Role-playing game “School” for older children. Attributes for the role-playing game "School" Role-playing game "School"

Play is the leading activity of a preschooler. Role-playing games reflect children’s ideas about the world around them, relationships and professional responsibilities of people. The child is transported out of everyday routine: he tries on an interesting role, uses memory images and fantasy to act in an imaginary situation. Role-playing games not only entertain the child, but are also an element of the educational process in kindergarten.

Goals and objectives of role-playing games in kindergarten

The essence of a role-playing game is that the child comes up with a fictitious situation, chooses attributes and acts in accordance with the plan.

Children play in the Toy Store. Goods (toys) are placed on the table, price tags are attached to them (provided that the children are already familiar with numbers and numbers; these can be ready-made sticker plates or self-signed pieces of paper). On the “counter” there is a toy cash register with bills and coins. Children are assigned roles: seller, cashier, buyers. A fictitious situation should be played out: buyers selecting goods, seller assistance, making a purchase at the checkout.

According to child psychologists and teachers, interest in role-playing games arises by the age of three. This is due to the fact that in the first years of life, the child accumulates ideas about the world, learns to operate with objects, and develops coordination of movements. However, the initial elements of role-playing play can be traced in the independent activities of children 2–3 years old, when children, in actions with toys, reproduce what they see in everyday life.

The initial role-playing game consists of reproducing the actions of adults seen by the baby in everyday life

When the author of this article became a mother for the second time, her first son was barely one and a half years old. Naturally, the older child watched the baby and how his parents took care of him: bathing him, swaddling him, feeding him from a bottle, putting him to bed. And at the age of two years, the son repeated scenes of everyday life with toys. He rocked the little bear in his arms and hummed a lullaby, gave him a pacifier and a rattle, and rolled him in a stroller. That is, the child tried on the role of a parent.

In preschool childhood, play is educational in nature: with its help, important personal qualities are formed and mental abilities are developed. Role-playing games are one of the main teaching methods: a culture of relationships within a team is established, respect for the work of adults and various professions is instilled, and simple social competencies (how to behave in society) are established. The purpose of conducting role-playing games with preschoolers is the diversified development of the child’s personality in a fictitious situation.

Play has been used as a form of learning almost since ancient times.

Jan Amos Comenius

Table: tasks of the role-playing game

Age category of childrenTasks
3–4 years
  • Formation of the ability to act in accordance with the proposed scenario.
  • Development of imagination, the ability to come up with a simple plot in a fictional situation.
  • Enrichment of active vocabulary.
4–5 years
  • Development of communication abilities.
  • Developing the ability to independently assign roles and select items for play.
  • Enriching the social experience of children (rules of behavior in the library, store, public transport, clinic, etc.).
  • Development of dialogical speech skills.
5–6 years
  • Developing the ability to independently determine the rules and improvise during the game.
  • Encouragement to use images and plots of works of art in games (from fairy tales and stories, films and cartoons).
  • Activation of dialogic speech.
6–7 years
  • Development of children's creative abilities: the desire to use musical instruments in the game, add elements of dance and singing.
  • Creating a sustainable interest in the professional activities of adults (playing police officers, rescuers, doctors, astronauts, scientists, etc.).
  • Creating motivation for making decorations and attributes for future games.

In a role-playing game, children consolidate knowledge about the profession (salesperson-cashier) and learn the culture of visiting a store

Types of role-playing games

Based on the focus of the educational goal and the methods of achieving it, role-playing games are divided into creative, plot-didactic and interactive.

  • In creative role-playing games, children fantasize as much as possible; they do not simply copy the behavior of adults in specific life situations, but show their own version of actions under fictitious circumstances. Children are transformed according to a game plan: they become circus performers, scientists in the laboratory, surgeons, and fashion designers. There are no limits to children's imagination in creative games. By conspiracy, they act in everyday situations: a bus ride, a trip to the theater or museum, lunch in a cafe. Or they can be transferred to plots from films and books: becoming paleontologists at excavations, flying to Mars, inventing a time machine.

    The creative game “Journey into Space” begins with one of the students declaring himself a captain and offering to fly to the moon. The guys agree: the boys build a spaceship (from chairs or soft modules), the girls collect supplies for the journey. When everything is ready, the captain commands: “Let's go!”, and the journey begins. The guys talk about what they see through imaginary portholes and show action in zero gravity. Suddenly a breakdown occurs, the ship lands on the nearest planet, and the astronauts explore unknown territory.

    The students independently developed a plan, prepared objects for the game and assigned roles

  • A plot-based didactic game is a playful form of learning; it synthesizes the creative activity of children with the study of visual materials and the practical application of knowledge acquired in the classroom. The teacher always leads this type of game: voices the responsibilities for each role, monitors the progress of the game, and corrects the implementation of the didactic task. Plot-based didactic games are built on the basis of creative games already familiar to children: “Shop”, “Kindergarten”, “Bank”, “Canteen”. The game acquires additional content: cognitive (the difference between fruits and vegetables in the game “Dining Room” or “Vegetable Garden”), mathematical (count the number of objects in a game situation), linguistic (relevant for groups in which the national language is studied).

    The author’s children love to play “Supermarket”. The eldest son is preparing to enter school, he can add and subtract within 100 - he plays the role of a cashier, placing toy bills into cells. My daughter is learning to write, she is drawing up price tags for goods, her role in the game is the buyer. The game scenario is classic: the buyer puts goods into the cart, the cashier punches, the purchase is made. The didactic content of the game consists of training the daughter’s ability to write numbers and improving the son’s computational operations (addition and subtraction).

    The game involves the practical application of mathematical knowledge: getting a sum (adding the denomination of banknotes or the cost of goods), counting change

  • The organization of interactive games is due to the introduction of technical means into the educational process of preschool educational institutions (the use of ICT). The use of an interactive board in role-playing games enriches the gaming experience of preschoolers. Photographs of real places (sea, tropical landscapes, cities and representatives of distant countries) and fantastic scenes (illustrations of a magical land, the era of dinosaurs, alien races) are projected onto the screen.

    During the role-playing game “Space Travel”, video clips of the rocket launch and the crew’s stay inside the ship are shown on the interactive board. To develop the game plot, landscapes of various cosmic phenomena are used: meteor shower, comet flight, black hole. Pupils are invited to complete tasks on the interactive board on the topic of previous lessons: crew members consolidate knowledge about the rotation of the planets and the structure of the solar system.

    Space landscapes are projected onto the board in order to maximize children’s immersion in the gaming environment and to consolidate knowledge in small didactic tasks

Based on the theme, role-playing games are conventionally divided into business, modern, and games based on the interests of boys and girls.

  • A business game is a recreation by children of the content of the professional activities of adults. The interaction between the game participants reflects the model of cooperation between managers and specialists. Business games are aimed at developing a culture of relations in society and primary ideas about professional ethics. Children must understand that not only bosses, captains, directors are important, but also every team member. Responsibility in fulfilling professional duties and coherence in the work of the team is the key to successful work (in a kindergarten - work-play).

    Examples of business games for primary and secondary preschoolers: “Hairdresser”, “Grocery Store”, “Cafe”, “Post Office”, “Garage”, “On the Bus”, “Ship Trip”.
    Business games for older preschoolers require the ability to act in concert and in a coordinated manner: “Operating Room”, “School”, “Experimental Laboratory”, “Rescue Team”, “Editors/Journalists”, “Space Crew”.

    Children act within the framework of roles - auto mechanics, driver

  • A modern role-playing game is based on the plots of real life in the 21st century. A child’s consciousness is absorbent: the places visited by the child, how adults usually behave there, and what roles they play in the functioning of various enterprises are stored in memory. The world of adults is changing, children learn about the structure of modern society and new professions, including from television programs. The themes of children's games are expanding, and new attributes are appearing. And we can watch how children play “Office”, “Real Estate Agency”, “Hypermarket”, “Cellular Communications Salon”, “Travel Company”, “Design Studio”, “Model Agency”, “Management Company”, “ Animal shelter”, etc.

    The modern role-playing game "Sberbank" copies the model of professional relationships "bank operator - client". The game is suitable for older preschoolers who have an idea of ​​the provision of services in a savings bank (visited with their parents): paying receipts, issuing a bank card, issuing cash, transferring funds, etc. The teacher makes some attributes for the game together with the children: a terminal and an ATM (stick on the boxes are printed screens with buttons), badges for operators, banknotes and coins.

    The game uses old bank cards, a keyboard and telephone, fake banknotes and a terminal

  • Games are divided according to interests - for boys and girls - at the age of 4–5 years. Girls like to model the role of mother, housewife, traditionally female professions (nurse, nanny, teacher, canteen employee). For girls' role-playing games, a small space and a sufficient number of dolls and accessories (strollers, cribs, dishes, clothes) are required. Boys reproduce the male model of behavior in games: protecting the population (military-themed games, police, fire), construction, activities with equipment and transport.

    The writer of these lines observes every evening several companies in the senior group that her son attends. Girls play “Fashion House”, “Nail Salon”, “Mothers and Daughters” in the play activity corner. While boys' role-playing games have a larger scope and go beyond the play area: their games are active and often noisy. The favorite games of my son and classmates are “Policemen and Thieves”, “Builders”, “Motorists and Inspector”.

    Boys are interested in playing builders using special equipment, clothing and tools

    With older preschoolers, the teacher needs to organize joint role-playing games for boys and girls so that an idea is formed about the importance of interaction between men and women in everyday life, about professionalism, regardless of gender. In the games “Family” and “Welcoming Guests”, children try on different age roles (kids, parents, aunts and uncles, older generation of relatives), develop a culture of communication with adults, with guests, and are reminded that household chores are carried out by all family members (mother cooks , washes, irons, dad fixes, makes repairs, children help). The game “War” contributes to the patriotic preparation of pupils: children understand the importance of each participant in this difficult situation, girls are assigned roles in the camp kitchen and the medical aid station.

    Both girls and boys participate in military-patriotic games, because everyone can help their homeland

When to conduct role-playing games

Role-playing games are usually held between classes and in free time in the afternoon. You can play the game while walking.

Often role-playing games are included in the structure of speech and creative activities. The role of the teacher is to pronounce the conditions and plan of the game and to control the actions of the children, since the game in this case is a learning tool.

