Quiz on Silver Age poetry. Test on the poetry of the Silver Age. Test tasks Test work Russian poetry of the Silver Age


Option #1

1. Which literary movement is V. Mayakovsky a representative of?

2. The poem “The Sitting Ones” was written by...

A) Blok B) Mayakovsky C) Yesenin D) Mandelstam

3. Blok’s work “Twelve” is...

A) poem B) story C) poem D) novel

A) Blok B) Mayakovsky C) Yesenin D) Tsvetaeva

5. Where was S. Yesenin born?

A) in the Ryazan province B) in the Yaroslavl province

C) Moscow D) St. Petersburg

6. Years of S. Yesenin’s life:

A) 1870 – 1938 B) 1895 – 1925 C) 1892 – 1941

7. Which literary movement is A. Blok a representative of?

A) acmeism B) symbolism C) futurism D) imagism

8. In which journal were the Acmeist declarations published?

A) “Apollo” B) “Contemporary” C) “Time”

9. Name the husband of A. Akhmatova (poet, representative of Acmeism).

A) Gumilev B) Blok C) Sologub D) Mandelstam

10. Where was A. Akhmatova born?

A) Moscow B) Odessa C) Tsarskoe Selo D) Ryazan

11. Which poet was shot in 1921?

A) Gumilev B) Mandelstam C) Bryusov D) Blok

12. Name the pseudonym of the poet Igor Lotarev.

A) Akhmatova B) Tsvetaeva C) Yesenin D) Blok

A) Gumilyov B) Mandelstam C) Yesenin D) Blok

15. Which poet shot himself?

A) Yesenin B) Blok C) Mayakovsky D) Gumilev

16. A term that means “decline” in Latin.

A) decadence B) acmeism C) imagism

17. Whose declaration was published in the collection “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste”?

A) Acmeists B) Futurists C) Symbolists

18. Which literary group was A. Mariengof a representative of?

A) Blok B) Mayakovsky C) Yesenin D) Sologub

20. Which poet is not a representative of the Silver Age?

A) Blok B) Mayakovsky C) Lermontov

21. The Gileya Association is one of the directions...



Option No. 2

    Which literary movement is N. Gumilev a representative of?

A) acmeism B) symbolism C) futurism D) imagism

2. Satire occupies a place in the works of V. Mayakovsky...

A) 50% B) 30% C) 40% D) 60%

A) Blok B) Mayakovsky C) Yesenin D) Bryusov

4. S. Yesenin’s first book was called...

A) “Rus” B) “Radunitsa” C) “Pugachev” D) “Moscow tavern”

5. Name the new literary genre that appeared in Mayakovsky:

A) “story” B) “tale” C) “fairy tale” D) “ode”

6. How many poems are included in the collection “Poems about a Beautiful Lady”?

A) more than 150 B) 160 C) more than 160 D) 100

7. Which literary movement is V. Mayakovsky a representative of?

A) acmeism B) symbolism C) futurism D) imagism

A) Blok B) Mayakovsky C) Yesenin D) Gumilev

9. Years of life of V. Mayakovsky:

A) 1893 – 1930 B) 1880 – 1921 C) 1892 – 1941

A) Tsvetaeva B) Akhmatova C) Yesenin D) Gumilev

11. How many modernist movements were there at the beginning of the 20th century?

A) two B) three C) four D) five

12. The Centrifuge association is one of the directions...

A) acmeism B) futurism C) symbolism

13. What is the real name of Anna Akhmatova?

A) Tsvetaeva B) Gumileva C) Gorenko

14. Which poet committed suicide in 1941?

A) Tsvetaeva B) Akhmatova C) Yesenin

15. Which poet died in a camp in the Far East in 1938?

A) Mandelstam B) Yesenin C) Blok D) Sologub

16. A term that translated from French means “newest, modern.”

A) modernism B) futurism C) symbolism

17. Name the literary pseudonym of Fyodor Teternikov.

A) White B) Northerner C) Black D) Sologub

18. Which poet is not a representative of the Silver Age?

A) Bryusov B) Mandelstam C) Nekrasov

19. Which literary group was S. Yesenin a representative of?

A) imagism B) futurism C) acmeism

20. Who coined the term “Silver Age” in 1933?

A) N.A. Otsup B) L.N. Andreev C) V.V. Mayakovsky

21. Zinaida Gippius – representative...

A) acmeism B) symbolism C) imagism



1. B

2. B

3. A

4. A

5. A

6. B

7. B

8. A

9. A

10. B

11. A

12. B

13. B

14. B


16. A

17. B

18. A

19. B


21. B


1. A

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. B

7. B

8. A

9. A

10. B

11. B

12. B

13. B

14. A

15. A

16. A

17. G


19. A

20. A

Lesson format:

study meeting. The class is divided into 4 teams in accordance with the literary movements that existed in the first quarter of the twentieth century - symbolists, acmeists, futurists and those whose work was individual, outside of these directions. Each team receives four tasks for preliminary preparation. The remaining three tasks are not specified in advance. The study meeting lasts two academic hours.

Objectives of the meeting:

  • deepen students’ knowledge about the Silver Age of Russian poetry, the creative individuals of this literary era;
  • be able to explain the artistic originality of the works of representatives of symbolism, acmeism, futurism and those whose work was outside these directions;
  • know literary terminology, literary theory (symbol, symbolism, Acmeism, futurism, Renaissance);
  • improve monologue response skills;
  • development of students' creative abilities;
  • developing the ability to work in a team.
  • Equipment:

    reproductions of portraits of poets of the Silver Age, exhibition of books by poets of the Silver Age

    Progress of the training meeting.

  • Submit direction
  • (symbolism, acmeism, futurism, outside groups): give a definition, explain the origin of the term, the name of the literary movement, list its representatives; history of the development of this literary direction - up to 5 points.
  • Knowledge of biography
  • : give a brief biographical note (name the most significant facts), without naming the poet; to find out from the facts of the biography of a poet a representative of another literary movement - 3 points for a short biographical story + 2 points for the correct name.
  • Reading competition: a representative of each literary movement recites by heart any poem (to choose from) by a symbolist poet, an acmeist poet, a futurist poet, and outside the group (respectively). It is advisable to complete this task with elements of dramatization - up to 5 points .
  • Poetry is...: talk about what poetry is, what the purpose of the poet and poetry is from the point of view of symbolists, acmeists, futurists and those outside the groups - up to 5 points (+3 points additionally for an emblem - a symbol of your direction).
  • Creating a Clip: based on the text of the poem by M.I. Tsvetaeva “I like...” create a video sequence and explain to the jury and viewers your idea and the method of its implementation - up to 6 points .
  • Write a poem: create a poetic text based on the proposed rhymes, read it expressively - up to 7 points .
  • Quiz for fans: questions on knowledge of the works of poets of the Silver Age, the history of this period of literature, literary terminology.
    1. Describe in sequence the emergence of modernist trends in poetry at the turn of the century ( symbolism, acmeism, futurism).
    2. The concept of “Silver Age” arose by analogy with the concept of “Golden Age”. Choose synonymous expressions for the first of these concepts ( Renaissance; heyday of Russian spirituality).
    3. Which of the Silver Age poets was “chosen king”? ( I. Severyanin).
    4. Name the fourth extra surname: Gumilyov, Mandelstam, Akhmatova, Gorodetsky ( Akhmatova - pseudonym).
    5. Which literary artist was awarded the Nobel Prize in 1933? ( I. Bunin).
    6. What was the name of the association, the organization of acmeist poets? ( “Workshop of Poets”).
    7. Which of the Silver Age poets traveled to Africa? ( N. Gumilev).
    8. What do Akhmatov’s lines mean:
    9. “Husband in the grave, son in prison,

      Pray for me”?

      (in 1921 N. Gumilev was shot in 1934. - arrest of son, Lev Gumilyov, and husband, Punin).

    10. How is A. Akhmatova’s life connected with Tsarskoe Selo? ( there she lived until she was 16 and studied at a girls’ gymnasium).
    11. In the poems of which poet does the image of the “gray little thing” appear? ( F. Sologuba).
    12. Who owns this comparison: “Poems grow like stars and like roses”? ( M. Tsvetaeva).
    13. Music, according to representatives of this literary movement, was the primary art ( Symbolists).
    14. What great poet did I. Severyanin write about:
    15. He is this wonderful moment,

      Captured for centuries!

