Examination tasks for the qualification exam in the specialty “Computer Operator. Tasks for the qualifying exam in the specialty: "Computer operator" Simple exam papers with practice computer operator

The original question that led to the creation of resilience theory was “what psychological factors contribute to successful coping with stress and the reduction (or even prevention) of internal tension?” It was suggested that this factor is what was later called resilience - a kind of existential courage that allows the individual to depend less on situational experiences and overcome constant basic anxiety that is actualized in situations of uncertainty and the need for choice. Hardiness is a system of beliefs about oneself, about the world, about relationships with the world. This is a disposition that includes three relatively autonomous components: involvement, control, and risk taking. The severity of these components and resilience in general prevents the emergence of internal tension in stressful situations due to persistent coping with stress and perceiving them as less significant. Commitment is defined as “the belief that being involved in what is happening gives the greatest chance of finding something worthwhile and interesting to the individual.” A person with a developed involvement component enjoys his own activities. In contrast, the absence of such conviction gives rise to a feeling of rejection, a feeling of being “outside” of life. “If you feel confident in yourself and that the world is generous, you are engaged.” Control is the belief that struggle allows one to influence the outcome of what is happening, even if this influence is not absolute and success is not guaranteed. The opposite of this is a feeling of helplessness. A person with a highly developed control component feels that he chooses his own activities, his own path. Taking risks (challenge) is a person’s conviction that everything that happens to him contributes to his development through knowledge gained from experience, no matter whether positive or negative. A person who views life as a way of gaining experience is ready to act in the absence of reliable guarantees of success, at his own peril and risk, considering the desire for simple comfort and security to impoverish the life of the individual. Risk taking is based on the idea of ​​development through the active assimilation of knowledge from experience and its subsequent use. Thus, resilience is a personal characteristic that develops in childhood and adolescence, although theoretically its development is possible at a later age. Muddy cautions that the concept of resilience should not be confused with related concepts such as optimism, sense of connectedness, self-efficacy, resilience, religiosity, etc.

Do you want to become better at computer skills?

An Excel document is a workbook that consists of three sheets by default. Each sheet is a separate table on which all Excel functions are available. Sometimes you only need one sheet of paper or, conversely, a large number of sheets for work. It is also convenient to duplicate an existing sheet with all the data on it instead of creating a new one and copying information from another sheet into it. How to do this in Excel?

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If you are a teacher, then of course you have wondered: what books do you need to read to make your work bring joy and satisfaction? There is no doubt that you can now find a wealth of information on this issue on the Internet. But it is very difficult to understand such diversity. And figuring out which books will really help you will take a lot of time. In this article, you will learn about what books every teacher should read.

The clarity of the material motivates elementary school children to solve educational problems and maintains interest in the subject. Therefore, one of the most effective teaching methods is the use of flashcards. Cards can be used when teaching any subject, including in club activities and extracurricular activities. For example, the same cards with vegetables and fruits are suitable for teaching counting in mathematics lessons, and for studying the topic of wild and garden plants in lessons about the natural world.

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Examination tasks for

qualifying exam for the specialty “Computer Operator”

« Word. Basic operations with a document"

Task No. 1. (2 points )

1. Create a Microsoft Word document with your short autobiography (At least 15 lines: name is so-and-so, born then, love this, am interested in this, don’t like this, etc.). Title for your text: Task No. 1. Autobiography.

2. Format the heading: font size 15, type Bookman old style, bold italic, heading color red, underline (any type), underline color red (Select heading, menu Format ® Font).

3. Format the font of the rest of the text: font size 14, Arial type (select the text, menu Format ® Font).

4. Center the title. Align all text to width.

5. Set margins to 2 cm. (File ® Page Setup)

6. Set the red line (select all text, menu Format ® Paragraph ® first line indent 1 cm).

7. Make the text one and a half spaced (select text, format ® paragraph ® interline ® one and a half).

8. Insert page numbers (insert ® page numbers ® select location: at the top of the page, from the center ® confirm insertion).

9. Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View ® Header and Footer).

10.Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is “Task No. 1” (File ® Save as ®…). Sign the floppy disk with your name.

Task No. 2. (maximum 2 points)

1. Create a Microsoft Word document with a short story about the city of Tobolsk (at least 15 lines). Heading for your text: Task No. 2. Tobolsk

3. Present the text in the form of 3 columns (select the text (except for the title!), format ® columns ® indicate the number of columns ® confirm the choice).

4. Insert a picture into the text (menu Insert ® Picture ® Pictures).

5. Change the format of the picture along the contour (right mouse button on the picture ® picture format ® position ® along the contour).

6. Using the symbol insertion mode (Insert ® Symbol), find and insert the following symbols:

7. Create a page frame the same as on this sheet (Format ® Borders and Shading ® Page tab ® Picture ® OK).

11.Write your full name, current date and time in the header (View ® Header and Footer).

8. Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is “Task No. 2”. Sign the floppy disk.

Task No. 3. (maximum 3 points)

1. Create a Microsoft Word document with a short story about studying at our institute (at least 15 lines). Heading for your text: Task No. 3. Institute.

2. Format the text according to points 2 to 8 of task No. 1.

3. Start each sentence of your text on a new line.

4. Number the lines of text (select text ® format ® list ® numbered).

5. Add a Drawing toolbar (View ® Toolbars ® Drawing).

6. Create the proposed diagram using the elements of the Drawing panel:

8. Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is “Task No. 3”. Sign the floppy disk with your name.

Task No. 4. (maximum 4 points)

1. Create a Microsoft Word document. Create a table - your schedule for the week - according to the proposed model. Title: Task No. 4. Schedule.


Red Week

Blue week


Nah, Monday

Difficult day!

There’s a couple here too, I definitely remember them.

And study again!

Well, I don’t go to this couple, it’s hard to wake up...

I always try not to be late... I have never succeeded

Hmm, sometimes I’m still capable of something...

Ooooh, this is unbearable, 4 pairs a day! I want to go home!

That’s it, I’m starting a new life, I’ll study...

I'll go to the next couples anyway. I promise!

Computer science

Spanish modern information and communication technologies

Computer science

2. Comment: Make a table for all school days of the week. Fill the table.

3. Write down the time in the table using superscripts (Select minutes ® Format ® font ® superscript). Use a fill for table cells (Select the desired cell ® Format ® Borders and Shading ® Fill tab).

4. Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View ® Header and Footer).

5. Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is “Task No. 4”. Sign the floppy disk with your name.

Task No. 5. (maximum 5 points)

1. Create a Microsoft Word document. You need to make a greeting card.

2. Change the document orientation: File ® Page Setup ® Paper Size ® Orientation ® Landscape.

3. Set the document scale: view ® scale ® whole page.

4. Add a Word Art object using the icon on the Drawing toolbar (View ® Toolbars ® Drawing).

5. Each phrase on your card should be created using Word Art.

6. Insert a picture into the text (menu Insert ® Picture ® Pictures).

7. Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View ® Header and Footer).

8. As a result, your postcard should look something like this.

9. Write down your full name, current date and time in the header (View ® Header and Footer)

10. Save the file to a floppy disk. The file name is “Task No. 5”. Sign the floppy disk with your name.

Task No. 6. Creative. ( maximum 10 points)

Create a Microsoft Word document on the topic “Me and My Life!” Demonstrate your Word skills: use everything you know: tables1, figures2, Word Art3, formatted text4, indexes5, symbols6, columns7, diagrams (autoshapes8, arrows9, lines10, labels11), frames12, fill13, page numbers14, text animation15, formulas16, footnotes17, markers18, headers and footers19.

