Foreign prefixes after which it is written and. Rules s or and after prefixes. The letter "and" after consonant prefixes


Letters I/Y after prefixes.

After prefixes ending to a consonant, instead of the letter I the letter Y is written.

play along, play, play - Play

find, find, find - Search

unideological - ideological

without initiative - Initiative

non-induction - Induction

subintegral - Integral

prehistory - History

pre-July - July


1. Exception. In a word charge the letter I is written.

in words of the same root AFTER OTHER PRESIDENTS Y is written according to the rule: withdraw

2. After consoles INTERNATIONAL And ABOVE- the letter I is retained.

inter-Institutional, inter-Imperialistic, super-Refined, super-Industrialization, super-Interesting

3. After foreign language prefixes DEZ-, CONTROL-, POST-, SUB-, SUPER-, TRANS-, PAN- the letter I is retained.

disInformation, counterGame, post-Impressionism, sub-Inspector, super-Intendant, trans-Jordanian, pan-Islamism

4. Complex abbreviated words do not obey this rule. The letter I is retained.

medical institute, pedagogical institute, sports equipment, dispute game, special boarding school

5. B difficult words with the first base TWO-, THREE, FOUR- I is also preserved.

two-pulse, three-pulse, three-ion, four-needle

Task 1 #11791

1) pre..infarction, without..action, not without..known

2) up..mother, pre..history, political..information

3) post..infarction,, mis..information

4) three..on, for..skrit, from..mother

5) super..intuition, sub..gral, sub..integral

1) Pre-infarction, unprincipled, notorious. Prefixes end in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

Political information. This compound word, there is no prefix in it. The root starting with I remains unchanged.

3) Post-infarction, counter-risk, misinformation. After the prefixes POST-, CONT- and DEZ- we write I, because these are foreign language prefixes; they are all exceptions to this rule.

4) Three-ion. In compound words with the first stem TWO-, THREE-, FOUR-, I is retained at the beginning of the second stem.

Sparkle. After the prefix ZA- we leave I, because This is a Russian prefix ending in a vowel.

Seize. The prefix ends in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

5) Superintuition. After the prefix SUPER- we write AND, because this prefix is ​​an exception.

Played along, integrand. Prefixes end in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

Answer: 13

Task 2 #11792

Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in all words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

1) under..skate, from..get away, from..di

2) without..initiative, with..improvise, pre..Yunsky

3) state.. property, trans.. Jordanian, over.. impulsive

4) pre..historical,, inter..institutional

5) without..illusory, since..long ago, after..wear

1) Find, recoup, get out. Prefixes end in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

In all words, Y is missing. We write down the number 1.

2) Lack of initiative, improvise, pre-June. Prefixes end in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

3) State property. This is a compound word with no prefix. The root starting with I remains unchanged.

Transjordanian. After the prefix TRANS- we write I, because this is a foreign language prefix; they are all exceptions to this rule.

Over-impulsive. After the prefix SUPER- we write AND, because this prefix is ​​an exception.

In all words, in place of the gap I. Write out the number 3.

4) Prehistoric. The prefix ends in a vowel. Therefore, at the beginning of the root, I DO NOT replace it with Y.

Medical Institute. This is a compound word with no prefix. The root starting with I remains unchanged.

5) Illusory, since long ago. Prefixes end in a consonant. Therefore, after the prefix I we replace it with Y.

Get worn out. The prefix ends in a vowel. Therefore, at the beginning of the root, I DO NOT replace it with Y.

Answer: 1234

Task 3 #11793

Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in all words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

1) financial inspector, pick up, restart

2), v..wishy, ​​z..give

3) post..impressionism, enveloping,...

4) ultra..refined, inter..imperialist, rage..

5) without..interesting, with..zmal, pre..junsky

1) Financial inspector. This is a compound word with no prefix. The root starting with I remains unchanged.

Charge. After the prefix VZ- we write I, because This is an exception.

Reinvent. The prefix ends in a vowel. Therefore, at the beginning of the root, I DO NOT replace it with Y.

2) Search, seeking. Prefixes end in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

Lime. The prefix ends in a vowel. Therefore, at the beginning of the root, I DO NOT replace it with Y.

3) Post-Impressionism. After the prefix POST- we write I, because this is a foreign language prefix; they are all exceptions to this rule.

