We ask and show you the way. Directions in English. How to navigate the city in English: a simple phrasebook Finding your way around in English

Topic: Orientation in the city

Lesson objectives:

    activation of pronunciation skills; consolidation of grammar skills;

    training dialogical speech skills.

    Improving vocabulary skills

    Development of dialogical speech skills on the topic “London”

    Spelling skills training.

Equipment: textbook, cards with a task on the topic “Phrasal verb to take for each student.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

Good morning, boys and girls! (Good morning,Liliya Rafikovna!)

- I am glad to see you. (We are glad to see you too.)

How are you? (We are fine, thanks. And how are you?)

I am fine, thank you. Who is absent today? (All pupils are present.)

It's time to say “Hello!” (Hello!) It's time to say “Hello!” (Hello!) It's time to say “Hello!” (Hello!) And start our lesson.

Sit down, please.

II. Phonetic exercise

We haven't seen the monkey for a long time. And now she is visiting us again. Let's say hello to her: Hi. (Hi!)

III. Speech warm-up

Do you like to play? I want you to be careful and agree or disagree with me.

The teacher invites the children to express their agreement or disagreement with the teacher’s statements.

Aliya is sitting now. (Helen is sitting now.)

Nazhia is going to school now. (Helen is not going to school now.)

You are standing now. (I am not standing now.)

- I am taking a shower now. (You are not taking a shower now.)

- The teacher is speaking English now. (The teacher is speaking English now.)

Pupils are sleeping now. (Pupils are not sleeping now.)

You are doing homework now. (I am not doing homework now.) Etc.

IV. Spelling skills training

The teacher draws the children's attention to the words written in advance on the board. One student goes to the board, and the rest work in their notebooks. Task for students: put the letters in the words in the correct order and write down the resulting words.

Task on the board:





Distamu (stadium)




Aresqu (square)

V. Activation of the phrasal verb to take

Let's remember rhe phrasal verb to take /Put the right preposition in the sentences on your cards.

Students receive task cards and complete the task within 3 minutes. Then students read the sentences and translate them.

2 He is fond of taking…. .

6. Will you take...your hat?

VI. Physical education minute

VII. Dialogue speech skills training on the topic “London”.

Do you like to go to London?

If you want to see the interesting places in London? The guide will help you. Let’s read the model of the dialogue from exercise 23, page 68.

VIII. Improving vocabulary skills

- Today we shall learn some words “first,at first”. Look at the table on page 68,exercise 24.

Students take turns reading the phrases and sentences from the table on page 68, exercise 24. Students then do a consolidation exercise.

IX. Improving grammar and spelling skills

Open your exercise-books, please. The task for you is to use the Present Continuous Tense and open the brackets in some sentences. You can find the sentences on the blackboard.

Students complete the following task from the board in writing in their notebooks: use the Present Continuous Tense in the following sentences. The teacher collects the notebooks at the end of the lesson for checking.

Task on the board:

6. Bob (to sleep) now? Keys:

1. Where is Mum? - She is cooking.

2. Listen! The girl is singing a song.

3. They are watching a detective film now.

4. What are you reading at the moment? 5.1 am not writing a letter now.

6. Is Bob sleeping now?

IX. Lesson summary

That's all for today. Will you stand up and recite our poem?

Holidays are over, No more fun,

Holidays are over, School has begun! Students recite the poem together with the teacher.

Good-bye, boys! Good-bye, girls! (Good- bye, teacher.)

Homework: ex. 38, p. 54, ex. 11, With. 57.

1. Where is Mum? - She (to cook).

2. Listen! The girl (to sing) a song.

3. They (to watch) a detective film now.

4. What are you (to read) at the moment? 5.1 (not to write) a letter now.

6. Bob (to sleep) now?

Put the rights word in the following sentences:of,off,part,place,pictures.