« Excel . Creating tables and formulas"

Create a table like in the picture without filling it with numerical data. Customize the table name using the menu Format - Cells - Alignment(center and merge cells) Fill in the grade data (in columns C – F) using the random number function: enter the formula in cell C8 =INTEGER(RAND()*10). Extend this formula to the block of cells C8: F17. Calculate the total score using the function Autosum(SUM). Calculate averages for each applicant and exam using the function AVERAGE (Box - Functions – Statistical). In the Enrollment Message column, use the function IF: boolean expression G8>$E$5, value if true enrolled, value if false refuse. (The total score for the first student is compared with the passing score, and a message “admitted” or “rejected” is displayed). Using the menu command Format - Conditional Formatting Configure the cells in the Enrollment Message column so that when the words “enrolled” appear in them, they are filled with yellow, and the message itself is highlighted in bold blue. To do this: in the first field of the window, select “value”, in the second “equal to”, in the third enter “enrolled” (without quotes) by clicking the button Format select font color and cell color. After clicking OK, be sure to copy the new format to all other cells in that column. Apply font design and cell fill. Save your work in your folder under the name Ball. xls.

Compiled by:

Teacher _________________

Information note

1. Name of teaching material: Tests on the profession of operator of electronic computers and computing machines to assess the quality of training of students studying for the test at the State Educational Institution "Tula College of Social Technologies"

3. Position: Master of industrial training

4 . Annotation: 6 versions of final tests are presented to assess the quality of training of technical school students. Each option contains 15 questions, with the help of which the teacher and the industrial training master can check the quality of mastery of the material. The form of test tasks is closed (with the choice of one correct answer)

For each question, 4 to 5 answer options are offered, from which you must choose the correct one. The questions are selected in such a way that it is possible to determine the quality of students’ preparation in all topics of the 1st year of the profession of operator of electronic computers and computers, included in the mandatory minimum content of education. Each version of the final test fully covers all theoretical and practical course material included in the required minimum.

Test execution time: 35 minutes.


1. In what year did mass production of personal computers begin?

1) in the 70s 3) in the 80s

2) in the 60s 4) in the 50s

2. What is the smallest unit of measurement of information?

3. How is the decimal number 5 written in the binary number system? 4. What determines computer performance (speed of operations)?

1) screen resolution
2) processor frequencies
3) electricity voltage
4) speed, keystrokes

5. Which device may have a harmful effect on human health?

3) speakers

4) scanner

6. A file is...

1) unit of information
2) process in RAM
3) scanned document
4) program or data on disk

7. What is an algorithm?

1) a sequence of commands that the performer can execute
2) system code
3) mathematical and applied model
4) mathematical matrix

8. What type of algorithmic structure is shown in the block diagram?

) cycle
2) branching
3) subroutine
4) linear

9. The minimum object used in a text editor is...

1) word
2) screen point (pixel)
3) paragraph
4) symbol (familiarity)

10. The tools in the graphic editor are...

1) line, circle, rectangle

3) pencil, brush, eraser
4) sets of colors (palette)

11. A multimedia computer must include...

1) multimedia projector

2) CD-ROM drive and sound card
3) laminator
4) plotter

12. In spreadsheets, the group of cells A1:ВЗ is highlighted. How many cells are in this group?

13. Which line will the Bulgaria entry occupy after sorting in ascending order in the Area, thousand km field? 2 ? Square,

thousand km 2


thousand people









2) 4

4) 2

14. Which method of connecting to the Internet provides the greatest opportunities for accessing information resources...

1) remote access via dial-up telephone channel
2) permanent connection via fiber optic channel
3) permanent connection via a dedicated telephone channel
4) terminal connection via dial-up telephone channel

15. What is hypertext?

1) huge text
2) structured text in which transitions can be made using selected tags
3) text printed on a printer
4) text printed in large font


1. What is 1 byte equal to?

2. How is the decimal number 6 written in the binary number system? 3. When you turn off the computer, all information is erased...

1) on a floppy disk
2) on CD-ROM
3) on the hard drive
4) in RAM

4. In which direction from the monitor is the maximum harmful radiation?

1) from screen to person
2) from the screen back
3) from the screen left and right
4) from the screen up and down

5. A file system is usually depicted as a tree, where “branches” are directories (folders) and “leaves” are files (documents). What should be located in the root directory, i.e. on the “trunk” of a tree?