Searcher, take effect. Prefixes end in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

4) Ultra-refined, inter-imperialist. After the prefixes SUPER- and INTER- we write AND, because these consoles are an exception.

Play out. The prefix ends in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

5) Uninteresting, since childhood, pre-June. Prefixes end in a consonant. Therefore, after the prefixes I we replace them with Y.

Answer: 15

Task 4 #11794

Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in all words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

1), cross..climb, pre..history

2) from..mother, summed up, under..integral

3) with..skatel, without..induction, under..grill

4) inter..imperialist, financial..inspector, up..mother

5) four..interval, three..goal, sub..tog

1) Samizdat. This is a compound word with no prefix. The root starting with I remains unchanged.

To be re-elected. The prefix ends in a vowel. Therefore, at the beginning of the root, I DO NOT replace it with Y.

Background. The prefix ends in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

2) Withdraw, summed up, integrand. Prefixes end in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

In all words, Y is missing. We write down the number 2.

3) Applicant. The prefix ends in a vowel. Therefore, at the beginning of the root, I DO NOT replace it with Y.

Non-inductive, played along. Prefixes end in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

4) Inter-imperialist. After the prefix MEZH- we write AND, because this prefix is ​​an exception.

Financial inspector. This is a compound word with no prefix. The root starting with I remains unchanged.

Charge. After the prefix VZ- we write I, because This is an exception.

In all words, in place of the gap I. Write out the number 4.

5) Four-interval. In compound words with the first stem TWO-, THREE-, FOUR-, I is retained at the beginning of the second stem.

Three-needle. In compound words with the first stem TWO-, THREE-, FOUR-, I is retained at the beginning of the second stem.

Subtotal. The prefix ends in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

Answer: 24

Task 5 #11795

Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in all words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

1) commensurate, insulated,

2) pan..slamism, za..len, take

3) dis..information, post..industrial, sanitary..inspector

4) two..pulse, get away, get interested

5) since..long ago, yearning, with..improvise

1) Comparable, insulated. The prefix ends in a vowel. Therefore, at the beginning of the root, I DO NOT replace it with Y.

Party property. This is a compound word with no prefix. The root starting with I remains unchanged.

In all words, in place of the gap I. We write down the number 1.

2) Pan-Islamism. After the prefix PAN- we write I, because this is a foreign language prefix; all foreign language prefixes are an exception to this rule.

Silted. After the prefix ZA- we leave I, because This is a Russian prefix ending in a vowel.

Jump. The prefix ends in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

3) Disinformation, post-industrial. After the prefixes POST- and DEZ- we write I, because these are foreign language prefixes; they are all exceptions to this rule.

Sanitary inspector. This is a compound word with no prefix. The root starting with I remains unchanged.

In all words, in place of the gap I. Write out the number 3.

4) Double-pulse. In compound words with the first stem TWO-, THREE-, FOUR-, I is retained at the beginning of the second stem.

Get even. The prefix ends in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

Interest. After the prefix ZA- we leave I, because This is a Russian prefix ending in a vowel.

5) Since long ago, seeking, improvise. Prefixes end in a consonant. Therefore, at the beginning of the root I is replaced by Y.

In all words, Y is missing. We write down the number 5.

Answer: 135

Task 6 #11796

Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in all words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

1) up..mother, pre..history, inter..institutional

2) not without..interesting,, to...summarize

3) counter..gra,, super..interesting

4) super..gra,, take..mother

5) dis..information, without..initiative,

1) Charge. After the prefix VZ- we write I, because This is an exception.

Background. After the prefix PRE- we write Y (instead of I), because This is a Russian prefix ending in a consonant.

Inter-institute. After the prefix MEZH- we write AND, because this prefix is ​​an exception.

2) Not uninteresting. After the prefix Bez- we write Y (instead of I), because This is a Russian prefix ending in a consonant.

Play. After the prefix C- we write Y (instead of I), because This is a Russian prefix ending in a consonant.

To summarize. After the prefix POD- we write Y (instead of I), because This is a Russian prefix ending in a consonant.

In all words, Y is missing. We write down the number 2.

3) Counterplay. After the prefix CONTR- we write AND, because this is a foreign language prefix; all foreign language prefixes are an exception to this rule.

Pedagogical institute is a complex abbreviated word, there are no prefixes in it. The root starting with I remains unchanged.

