Richard Darre and his agricultural policy in the Third Reich. Head of the Department of Races and Settlements SS Origin. early years

Richard Walter Darre on the pig as a criterion among the Nordic peoples and Semites.
For Semites, pork is unclean food. People professing Islam adhere to the same point of view. The reason for this prohibition, according to the Bible, is that eating pork allegedly causes leprosy. Since we enjoy eating pork, we lack a starting point for understanding the Mosaic Law, knowledge of the causal relationships that took place at the time when this prohibition was imposed. Therefore, there is nothing else to do but consider it as a health measure, somehow related to the hot climate of Palestine. Justifying the ban by citing leprosy was only a means of intimidating the common people...
However, this view, which is widespread today, does not fully correspond to the facts. If the reason for this prohibition were really to be sought in hot climates, we would find similar laws in all hot climate zones, at least pig breeding in these zones would be rare or completely unknown. In fact, the exact opposite is true. Throughout tropical Africa, where there is no racial or political influence of the Semites, on the islands of the southern seas, in India, in hot Southern China - everywhere we find the pig as a domestic animal. Pork is often an important part of the diet there. On the Guinea coast, pig farming flourished among the natives already 100 years ago. Not far from the place where the Semites received their ban, Copts, Egyptian Christians, have been eating pork for thousands of years, and it does not harm their health. In tropical India, pork along with rice is the main food. It is known that pig breeding in Germany and England received new incentives after the import of Indian and Chinese pigs, and more than 50% of modern European breeds of domestic pig are of Indian origin. I can’t help but remember, although some people won’t like it, that, according to an Indian legend, Buddha died from eating too much pork.
So, throughout the hot climate zone, pork plays an important role in the diet of the native population, and only the Semites and those peoples whose religion is under their influence have a different attitude towards the pig ... So climate, as a possible explanation of the cause, will have to be rejected.
Another attempt - to find reference points by comparing Semitic religions with other ancient religions of the Mediterranean basin - did not clarify the matter, but only further confused it. As a result, it turned out that the pig in the religions of antiquity is the most controversial domestic animal, the attitude towards it fluctuates within the widest range, from rejection to veneration, and only the attitude of the Semites towards the pig remains unequivocally negative throughout history...
With such a unique and persistent feature of one of the human races, the whole problem of domestic pigs in ancient times should be considered from the point of view of racial theory. It can be considered established that to the same extent that the Semites reject everything connected with the pig, among the Nordic peoples, on the contrary, all this is held in the highest esteem.

The pig was the sacrificial animal of the Nordic solar cult. In Germanic mythology, the sun cart is pulled by two boars; in Valhalla, the heroes eat the ever-renewing boar. Monogamous marriage, which, combined with the freedom of women, was a feature of the Nordic people, was dedicated to the sun and in Rome for a long time was sealed by the sacrifice of a pig. It is noteworthy that in the erotic cults that came from the East, pigs were never sacrificed. In Greece, at the beginning of the harvest, a pig was sacrificed to Demeter, and at the beginning of the grape harvest - to Dionysus. Especially important and sacred political agreements were also sealed with the sacrifice of a pig. So the Romans sacrificed a pig, concluding an alliance with Alba Longa. In the Iliad, Agamemnon sacrifices a boar to the sun god after reconciliation with Achilles, etc.
As for the situation of domestic pigs among the Germans, the information that has reached us completely fits into the expected picture. In Germanic cult, the pig occupies the most important place compared to other domestic animals. F. Hesch, who was the first to study this problem, came to an amazing conclusion: all German agricultural legislation revolves around the pig. It is well known that Charlemagne encouraged pig farming. Several centuries before him, Westphalian hams were an important export item to Rome... The Salic law contains many pig breeding terms, which were generally very diverse among the Germans - in modern language, however, there are fewer of them. Hesch correctly concludes that this terminology indicates the great antiquity of pig breeding among the Germans. What does all of the above mean for racial theory?