1 Take care…. The pennies and the points will take care…. Themselves.

2 He is fond of taking…. .

3 Do her children take…. In the concert?

4 The meeting took…. In the park.

6. Will you take...your hat?


    I taught an English lesson in 5th grade on the topic “Orientation in the city.” This lesson can be taught as a lesson in systematizing and summarizing lexical and grammatical material on the topic Sights of London. The theme of the lesson and the goal correspond to the place of the lesson in the curriculum, the requirement of the foreign language teaching program, the age of the students, their interests, needs and cognitive abilities, since when developing the lesson I relied on the methodological recommendations of the educational and methodological set “English with pleasure” by Biboletova M. Z. Lesson type: lesson on learning new material and systematizing knowledge. Lesson format: traditional lesson. The lesson is focused on mastering such aspects of the language as phonetics, vocabulary, grammar, and dialogue. The purpose of the lesson is to improve students’ speech skills with lexical and grammatical material on the topic “Sights of London.”
This goal led to the solution of the following tasks: Educational:
    practice of speech activity (dialogical using a supporting outline, dialogical in the form of an interview) on the topic “Sights of London”, activation of vocabulary on the topic Sights of London formation and development of communication skills
    develop thinking, the ability to evaluate, express your opinion in English; development of creativity, fantasy, imagination;
    fostering a sense of tolerance; fostering a culture of communication; developing the ability to work in a team and help each other; cultivate a feeling of love and respect for the closest and dearest people.
According to the goals and objectives, the stages of the lesson were selected, and activities were proposed according to the stages. The organizational moment set the students up for the “foreign language” subject. During phonetic exercises, the articulatory apparatus was adjusted and work was done on the pronunciation side of speech. The next type of activity is a speech warm-up, the purpose of which was to improve the grammatical skill in using the Present Continuous, as well as to update the lexical material necessary for the lesson. The work was carried out in the “Teacher-student” mode. The next part of the lesson was spent training spelling skills. Then the students practiced using prepositions. During the lesson, physical exercise was held as an element of health-saving technologies. The next stage was dialogical work on the topic “Sights of London”. All stages of the lesson were logically interconnected and aimed at the main stage - improving students’ speech skills with lexical and grammatical material on the topic “Sights of London”. The principle of systematic and consistent formation of knowledge, skills and abilities was observed correctly, there was a transition from simple tasks to more complex ones. During the lesson, frontal and group forms of work were used. The types of activities were constantly changing, thanks to which a positive attitude and a fairly fast pace of the lesson were maintained. Time was distributed rationally, which allowed us to cover all the planned material. In the lessons, such forms of work as student-teacher, student-student are quite fully presented. Question-answer work and oral presentation were used as a means of recording, monitoring and assessing students' mastery of foreign language material, skills and abilities of foreign language speech. The following principles were implemented in the lesson: the principle of focusing training on complex problem solving; principle of accessibility of training; The development of students in the lesson was carried out to the fullest; all students were involved, including low-performing ones. The structure of the lesson fully complies with the logic of the stated type of lesson, since my main organizational task was to create conditions for summarizing previously studied material on the topic. In my opinion, such conditions were created during the lesson. The students in the lesson were active, attentive, and efficient. I believe that the chosen form of organizing the educational activities of schoolchildren was quite effective. On my part, the norms of pedagogical ethics and tact, the culture of teacher-student communication were observed. A friendly psychological atmosphere was created during the lesson, characterized by mutual interest of all lesson participants. In general, the set goal was achieved.

Lesson using individual and group learning technologies

Municipal state educational institution

“Secondary school No. 3, p. Kambulat"


in 5th grade

in English on the topic:

"Orientation in the city"


Spivakova Elena Alexandrovna

English teacher


English lesson in 5th grade

Lesson-generalization, lesson-game, lesson-travel


    Educational . Formation of lexical and grammatical skills and their activation in oral speech (model phrases), improvement of phonetic and reading skills.

    Educational . Increasing motivation for learning, developing the skill of mutual assistance, improving communication culture, developing the skill of collective work.

    Developmental . Formation of methods of mental activity, implementation of tasks of development of visual, auditory, kinesthetic modalities of perception, attention, thinking, positive emotions, development of independence of cognitive activity in students. Formation of general communication skills

During the classes

(On the screen is a portrait of Exupery with a statement)

1. Organizational moment

Good morning, children! Today we will travel to the “Planet of kind people” Who is on duty? What is the weather like? Is it warm? How are you? Are you fine? –OK. Let's train our English sounds.

2. Flashlight charging .( Visuals - vocabulary with pictures on the screen )

Now, repeat after me! All together!

To go straight, to turn right, to turn left, to go across, to go past, to go down the street, to go up the street, on the corner, opposite, between, to buy. How can I get to...?

