Rules for writing diplomatic documents. Sentences containing "confidence"

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Sentences containing "accept"

We found 80 sentences containing the word "accept". Also see synonyms for "accept".
Meaning of the word

  • Accept My husband and I express our deepest gratitude for your letter.
  • Then accept that to work in this company you need to appreciate the dynamism of everyday life in it.
  • Accept This envelope is from me and let me act as a father just once.
  • Accept me into cadets, otherwise my father-lieutenant and I will both die of hunger!
  • Accept, I ask you, General, the assurance of my full respect.
  • Dear Sonia Yuzefovna, accept Our sincere condolences regarding the tragic fate of your parents.
  • Lama and the Three Jewels, accept my devotion!
  • Accept my congratulations and best wishes for the future.
  • Accept assurances of my sincere desire to always be pleasant to you and provide all kinds of services.
  • Accept all measures are taken to ensure that this promise comes true.
  • Accept, dear prince, assurance of my sincere respect and complete respect.
  • It's like this accept For your information, this is my first definition of a great person.
  • Accept I assure you of my utmost respect.
  • Please, accept all my harsh words with the same love with which I write them.
  • Accept take responsibility and act on your own.
  • Accept, Your Eminence brother, assurances of my feelings for you.
  • Accept my gratitude and this modest bouquet of flowers.
  • For my part, I have always been lenient: accept The rule is that for every punishment there should be three pardons.
  • If I send it, then accept from me, as from a loved one.
  • Accept all measures to prevent the enemy from spreading on the northern bank of the Western Dvina.
  • Accept take into account that the recordings were made in the 10-20s.
  • Accept My heartfelt greetings and sincere wishes for the success of your son.
  • Accept Komsomol greetings and best wishes for your life from me.
  • Accept us as brothers, we will live up to this name.
  • Accept my warmest wishes, also greetings to your friends and employees.
  • Like, accept FYI, hold appropriate creative meetings and report back.
  • Accept Warmest and most sincere congratulations on the New Year.
  • Accept taking into account the destructive chaos of commercial writing, skepticism in religion and politics, life theory and practice.
  • Accept my greetings on your twentieth birthday, which has passed or will be completed these Easter days.
  • Finally accept my sincere wishes in terms of your future happiness, and believe my best feelings for you.
  • Accept Take into account the following circumstances: here we have not yet calmed down the scandal in the insurance sector.
  • Well, who does he drive to hysterics? accept my sympathies.
  • Accept responsibility for one's own life.
  • Accept what is yours is what I shamefully stole from you.
  • Accept Eminence Evlampius in my cells in Chudov, so that here he would have peace and hospitality from the monastery.
  • Accept assurance of complete respect and devotion.
  • Accept my gratitude for the sweet and charming congratulations on the occasion of my being awarded the Order of the Garter.
  • Accept assurances of deep respect and devotion.
  • Accept, Mr. Envoy, assurances of our utmost respect to you.
  • Accept my greetings and gratitude to the Red Army, Comrade Mironova, for your concern for the children of front-line soldiers.
  • You are friends Soviet Union, accept greetings from our people, which we brought to you on the red wings of our plane.
  • Hastily accept measures by sending half a million rubles, decide the fate of the mines, confiscate them.
  • Accept, Mr. Ambassador, assurance of our utmost respect to you.
  • Accept measures to prevent excesses on the part of these pathetic provocateurs of war with Germany.
  • Accept my most heartfelt thanks for your kind and sweet letter of the 25th.
  • Accept our answer: it seems to us that you are a little caught, now you need to get out.
  • Finally accept my sincere wishes for your future happiness, and believe my best feelings for you.
  • Accept immediately take your measures, move to a safe place and save yourself from this trouble.
  • And if you prefer to call me by name, then I will call you only by name. Please, accept solution.
  • Accept my sincere sympathy to non-believers, since you do not know the joy of God's grace.
  • Accept advice from knowledgeable person and stay away from such establishments.
  • Accept my gratitude for him, dear Konstantin.
  • Accept for the rule of your actions and your decisions, the good of the people and justice, which is inseparable from them.
  • During the transition accept take all precautions in your power.
  • Please, accept me and give me a minute to talk.
  • So now it's just accept as a given: you feel bad, and you need to do something about it.
  • Bye accept, Madame, my gratitude for your kind letter, and also my respectful appreciation.
  • Accept Friendly advice: never read your stuff before printing.
  • Forgive me for being too vehement: my feelings in this case cannot but be ardent, and accept, sir, assurances of our deepest respect.
  • First get to know the area, then accept paper and get to work.
  • Accept This is repayment of karmic debts!
  • Accept assurance of the feelings you deserve.
  • But accept Keep in mind that these will be high school boys and girls - true, reaching the age of 25, but still high school students.
  • Accept Just keep in mind that any existing power eventually becomes an organized force.
  • For now accept, General, I assure you of my full respect.
  • Accept my greetings and best wishes for your fighting life.
  • Accept, Most Gracious Sovereign, an expression of the joy with which I am filled.
  • Accept and my word in response to the creations you sent.
  • Accept our assurances of love for Pakistan in general and for you in particular.
  • Accept assurances of my highest consideration.
  • Accept assurances of our utmost respect.
  • Accept My sincere gratitude for your protective participation, instructions, affection and condescension for us!
  • Accept, Mr. Minister, my assurances of utmost respect.
  • But let’s say there was a certain volunteer, and somehow he found the door that he needed to knock on: accept, speaks.
  • Accept me, please, you can do whatever you want with me.
  • Accept this bouquet: I want it to become a symbol of secret bonds and secret agreement between us and that no one knows about it.
  • Accept My heartfelt congratulations on receiving your much-deserved Nobel Prize.
  • Accept assurances of the complete respect with which I have the honor to be yours, dear sir, your humble servant.
  • Don't go to bed and accept- take a good hot bath, then a cold shower, have a good breakfast and walk before the meeting starts.
  • Accept assurances of our utmost respect to you.