      He is the embodiment of inspiration

      And the dust is powerless before him... ( about A.S. Pushkin).

    16. Continue the famous words of A. Akhmatova: “I taught women to speak...” ( Oh, how to silence them).
    17. Name the futurist manifestos ( “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste”, “Tank of Judges”, “Dead Moon”, etc.).
    18. Which of the poets (guess the last name from the text) wrote the following lines:
    19. My biographer will be very happy

      He will be surprised for two hours,

      Like a donkey facing a manger

      Fresh oats poured in,

      Now the monograph is ready,

      A tome of venerable venerable thickness:

      “"About unhappy love...

      In the fourth year of the World War.”

      Hello, proud grimy man,

      So that a heavyweight becomes a stone

      He chose without being deceived by the diamond.

      Hello, cobblestone thunder!

      He yawned, saluted - and again

      The shaft rows - with its wing

      Archangel Dray.

    20. Representatives of which literary movements do the poems belong to:
    21. a) How I love the Flemish panel,

      Where are the vegetables, and fish, and wine,

      And rich game on a flat platter -

      It has an amber-yellow gloss.

      And the battle painted with an ancient brush -

      I love. Soldier with a shining pipe

      Powder clubs, dead piles,

      And rearing horses from everywhere!


      b) How often do I want to express my love,

      But I can't say anything

      I only rejoice, suffer and remain silent:

      It’s as if I’m ashamed – I don’t dare speak.

      But close to me is your living soul

      As everything is mysterious, so everything is extraordinary, -

      What is too terrible a divine secret

      It seems to me that love is too much to talk about.


      c) There are no people.

      You see

      the cry of a thousand days of torment?

      The soul does not want to go dumb,

      and tell whom?

      I'll throw myself on the ground

      stone bark

      I bleed my face, washing the asphalt with tears.

      With lips yearning for caresses, a thousand kisses

      I'll cover the smart face of the tram.


      d) I am the free wind, I blow forever,

      I wave the waves, I caress the willows,

      In the branches I sigh, sighing dumbly,

      I cherish the grass, I cherish the fields.

      In spring bright, like the messenger of May,

      I kiss the lily of the valley, in love with a dream,

      And the silent azure listens to the wind, -

      I am blown away, thrilled, airy, sleepy.


    22. Name the poet who introduced M. Tsvetaeva and S. Efron ( M. Voloshin).
    23. This poet attended lectures at the Sorbonne, at the University of Heidelberg, and studied at St. Petersburg ( O. Mandelstam).

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    Literature test for grade 11

    "Silver Age of Russian Poetry"


    teacher of Russian language and literature

    Morozova Alla Stanislavovna


    Explanatory note

    This test allows you to determine the level of knowledge of 11th grade students on the topic “Silver Age of Russian Poetry.” The work contains questions about the main literary movements of the Silver Age.

    Each question has four possible answers.

    The presented test can be used in the final literature lesson on this topic.

    Criteria for evaluation:

    “5” - 19 – 20 points

    “4” - 16 – 18 points

    “3” - 11 – 15 points

    “2” - 0 – 10 points

    1. Indicate the time boundaries of the Silver Age of Russian poetry 1. Beginning of the 20th century2. Late 19th - early 20th centuries 3. Beginning - middle XX century4. Late 19th century
    2. Which philosopher was the first to propose the name “Silver Age”? 1. V. Solovyov 2. N. Otsup 3. N. Berdyaev 4. I. Annensky

    3. What was the name of the artistic and aesthetic system that developed at the beginning XX century and embodied in a system of independent artistic movements and movements?

    1. decadence 2. modernism 3. symbolism 4. futurism
    4. The name of which poetic movement is translated as “future”?
    5. Which poetic movement was the first in the literature of the Silver Age? 1. symbolism 2. acmeism 3. futurism 4. imagism
    6. What movement was N. Gumilev the founder of? 1. symbolism 2. imagism 3. futurism 4. acmeism
    7. Who substantiated the theoretical foundations of symbolism? 1. V. Solovyov 2. F. Sologub 3. V. Bryusov 4. D. Merezhkovsky