3. Lexical exercise .

How much is it to Charing Cross?-(I show one pound - the student must say “Onepound»

How much is it to Letnyaya Stavka?-( I show 50 rubles - fifty rubles)

Do you go to Letnyaya Stavka by plane?-(No, I don`t)

How do you get to Letnyaya Stavka by bus or by car?

4. The main part of the lesson. Continued updating of knowledge, consolidationgrammatical skills.

(indicate on the frameFuture Simple . )

Will V 1 / Will not (won`t) V 1

Imagine what you will do on this planet. Fillingaps. Select the correct verb from the right column and put it in the correct form in the sentence. One verb is superfluous. (we workon the interactive whiteboard )

1. I … …. crocodilesintheZoo. get to

2. I… …the Zoo by… buy

3. I … … a ticket on the bus. go straight

4. I … … to the bus stop see


And now, make up a story and read. Put the sentences in the logical order. Let's read the story.

Now, transform the sentences - what you will not do there.What you won't do: write the last two sentences negatively. (one student on the board, the rest on cards).

A game " Magichat. Prediction" (The guys take out pieces of paper with suggestions about what will happen to them in a few years)

5. Listening text.

(A rocket appears on the screen and it takes off) So, guys, we have taken off and while we are flying, we will conductphysical minute. It is conducted...

We have arrived. Listen to directions so you don't get lost. Take yellow paper, markers and glue on the table, mark your route: draw a road to the hotel, gluing drawings of buildings along the way, complete the map of your route to the hotel where you will live. ... Now compare whether you drew the map correctly. (on the screen - the correct option) (the text will be heard from the screen)

Text - Welcome to our Planet of kind people . Go up the street, go past the park on the left side, turn to the right, the museum is on the corner on the right side, go up the street, go past the supermarket on the right side and you are there.

6. Oral speech . Now take white sheets. Makeupdialogues. From these variants of phraseswrite and make up mini-dialogues: how to go to the store or to the hospital.

(music plays while they are working)

(one pair from each team answers; the rest hand over pieces of paper with dialogues)

6. It`s time to fly home. East or west home is best.It's time to fly home, guys. Of all the roads in the world, the best road is home.

We put on our spacesuits and fly home. While we're flying, guys, let's sing a song about what will happen to us in 10 years.

( the song sounds "In ten years"

In ten years what will happen to me In ten years where will I be? Will I be happy? Will I be alone? Will I travel around the world? Will I stay at home?

In ten years you`ll be twenty –one, You`ll travel around the world and you`ll have fun. You`ll go to Scotland and you`ll go to Spain. You'll travel by car, by bus and by plane

7. Lesson summary. Guys, here we are at home. Did you enjoy the trip? Did you like the lesson? Now listen. On the table you have two drawings: a bicycle and roller skates - your two favorite types of transport. If during the lesson everything was clear to you, easy and you answered everything correctly, then pick up the bike. This is “5”. If you answered, but found it a little difficult, raise the rollers. This is "4". These are your grades for the lesson, guys. Thank you for supporting me. On the table there are bookmarks for books with zodiac signs in English. This is a gift from me to you as a reminder of today’s lesson.The lesson is over. Good bye.

Application № 1

1. Excuse me. How do I get to…?

Can you tell me where the …(shop, museum, hospital, Zoo, school, supermarket, bank) is?

2. Go up/down the street, go straight, turn right/left, go past the ...(shop, museum, hospital, Zoo, school, supermarket, bank)?

3. It is on the left/ right side (on the corner, opposite the bank), you are there

4. Thank you very much

Magic hat. Prediction

You will be a famous actor.

You will be happy.

You will travel around the world.

You will stay in Kambulat.

You will go to London.

You will be nice and cool.

Academic subject : English language

Teacher : Biktimirova Zulfiya Mukhametovna

Class: 6

Lesson topic : Orientation in the city

Lesson type : a lesson in systematization and generalization of acquired knowledge

Teaching approach: system-activity, differentiated, communicative-oriented learning

Technologies used:

Technology of individualization of learning (helps to implement a student-centered approach, taking into account the individual characteristics and needs of students).