Role-playing game acts as a means of speech development. During the speech lesson, children study visual materials on the named topic, talk with the teacher, learn new words and explain their meaning. The teacher suggests immersing them in the topic and playing, actively using new words in dialogues.

The role-playing game “At the doctor’s appointment” is used in a speech lesson on the topic “Polyclinic” in the middle group. Children distribute roles: dentist, pediatrician, ophthalmologist, patients. The teacher gives a task: in the dialogue between the doctor and the patient, words related to the topic of the lesson should be used (names of medical specialties, “examination”, “symptoms”, “diagnosis”, “prescription”).

In role-playing games, children apply the knowledge acquired in a speech lesson on medical topics.

To activate imagination and develop talents, role-playing games are carried out in creative classes: music, choreography and theatrical activities. After familiarizing children with a certain group of musical instruments, they are invited to play the game “Wind/String/Folk Ensemble”; in the preparatory group, the role-playing role-playing in a music lesson becomes more complicated.

Playing in the preparatory group “Symphony Orchestra” requires students to know the professional duties of a conductor and his interaction with all members of the orchestra. To play the roles of musicians (violinists, flutists, drummers, etc.), children must be familiar with all groups of instruments and ways of playing them.

Musical classes and especially choreographic classes include role-playing games and dances. Children perform movements to the music in accordance with the theme of the composition: “At the edge of the forest” - children depict bunnies, foxes, bear cubs, “Dance with sabers” - improvisation on a military plot, “Lumberjacks”, “Mowers” ​​- simulation of labor activity in dance.

To the music, children dance in accordance with the plot: a wolf catches a hare

Also, role-playing games are the first stage of theatrical activities for preschoolers. Playing games based on literary works are held with children (in a theater corner or an additional education group): “Teremok”, “Turnip”, “The Fox and the Hare”, “Moidodyr”, etc.

The dramatization game is based on a fairy tale known to children

Conducting role-playing games in kindergarten

The organization of role-playing games begins with the preparation of attributes and toys. For younger preschoolers, the teacher selects items for specific games and places them in the play area for free access, which stimulates interest in developing independent activities. For children 4–7 years old, attributes are stored in the play area in sections/boxes by topic (“Cookware”, “Tools”, “Medicine”). Children from older groups are happy to make materials for games with their own hands: swords from cardboard, products from plasticine, substitute drawn pictures.

The play activity of younger preschoolers is activated using a ready-made set for role-playing games

Methodology for organizing role-playing games

The teacher gets acquainted with the long-term plan for the development and enrichment of play activities, identifies the children’s personal interests and the ability to independently think through the plot. Taking into account the data received, he begins to organize a role-playing game in the group.

  1. Choosing a theme for the game, drawing up a rough game plan with possible plot options.
  2. Preparing the gaming environment: pieces of furniture, gaming attributes and substitutes, costume details, materials for self-production of objects according to plan.
  3. Creating motivation and starting the game:
    • the teacher creates a game or problem situation (“Guys, Cheburashka has never been to the circus, let’s show him a show?”, “The residents of Chunga-Changa island invite us to visit!”, “The dolls have accumulated a lot of dirty clothes, let’s arrange a laundry for them!” );
    • conducting a short conversation on the topic of the game (“What acts are performed in the circus?”, “What is needed for a sea voyage?”, “What household appliances are in the laundry?”);
    • guide to the game (for younger preschoolers - direct, for older children - indirect): distribution of roles, designation of an approximate plot;
  4. Maintaining the game situation: monitoring the emotional state of all participants in the game, hints to enrich the plot, encouragement;
  5. Completion of the game: analysis of the roles played, implementation of the plot idea, praise for initiative and manifestation of imagination.

Video: organizing role-playing games in kindergarten at all age levels

Card index of role-playing games - table

Age groupMethodical techniquesApproximate topics
First junior (nursery)Role-playing pair interaction: the teacher, as a play partner, develops the child’s abilities and plays the “leading” role.
  • Everyday scenes: “Home”, “Family”, “Mom and baby”, “Family tea party”, “Animal exhibition” (with plush toys), “Lunch for dolls”.
  • People's professions: “Shop”, “Mail”, “Driver and passenger”, “Builders”, “At the hairdresser”.
Second youngestRole-playing dialogue:
  • with a teacher;
  • with a classmate.
  • Household: “Birthday”, “Holiday with the family”, “Going for a walk”, “Zoo” (with substitute toys or animal masks).
  • Business: “At the doctor’s appointment”, “Hospital for dolls”, “Cooks”, “Toy store”, “Postman”.
  • On the themes of literary works: plots of folk tales “The Mitten”, “The Fox and the Hare”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, based on the author’s fairy tales “Travel with Aibolit”, “Moidodyr visiting the guys”.
AverageThe structure of the game is based on the ability to change the role of the same child during one game:
  • at the initial stage of mastering a new way of playing, the teacher is a partner and helps the children (“Now I am also a bus passenger. Now I am a conductor/traffic inspector/gas station worker/car mechanic”);
  • games with a partner and in small subgroups.
  • Household: “We have a new baby in our family”, “Mother’s holiday”, “Big laundry” / “General cleaning”, “Bath day” (with dolls), “On the subway”.
  • Business: “Truck Drivers”, “Department Store”, “Construction Site” (houses, bridges, towers, fortresses), “Emergency Medical Care”, “At the Pharmacy”, “Veterinary Center”, “Sailors and Fishermen”, “At the Circus” "
  • Literary: “Postman Pechkin in Prostokvashino”, “Journey to Cheburashka’s homeland”, “Holiday on the island of Chunga-Changa”.
  • Heroic-patriotic: “Firemen”.
OlderChildren develop the ability to act in role-playing games according to the “Meaning Bush” principle: one child changes several roles during the game. A developmental element in the game for senior preschoolers is the introduction of a non-standard character (Baba Yaga in the hairdresser, Gena the crocodile in the museum, Cheburashka in space, etc.).
  • Household: “Moving to a new apartment”/“Housewarming”, “Road rules”.
  • Business: “In the kindergarten” (dolls replace the pupils, children play professional roles - teacher, manager, nanny, caretaker, etc.), “Treatment room” / “Emergency room”, “In the savings bank” / “Bank”, “Designer” studio", "Car service", "Fashion studio", "Photo salon", "Beauty salon"/"Manicure studio", "Library".
  • Literary: “The Gray Neck”, “The Frog Princess”, “Dunno in the Flower City”.
  • Heroic-patriotic: “Rescuers”, “Border Guards”, “Fortress Defense”, “Satellite Launch”.
PreparatoryRole-playing games are built by children aged 6–7 years according to the principle of inventing:
  • “losing” the plot of a familiar fairy tale;
  • inventing a new fairy tale story;
  • telephone conversations;
  • inventing real life stories.
  • Household: “Walk around the city”, “Excursion to the museum”, “New Year with the family”, “Apartment renovation”, “Participating in a community cleanup”, “Our pets”.
  • Business: “Correspondents”, “Cafe”, “In the theatre”, “City of Masters”, “In the office”, “Travel agency”, “Communication salon”, “Fashionist - atelier for ladies”, “On television”, “School” , "Railway Station"/"At the Airport".
  • Literary: “Winter House”, “Chuck and Huck”, “In Search of Snowdrops”, “The Princess and the Pea”.
  • Heroic-patriotic: “Rescue Service”/“Ministry of Emergency Situations”, “Police Station”, “Staff Police”, “Flight of Yuri Gagarin”, “Landing on the Moon”.
  • Directing: children teach puppet or finger theater characters to perform their roles.

Temporary game plan in kindergarten

The provisions of SaNPin on the organization of work hours in preschool educational institutions do not contain direct instructions on the duration of play activities for preschoolers. Since a role-playing game organized by a teacher is considered a form of education in kindergarten, let us equate its duration to the temporary norms of educational and physical education classes.

Table: approximate time plan of games

Topic, groupBeginning of the gameMain part of the gameEnding the gameTotal duration
“At an appointment at the clinic”, first junior groupThe teacher invites the children to play “Polyclinic”, shows the doctor’s office, distributes roles (doctor, patients waiting in line with various complaints), talks through exemplary partner dialogues with the children.
2–3 minutes
Children in pairs act out dialogues (“What are you complaining about?”, “Doctor, I have pain...”, “Let’s do an examination,” “I’m prescribing for you...”); The role of the doctor is transferred several times to different students.
9–10 minutes
The teacher praises the children, asks about their favorite moments, and asks them to put their toys back in their places.
2–3 minutes
15 minutes
"Ride the Subway", middle groupThe primary distribution of roles, the guys try to think through the plot on their own, select attributes.
3–4 minutes
The teacher prompts the students to change roles, directs the plot, and suggests using additional gaming materials.
12–14 minutes
Discussing the game as a whole, expressing impressions, planning possible options to enrich the plot
2–5 minutes
20 minutes
“On the Border”, preparatory groupDistribution of roles, drawing up a game plan, preparing the place, making some attributes for the game, transformation in the dressing room.
4–7 minutes
Building a plot according to the students' ideas.
Analysis of the game: what attributes were missing, how to improve it, diversify the plot, what to add in costumes.
3–5 minutes
30 minutes

If the teacher sees the children's interest in playing for a longer period of time and does not observe signs of overwork or excessive excitement, it is worth increasing the time for the game a little.

