Search for hieroglyphs by features. How to look up hieroglyphs in a dictionary. Features of Chinese characters

    search by key- - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information technology in general EN key retrievalkey search ... Technical Translator's Guide

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    Type Tree Time complexity in About symbolism Average Worst case Memory consumption O(n) O(n) Search O(h) O(n) Insertion O(h) O(n) Deletion O(h) O(n) where h tree height ... Wikipedia

    Type Tree Invented in 1972 Invented by Rudolf Bayer, Edward M. McCreight Time complexity in About symbolism Average Worst case Memory consumption O(n) O(n) Search O(log n) O(log n) Insertion O(log n ) O(log n) Removal O(log n) O(log n) ... Wikipedia

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Now there are many electronic online dictionaries. I brought some of them to page with useful links. Electronic dictionaries are convenient; many can be downloaded to your phone or tablet. However, how can you find a hieroglyph if you don’t know how to read it, which means you can’t enter it from the keyboard. What if the hieroglyph is in the picture and there is no way to copy it? One alternative is a paper dictionary.

In this article I want to talk about which dictionaries you should not buy, what criteria are used to sort hieroglyphs in dictionaries, and how to learn to find them easily.

When I just started learning Chinese, I ordered 2 dictionaries from an online store, which seemed quite decent to me. However, when I received them and tried to find something I needed, I was a complete fiasco. That's why. The first “Modern Chinese-Russian Dictionary” sorted hieroglyphs according to their reading - pinyin. But I didn’t know how to read the hieroglyphs that I wanted to find, and without knowing their reading, it was useless to rummage around there. The second “New Russian-Chinese Dictionary” provided a translation from Russian, without giving a transcription of the hieroglyphs - that is, again, without knowing how to read Pinyin, this dictionary is absolutely useless. Both dictionaries are gathering dust on the shelf. Therefore, if you are going to buy a dictionary, be sure to pay attention to the presence of various types of sorts, which I write about below.

Later, I acquired the “Big Chinese-Russian Dictionary”. The same BCRS that almost all translators from Chinese refer to. This dictionary has perfect sorting and there you can find any hieroglyph, having in front of you a picture of this hieroglyph, its writing or reading. Therefore, I will describe the methods for searching for hieroglyphs, based on the search method in BCRS.

So, in what ways can you search for hieroglyphs:

1. By pinyin index, where each syllable and each tone with which this syllable is read is indicated. If you know the reading of the hieroglyph, then you just need to follow this index. Pinyin is sorted alphabetically. Next to the reading there is a page from which the hieroglyphs that are read this way begin. That is, if you know that the hieroglyph is read as gēng, then we will look for it starting from page 718.

If you don’t know the reading of the hieroglyph, then immediately move on to the next type of search.

2. The second type of search is a search by keys. Searching for a hieroglyph using keys is a little more difficult, so I will explain with pictures. For example, we need to find the character 盖. We don't know how it is read. Obviously, the key of the hieroglyph is 羊 (if this is not obvious, then go and learn the keys). The total number of traits in this key is 6. Let's move on to the second search index.

Second index is a list of hieroglyphic keys. There are 209 of these keys in BCRS and they are sorted by the number of traits. We already know our key 羊 and we know that it has 6 traits. We are looking for it in the “keys consisting of 6 traits” section. We find it at number 149. Find out the desired page and go to third index- the index of all hieroglyphs in the dictionary - there we will directly look for the hieroglyph we need. How to search - by the number of added traits (more on this below)

We look for page 80, then we look for our key on this page.

This section contains all the characters that contain the key 羊. To find ours, we calculate how many strokes need to be added to the key 羊 to get the desired character 盖. We need to add 皿 to the bottom of 羊, and this is 5 strokes, so we go to the subsection “5 additional strokes” and find our hieroglyph 盖 and see that it is on page 674.

Finally, we go to page 674 and here he is, darling.

There is also a fourth index in BCRS is an index of hieroglyphs that do not fall under the index of hieroglyphic keys. This is just a separate list. It’s better to at least look through this list, because sometimes you search, rummage, and can’t find it, but it’s there... in the fourth index.

It doesn't look that simple, but in reality it's just a matter of habit. All you have to do is practice a little, learn all the hieroglyphic keys, learn to count how many features hieroglyphs have, and everything will go like clockwork.

