San Pin's requirements for lesson schedules. Current Sanpins for school educational institutions with changes and amendments. School schedule

Modern scientific research has established that the biorhythmological optimum of mental performance in school-age children falls within an interval of 10-12 hours. During these hours, the greatest efficiency of assimilation of material is observed at the lowest psychophysiological costs for the body. Therefore, in the lesson schedule for students of the 1st stage, the main subjects should be taught in 2-3 lessons, and for students of the 2nd and 3rd stages - in 2, 3, 4 lessons.

The mental performance of students is not the same on different days of the school week. Its level increases towards the middle of the week and remains low at the beginning (Monday) and at the end (Friday) of the week. Therefore, the distribution during the week is structured in such a way that the largest volume falls on Tuesday and (or) Wednesday. On these days, the lesson schedule includes either the most difficult subjects, or subjects of average and easy difficulty, but in greater quantities than on other days of the week. Presentation of new material and tests should be carried out in 2-4 lessons in the middle of the school week. Subjects that require a lot of time to prepare at home should not be grouped together on the same day.

Addition to the table I.G. Sivkov can use data from a survey of students in modern general education institutions, which include computer science, specialized disciplines, and subjects new to them among the most difficult subjects. These items should be scored at least 10 points. With a correctly drawn up lesson schedule, the highest number of points per day based on the sum of all subjects should fall on Tuesday and (or) Wednesday.

This distribution of the weekly teaching load should be strived for when drawing up a schedule for grades 9-11. For students in grades 5-11, the academic load in the weekly cycle should be distributed in such a way that its greatest intensity (based on the sum of points per day) falls on Tuesday and Thursday, while Wednesday would be a slightly lighter day. The schedule is drawn up incorrectly when the highest number of points per day falls on the extreme days of the week or when it is the same on all days of the week.


20.12.2008 17:55:36

Comment on the article "Requirements for the lesson schedule"

Poor lesson schedule. School problems. Children's education. At the moment, a letter to the administration has been drawn up and signed by the majority of parents, links to the relevant requirements and recommendations of SanPinov have been given.

On September 1, 2015, my daughter Sasha, like thousands of other children, went to first grade. Like many other mothers, I had to carefully prepare myself and prepare everyone in the household for the upcoming changes, some of which came as a real surprise to our family. First of all, our regime has changed radically. I get up earlier than everyone else, because I don’t want to get ready in the fuss, I prepare breakfast, then I wake up my husband and children.. We have breakfast, chat, discuss plans for the day, the children even have time...

March 21 (Saturday) 12.00–13.00 Ornithology lesson “Owls big and small.” Publishing house "Rare Bird" 4+ (Room 221) 12.00–14.00 Layout lesson. Studio "Letal Chagall" 3+ (Exhibition balcony 2nd floor) 12.00–14.00 Animation lesson. Center for Personal Development “Millennium” 8+ (Small Exhibition Hall) 12.00–13.00 Literature lesson. We read and discuss “Tales of the Tegumai Tribe” from the collection “Fairy Tales Word for Word” by Rudyard Kipling. Publishing house "Octopus" 8+ (Room 234) 13.00–14.30 St. Patrick's Day...

The child’s school field is simply no plus, the music school is covered, which we have been going to for a long time and successfully, since their group lesson schedule is based on 4 lessons for first-graders. What to do? At the parent meeting it was said that ICT is a requirement...

Hello dear readers of the magazine. As you know, ramps for disabled people in our country are a problem: either they do not exist at all, or they are not installed according to the standard. The standard is that the slope of the ramp is no more than 30°, and many of them are even installed at an angle of 45°. Imagine a situation where a person in a manual wheelchair, such as a Motus 43, tries to climb up such a ramp. The stroller itself is comfortable and very well suited for a person with...

Requirements of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions,” approved. The full program, only the lesson schedule is adjusted to the training and competition schedule.

How to make work turn from an exhausting event into a source of strength and inspiration? How to change your job and start enjoying it in the shortest possible time? How to deal with fears and limiting beliefs that inevitably pop up as soon as you decide to change something in your life? How to increase confidence? If you are asking yourself these questions, then you have come to the right site. I have prepared a short series of articles for you, in which I will reveal which 10...

To organize it, it is possible to change the lesson schedule. In the case when excursion activities are an integral part of extracurricular education within the framework of the curriculum, or a form of extracurricular activities, then excursions are conducted outside the lesson schedule...

The second week of school is coming to an end. But it seems like just yesterday we were worried about the upcoming school, learning poems and songs. And today, in many schools, academic life has already returned to normal. The administration has already decided on the lesson schedule and the time has come to make this same lesson schedule and hang it in a visible place, next to the student’s desk. Why, in principle, do you need a lesson schedule on the wall when the child writes it in his diary every day? At home the child is relaxing...

My daughter is in second grade. Studying is uneven, it all depends on whether we have re-learned the school material at home or not. And last weekend we had a misfortune: Taya broke her left arm at the elbow. A fracture is not a fracture, it’s a crack, but that doesn’t make it any easier. She was put in a cast from her neck to her fingertips. Today they confirmed that we still have a couple of weeks to walk with him. So what should we do about going to school now? She can write, watch and listen too. But the hand is fixed, how to dress in such a situation? How...

Dear Parents! Your child is already six years old. So you have come to the first stage of your child’s education. But this must be taken very seriously: the choice of educational institution, learning style and relationship with the child (especially during this period). Let's take a closer look at each of the points that can facilitate a child's adaptation at this stage of his young life. Choosing an educational institution is one of the first questions parents ask themselves. This can only be done by analyzing...

Children's Club-School of Early Development "ABC" (a network of children's clubs) invites you to attend 1 trial lesson for free! Until January 31, 2012, our Club is holding a NEW YEAR PROMOTION to attend 1 trial lesson for FREE. To do this, you need to fill out a coupon on our website in the “DISCOUNTS” section [link-1]. It is important to note that the completed coupon will be valid until August 30, 2012. You can attend a free trial lesson at any time convenient for you. Sign up for a trial lesson...