Video: role-playing game “Journey into Space” in the preparatory group (30 minutes)

Summary of the role-playing game “Beauty Salon” in the middle group - table

  • Improve children’s ability to unite in play, distribute roles, and perform game actions.
  • Develop the ability to select objects and attributes for the game.
  • Foster respect for the work of beauty salon workers.
  • To develop the ability to communicate kindly with peers, to take into account the interests of comrades.
  • Expand children's understanding of the work of adults (hairdresser, manicurist, cleaner).
EquipmentSubstitute items, waste material, sets of special “Children’s hairdresser” toys, towels, aprons, negligees, children’s cleaning toys, screen, tape recorder, badges.
Preliminary workExcursion to a beauty salon, conversation with employees, examination of illustrative material, making attributes for the game.
Game Guide- Children, today we will go to a very interesting event that will take place in our beloved city of Serpukhov. Let's put on jackets and hats (I show) and stand in pairs. Be careful and attentive on the street (the soundtrack “Street Noise” plays).
- Here we are. Here on this beautiful day a new beauty salon “Cinderella” opens. And we will be its first visitors.
- Tell me, children, what are beauty salons for? (children's answers)
- What do people do in a beauty salon? (children's answers) Who works in the salon? (hairdresser, manicurist, cosmetologist, massage therapist, cleaner). Let's go to Cinderella. The doors are open to salon visitors! (celebratory music sounds).
- Look how beautiful and cozy the salon is! This is a convenient waiting room for clients, where you can look at fashion magazines and choose a beautiful haircut. This is the hall where hairdressers work. Tell me, what kind of work do hairdressers do? What do they need to work? (children's answers)
- Lisa told us better than anyone else about the work of a hairdresser. You will work as a foreman behind this chair (I show). And the second master will be Kostya. I noticed that he really likes this profession. This is your workplace behind this chair (I show). Do you remember? Let's go through
further. This is a manicure salon. What is the name of the master who works here? (manicurist) What is she doing? Which of you could work as a manicurist?
- Okay, Katya, you will work in a manicure salon. You told me that there is also a cleaning lady working in the salon. What she does is very important. The cleaning lady keeps the salon clean and tidy. And when the salon is clean and tidy, clients like it. It's always nice to be in such a room. Hairdressers are grateful for her work. Which one of you guys could handle this role? Who can be entrusted with this responsible task? You, Arina, will be the cleaner. And with your permission, I will become the owner of the Cinderella salon. I will watch your work and help.
- So, our hairdressers are Lisa and Kostya, the manicurist is Katya, the cleaning lady is Arina, and the rest are visitors. Sit down in armchairs and on the sofa, look at magazines. Do not forget to behave quietly and calmly, wait for the master to invite you. And you take everything you need for work and go to your chairs. Be attentive, polite and friendly with your clients. Handle equipment with care. Our salon is starting its work! (music sounds).
Perform game actions.
- Children, the working day is ending, it’s time for us to close the beauty salon. Tomorrow it will definitely open its doors for you.
- What roles did you enjoy playing?
- What was interesting in the game?
- How many of you would like to work in a beauty salon when you become adults?

In role-playing games, children learn to master elements of new professions, for example, nail technicians

Attributes and visual material for games

There are many ideas on how to diversify children's games using various attributes and design options. Substitute items and toys for role-playing games can be easily made with your own hands, including from waste material. Pupils and parents should be involved in replenishing the material base of the play corner.

Video: attributes for role-playing games

Photo gallery: ready-made sets for games

Overalls and tools for playing construction game Phonendoscope, other tools and bottles for playing the role of a doctor Cash register, basket and goods for playing in a supermarket/shop Menu and a set of products for playing in a cafe Set of utensils for playing in a family, kitchen, restaurant
Tools for cutting, styling and hairstyles

The toys in ready-made sets are functional: a calculator is built into the cash register, the burners on the kitchen stove light up, the hair dryer makes noise and blows, the drill rotates, etc. These attributes for games are the most accurate copies of real appliances and tools, they are bright and comfortable.

Photo gallery: attributes made from waste material

Attributes for playing space travel Attributes for playing grocery store or cafe Attributes for playing construction or apartment renovation Attributes for playing correspondents Attributes for playing office, agency Attributes for playing kitchen, cafe, farm Attributes for playing clinic Attributes for beauty salon/nail salon games

Using homemade objects in games arouses genuine interest in children and stimulates their imagination. Children often create simple substitute objects for games themselves: sticks as sabers, elements from construction sets as tools for construction, etc. Waste material is used to enrich the play environment: bubbles and jars for playing in the pharmacy and treatment room, empty bottles and boxes with labels - for filling the shelves of a grocery store, bottles of shampoos, nail polishes - for a beauty salon.

Photo gallery: role-playing costumes

Ready-made costumes for role-playing games can be placed in the dressing-up corner or play area A simple version of role-playing costumes with your own hands: decorate aprons with special symbols of professions Attributes and elements of costumes for playing a sea voyage Do-it-yourself astronaut costume Hats for the game based on a folk tale

Children love to transform and try on elements of workwear: caps, construction helmets, aprons, hats. Role-playing costumes for children's games are easy to make yourself: add symbolic designations of professions to aprons, make hats or masks of heroes for story-based games.

An incident from the life of the author of the article: children came up with a game about superheroes. There were no special masks or clothes at home, and my imagination immediately kicked in! The superhero mask was made from a piece of dark fabric with slits for the eyes. The Wonder Girl costume was made from her mother’s T-shirt and a hat made from a plastic sheet.

Children are incredible dreamers, they make costumes out of simple things and can imagine themselves as anyone

Photo gallery: design of the gaming environment

The pharmacy display window with a window is made with your own hands using printed images of medicines (leaflets can be taken at any pharmacy) Filling with real objects (fabric samples, sewing accessories, magazines with patterns) encourages children to become more familiar with the structure of the atelier Original design of the play environment using waste material ATM for a modern game, it can be made from an ordinary box. The most important thing in a gaming environment with a nautical theme is the presence of a ship. The gaming environment consists of homemade items with the symbols of the Russian Post. For a modern role-playing game, equipment is used, and children’s drawings are used to decorate the gaming office. The gaming environment is filled with real objects (tools and devices) and an important homemade attribute - a table for assessing vision

As mentioned above, gaming activities are rapidly developing with the use of real objects and waste material. Children try to bring their games as close to reality as possible. Therefore, in the design of the gaming environment, it is advisable to use non-working household and technical appliances, magazines and books, empty containers with labels, and signs with logos of existing companies.

Analysis of role-playing games

In order to identify the effectiveness of the teacher’s organizational abilities in role-playing games and adjust the plan for further activities, the teacher analyzes the game.

The protocol is drawn up according to the following criteria:

  1. Correspondence of the theme and content of the game to the interests of the students and the level of their gaming skills.
  2. Correspondence of the preparatory stage to the age category of children.

    The playing environment, the choice of attributes and the plot plan are thought out by the teacher - for younger children. Children independently selected attributes from those proposed and outlined a game plan - middle age. In accordance with the theme of the game, the pupils themselves prepared the subject conditions, made the material and attributes, assigned roles and developed the plot - older preschoolers.

  3. Description of methods for guiding the course of gaming activities, their effectiveness.
  4. What tasks were implemented in the game.
  5. Assessment of pupils’ activities:
    • means of embodying roles (use of costumes, facial expressions, gestures, expressiveness of speech);
    • use of attributes;
    • communicative aspect in the game (interaction with a partner, help, absence of conflict situations).
  6. Completion of the game: the logical conclusion of the game plot, the emotional state of the children (signs of overwork, high spirits, desire to develop the game plot in the future).
  7. The direction of the teacher’s subsequent work: adjusting/improving the methodology for conducting the game, what means to enrich the children’s gaming experience.

Proper organization of play activities in kindergarten contributes to the development of personal qualities of pupils. In role-playing games, children expand their understanding of relationships between adults, form primary professional competencies, and gain respect for human work. Children show initiative in developing stories on everyday and fantastic themes, revealing their creative potential by transforming into the assigned role.


Gracheva Marina Sergeevna, physical education teacher at Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 3”, Bratsk, Irkutsk region.
Purpose: outdoor games are a universal means of physical education in preschool institutions and primary schools; in addition, they are the leading type of activity for preschool children. The use of outdoor games allows us to enhance the possibilities of pedagogical influences, contributing to the successful formation of vital motor skills, knowledge systems, mental and moral qualities of the individual. “An outdoor game is a type of activity characterized by active creative motor actions motivated by its plot” (V.E. Grizhenya). The game can be played in a variety of conditions: in the hall, on the sports ground, in recreation, both during physical education lessons and during extracurricular activities, and used as a means of active recreation in a health camp. At the same time, the age and number of participants can be completely different and are not regulated in any way.
This event may be interesting physical education teachers, additional education teachers, summer camp workers, organizers in kindergartens.
Description: games activate cognitive activity, developing observation, attention, motor memory, imagination, and intelligence. The social significance of the game is due to the fact that games are collective in nature and teach interaction, which is built on a sense of camaraderie, solidarity and responsibility. methodically correctly constructed and systematically used outdoor games have a positive effect on the cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, respiratory and other systems of the body. During the game, functional activity increases, large and small muscles are involved in work, mobility in joints increases, motor and visual analyzers are improved.
Target: formation of vital motor skills, knowledge systems, mental and moral qualities of the individual in the process of using outdoor games,
1. Fostering the need for outdoor games;
2. Fostering collectivism, interaction and mutual understanding; needs for movement, communication, independence, receiving positive emotions, novelty, self-affirmation;
3. Unlocking the potential of every child;
4. Comprehensive development of physical qualities;
5. Satisfying the biological and social needs of those involved.

The health of the younger generation is a matter of serious concern today and is a matter of concern for the state and society. To solve this problem, the formation of physical culture of the student’s personality is of great importance, in promoting the development of which outdoor games are of great importance, allowing to instill a sustainable interest and form value orientations of the younger generation in the context of leading a healthy lifestyle.
The effectiveness of the physical education process is directly related to increased creative initiative, independence, expansion of physical education means, and satisfaction of the actual needs of the child’s personality in the process of physical education and sports activities. All these tasks can be successfully solved by outdoor games.
N.K. Krupskaya called play “a natural need of a growing child’s body.” Outdoor play has unlimited possibilities for the simple reason that it helps to satisfy many needs at the same time: movement, self-affirmation, receiving positive emotions, relaxation, communication, independence, new experiences, etc.
A large number of outdoor games are very similar in essence, differ in certain nuances of the rules, but have the same basic content: one or more drivers catch up and catch other players, after which the caught players change places with them.
We offer you several options for outdoor games that have verbal accompaniment (recitative), which makes them more emotional and expressive, contributing to the development of creative imagination. These games are used mainly with children in primary school.