    8. The name of which poetic movement is translated from Greek as “the highest degree of something”?

    1. acmeism 2. imagism 3. futurism 4. symbolism
    9. Which poet is not a representative of Acmeism?
    10. Which poet is a representative of imagism? 1. S. Yesenin 2. Z. Gippius 3. A. Bely 4. V. Mayakovsky
    11. Which poet is a representative of futurism? 1. A. Blok 2. V. Mayakovsky 3. M. Tsvetaeva 4. A. Akhmatova
    12. “Workshop of Poets” is the name of the union: 1. Symbolists 2. Imagists 3. Futurists 4. Acmeists

    13. “Throw Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and other classics from the ship of modernity” is a call:

    1. Acmeists 2. Imagists 3. Futurists 4. Symbolists

    14. What, according to the Acmeists, should have acquired its original meaning?

    1. poem 2. image 3. word 4. time
    15. What did K. Balmont consider to be the basis of lyrics? 1. magic of words 2. personality 3. rhyme 4. image

    16. Which poet dared to directly accuse I.V. Stalin of the genocide of his own people?

    1. N. Gumilev 2. A. Akhmatova 3. V. Bryusov 4. O. Mandelstam

    17. What part of speech did I. Severyanin form from nouns by adding the prefix “o”?

    1. adverb 2. interjection 3. verb 4. adjective
    18. What was laid as the cornerstone in the poetry of Acmeism? 1. mystery 2. word 3. fleetingness 4. realistic view of things

    19. Who preached the fusion of art with the accelerated life process of the twentieth century through the destruction of forms and conventions?

    1. Symbolists 2. Imagists 3. Futurists 4. Acmeists
    20. What was the name of the first Futurist manifesto? 1. “Tank of judges” 2. “A slap in the face to public taste”3. “Hell of the City”4. "From street to street"

    Answers 1. 2 2. 3 3. 2 4. 3 5. 1 6. 4 7. 4 8. 1 9. 3 10. 1 11. 2 12. 4 13. 3 14. 3 15. 1 16. 4 17 .3 18.4 19.3 20.2

    1. What is the time frame of the Silver Age?

    a) the entire 19th century

    b) end of the 19th century - beginning of the 20th century +

    c) mid-20th century

    2. Mark all directions characteristic of the Silver Age period.

    a) acmeism +

    b) classicism

    c) romanticism

    d) new peasant poetry +

    e) symbolism +

    3. What is the “Workshop of Poets”?

    a) the name of the collection of poems

    b) name of the magazine

    c) poetry group +

    4. Read an excerpt from the declaration of one of the poetic movements. Determine what direction we are talking about.

    “... the only law of art, the only and incomparable method is the identification of life through the image and rhythm of images... The image, and only the image, is the instrument of production of the master of art.”

    a) imagism +

    b) futurism

    c) acmeism

    5. Which of the listed poets did NOT belong to the Symbolists?

    a) Alexander Blok

    b) Zinaida Gippius

    c) Osip Mandelstam +

    6. Who owns the following lines?

    "With a red brush

    The rowan tree lit up.

    Leaves were falling

    I was born "

    a) Anna Akhmatova

    b) Marina Tsvetaeva +

    c) Nadezhda Teffi

    7. What is LEF?

    a) a government body that controls the development of literature in the 20s of the 20th century

    b) literary and artistic association, headed by V. Mayakovsky +

    c) the name of the collection of poems

    8. “Centrifuge” is:

    a) Moscow group of futurists +

    b) a group of acmeists

    c) a group of symbolists

    9. The first avant-garde movement in Russian literature was:

    a) futurism +

    b) imagism

    c) acmeism

    10. Anna Akhmatova literary pseudonym:

    a) Anna Gorenko +

    b) Anna Motovilova

    c) Anna Bunina

    11. How many chapters does Anna Akhmatova’s “Requiem” include?

    c) the work is not divided into chapters

    12. Determine which trope A. Akhmatova uses in the lines: “Who is the beast, who is the man,” “And a heart of stone fell on my still living chest”:

    a) metaphor

    b) epithet

    c) antithesis +

    13. What is the main theme of the poem “Requiem” by A. Akhmatova?

    a) the theme of the Motherland

    b) the theme of the poet and poetry

    a) Nikolay Gumilyov

    b) Sergey Yesenin +

    About valor, about exploits, about glory
    I forgot on the sorrowful land,
    When your face is in a simple frame
    It was shining on the table in front of me.

    a) Alexander Blok +

    b) Valery Bryusov

    c) Andrey Bely

    16. Note the main themes of Sergei Yesenin’s work:

    a) the theme of friendship

    b) the theme of the poet and poetry

    c) theme of the Motherland +

    d) theme of revolution +

    17. What is the name of S. Yesenin’s latest work?

    a) poem “Black Man”

    b) poem “Goodbye, my friend, goodbye...” +

    c) the poem “Unspeakable, blue, tender...”