Among the Nordic peoples of the Mediterranean basin, the domestic pig was the leading breed. Since in their religious cults the sacrifice of pigs clearly comes to the fore, this shows that such sacrifices and pig breeding were among them the most ancient institutions. This means that these Nordic peoples, before their migration to the Mediterranean basin, were sedentary and not nomadic pastoral peoples. And these were not wanderings without meaning and purpose, but the resettlement of peasants in search of land. We laugh when we meet in the Odyssey the expression “godlike swineherd,” but it says more about the origin of the Greeks than anything else.
The peasant strives to take with him everything he might need for a settled life in a new, unknown homeland. The less he knows about her, the more carefully he prepares for the journey. In addition, in no case could one leave a favorite sacrificial animal with the risk that the old gods in their new homeland would not receive their usual food. This, in fact, is the solution to the mystery of the “leading breeds”. They were partly bred by priests for religious purposes. Indeed, the first livestock inspectors in history were Egyptian priests.
If the domestic pig clearly indicates to us that the Nordic peoples were sedentary, then the Semites, with their aversion to everything connected with the pig, equally clearly indicate their nomadic way of life.
Recently, the origin of the Semites from the desert has been disputed; on the contrary, it has been argued that only recent geological events made the Arabian Peninsula desert and it was not necessarily the original focus of the nomadic race. As proof, they point to the ruins on the outskirts of Arabia, which, they say, used to be a flourishing country, but today has turned into a dead desert. But those who believe in this do not know the geological reasons for the formation of deserts. The disappearance of fertile lands and oases on the outskirts of the Arabian Peninsula is explained by the same reasons as the devastation of the flowering fields of North Africa by scorching samoums...
There is very simple proof that the Semites originated from the Arabian deserts, and not from the flourishing part of the peninsula. This proof is their domestic animals, primarily two leading breeds: the donkey and the camel. The camel is the most characteristic animal of the desert. The oldest Egyptian drawings depict the Semites as an alien race and always with their leading breeds - camels and donkeys. The Egyptians resisted the adoption of these domestic animals. In the same way, the Semites later opposed the adoption of a horse unknown to them, which came to Arabia and Egypt with the Hyksos. The famous "Arab" horse breeding began with Mohammed, who appreciated horses by fleeing with them. Before that, his tribe bred camels, that is, they were desert nomads. So the horse, originally an attribute of some Nordic peoples, began to serve religion and culture, under whose dominance, as the Sudanese proverb says, even the grass dries up.
It took the Semites centuries before they understood the importance of the horse in the desert. So is it any wonder that they simply could not appreciate such an animal as the antipode of a desert climate, like a pig?
The main feature of the desert is its lack of water, and pigs live in areas abundant in water and vegetation. The two species of wild pigs from which domestic pigs descend (one Euro-Asian, the other from Southeast Asia) are typically forest animals. If the Nordic peoples truly came from northern Europe, then their pigs indicate that they were forest peoples, since pigs live only in deciduous forests. The northernmost border of the range of the Nordic peoples should have been the border of the deciduous forests in the north, and their religion, accordingly, should have left a peculiar imprint on the northern deciduous forest.
Ihering made an attempt, based on legal relations in antiquity, mainly from the most ancient legal institutions of the patricians of Ancient Rome, to unravel the riddle of the origin of the “Aryans”. He was unable to complete his work, and insufficient knowledge of racial relationships did not allow him to draw definitive conclusions. However, he established that the legal institutions of the patricians of ancient Rome, as well as many of their religious practices, can only be understood if it is assumed that in their “journeys” they passed through an area rich in water and timber. They wanted to preserve the memory of their experiences during these wanderings forever.
Accordingly, the types of executions differ. Nailing a criminal to a cross, as well as punishment with rods in Ancient Rome, according to Ihering, are methods that arose while living in the forest. On the contrary, the Semites stone their criminals - this is proof of their origin from the treeless desert.
Ihering correctly showed that much that came to us from antiquity as a custom, law or religious rite, in principle, was caused only by the need to preserve the memory of the old homeland. Parallels can be found among the Spartans. They had an order that the roof of a house could only be done with an ax and a saw. This means that the only building material was wood. They also made beds from wood and reeds (a reference to an area rich in water), and their “black soup,” a stew of pork with blood, vinegar and salt, was meant to evoke memories rather than serve as a hardening agent.

Schuchardt also thinks in the same direction, explaining the changes in the Nordic style by using only wood in the North.