Each teaching method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it would be useful for inexperienced parents to know in advance what exactly their child will gain or lose along this or that path. In our country, there are four known ways of teaching reading: the subjunctive method, the analytical-synthetic method, the warehouse method, the whole word method. Inexperienced parents very often use the subjunctive method. Its principle is simple: first the child learns the names of the letters, and then tries to combine them into syllables...

Doctor of the Russian Federation dated December 29, 2010 N 189 Moscow “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for conditions and organization. The lesson schedule is compiled separately for compulsory and elective classes.

Or rather, a requirement to visit. We already have plenty of them. They said that according to the new law they have the right to teach the seventh period. And if you don’t come in person, they don’t physically let you out of school until all the lessons are over, including the class hours prescribed in the schedule and other crap.

I realized that he is not only capable, but also successful. He just needs time to get used to the requirements.. 09/13/2011 15:48:10, =SvetA™=. Mine hasn’t set a schedule yet, but there won’t be less than 6 lessons; in fact, last year there were 6 lessons.

Before the nanny starts work, in addition to the necessary information that you should definitely tell her (see the list in the previous post), you can also formulate your requirements for her, clearly define her responsibilities and thus minimize misunderstandings. Based on my practice, as well as analyzing the experiences of other mothers, I have prepared another interesting list. 1. Work schedule. Specify which days of the week are working days, the number of working hours per day, or perhaps...

The lesson schedule is compiled separately for compulsory and elective classes. (SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions”, approved by the Resolution of the Main...

If the goal is to keep all children safe, the only option I see in this situation is to force the school administration to change the lesson schedule so that classes of approximately the same age are taught at the same time.

How do children like this schedule? What are they doing in literature 7 lessons a week? Would you agree that 1543 has a rather strict approach to children, high demands, strong competence between children, the attitude that “if you don’t have 5, then you’re a loser”?

(according to I.G. Sivkov, 1975)

Research shows that the proposed I.G. Sivkov's assessment corresponds to the real difficulty of academic subjects. It is assumed that, first of all, it is determined by the personality of the teacher and his professional skills. In particular, if a teacher is able to form among schoolchildren an interested attitude towards the material being studied and connects it with priorities that are significant for students of a given age, then they will consider this subject not so much difficult as interesting. Therefore, the very term “difficulty of academic subjects” seems relative and relates more to the methods and techniques used by a given teacher. In this regard, in assessing the real difficulty, one should proceed from a specific situation, and each educational institution can conduct its own diagnosis using the “method of expert assessments” (N.V. Vasilyeva, 2003).

For practical use of the method it is necessary:

1. Prepare sets with the names of the items.

2. Distribute sets of cards with the names of objects and answer sheets to students.

3. Offer to choose cards with the names of those subjects that are studied in this class.

4. Clarify the concept of “difficulty of objects”.

5. Offer to independently determine the difficulty of each subject by ranking, i.e., laying out the cards in descending order of difficulty of the subject (place the cards from top to bottom, i.e., the most difficult subject is placed on top in the first place, the less difficult is placed below, etc. ).

6. Write down the resulting layout of items on the answer sheet.

7. After this, analyze and clarify the concept of “tediousness of objects.”

8. Perform a similar ranking procedure and write down the resulting alignment on the answer sheet.

9. Collect and process answer sheets (Table 23).

Table 23

A summary table form for processing expert assessments of the difficulty of academic subjects

The calculation of the average score does not have significant differences when calculated both by the average score of classes in the parallel and by the sum of points in the subject in the parallel.

The average score of a subject in parallel is calculated using the formula:

Wed. b. ex. = Σmk /n

Where mk – average score in the subject of one class;

n – the number of classes in the parallel being studied.

You can also use the following formula:

Wed. b. ex. = ΣWk /n

Where Mk– the sum of points for the subject in parallel;

P– the number of students of the same parallel participating in the study.

The average score is calculated separately for difficulty and tediousness. Then the average acceptability score is found (calculated as the average of the sum of the average values ​​of difficulty and fatigue).

The results obtained make it possible to create a scale of subject acceptability that reflects the characteristics of each specific educational institution (Table 24).

Table 24

Approximate Item Acceptability Scale

In the proposed version of the subject acceptability scale, the column “subjects by rank” includes subjects whose ranks were obtained in a given educational institution based on its own diagnostics “using the method of expert assessments.” Therefore, the proposed scale is constant in its structure, but variable in content. An acceptability scale can be drawn up for each grade parallel.

It has already been proven that it is inappropriate to schedule two or even three difficult lessons in a row, but it is better to alternate difficult subjects that require significant mental effort (mathematics, foreign language, chemistry, physics) with less difficult ones - with predominantly physical exercise associated with writing or by writing (Russian, foreign languages) or with a predominant explanation from the teacher (history, geography), etc.

In the training schedule for a week should be based on the total load of school days in a certain pattern, reflected in the table. 25.

Thus, judging by the table above, students are least productive on Monday, and highest on Wednesday and Thursday. In this regard, it would be possible to recommend that the number and difficulty of educational subjects in each school day be selected in such a way that their total daily value does not exceed half of the values ​​​​given in the table. This fully applies to the volume and difficulty of assignments assigned for independent homework.

Table 25


Placement of stress: SCHEDULE OF SCHOOL CLASSES at school

SCHOOL SCHEDULE at school is a document that determines the sequence of teaching during each school day. weeks of subjects provided for in the curriculum. plan (see Study plan). From the quality of R. u. h. To a certain extent, the effectiveness of the teaching and educational process depends on the creation of conditions for extracurricular and extracurricular work. RU. z., compiled taking into account ped. and sanitary and hygienic requirements, ensures an even distribution of training. the workload of schoolchildren, their adherence to the daily routine; it is also of great importance for the reasonable organization of teachers’ work.

