Features of the process of socialization of younger schoolchildren. Study of the characteristics of socialization of junior schoolchildren. Recommended list of dissertations

The essence of socialization

Definition 1

Socialization is the process of including a person in the system of social relationships through the assimilation of social norms and values, social experience and rules of behavior, and cultural values.

Socialization is a process that covers all areas of life, including:

  • Studying and mastering by a person the norms of society and its values ​​throughout life;
  • Formation of human socio-cultural experience;
  • Formation of personality, study of social norms and values, groups, society as a whole and their assimilation;
  • Introduction of a person into public life, his self-realization, as well as the implementation of accumulated experience.

It is customary to distinguish between primary and secondary socialization. Primary socialization occurs from birth and ends with the formation of an adult, the formation of personality. Secondary socialization occurs during the adult period of personality development and consists of a person’s self-realization in the family, profession, etc., the formation of one’s own value system, the accumulation of independent experience and its transfer to the next generation.

Stages of socialization

Depending on age, it is customary to distinguish the following stages of socialization:

  • childhood;
  • youth;
  • maturity;
  • old age.

In childhood and adolescence, the foundations of social rules of behavior are laid, and key social norms and rules are learned. Maturity and old age are characterized by the destruction of previously learned norms and the formation of new ones, as well as their transmission.

Features of student socialization

Definition 2

Socialization of a schoolchild is the student’s assimilation of norms and rules and values ​​accepted in society for successful inclusion in the system of social relations.

Socialization of a schoolchild can occur spontaneously through imitation and purposefully through training and upbringing. Spontaneous socialization can have negative consequences, therefore the task of the school, as an agent of targeted socialization, is to reduce and neutralize the negative influences of spontaneous socialization.

The following criteria for a successfully socialized student can be identified:

  • the student has his own “picture of the world”, as well as formed attitudes and values;
  • the student is adapted to the world around him;
  • the student realizes himself as a member of the group and a sense of his own “I” is formed;
  • The student is proactive, has no inhibitions, and feels independent.

Adolescence carries many features that give the process of socialization of a student its own specificity.

A feature of schoolchildren’s socialization, which occurs primarily during adolescence, is the presence of a large number of situations where a teenager is faced with the task of social choice. During this period, a teenage student seeks psychological support in his close environment, so it is important that such agents of primary socialization as family, friends, and school have a beneficial effect.

Another feature of schoolchildren’s socialization is the widespread distribution and influence of the Internet and other information networks. The student gets the opportunity to access information without being ready to accept it. Information networks become a tool of influence on the student, including agents of socialization who carry negative experiences.

The features of modern society can also be included among the features of a schoolchild’s socialization. Currently, in society there is no single system of values, norms, rules, and therefore a teenager is faced with the diversity of these same norms, and is forced to make a choice of those norms that he will comply with.

Features of socialization of schoolchildren are also associated with the mental characteristics of adolescence. During adolescence, the severity of conflicts decreases, schoolchildren have good physical and psychological well-being, strive to communicate, establish contacts, become less anxious, and their self-esteem increases.

Note 1

At the same time, it should be noted that during adolescence, the student’s attention to his inner world intensifies; during this period the child is immersed in himself.

Under certain circumstances of communication, there is a pronounced gender-role differentiation, which borders on quite frequent infantile-role inflexibility. Adolescence is often accompanied by an increased feeling of loneliness. In the process of socialization, the student develops a worldview, self-awareness, attitude to reality, character, personal and communication qualities, mental processes, accumulates socio-psychological experience, acquires independence, self-confidence, resistance to stress, etc.

Note 2

Thus, to summarize the above, we can say that the group has the greatest influence on the establishment of social relationships between its participants, creates opportunities for group members for personal development and effective joint activities, and is a means of successful social adaptation of the student.

The key means of personality formation and development at school age are interpersonal relationships, therefore self-knowledge by schoolchildren is carried out within the framework of communication with classmates and friends at school.

The current system of socialization of schoolchildren in our country faces a number of dangers, for example, the severity of the problem of “fathers and sons”, cruelty, lack of patriotism, lack of initiative, low social status of the family, the desire to benefit, the primitiveness of interests and desires. These factors are destabilizing in nature, which can be changed through school, namely through the formation of a more comprehensive system of humanitarian knowledge, the implementation of education based on the principles of cooperation, democracy, solidarity, and respect.