1. “Two frosts”

Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: at opposite ends of the hall or site, at a distance of 10-15 meters, “home” and “school” are marked with parallel lines. From among the players, two “frosts” are selected - “blue nose frost” and “red nose frost”, all the other “guys” who are located behind the house line. In the middle between “home” and “school” there are two “frosts”.
Contents and course of the game: frosts turn to the guys with the words:
“We are two young brothers, two brave frosts!”
One of them, pointing to himself, says:
“I am frost - red nose!”,
another: “And I am frost - blue nose!”,
and together: “Which of you will decide to set off on the path?”
The guys all answer together:
“We are not afraid of threats and we are not afraid of frost!”
After these words, the players run from home to school. The frosts catch, “freeze” those running, and they immediately stop at the place where the frosts “frozen” them. Then the frosts again turn to the guys with the same words, and the guys, having answered, run back into the house, helping out the “frozen” guys along the way, touching them with their hands, and they join the rest of the players. After several runs, new frosts are chosen from among the uncaught players, and those caught are counted and released, after which they join the rest of the players, after which the game starts over.
The players should run out of the house only after pronouncing the words, and they cannot run back into the house or stop in place.
If the player does not follow these rules, he is considered caught.
The caught person must remain in the place where he was “frozen.”
accelerations alternating with pauses.
Pedagogical significance: the game teaches collective action and mutual assistance, teaches how to run in an organized manner, and at the same time, when given a signal, to join the game, while developing independence, initiative, and creative imagination. The game develops speed, speed endurance, and agility.
Since the game is thematic in nature, it is advisable to conduct it in the fall or winter.
If the game is played outdoors, then the recitative can be shortened to the words: “Which one of you decides to set off on this little path?”
Caught players, in order to avoid freezing from standing for long periods of time, can perform motor actions, such as jumping.
At the end of the game, the best guys who have never been caught in the cold are celebrated, as well as the best pair of drivers.
If time permits, it is advisable that all players play the role of frost.
If the game is played in a mixed group (boys and girls together), then you can choose a boy and a girl as drivers, with the girl “freezing” the girls and the boy the boys.
The game can be played starting from 1st grade.

3. The choice of untrained drivers.
4. The game is not held in accordance with the season.

2. “Geese - swans”

Location: playground, gym, corridor, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: On the sides of the hall or area, a long line marks the “houses” of the “geese”, between them there is a “wolf’s lair”. One or more players are chosen as “wolves”, the other as “mistress of geese”; the remaining participants are “geese” and “swans”. The wolf stands in its den, the geese are swans in their home, the mistress is away from the geese.
Contents and course of the game: The mistress of the geese comes up to the house and says loudly:
"Geese - geese!"
Geese answer: "Ga-ga-ha!"
The hostess asks: “Do you want something to eat?”
Geese answer: "Yes Yes Yes!"
The hostess offers: “So fly home!”
Geese answer: “The gray wolf is under the mountain, he won’t let us go home, he sharpens his teeth, he wants to eat us!” The hostess says: “So fly as you want, just take care of your wings!”
The geese fly to their house, and the wolf catches them. The caught geese go to the wolf's den, and the game continues.
The geese fly into the field, and the wolf begins to catch them only after the words of the mistress.
You can only fish up to the borders of the house.
When the wolf catches several geese, the game ends, a new wolf and mistress of the geese are chosen, and the game starts over.
Preferred type of movement: acceleration with a change in direction of movement combined with pauses.
Pedagogical significance: the game teaches you to act in an organized manner in a team, at the same time and quickly get involved in the game, develops expressive speech skills, creative imagination, initiative, dexterity, and courage.
You need to learn the text before starting the game.
When a small number of players take part in the game, you can continue the game until the wolf catches all the geese.
If the game is being played for the first time, then the role of “hostess” can be played by the teacher himself, who can correctly reproduce the recitative.
For the role of housewife, it is better to choose one of the children exempt from physical education.
Children who are in the wolf's lair can be given some simple task (squats, jumping in place, etc.).
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The players are not familiar with the recitative before the start of the game and therefore confuse the words.
2. The site size is too large.
3. Rare change of roles during the game.

3. “We are funny guys”

Location: playground, gym, corridor, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: A square is drawn on the site, the dimensions of which depend on the number of players. The driver is selected from among the players.
Contents and course of the game: The players join hands, forming a circle, in the center of which is the driver. The game begins with the players walking in a circle in a pre-designated direction, saying the recitative:
“We are funny guys, we love to jump and gallop,
But try to catch up with us!
One, two, three – run!”

After pronouncing these words, the players open their hands and try to run outside the marked square. The driver tries to catch any of the players, after which the caught player becomes the driver's assistant.
Game options: All of them are carried out according to the rules of the main version of the game, but their plot and role-playing basis is different.
Sovushka is an owl.
From among the players (small animals), Sovushka is selected - an owl that sits in the middle of the circle, the players walk around the circle and say the recitative:
It's dark in the forest, everyone has been sleeping for a long time,
But only one owl does not sleep,
He sits on a branch, turns his head,
But suddenly, how it flies!

After pronouncing the recitative, the owl tries to catch up and make fun of the children.
Whiskered catfish.
A line is drawn on the ground, this is the “shore”, on one side there is land, on the other there is water. A leading “catfish” is selected, which stands in the “water” at a distance of 4-5 meters from the shore. Everyone else stands in the same place, but at a distance of 1.5 -2 meters, facing the shore and pronounces the recitative:
The catfish doesn't sleep under the stones,
He moves his mustache,
Fish, fish, don't yawn,
Everyone, come ashore!

After these words, the catfish tries to catch up and nag the fish.
Vaska the cat.
On the site, a cord is pulled onto pegs at a height of 50-70 centimeters from the ground. The driver is selected - “Vaska the cat”, who sits on the floor or on a chair at a distance of 3-4 meters from the cord.
Vaska the cat says the words:
On the bench, by the gate
Vaska the cat is resting.
Vaska is guarding the mice,
Pretended to be asleep.
Quieter than a mouse, don't make noise,
Don't wake up Vaska the cat!

Children carefully, without touching the cord, crawl and approach the cat.
After the words of the last line, the cat says meow - and begins to catch mice that run away from him, not crawling under the cord, but running around it from either side. The mice, greasy by the cat, are taken captive by the cat. The game continues until the last mouse is caught, which then becomes the driver.
The players do not have the right to run away before the entire recitative has been said.
The driver does not have the right to insult players who are outside the square.
The game continues until the number of drivers and those forming a circle is approximately the same.
Pedagogical significance: The game helps to develop self-control, determination, intelligence, spatial orientation and the ability to run quickly.
Strict adherence to the rules must be ensured so that players do not run out before the last word is spoken.
It is necessary to ensure that the driver is in the center of the circle and does not leave it ahead of time.
To ensure the safety of those involved, it is necessary that the free zone outside the square be at least 3 meters.
To make the game interesting, you can have the players form a circle, standing with their backs to the driver.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The players are not familiar with the recitative before the start of the game and therefore confuse the words.
2. The players always go in one direction, and do not alternate the direction of movement during the next repetition of the game.
3. Players are always offered the same game option.

4. "Blind Bear"

Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: A large circle is drawn on the site - a “den”, in which the playing “bear cubs” are located; a driver is selected from among the players, who is blindfolded - this is the “blind bear”.
Contents and course of the game: The players stand around the bear at a distance of 2-3 meters and, at the leader’s signal, begin to clap their hands. The bear follows the sound of clapping and, at a signal from the leader, they begin to clap their hands. The bear follows the sound of clapping and tries to catch one of the players who is running away from him.
Whoever is caught by the bear becomes a blind bear.
If the bear goes outside the playing area (den), the players say loudly:
“Where did you put your foot?
You go bear to the den!

The cubs must clap their hands continuously.
Recitative: the game can begin with the words:
We are animals, bear cubs,
The shaggy bear is catching us,
It's not easy to catch us,
Even though we are short!

Preferred type of movement: walking, running, with changes in direction and stops.
Pedagogical significance: the game develops the ability to navigate in space without using a visual analyzer.
If there are many players, you can choose several blind bears.
You can give the bear the opportunity to lift the headband while standing still in order to get his bearings, then put on the headband and continue the game.
It is better to learn the recitative before the start of the game.
If the bear does not cope, then it can be changed before the end of the game.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The size of the playing area is too large.
2. The number of bears is not optimal for the game.
3. Rare change of drivers.

5. “Painter and paints”

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: At a distance of 10-20 meters, two parallel lines are drawn and a gymnastic bench is installed on one of them. On the side between the lines they draw the house of a “painter”, who is selected from among the players, the driver is selected, the rest of the players become “painters”.
Contents and course of the game: the paints sit on the gymnastic bench or on the ground behind the line. The driver distributes the colors of paints among the players: red, blue, yellow, black, etc. The painter takes up space in the house. At a signal, a painter approaches the driver and asks him:
I came to you for paint
I'm doing coloring
May I borrow some paint?

The driver answers:
“Which one should I give you?”
The painter names any paint color. A participant in the game with the name of this paint quickly gets up from the bench and runs to the second line.
The painter must catch up with the paint and take it to his house.
If the painter does not catch the paint, then she returns to her house and changes color, after which the game is repeated.
The painter who catches the most paints, or paints that have never been caught, wins.
Preferred type of movement: acceleration with a change in direction of movement alternating with pauses.
Pedagogical significance: The game develops imagination, expressive speech skills, dexterity, and speed of reaction.
If there are many players, then you can name several colors at the same time.
You can also choose several painters.
If there are several painters, then 2-3 players can paint the same color.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Too many paint colors, which will lead to many colors not being named.
2. Rarely changing the painter, which leads to his overload.

6. “Sparrows - jumping sparrows”

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: children stand in a circle at arm's length, a circle is drawn in front of their feet, a driver is selected from among the players - a “cat”, the rest of the players are “sparrows”.
Contents and course of the game: The players - the "sparrows" - jump and jump out of the circle, and the driver - the "cat", standing in the circle, tries to make fun of them.
The driver has the right to spot players only within the circle.
The winner is the player who made the most number of jumps into the circle and back before the end of the game.
Caught players can become the cat's helpers.
The game ends when the “cats” catch all the “sparrows”.
Recitative: Before the start of the game, the players standing behind the circle - the “sparrows” - say the words:
We are sparrows, we are crumbs
Teasing, teasing the evil cat
The cat has been catching us for a long time,
He won't catch it anyway!

Pedagogical significance: the game promotes the development of dexterity and attention, the driver develops observation, intelligence and agility.
Preferred type of movement: jumping.
If there are a large number of guys present, you can divide them into several teams or by gender.
If the level of preparedness of the players is high enough, you can give the task to jump on one leg, randomly changing legs.
You need to choose the most dexterous driver as the cat.
To ensure that the load is distributed evenly between the players, you can simply give penalty points to those players who are caught by the “cat”.
If the players are well prepared, you can place them with their backs to the circle and perform jumps with their backs forward.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The circle size is too large.
2. The players are not given the task of counting the number of jumps.
3. The leader does not encourage the players to be active and they just stand there without performing jumps.