Not long ago I shared my personal experience in learning hieroglyphs. In 2 years I learned kanji from level five to level one. It took me about 1.5 more years to hone my skills and memorize readings in different types of words, but today I will show you one of the tricks that will quickly help you remember hieroglyphs, no matter how you remember them (although the best way, of course , this method will work for mnemonic-associative memorization of kanji). As always, I apologize for often interfering with non-Polivanovskaya transliteration, with Polivanovskaya in relation to kanji - after all, this is a complex word. It seems like I’ve been saying “kanji” for about five years, but when I transfer the word it is reproduced as “kanji”. However, enough lyrical asides.

So, the trick is called “kanji key”. In fact, many students know it, especially those studying at intermediate or intermediate-advanced levels of Japanese. But, be that as it may, few people have ever managed to systematize these same keys. But I did this work and present it on my blog.

For those who are not familiar with the trick of using keys to quickly memorize kanji, I’ll write what this very trick is: remember how the key is “written” in kanji, then, using it, try to give the context = what the hieroglyph means, then see the meaning of the hieroglyph , and thus associatively, by key you are left with at least the kanji value. To improve memorization, look at the readings of hieroglyphs, remember at least one familiar word, and let the key + hieroglyph, which includes this key, be associated with this word.

And now, a list of keys.

Key 水

Here are some of the kanji that this key contains.
水(water) 永(long) 池(pond) 決(define) 沢(swamp) 沈(drown) 沖(open sea) 泳(swimming) 注(pour, pour, comment) 法(law, rule) 油(oil ) 洋(ocean) 海 (sea) 洗(wash) 浅(small) 酒(sake) 涙(tear) 浴(to shower, take a bath or shower) 湾 (bay, bay)

So, now about the practical application of this method, based on the “water” key:
Step 1. Make a list of the hieroglyphs that you found in Yarksi for this key (by the way, you can “break down the hieroglyph” into its component parts by right-clicking on the hieroglyph itself in the main window). Write down their main translations
Step 2. Try to remember the translations and meanings of all hieroglyphs, especially since they are all associated with the key (in our case, almost all hieroglyphs are associated with water, except for the words “long”, “define”, “law”)
Step 3. Come up with an association for words that you don’t associate with the key in any way, try to remember them as exceptions
Step 4. Write down only hieroglyphs on the cards (on the back of the card write the reading + meaning, or put its number, and make a separate list in your notebook by meaning, by readings, and on the card just write the hieroglyph and the number in the list). See how many: 1) meanings 2) readings from the list you remember?
Step 5. Create lists based on different keys. For example, in one “sitting” you can get 5 out of 17 words on water in your head, 6 out of 30 words with a field, and 10 out of 40 words with a person. In total, you can remember 5+6+10 kanji at a time. Without straining. The strategy is to simply and without straining remember the hieroglyph from the first viewing. It will be very good if at this stage you remember familiar words with a hieroglyph (for example, you could see洗 (to wash) in 洗濯 – in the word “washing”, which is probably taught in many courses and is included in many textbooks for beginners). The word association trick is desirable, but not required. The best part is “memorizing kanji in bunches.” But, I repeat once again, you don’t need to look through kanji 100 times, write it, read it, visualize it, and so on. The point is to create lists of several hundred kanji and remember at least 1/5-1/10 of them the first time. Next, you can put aside all those kanji that you remembered the first time, well, and then return to them when time passes. Those who remain will be dealt with later - the next day, a couple of days later, or at the end of the week. Remember - the most important thing in this method is not to strain yourself and not spend too much time (making cards or lists should also not take too much time).

Here are some other keys:

Man 人

人(person) 仏(Buddha) 仁(philanthropy) 仕(serve someone) 付(attach, join) 代(era) 以(for reason, in view) 他(other, other, and the like) 仙(xian, Taoist flying magician) 休(rest) 任(instruct) 件(case, incident) 伝(transfer) 伊(I is a hieroglyph often used in given names, surnames and titles) 仮 (temporary, false, “on trial”) 仲( relationship with someone) 仰(look, depend, rely on someone) 伎(skill) 体(body)

There are even more associations with man, humanity and some qualities... No? then remember where you could see these hieroglyphs? In what words? what associations will you have?

For example 付 may not immediately seem like a “human-like” kanji. But take 受付 - reception, reception - a word that we have been reading almost since the first year (especially when studying Minna no Nihongo) and we associate it with a girl (or boy?) in the hall, often pretty, who accepts documents.