Although the first part of this work explains why the Semites do not like pigs, one question remains open. Why do Semites forbid eating pork, citing leprosy, and are not satisfied with a simple prohibition? It is not their style to reinforce the ban with petty intimidation. Perhaps the ban was based on practical experience? Perhaps the Semites in Egypt adopted foreign customs, which somehow harmed their health, and legislators tried to eradicate these customs again.
Racial theory has not yet dealt with such problems as nutrition and race, but in animal husbandry the relationship between nutrition and breed is known; It is known that the same metabolic reactions occur differently in different breeds of domestic animals.
Scientific animal husbandry, studying the physiology of nutrition, has long abandoned chemical materialism, which did not take into account life influences. Intangible biological factors and predisposition depending on individual characteristics and breed have come to the fore. The focus was on the protein, or rather, not on itself, but on its components. Protein in food has different “values”. The nutritional goals and reactions of individual breeds of domestic animals to the same protein substances may also be different.
During the digestion process, protein is broken down into amino acids and then synthesized again into organism-specific protein. Proteins control metabolism. Proteins are always specific, so the proteins of the food and the body digesting it must be compatible, fit like a key to a lock... Therefore, it is clear that types of meat cannot be identified with one another only for the reason that, from a chemical point of view, it is a protein.
Semites and pigs are animals, i.e. physiological antipodes. It is possible that eating pork causes physiological disharmony among Semites. Health depends on the consistency of the chemical composition of food and the chemical processes of metabolism - they determine the biological rhythm of the body. Any dissonance causes disruption of the metabolic process. The best indicator of a person is his skin; rashes, eczema, etc. may appear on it. Therefore, perhaps the Semites’ ban was based on practical observations, although it was not specifically about leprosy. Let us repeat once again that climate cannot be a direct cause.

To illustrate the relationship between diet and the human race, let us take the example of unmilled rye bread, which is eaten only in a few places in North-West Germany.
Rye contains a nitrogen-containing alkaloid called secalin. Feeding rye to pets without first treating the alkaloid can cause a painful reaction in them. It should be noted that rye is a cereal of the temperate zone of Northern Europe with a rainy maritime climate. From Northwestern Europe it spread east and south. But even in Southern Germany there are many places where rye is unknown. Rye is accompanied by oats. It is even more dependent on Northwestern Europe than rye because it needs a lot of moisture and is sensitive to cold. These two grains are opposed by wheat and peas, but there is no clear boundary between them. Wheat covers the rye zone along the west coast and extends far north, and three subspecies of peas are found in different climate zones, both in southern Germany and in the far north. But rye and wheat remain the absolute opposite. In Western Europe, rye spreads from the cloudy North-West, and wheat from the cloudless South-West. A true North-West German cannot live without his heavy black rye bread, and a true Romanian claims that this bread makes him sick; he needs white wheat bread. The French Huguenot colony in Berlin distributed white bread to its members, and it was brought to Uckermark and Western Pomerania by Walloon settlers from the Palatinate.

From the above-described main centers of distribution of rye and wheat, two races, Nordic and Mediterranean, also spread. Each of these races clings tightly to its familiar grain. The border between the Germans and the Romans in Northern France roughly corresponds to the border between rye and wheat. This caught Goethe's eye when he was there. He wrote in a comic poem that in one area you meet black girls and white bread, and in another white girls and black bread...

But let's get back to the pig. Why did it play such an important role in the cult of the Nordic peoples and in the agriculture of our ancestors?
The second part of this question is easy to answer. Germany's large beech and oak forests were ideal pastures for pigs. It is noteworthy that pig farming in Germany is declining as forests are replaced by civilization. Cattle then began to come to the fore.
In the first part we already talked about the antiquity of pig farming among the Germans, about the richness of pig farming terminology in the German language. From this we can conclude that the Germans at the time this terminology arose were a forest people. The pets of the ancient Germans were forest animals. **Hence the conclusion: the ancestral home of the Nordic race is the forest zone of Northern Europe with a temperate climate.!!
One clarification is necessary here. Contrary to common beliefs about climate conditions in Europe during the Ice Age, geologists have a different opinion. In any case, it is known exactly what flora and fauna existed in Europe immediately before, during and after the Ice Age, and that the Ice Age basically did not change anything. It is therefore incorrect to consider this period as the end of an era; it was only an intermediate stage of a geological era that continues to this day. First of all, it was not a catastrophic glaciation. Northern Europe and some mountains are covered with glaciers, but glaciers are formed from snow, not from cold. At that time, precipitation in the North and in the mountains fell not in the form of rain, but in the form of snow in such quantities that, under its pressure, powerful glaciers advanced from Scandinavia to Central Germany. Glaciers also covered the valleys of European mountain ranges, which in the south of Europe invade the tropical landscape (cf. Kilimanjaro, the Himalayas). The length of a glacier is always the resultant of the snow pressure in the zone of its origin and the heat intensity on the glacier tongues. The glacier disappears under the influence of dry winds, and not as a result of ice melting under the influence of rising temperatures. The dead land he left behind is first occupied by steppe vegetation, before humus and bacterial flora revive this land so much that a forest can grow on it again. During the relatively short steppe period of Europe, the steppe fauna from Asia penetrated here...