7. "Bird in a Cage"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: Depending on the number of participants in the game, a circle is drawn, the players are located around the circle. In the center of the circle stands one of the players - this is a “bird in a cage”, next to whom the driver (“bird catcher”) is located, all the other players are located outside the circle.
Contents and course of the game: the players try to help out the “bird in the cage” by running into the circle and touching it with their hand, and the driver tries to stain the helping players.
Rules of the game:
The driver can only catch players within the circle.
If he succeeds, then the caught players become “caught birds” and take a place in the center of the circle.
If they manage to rescue the caught "bird", then the player who did this becomes the driver or the caught "bird".
Recitative: the game can begin with words spoken by the driver:
I am a very clever bird catcher!
The cell is the skill
I'll catch a lot of birds
Woodpeckers, sparrows, tits.

The players standing behind the “bird cage” answer:
We won't leave the bird in the cage
Woodpecker, sparrow, tit.
Even though we are looking at you
We will free the bird!

Preferred type of movement: short accelerations with changes in direction of movement.
Pedagogical significance: The game develops a sense of camaraderie and mutual assistance, and expressive speech skills.
If a “bird catcher” catches a “bird,” it must tell everyone about itself (for example, say its name, where it lives, what it eats).
As a bird catcher, you need to choose the most dexterous driver.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Insufficient motivation of players to provide revenue.
2. Lack of interdisciplinary connections in the game (lack of a story about a caught bird)

8. “Hares in the garden”

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: chalk, carrots cut out of cardboard, heads of cabbage.
Preparing for the game: Two concentric circles are drawn on the floor (platform): an outer diameter of 7-9 meters, and an inner one of 3-4 meters. From among the players, a leading “watchman” is selected, who is located in the middle of a small circle, in the “garden”. The players represent “hares” and are located outside the large circle. Carrots and cabbage are scattered in the space inside the small circle, so the closer to the center of the circle, the more there are.
Contents and course of the game: the game begins with the hares uttering a recitative, after which the hares try, jumping on two legs, to penetrate the garden, take one carrot or cabbage and return outside the large circle, and the watchman tries to catch up with them and make fun of them.
The watchman has the right to catch hares only in the garden.
Hares that are caught can return to the game if they put the carrot or cabbage back in its place.
The hare has the right to take no more than one head of cabbage or carrot at a time.
A hare that is spotted and does not have carrots or cabbage is eliminated from the game.
The game ends when there are no carrots and cabbages left in the garden.
The winner is the hare who managed to take the largest amount of vegetables out of the garden.
Game options:
Hares should jump only on their left or only on their right leg.
Hares should jump in a squat - “hare jumps”.
Hares that are caught are eliminated from the game.
In the game you can use the dialogue between the guard and the hares:
Watchman:“Bunny, where have you gone?”
Bunnies: “We rested in the cabbage!”
Watchman: “Didn’t you eat the leaves?”
Bunnies: “They just touched me with their tail!”
Watchman:(wakes finger) “You should be punished!”
Bunnies: “So try to catch up with us!”
Recitative: the game begins with words spoken by the hares:
It grows thickly in the garden,
And carrots and cabbage!
We'll get there
Let there be a watchman
No problem!

Preferred type of movement: jumping - acceleration with a change in direction of movement.
Pedagogical significance: The game develops imagination, expressive speech skills, jumping ability, dexterity, intelligence, and the ability to take risks.
When playing the game, you need to carefully ensure that the players do not take away more than one carrot or cabbage.
You need to make sure that the hares are jumping and not running.
When playing outdoors in the fall, you can use real carrots.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The number of “vegetables” on the court is insufficient for the normal conduct of the game.
2. The size of the “vegetable garden” is too large or small.

9. “Through bumps and stumps”

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: gymnastics stand.
Preparing for the game: On one side of the court there is a line behind which the players are located. A jumping stand – a “Christmas tree” – is placed 10-20 meters from it. Three or four leading “bees” stand near the stand.
Contents and course of the game: At the leader’s signal, the guys come out from behind the line and walk, raising their legs high, to the stand (tree), saying the recitative:
We came out to the forest meadow, raised our legs higher,
Through bushes and hummocks, through branches and stumps,
Whoever walked so high did not stumble or fall!

With these words, the children stop near the Christmas tree and continue to say:
Look, the hollow of a tall tree, angry bees are flying out!
The bees begin to circle around the tree and buzz:
Zhi-Zhi-Zhi – we want to bite!
The players answer:
We are not afraid of a swarm of bees - we will quickly run home!
- and run beyond the line, raising their knees high, imitating running through the forest.
The bees try to catch up with the fleeing ones, touch them with their hands - “sting”.
You can run away only after the words: “Let’s run home quickly!” Those who run away prematurely are considered caught.
Players who are stung by bees are eliminated from the game.
Bees can catch players only after the words: “Evil bees fly out.” Those caught earlier do not count.
Preferred type of movement: running with high hip lifts and changing direction of movement.
Pedagogical significance of the game: The game develops imagination, expressive speech skills, dexterity, intelligence, and the ability to take risks.
The text must be learned before the game starts.
You can specifically select one of the freed players to recite the chant.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. The game is played with children who do not know recitative.
2. The distance does not correspond to the preparedness of the children.
3. Before the start of the game, it is not told what kind of insects bees are and their significance in nature.

10. "Magic Grass"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: a bunch of grass, a forfeit, a small object.
Preparing for the game: a “wolf” driver is selected and the children are randomly placed on the playground.
Contents and course of the game: The participants of the game say the words together:
We are not afraid of the gray wolf, gray wolf, gray wolf,
Stupid wolf, teeth click, teeth click, teeth click,
The wolf won't catch me, because there is magic grass!

After these words, the driver begins to catch the children, who, seeing that they will inevitably be caught, can throw their bunch of grass with the words:
Don't eat me, here's the magic herb!
The wolf must first pick up the grass, and while he does this, the player has the opportunity to run away further.
You can only throw grass once.
Players caught by a wolf leave the game or become the wolf's helpers.
Pedagogical significance:
If there are a large number of players, choose several wolves.
If girls and boys play together, let one wolf (boy) catch up with the boys, and the she-wolf (girl) catches up with the girls.
You can select several wolves who will take part in the game in turn.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. One driver is selected when there are a large number of players.
2. The game is played on an area that is too large, which increases the load on the driver and reduces the load on the other players.
3. The opinion of the players themselves is not taken into account (drivers are appointed by the leader themselves).

11. "Samovar"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: The driver is chosen - this is a “samovar”, all the other children are different “sweets” and stand in a wide semicircle.
Contents and course of the game: The driver (samovar) starts the game with the words:
The samovar is boiling, he asks for tea!
Leading asks: What will the tea be with?
Samovar answers, for example:
“With raspberry jam and a good mood!”
Leading answers:
“There is such sweetness!”
After this, the “raspberry jam” player must run around a semicircle, as indicated in the diagram, and the samovar tries to stain it.
If there is no such sweetness that the driver named, then the leader says:
There is no such sweetness, you drink it - come on, tea on the other!
After this, the game is repeated, and the samovar names another sweet.
If the driver stains the player, then he becomes the new driver.
At the end of the game, the most successful players are celebrated.
Players do not have the right to run around the semicircle until the words of the recitative are spoken.
Pedagogical significance: The game develops attention, imagination, and resourcefulness.
You can name two sweets at once.
If children cannot come up with the name of a sweet for themselves, then you can tell them this.
Organizational and methodological errors:
Children are not familiar with the plot of the game and do not know the words of the recitative.

12. "Teremok"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: children stand in a circle - this is the “teremok”.
The counting table selects the animals: “mouse-norushka”, “frog-frog”, “fox-sister”, “arrogant bunny” and “bear-trap”, which stand behind the circle.
Contents and course of the game: The players forming the tower walk holding hands in a circle, saying the recitative:
There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
He's not short, he's not tall, he's not tall,

A small mouse runs, stops in front of the “door” and knocks on it with the words:
“I’m a little mouse, let me into the little house,”
after which it passes inside the circle. Next, the frog runs and asks:
“Who, who lives in the little house? »
“Who, who lives in a low place?”

The mouse answers: “I am a little mouse. And who are you?"
I am a frog - a frog
The mouse invites the frog:
"Come live with me"
And thus all the other animals enter the circle, and the last one to appear is the bear and says:
"I am a bear - a trap"
after which all the animals run out of the circle, and the bear tries to catch them.
The game continues until the bear catches two or three animals (by agreement), after which the players change roles.
Animals, escaping from the bear, can run through the tower, but the bear has no right to do this.
Pedagogical significance:
Before playing the game, you need to familiarize children with the content of the fairy tale.
All children must play different roles during the game.
It is necessary to explain to the children playing the role of animals that they can use the tower as protection by running through it.
The game is best played outdoors.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Children play only one role in the game.
2. The animals, escaping from the bear-trap, run too far from the tower.
3. The game is played in an unsuitable room.

13. “Baba Yaga”

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: not required.
Preparing for the game: children stand in a circle, in the center of which the leader is “Baba Yaga” (girl) or Kashchei – the immortal (boy).
Contents and course of the game: players approach Baba Yaga (if she is a girl) and tease her by saying the following chant:
Baba Yaga - bone leg
She fell from the stove and broke her leg.
She went into the garden and scared the people.
I ran to the bathhouse and scared the bunny!

After these words, Baba Yaga, jumping on one leg, tries to catch those running away.
If Baba Yaga cannot catch up with anyone for a long time, she says:
Oh, I’m so old, I’ve become so old,
Or maybe she didn’t get enough rest,
I want Nina
(says the name of any player) ask,
To catch children for me.
Kashchei in this case says:
Oh, I've become quite old,
I've rested too long
I want to ask Misha
Catching children for yourself!

If a woman is a yaga, or Kashchei catches someone, the person caught becomes a new woman-yaga.
Pedagogical significance: The game develops imagination, attention, and resourcefulness.
If the driver is a boy, then the players say recitative:
Old Kashchei ate sour cabbage soup,
He ran through the forest, scared away all the animals,
I was running across the field and broke my leg on a hare!

