the heart is also compassion, understanding, a secret place, love, alms. It contains blood, that is, life. The heart is symbolized by the Sun as the center of life. The shining Sun and the flaming heart are symbols of the centers of the macrocosm and microcosm, meaning man and Heaven, the transcendental understanding. The heart is also often depicted as a triangle resting on its apex. For the Aztecs, the heart is the center of man, religion and love, the unifying principle of life. The sacrifice of the heart symbolized the release of blood, that is, life, the seeding of life so that it would arise and blossom. A pierced heart means repentance. In Buddhism, the heart is the essence of Buddha nature. Diamond Heart is purity and indestructibility; a person whom nothing can harm or unbalance. In Chinese Buddhism there is...

Heart See also: The cardiovascular system
Right atrium
Right ventricle
Left atrium
Left ventricle

Heart(cor) is the main element of the cardiovascular system, ensuring blood flow in the vessels, and is a hollow cone-shaped muscular organ located behind the sternum on the tendon center of the diaphragm, between the right and left pleural cavity. Its weight is 250-350 g. A distinctive feature is the ability to operate automatically.


Scarlet Heart (Gorodetsky); tireless (Fet); restless (Corinthian); sleepless (Remizov); fearless (Fet); stormy (Lermontov, K.R.); generous (Grigorovich); thing (Almazov); deep (P.Y.); deaf (Gorodetsky); proud (Polonsky); hot (P.Y.); good (V. Kamensky, Frug); greedy (Gippius); roast (Lermontov, Fet); iron (Korolenko); hard (Balmont); cruel (Grigorovich, Gusev-Orenburgsky); thoughtfully tender (Balmont); presumptuous (Schumacher); voiced (Bryusov); heart-witch doctor (White); golden (Markevich, L. Tolstoy); sultry (Fofanov); unsteady (Bryusov); stone (Grigorovich); meek (P.Ya.); loving (Andreev); dead (Merezhkovsky); polyphonic (Nadson); soft (Grigor., Frug); rebellious (Rathgauz); inflexible (Tyutchev); timid (Balmont); tender (Kozlov, P.Ya., Frug); full-voiced (Balmont); fiery (Kyleev); cool (Zaitsev); ardent (Kozlov, Pushkin, Ratgauz, Ryleev); zealous (Meln.-Pechersky, Pushkin); ruddy (Fet); passionate (Balmont); severe (Balmont); dark (Balmont); warm (Bykov); languid (Nikitin, Pushkin); reverent (Pushkin, Ratgauz); killed (P.Y.); faded (Pushkin); sensitive (Bryusov, Gaideburov, Mei, P.Ya.)

Epithets of literary Russian speech. - M: Supplier of His Majesty's court - the partnership "Skoropechniki A. A. Levenson". A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913.


1. About spiritual qualities, character of a person; about a person as a bearer of any properties, character traits.

About the ability to feel strongly, passionately, to love; about the kind, courageous, straightforward character of a person.

Angelic, selfless, restless, fearless, good (obsolete), noble, big, stormy (obsolete poet), generous, great, faithful, prophetic, impressionable, high, deep, ardent, humane, virgin, kind, trusting, capacious, greedy, pitiful (obsolete), hot, feminine, lively, sultry, golden, meek, affectionate, lion-like, loving, affectionate, thoughtful (colloquial), much-loving, brave (popular poetic and colloquial), young, wise, courageous, soft, rebellious (obsolete poet.), reliable, innocent, tender, frantic, insatiable, incorruptible, immaculate, restless, vast, fiery (obsolete poet.), fiery, huge, eagle-like, brave, responsive, open, mindful, fiery, pliable, impetuous, truthful, righteous, devoted, simple, direct, ardent, zealous (popular poet), fresh, self-willed, holy, bold, passionate, warm, languid, reverent, daring , good, brave, chaste, child-loving (obsolete), philanthropic (obsolete), humane, honest, pure, sensitive, wonderful, sensitive, silky (colloquial), generous, young.

About the inability to feel strongly, passionately, to love; about an indifferent, tough character.

Soulless, fearless, insensitive, deaf, proud, wooden, iron, hard, cruel, envious, callous, hare, bestial (colloquial), evil, snake, stone, shaggy, icy, deceitful, dead, arrogant, inflexible, petrified, petrified, deadened, empty, indifferent, stingy, sleepy, harsh, hard, cowardly, vain, faded, cold (obsolete poet.), cold, black, callous, selfish, selfish. Giant, frozen, misogynistic, hardened, hazy, powerful, calloused, silent, unlucky, burned, obese, numb, slave, gray-haired, stoic, crazy.

2. About state, mood, experiences.

Poor, joyless, carefree, sleepless, excited, cheerful, resurrected, alarmed, angry, miserable, freezing, tormented, exhausted, tormented, exhausted, light, long-suffering, sore, torn, restless, unhappy, aching, destitute, revived, embittered, devastated, enchanted, victorious (popular poet), calm, calmly happy, joyful, broken, contrite, calm, constrained, suffering, happy, heavy, killed, depressed, sad, tired.

Dictionary of Russian language epithets. 2006 .

Dictionary of epithets. 2013 .


See what “heart” is in other dictionaries:

    HEART- [rts] hearts, plural, hearts, hearts, hearts, cf. 1. The central circulatory organ, a muscular sac, located in the left side of the chest cavity in humans. “Feel how my heart beats.” Chekhov. Heart diseases. Heart disease… … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    HEART- Wed (cor, cordis?) the thoracic womb, which receives blood from the whole body, cleanses it through the lungs and sends renewed blood to all parts, for nutrition, to turn it into flesh. The human heart is a hollow, strong muscle, partitioned... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    HEART- HEART. Contents: I. Comparative anatomy........... 162 II. Anatomy and histology........... 167 III. Comparative Physiology......... 183 IV. Physiology................... 188 V. Pathophysiology................ 207 VI. Physiology, pat.... ... Great Medical Encyclopedia

    Heart- (cor) is the main element of the cardiovascular system, ensuring blood flow in the vessels, and is a hollow cone-shaped muscular organ located behind the sternum on the tendon center of the diaphragm, between the right and left... ... Atlas of Human Anatomy

    Heart- Person * Marriage * Girl * Childhood * Soul * Wife * Woman * Maturity * Mother * Youth * Husband * Men * He and She * Father * Generation * Parents * Family * ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    heart- Chest, soul. Her chest was tight with melancholy. And it aches and aches, it hurts zealously. Ring His whole insides froze. Turg. The spirit freezes at the thought. Potter. See soul.. ache with the heart, take by the heart, take to the heart, pour into the heart, crash into... ... Synonym dictionary

    heart- (2) 1. The inner world of a person, the totality of his feelings, thoughts, experiences: ... I will torture (Igor) with my strength and sharpen my hearts with courage, filling myself with the military spirit. 5. Vayu, brave of heart, is shackled in the cruelty of Haraluz, and in a riot... ... Dictionary-reference book "The Tale of Igor's Campaign"

    HEART- (cor), the central organ of the circulatory system of animals, contractions to which blood or hemolymph circulate through the vessels. Most animals follow. the contraction of S.’s sections and the structure of its valves ensure one-sidedness... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

    You are my heart- studio album by Sofia Rotaru Release date 2007 Recorded 2007 Genre ... Wikipedia

    heart- [rts], a, plural. dtsa, dets, dtsam, cf. 1. The central organ of the circulatory system in the form of a muscle sac (in humans, on the left side of the chest cavity). S. is beating. Heart disease. 2. transfer This organ is a symbol of the soul, experiences, feelings, moods. Kind … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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