    18. What does the image of the wind symbolize in A. Blok’s poem “The Twelve”?

    a) revolution +

    b) does not symbolize anything

    c) the image of Lenin

    19. What is the compositional center of A. Blok’s poem “The Twelve”?

    a) the scene of the appearance of Christ at the head of the Red Guards

    b) scene of Katka’s murder +

    c) scene of Petrukha’s repentance

    20. What is the main compositional technique used in A. Blok’s poem “The Twelve”?

    a) contrast +

    b) gain

    c) refrain

    21. The work of Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont belongs to the literary movement:

    a) symbolism +

    b) acmeism

    b) “A slap in the face to public taste” +

    23. Determine the genre of V. Mayakovsky’s work “A Cloud in Pants”.

    a) poem +

    b) poem

    24. What is the main theme of V. Mayakovsky’s poem “The Violin and a Little Nervously”?

    a) the theme of the poet and poetry

    b) theme of the poet and the crowd +

    c) the theme of love

    25. What conflict is the main one in O. Mandelstam’s work?

    a) the poet and the crowd

    b) poet and era +

    c) love conflict

    a) A. Akhmatova

    b) M. Tsvetaeva

    c) O. Mandelstam +

    27. Which poet owns the collection “Evening Album”?

    a) N. Gumilev

    b) K. Balmont

    c) M. Tsvetaeva +

    28. Which poet is characterized by such techniques as: breaking words into syllables, changing stress, active use of dashes and exclamation marks?

    a) M. Tsvetaeva +

    b) A. Bely

    c) I. Severyaninov

    29. Which of the listed poets does NOT belong to the era of the Silver Age?

    a) S. Efron

    b) D. Poor

    c) B. Akhmadulina +

    d) V. Ivanov

    30. Which century preceded the Silver Age?

    a) Bronze Age

    b) Golden Age +

    Option 1

    Beginning of the form

    1. Indicate the time boundaries of the “Silver Age” of Russian poetry.

    1) early 20th century
    2) late 19th – early 20th century
    3) early-mid 20th century
    4) late 19th century

    2. The name of which poetic movement is translated as “future”?

    1) acmeism
    2) futurism
    3) new peasant poetry
    4) symbolism

    3. What movement was N. Gumilev the founder of?

    1) acmeism
    2) futurism
    3) new peasant poetry
    4) symbolism

    4. What poetic movement of the “Silver Age” are we talking about?

    “A movement in literature and art, imbued with individualism and mysticism and reflecting reality as the ideal essence of the world in conventional and abstract forms.” (Dictionary by S. Ozhegov)

    5. Name the modernist movement of the late 19th - early 20th centuries, which had the following principles: “Rejection of mystical vagueness, the desire for concreteness, colorfulness, objectivity of images.”

    6. Which poet is a representative of futurism?

    1) V. Mayakovsky
    2) A. Blok
    3) M. Tsvetaeva
    4) A. Akhmatova

    7. “Workshop of Poets” is the name of the union:

    1) symbolists
    2) acmeists
    3) new peasant poets
    4) futurists

    8. Which poet is called “the last poet of the village”?

    1) S. Yesenina
    2) V. Ivanova
    3) K. Balmont
    4) I. SeveryaninaEnd of form

    9. The work of which Silver Age poet (among those listed below) was not associated with futurism?

      V. Mayakovsky

      B. Pasternak

      V. Khlebnikova

      N. Gumileva

    10. Which of the listed poets of the Silver Age did not belong to any poetic movement?

      V. Bryusov

      K. Balmont

      M. Tsvetaeva

      N. Gumilev

    11. What is a symbol?

      a poetic image that expresses the essence of a phenomenon

      word or phrase with an allegorical meaning

      artistic technique based on exaggeration

      artistic technique based on opposition

    12. To which literary movement of the late 19th - early 20th centuries? included V. Bryusov, Z. Gippius, K. Balmont?

      to Acmeism

      to futurism

      to symbolism

      new peasant poetry

    13. Match the poetic passage below with the name of the modernist movement in whose style it is written:
    Boebobi's lips sang,
    Veeomi's eyes sang,
    The eyebrows sang,
    Lieey sang the image,
    The chain sang gzi-gzi-gzi.