Technology of communicative learning (communication: communication, information processing)

Collaborative learning technology (implements the idea of ​​mutual learning, exercising both individual and collective responsibility for solving educational problems)

Technology for developing critical thinking

Health saving technology

Application of ICT

Lesson educational resources: basic : textbook, computer, projector, presentation, drawing of a rose for phonetic exercises; additional: didactic handouts (city map cards, cards for independent work, assessment sheets, handouts for dialogue)

The purpose of the lesson: Formation of communicative competence within the framework of the topic “Orientation in the city”

Lesson objectives:


Improve lexical speaking skills, namely the ability to conduct an etiquette dialogue: politely ask how to find the way in an unfamiliar place and how to explain the way;

Improve the ability to describe a route using the necessary vocabulary and a city map;

Intensify the use of lexical units on the topic “Ask for directions”

Remember the names of previously studied London attractions: the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, the Natural History Museum;


Formation of readiness to comprehend the sociocultural characteristics of the country of the language being studied;

Cultural enrichment through new information about the culture of the country of the language being studied


Development of language abilities and sustainable interest in learning English;

Development of imagination, the ability to guess, distribute and switch attention, to compare and contrast;

Development of the ability to combine and transform speech units, the ability to carry out productive speech actions


Development and education in schoolchildren of an understanding of the importance of learning a foreign language in the modern world and the need to use it as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation;

Developing communicative speech tact and sociability in communicating with peers and adults;

Formation of the need and ability for cooperation and mutual assistance when working in pairs and groups;

Fostering activity in solving communicative and cognitive search tasks

Planned results




Acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, development of motives for educational activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning;

Development of skills of cooperation with peers in different social situations, the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of controversial situations;

Awareness of a foreign language as a means of international intercultural communication, bringing people together, ensuring friendly contacts and business interaction;

mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, searching for means of its implementation;

Mastering ways to solve search problems;

Formation of the ability to understand the reasons for the success/failure of educational activities and the ability to act constructively even in situations of failure;

Mastering the initial forms of cognitive and personal reflection;

Mastering the skills of semantic reading of text in accordance with goals and objectives; consciously construct a speech utterance in accordance with the objectives of communication and compose texts in oral and written forms;

Willingness to listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue; willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own; express your opinion and argue your point of view and assessment of events;

Defining a common goal and ways to achieve it; the ability to negotiate the distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; exercise mutual control in joint activities, adequately assess one’s own behavior and the behavior of others;

Development of social skills of a schoolchild necessary for communication in a foreign language within the limits of his linguistic abilities.

Formation of language skills (phonetic, spelling, lexical) within the framework of the topic “How to navigate the city”;

Improving speaking skills through the practice of dialogic speech

Development of listening, reading, writing skills within the framework of the proposed topic.

During the classes

  1. Organizational stage

Good morning class! Nice to meet you. Sit down please.

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent today?

Today we have a very unusual lesson. And I hope you will like it. Try to work hard and be very attentive.

Are you ready to begin our lesson?

II.Motivational stage.

1. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson.

Look at the slide (board). What are we going to talk about? We are going to walk around the town.

Motivation for learning activities students.

You see the dialogue. ………read it please. Imagine that you are going on a tour by bus around London.

Come here. I’ll be a conductor and you have to buy tickets on a bus.

Acting out a dialogue; instead of tickets, students receive evaluation sheets.

Look at your tickets and say what are we going to do at our lesson? For the next lesson we will take a test on the completed section, so what should we achieve by the end of the lesson?

Let's go!

Phonetic exercise

The first task is a game Snowball. We name words on a given topic, but before you say your word, you need to say everything that was said before you.

1st row - means of transport

2nd row - names of buildings

3rd row - sights of London

III. Speech warm-up

What's the English for How do I get from ... to .....?(How can I get from… to….?).

The next task is to ask your friend how can you get from your school to another place.

(work from pictures)

IV. Updating and consolidating existing knowledge

  1. We use more than just one phrase: How can I get…. What phrases and expressions do you know?

So your task is to match the questions with their answers. Work in pairs.

(Work in pairs on pieces of paper). Examination

For the next task you have to work in groups. The next task is a riddle. What do you see in this picture? You have 4 riddles. Read them, find the place on the picture and answer the questions. Work in groups.

  1. The next point isindividual work

Take a sheet of paper and find the task. You have to read the words and fill in the gaps.

Write down separately the letters that you inserted into the words. What happened? If you get the word……………………….. It means the task was completed correctly, if there are any errors, we will check everything together.

  1. Dynamic pause
  2. Application of knowledge and skills in a new situation
  1. The third point is……. Your task is to listen to the dialogue and correct the mistakes on your papers number...