1) directories and files
2) only catalogs
3) files only
4) nothing

6. Which document is an algorithm?

1) rules of behavior in the classroom

2) instructions for receiving money from an ATM
3) call schedule
4) cool magazine

7 . The flowchart shows the algorithmic structure, indicate what type it is.

1) cycle

2) branching

3) subroutine

4) linear

8. When editing text, it changes...

1) font color

2) paragraph parameters

3) sequence of characters, words, paragraphs

4) headers and footers.

9. Palettes in the graphic editor are...

1) line, circle, rectangle
2) selection, copy, paste
3) pencil, brush, eraser
4) color sets

10. The sound card with 16-bit binary encoding capability allows you to reproduce sound with...

1) 8 intensity levels
2) 16 intensity levels
3) 256 intensity levels
4) 65,536 intensity levels

11. In spreadsheets, the group of cells A1:C2 is highlighted. How many cells are in this group?

12. The database is presented in tabular form. The record forms... 13. What records will be found after searching in the Area, thousand km field 2 with the condition >100 ? Square,

thousand km 2


thousand people









2) 2, 4

4) 1, 4

14. What is transmitted by electronic mail (e-mail)?

1) messages only
2) files only
3) messages and attached files
4) video image

15. What such HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language)?

1) Internet server
2) web page creation tool


1. In what year were the first computers created?

2. What is 1 KB equal to? 3. How much information does one digit of a hexadecimal number contain? 4. Which device has the fastest information exchange speed?

1) CD-ROM drive
2) hard drive
3) floppy drive
4) RAM chips

5. In order to preserve information, floppy disks must be protected from...

1) overheating
2) chemical pollution
3) magnetic fields

6. Indicate the information model for organizing the educational process at school.

1) standards of behavior for students
2) cool magazine
3) lesson schedule
4) list of textbooks

7. The processor executes the commands written:

1) in algorithmic language
2) in machine language (in binary code)
3) to hard drive
4) in the form of a block diagram


alg choice (things A, B, X)

arg A, B

res X


If A>B

That X:=A

otherwise X:=B


. What type of algorithm is written in an algorithmic language?

9. In a text editor, when setting page parameters,...

2) indentation, spacing
3) margins, orientation
4) style, pattern

1) font size 3) paragraph parameters

2) file type 4) page dimensions

11. What are called primitives in a graphics editor?

1) line, circle, rectangle
2) pencil, brush, eraser

4) sets of colors (palette)

12. The type of field (numeric, text, etc.) in the database is determined...

1) field name
2) field width
3) number of lines
4) data type

13. What line will the Hungary entry occupy after sorting in descending order in the Population, thousand people field?

1) 4 Area,

thousand km 2


thousand people









2) 2

4) 3

Jack [email protected] What is the name of the owner of this email address?

15. What are Browsers (for example, Microsoft Internet Explorer)?

1) Internet server
2) antivirus programs
3) programming language translator
4) web viewer


1. In what years did the development of global computer networks begin?

1) in the 50s3) in the 80s

2) in the 60s 4) in the 2000s

2. What is 1 MB equal to?

1) 1,000,000 bits 3) 1024 KB

2) 1,000,000 bytes 4) 1024 bytes

3. What is used to write and read information in floppy drives?

4. The full path to the file is specified C:\DOC\ WORD .TXT . What is the full filename?


2) WORD . TXT 4) TXT

5. Which of the objects can be the executor of the algorithms?

1) propaganda poster

3) printer

2) map

4) knife

6. Performing an operation in a text editor Copybecomes possible after:

1) placing the cursor in a specific place on the working field
2) save the file
3) file scanning
4) highlighting a piece of text

7. What operations are possible in the graphic editor?

1) line, circle, rectangle
2) pencil, brush, eraser
3) selection, copy, paste
4) sets of colors (palette)