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

We hope that our service helped you come up with or create a proposal. If not, write a comment. We will help you.

This information is necessary primarily for exteriors and their secretaries. These rules will be printed in duplicate and provided to gentlemen exteriors.

Diplomatic documents, that is, those that relate to foreign policy states occupy a special place.

These include: speeches statesmen, messages, notes, memoranda, letters from governments outlining the positions of states on the issues under discussion. The content of diplomatic documents reflects the diversity of life itself. In form, these can be messages recognizing the independence of states and a proposal to establish diplomatic relations, statements affecting the fate of all peoples, and warnings and protests regarding the actions of certain states in the international arena that pose a threat to the peace and independence of other states.

The following types of diplomatic correspondence will be used in this game:

1) personal notes;

official notes;

3) memorial notes;

4) private letters of a semi-official nature.

Some of these documents are framed by so-called politeness formulas and compliments. There are no such formulas in other documents.

Protocol politeness formulas are used in personal and verbal notes, memos sent by couriers (a form of document that is used quite rarely).

Personal note is sent on issues of important and fundamental importance or contains information about any major event. The note is drawn up in the first person on behalf of the person signing the note and begins with an address. The most common form is: “Dear Mr. (name)”, “Dear Mr. Ambassador”. This message is intended to favorably dispose the recipient regarding the content of the text. Next comes the semantic part of the document. The note ends with a compliment (politeness formula), in which the author “testifies his respect.”

The tonality of personal notes can be more or less warm. If a note begins with the words: “Mr. Extrerrior”, “Mr. Ambassador” and ends with “With respect” (without “sincere” or “deep”), then the author’s intention is obviously to give the note a restrained character.

Extraordior or Ambassador

I ask you, Mr. Ambassador, to accept the assurances of my highest respect.

To the Envoy, Charge d'Affaires

I ask you, Mr. Charge d'Affaires, to accept the assurances of my highest regard.

Sample personal note:

Exterior of the Talig Kingdom.

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

Please accept my sincere gratitude for your friendly congratulations on the occasion of the engagement of Princess (name) and Prince (name).

I fully share your opinion that this union will serve to strengthen friendship between our countries.

With deep respect,

(personal signature).

The nature of the compliment must take into account the principle of reciprocity, especially in the case of sending a return note.

The form of appeal also depends on the specific case and local practice. The letter may contain:

to the exterior - Mr. Exterior, Your Excellency;

Ambassador - Mr. Ambassador, Your Excellency;

to the envoy - Mr. Envoy;

to the temporary charge d'affaires - Mr. Chargé d'affaires (the adjective “temporary” is usually not written in address).

If the charge d'affaires is an adviser with the rank of envoy, then the address to him should be as follows: “Mr. Minister.”

The seal, as well as the name and position of the signatory, are not affixed to the note.

The address is written in the lower left corner of the first page of the note, regardless of the number of sheets. The address indicates the rank of the person to whom the note is sent. In some cases, depending on local practice and on the basis of mutual respect, a title is used before the surname of the person to whom the personal note is sent.