RU. h. It is usually compiled for half a year, because in the academic year. The plan for certain subjects provides for a different number of teaching units. hours in the 1st and 2nd half of the year. RU. h. must be stable. Frequent changes have a negative impact on the school regime (see. School mode) And discipline studying. When drawing up R. at. h. We must strive to maintain the alternation of subjects in the humanities and science and mathematics. cycles, and lessons requiring a lot of mental effort were replaced by physical classes. culture and labor training. Lessons on the most difficult subjects should not be put last.

Lessons, which require a lot of home preparation, should be distributed over different days of the week. If in school The plan for the subject is allotted 2 - 3 academic hours. hours a week, it is better to place them at intervals of 1 - 2 days. This improves the quality of learning. material. In schools where the same teachers of mathematics, physics, and chemistry teach in grades 5-8 and 9-10, it is recommended, given the greater fatigue of adolescents compared to high school students, that the corresponding subjects are often taught first on Wednesday. classes. When drawing up R. at. h. it is necessary to provide for the effective use of teaching. offices (see Cabinet system training sessions), technical. teaching aids, visual aids, laboratory equipment. Conducting double lessons in grades 8–10 helps reduce the amount of homework.

Thoughtfully composed by R. u. h.

Features of scheduling using the "Rector" program

creates conditions for the teacher to fulfill the duties of a class teacher, to improve his scientific and methodological skills. qualifications: mutual attendance of lessons, studying at courses, seminars at advanced training institutes, etc.

Taking into account the numerous requirements for R.U. h., the role of the schedule in the life of the entire school community determines the complexity of the work on its preparation. With the project R.u. z., prepared by the deputy director of the school for education. parts with the help of the most experienced teachers, the entire teaching staff gets to know each other. After making the necessary amendments to R. u. h. approved by the school principal, announced to all teachers and students, and posted in a visible place. In addition to R. u. h., a schedule of circle work is drawn up, a schedule exams.

G. R. Turtlepets. Moscow.

  1. Pedagogical Encyclopedia/Chapter. ed. I. A. Kairov and F. N. Petrov. vol. 3. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1966. - 880 p. from illus.

Scale of subject difficulty for older schoolchildren

Determining the amount of a teacher's salary.

The basic basic part of a teacher's salary is calculated based on the cost of a student hour, the teacher's teaching load in each subject per week according to the curriculum and the number of students in the class, taking into account the complexity coefficient of the subject and coefficients taking into account education, teaching experience, qualification category, academic degree, state or industry award, specifics of the teacher’s work.

The cost of a student hour is determined based on the base unit, increasing coefficients and is calculated using the following formula:

Cost per hour = base units x (1 + value of increasing coefficients)

There are the following types of Increasing coefficients:

KSP - the coefficient of difficulty of the subject,

Kst - coefficient for teaching experience,

Ko is a coefficient taking into account the level of education,

Kk - coefficient taking into account the qualification category,

Кн - coefficient for a state award (for work in the field of education) or an industry award (with the exception of diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation,

Ku - coefficient for academic degree,

Kc is the coefficient for the specifics of the work.

The basic unit is understood as the share of the cost of an educational service in terms of the wage fund per 1 student per 1 academic hour. The base unit is calculated separately for each educational institution

The difficulty coefficient of the subject is set in the following sizes:

Group I of subjects (difficulty coefficient - 0.15): Russian language, mathematics, grades 1 and 4 of primary school, technology (labor training) in a special (correctional) educational institution, subjects of correctional training in a special (correctional) educational institution.

Group II of subjects (difficulty coefficient - 0.13): 2nd and 3rd grades of primary school, history, literature, foreign language, social studies, law, chemistry, physics, biology, natural science, natural history (in a special (correctional) educational institution, computer science and information and communication technologies, geography).

III group of subjects (difficulty coefficient - 0.12): economics, physical education, technology (except for technology in a special (correctional) educational institution).

IV group of subjects (complexity coefficient - 0.11): fine arts, music, life safety, drawing, astronomy, MHC, school component subjects, other subjects not provided for by these Regulations.

The main parameters taken into account in the subject difficulty coefficients:

the presence of the subject in the list of subjects of state (final) certification, carried out in the form of a unified state exam,

additional burden on the teacher, due to the large information capacity of the subject, constant updating of content, the presence of a large number of sources (literature, history, social studies, geography),

large amounts of time spent preparing for the lesson,

the need to prepare laboratory, demonstration equipment, didactic material,

age characteristics of students (primary school),

physiological characteristics of students (physical education, technology in special (correctional) educational institutions),

checking written work,

management of infrastructure (use of specialized offices),

conducting classes outdoors.

The basic special part of a teacher’s salary is calculated using the following formula:

Kv - compensation payments

Others - additional payment for class management, management of a school methodological association (additional payments are established by local acts of the institution in absolute amounts or as a percentage of the basic basic part of the salary).

New SanPiN standards for schoolchildren

Volume of buckets and watering cans

For children 8-10 years old – no more than 3 liters

For children 11-12 years old - no more than 4 liters

For children 13-14 years old – no more than 6 liters

For children 15-16 years old – no more than 8 liters

Modern scientific research has established that the biorhythmological optimum of mental performance in school-age children falls within the interval of 10–12 hours. During these hours, the greatest efficiency of assimilation of material is observed at the lowest psychophysiological costs for the body.

Therefore, in the lesson schedule for students of the 1st stage of education, the main subjects should be taught in lessons 2-3, and for students of the P and III levels of education - in lessons 2, 3, 4.

The mental performance of students on different days of the school week is not the same. Its level increases towards the middle of the week and remains low at the beginning (Monday) and at the end (Friday) of the week.

Therefore, the distribution of the teaching load during the week is structured in such a way that its largest volume falls on Tuesday and (or) Wednesday. On these days, the lesson schedule includes subjects that correspond to the highest score on the difficulty scale (Tables 1, 2, 3 of this appendix), or with an average score and the lowest score on the difficulty scale, but in greater quantities than on other days of the week. Presentation of new material and tests should be carried out in 2-4 lessons in the middle of the school week.

Subjects that require a lot of time to prepare at home should not be grouped together on the same day.

When drawing up a lesson schedule for primary, middle and high school students, you must use tables 1 – 3, in which the difficulty of each academic subject is ranked in points.