Or another example of associative memorization for a less obvious kanji以 – if, after rummaging around in the dictionary, you find 以心伝心 - then you will remember a simple word from the first level “telepathy”. And thus connect the hieroglyph以 with a person

Key 手 – hand

手(hand) 払(pay, pay) 打(beat, strike) 扱(use) 技(skill) 投(throw) 折(break) 択(choose, take away) 抜(pull out, extract) 抑(hold, restrain) 抗 (resist) 抄 (make nori or paper) 押 (press, press a button) 拝 (bow) 拡 (expand) 担 (carry on the shoulder) 拍 (beat the beat) 招 (invite, invite, beckon, beckon) 拠( be based on something) 拙(inept, bad) 持(hold in hand, have, possess) 指(finger) 挑(challenge, for example, remove a glove from a hand and in the face) 挙(catch, grab, perform a ceremony) 捕 (to catch fish or birds)

There are even more associations with the key here than in the previous hieroglyphs.

Key tree 木

木 (tree) 本(source, base, roots) 末 (end, ending) 札(paper money, and paper is made from wood) 机(table, desk) 朴(magnolia) 朽(rot, decay) 来(come, arrive , arrive) 束(bundle, for example, brushwood, or firewood) 村 (village) 材(timber) 杉(Japanese cedar) 枚 (gag, because previously they did not put a rag in the mouth, but a stick) 林(grove) 東(east) 松(pine) 板(board) 杯(sake cup) 枝(branch) 析(analyze, for example, count the annual rings of a tree) 査(smell) 栄(bloom) 染 (color)

Here, there may be implicitly associated words. But sometimes exceptions to the rules can be remembered better. In any case, in step 3m you will have to issue an association.

Conversation Key 言

言(speak) 計(measure) 訂(correction, editing) 記(record, chronicle) 討(cut) 託(dissuade) 訓(kun-reading of hieroglyph) 設(arrange, equip) 訳(translate) 訪(enter) 訟 (to sue) 評(judgment, review) 詞(word) 証(evidence) 診(examine the patient) 訴(complain) 詠(compose poetry) 詐(lie, impersonate) 詔(imperial edict) 話(talk, conversation lead) 試 (test, check)

Thread key 糸

糸(thread) 約(promise in which fingers are tied) 級(rank, rank) 紅(red pigment, for dyeing fabrics) 紀(period, era) 糾(question, find out) 紙(paper) 純 (pure, innocent) 納(to contribute, to pay) 紛(to mix with something) 素 (element, chemical for example, and the elements are related by a table)

Heart Key 心

心(heart) 必(necessary) 忙(busy) 快(pleasant, wonderful) 念(thought, consciousness, feeling) 性(sex, gender) 忠(loyalty, devotion) 怖 (terrible) 怪(doubtful, suspicious) 思( think) 急 (hurry) 怒 (get angry, be angry)

Key of the mouth 口

口(mouth) 右(right) 古(old) 台(stand) 号(magazine number, generally serial number) 司(manage, rule) 叱(scold, scold) 向(opposite, that side) 名(name) 同( same) 合(suitable for something) 各(every) 吸(inhale, inhale, smoke)

Key of the Earth 土

(earth) in documents, especially land ones) 吉(luck, happiness) 幸(happiness, luck)

House roof key 宀

安(cheap) 宅(house, apartment) 守(protect) 宇(space, outer space) 完(completion, ending) 実(fruit) 定(establish order, including in the house) 宛(address) 宗(sect , religious school) 官(civil service) 宙(sky, air) 宝 (treasure)

Key of the day or sun 日

日(sun) 旦(morning and evening, end of the year) 早(fast) 明(light, clear) 昔(long ago) 昇(to rise. climb) 易(light, simple) 昆(insect that flies towards the light) 昨( yesterday) 春(spring) 映(reflect, fall) 星(star)

In this posting I provided 10 main keys and 11-17 examples of words. Total about 200 values. Try to read it, copy or write down the hieroglyphs, and, without looking, try to remember at least the meaning of each kanji. If you remember 15-20% or higher, then the method is ideal for you and you can apply the full algorithm described above. I hope it will suit you, because this method is one of the best to “learn” a lot of hieroglyphs at once, at least reading, at least meaning, but definitely at one time when you are learning, for example, at the second or first levels of Japanese language. Good luck!

This message is my own experience, and my vision of one of the ways to study kanji, which was explained to us at the center. When copying this material, a link to the original source, i.e. on my posting is required!