Today, for educational institutions, as part of the socialization of a schoolchild, the tasks of forming an independent mature personality, capable of reflecting on one’s own abilities, with developed spiritual and moral values, and psychologically ready to enter adulthood, are becoming especially relevant.

Influence on the socialization of junior schoolchildren of educational institutions

Socialization of children of primary school age can be considered as a socio-psychological adaptation, which manifests itself in:

  • intrapersonal, or actually psychological level: personal and emotional well-being, representing the “adaptive potential” of the individual;
  • behavioral or social level: autonomy, level of social activity, socialization and education.

As a rule, children of primary school age demonstrate a fairly high level of development of social qualities:

  • they are purposeful and responsible;
  • for them, the assessment and praise of teachers and comrades is significant, social achievements are of great importance;
  • make friends with peers;
  • they try to help others, do good deeds, protect the weak, etc.;
  • know how to empathize and forgive.

In a modern school, issues of socialization of children of primary school age are paramount, which is associated with

  • modern education reform,
  • the changing social situation of the child’s formation,
  • increase and intensification of social and pedagogical problems of children.

In accordance with new approaches in education, its goal becomes personal development.

The school is the second most important institution of socialization (after the family) where the entire system of social requirements is transmitted to the child.

The assimilation of social experience is formed through the involvement of children in real relationships in microgroups, among themselves and with adults, with school through the media and nature.

The main components corresponding to the main social functions are:

  • readiness for civilized human relations;
  • readiness, based on universal human values, for relationships in the spiritual sphere.

Basic conditions and factors of socialization of a primary school student

The main conditions for effective socialization of a child include:

  • emotionally comfortable atmosphere in the classroom;
  • children's mental health;
  • favorable conditions for the socialization of the child, ensuring his psychological comfort in the team;
  • organization of psychological and pedagogical monitoring of indicators of development, health and education of children;
  • close interaction between teachers and parents;
  • formation of partnership cooperation, willingness to work in a socially oriented direction.

The socialization of a primary school child will be more effective if:

  1. Regulate relations between adults and children based on the harmonization of real and universal values.
  2. Ensure the inclusion of children in socially significant relationships.
  3. Respect the rights of the child based on the relationship between children's self-government and pedagogical management.

For effective socialization, it is necessary to teach schoolchildren to develop readiness for certain actions in new life circumstances.

The main agent of socialization of a child in elementary school is the teacher. His culture, personal qualities, character traits, pedagogical abilities and attitude towards children can have both positive and negative influence on the processes of socialization of the student.

Note 1

Social-pedagogical work is a systemic activity, the main function of which is to help the child establish normal relationships at school, in the family, in society; in organizing yourself.

Effective implementation of this activity is possible if several conditions are met:

  • study and wide involvement of the child’s surrounding society;
  • pedagogical diagnostics aimed at a comprehensive study of the child’s personality;
  • availability of social educators;
  • openness and humanity of the educational institution.

The influence of the family on the socialization of a primary school student

One of the most effective factors in the socialization, education and spiritual and moral development of younger schoolchildren is the pedagogical culture of parents. Therefore, one of the most important areas of socialization of younger schoolchildren is improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

The family is both a place of life activity and a living environment for a child. The success of personality formation is predetermined by the family. The higher the quality of education in the family, the higher the results of the moral, physical, and labor education of the individual.

The family and the child are mirror images of each other. The best way to foster correct relationships is the personal example of parents, their care and help, and mutual respect.

Note 2

The formation of moral principles in a child occurs on the basis of his intensive mental development, the indicator of which is speech and actions. The development of speech is a significant indicator of improving a child’s culture, a necessary condition for his mental, aesthetic and moral development.