(Listening to the dialogue 2 times, checking, comparing with the correct answer on the board)

  1. Also it will be pair work. Look at the pictures on your desks and make up the dialogues. You can use the words given below.

Making up dialogues, acting out dialogues.

Put the mark for speaking.

  1. Summarizing

At the beginning of the lesson, we had the goal of repeating all the topics of the section so that we could easily complete the test for the next lesson. Have we achieved our goal? Have you repeated everything?

Now you can put total mark for the lesson.You know how to calculate the overall assessment. …… What is your mark? I would like you to pay attention to…….

  1. Homework.
  1. WB p 34 ex A- read, translate the dialogue, and answer the question,
  2. My route - route from home to school with description.
  1. Reflection.

Continue the phrase Now I can…. Now I know…….

The lesson is over. Good bye!

Have you often gotten lost on the streets of an unfamiliar city abroad in your life? Or maybe you were asked in English how to get to such and such an address, but you didn’t know what to answer? Let's correct this unacceptable mistake once and for all and learn how to correctly ask for directions on a car, and also learn how to give hints to other people who find themselves in a difficult situation.

Everyone who has ever traveled has probably tried to ask for directions in English. However, not everyone knows how to ask for directions in order to be fully understood by foreigners. In addition, when we are suddenly asked in English how to get somewhere, it is also not always possible to remember the right words. However, it's all about a few phrases that you just need to remember.

The picture shows the main directions of movement with translation:

Go straight on until you come to a crossroads. - Go straight to the intersection.

Turn left into Gordon Street. - Turn left onto Gordon Street.

Take the next left. - The next turn is left.

Take the second road on the left . - On the second road, turn left (second lane).

Turn right at the traffic lights. - Turn right at the traffic light.

It's opposite the church. - It's opposite the church.

It's next to the bank. - It's next to the bank.

It's between the school and the shop. - It's between the school and the store.

It's at the end of the road. - It's at the end of the road.

It’s on the corner of Market Street and Baker Street. - It's on the corner of Market and Baker Streets.

It's just behind this building. - It's behind this building.

It's in front of the school. - It's in front of the school.

It's just around the corner. - It's around the corner here.

It's on the left/right. — It (is) on the left/right.

It's around the corner.- It's around the corner.

It is better if you take a taxi. - It's better to take a taxi.

It’s 500 meters from here. — It's 500 meters from here.

Bank Street is parallel with this street. - Bank Street is parallel to this street.

Penny Street is perpendicular to this street. - Penny Street is perpendicular to this street.

It's four blocks down the street on this side of the road. - It's four blocks down this side of the street.

Turn right at the roundabout. - Turn right at the road roundabout.

Asking for directions: useful expressions

Use these template phrases to ask for directions in an unfamiliar place:

I'm trying to get to the museum. - I'm trying to get to the museum (I need to find my way to the museum).

Do you know where the post office is? - Do you know where the post office is?

What’s the best way to get to the train station? - What is the best way to get to the railway station?

Can you give me directions to the nearest bus stop? — Can you indicate the direction to the nearest bus stop?

How do I get to the train station? — How to get to the railway station?

Where can I find the nearest bakery? — Where can I find the nearest bakery?

How can I get to the bank? — How to get to the bank?

Where is the hospital? —Where (is) the hospital?

Don't forget to be polite:

Exuse me, how can I go to the library? - As an excuse to go to the library?

Exuse me, is there a supermarket near here? — Excuse me, is there a supermarket somewhere nearby?

Pardon me, I’m lost, how do I get to the library? - Sorry, I'm lost, how do I get to the library?

Could you, please, tell me how to get to the computer store? — Could you tell me how to get to the computer store?

Dialogue on the topic

If the presented material seems insufficient to you, I suggest moving on to a dialogue on the topic of orientation in English. Here you will find many additional phrases about how to ask for directions or help someone by indicating the direction of travel.

Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the following words: east, bank, school, roundabout, third, church

The dialogue is quite interesting and simple, so try to translate it yourself. Moreover, you received enough tips in this lesson, so you can use them when translating.

Lenny: Excuse me, I’m trying to find a pub called the Cock & Bull. Could you point me in the right direction?

George: Ah... the Cock & Bull. I know it well. Excellent pub.

Lenny: Oh, great. I’m new to the city and I’m supposed to meet a friend there, but I haven’t got a clue where I am.