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Hi all.

I offer you a brief overview of a program designed to search for hieroglyphs and build dictionaries using a graphical system.

Main functions of the program:

  1. Search for hieroglyphs.
  2. Output translation files.
  3. Creating your own dictionaries.

The program by default loads a dictionary (search part), built according to the graphic system traditionally adopted in Russian Sinology. The central element of this system is the lower right corner and (or) a descending prominent line.

Dictionary concept (search aspect)

All hieroglyphs are divided into seven groups, headed by seven basic features (elements), by which the search is carried out. Each group has its own subgroups, organized according to a certain criterion (or without it). The top four rows implement search logic (form a search chain), the bottom four rows are intended to display hieroglyphs.

This division is conditional. No one is stopping you from adding or removing a group (subgroup), changing their display order or their composition. For me, for example, Oblique and Humpbacked hooks are two subgroups that are part of the Hooks group, which is headed by the basic feature - Horizontal hook, and in BCRS (edited by B.G. Mudrov) they belong to Folding to the right. For me, the square heads a separate group, whereas in BCRS it belongs to the Horizontal main line. You can also not be attached to the lower right corner and in general, a lot more is possible. Another function of the program is intended for this – creating (editing) dictionaries.

Creating (editing) a dictionary (search aspect)

The dictionary file (also known as the output file) is loaded during program startup. This is a regular text file, only with the .hl extension, which can be edited without leaving the program. Structurally, the file consists of a group of lines, which are of two types: a line of characters and a line of numbers (pair), which alternate each other (line of characters, line of numbers, line of characters, line of numbers, etc.). One character corresponds to one numeric parameter. If this parameter is zero, then this is the last character in the search chain and the program will display the corresponding group of hieroglyphs. If the parameter is not equal to zero, then this is a pointer to a string of characters that needs to be output when selecting a feature (element) during the search process.

Creation (editing) algorithm

  1. Switched from search mode to editing mode.
  2. Clicked the Edit Output File button on the toolbar.
  3. Added (removed) a symbol.
  4. Added (removed) a symbol parameter.
  5. Saved.
  6. Switched from editing mode to search mode.
  7. Updated the dictionary (similar to updating a page in a browser).
  8. Let's see what happened.

Another function of the program is the output of translation files.

We found a hieroglyph, clicked on it, if the program found the corresponding file, it will display it, if not, it will offer to create it. As usual in this program, this is a regular text file, the name of which is the hieroglyph itself. Write whatever you want in this file. There is one key point: a dot in this file will be interpreted by the program as a beacon (in file viewing mode). This means that if there is a combination of hieroglyphs (phrase or sentence) below this point, then this combination will be highlighted, starting from the first hieroglyph and up to the first non-hieroglyph character at the moment when the mouse cursor is over this combination. Clicking on the selected fragment calls up a translation file for this combination of hieroglyphs; if the translation file is not found, you will be prompted to create it.

There is a translation file, as an example, for the character 一.

In short, that’s all for now (the program contains detailed help in Russian, WinHelp format).

The program is available for downloading from the website in the Program section. The site also presents an online version of the dictionary, implemented according to the same principle as in the program.

The main goal of the project today is to verify (or vice versa) its feasibility: whether this approach can be an alternative to Latin transcription (syllabic alphabet) and the key system.

Thanks to Alexander Maltsev.
Sincerely yours, Ilya

Why are keys needed?

In order to find a word from European languages ​​in the dictionary, it is enough to arm yourself with a good dictionary and find the desired word by its initial letters. We can't do this with Japanese words because of the hieroglyphic system. The most common dictionaries are dictionaries compiled according to the key system. What to do in this case? How to find the right one among thousands of squiggles?

The mandatory minimum of characters that you need to know to live in Japan includes 2136 kanji. At first glance, it may seem that hieroglyphs are a chaotic collection of sticks and lines, the order of which can only be remembered by an exceptional mind. It's actually not that scary. Each, even the most unimaginable hieroglyph, can be decomposed into several simple symbols. Such simple symbols will be the keys, or in Japanese 部首bushyu. That is, the key is a graphic sign that helps to classify and find a hieroglyph in the dictionary.