With a correctly drawn up lesson schedule, the highest number of points per day based on the sum of all subjects should fall on Tuesday and (or) Wednesday.

Table 1.

Scale of subject difficulty for grades 1-4

table 2

Difficulty scale for subjects studied in grades 5-9

General subjects Number of points (difficulty rank)
5th grade 6th grade 7th grade 8th grade 9th grade
Chemistry 13 10 12
Geometry 12 10 8
Physics 8 9 13
Algebra 10 9 7
Economy 11
Drawing 5 4
World artistic culture (WAC) 8 5 5
Biology 10 8 7 7 7
Mathematics 10 13
Foreign language 9 11 8 10 9
Russian language 8 12 11 7 6
Local history 7 9 5 5
Natural history 7 8
Geography 7 6 5 5
Civics 6 9 9 5
Story 5 8 6 8 10
Rhythmics 4 4
Work 4 3 2 1 4
Literature 4 6 4 4 7
ISO 3 3 1 3
Physical Culture 3 4 2 2
Ecology 3 3 3 6 1
Music 2 1 1 1
Computer science 4 10 4 7 7
life safety fundamentals 1 2 3 3 3

Table 3

Difficulty scale for subjects studied in grades 10-11

Appendix 4 to SanPiN

physical education minutes (FM)

Training sessions that combine mental, static, and dynamic loads on individual organs and systems and on the entire body as a whole require physical education minutes (hereinafter referred to as FM) during lessons to relieve local fatigue and FM of the general impact.

FM to improve cerebral circulation:

Rank scale of item difficulty

- sitting, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the head to the right, 2 - i.p., 3 - turn the head to the left, 4 - i.p. Repeat 6 - 8 times. The pace is slow.

3. I.p. - standing or sitting, hands on the belt. 1 - swing your left arm over your right shoulder, turn your head to the left. 2 - IP, 3 - 4 - the same with the right hand. Repeat 4 - 6 times. The pace is slow.

FM to relieve fatigue from the shoulder girdle and arms:

1. I.p. - standing or sitting, hands on the belt. 1 - right hand forward, left hand up. 2 - change hand positions. Repeat 3-4 times, then relax down and shake your hands, tilt your head forward. The pace is average.

2. I.p. - standing or sitting, with the back of your hands on your belt. 1 - 2 - bring your elbows forward, tilt your head forward, 3 - 4 - elbows back, bend over. Repeat 6 - 8 times, then hands down and shake relaxed. The pace is slow.

3. I.p. - sitting, hands up. 1 - clench your hands into a fist, 2 - unclench your hands. Repeat 6 - 8 times, then relax your arms down and shake your hands. The pace is average.

FM to relieve fatigue from the torso:

1. I.p. - stand with your feet apart, hands behind your head. 1 - sharply turn the pelvis to the right. 2 - sharply turn the pelvis to the left. During turns, leave the shoulder girdle motionless. Repeat 6 - 8 times. The pace is average.

2. I.p. - stand with your feet apart, hands behind your head. 1 - 5 - circular movements of the pelvis in one direction, 4 - 6 - the same in the other direction, 7 - 8 - arms down and shake your hands in a relaxed manner. Repeat 4 - 6 times. The pace is average.

3. I.p. - stand with legs apart. 1 - 2 - bend forward, the right hand slides down along the leg, the left, bending, along the body up, 3 - 4 - IP, 5 - 8 - the same in the other direction. Repeat 6 - 8 times. The pace is average.

General impact FM consists of exercises for different muscle groups, taking into account their tension during activity.

A set of FM exercises for students of the first stage of education in lessons with elements of writing:

Exercises to improve cerebral circulation. I.p. - sitting, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the head to the right, 2 - i.p., 3 - turn the head to the left, 4 - i.p., 5 - smoothly tilt the head back, 6 - i.p., 7 - tilt the head forward. Repeat 4 - 6 times. The pace is slow.

2. Exercises to relieve fatigue from the small muscles of the hand. I.p. - sitting, arms raised up. 1 - clench your hands into a fist, 2 - unclench your hands. Repeat 6 - 8 times, then relax your arms down and shake your hands. The pace is average.

3. Exercise to relieve fatigue from the muscles of the torso. I.p. - stand with your feet apart, hands behind your head. 1 - sharply turn the pelvis to the right. 2 - sharply turn the pelvis to the left. During turns, leave the shoulder girdle motionless. Repeat 4 - 6 times. The pace is average.

4. Exercise to mobilize attention. I.p. - standing, arms along the body. 1 - right hand on the belt, 2 - left hand on the belt, 3 - right hand on the shoulder, 4 - left hand on the shoulder, 5 - right hand up, 6 - left hand up, 7 - 8 - clapping hands above the head, 9 - put your left hand on your shoulder, 10 - your right hand on your shoulder, 11 - your left hand on your belt, 12 - your right hand on your belt, 13 - 14 - clap your hands on your hips. Repeat 4 - 6 times. Tempo - 1 time slow, 2 - 3 times - medium, 4 - 5 - fast, 6 - slow.

Appendix 5 to SanPiN

1. Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly, slowly counting to 5. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

3. Extend your right arm forward. Follow with your eyes, without turning your head, the slow movements of the index finger of your outstretched hand to the left and right, up and down. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

4. Look at the index finger of your outstretched hand for the count of 1 - 4, then move your gaze into the distance for the count of 1 - 6. Repeat 4 - 5 times.

5. At an average pace, make 3-4 circular movements with your eyes to the right side, and the same amount to the left side. Having relaxed your eye muscles, look into the distance while counting 1 - 6. Repeat 1 - 2 times.

Appendix 6 to SanPiN

after-school groups

General provisions.

It is recommended that extended day groups be composed of students from the same class or parallel classes. The stay of students in an extended day group simultaneously with the educational process can cover the period of time students stay in a general education institution from 8.00 - 8.30 to 18.00 - 19.00.

It is advisable to place the premises of extended day groups for students in grades I - VIII within the appropriate educational sections, including recreation.