This explanation was necessary to show that temperate deciduous forests with their fauna (and wild pigs in particular) persisted in Europe throughout the Ice Age, at least long after the appearance of man.

The pig occupies a special place among wild animals: none of them produces so much fat (lard). This was important to the first people who lived in Northern Europe. Despite the now fashionable vegetarian ideas, I am sure that the first people were not vegetarians, at least not in Europe: in terms of the structure of their digestive apparatus, humans are still closer to carnivorous animals. The parts of this apparatus intended for the assimilation of plant cellulose are in a rudimentary state; these are organs of the pre-human stage. Of course, in the northern European climate, a person had no choice but to be a vegetarian, until, however, he mastered fire. Already people of the Early Paleolithic era were hunters, which means they ate meat...
The main elements of our nutrition are proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Without the help of fire or mechanical action, a person cannot absorb them from plants. Meat and animal fat were the staple diet of our Nordic ancestors. This is clear from the important role of our animal husbandry, which was natural given the rich fauna of the German forests.
The lower the external temperature, the higher the human need for fat as a food product necessary to maintain a stable body temperature. An Eskimo drinks 3 liters. fish oil - we cannot do such a trick even in the coldest winter. An Italian is horrified at the mere thought of German bread with lard, which we readily eat after returning from a winter hunt or after being in the cold for a long time.

Winters in northern Europe have always been cold. Therefore, wild pig and its fat played a primary role in nutrition, especially where the influence of the Gulf Stream did not affect, where rivers and lakes froze, and it was impossible to catch fatty fish in them...
Another feature of the wild pig was the ease of taming captured piglets, their ability to gain fat and feed on any waste. In this I see the main significance of the pig for the sedentary Nordic population, especially in winter. Then, over time, the pig took a preferred position among Nordic domestic animals, especially after people learned to preserve lard. The advantages of pigs in cold northern winters are quite obvious. So, should we then be surprised that man also made the most important animal for him personally the main sacrificial animal? To please his god, a naive man sacrificed to him what he himself liked. This easily explains the significance of the pig in Nordic cults.


Richard Walter Darré was born in the town of Belgrano (near Buenos Aires, Argentina) on July 14, 1895. His parents were Richard Oscar Darré (1854-1929) and Emilia Bertha Eleonora Darré, née Lagergren (1872-1936), half Swedish, half German. . His father moved to Argentina in 1888 on business for a trading company. In 1912, the Darre family returned to their homeland due to deterioration in international relations.
Darre Jr. received his education at the German school in Belgrano, the Heidelberg Higher Real School and the Bad Godesberg Evangelical School. At the age of 11, he became a student at the prestigious King's College School in the English city of Wimbledon, which accepted only children with academic inclinations. Darre Jr. was fluent in four languages ​​- German, Spanish, English and French.
In 1914, he was enrolled in a colonial school in the city of Weitzenhausen, where he planned to receive an agricultural education. However, the study of agricultural sciences was interrupted; with the outbreak of the First World War, Darre volunteered for the army, as an artillery lieutenant. For military distinction he was awarded the Iron Cross, II degree. In November 1918 he was demobilized and continued his studies at the universities of Gali and Giessen. After the end of the First World War, he joined the Freikorps in Berlin with the rank of lieutenant.
Since 1919, Darre began to actively engage in agriculture, entering the service of the Prussian Ministry of Agriculture.
In the early 20s, together with Heinrich Himmler, he became a participant in the religious and political movement “Artamanen” (German: Artamanen). At the heart of this movement was the ideal of the farmer-owner. His supporters sought to work in agriculture, considering their work as one of the forms of fulfilling their patriotic duty.

Agricultural policy, concepts and ideas

Hitler wrote in “My Struggle” that “the enormous opportunities and prospects opening up for the nation, provided that a healthy peasant class is preserved, have not yet been properly appreciated. Many of our current problems are the result of unhealthy relationships between urban and rural populations. A strong and stable layer of small and medium-sized peasant farmers is the best antidote against social tension and conflicts.”