Some keys, also called radicals, can be independent hieroglyphs, such as the keys “man” 人, “heart” 心 or “hand” 手. Sometimes knowing the meaning of the keys helps you remember the meaning of the kanji. For example, the character 休, which means “rest”, “to rest”, consists of the keys “person” and “tree”. While working in the field, people rest (where?) under a tree. Or another example - the hieroglyph “cheap” 安 consists of the elements “woman” and “roof”. Women under a roof are cheap. But this method is not appropriate in all cases. Sometimes you have to memorize abstract concepts.

Often, without knowing the meaning of the kanji itself, you can guess what area the symbol may be from. For example, characters with the radical “fish” 魚 will most likely mean the names of fish (鮭salmon, 鯨whale), with the key “water” 氵 - everything related to water:  泳 (swim)、池 (pond). But it is necessary to remember one feature that sometimes a Chinese character was assigned to a Japanese word “just like that”, meaninglessly, also the Japanese “invented” 70 of their own characters, so it is still better to clarify the meanings of kanji in the dictionary.

There are a total of 214 keys, which are located in the key table. Each key is assigned its own number. Many people recommend memorizing the number of radicals in order to quickly find the desired hieroglyph. In our opinion, there is no need to sit and cram all 214 keys at once. They will be memorized gradually while reading texts and looking up words in the dictionary. After some time of regular study of Japanese, you will be able to easily recognize keys in unfamiliar kanji and count strokes.

Hieroglyphs can have one or several keys. In the dictionary, radicals are arranged in order of increasing strokes from one to seventeen.

Keys are divided into strong and weak. If the element is always or almost always a key, then it is a strong key (for example, “fire” 火), and weak keys are often not keys  (for example, “inch” 寸).

Rules for determining the key in a hieroglyph.

When searching for a hieroglyph, the most important thing is to determine which element is the key. There are some recommendations for this:

1) First you need to make sure that the hieroglyph itself is not a key by counting the features. And if kanji is not the key, then you can safely move on to the next points.

2) If a complex hieroglyph consists of two elements, one of which is on the right and the other on the left, then most likely the key will be the left element. If you did not find the left element in the key table, then the right one will be the key.

3) If in a hieroglyph consisting of two elements, one of them covers the other from several sides, then the key is often the covering element.

4) If in a complex hieroglyph consisting of two elements, one of which is at the top and the other at the bottom, then you need to look for the top one first.

5) After you have found the key, you can start searching for the hieroglyph by the number of features.

But it should be remembered that at first, searching for keys will take a lot of time, and the correct identification of the key will come with experience. Ideally, you need to know the entire key table to quickly and accurately find the key.

How keys are located in hieroglyphs.

Depending on their position, the keys have their own names. Below we give examples with different key positions

Nin-ben (human)

亻. 仕、休、代、住、体、作、何、伝

Tsuti-ben (earth)

土. 地、場、塩、増

Onna – hen (woman)

女. 妹、姉、姫、娘、婚、嫁

Gyōnin - ben (walking man)

彳. 役、彼、待、後、徒、得、復

Rissin-ben (heart)

忄. 情、快、怖、性

Te-hen (hand)

扌. 打、持、指、払

Ki-hen (tree)

木. 村、材、松、林、校


刀. 刊、判、別、利、副

Akubi (slit)

欠. 次、歌、歓


U-kanmuri (crown)

宀. 守、安、完、宇、宙、定、宝、実、室

Take-kanmuri (bamboo)

竹. 笑、第、筆、等、算

Kusa-kanmuri (herb)

艹. 花、若、英、茶、草


Hitoashi (human feet)

儿. 元、兄、先、光、党

Kokoro (heart)

心. 思、急、息、悲、意、悪、感


Shikabane (flag)

尸. 尼、尾、局、居、届、屋

Ma-dare (cliff with a point)

广. 広、床、底、店、府、度、庫、庭


Shin-shyō (road)

辵. 返、近、辺、通、連、週、道

En-nyō (wide step)


Kuni-kamae (box)

囗. 困、団、囲、図、国、園

Mongamae (gate)

門. 開、間、関、閉

The order of writing hieroglyphs.

Rules for writing graphic elements:

  • when drawing a hieroglyph, you need to imagine that you are writing it in a square;
  • The hieroglyph must be written from top to bottom and from left to right;
  • horizontal lines are written first (always from left to right)
  • vertical and inclined are written from top to bottom;
  • if a hieroglyph has a central, right and left part, then the central part should be written first
  • the enclosing element is written first
  • vertical lines crossing the hieroglyph in the center are written last
  • When counting features, it is necessary to remember that one feature is taken to be an element written together by hand, and not the printed form of the hieroglyph. For example, in the key “field” 田 there are not 6 strokes, but 5, since the top and right walls are written in one movement.