If the game is being played for the first time, the leader himself can act as the driver.
If a player cannot annoy anyone for a long time, he needs to be replaced.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Children do not know the text of the recitative, so they get confused.
2. The playing area is too big.
3. Excessively long stay of one player in the role of Baba Yaga or Kashchei.
4. The game is played for children of middle school age.

14. "The Greedy Cook"

Location: playground, gym, recreation.
Inventory: skittles or sausages cut out of cardboard, or pencils, a hoop.
Preparing for the game: a “cook” is selected by counting, who stands in the “kitchen”, which is a square or circle measuring 2x3 meters. A hoop is placed in the middle of the kitchen, into which “sausage” skittles are placed. Children - “kittens” stand around the kitchen.
Contents and course of the game: kittens move randomly around the kitchen saying:
Pussies are crying in the corridor,
Kittens have great grief:
Greedy cook for poor pussies
Doesn't let you grab the sausages!

After this, the kittens run into the kitchen, trying to take away the sausages, and the cook tries to grease them. Players who are insulted by the cook remain in the position in which they were insulted. The game continues until all the sausages are stolen.
The caught kitten must come up with an interesting name for its position, and after that it can continue playing.
You cannot take away more than one sausage at a time.
If the cook catches a kitten that has already taken away several sausages, he must return one of them to the kitchen.
The game continues until all the sausages are stolen.
Kittens that managed to carry away a lot of sausages are noted.
Pedagogical significance: the game develops attention, imagination, and resourcefulness.
When playing the game, you can use skittles, pencils or anything else as sausages.
The “sounding” of the game can first be done by the director himself.
Organizational and methodological errors:
1. Children do not know the content of the text well.
2. The children are not told that they need to help animals.

Sports event for grades 1-4 with disabilities. Traveling through stations

Elena Gudzan
Role-playing game “School” in the preparatory group

Role-playing game« School»

V preparatory group No. 1"Lapotochki"

Educational activity with children preparatory school group

Subject: Role-playing game« School» .

Target: enriching social and play experiences between children.


1. Educational:

To develop social competence in children through playing out situations within role-playing games« School» , "Dining room", "Library", "Polyclinic".

Form motivational readiness for school.

Develop a positive attitude towards learning in school,

Help to reveal the content and connections of the roles being played, develop the ability to transfer familiar actions into game situations, act in accordance with the role, encourage the ability to invent new events.

2. Developmental:

Develop the ability to engage in role-playing interactions with peers (build role-playing dialogue, ability to negotiate with each other in the game).

To develop children's auditory and visual attention, memory, imagination, and intonation expressiveness of speech.

3. Educational:

Foster friendly relationships between children.

Preliminary work:

conversations about school(with specification of professions, school attributes, various rooms with different functions located in school - library, dining room, gym, medical office, classrooms);

didactic games “Call it like in school» , “What did the artist mix up”, "What's in the briefcase";

looking at the illustrations school theme, conversations on story pictures(September 1, children in the cafeteria, children in class, children at recess, clarification school terms);

excursions to school; looking at books in the library groups, excursion to the library;

shared with children plot summary by game« School» , "Library", "Dining room", "Polyclinic";

playback role-playing games in a group followed by discussion and proposals for new possible storylines;

making paraphernalia together with children role-playing games« School» , "Library", "Dining room", "Polyclinic".

Game roles: director-educator, mathematics teacher - 1 child, Russian language teacher - 1 child, reading teacher - 1 child, physical education teacher - 1 child, cooks - 2 children, health worker - 1 child, library employee - 1 child, students.

Materials: bell for ringing; paraphernalia for role-playing games: « School» – pencils, rulers, assignments for students, notebooks; teacher badge, pointer; "Library"– a badge for a child playing the role of a librarian, a computer, a card index of readers and library cards; "Dining room"– caps and robes for cooks, oven mitts, kitchen, food, cutlery, sign "Dining room"; "Medical office"- gown and cap, medicines, outpatient and medical records, directions to the doctor, stethoscope, seal, tables for determining vision, sign "Medical office".

Progress of the lesson

Organizing time.

Educator: Hello guys. Let's welcome our guests. Have a seat.

The main part of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, look at what a beautiful briefcase I have. I found it today in our group. Guess the riddle and you will find out who it belongs to.

Educator: If in you went to school -

Acquired a new status.

There was a child, there was preschooler,

And now you call me. (schoolboy)

Children: Schoolboy.

Educator: This briefcase belongs to schoolboy. It contains items that are needed schoolchild for study.

Briefcase: "Hello guys! I heard that many of you will soon be will go to school! I'm looking forward to it and we'll soon be going to the school. And today I came to get to know you a little and see how you are playing? Do you mind?

Educator: Guys, do you agree?

Children: Yes!

The teacher shakes the briefcase: “Do you want to see what’s inside the briefcase?”.

The teacher gets pencil case: "What is this? /shakes/ Maybe a wallet with money?”

Children: “This is a pencil case where you carry pencils, pens, an eraser, a ruler, etc.”.

Educator: “What else do you think might be in the briefcase?”.

Children: “ABC, mathematics, album, diary, paints, markers...”.

(the teacher takes out objects and places them on the table).

Educator: “What words can combine all these items?”

Children: « School supplies» .

Briefcase: "Yes it school supplies, which are necessary for the student to school. They should always be in your briefcase.”

Educator: If the briefcase came to us to get acquainted and see what we can do, I suggest play a role-playing game -« School» .

So. First, let's remember what happens in school? (Children's answers).

(Showing illustrations of pictures about school) .

(The teacher guides the children to answers, for example, with leading questions).

Educator: “Do you know the difference between a kindergarten and schools? I will name what is available in kindergarten, and you will name what is available in instead school».

(So ​​that children do not have difficulty answering, D/I is included in the preliminary work “Call it like in school» . If, nevertheless, the children cannot remember the answer to a particular question, then the teacher gives a hint - with which letter the word begins, trying not to answer for the children).

For example: Kindergarten - (school) .

in kindergarten group, and in school(Class).

There is a teacher in the garden, and in school(teacher).

Tables - desks.

Preschoolers - schoolchildren.

The head is the director.

Play - learn.

Lesson - lesson.

Educator: Well done! Now tell me "Why in school starts lesson (from call).

When the lesson ends, what begins? (turn).

What do they do during recess? (resting, play, go to the canteen and library, first aid station).

What will happen in school cafeteria? There, the chefs will prepare a delicious lunch for the students.

What can you cook for students for lunch? (children's answers)

Do not forget that the staff working in the kitchen treat visitors politely, and students do not forget to thank the cooks for the delicious food.

Tell me, friends, when a teacher or student needs to take a book somewhere, where could he turn? (school library) . How do we behave in the library? (quiet, calm, don’t make noise, polite, etc.). How can I borrow a book from the library? What do we need for this? Where do they record who took the book and when?

Why is it needed? school first aid station? You can go to the first aid station during recess if you suddenly feel not very well.

Educator: Great! We repeated all the details. It remains to remember the rules of the game. How do all the participants in the game relate to each other? (respectful, polite, trying to negotiate) .

If you don't mind, I'll be the director schools, some guys are teachers, and who will be cooks, doctors, librarians, students - you will choose these roles in our game for yourself, I have cards that indicate the profession that you will choose.

I invite you to start the game « School» .

Educator: “We’ll put the briefcase next to the board, so he can see everyone well from here.”.

Educator: “In the morning, adults get ready for work, children go to school. The bell rings for class, the teacher walks out the door, and the children sit down at their desks. The teacher enters with a magazine in his hands. The children get up/.

Teacher: "Hello guys!"

Children: "Hello!"

1. Math lesson.

2. Lesson "The world".

3. Physical education lesson.

We will leave the desks together,

But there's no need to make any noise,

Stand up straight, legs together,

Turn around, in place.

Let's clap our hands a couple of times.

And we'll drown a little.

Now let's imagine, kids,

It’s as if our hands are branches.

Let's shake them together

Like the wind blows from the south.

The wind died down. We sighed together.

We need to continue the lesson.

We caught up and sat down quietly

And they looked at the board.

4. Lesson "Russian language".

4. Lesson "Literary reading".

Educator: “So lessons ended today in school» . Well done. And we will definitely continue with you play.

Briefcase: “I am convinced that you are really smart, quick-witted, kind and sympathetic children. You know a lot about school. It will be interesting for me to work with you!

Educator: Thank you, briefcase, for coming to visit us. I think the guys were interested in meeting you.”

Briefcase: “In the future, children please note:

Always bring with you in your briefcase

All the things that are in school sometimes needs.

You must never forget them!”

See you again!

Summing up, discussing the game.


Guys, did you like it? play school? Really, everything turned out interesting? Why do you think it was interesting to play? What lesson stood out to you? What was the most memorable?

(The teacher summarizes the children’s answers). It's because we played together, without quarrels we agreed on everything. You are simply great. I think in school you will only study for 4 and 5.” "Thanks to all. Goodbye!"

“Plot-role-playing game “School”.

Target: expand, clarify and specify children’s knowledge about school


    Clarify children's knowledge about the profession of teacher, director, librarian, nurse, barmaid.

    To help reveal the content and connections of the roles being played, to develop the ability to transfer familiar actions into game situations, to act in accordance with the role, to encourage the ability to invent new events, to teach how to subordinate all players to a common game goal. Implement covert management of the game by taking on the role of director.

    To accustom children to basic game planning and independent selection of basic play equipment.

    Continue training in the skills of role interaction in accordance with the norms of etiquette (friendly tone, restraint of gestures, location of partners towards each other).

    Cultivate friendships in the game.

    Form motivational readiness for school.

Preliminary work:

    Role-playing game "Family".

    Role-playing game "Library".

    Role-playing game "Cafe".

    A few days before the game, the teacher (teacher) organizes a role-playing game “Polyclinic”, where children undergo a medical examination. “Doctors” give certificates to future schoolchildren stating that they are healthy and can attend school.

    Conversation about school supplies.

    A conversation about what qualities a teacher should have.

    Independent organization of a play environment in joint activities with a teacher.

    A tour of the school, a conversation with school employees: teacher, director, janitor, cleaner, barmaid, observing their work.

    Reviewing and reading children's books on the topic “School”.

    Showing a cartoon about school life.

    Conversation on the painting “At the Lesson”.