Along with ideological slogans about “the peasantry as the bearer of racial purity and the guardian of the foundations of the truly German people,” a specific goal was set: achieving agrarian self-sufficiency. The following were adopted as the main means to achieve it:

1) the policy of protectionism - protecting German agriculture from external competitors. To overcome the crisis of the early 30s, all importing countries used protectionist measures (increasing customs tariffs, quotas, banning imports, state regulation of the exchange rate) to make domestic market prices independent of the movement (sharp fall) of prices on the world market. As a result, domestic prices in Germany in 1933 were 2–3 times higher than world market prices. The increase in prices led to an increase in acreage and stimulated the growth of agricultural production, the products of which soon began to exceed domestic demand. The possibility of a new fall in prices could be prevented by additional protectionist measures of direct regulation and control;

2) direct regulation, extension of the principle of forced cartelization to agriculture;

3) a policy of re-agrarianization, aimed at increasing the ranks of a “healthy” nationalist-minded and loyal peasantry, replenished partly from the urban unemployed;

4) resettlement policy, consisting of internal colonization, the creation of new rural settlements, especially in the eastern provinces (an influx of “new blood” was necessary). It was credited with "quenching the land hunger" of the peasantry.
The peasant was required to hand over at least 30% of the harvest at “fair prices” to organized centers. Created in September 1933, the national Ministry of Food was empowered to regulate production, set prices, profit margins and terms of trade. The ministry dealt with issues of assigning privileges to the “hereditary court”, deferments in debt payments and establishing reduced interest rates on loans.

Along with the sequestration of debts, reduction of taxes and interest, various social activities were carried out. For example, the Rural Welfare Decree, adopted in July 1938, made marriage loans available to persons who had worked in agriculture or forestry for the five years preceding marriage.
And even earlier, on October 1, 1937, a state system of career guidance training among female youth was created. The concept and guidelines of this system were laid down in the Basic Rules for the Training of Women in Practical Agricultural Trades. “No teenage girl in the future should begin work in agriculture without having received basic rural training in domestic work,” the Basic Rules emphasized.

At the VI Congress of Peasants, Darre stated that the problem of labor shortage in the countryside is not so much an economic problem as a racial-political one. I had to use mobilization methods. Since February 1933, for young people aged 16 to 21, a voluntary one-time six-month conscription was first introduced - the so-called “village assistance” (German Landhilfe), and from April 1934 it became mandatory - a “year in the village” (German . Landjahr).
On September 6, 1933, the concept of building a model village in Ridrode was adopted. It provided for the creation of 28 farms for dairy farming with 30 hectares of land. On May 1, 1935, construction of the first house began through the Imperial Labor Service. In October 1935, the first settlers arrived. On July 1, 1936, the first hereditary court (German: Erbhofdorf) was opened, decorated with the names and coats of arms of the owner.
Similar projects, but in urban urban planning, were carried out by Gottfried Feder, and earlier before him in 1896 by Theodor Fritsch. Before the National Socialists came to power, reformers close to Kurt von Schleicher were also involved in the construction of ideal agrarian settlements - Walter von Etzdorf's Notgiralgeld, Otto Dikel's Kleingarten and Gerhard Rossbach's Labor Communities.

Darré was born on July 14, 1895 in a suburb of Buenos Aires. His parents were Richard Oskar Darré (1854-1929) and Emilia Bertha Eleonore Darré, née Lagergren (1872-1936), half Swedish, half German. His father moved to Argentina in 1888 on business for a trading company. The head of the family was a drunkard and a womanizer, so the parents’ marriage was not happy, but the family lived very prosperously, and the children received an excellent education. Richard Darre Jr. spoke four languages ​​- German, Spanish, English and French. In 1912, the Darre family returned to their homeland due to deterioration in international relations. When the boy was 9 years old, his parents sent him to study in Heidelberg, Germany, and at the age of 11 he became a student at the prestigious King's College School in Wimbledon, England, which accepted only children with academic inclinations. In 1914, Darre studied at the German Colonial Witzenhausen school, which trained specialists for African colonization, where his interest in agriculture awoke. At the beginning of the war, Darre volunteered for the front, was wounded several times, and was demobilized with the rank of lieutenant. After the war, Darre wanted to return to Argentina to engage in agriculture, but this turned out to be impossible, because inflation "ate up" the family capital.In 1922, Darre continued his studies at the University of Halle and in 1929 received a degree in animal husbandry.

Was married twice. The first marriage to Alma Staadt, a school friend of her sister, lasted 5 years and ended in divorce in 1927; Richard Darre's second wife was Charlotte Frein von Wittinghoff-Schell, who survived him. In his first marriage, Darre had two daughters.

Initially, Darre joined the nationalist movement "Völkische Bewegung". It was this that gave Darre the idea, later known as "Blut Und Boden", "blood and soil", that the future of the Nordic race was connected with the earth. His first book, which amazed SS chief Heinrich Himmler, was published in 1928. She viewed the peasantry as the lifeblood of the Nordic race, paid attention to the conservation of forests and demanded the expansion of territories. This idea captured the minds of the leaders of Nazi Germany and led to expansion to the East.