The formation of personality significantly depends on the entire set of conditions characteristic of a certain socio-economic situation, and therefore the process of education and training involves the socialization of the student’s personality.
L.V. Mardakaev in the “Dictionary of Social Pedagogy” gives the following definition: “Socialization is the process of personality formation. In the process of such formation, the individual assimilates language, social values ​​and experience (norms, attitudes, patterns of behavior), culture inherent in a given society, social community, groups, and reproduces social connections and social experience. Socialization is considered both as a process and as a result.”
The essence of socialization is that in the process a person is formed as a member of the society to which he belongs.
Work on the socialization of younger schoolchildren can begin with studying families - this will allow you to get to know the student himself better, understand the way of life of the family, spiritual values, and the style of relationships between parents and children.
When working with children on socialization, the goal is to create pedagogical and socio-psychological conditions that allow primary school students to master socialization skills.
In modern conditions, there is an increasing need for active, strong-willed individuals who know how to organize their work and themselves, who are able to take initiative and overcome difficulties on their own. In this regard, it became necessary to focus on the regulation of the child’s social behavior.
The first issue that was resolved was the formation of the social position of a 6-7 year old child, and the ensuing task: developing in 1st grade students the ability to navigate in a new social environment.



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Influence on the socialization of junior schoolchildren of educational institutions

Socialization of children of primary school age can be considered as a socio-psychological adaptation, which manifests itself in:

  • intrapersonal, or actually psychological level: personal and emotional well-being, representing the “adaptive potential” of the individual;
  • behavioral or social level: autonomy, level of social activity, socialization and education.

As a rule, children of primary school age demonstrate a fairly high level of development of social qualities:

  • they are purposeful and responsible;
  • for them, the assessment and praise of teachers and comrades is significant, social achievements are of great importance;
  • make friends with peers;
  • they try to help others, do good deeds, protect the weak, etc.;
  • know how to empathize and forgive.

In a modern school, issues of socialization of children of primary school age are paramount, which is associated with

  • modern reform education,
  • the changing social situation of the child’s formation,
  • increase and intensification of social and pedagogical problems of children.

In accordance with new approaches in education, its goal becomes personal development.

The school is the second most important institution of socialization (after the family) where the entire system of social requirements is transmitted to the child.

The assimilation of social experience is formed through the involvement of children in real relationships in microgroups, among themselves and with adults, with school through the media and nature.

The main components corresponding to the main social functions are:

  • readiness for civilized human relations;
  • readiness, based on universal human values, for relationships in the spiritual sphere.

Basic conditions and factors of socialization of a primary school student

The main conditions for effective socialization of a child include:

  • emotionally comfortable atmosphere in class;
  • children's mental health;
  • favorable conditions for the socialization of the child, ensuring his psychological comfort in the team;
  • organization of psychological and pedagogical monitoring of indicators of development, health and education of children;
  • close interaction between teachers and parents;
  • formation of partnership cooperation, willingness to work in a socially oriented direction.

The socialization of a primary school child will be more effective if:

  1. Regulate relations between adults and children based on the harmonization of real and universal values.
  2. Ensure the inclusion of children in socially significant relationships.
  3. Respect the rights of the child based on the relationship between children's self-government and pedagogical management.

For effective socialization, it is necessary to teach schoolchildren to develop readiness for certain actions in new life circumstances.

Main socialization agent child in primary school - teacher. His culture, personal qualities, character traits, pedagogical abilities and attitude towards children can have both positive and negative influence on the processes of socialization of the student.

Note 1

Social-pedagogical work is a systemic activity, the main function of which is to help the child establish normal relationships at school, in the family, in society; in organizing yourself.

Effective implementation of this activity is possible if several conditions are met:

  • study and wide involvement of the child’s surrounding society;
  • pedagogical diagnostics aimed at a comprehensive study of the child’s personality;
  • availability of social educators;
  • openness and humanity of the educational institution.

The influence of the family on the socialization of a primary school student

One of the most effective factors in the socialization, education and spiritual and moral development of younger schoolchildren is the pedagogical culture of parents. Therefore, one of the most important areas of socialization of younger schoolchildren is improving the pedagogical culture of parents.

The family is both a place of life activity and a living environment for a child. The success of personality formation is predetermined by the family. The higher the quality of education in the family, the higher the results of the moral, physical, and labor education of the individual.

The family and the child are mirror images of each other. The best way to foster correct relationships is the personal example of parents, their care and help, and mutual respect.

Note 2

The formation of moral principles in a child occurs on the basis of his intensive mental development, the indicator of which is speech and actions. The development of speech is a significant indicator of improving a child’s culture, a necessary condition for his mental, aesthetic and moral development.

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