It is recommended that students in the first grades of the extended day group be allocated sleeping quarters and playrooms. If there are no special rooms in a general education institution for organizing sleep and games, universal rooms can be used that combine a bedroom and a playroom, equipped with built-in furniture: wardrobes, single-tier beds.

For students in grades II-VIII, depending on specific capabilities, it is recommended to allocate assigned premises for organizing play activities, club work, classes at the request of students, and daytime sleep for the weakened.

Daily regime.

To ensure the maximum possible health impact and maintain the performance of students attending extended day groups, it is necessary to rationally organize the daily routine, starting from the moment they arrive at a general education institution, and to carry out extensive physical education and health activities.

The best combination of activities for students in extended day groups is their physical activity in the air before the start of self-preparation (walking, outdoor and sports games, socially useful work on the site of a general education institution, if it is provided for in the educational program), and after self-preparation - participation in emotional activities. character (classes in clubs, games, attending entertainment events, preparing and holding amateur concerts, quizzes and other events).

The daily routine must necessarily include: meals, walks, naps for 1st grade students and weakened 2nd - 3rd grade students, self-training, socially useful work, club work and extensive physical education and recreational activities.

Outdoor recreation.

After the end of classes in a general education institution, in order to restore students’ working capacity before doing homework, a rest period of at least 2 hours is organized. The bulk of this time is spent outdoors. It is advisable to include walks:

- before lunch, lasting at least 1 hour, after finishing school classes;

- before self-preparation for an hour.

It is recommended to accompany walks with sports, outdoor games and physical exercises. In winter, it is useful to organize skating and skiing classes 2 times a week. During the warm season, it is recommended to organize athletics, volleyball, basketball, tennis and other outdoor sports. It is also recommended to use the swimming pool for swimming and water sports.

Students assigned to a special medical group or who have suffered acute illnesses perform exercises that are not associated with significant load during sports and outdoor games.

Students' clothing during outdoor classes should protect them from hypothermia and overheating and not restrict movement.

In bad weather, outdoor games can be moved to well-ventilated areas.

A place for outdoor recreation and sports hour can be a school site or specially equipped playgrounds. In addition, adjacent squares, parks, forests, and stadiums can be used for these purposes.

Organization of daytime sleep for first-graders and weakened children.

Sleep relieves fatigue and excitement in children who are in a large group for a long time, and increases their performance. The duration of daytime sleep should be at least 1 hour.

To organize daytime sleep, either special sleeping or universal premises with an area of ​​​​4.0 m2 per student, equipped with teenage (size 1600 x 700 mm) or built-in single-tier beds, should be allocated.

When arranging beds, it is necessary to maintain a distance between: the long sides of the bed - 50 cm; headboards - 30 cm; bed and outer wall - 60 cm, and for the northern regions of the country - 100 cm.

Each student must be assigned a specific sleeping place with a change of bed linen when soiled, but at least once every 10 days.

Preparing homework.

When students do homework (self-study), the following recommendations should be followed:

- preparation of lessons should be carried out in a designated classroom, equipped with furniture appropriate to the height of the students;

- start self-training at 15-16 hours, since by this time there is a physiological increase in performance;

- limit the duration of homework so that the time spent on completion does not exceed (in astronomical hours): in grades 2 - 3 - 1.5 hours, in grades 4 - 5 - 2 hours, in grades 6 - 8 - 2, 5 hours, in grades 9 - 11 - up to 3.5 hours;

— provide students with the order of doing homework at their discretion, recommending starting with a subject of average difficulty for a given student;

— provide students with the opportunity to take arbitrary breaks upon completion of a certain stage of work;

- conduct “physical education minutes” lasting 1-2 minutes;

- provide students who have completed their homework before the rest of the group with the opportunity to begin activities of interest (in the playroom, library, reading room).

Extracurricular activities.

Extracurricular activities are carried out in the form of excursions, clubs, sections, Olympiads, competitions, etc.

The duration of classes depends on age and type of activity. The duration of activities such as reading, music lessons, drawing, modeling, needlework, quiet games should be no more than 50 minutes a day for students in grades 1-2, and no more than one and a half hours a day for other grades. In music classes, it is recommended to use elements of rhythm and choreography more widely. Watching TV shows and movies should not be done more than twice a week, with viewing duration limited to 1 hour for students in grades 1–3 and 1.5 for students in grades 4–8.

It is recommended to use general school premises for organizing various types of extracurricular activities: reading, assembly and sports halls, a library, as well as premises of nearby cultural centers, children's leisure centers, sports facilities, stadiums.

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Other similar works.

Sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules (SanPiN) for schools are the primary document that should guide the heads of educational institutions during the organization of the educational process. SanPiN for schools is periodically supplemented and changed. The last adjustments to the document were made in 2016.

The rules prescribed in the document are binding in all public and private educational institutions. They must be taken into account when developing regulatory and technical documentation, which is approved by the relevant authorities.

The purpose of the document is to ensure comfortable conditions in buildings and premises in which schoolchildren study, and to establish environmental safety standards. Only in schools that comply with the prescribed requirements is it possible to receive a quality education.

The rules stipulate that every school must have modern computer equipment and access to the Internet, gyms, a canteen, sewerage, cold and hot water.

These basic requirements are designed to provide the necessary conditions that allow you to concentrate on the educational process, and not on solving any everyday problems.

Requirements for premises and equipment

SanPiN establishes:

  • that school grounds must provide parking areas for vehicles used to transport students;
  • there must be heated passages between buildings that are erected on the same territory;

  • school wardrobes must have hangers, storage compartments for shoes, and hooks for clothes that correspond to the height of schoolchildren; in addition, for the convenience of students, dressing benches should be equipped;
  • blackboards should be dark green or dark brown, while classrooms can be equipped with interactive whiteboards, touch screens and other modern devices that must meet hygienic standards;
  • the temperature in toilet rooms should be no higher than 21C, in showers - no more than 25C;
  • Some offices must have access to water supply.