George: Right. Go straight ahead. Then, take the (1) _______ road on your left. That's Queen Street. Follow it until you pass a (2) ________, and then… No, hang on. That's not right.

Lenny: Oh, I can ask someone else if you’re not sure.

George: No, no. I know London like the back of my hand… OK. Ignore everything I just said. From here, you want to get onto Charles Street, which is parallel to this street. Then walk (3) _____________ about 500 meters until you see an old (4) _______. Turn right at the church and… Wait a minute…

Lenny: I’ve got a map here…

George: I don't need a map. I've lived here all my life. And the Cock & Bull isn’t far. Excellent pub, by the way. They do a fantastic steak and kidney pie… Or was it steak and mushroom? Anyway. Go about four hundred meters that way and when you get to a (5)____________, hang a left. Walk for another two minutes and you’ll see a (5)_________ on the opposite side of the road. The pub is just next to the bank. You can't miss it.

Lenny: Great! Thank you!

George: No, hold on… That’s where the pub used to be. It moved 15 years ago.

Lenny: Maybe I should ask someone else.

George: No, no, I’m your man. I practically live at the Bear & Bull.

Lenny: You mean the Cock & Bull.

George: No, the Bear & Bull.

Lenny: I'm trying to get to the Cock & Bull.

George: The Cock & Bull? No idea! Never heard of it! Goodbye!

This is how dialogues in our lives can take place in such a funny way. In any case, this dialogue showed us how to give directions in English in real life, as well as how to ask passers-by for directions. As you can see, passersby cannot always help, so you need to be more patient and not despair.

So, you have already easily checked into a hotel using our phrase book “English in a Hotel”, you have rested after the trip and are ready to show yourself, watch people - go on an excursion to the city. Of course, having a Russian-speaking guide makes life easier for our tourists abroad, but traveling as a “savage” is much more interesting and cheaper. And if you also learn the phrases we suggested for orientation in the city, then your trip will be easy and pleasant. In addition, thanks to your knowledge of English, you will be able to make new friends from another country.

We have written a simple phrasebook for travelers, in which you will find dialogues, phrases and vocabulary on 25 essential topics. Go on a journey with the main character and improve your English. You can download the book for free at.

Names of main institutions in English

To begin with, we will give you the names of various places in the city in English. We recommend learning them first, you don't want to end up in a cave instead of a toilet.

an airportairport
a bus stopbus stop
a bus/coachbus
a bus station/terminalbus station, bus station
a gas/petrol stationgas station
rent-a-car / car hirerent a car
a subway/undergroundmetro
a subway stationMetro station
a railway/train stationRailway station
a traintrain
a taxiTaxi
Parts of the city
a bridgebridge
a cornercorner
a crossroadscrossroads
a pedestrian crossingcrosswalk
a pedestrian areapedestrian zone
a streetStreet
a squaresquare
a B&B (bed and breakfast)mini-hotel providing bed and breakfast only
a motelmotel
a hotelhotel
an innsmall hotel
a bankbank
a fire departmentfire Department
a hospitalhospital
a librarylibrary
a lost property office / lost and foundlost and found
a post officemail
a police stationpolice Department
a schoolschool
a shopshop
a tourist information officean institution that provides reference information to tourists
a WC (water closet) / restroom / bathroom / toilet / lavatory / lootoilet
Entertainment facilities
an art galleryart Gallery
a balletballet
a barbar
a bowling alleybowling
a cafécafe
a cinema/movie theatercinema
a circuscircus
an exhibitionexhibition
a nightclub/disconight club
an operaopera
a pubPub
a restaurantrestaurant
a stadiumstadium
a swimming poolpool
a theatertheater
a zoozoo
a canyoncanyon
a castlelock
a cathedralCathedral
a cavecave
a churchchurch
a fountainfountain
a monument/memorialmonument/monument
a mosquemosque
a museummuseum
a palacecastle
a parka park
a sculpturesculpture
sights/places of interestattractions
a statuestatue
a templetemple

As you noticed, there are several words for the name of the toilet. Typically, WC is used in almost every country, and in the UK the words toilet and lavatory are often used. The word loo is also used there; it has an informal connotation. In the US, the most popular words are restroom and bathroom, although the latter also refers to a bathroom with a toilet in someone's home. In Canada, the word bathroom is widely used. However, even in different regions of the same country, different words may be used, so do not be afraid to use any of them: you will be understood in any case.