In 1925, Darre joined the NSDAP and became an active Nazi figure. In 1930, he pursued a successful policy of recruiting members of the NSDAP from the farming population of Germany in order to attract the minds and votes of the people who would eventually drive the Slavs out of the eastern territories. Unlike Himmler, Darre did not share the passion for occultism of the ruling elite of the Third Reich, but in his books he spoke out sharply against the Christian religion, which proclaimed the equality of people before God.

After the Nazis came to power, Darre took up what he was well versed in - he took the post of Minister of Agriculture; became head of the SS Race and Settlement Office and leader of the imperial peasantry. In addition to the development of new territories and the creation of successful farms, Darre played a leading role in the creation of racist and anti-Semitic organizations within the SS, and also developed the ideological basis for the Nazi policy of conquering new territories. Under the influence of Darre, the head of the SS, Himmler, established a plan to create a chosen German race through selection, which led to the death of tens of millions of people of other nationalities during the Second World War. In 1936, Darre received a gold NSDAP party badge, which was the distinctive sign of the top party leadership. In 1942, Darre resigned. The official reason was health, but in reality Darre was challenging Hitler's order to reduce rations in labor camps.

Darre was arrested in 1945 and convicted at the Nuremberg trials. He avoided serious charges, such as genocide, but was nevertheless sentenced to 7 years in prison. In 1950, Darre was released early and worked as an agricultural chemistry consultant. Richard Darre died in Munich in 1953 from liver cancer caused by alcoholism.

Richard Walter Oscar Darre(German: Richard Walther Darr; July 14, 1895 - September 5, 1953) - head of the Main Racial-Settlement Directorate of the SS. Reich Minister of Food (1933-1942). SS-Obergruppenführer (9 November 1934).


Origin. early years

Born into the family of an entrepreneur, head of the trading house Hardt & Co. Richard Oscar Darré and his wife Emilia Bertha Eleonore Lagergren. Richard Darré, a descendant of French Huguenots who moved from Northern France to the Electoral Palatinate in 1680, was born in Berlin and moved to Argentina in 1888. Emilia Lagergren, half Swedish, half German, was born in Argentina. Darre's maternal uncle was the burgomaster of Stockholm. According to Darre himself, the parents’ marriage was not happy.

In addition to Richard, the family had three more children, among them:

  • Ilsa (1900, Buenos Aires - 1985, Bremen). Wife of Manfred von Knobelsdorff, commandant of Wewelsburg Castle.
  • Erich (1902-after 1946), assistant at the SS Main Directorate for questions of race and settlement.


Until the age of 10, he attended a German school in the Belgrano quarter of Buenos Aires. Then Darre was sent to Germany (in 1912 the rest of the family returned there and settled in Wiesbaden).

  • real school in Heidelberg (1912). In 1911 he studied as an exchange student at King's College School in Wimbledon;
  • Pedagogium in Bad Godesberg (Bonn) (1914, shortly before that another prominent Nazi, Rudolf Hess, graduated from the Pedagogium);
  • the colonial school in Witzenhausen, which trained personnel for the colonization of Africa (1920, diploma of colonialist-agronomist);
  • in 1922-1929 studied agriculture in Giessen and Halle. While studying at the university, he worked (without pay) as an assistant on a farm in Pomerania. In 1927 he went on an internship to Finland.

In addition to his native German, he was fluent in Spanish, English and French.

World War I

In 1914 he volunteered for the army (1st Nassau Foot Artillery Regiment). A participant in World War I on the Western Front, he first served in the 4th Battery, 111th Foot Artillery Regiment, 56th Infantry Division as a driver, telephone operator and observer. As Darre himself recalled, during the shelling he somehow fell asleep in a trench tunnel, but in the end he got off cheaply. Having received leave at the beginning of 1916, Darre came to his parents in Wiesbaden and was surprised to find a summons to the Argentine army from the Argentine consulate in his name, which, however, said that he was on leave until the end of his studies and that he would receive credit for service in the German army.

Upon returning to the front, Corporal Darre begins to quickly rise in rank: non-commissioned officer (1.2.1916), vice-sergeant (23.4.1916). In November 1916 he was awarded the Iron Cross 2nd class. As a result, Darre decides to apply for a course to obtain the rank of reserve lieutenant and in January 1917 he graduates from the artillery school in Jüterbog for this purpose.