The document also contains requirements for small-scale educational institutions. They must have such mandatory premises as a wardrobe, classrooms for training, an assembly hall, a dining room, a library, bathrooms, recreation, a utility room, a medical office, a gym, a training room and other necessary administrative and utility premises.

In addition to the listed requirements, SANPIN sets the maximum permissible load on students.

Thus, the classroom load should not exceed 26, 32, 33, 35, 36 and 37 academic hours for students of 1st, 2nd-4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th grades. x and 10-11th grades. Extracurricular activities should last no more than ten hours per week for all students.

SanPiN also details the total permissible load for each student during one day.


  • for first grade students - 4 lessons every 4 days, and 5 lessons - 1 day (at the expense of a physical education lesson);
  • for students in grades 2-4 - 5 lessons every 4 days, and 6 lessons - 1 day (at the expense of a physical education lesson);
  • for students in grades 5-7 – no more than seven lessons daily;
  • for students in grades 8-11 - no more than eight lessons daily.

It is allowed to conduct double physical education lessons.

Particular attention in the rules is paid to classes on computers with LCD monitors. Such classes should not exceed 20 minutes in grades 1-2, 25 minutes in grades 3-4, 30 minutes in grades 5-6, 35 minutes in grades 7-11.

Interactive whiteboards can be used continuously for five minutes in grades 1-4, ten minutes in grades 5-11. The total time of use of such boards should not exceed 25 and 30 minutes, respectively. At the same time, during one lesson it is prohibited to use more than 2 electronic devices for teaching.

Class occupancy, organization of study and recreation

Previously, the document indicated the maximum permissible class size, which was 25 people (with the exception of compensating classes).

After making changes, the maximum permissible number of students in one class is calculated based on compliance with the standard area per student.

In addition, compliance with the requirements for natural and artificial lighting, furniture location, and distance from the light-carrying wall is taken into account. All these requirements must be met to preserve children's vision.

Special requirements are prescribed for organizing the education of first-graders. So, the duration of classes for them should not exceed forty minutes. As for the organization of recreation, the document allows the organization of additional vacations for first-grade students, regardless of academic quarters.

SanPiN provides for holding classes in extended-day groups in schools, subject to the inclusion of an afternoon snack and short walks in the schedule. The document also determines that school employees must undergo retraining and certification at least once every 12 months.

It is assumed that the new standards should improve the conditions and quality of the educational process, which will have a positive impact on its results.

The total, maximum, weekly volume of classroom and extracurricular workload is given in Table 1:

Table 1

Sections: School administration

Keywords: scheduling, Rector program

The scheduling process is very labor-intensive and time-consuming, which can last up to one month, even with the use of specialized programs. Programs facilitate and speed up the process, but they cannot take into account all human conditions, so you have to use a combined mode of working with programs.

When drawing up a schedule, the Deputy Director for SD is faced with the following requirements, which must be at least partially taken into account (the full list of requirements is set out in the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms SanPiN “Hygienic Requirements for Learning Conditions in General Educational Institutions”, approved in 2002, entered into force on September 1, 2003. SanPiN contains Appendix 6, which provides recommendations for scheduling lessons in terms of distributing the teaching load during the day and week.)

1. Methodical teacher's day.

The teacher is provided with a methodological day on the basis of a collective agreement. It is established subject to the volume of the teaching load, which does not violate the educational regime and does not create overload for students. A methodological day is not an additional day off.

2. Windows in the teacher's schedule.

There are no standards for the number of windows. According to regulations, an employee’s working time can be divided into two periods. That is, if a teacher has two windows during the working day, this is illegal, but if there is one, but of any duration, then it is legal. The specifics of a teacher’s working hours (including windows) must be specified in the school’s local regulations: either in the internal labor regulations or in a collective agreement

3. Hygienic requirements - distribution of the teaching load by day of the week according to points.

Scientific research has established that the optimum mental performance in school-age children occurs between 10 and 12 hours. Therefore, in the lesson schedule for students of the 1st stage, the main subjects should be in lessons 2–3, and for the 2nd and 3rd stages - in 2, 3, 4 lessons.

Table 1. The most favorable and unfavorable days of the week.

Classes Days of the week
favorable unfavorable
1–4 Tuesday, Wednesday (slight decrease), Thursday Monday, Friday, Saturday
5 Monday Tuesday Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
6 Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (slight decrease), Saturday Monday Wednesday
7–8 Tuesday (slight decrease), Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday Monday Friday
9–11 Wednesday Thursday Friday Monday, Tuesday, Saturday

Table 2. The most productive and unproductive lessons.

Classes Lessons
productive unproductive
1–2 1, 2, 4 3
3–5 1, 2, 3 4
6–7 1, 2, 3, 5 4,6
8 1, 2, 3, 5 4,6
9 1, 2, 3, 5 4,6
10 1, 2, 3, 5 6 4
11 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (with correctly selected methods and forms of training)

The mental performance of students is not the same on different days of the week. The highest number of points per day based on the sum of all subjects is for grades 8–11 – on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday; for grades 1–7 – on Tuesday and Thursday (Wednesday is a slightly lighter day); the total load at the beginning and end of the week should be the smallest (according to the ranking scale of difficulty). Presentation of new material and tests should be carried out in 2–4 lessons in the middle of the school week.

Subjects that require a lot of time to prepare at home should not be grouped together on the same day.

Table 3 . Scale of difficulty of academic subjects for the primary school schedule (according to I.G. Sivkov’s 11-point scale).

Item Number of points Item Number of points
Mathematics 11 Physical culture, rhythm 5
Foreign language 10 Artistic work 4
Story 8 Drawing 2
Russian language, reading 7 Singing, music 1
Natural history, natural history, environment 6

Table 4. Scale of difficulty of academic subjects for students in grades 5-9 (on a 13-point scale by M.I. Stepanova, I.E. Aleksandrova, A.S. Sedova).