    Drawing “Our school”

    Manual labor: preparing attributes for HRE

Equipment : bell for ringing,frames for glasses, attributes for playing at school, hospital, buffet, store, family, cartoon “Masha and the Bear”, series “First time in first grade”, candy “School” (surprise moment)

Game roles : director, teacher - 3 people, students, nurse, barmaid, librarian, family members (mothers, fathers of students), seller in the Shkolnik store, seller in the Groceries store, flower seller.

Progress of the game:

    Game for emotional mood “Magic glasses”

Target : developing the ability to give a friendly assessment to another person.

Teacher suggests remembering the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” and says that she has a proposal: Kai and Gerda grew up and made magic glasses through which they could see all the good that is in every person. The teacher suggests “trying on these glasses” and looking carefully at each other, trying to see as much good as possible in everyone and talk about it. The adult is the first to put on the “glasses” and give a sample description of two or three children.

    Motivational moment.

Teacher : Guys, do you like riddles? Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and you tell me what it’s about.

Gets bored during the holidays

Quiet and calm in it,

Afterwards he meets the schoolchildren

A day of open doors. (School)

Watching an excerpt from the cartoon “Masha and the Bear,” episode “First time in first grade.”

Teacher : Guys, do you want to go to school? The teacher conducts a conversation about school.

Pre-game conversation:

Teacher addresses children:

Children, tell me what month and date it is?

Children's answers.

What important event in your life will happen on September 1 this year?

Children's answers.

And you want to make a trip on this day, i.e. on September 1st.

Children's answers.

Would you like to become schoolchildren now?

Children's answers.

But to go to school we need school supplies. Where can I buy them?

Children's answers.

Who buys school supplies for schoolchildren?

Children's answers.

This means that in our game there will be a family, and there will be roles in the family...

Children's answers.

The family goes to the store to buy school supplies, and they work in the store.... (children continue), and those who buy….

Children's answers.

In the store we will have roles.....

Children's answers.

Students come to school, and they work at school....?

Children list.

Let's make a little game plan for our game.

Where will our families live?

Children's answers.

After being assigned to their homes, what do parents and students do?

Children's answers.

Ball game “Name the school supplies”

You bought school supplies and what do you do next?

Children's answers.

That's right, the family returns home and.....

Children's answers.

At home, schoolchildren pack their bags and then....?

Children: students go to school, and their parents accompany them.

And at school begins….. (lesson).

There will be 3 lessons at school, what are parents doing during this time?

Children's answers.

What do students do when school is over?

Children's answers.

And now, children, let's close our eyes and together name each month of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September. Let's open our eyes and look at the calendar (on the board).

Teacher : Guys, do you want to play school?

    Distribution of roles using lots (children draw lots - rolled pieces of paper with images of 4 teachers, students, a barmaid, a nurse, a librarian, parents, students, sellers). The teacher, with the help of questions, clarifies the children’s knowledge about the profession of teacher, nurse, barmaid, librarian.

Educator : What do you think the principal does at school? What is he like? I will be the director.

    Selecting attributes for the game.

Educator: “Let's get our jobs ready. Choose who needs what. All is ready? Let's start playing"

    A game


    The teacher and sellers take their places.

    The remaining children are divided into 2 - 4 families and choose houses (by lot).

    A family goes to the store to buy school supplies.

    Parents buy flowers for the teacher.

    Parents accompany the student to school.

    At school they give flowers to the teacher.

    Parents return home and agree which of them goes to work and which stays at home to wait for the student to return from school.

    The bell rings. The teacher introduces himself to the students and lessons begin.

    Parents who are left at home take out toy dishes, then go to the grocery store and prepare lunch, i.e. preparing for the schoolchildren's meeting.

    Parents come to school to meet students.

    The students say goodbye to the teacher and go home with their parents.

    A “delicious” dinner awaits them at home (a surprise moment).

    The whole family gathers at home, adults and children discuss the events that happened during the day.

The bell rings. First lesson - mathematics . The teacher gives a task of his own choosing. For example, a didactic game: “Name your neighbor”, “Geometric shapes”, etc.Teacher in the role of “director”, encourages the initiative of the “teacher”. The teacher checks the correctness of the game task, gives grades, and praises for good work.

Turn. Director: Guys, we are invited to the first aid station, everyone needs to measure their height and weight.

Nurse : Please come in, have a seat (hereinafter role-playing dialogue with the “students”)

The bell rings for second period. "Certificate". It is conducted by the second teacher. He offers the game "ABC" or another, at his discretion. For example, a child can repeat what he remembers from previous speech development classes.

Turn . After the end of the lesson, the director invites everyone to the buffet for breakfast.

Barmaid: role-playing dialogues with “students”. The “students” go to the dining room, wash their hands, and sit down at the tables. The cooks tell the children the lunch menu. An impromptu meal is underway. After lunch, the cooks put the dishes back and take off their uniforms.

The bell rings for third period - physical education. . The teacher, preferably a boy, offers to play an outdoor game of his choice. After the bell rings, he announces the end of classes and reminds that tomorrow the “students” will meet again at “school.”

Turn . After the end of the lesson, the director invites everyone to the library to take books for extracurricular reading.

Librarian: role-playing dialogues with “students”.

The teacher summarizes: Guys, did you enjoy playing school? Why do you think it was interesting to play? What lesson stood out to you? What was the most memorable?

Summarizes the children's answers and thanks the children for a good game:

    “teachers” for an interesting lesson.

    "students" for good studies.

    “parents” for caring about their “students”.

    "sellers" for fast service and polite treatment of customers

    "barmaid" for delicious dishes

    “librarian” for interesting magazines and books.

The game turned out to be interesting, thank you, children, for playing! You are simply great. We will definitely play school again.

Watching the continuation of the cartoon

The development of children of any age should be harmonious and affect the most important areas of personality formation: physical, mental, creative and social. Kindergarten students follow this course thanks to a special training program. Before taking an important step towards school, they still have a long way to go to acquire basic communication skills in different life situations. Role-playing games in the preparatory group of a kindergarten best meet the needs of children in social formation.

It is believed that play is the main method of teaching preschoolers. Indeed, they are no longer children at home, but not yet first-graders; they intuitively strive to understand the world through a tool familiar to them. It is necessary to distinguish frivolous fun from educational activities aimed at developing children. Both the first and second should be present in the lives of children, and it is extremely important that the teacher knows how to combine and plan them correctly.

“Mothers and daughters”, “hospital” and many other familiar names for fun are examples of role-playing games in the preparatory group of a kindergarten. They are aimed at forming a healthy and stable social component in the overall development system of a preschooler. The baby is growing up, and on his way he encounters more and more new situations: a visit to the clinic, a visit, a meeting in a cafe. At the same time, communication often develops according to a certain scenario. A kind of rehearsal of the action helps the child prepare for new emotions and experiences.

Growing and learning new things

Prepared theatrical activities using roles and plots allow the teacher to achieve a number of goals.

  • Study and collect observations about the pupil’s temperament and social inclinations.
  • Introduce the children to several options for the development of action in everyday situations, talk about the existence of communication norms and so-called templates.
  • Teach preschoolers respect for rules and tolerance.
  • To prepare students for their first independent steps in society, allowing them to try on different behavioral roles.
  • Stimulate the development of speech and imagination.
  • Encourage teamwork.
  • Correct any deviations from generally accepted communication norms in a timely manner: stop aggression, excessive gestures, help with shyness, etc.

Types of plots for theatrical preschool activities

With the help of story plays, kindergarten students acquire basic knowledge about their future life. They can be called a “school of life.” So, educators select stories that are close to the understanding of a 4-5 year old child.

  1. Everyday home stories cover the following topics: “family”, “birthday celebration”, etc. They are associated with the everyday life of a preschooler and an adult, and are designed to model comfortable relationships between close people - parents, relatives, brothers and sisters.
  2. The plots of the scenes “going to the library”, “school”, “examination at the clinic” are associated with interaction with surrounding people performing their duties at work. For example, by acting out the “hospital” scene, the student not only acquires knowledge of how to behave during an examination by a doctor, but also observes his professional behavior, gains knowledge about the main attributes of doctors: a white coat, a “listener,” etc. By acting out the scene “hair salon”, girls can try themselves in the role of a beautiful fairy who works miracles. The “bank” plot will allow children to get acquainted with the world of finance, the working atmosphere, and will show the essence of the work of a cashier and operator. "Theater" is full of interesting roles both on stage and behind the scenes. This is how children acquire knowledge about basic professions.
  3. Stories inspired by cartoon films familiar to all students. Among the popular stories are “Well, wait a minute!”, “Masha and the Bear” and others.

The practice of many kindergartens includes maintaining special cards of role-playing games. They represent an event plan detailing:

  • necessary equipment: books, cutlery, equipment;
  • interior space: background, furniture, toys;
  • costumes of heroes, clothing marking their profession: a chef’s hat, a special apron for a hairdresser, etc.

The use of cards is aimed at preliminary thorough preparation for the event by both educators and preschoolers. Close acquaintance with the students and already accumulated observations regarding their preferences and tastes allow the organizer to choose the most suitable topics for a particular year of study.

School years are wonderful

Among the most popular topics for role-playing games in the preparatory group is school. Kindergarten students often focus on older children and try to adopt their behavior patterns. So, a preschooler is already a bit of a first-grader at heart and strives to become one. His future role excites him and even frightens him a little with the unknown. Proper organization of the lesson will allow participants to feel confident in their next role and understand the idea of ​​the relationship between student and teacher.

Preparing for the game "School"

The school environment includes all student paraphernalia: blackboard, desks, rulers, pens, pencils, notebooks, backpacks, pointer and, of course, the school bell. The selection of costumes may be limited to imitation business clothes for teachers and white bows for girl students.

To prepare for the game, it is advisable to visit one of the schools with a group (with the permission of the director) and observe the events in the classrooms, in the corridors during recess, in the cafeteria. You can supplement the acquired knowledge by reading books about school and listening to relevant songs (“It’s fun to walk through the open spaces together,” “Wonderful school years,” etc.).

As a plot, the teacher can choose a number of small scenes in various lessons: Russian language, mathematics, physical education. The bell means the end of one scene and the transition to the next (after a break, of course). It is important to maintain the sequence of dialogues, to give each participant the opportunity to play the role calmly and fully.

Reading is the best learning

A logical continuation of the school theme will be the role-playing game “Library”. Like the previous option, in the preparatory group of the kindergarten it is greeted with great enthusiasm, especially if the preparation for it includes a visit to the House of Books.