Until the end of the war he commanded an artillery battery. In July 1917, he was wounded in his left leg by two grenade fragments. According to the official biography, on July 31, 1917, during the famous British offensive, he held back their superior forces for three hours until the main units of his army arrived with two guns. On October 19, 1918, due to serious illness, he was evacuated to the rear and never returned to the front.

In 1918 he was demobilized with the rank of artillery lieutenant. He was a member of the Volunteer Corps.

After graduating from the colonial school, he planned to return to Argentina to start farming, but the difficult financial situation of his family did not allow him to do this. Upon completion of his studies in 1928-1929. worked as an agricultural appraiser at the German embassy in Riga.

Career in the National Socialist movement

Member of the NSDAP since July 1925 (ticket number - 248 256). SS Obergruppenführer (ticket number - 6 882). He led the propaganda of National Socialist ideas in rural areas.

Aryan myth of the III Reich Vasilchenko Andrey Vyacheslavovich

Walter Darre

Walter Darre

Reichsführer SS Heinrich Himmler and his friend Walter Darre, who later became the Reich leader of the peasants and the Reich Minister of Agriculture, formulated the ideological foundations of the “new order” in the early 30s. Both were big fans of agronomy. Both were members of völkisch organizations. Both were consistent supporters of Germany's "eastern expansion". At one time, Himmler was an activist in the Artamanen organization, and Darre was the ideologist of the Bashmak (Bundschu) union. Walter Darre formulated not only the symbolic dyad “Blood and Soil”, but also wrote two works that became the first ideological program of the nascent security forces - the SS. In both books (“The Peasantry as the Life Source of the Nordic Race,” “The New Nobility of Blood and Soil”), at the end of the 1920s, he indicated to the SS men the future path of development: racial purity and eastern colonization. Among other things, he described the peasantry as the most important layer of German society, which constantly replenished the nation with “good blood.” The second component was the idea of ​​the absolute superiority of the “Nordic race”. Walter Darre gleaned his belief in the existence of six different “fundamental races” from the depths of the “Nordic movement” and from the works of race scientist Gunther, who later became the most famous racial theorist of the Third Reich. In his “Brief Racial History of the German People,” Hans Friedrich Karl Günther proposed the concept of racial division of the population of Europe. He propagated ideas about racial selection through his own organization “Northern Ring”. It is interesting that Walter Darre and many other prominent employees of the RuSKhA were members of this little-known union. In addition, we should not forget that when developing the racial principles of the S.S., Himmler and Darre used their own agricultural experience (both were certified agronomists).

Darre was born in 1895 in the family of a Berlin merchant who had his own business in Argentina. He spent his early childhood in this Latin American country, and at the age of ten he returned to Germany. In 1914, he was enrolled in a colonial school in Weitzenhausen, where, like Himmler, he intended to receive an agricultural education. But the study of agricultural wisdom was interrupted when he was mobilized into the army. The horrors of war and positional battles did not discourage the young man from continuing his education. In May 1919 he returned to the colonial school. I wonder what he was hoping for? After defeat in the war, Germany lost all its colonies, and its graduates were doomed

to replenish the gigantic army of unemployed. Darra failed to complete his studies and was forced to leave the educational institution. Until 1922, he wandered around, hiring himself out for seasonal work on large estates.

When the SS began to transform from a militant organization into a political association in 1931, Himmler decided to create the SS Racial Administration. The young Reichsführer SS put his friend Walter Darre at the head of the new 3 structure. To carry out the “selection of the Nordic ideal,” Himmler ordered the SS men to marry only racially prominent girls, which was a direct borrowing from Darre’s book “The New Nobility,” in which the author portrayed the hereditary nobility as “new aristocrats.” A little later, an order was issued that any applicant for membership in the SS would be subject to racial selection. Thus, both the future SS man and his chosen one were subjected to anthropological research for racial compliance with the “high ideals of the SS.” Thanks to these steps, Himmler and Darre came closer to their cherished goal - to build an “elite Nordic order.”

Racial selection within the SS had two consequences. Firstly, it led to a specific self-awareness and self-determination of the SS men as a “biological elite” and a “new stratum of masters.” Admission to the SS was the result of a strict selection process in which candidates for entry into the “black order” met “scientifically” recognized criteria, which became clear evidence of the consistent cultivation of racist thinking. Secondly, in accordance with strict standards, a model was created that, in the event of war, could be transferred to the civilian population of the conquered countries. It was of particular importance that the selection procedure was standardized under the SS, that is, in an ultra-modern, natural scientific spirit. On the basis of this ideological “dream”, practical experience of “scientific examinations” was acquired. In the autumn of 1939, SS racial experts were warned that in “cleansing” Europe they must resort to the latest methods and developments.