Official note- the most common document. Exteriors and embassies conduct diplomatic correspondence mainly by sending official notes.

Official notes are used to consider and resolve a wide range of issues. They set out political, economic and other problems of both a bilateral and multilateral nature. The notes also request all kinds of permissions, report incidents involving embassy employees, and provide embassies with information of a representative nature (about organizing trips around the country, inviting diplomats to official events, etc.

Formal notes begin and end with a compliment. The note begins with the full name of the sender and recipient: “The Exterriorate of the Kingdom of Taliga pays respect to the Embassy of Caesarea Driksen and has the honor to inform...”
The final compliment contains an abbreviated title: “The Exterriorate takes this opportunity to renew to the Embassy the assurances of its highest respect.”

Compliments are not used in notes verbales containing a message declaring mourning in a country, or in notes expressing condolences, as well as based on the principle of reciprocity in cases where the foreign office of a particular country does not use compliments in its diplomatic correspondence.

The range of protocol politeness formulas is very wide. This allows you to soften a more austere tone or give it more warmth. However, you should always remember: nothing is valued so highly or costs so little as politeness. Strong expressions, rhetorical turns of phrase, vague hints, exclamation marks, abbreviations in the form of “etc. and so on." are not allowed in musical notation. When working on the text of a note containing, for example, a protest, it is worth remembering that it may not be accepted, and this, in turn, can lead to conflict situation with far-reaching consequences.

The text of official notes is written in the third person.

Memoirs usually presented personally in order to enhance the meaning or emphasize the importance of an oral statement or request made during a conversation, to facilitate further progress of the matter, to prevent the possibility misinterpretation or understanding a conversation or oral statement. The text of the memorandum is compiled in an impersonal form. They are almost no different from a verbal note: they are written in the third person, contain an address and a compliment, and have a designation of the place of sending and a date. Unlike a note verbale, such notes are not stamped or addressed. At the top there is an inscription: “Memoir”. Memorandums are sent either at the request of the person with whom the conversation took place, or as a reminder of a particular issue.

Private letter of a semi-official nature sent to familiar officials in cases where any assistance is required in resolving issues that are the subject of official correspondence or negotiations, in order to emphasize the author’s interest in a given matter or to expedite the resolution of any issue by using the influence of the person to whom the letter is sent.

Private letters are written on plain paper (half a sheet), the reverse side of the sheet is not used. The address in such a letter is as follows: “Dear Mr. N.”

A final compliment is required. Date and personal signature required. The address is written only on the envelope.

Sample private letter:

Einrecht, (date).

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

Returning to our pleasant conversation yesterday, I would like to thank you once again for your kind invitation to the musical evening.

My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the music and the performance was top notch.

The evening spent in your home will remain in our memory for a long time.

Please accept, Mr. Ambassador, the assurances of my deep respect for you.

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Sentences containing "confidence"

We found 80 sentences containing the word "confidence". Also see synonyms for "confidence".
Meaning of the word