List of hieroglyphic keys.

  1. 一(いち) one
    2. 丨 (ぼう) rod, rod
    3. 丶 (てん) dot
    4. 丿 ​​(てん) NO-kana
    5. 乙 (おつ) fish hook
    6. 亅 (はねぼう) thorn, thorn, mustache
  1. 二(に) two
    8. 亠 (なべぶた) cover
    9. 人 (ひと) person
    10. 儿 (にんにょう) human legs
    11. 入 (いる) to enter
    12. 八 (はちがしら) eight
    13. 冂 (まきがまえ) showcase, counter
    14. 冖 (わかんむり) crown
    15. 冫 (にすい) water drops
    16. 几 (つくえ) table
    17. 凵 (うけばこ) open box
    18. 刀 (かたな) sword
    19. 力 (ちから) strength
    20. 勹 (つつみがまえ) to wrap, to wrap
    21. 匕 (さじのひ) spoon
    22. 匚 (はこがまえ) box with an open side
    23. 匸 (かくしがまえ) hide
    24. 十 (じゅう) cross
    25. 卜 (ぼくのと) magic wand
    26. 卩 (ふしづくり) seal
    27. 厂 (がんだれ) cliff
    28. 厶 (む) I
    29. 又 (また) in addition, in this case
  1. 口(くち) mouth
    31. 囗 (くにがまえ) box
    32. 土 (つち) earth, soil
    33. 士 (さむらい) samurai
    34. 夂 (ふゆがしら) winter, start
    35. 夊 (すい) to drag one's feet
    36. 夕 (ゆうべ) evening
    37. 大 (だい) big
    38. 女 (おんな)woman
    39. 子 (こ) child
    40. 宀 (うかんむり) crown
    41. 寸 (すん) glue
    42. 小 (ちいさい) small
    43. 尢 (まげあし) curved “big”
    44. 尸 (しかばね) flag
    45. 屮 (てつ) old grass
    46. ​​山 (やま) mountain
    47. 巛 (まがりがわ) curved “river”
    48. 工 (たくみ) skill, worker
    49. 己 (おのれ) snake
    50. 巾 (はば) clothes
    51. 干 (はす) dry
    52. 幺 (いとがしら) short thread
    53. 广 (まだれ) cliff with a dot
    54. 廴 (いんにょう) wide step
    55. 廾 (にじゅうあし) twenty
    56. 弋 (しきがまえ) ceremony
    57. 弓 (ゆみ) bow (weapon)
    58. ヨ (けいがしら) pig's head
    59. 彡 (さんづくり) bun
    60. 彳 (ぎょうにんべん) walking person
  1. 心(りっしんべん) heart
    62. 戈 (かのほこ) halberd
    63. 戸 (とびらのと) door
    64. 手 (て) hand
    65. 支 (しんよう) branch
    66. 攴 (ぼくづくり) folding chair
    67. 文 (ぶんにょう) sentence, phrase
    68. 斗 (とます) ladle, scoop
    69. 斤 (おの) ax
    70. 方 (ほう) side, direction
    71. 无 (むにょう) curved “paradise”
    72. 日 (にち) sun
    73. 曰 (にち) flat sun
    74. 月 (つき) moon
    75. 木 (き) tree
    76. 欠 (あくび) gap, space
    77. 止 (とめる) stop
    78. 歹 (がつへん) death
    79. 殳 (ほこつくり) windy again
    80. 毋 (なかれ) mother
    81. 比 (くらべるひ) running race
    82. 毛 (け) wool
    83. 氏 (うじ) clan
    84. 气 (きがまえ) spirit
    85. 水 (みず) water
    86. 火 (ひ) fire
    87. 爪 (つめ) claw
    88. 父 (ちち) father
    89. 爻 (めめ) double X
    90. 爿 (しょうへん) left-handed “stencil”
    91. 片 (かた) one-sided stencil
    92. 牙 (きばへん) fang
    93. 牛 (うし) cow
    94. 犬 (いぬ) dog
    96. 王 (おう) king
  1. 玄(げん) mysterious
    96. 玉 (うし) jewel
    97. 瓜 (うり) watermelon
    98. 瓦 (かわら) tiles
    99. 甘 (あまい) sweet
    100.生 (うまれる) life
    101. 用 (もちいる) use
    102. 田 (た) rice field
    103. 疋 (ひき) strength
    104. 疔 (やまいだれ) disease