Super interesting. After the prefix SUPER- we write AND, because this prefix is ​​an exception.

In all words, in place of the gap I. Write out the number 3.

4) Super game. After the prefix SUPER- we write I, because this is a foreign language prefix; all foreign language prefixes are an exception to this rule.

Medical institute is a compound abbreviated word, there are no prefixes in it. The root starting with I remains unchanged.

Charge. After the prefix VZ- we write I, because This is an exception.

In all words, in place of the gap I. Write out the number 4.

5) Misinformation. After the prefix DEZ- we write I, because this is a foreign language prefix; all foreign language prefixes are an exception to this rule.

Play along. After the prefix POD- we write Y (instead of I), because This is a Russian prefix ending in a consonant.

Answer: 234

Task 7 #11797

Indicate the answer options in which the same letter is missing in all words of the same row. Write down the answer numbers.

1) pedagogical institute, previous..previous, without..initiative

2) dis..integration, rise

3) over..excessive,, post..imperial

4) re..start, inter..editorial, take up

5) with..improvise, suggest, from..mother

1) Pedagogical Institute. This is a compound word with no prefix. The root starting with I remains unchanged.

Previous. After the prefix PRE- we write Y (instead of I), because This is a Russian prefix ending in a consonant.

Lack of initiative. After the prefix Bez- we write Y (instead of I), because This is a Russian prefix ending in a consonant.

2) Disintegration. After the prefix DEZ- we write I, because this is a foreign language prefix; all foreign language prefixes are an exception to this rule.

Not unknown. After the prefix Bez- we write Y (instead of I), because This is a Russian prefix ending in a consonant.

Jump. After the prefix ВЗ- we write Y (instead of I), because This is a Russian prefix ending in a consonant.

3) Super redundant. After the prefix SUPER- we write AND, because this prefix is ​​an exception.

Replay. After the prefix RE- we leave AND, because This is a Russian prefix ending in a vowel.

Post-imperial. After the prefix POST- we write I, because this is a foreign language prefix; all foreign language prefixes are an exception to this rule.

In all words, in place of the gap I. Write out the number 3.

4) Reinvent. After the prefix RE- we leave AND, because This is a Russian prefix ending in a vowel.

Interpublishing. After the prefix MEZH- we write AND, because this prefix is ​​an exception.

Charge. After the prefix VZ- we write I, because This is an exception.

In all words, in place of the gap I. Write out the number 4.

5) Improvise. After the prefix C- we write Y (instead of I), because This is a Russian prefix ending in a consonant.

Find it. After the prefix POD- we write Y (instead of I), because This is a Russian prefix ending in a consonant.

Seize. After the prefix IZ- we write Y (instead of I), because This is a Russian prefix ending in a consonant. It is important to remember: this word is not an exception.

In all words, Y is missing. We write down the number 5.

Answer: 345

When preparing to take certification testing in the Russian language, high school students must once again remember the basic rules regarding the spelling of the letters -i, -s after prefixes. Although this section is covered in sufficient detail within the framework of the basic school curriculum, many graduates are faced with the need to repeat of this material. At the same time, accurate knowledge of the rules for writing the letters -i, -y in the root after prefixes will allow students to quickly complete the proposed tasks and avoid common mistakes in the process passing the Unified State Exam In Russian. This, in turn, is the key to obtaining competitive scores based on the results of writing certification tests.

Basic material required for re-study

To know exactly in which cases the letter -i will be written after prefixes, and in which -s, we recommend brushing up on the basic rules.

Must be learned!

  1. The letter -ы is written in accordance with pronunciation instead of -i after Russian prefixes that end in a consonant, with the exception of inter- and super-. For example, look for. As an exception to this rule, it is worth noting the word charge.
  2. Writing the letter i- must be done in the following cases:
    • after foreign prefixes counter-, dez-, post-, super-, trans-, pan-, sub-. For example, counterplay;
    • after the prefixes over- and inter-. For example, interpublisher;
    • after prefixes that end in a vowel, according to pronunciation. For example, win.

    Important! This rule for spelling the letters -ы and -и after prefixes is not applicable to compound words. For example, sports equipment.

Choose the educational website "Shkolkovo" for high-quality preparation for certification testing in the Russian language!

To ensure that tasks related to spelling the letters -i, -s after prefixes ending in a consonant do not cause any particular difficulties when passing the mandatory final test, study on our online portal. Here you will find all the material that will help you fully prepare for the exam. The information is presented in the most accessible form.