From the book Aryan Myth of the Third Reich author Vasilchenko Andrey Vyacheslavovich

Walter Darre's disgrace The year 1938 was a turning point for RuSHA in many ways. This was primarily due to the fact that Walter Darre was removed by Himmler from the post of head of the Main Directorate for Race and Settlements. Chief of Staff of Oberabschnitt was appointed new chief of RuSHA

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WALTER Benjamin (1892-1940) Upon learning of the suicide of his friend Walter Benjamin in 1940, the great playwright and co-author of composer Kurt Weill, Bertolt Brecht, allegedly declared that his death was the first loss suffered by German literature at the hands of Hitler. Walter Benjamin was

From the book Nazism and Culture [Ideology and Culture of National Socialism] by Mosse George

Walter Darre History was created by the German peasantry Recalling today the struggle of the Steding peasantry for their freedom seven hundred years ago, we must first of all mention a fact that is important for all Germans: current historiography is trying

author Voropaev Sergey

Arndt, Walter (Arndt), (1891–1944), German physician and scientist. Born January 8, 1891. Studied natural sciences at the University of Breslau. In 1914 he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine. During World War I he was a military medic in a field hospital; in October 1914 he was captured by the Russians. In two s

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

Brauchitsch, Walter von (Brauchitsch), (1881–1948), Field Marshal of Hitler's army (1940). Born on October 4, 1881 in Berlin in the family of an officer. In the army since 1900. Participated in the 1st World War in staff positions, then served in the Reichswehr. In 1931 he received the rank of lieutenant general, commanded

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

Walter, Bruno (Walter), (1876–1962), German conductor. Born September 15, 1876 in Berlin. In his youth he was strongly influenced by the composer Gustav Mahler. From 1913-22 Walter was music director of the State Opera in Munich. In 1936-38 he was the chief conductor of the Vienna

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

Warlimont, Walter (Warlimont), major general of the German army, one of Hitler's closest and most loyal officers. Born in 1895. In 1937, as a colonel in one of the departments of the War Ministry, Warlimont developed and prepared a plan for the reorganization of the German armed forces,

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

Wenk, Walter (Wenk), general of the German army. Born September 18, 1900 in Wittenberg. In 1911 he entered the cadet school in Naumberg, in 1918 - the military school in Groß-Lichterfeld. In 1920 he joined the Reichswehr as a private, and in 1923 he was promoted to non-commissioned officer. In May 1933 Wenck received the rank

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

Wefer, Walter (Wever), (1887–1936), lieutenant general of aviation, first chief of the general staff of the Luftwaffe. Born in Posen (now Poznan, Poland). He began his military service in the Kaiser's army in 1905. In 1914 he fought on the Western Front as a platoon commander. In 1915 Vefer was

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

Gempp, Walter (Gempp), (1878–1939), chief of the Berlin fire department. Having served for more than 27 years with the Berlin Fire Department and become its chief, Geppe has made it a highly respected organization. Soon after the Reichstag fire on February 27, 1933, he incurred the wrath of

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

Gropius, Walter (Gropius), (1883–1969), an outstanding German architect, architectural theorist, one of the founders of functionalism, who consistently developed the principles of rationalism in architecture. Left Germany after the Nazis came to power. Born May 18, 1883 in

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

Darre, Richard-Walter (Darre), (1895–1953), Reichsleiter, head of the Central Office of Agricultural Policy of the NSDAP. Born July 14, 1895 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He studied at a real school in Heidelberg and an evangelical school in Bad Godesberg. In 1911 as an exchange

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

Model, Walter (Model), (1891–1945), Field Marshal (1944) of the German Army. Born January 24, 1891 in Gentin. In the army since 1909, participant in the 1st World War. He was one of the first to support Hitler and always remained loyal to the Nazi regime. From November 1940 he commanded the 3rd Panzer Division,

From the book Encyclopedia of the Third Reich author Voropaev Sergey

Nowotny, Walter (Nowotny), (1921–1944), Luftwaffe fighter pilot. In 1942, with the rank of 1st lieutenant, he was assigned to the 54th Fighter Regiment. In 1943 - captain, in 1944 - major, commanded the 52nd fighter aviation regiment. According to official statistics, the Luftwaffe destroyed 258 aircraft

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Walter Novotny Walter Novotny has died. Our enemy, as he was for us in the Norman and German skies, died after burns in a hospital in Osnabrück. The Luftwaffe, whose hero he was, did not long survive his death, which was, so to speak, the turning point of the air war. Them

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