    105. 癶 (はつがしら) “tent” with dots
    106. 白 (しろ) white
    107. 皮 (けがわ) hide
    108. 皿 (さら) plate
    109. 目 (め) eye
    110. 矛 (むのほこ) halberd
    111. 矢 (や) arrow
    112. 石 (いし) stone
    113. 示 (しめす) show, indicate
    114. 禹 (うのあし) MU in a box
    115. 禾 (のぎ) tree with two branches
    116. 穴 (あな) gap, cut
    117. 立 (たつ) stand
  1. 竹(たけ) bamboo
    119. 米 (こめ) rice
    120. 糸 (いと) thread
    121. 缶 (ほとぎ) can, watering can
    122. 网 (あみがしら) network
    123. 羊 (ひつじ) sheep
    124. 羽 (はね) feathers
    125. 老 (おい) old man
    126. 而 (しかして) rake
    127. 耒 (らいすき) tree with three branches
    128. 耳 (みみ) ear
    129. 聿 (ふでづくり) writing brush
    130. 肉 (にく) meat
    131. 臣 (しん) vassal
    132. 自 (みずから) yourself
    133. 至 (いたる) highest point, culmination
    134. 臼 (うす) mortar
    135. 舌 (した) language
    136. 舛 (ます) dance
    137. 舟 (ふね) ship
    138. 艮 (うしとら) good
    139. 色 (いろ) color
    140. 艸 (くさ) grass
    141. 虍 (とらかんむり) tiger
    142. 虫 (むし) insect
    143. 血 (ち) blood
    144. 行 (ぎょう) go
    145. 衣 (ころも) clothes
    146. 襾 (にし) west
  1. 見(みる) see
    148. 角 (つの) corner, horn
    149. 言 (ことば) speak
    150. 谷 (たに) valley
    151. 豆 (まめ) bean
    152. 豕 (いのこ) pig
    153. 豸 (むじな) badger
    154. 貝 (かい) sea shell
    155. 赤 (あか) red
    156. 走 (はしる) to run
    157. 足 (あし) leg
    158. 身 (み) body
    159. 車 (くるま) wheel
    160. 辛 (からい) spicy
    161. 辰 (しんのたつ) dragon
    162. 辷 (しんにゅう) road
    163. 邑 (むら) village
    164. 酉 (ひよみのとり) sake
    165. 釆 (のごめ) dice
    166. 里 (さと) village
  1. 金(かね) metal
    168. 長 (ながい) long
    169. 門 (もん) gate
    170. 阜 (ぎふのふ) village
    171. 隶 (れいづくり) slave
    172. 隹 (ふるとり) old bird
    173. 雨 (あめ) rain
    174. 青 (あう) green, blue
    175. 非 (あらず) injustice
  1. 面(めん) surface
    177. 革 (かくのかわ) leather
    178. 韋 (なめしがわ) burnt skin
    179. 韭 (にら) leek
    180. 音 (おと) sound
    181. 頁 (おおがい) head
    182. 風 (かぜ) wind
    183. 飛 (とぶ) to fly
    184. 食 (しよく) food
    185. 首 (くび) neck
    186. 香 (においこう) smell
  1. 馬(うま) horse
    188. 骨 (ほね) bone
    189. 高 (たかい) high
    190. 髟 (かみがしら) long hair
    191. 鬥 (とうがまえ) broken gate
    192. 鬯 (ちよう) aromatic herbs
    193. 鬲 (かく) tripod
    194. 鬼 (おに) demon
  1. 魚(うお) fish
    196. 鳥 (とり) bird
    197. 鹵 (ろ) salt
    198. 鹿 (しか) deer
    199. 麥 (むぎ) wheat
    200. 麻 (あさ) flax
  1. 黄(きいろ) yellow
    202. 黍 (きび) millet
    203. 黒 (くろ) black
    204. 黹 (ふつ) sew
    205. 黽 (べん) green frog
    206. 鼎 (かなえ) teapot with three legs
    207. 鼓 (つづみ) ​​drumming
    208. 鼠 (ねずみ) mouse
  1. 鼻(はな) nose
    210. 齊 (せい) equal
  1. 齒(は)tooth
  1. 龍(りゅう) dragon
    213. 龜 (かめ) turtle
  1. 龠(やく) flute

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