Experienced Shkolkovo teachers are confident that, gradually moving from simple to more complex, high school students will be able to identify the most difficult topics for themselves and thus improve their basic knowledge. First, graduates are asked to once again repeat the main theoretical material (, suffixes, etc.). Having done this, students can become familiar with concrete examples and practice doing the exercises. An extensive bank of tasks is presented in the corresponding section of the Shkolkovo website. The list of exercises is constantly updated by our teachers.

Don’t put off preparing for later, start your classes on time! Look at the tasks on the topic “Spelling vowels -и, -ы after prefixes”, select the simplest ones first and try to complete them. If you do not encounter any particular difficulties, you can safely move on to more serious exercises. And if certain difficulties still arise, then we recommend that you add regular classes on our website to your schedule.

We provide training for students online. This means that practicing educational portal Shkolkovo is open not only to graduates from Moscow, but also to students living in other cities of Russia.

The rule for writing the letter u/s after consonant prefixes concerns different cases of writing words with the initial letter I or Y at the root of the word. The choice of letter is determined by whether the Russian or foreign language prefix precedes the root of the word.

Spelling of the letter Y after Russian consonant prefixes

If in morphemic composition the word has a Russian prefix that ends with a consonant, with the exception of the letters “zh” and “x”, after it we write the letter Y at the root.


  • heart attack - pre s infarction;
  • proactive - without s proactive;
  • skillful - without s tasty;
  • ironize - with s ronize.


The following words are written similarly: become commonplace, search, without inventory, needleless, leaping, nameless, childhood, artless, hopelessness, previous, find, play along, look for, unprincipled, notorious, played.


Exception: charge; collection

These two words are written according to their pronunciation.

The letter I after the prefixes inter- and super-

In Russian orthography, after the letters “zh”, “sh”, “x”, “ch”, “sch” the letter Y is not written, therefore after the prefixes inter- and super- the initial letter I is retained at the root.


  • gaming - between And grovoy,
  • institute - between And institute,
  • publishing - between And editorial,
  • interesting - beyond And interesting and so on.

Thus, the algorithm for writing prefixes will look like this.

Algorithm for writing prefixes Y and I

Writing the letter I in compound words

In complex words with the first part of two-, three-, four-, only the letter I is written after the letter “x”.


  • two-needle,
  • three-pulse,
  • four-game.

In compound words, the first word is abbreviated, and the second one retains the initial letter I as its root.


  • sport And equipment (sports equipment),
  • specialist And instrument (special tool).

Writing the letter I after foreign language prefixes

If the morphemic composition of a word contains foreign language prefixes des-, counter-, pan-, post-, super-, sub-, trans-, then the initial


  • des And information, misinformation And non-sectional, dez And integral;
  • counter And gra, counter And tog, counter And sk;
  • fast And impressionism, post And infarction;
  • pan And slamist, pan And ironic;
  • super And thunderous, super And graceful, super And interesting;
  • trance And Ransky, trans And Indian; sub And inspector.

Thus, when combining a prefix that ends in a consonant with a root or other prefix starting with I, by general rule write the letter Y.

Example: previous, search, background.

We write the letter I in words with prefixes above- And inter-(super-interesting, inter-institutional) and in words with foreign language prefixes and particles pan-, sub-, trans-, counter- and so on (counterplay, sub-inspector, post-impressionism).

97. Instead of And after prefixes that end in a consonant, it is pronounced and written s: once s play, before s blowing, without s artificial, under s live without s active, before s story, not uninteresting and so on.

In two cases, after the consonant sound of the prefix it is written And :

1) in words with prefixes inter- And above- , For example: between And institute(competitions), above And exquisite(manners);

2) after foreign language prefixes, for example: sub And inspector, sir And Islamism, counter And gra.

98. Prefixes ending in a consonant, except h , are written according to the general rule, i.e. do not change this consonant: With add With saw, by d hit, hit d to nag etc.

That's why Russian words are never written at the beginning zb, zg, zz, zzh, but it is written sb, sg, sd, szh, except for the words: building yes, building aniye, building cows, zg and (neither zg and not visible), as well as derivatives from them: building eshny, building be equal, etc. (in these words the first letter is not a prefix).