8. The minimum object used in a vector graphics editor is...

1) screen point (pixel)

3) color palette
4) familiar place (symbol)

9. What should you protect CD-ROM from?

1) temperature changes
2) pollution
3) magnetic fields
4) changes in atmospheric pressure

10. The main element of spreadsheets is...

1. How many records are there in the presented database?
1) 5

3) 3

2) 2

4) 1

5) 4

12. What records will be found after searching in the text field A countrywith the condition contains Russia? 1) 1


) 4

2) 2 ,4

4) 2, 3

5) 1,5

13. What is the maximum speed of information transfer in a computer local network?

14. Internet email address has been set: Jack [email protected] What is the name of the computer where the mail is stored? 15. Where can I go via Hyperlinks on a web page?

1) to any web page of any Internet server
2) to any web page within this domain
3) to any web page of this server
4) within this web page


1. What is 1 KB equal...

2. How is the decimal number 3 written in the binary system? 3. Which device has the slowest information exchange speed? 4. Infection with computer viruses can occur in the process... 5. The full path to the file is specified E :\ Excel \Sheet.xls . What is the name of the directory where the file is located Sheet.xls? Excel

3) E :\ Excel \Sheet.xls

2) Sheet.xls

4) xls

6. The family tree is...

1) tabular information model

2) hierarchical information model

3) text information model

4) mathematical information model

7. In a text editor, the main parameters when setting paragraph parameters are:

1) typeface, font size, speakers
2) indentation, spacing
3) margins, font size
4) style, pattern

8. What is the most common extension in text files?

9. The minimum object in a raster graphics editor is...

1) screen point (pixel)
2) object (rectangle, circle, etc.)
3) color palette
4) familiar place (symbol)

10. The file containing...

1) 10 pages of text
2) black and white drawing 100x100
3) audio clip lasting 1 minute.
4) video clip lasting 1 minute.

11. In spreadsheets, a formula cannot include...

12. C Population,

thousand people


















How many records are there in the presented database? 1) 4

3) 2

2) 3

4) 1

13. What line will the Greece entry occupy after sorting in ascending order in the field? Population, thousand people?

1) 4



thousand people


















) 2

2) 3

4) 1

14. Internet servers containing file archives allow...

1) download the necessary files
2) receive email
3) communicate on social networks
4) call "

15. What must a computer connected to the Internet have?

1) IP address
2) Wi- Firouter
3) home web page
4) domain name


1. Who was the founder of domestic computer technology?

1) Sergey Alekseevich Lebedev,

2) Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky,

3) Alexander Stepanovich Popov,

4) Alexander Fedorovich Popov.

2. What is 1 GB equal...

3. The processor processes information... 4. Computer viruses can cause... 5. The full path to the file is specified D :\PPT\PowerPoint.PPT . What is the file extension that determines its type?

1) D:\PPT\PowerPoint.ppt 3) PowerPoint.PPT

2) PPT \ PowerPoint . ppt 4).ppt


. What type of algorithm is shown in the flowchart?

1) Cyclic
2) Branching
3) Auxiliary
4) Linear

7. The value of a logical variable can be...

8. In a text editor, the main parameters when setting a font are:

1) typeface, size, style
2) indentation, spacing
3) margins, font size
4) style, pattern

9. What will change in the process of text formatting?

10. What is a raster graphics editor intended for?

1) creating drawings
2) plotting
3) diagramming
4) creating and editing drawings

11. What is the information capacity of standard CD-ROM drives?

1) 650 MB 3) 1 GB
2) 1 KB 4) 650 bytes



thousand people


















2. How many text columns are there in the presented table? 1) 1

3) 3

2) 2

4) 4

13. What is a modem?

1) mail program
2) network protocol
3) Internet server
4) technical device

14. Internet email address has been set: Jack [email protected] Please specify the top level domain name?

15. What extension (format) do Web pages have?

1) .PPT 3) .DOC
2).HTM 4) . XLS

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