School items* Number of points (difficulty rank)
5th grades 6th grades 7th grade 8th grades 9th grade
Algebra 10 9 7
Biology 10 8 7 7 7
Geometry 12 10 8
Foreign language 9 11 10 8 8
Computer science 2 10 4 7 7
History, social studies 5 8 6 8 10
Literature 4 6 4 4 7
Mathematics 10 13
Music 2 1 1 1
MHC 5 5
life safety fundamentals 1 2 3 3 3
Natural history 7 8
Rhythmics 4
Russian language 8 12 11 7 6
Work 4 3 2 1 4
Physics 8 9 13
Physical Culture 3 4 2 2 2
Chemistry 13 10 12
Drawing 5 4
Ecology 3 3 3 6 1
Economy 11
Etiquette 7 5

*The list also includes elective courses.

Table 5. Scale of difficulty of academic subjects for students in grades 10-11 (on a 13-point scale by M.I. Stepanova, I.E. Aleksandrova, A.S. Sedova).

Item Number of points Item Number of points
Physics 12 Computer science
Geometry, chemistry 11 History Social Studies
Algebra 10 Astronomy 4
Russian language 9 Geography Ecology 3
Literature, foreign language 8 OBZh Moskvovedenie 2
Biology 7 Physical Culture 1

The schedule is drawn up incorrectly when the highest number of points per day falls on the extreme days of the week or when it is the same on all days of the week.

In practice, of the requirements listed above, only the first can be fully met; the other two requirements, as a rule, are only partially taken into account. This may be due to a large number of classes, a lack of classrooms, the involvement of university teachers, etc.

In addition to the legal requirements for scheduling, the following points must be taken into account:

1. Teachers’ wishes for scheduling.

Each teacher has personal reasons for working on a particular day, time, or in a particular office, etc.

2. Loaded classes with additional services.

In practice, there are “classes +” - these are classes with additional services; in addition to the main academic subjects, they have ballroom dancing classes, a swimming pool, additional classes in mathematics, English, etc.

3. Distribution of classrooms.

Lack of classrooms due to the large number of classes; classes are held in two shifts. It is also necessary to take into account the conduct of additional classes to prepare for Olympiads, various conferences, consultations on the Unified State Exam, as well as the individual work of the teacher with students.

Where to start making a schedule for a beginner:

A) Distribution of teaching load between teachers. Particular attention should be paid to subjects where classes are divided into subgroups (for example, English, computer science, etc.). It is convenient if pairs of teachers work in the same classes.

For example: English

FULL NAME. 2a 2b 2v 3a 3b 3v 4a 4b 4v 5a 5 B 5v 11b
Valieva S.T. 2 2 2 2 2 2 3\3
Erguleva E.V. 2 2 2 3 3
Erzina L.V. 2 2 2 2 2
Shaidulina Z.R. 2 2 2 3 3 3/3

We must try to ensure that there are as few situations as possible when one teacher teaches classes in both subgroups of the class (from the example above, Shaidullina Z.R. in 5th grade, Valieva S.T. in grade 11b)

B) Distribution of teaching days for teachers: calculate the total number of points of the weekly load in each class according to the curriculum (you can use tables 3–5), taking into account electives. Distribute points by day of the week, taking into account favorable and unfavorable days (Tables 1–2).

C) Entering data about the teacher in the Rector program:

  • in the Lists section – Teacher properties
to indicate methodical day It is necessary to select a day of the week as a day off and indicate the number of desired methodological days as 0, so that the program itself does not determine the method day at its discretion. From example 1, teacher Basova’s teaching day is Wednesday (see Figure 1).

Rice. 1

It is advisable to enter in addition to the teacher’s main hours, also indicate all additional hours. This must be done in order to reserve a day and hour for these classes when drawing up a schedule, for example: 7 lessons for consultations, so that it is convenient for students. You can ask teachers to discuss this time with students in advance.
  • If the teacher does not have an office assigned to him, then the office does not need to be specified when entering the load. The distribution of free rooms is carried out quickly after drawing up the schedule in the Schedule - Offices section.
  • Load input when one teacher teaches a lesson in two subgroups, for example: in grade 11b English (3 hours) is taught in two subgroups by S.T. Valieva. It turns out that English classes in this class can be distributed in the schedule only as the first or last lessons in the class. The solution is as follows: combine 1 hour of English into a group with computer science (Figure 2–3). We introduce the remaining 2 hours of English in one sitting, with the obligatory indication that groups do not study at the same time and lessons should be extreme (Figure 4).
  • In similar situations, you need to look for an object with which you can pair up. It is imperative to monitor the teacher’s overall workload; in this case, hours are often lost.

    • Part-timers: Part-time teachers work on certain days, so when entering data in the Lists - Teacher Properties section, you must immediately indicate the days and times of their work.

    G) When drawing up a schedule, it is convenient to use Table 6.

    In the column Full name enter a list of teachers by department, first teachers of Russian language and literature, mathematics and computer science, physics, biology, chemistry, English language, Tatar language, technology, music, fine arts, physical education, life safety. This table can also be obtained from the rector program in the Schedule section - Teachers and run Print Teacher Schedule Wizard. For ease of processing and sorting data, you must select the Excel file format. Of course, the table is not one sheet, but several, but you can see a large amount of information from it: the distribution of the weekly workload of all teachers, windows, teaching days, what time classes end in shifts, and much more. This table is good for learning to read vertically; this allows you, if necessary, to quickly find replacement teachers in classes . Advice: To quickly remember the teachers’ schedule and easily navigate it, fill out this table yourself with a pencil. And if later changes are made to the schedule, then adjustments must be made in this table. The schedule in this form should always be at hand by the deputy director for SD.

    You should start creating a schedule with teachers who teach classes in subgroups, using the schedule search function. Once again, it should be noted that the program, when creating a schedule for teachers in pairs, can receive a schedule for one teacher without windows, and can leave a large number of windows for another teacher paired with him. Therefore, the resulting schedule must be entered into Table 6 (or printed from the program only using teachers’ data), analyzed and corrected for inaccuracies in the schedule.


    1. Model regulations on a general education institution, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 19, 2001 No. 196.
    2. Sanitary rules Art. 28 of the Federal Law “On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population” programs, methods and regimes of education and training in terms of hygienic requirements.
    4. I.G. Korneeva. Recommendations for scheduling // “Handbook for the Deputy Director of Schools”, No. 3, 2008.