99. Consoles from- , bottom- , WHO- , vz- , once- , rose- , without- , through And through- written with a letter h before vowels and before voiced consonants, and before voiceless consonants, these prefixes are written with the letter With: ra h beat - ra With saw, in h do - in With click or h overthrow - neither With walk, and h beat - and With spoil, blah h gifted - no With right, be h emergency - no With party etc.

Note. It should not be forgotten that the rule applies only consoles, i.e. that it has nothing to do with the root, for example: cart(Where WHO- root) or short, lower(Where bottom- root).

100. Console rose- (ros-) written only under stress when it is heard O: painting, But: receipt; slums, But: fall apart.

101. To avoid mistakes in the spelling of prefixes re- , pre- , at- , you need to understand the meaning of these prefixes. The meaning of the prefix re- - “again”, “differently”, “through”: repaint, overtake, jump over. The main meaning of the prefix at- — “approximation”, “adding”: run, attach, Also attract; in other cases it indicates an action performed on a small scale: open, lie down, lift; in addition, it has other meanings. Console pre- has two main meanings: 1) means high degree qualities: most kind, most unpleasant; 2) has the same meaning in book words as in in simple words has a prefix re- . For example: refraction(cf: break), transform, transform(cf: turn over) and so on.

It is necessary to distinguish between words (for their meaning, see the dictionary): arrive, arrive, arrival And abide, stay; aisle And limit, define; receiver And successor, successive; look after, despise, charity And despise, despise, contempt; start And transgress, criminal, crime.

Lesson notes on the Russian language in grade 5 "A".

LESSON TOPIC : The letter Y and I after prefixes ending in a consonant.

TYPE OF LESSON: Lesson explaining new material.


    Formation of spelling skills on a new topic.

    Introduce students to the identifying features and graphic designation of spelling.

    To develop the ability to consciously perceive and formulate a rule.


    Textbook on the Russian language. Russian language. Practice. 5 grades : textbook For educational institutions/ A.Yu. Kupalova, A.P. Eremeeva, G.K. Lidman - Orlova and others; edited by A.Yu. Kupalova. – 2nd ed., stereotype. – M.: Bustard, 2013. – 270 p.

    Workbook on the Russian language.

    Handouts (cards).

During the classes

Lesson stage

1.Organizing moment.

Teacher's actions

Hello children! Sit down. Open your notebooks and write down today's date and words: Cool work.

Look at the blackboard. There are a couple of words written there. Copy them into your notebook and highlight the prefixes and roots.

Words on the board:

1) named - named - nameless

2) interesting – uninteresting – uninteresting

3) play - play - play - play

4) search – search – find

5) historical – prehistoric – prehistoric

6) become frosty - become frosty - become ordinary

What interesting thing did you notice in these words?

Well done!

Absolutely right. Why do you think?

Yes! So what is the topic of our lesson today?

Almost every rule has exceptions. So, the exception to our rule today is the word COLLECT. Why?

Guys, there are also such prefixes when after them we write in the root I, despite the fact that they end in a consonant. These are the prefixes BETWEEN and OVER.

Inter-institutional, super-refined, super-interesting.

There are many words in the Russian language with foreign prefixes. Such as: CONTROL -, SUB-, TRANS, PAN-, -DEZ, _SUPER, -POST. After these prefixes, the letter I will also be written at the root.

Let's summarize all of the above.

Let's draw a diagram of our new concept.

Now let's check if we understand the new concept well.

Words are dictated, students write down the dictation, highlight the prefix, spelling and comment on the spelling of Y or I.

Summarize, unprincipled, hoax, disinfection, previous, hopeless, inter-publishing, counter-play, uninitiative, sub-inspector, interest,

background, pre-July, misinform, inter-institutional,

play, collect.

You have been given suggestions. From them you write down words with the spelling we are interested in and explain its spelling.

1) I will find the secret and open the chest to you. (I. Krylov)

2) In the evening a snowstorm broke out.

3) We decided to find a ford.

4) In the previous issue there was interesting article about dolphins.

5) It was necessary to find a reliable place.

6) I did not lose hope of finding the way.

Let's do the exercise given to you on the cards:

1. Without...effective information, without...pulse sensor, without...initiative assistant, not without...interesting film, without...hard welding, without...boring story, without...similar situation, collect...taxes, charge... crushing pride, demanding taste, dis...integral scheme, from...scandy environment, offer a counter...gro, present a, training, inter...institutional conference, inter...irrigation period, inter...building agreement.