    14. Match the name of the modernist movement of the late 19th - early 20th centuries. with the principles inherent in it: “Elitism, the ability to see behind the external” a mystically visible essence. Focus on the reader - co-author."

      New Peasant Poetry




    15.Which of the works does not belong to Blok?

    a) “Anna Snegina”; b) “Stranger”; “On the Kulikovo Field”; “I enter dark temples...”

    16.Name the artistic device used in the poem by S.A. Yesenina: “The flood licked the silt with smoke, / The month dropped its yellow reins...”

    17. Identify the means of artistic representation used in A. Akhmatova’s poem: “I have a lot to do today: / I need to completely kill my memory, / I need my soul to petrify, / I need to learn to live again.”


    18. Identify the means of artistic expression used in S. Yesenin’s poem: “We are all, we are all perishable in this world, / Copper quietly flows from the maple leaves...”.


    19. Identify the means of artistic representation used in A. Blok’s poem: “Oh my Rus'! My wife! Until it hurts / The long road is clear!”


    20. Identify the means of artistic representation used in A.A.’s poem. Akhmatova: “Tear-stained autumn, like a widow / In black robes, clouds all hearts...”


    21. “My topic stands before me<...>I consciously and irrevocably devote my life to this topic.” What topic did A. Blok write about?

    a) the theme of revolution; b) the theme of love; c) theme of the past; d) the theme of Russia.

    22. Identify the literary movement of the Silver Age by its characteristic features: “an avant-garde movement in European and Russian art of the early 20th century, which denied artistic and moral heritage, preached the destruction of the forms and conventions of art for the sake of merging it with the accelerated life process.”


    23.Indicate the correspondence (number - letter) with which direction the work of each of the following poets corresponds:

    2. S. Yesenin b) Acmeism

    3. A. Akhmatova c) futurism

    4. V. Bryusov d) new peasant poetry

    24.The manifesto of which literary movement of modernism was “A Slap in the Face of Public Taste”?

    a) symbolism; b) acmeism; c) futurism; b) imagism.

    1) M. Tsvetaeva
    2) Z. Gippius
    3) A. Akhmatova
    4) N. Gumilev

    26.What theme is revealed in S. Yesenin’s poem “I don’t regret, I don’t call, I don’t cry...”?

    a) love; b) philosophical; c) the theme of the poet and poetry; d) the theme of the homeland.

    27. Which poet is not a representative of Acmeism?

    1) V. Bryusov
    2) N. Gumilev
    3) A. Akhmatova
    4) O. Mandelstam

    Part II

    Read and analyze V. Mayakovsky’s poem “Could You?”

    I immediately blurred the map of everyday life,

    splashing paint from a glass;

    I showed the jelly on the dish

    slanting cheekbones of the ocean.

    On the scales of a tin fish

    I read the calls of new lips.

    And you

    play nocturne

    we could

    on the drainpipe flute?


    Test "Poetry of the Silver Age"

    Option 2

    Beginning of the form

    1. What is the name of the period of Russian literature preceding the “Silver Age”?

    1) golden age
    2) Bronze Age
    3) copper age
    4) there is no correct answer

    2. The name of which poetic movement is translated as “the highest degree of something, color, blooming time.”

    1) acmeism
    2) futurism
    3) new peasant poetry
    4) symbolism

    3. Which poetic movement was the first in the literature of the “Silver Age”?

    1) acmeism
    2) futurism
    3) new peasant poetry
    4) symbolism

    4. Determine what poetic movement of the “Silver Age” is referred to in the definition.

    “...proclaimed the liberation of poetry from the polysemy and fluidity of images, complicated metaphors, a return to the material world, the object (or element of “nature”), the exact meaning of the word.” (Great Soviet Encyclopedia)