  • By all means of seduction they were sure that they were protecting the throne, and in this confidence they could not listen to any other beliefs.
  • Such books are written only from money in confidence, that under the signature of the name of an already famous one one can get away with mediocrity.
  • His assurances about the proximity of land, his promises and threats had almost no effect on the sailors.
  • In confidence that your prudent provisions will justify my choice, I remain in your favor.
  • One of the reasons for Hitler's trip to Italy was to alleviate this tension and assurance in the friendly intentions of Germany.
  • Cathedral machinations, intrigues and discord did not at all justify the complacent assurances cathedral ambassadors.
  • accept mine assurances
  • Accept, prince, assurance with my utmost respect.
  • Accept assurances in deep respect and devotion.
  • Despite numerous assurances General Chicherin, I am still very worried about the order of Grand Duke Mikhail.
  • He even took advantage of this favorable opportunity to double the cheap assurances, which I never skimped on.
  • Then, having received from everyone assurance in devotion and readiness to sacrifice himself, he ordered to go to his commands and take the oath.
  • Assurances the fact that we agreed on a meeting in advance did not bring any results.
  • Accept assurance in the feelings you deserve.
  • However, Vyazemsky, despite assurances his wife, with whom Pushkin was frank, did not think that we're talking about about marriage.
  • Repeating my gratitude to you, I ask you, dear lady, to accept assurance with my utmost respect.
  • Please, Your Highness, to accept assurance in my deepest gratitude and devotion.
  • Every time it's like this assurance It gives me a chill down my spine.
  • Purely even sensually the first assurance in authenticity it is very light and bright.
  • Accept, most honorable prince, assurance with my true respect and devotion.
  • There's no need to be angry, just no, it's time to stop giving you assurances, you should already be very, very convinced that I love you.
  • Please accept, General, assurance with my full respect.
  • Accept, Mr. Ambassador, assurance in complete respect to you.
  • They grabbed me without paying attention assurances that I was here completely by accident, and they took me to prison.
  • I humbly ask you, dear sir, to accept assurance with my sincere respect and complete devotion.
  • Accept assurances with my utmost respect.
  • Forgive me for my excessive vehemence: my feelings in this case cannot but be ardent, and accept, sir, assurances in the deepest respect.
  • In the meantime, accept, General, assurance with my full respect to you.
  • And in other letters of the future empress these words are expressed with great dignity: assurances in friendship and love.
  • Such assurances in friendship were accompanied by frequent and generous gifts.
  • For big assurances Andokidas added some of his slaves to them.
  • Despite my assurances, our conversation did not go well.
  • One can easily imagine with what contempt the unfortunate Apollonia listened to these feigned assurances.
  • What in assurance I tell her, under the testimony of those elected at our request and consent, the gentlemen mediators: gr.
  • Please accept assurances with my complete respect and devotion to you.
  • Accept assurances in complete respect, with which I have the honor to be yours, dear sir, your humble servant.
  • Accept, dear prince, assurance in my sincere respect and utmost respect.
  • Hence the requests to approve the budget, assurances, that the Minister of Finance does not even think about offering the State.
  • Yes, I heard it just recently assurances that Khvostov was appointed minister by Grishka.
  • Baron van Nagel immediately received from Gunther assurances that Kersten has nothing to fear.
  • I myself no longer wanted to stay on the ship, and only assurance the captain, that the boat would not row to the shore, stopped me.
  • Dunyashins assurances her love for me was not empty words.
  • Accept, Mr. Envoy, assurances With utmost respect to you.
  • Please accept our assurances in love for Pakistan in general and for you in particular.
  • Accept assurances with utmost respect to you.
  • The publishing house still has not lost hope of publishing my memoirs, and no assurances that there will be none does not help.
  • With the same officers, Barclay de Tolly received assurance Bennigsen to quickly send him help.
  • The healthy and fresh appearance of all residents confirmed their assurance.
  • I thought that we would never meet again, no matter what assurances a stout gentleman with gold buttons and a cap with braid.
  • Committing myself to your prayers, I ask Your Eminence to accept assurance in my deepest respect and the same devotion.
  • In assurance which was given to him from the Conference of the Imp.
  • So most likely assurances The First Consul about his desire for peace was quite sincere.
  • Accept assurances With utmost respect to you.
  • People leave him convinced, but not attracted to his side, having received assurances, but did not love him.
  • Then, having received from everyone assurance in devotion and readiness to sacrifice himself, he ordered to go to his commands and take the oath.
  • It is with great pleasure that I hear assurances yours about the good condition of our troops, about the warlike spirit and their ardent desire to fight.
  • And because the money was taken without permission, I am sending it back to you and asking you to accept it. assurances in deep respect for the memory of the deceased.
  • Accept assurance in complete respect and devotion.
  • At first the Directory received from its general assurances“in devotion”, then there were threats of resignation.
  • And about that, for genuine assurances, having talked with noble authorities, take it from them in writing [in writing].
  • From some people you can hear assurances that they are able to calmly accept the news of a serious or even fatal illness.
  • There was such a form assurances, they say, I will definitely come back.
  • I ask you, sir, to accept my assurances in the deepest respect.
  • It was also unfair assurance that he is not angry about typos.
  • They were destroyed despite assurance that will not be undertaken offensive war, and despite the proximity of our squadrons.
  • My assurances that the full beauty of the arrangements cannot be heard on a quiet sound, were not accepted.
  • Deign, General, to accept my assurances in complete respect.
  • Assurances Napoleon's comments that the Corsicans are on the same path as Republican France cause Paoli nothing but irritation.
  • Please accept, Mr. Minister, my assurances in complete respect.
  • Accept, Your Eminence brother, assurances in my feelings for you.
  • This assurance Of course, no one was convinced.
  • In the letters that lovers often exchanged, words of love and assurances in fidelity.
  • Doesn't clarify the matter assurance, as if “evidence of this (tests) remained in the history of Russian literature.”
  • These formal proposals did not at all prevent him from repeating to the king a few days later assurances in his sympathy and good disposition.
  • Accept assurances in my sincere desire to be always pleasant to you and provide all kinds of services.
  • Lockhart found it vague assurance as encouragement, not realizing that Lenin had his own secret plans to resolve this situation.
  • This is evidenced by the indecisive assurances in readiness to hurry with his “belated” visit.
  • On the one hand, unconfirmed and very doubtful assurances the author himself says that he is a great brave man.
  • However, she could not provide a single piece of evidence in favor of this vile assurances.
  • Witsen adds: “ Assurance this writer that New Earth inhabited, makes us think that at that time it was still very little known.”