How to ask for directions in English

So, let's imagine that you decide to take a walk around the city, sightseeing and enjoy the beautiful views. If you decide to do without a tour guide, then to navigate the city you will need a map and a guide book, as well as knowledge of some phrases in English that will help you reach your destination, because it is not always easy to find your way around map, and some attractions or institutions may not be marked on it at all.

Where can I get a card? Firstly, almost every hotel will offer you a map of the city. Secondly, you can buy it at a newsagent's. Choose the most detailed one, with a large scale and a guide for tourists: good maps will indicate all institutions, monuments, museums, etc. To purchase a map, ask the following question: Do you have a map of the city? (Do you have a map of the city?).

By the way, at the hotel you can ask the staff what places are worth visiting in the city. Ask a simple question: Could you tell me, please, what is worth visiting? (Can you tell me what is worth visiting?). This way you will get first-hand information about the most interesting attractions.

Let's imagine a very real situation: you are confused in the streets of an unfamiliar city and cannot find the attraction you are looking for. In this case, contact a passerby: apologize and ask for help. If you see a policeman next to you, ask him for help, it’s safer: in this case, you definitely won’t run into scammers.

You chose a “victim” for questioning, stopped him and attracted his attention. Now you should find out from a passer-by how you can get to the desired institution or chosen attraction. This is where you will need knowledge of the words from our first tablet. The following phrases are synonymous, that is, interchangeable. Choose those that are easier for you to remember, and simply substitute the name of the establishment you need in them.

What is the name of this street?What's the name of this street?
Is there a pub near here?Is there a pub somewhere nearby?
Where is the theater located?Where is the theater?
Where is the restroom?I am looking for the restroom.
Excuse me, do you know where the museum is?Sorry, do you know where the museum is?
Excuse me, can you give me quick directions to the library?Excuse me, could you tell me where the library is?
Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the train station?Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the station?
Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bank?Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest bank?
Excuse me, do you know how to get to the theater from here?Sorry, do you know how to get to the theater from here?
Excuse me, what is the best way to get to the post office?Excuse me, what's the best way to get to the post office?
Excuse me, can you show me the way to the nearest cinema?Excuse me, could you show me the way to the nearest cinema?
Could you tell me the way to the nearest hospital?Could you tell me how to get to the nearest hospital?
Is this the way to the train station?Is this the way to the train station?
Which is the shortest way to the cinema?What's the shortest route to the cinema?
Excuse me, I am looking for the temple. Do you know where it is?Sorry, I'm looking for a temple. Do you know where it is?
Excuse me, I am looking for a restaurant. Do you know how to get there?Sorry, I'm looking for a restaurant. Do you know how to get there?
Could you show me on the map?Could you show me on the map?

It would also be a good idea to check with a passerby whether the attraction you need is far away: this way you can decide whether to use public transport or walk.

In this article we presented phrases for local orientation, and in the article “” we talked in detail about how to rent a car and communicate in public transport in English.

How to give directions in English

So, you overcame the language barrier in one fell swoop and easily asked where you should go. Now you need to understand what your interlocutor is answering. To do this, study the following phrases in English. In addition, you can use these same sentences when meeting a foreigner in your own city: now you can easily explain to the person how to find the nearest bank or metro station - +10 to communication skills in English.

First, learn basic phrases that will help you indicate the direction of movement.

go along (the beach)walk along (the beach)
go past (the school)go past (the school)
turn right/left = go right/left = take a right/leftturn right/left
turn right/left at (the cinema)turn right/left at (cinema)
turn right/left into (the main road)turn right/left onto (main road)
go ahead = go straight ahead = go straight ongo straight
acrosson the other side of the street, across the street from
on your right/leftto your right/left
first/second turning on the left/rightfirst/second turn left/right
in front ofin front of (opposite something)

Here are simple answers that you can get in response to a question about the direction of movement:

It is not far from here.It is not far from here.
It is over there.It's over there.
It is on Johnson Street.It's on Johnson Street.
It is in front of the theater.This is in front of the theater.
It is across the street.It's across the street.
Keep going.Continue walking straight (in the same direction).
Cross the street.Go to the other side of the street.
The museum is opposite to the church.The museum is opposite the church.
The post office is on your right/left.Mail is to your right/left.
Take the second turning on the left.Take the second left.
Go along Johnson street until the restaurant.Walk along Johnson Street to the restaurant.
It is 20 minutes by car / on foot.It's a 20 minute drive/walk.
Take the bus number six.Take bus number six.

