Japanese language training program. Programs for learning Japanese. settings and snowball

This app helps you learn hiragana, katakana and kanji. Users, including students studying at a language school in Japan, can test their ability through various methods such as writing or answering questions. The app includes kanji lists for various levels of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, helping you prepare for this popular exam. Users can also practice writing hiragana and katakana with their finger on the screen.

Developer: Atomusk.

Kanji Recognizer

Kanji can be a major barrier for many people who have grown up outside of East Asia to learn Japanese. Kanji Recognizer was created to help these people by allowing them to quickly read and write kanji using the stroke order of the kanji and learn their basic meanings. The screen displays on-yomi and kun-yomi readings in katakana and hiragana, respectively. The application also indicates the JLPT level for each kanji. This application will be indispensable if you decide to start studying at a language school in Japan.

Developer: Nikolai Elenkov.

Availability: Android only.

Hi Native

People who decide to learn Japanese and other languages ​​can use this app to directly ask native speakers questions. For example, you might ask how to pronounce a word in the target language, or whether a phrase sounds right. The application makes it easier to find answers when learning difficulties arise.

Developer: Lang-8, Inc.

Availability: Android and iOS.


This comprehensive dictionary app is very useful for Japanese learners and has a simple, clear interface. It's easy to find kanji classified by JLPT level and school level here and make personal vocabulary lists using your favorite feature. However, users should note that sample sentences are of varying quality.

Developer: Pierre-Philippe di Costanzo.

Availability: iOS only.


Although the name is not particularly inspiring, this dictionary app is extremely useful for beginners and those who are just wondering how much it costs to study at a language school in Japan. It provides several examples showing how to properly use the vocabulary along with reading each kanji. Users can also check pronunciation by clicking on the audio icon. The application has a list of verb conjugations and classifies all words into JLPT levels. Users can search in hiragana, katakana, or kanji.

Developer: Spacehamster.

Availability: Android only.

Learning Japanese

Tae Kim's popular website teaches grammar principles as an app Japanese language. After presenting the three writing systems, it dives into grammar, moving from elementary basics to advanced topics. The explanations are clear and easy to follow. Sample sentences have a full translation, and you can also highlight individual words for reading and setting meanings. It will be especially useful for those who have just decided to learn Japanese and want to go to study at a language school in Japan.

Developers: Ignatius Reza (Android), Ronald Timoshenko (iOS).

Availability: Android and iOS.

Kotoba: Advanced Japanese

The application contains thousands of words, expressions and sample sentences with English translation. Along with vocabulary for different JLPT levels, it includes 20,000 common words from the Mainichi Shimbun. The app remembers which words users have already mastered, allowing them to focus on words they don't know.

Developer: Yutani

Availability: Android only.

Kanjiryoku shindan (Kanji Skill Check)

The interface of this app is entirely in Japanese, making it more accessible for advanced learners. Users can test their knowledge of kanji in a variety of ways, including practicing reading kanji or actually writing the characters on the screen. Those who use this app should try the companion vocabulary app (Vocabulary Skill Check).

Developer: Nowproduction.

Availability: Android and iOS.

So today let's talk about Japanese learning software. There are many programs, especially commercial ones. But there are also free analogues, which are sometimes better than paid ones. In this article, I have tried to collect the most full list Japanese language learning software for different platforms.

First, I will list the programs for learning Japanese that I myself use:

WaKan (Wakan) is a free program for learning Japanese and Chinese. Works under Windows, includes a dictionary of hieroglyphs, combinations, text editor and many other useful features. There is a crack for this program.

Jwpce is another text editor for typing in Japanese. Actually the program is in English, but it's easy to use even if you don't know English. Although, Wakan is much more convenient.

Drill The Kanji is an online program for learning kanji and testing your knowledge. To use it, you need constant access to the Internet. Of course, the program interface on English language but it's free.

— This is an English-Japanese and Japanese-English dictionary program for Linux systems. Of course it's free. It is clear that gjiten will be useful to a very narrow circle of blog readers. Everything on the program's website is in Japanese. I didn't understand anything, maybe you'll have better luck.

JquickTrans is a Japanese language learning program that runs on Windows. There are many more interesting programs on the program website, some educational games for learning Japanese. For Windows.

Kana Sensei is an ancient program for learning hiragana, katakana and some kanji.

- a small program for learning hiragana and katakana. Works only on the Internet. Open the page following the link and after a while the program will start if your browser supports Java.

Kanji Gold - study program Japanese characters. Works under Windows.

Kanji Trainer Penpen is a free Japanese kanji learning game. Something like Tetris.

KanjiQuick is a kanji dictionary containing 6,500 Japanese characters and 47,000 combinations. Not bad, isn't it? Supports manual input of hieroglyphs. Works under Windows. I'm going to try this program.

Finally, yesterday our application became available for download in the Appstore. So, screenshots:

Our trendy pull-out menu

As an exercise, type words using the suggested katakana or hiragana characters:

There are 10 color pictures with hieroglyphs in this game.

If you click on the image, the meaning of the hieroglyph will open

The series is divided into 10, 100, 500, 1000 and 1878 hieroglyphs. Omikuji 10 has the same 10 characters as Anime Tarot. Check what you remember, hieroglyphs or still pictures.

If you click on a hieroglyph, its meaning will open:

check yourself

Repeat, memorize hieroglyphs, wherever you are. If you repeat at least every other day, you will soon be able to read Japanese texts without a dictionary.

Choose an interval

Choose the right option

The 20 basic lessons in the Tutorial are all you need to express yourself in Japanese at a basic level.

Example lesson:

After studying 20 lessons, you will become an advanced student, then in order to express your thoughts in advanced Japanese, you will need 63 magic phrases from the section structures.

Fill it up with your own words (it's convenient to copy from an online dictionary). So, in your dictionary there will be only the necessary words, and not all in a row.

You can fill in words, phrases, sentences. This is your notebook.

Learn to listen to Japanese by listening to the radio. The list includes music and talk stations. I can say that Amine Nfo the coolest

We have our own club

If you are ready to practice Japanese, make mistakes and learn, and are not blinded by “then it will be difficult to relearn”, register in our community. Over time you will have sempai and kouhai and language learning will become more fun. Senpai will help you and you will help your kouhai

The community site has a fierce anti-spam plugin, rejects every tenth, so if you can't register, send your request to add (there will be a text field for this), I will transfer you to the white list, and after a while try to register again. Or leave an email in that field, then I will register you manually.


Follow the updates right from the app so you don't miss anything.

The application is not about which of the three words corresponds to the picture with a strawberry, so it is only suitable for those who want to be able to speak, read and write Japanese. You can download it for free, then you will have access to Anime Tarot 10, Omikuji 10, Radio and RSS.

Registration in the Community is free for now, but I do not exclude the possibility that it will become paid. I like the idea of ​​a closed club "only for insiders" in order to maintain its quality, but if we don't have trolls, spammers and other inadequacies, there will be no point in introducing paid access. In any case, existing users will not be affected by this if they were active or purchased the full version.

Full version costs only 8999r 1990r.

The application is called Hayabachi (早蜂). Download from itunes by reference (or https://site/go/888/).

Now the Japanese language has become even more accessible and you are one step away from understanding it!

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