Source – introductory fragments of books from liters.

We hope that our service helped you come up with or create a proposal. If not, write a comment. We will help you.

"Just Est, accept my assurances of complete disrespect."

Got it, thanks. I don’t like answering, especially to anonymous people, but you

“First of all, why shouldn’t you throw mud at each other, but allow yourself
mentoring tone (“Well, what is this, it’s a shame, really.”, “Why not lead
conversation on this or a little lower level?) is it possible? Believe me, the manner "you
You’re behaving badly here, fi, I’ll leave you,” very unpleasant.”

It's a shame it was perceived this way. I've tried many times to suggest a manner
conversations that would compare favorably with State Duma meetings. Special
I didn't find a response. And he really left. And now I'm just looking
like-minded people personally with a proposal to go to some not so
angry forum. And I even know one like that. And, you might think, my departure
from the site will upset many...

"Secondly, what does the Nikitins have to do with it? You have never heard the cultural
conversation? Are they a model? Or did you want to tell everyone what
do people visit you? No, I won’t argue that Nikitin’s people
intelligent. Although I don’t know them, at concerts Sergei Nikitin
loves to talk and tell stories. So, I have a lot of friends,
who conduct a conversation at “this and no lower level.” You have such
no acquaintances?"

You got this reference wrong. I just wanted to say that after
communicating with people of their level the next day boorish manner of speaking
especially intolerable. And the devil led me to read here what’s new.

“Thirdly, “I am simply obliged by my position - I have been working for more than 25 years
I am president of the Author's Song Clubs, first in Russia - Now in
Canada." Wonderful. I congratulate you. It’s nice that you stood up for
Galich. It's a shame that you did this only because your duty obliges you.
Presidency. Thank you for letting everyone know about this."

Don't you feel biased yourself? I explained what I wrote
only because in 4 days no one stood up for Galich. I have no
habit of interfering with statements if someone can do it without me.
And here it’s “if not me, then who.” Well, I had to explain why I
I consider myself competent in this matter.

“By chance, you don’t have a page on any nation where your
an enviable and instructive biography?"

No, but there is a page of my club, where, as you
you can make sure there is only my congratulations to the Russian-speaking Winnipegians
with the fact that Winnipeg is no longer a cultural province, and even then for 5 years
prescription There isn't even a single poem of mine, although the site does
my daughter.

“But most of all I liked your assessment of a dog’s wedding. No,
Of course, it depends on the taste and color. (I was so surprised by the comment that I found and
read the story.) No, of course, suddenly you really found in this
stories with sparkling humor or simply found it funny, or maybe there were
What are your impressions that you decided to put the highest possible value on
ratings website. Nikitin would probably like it too, but since I
It’s so far from them, I can’t understand. But it is not important. But why are you
reported this, and even added that you would come under fire? To
Did Alik feel alone in the comments? They tore the shirt in front
by all readers of the section? For what? No meaningful information (how,
for example, Harmful Aunt) You did not report. It doesn't even occur to you
List here all the grades you give for stories? Important
precisely to say that you are far from the best of the stories of the day and far from
Alik's best story was given a +2 to get a tub of slop? To
then say again “Ugh, how rude?”

You see, I don’t remember who said this, but I agree that “if a person
every day to say that he is a pig - he is under New Year will grunt" (for
I can’t guarantee the accuracy). At one time I was quite easy about other people's
pride, but I have long come to the conclusion that people need to talk about
good that they did, and not dunk them like kittens into their own puddles.

“I’m writing because the authors of the comments politely blushed in response to
how you politely scolded them. And people annoy me for some reason
who decided that they have the right to teach others, much more than boors,
because boors can be despised and ignored, but the one who
writes politely, you involuntarily perceive him as a person."

Well, why bother yourself?
If it were not anonymous, then with respect, Simply Est

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