2. A once...drawn lot, a criminal, over...refined manners, with...playing a joke, with...hardening up, starting again...again.

- You worked well today and learned new material. What are we going to do at home?

Homework exercise 639. Lesson is over, goodbye!

Student actions

The children say hello and sit down. Make notes in notebooks.

Children write the words in a notebook and highlight the prefixes.

That sometimes the letter I in the root after the prefix is ​​preserved, and sometimes it changes to the letter Y.

The letter AND does NOT radically change to Y when the prefix ends in a vowel, but when the prefix ends in a consonant, then AND radically changes to Y.

The letter Y after prefixes ending in a consonant.

The prefix VZ ends in a consonant; according to the rule, we should write Y, but since this is an exception, we write I.

Children write down words, highlight prefixes and roots.

So,the letter Y after the prefix is ​​written if:

    The prefix ends in a consonant, except for the prefixes BETWEEN and SVERH.

    The prefix is ​​not foreign language.

The letter I is written after the prefix if:

    The prefix ends in a vowel.

    Foreign language prefix.

    Prefix INTERNAL, OVER.

.According to S, except INTERNATIONAL, OVER+foreign language


Children write down words, highlight prefixes, comment on the spelling of the letters I, Y to the root.

Practice writing the letters Y, I after prefixes.

Spelling prefixes and the letters adjacent to them often causes difficulty not only among schoolchildren, but also among adults. This is also explained by the fact that this section of spelling has not been reformed very successfully several times. Let's look at one of the difficult topics.

Vowels after prefixes

“Why these rules? You can write as you hear!” - Probably everyone has heard such phrases. But in fact, writing the way you hear is completely inconvenient. And the rule that we will now consider is confirmation of this fact.

The fact is that the spelling of I and Y after prefixes contradicts the basic, phonemic, principle of Russian spelling. These words are written according to an unusual phonetic principle: as they are heard, so they are written. However, this does not at all protect you from mistakes; on the contrary, it provokes them. This is explained by the fact that many of us are by no means distinguished by ideal phonetic hearing, which is no more common than ideal musical hearing. Otherwise we could do it easily phonetic analysis, and you wouldn’t have to learn anything.

The basic principle of Russian spelling is phonemic. This means that in a weak position (for example, unstressed) the same is written as in a strong position (for example, under stress).

Another problem is that none of the vowels that indicate softening of the previous consonant actually soften the final letter of the prefix. If it is followed by E, Yo, Yu, Ya, then after the prefix it is placed before this vowel solid sign. If I appears in this place, then it turns into Y.

Y or I?

So the rule says: after the prefix to a consonant, the first letter of the root I becomes Y.

Examples : search (search), uninitiative (initiative), play along (play).

In addition, I is also preserved after the prefixes super-, inter-.

The rule “Y and after prefixes” has one exception. This word charge, you need to remember it.

In addition, spelling Y/I after prefixes requires writing the letter I if the word is transferred to another line at this point; that is, for example, if we transfer the word “play”, we leave “one” on the drain, and on the next one we continue “play”, not “play”.

This is explained by the “lack of full rights” of Y. This letter denotes a sound, but not a phoneme (this is how scientists call the sound not of speech, but of language - a model of sound in our minds). Therefore, Y cannot be the first letter of a Russian word; it is not written after Zh, Sh, etc. And we all really feel that there is “something wrong” with this letter, so there are often errors with such a simple rule; tasks for it are included in the Unified State Examination.

We must not forget that the rule applies only to vowels after prefixes. In compound words I is preserved: two-needle, special equipment.


  • Find it.
  • Play along.
  • Artless.
  • Lack of initiative.
  • Get even.
  • Background.
  • Unprincipled.
  • To summarize.
  • Collect.
  • Charge - excl.
  • Super intelligent.
  • Inter-institute.
  • Disinfection.
  • Post-Impressionism.

What have we learned?

After the prefix to a consonant in roots starting with I (-isk-, -initiatives-, -ig-), and the preceding prefix from- (is-), Y is written instead of I. This rule is based on the phonetic principle (we write as we hear). Exception: charge. I, not Y, is also written (preserved) after super-, inter- and foreign-language prefixes. The letter I is also written in compound words.

Test on the topic

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