    5. Determine what poetic movement of the “Silver Age” is referred to in the definition.

    “A movement that rejected realism and tried to create a new style that would destroy all the traditions and techniques of old art.” (Dictionary by S. Ozhegov)


    6. Which poet is a representative of new peasant poetry?

    1) V. Mayakovsky
    2) A. Akhmatova
    3) S. Yesenin
    4) N. Gumilyov

    7. “Throw Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and other classics from the ship of modernity” is a call:

    1) acmeists
    2) imagists
    3) futurists
    4) symbolists

    8. Which of the listed Russian poets did not belong to the Silver Age of Russian poetry?

      N. Gumilev

      V. Mayakovsky

      F. Tyutchev

      A. Blok

    9. Which of the listed poets came up with a program for a new poetic movement called Acmeism?

      V. Bryusov

      K. Balmont

      I. Annensky

      N. Gumilev

    10. What was the name of the Futurist manifesto?

      "Dead Moon"

      "About Beautiful Clarity"

      "A slap in the face to public taste"

      "Away with Pushkin from the ship of modernity"

    11. The lyrical hero is


      the image of a hero whose experiences, thoughts and feelings are reflected in the poem

      the image of the hero most sympathetic to the narrator

    12. To which modernist movement of the late 19th - early 20th centuries? D. Burliuk, V. Khlebnikov adjoined?





    13. What modernist movement did V. Bryusov call “the poetry of allusions”?



      new peasant poetry


    14. Identify the literary movement of the Silver Age by its characteristic features: “a literary and artistic movement that set the goal of art as a subconscious-intuitive contemplation of secret meanings, characterized by musicality, sublimity of theme, polysemy of images, and a mystical mood.”


    15.What topic is the microcycle “On the Kulikovo Field” devoted to?

    a) the theme of revolution; b) love theme; c) the theme of the homeland; d) the theme of loneliness.

    16. Define the means of artistic representation used in the poem by V. Mayakovsky: “The sunset blazed with one hundred and forty suns, / summer rolled into July...”


    17. Identify the means of artistic expression used in A. Blok’s poem “The Twelve”: “Black Evening. / White snow. / Wind, wind! / A man can’t stand on his feet.”


    18. Determine the means of artistic representation used in A. Akhmatova’s poem: “Created from your rib, / How can I not love you?”


    19. Determine the means of artistic representation used in S. Yesenin’s poem: “I don’t feel sorry for the years wasted in vain, / I don’t feel sorry for the lilac blossom of the soul...”


    20. Determine the means of artistic representation used in A. Blok’s poem: “And Nepryadva disappeared with fog, / Like a princess with a veil.”


    a) the theme of love, b) the theme of loneliness; c) the theme of revolution, d) the theme of the homeland.

    22. Identify the literary movement of the Silver Age by its characteristic features: “a modernist movement that proclaimed a concrete sensory perception of the external world, the return of the word to its original, non-symbolic meaning, increased attention to artistic detail.”


    23.Indicate the correspondence (number - letter) with which direction the work of each of the poets below correlates.

    1. A. Blok a) symbolism

    2. N. Gumilyov b) new peasant poetry

    3. D. Burliuk c) futurism

    4. S. Yesenin d) Acmeism

    24.Which of the modernist movements had the second name “Adamism”?

    a) symbolism; b) acmeism; c) futurism; d) new peasant poetry.

    25. Relate the passage from the literary manifesto to the literary movement: “In the name of the freedom of personal chance, we deny spelling.”




      New Peasant Poetry

    26.Who was at the head of the “Workshop of Poets”?

    a) A. Akhmatova; b) O. Mandelstam; c) N. Gumilev; d) M. Kuzmin.

    1. A. Blok

    2. N. Gumilev

    3. S. Yesenie

    Part II

    Read and analyze the poem by A. Blok


    Night, street, lantern, pharmacy,

    Pointless and dim light.

    Live for at least another quarter of a century -

    Everything will be like this. There is no outcome.

    If you die, you'll start over again,

    And everything will repeat itself as before:

    Night, icy ripples of the channel,

    Pharmacy, street, lamp.










      1c 2d 3b 4a

    Option 2






      A rhetorical question




      1a 2d 3c 4b

    Test rating scale.

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