The lesson is designed to develop in students an interest in books and a caring attitude towards them, as well as to introduce children to the profession of a librarian.

Before playing the game "Library"

A visit to the Palace of Books will be an exciting event for children. Most city libraries organize group visits and answer questions from those interested: how to care for books so that they last a long time, how to keep a large number of books in a logical order, and how to quickly find the one you need? Teachers supplement this information with the basic rules of reading books: they remind you of the prohibition of tearing and crushing books, drawing in them, and teach you to turn the pages correctly. It is important to give children the opportunity to examine the work of all departments of the library: the living room, subscription, reading room and restoration workshop.

Of course, after the inspiration received, each student himself knows what equipment is needed for the stage - books. You can put 2-3 shelves and fill them with books of various types. You should also create something like a subscription and a card index. Dialogues can be played out between a librarian and a group of students looking for books to work on at home. Pay attention to the main rule of behavior in the library - maintaining silence. Switch to whispering dialogues with your children: this will not only immerse you in the atmosphere of the library, but will also serve as a useful exercise for children’s articulation apparatus.

This is the health building

Most preschoolers are already familiar with the work of the clinic, and many have already formed a personal attitude towards it. The range of children's emotions is wide - from fear to curiosity, depending on personal experience. It is safe to say that the professions of doctor and nurse are of interest to all students in the preparatory group. On this you can build the plot-role-playing game “Hospital”.

Terribly interesting

In this case, a visit to a medical institution is not planned: it is enough to take the pupils to the nurse’s office in the kindergarten itself. Many of them had already been there for inspection.

Draw the attention of preschoolers to medical paraphernalia: a white nurse’s coat, sterile instruments for examining patients, a work desk, a calendar. Explain the importance of being a doctor, but try to emphasize the idea of ​​maintaining health instead of treating existing diseases. This way, the atmosphere of the doctor’s office will not look intimidating, but friendly.

The main idea of ​​the lesson is to develop a patient and attentive attitude to health issues. Children need to be made to understand that taking care of their health is part of their daily routine.

Say “ah-ah”, patient!

The scene itself can represent, for example, a medical examination. A group of children are examined by a number of doctors to enroll in school. Roles for doctors: general practitioner, dentist, surgeon and ophthalmologist. Make sure your nurse or nurse is present. The assistant can record important information on the patient's chart and assist during the examination.

Another version of the plot is with a doll, since it is better to assign the role of the patient to an inanimate object. So a group of children can transform into a council of doctors specializing in a specific problem, say, cough. Participants can suggest ways to get rid of an unpleasant illness: complete rest, regularly drinking a herbal decoction, taking lozenges, etc. You can introduce the words “patient”, “complaints”, “hurts”.

We use "Mail"

With the transfer of a large part of correspondence to the virtual world, the plot-role-playing game “Mail” is gradually losing its relevance. However, it is considered classic for work in preparatory groups of kindergartens. She is interesting, again, because of her profession. The work of a postman is shrouded in a flair of romance in the eyes of children: while working, you can ride a bicycle and please people with good news.

Marshak’s poem “Mail” perfectly illustrates the work of the post office. You can supplement your reading by watching suitable cartoons. And if the district post office is located next to a kindergarten, do not be lazy to organize a group visit: boys and girls are already able to understand the purpose of the work of the receptionist and sorter.

Suitable supplies for the scene include envelopes of various sizes, postage stamps, glue, as well as cardboard boxes, adhesive tape and cards for parcel information. Stationery stores offer postage stamps, however, you can make one yourself from a simple stamp.

As they work, it is important for students to understand the idea of ​​sorting letters and organizing their forwarding. Introduce them to the concept of index at a basic level.

Subjects for dramatization can be different: joint preparation of a letter for sending, removal of letters by postal workers on the instructions of the manager, sorting of printed materials by type: newspapers, magazines. The kids’ favorite plot twist is “The postman brought a parcel.” Delivery of a letter or parcel is accompanied by a greeting, clarification of the address, delivery of the parcel and a request for a signature. You can use a specially created mailbox with your own hands with the name and address indicated on it.

Let's play "Bank"

The “Bank” game also arouses great interest among preschoolers. What are banks used for? Where and how is money stored? What functions do cashiers, operators, managers perform?

To prepare for the event, it is not necessary to take the entire preparatory group to the bank; it is enough to have a conversation and discuss the rules of the role-playing game. Focus on paraphernalia: computers, telephones, an imitation ATM, a huge variety of forms, pens and bank cards will be used. Money can be replaced with the corresponding pieces of paper from the board game "Monopoly". Roles can be distributed at will, as well as specific tasks to be solved. Someone is interested in how to get cash at the cash register, someone is interested in how to pay utility bills? The third participant's card got stuck in the ATM. Try to interest the guys and cover the whole range of banking operations that they understand.

The choice of suit is also important. To create a business atmosphere, choose ties, white shirts and typical matching scarves around your neck.

Scene "Barbershop"

The role-playing game “Barbershop” finds a warm response among girls in the preparatory group. Still would! Beauty salons offer a huge range of services to maintain beauty: manicure, pedicure, styling, massage, braiding. Some items from this list are favorite activities of the fair sex.

The event introduces participants to the professions of hairdresser, manicurist and pedicurist, cosmetologist, as well as administrator and cleaner.

To prepare for the game, it is important to acquire comfortable chairs and mirrors appropriate for each work station, as well as tools and materials. For a hairdresser, this will be a small table with combs of various sizes, curlers, a hairdryer, a plate and brush for coloring hair, a towel and shampoo. Of course, you can't do without scissors!

Pay attention to the safety of the hairdresser’s “workplace”: the tools must be suitable for children. It would be better if the scissors were toy ones.

To work as a manicurist and pedicurist, you will need a comfortable table that will allow the client and the master to sit opposite each other. On it you can place nail polishes of various colors, a special nail tray and creams.

Participants can be divided into clients, administrative staff and craftsmen themselves. Together they can create a price list. Then, depending on the role, everyone learns the basic words: “hair length”, “parting”, “style”, “haircut”, “shaving”, “nail shape”, etc.

Administrator is one of the key roles. He meets the client, invites him to wait for the master over a cup of coffee or tea, and look at a fashion magazine. After the procedure is completed, the client goes to the administrator and pays for the procedure at the cash desk.

Let's play "Theater"

A new theme for classes - theatrical life - introduces children to the profession of an actor, director, screenwriter, and also reinforces the basic ideas about the course of performances. The plot-role-playing game “theater” may be familiar to most pupils of the preparatory group of kindergarten: starting from 2-3 years old, children already attend the first puppet productions created for the youngest spectators. This is how children gain basic knowledge that there is a stage, a ticket and an intermission.

However, it is important to tell class participants about the rules of behavior in the theater: about purchasing a ticket, about maintaining silence while watching a production, and about possible actions during intermission. Among the new professions for children are cloakroom attendant, bartender, and organizer of order in the hall. On the other side of the curtains, the choice of crafts is even wider. To organize a performance, it is necessary to light the stage, conduct sound, and prepare costumes. The role of the presenter, who introduces the artists and the play, is also important.

Prepare theatrical paraphernalia: a curtain, one strong lamp, a microphone, chic costumes for the actors. Guests in the hall should be dressed appropriately: for the surroundings you can offer fans, feathers, binoculars and programs.

The distribution of roles will occur naturally: children prone to public speaking will choose the profession of an artist, and more shy boys and girls will choose a place “backstage” or in the auditorium. At the same time, what is important is not the production itself on a fictitious stage, but the coordinated work of all participants.

Role-playing game "Family"

The chosen plot serves to consolidate knowledge about family ties within the family and the characteristics of relationships between close people. Each pupil of the preparatory group has already formed his own idea of ​​the family, to which the plot-role-playing game should come closer or at least not contradict it. The main ideas behind this idea are to remind about trust, love and understanding in the family, and to show by a neutral example the responsibilities of each family member. It is important to give the concept of mutual assistance and care for loved ones.

Educators often resort to splitting the plot into 3-4 stories. Examples of sketches on the topic “family” are given below.

The tools for this game should be taken “from life”, that is, everything that surrounds children at home will be used: a sofa, a TV, kitchen utensils, a table and chairs, as well as household appliances.

If there are more than 5 people in the group, be imaginative about “family ties”: aunts, uncles, great-aunts and uncles, nephews, neighbors and godmothers can also play a role and fit perfectly into the home environment. Don’t forget about pets; perhaps among the kindergarten students there will be young talents who can imitate the bark of a dog or the meow of a cat.

Going to a cafe

The idea of ​​developing dialogue according to a template or a pre-known scenario is perfectly reflected in the “cafe” scenes. Many students in the preparatory group are 4-5 years old, which means that the role-playing game “cafe” will not be new to them. Modern babies are accustomed to accompanying their parents in public places from the cradle.

The purpose of the lesson is to form in children an idea of ​​​​working in a cafe, to explain the basic rules of behavior in such places and etiquette standards appropriate to their age.

The guys should be familiar with the professions associated with restaurants and cafes: waiters, bartenders, cooks, cleaners and administrators. You can use all of the listed characters in the scene and add clients.

A serious approach will be required to the materials and creation of the surroundings: tables and chairs, a bar counter, a cash register, a telephone, a reception desk, a kitchen with appropriate equipment, food and drinks (you can use toys), as well as professional uniforms: aprons, hats and signs.

During the game itself, it is important to follow the chain:

  • entrance to the cafe;
  • greetings;
  • table selection;
  • familiarization with the menu;
  • menu discussion;
  • order to the waiter.

  • thank and praise the meal, and if possible, meet the chef and pay a compliment in person;
  • ask the waiter for the bill;
  • to pay off;
  • say goodbye and leave the establishment.

Each point can be accompanied by 2-3 replicas. It is important to treat the waiter on a first-name basis and behave with restraint so as not to disturb other visitors to the cafe.

You can be very imaginative when creating a menu, for example, dividing it into main parts: “Drinks”, “Desserts”, etc. You can pay for your order, as in the case of “Bank”, with a bank card or “cash” from the game “Monopoly”.

Developing social skills through role-playing games

The use of role-playing games has a positive effect on building camaraderie and friendly relations in a group of children, perfectly develops the speech and intonation of children, and gives basic ideas about the events that happen to us every day.

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