    Good afternoon to all readers of the ShkolaLa blog! How's your school life? Just a little more, and there will be time to take a break, because the first ones of this school year are coming soon.

    Everyone slowly got into the rhythm of work, got used to the fact that some people need to change into a physical education uniform almost every day in the morning, some start their school day with numbers, and some wake up to music and active movements with an artistic brush. Who has something “for breakfast for the mind”, and the reason for this is the established school lesson schedule.

    We, parents, are sometimes indignant at why children need to run cross-country in the morning, only to sit at their desks in the second period, sweating in half-damp clothes. Why not make literature the first lesson, and leave the logic of mathematics for “after lunch”.

    And really, are there any rules for drawing up a lesson schedule, who is responsible for this important process at school, and what is this most responsible official guided by when distributing the teaching load?

    Correct school schedule is the key to successful studies

    And this has long been a proven fact. A lesson schedule correctly compiled by school teachers is a direct relationship with school grades in the class register, because it helps to maintain efficiency throughout not only the entire school day, but also the entire calendar week and even the entire quarter.

    Do teachers really know that in the literal sense of the word the health of each student and his educational potential are in their hands, which can be crossed out with one movement of a stationery pen?

    So let’s check how much our primary schools strive to make it easy for children to learn. So, what do you need to consider when creating your school lesson schedule?

    Here is a sign showing the difficulty of lessons in elementary school according to SanPin:

    mathematics – 8 points

    Russian and foreign languages ​​– 7

    environment and computer science – 6 points each

    literature – 5

    history – 4

    drawing and music – 3 points each

    technology – 2

    physical education – 1

    Well, at least start every morning with music and drawing and finish with physical education!

    Some teachers use the Sivkov tablet, developed in 1975; it is wider and intended for all eleven grades.

    By the way, knowing your child’s lesson schedule, you can build your own camel by calculating the number of points for each day of school. Does it turn out to be a hump by Tuesday-Wednesday? This means that the school can be given an A for its schedule.

    • Thirdly, in the correct schedule, complex subjects must alternate with simpler ones. And there is one catch: it is not recommended to put disciplines of the same type next to each other, for example, if complex mathematics and a foreign language can follow each other, since they are different in content, then it is better to separate Russian and literature.
    • Fourthly, experts advise teachers to get away from the so-called “pairs” that are better known to students, and to avoid double lessons in the same discipline. Elementary school children, and older ones too, get very tired from such a monotonous load. Therefore, younger schoolchildren are prohibited from studying “in pairs” at all.

    Alas, it is never possible to do it perfectly: either there are few teachers, or there are not enough classes.

    By the letter of the law

    I decided to back up the artistic word with the letter of the law. I open the Resolution of the Chief Sanitary Doctor dated December 29, 2010, number 189, which approved SanPin Hidden under this set of numbers are the requirements for organizing the learning process. We scroll through equally interesting chapters about school grounds and buildings, premises and equipment, etc. This is Chapter X, which is what we need. So:

    • lessons no earlier than 8 am,
    • 1st, 5th, 9th and 11th grades - exclusively in the first shift,
    • three training shifts (they tried it once!) are prohibited,
    • the teaching load recorded in the tablet, which cannot be exceeded.

    I would like to note what a teaching load is. This is the maximum number of academic hours per week. It depends on whether you also study on Saturdays. By the way, first-graders are prohibited by law from studying on weekends. So, the academic maximum in hours for a 6-day and 5-day school week, respectively:

    • 1st class - 21 hours,
    • 2 – 4 grades – 26 or 23 hours,
    • 5th grade – 32 or 29 hours,
    • 6th grade – 33 or 30 hours,
    • 7th grade – 35 or 32 hours,
    • 8 – 9 grades – 36 or 33 hours,
    • 10 – 11 grades – 37 or 34 hours.

    Load - load is different. After all, you can teach 10 lessons a day, and then on Saturday, “drive the bulldozer.” But no, you can’t!

    If a school tries to strictly adhere to the legislative framework in its work, then no head teacher or methodologist who begins to describe subjects and teachers will assign:

    • more than 4 lessons for first-graders, they can do physical education the fifth time a week,
    • more than 5 lessons for grades 2-4, they are allowed to sit through 5 lessons once during a 6-day school week, and the sixth will be the same physical education,
    • more than 6 lessons per day for grades 5-6,
    • more than 7 lessons per day for grades 7-11.

    Did you immediately calculate how much it actually comes out to? Are you packing? Let's move on.

    This demanding SanPin establishes the very rules for the distribution of school subjects according to complexity, which we have already mentioned, indicating to teachers that when drawing up a schedule, the main disciplines, such as mathematics, Russian and foreign languages, the environment (according to SanPin - natural history), computer science , should be “diluted” with music and fine arts, technology (in SanPin it has been called “works” since Soviet times) and physical education.

    By the way, written lessons and tests cannot be given after physical education.

    The chief physician of Russia orders difficult subjects to be assigned to first-graders in the second lesson, for grades 2-4 - in the second and third, for the rest - in the second, third and fourth. And it’s also important: it turns out there can be one test per day, in the 2nd, 3rd or 4th lesson.

    This is really interesting - in practice this is hardly possible. If in the lower grades the teacher himself distributes the order of testing, then how will, for example, a biology teacher and an algebra teacher, or anyone else, agree in a high school?

    But teachers are protected here: this is not a direct prohibition of the law, but a recommendation, so if a child first wrote a test in mathematics, and then also turned to Russian, then it is unlikely that anyone will heed your indignation.

    In general, I came to the conclusion that drawing up a school schedule is actually a titanic task, although interesting at first glance. And this headache is usually entrusted to one of the deputy directors of the school in accordance with the job description. Therefore, I propose not to be too biased towards our teachers and still let small errors escape our scrutiny.

    Friends, I invite you to subscribe to blog news and join to our VKontakte group to always be up to date with school events.

    All the best!

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