And now a small life hack for those who are afraid of getting confused in the long explanations of a passerby: show your interlocutor a map and ask the question: Could you show me on the map? (Could you show me on the map?). Then they will simply show you where to go. This way you definitely won’t get confused or get lost.

Read the following dialogues to help you understand how to give directions in English:

Dialogue #1

- Excuse me, where is the theater located?
- Go left here and then take the second right. The theater will be around the corner.

Excuse me, where is the theater?
- Go left and then turn right at the second corner. The theater will be right around the corner.

Dialogue #2

- Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the nearest bank?
- Go straight on for about 2 miles. You will see the bank directly opposite to the post office.

Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the nearest bank?
- Go straight along this street for about 2 miles. You will see a bank directly opposite the post office.

Dialogue #3

- Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the museum?
- It's pretty far from here. Turn left and then right, go along for a mile or so and the museum is on your left.

Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the museum?
- It's quite far from here. Turn left and then right, go straight for about a mile and the museum will be on your left.

Dialogue #4

- Excuse me, I am looking for a cafe. Do you know how to get there?
- Go left here and turn right after you go past the bank. The cafe is in front of the market.

Excuse me, I'm looking for a cafe. Do you know how to get there?
- Go left and turn right after you pass the bank. The cafe will be right in front of the market.

We also recommend listening to an audio recording of a lesson for English learners from the BBC, where they talk about how to give directions. The text of the recording can be downloaded on the website, so you can easily understand this lesson.

In the institution

You have safely reached your chosen attraction or entertainment venue. Now you will need a few more phrases so that you can find out the price of the ticket, as well as some rules for visiting this place.

I need a guide who speaks Russian.I need a guide who speaks Russian.
How much does a ticket cost?How much does the ticket cost?
How much is the entrance fee?What's the cover charge?
Is the art gallery open on Sundays?Is the art gallery open on Sundays?
What time does the museum open?What time is the museum open?
Is this way to the exit?Is this the way out?
Am I allowed to take photos?Can I take photos?
Can you take a photo of us, please?Please take a photo of us.
May I use the toilet?Can I use the toilet?
Is this seat free?This place is free?

Inscriptions and signs in English

Warning and prohibition signs
wet paintpainted
no swimmingSwimming is prohibited
be aware of the dogbe aware of dogs
keep off grassdon't walk on the lawns
sitting on grass permittedallowed to sit on the grass
private propertyprivate property
stop / don’t cross / don’t walkstop / stop
Inscriptions in institutions
closed on Sundaysclosed on Sundays
pullto yourself (inscription on the door)
pushfrom myself (inscription on the door)
entrance/way inentrance
admission by ticket onlyentrance by ticket only
no entrance / no entryno entry
employees only / staff onlystaff only
authorized personnel only / no admittanceno entrance for unauthorized people
exit to streetgoing outside
exit/way outexit
no exitno exit
emergency exitemergency exit
entrance feeentrance fee
keep the door closedclose the door behind you
smoking sectionsection for smokers (for example, in a cafe)
no smoking sectionnon-smoking section
no vacanciesno free places
out of orderdoesn't work/broken

Useful sites to learn how to navigate the city in English

  • Travel English Lessons- educational 2-3 minute videos in English for travelers. Native speakers speak clearly and use simple phrases, so watch, listen, get used to the sound of English speech and repeat sentences after the speakers - at the same time learn everything you need.
  • LearnEnglishFeelGood.com - site with exercises. Pay attention to the Sightseeing section, where you will find useful tasks for practicing the vocabulary you have learned. Practical exercises will help you consolidate all the phrases in your memory.

In addition, don’t forget about our school: it will allow you to improve your knowledge in the shortest possible time, and you will feel confident abroad.

Complete list of words and phrases for download

Don't forget to download the list of useful vocabulary. If he is with you on a trip, then you can always find the place you want to visit.

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Vocabulary test on the topic “How to navigate the city in English: a simple phrasebook”

We think that now you definitely won’t get lost in the city, and if this happens, you can easily cope with this trouble, using the help of local residents and phrases from our phrasebook. We wish you not to get lost in any situation, have a pleasant journey!

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