FCE is an international English language exam. International FCE exam (B2 First) - what is important to know? Number of points to obtain the English FCE level

Can you, let alone your future employers, be satisfied with such a definition of language level as “I read and translate with a dictionary”, “I am fluent”, etc. The fact is that these concepts are very imprecise; moreover, each person puts his own understanding into them. I say - everyone, because there is no generally accepted level of language “I read and translate with a dictionary” or “I studied English at school” - this is self-deception.

There is an international gradation of language levels: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced. This system was proposed by the ALTE Association (The Association of Language Testers in Europe) and the Cambridge exams are actually based on it.

You've probably heard about international certificates. Each of them not only confirms your language level, but also gives you license. The most important thing, of course, is the right to work in foreign organizations, in certain positions (in accordance with the certificate). But, as they say, the main thing is to start.

When referring to the Cambridge ESOL exam group, they mean five tests: KET, PET, FCE, CAE, CPE. When they are on the same line, separated by commas, it is not easy to immediately assess the importance of each of them. Let's try to figure it out in more detail.

KET(Key English Test) is a test that confirms your basic knowledge of the English language. This Pre-Intermediate level. Of course, it is doubtful that you will spend the time and effort to rent it out for travel or to read and write in the language. However, this certificate will confirm your abilities in both. But most importantly, many foreign companies offer jobs to foreigners if they have this certificate. As a rule, this is a hotel or restaurant business. For more details, see the website: Cambridge ESOL. And about the most important thing: the KET exam consists of three parts. You must demonstrate your skills in reading and writing (time to complete the stage 1 hour 10 minutes), pass the listening test (30 minutes) and demonstrate your proficiency in speaking (8-10 minutes). The exam result is not just “pass”/“fail”. There is also a division here: Pass with merit (85-100%), Pass (70-84%), Level A2 (45-69%). If you scored less than 45%... However, you still have a chance! If during the exam you showed that you speak English at level A1, you will be given a certificate indicating this level.

It is quite logical to ask the question, if KET essentially does not give much, why take it? The fact is that along with the coveted certificate, you will gain invaluable experience in passing international exams. This is your first step. And, if you prepare properly, your first victory. You are following a difficult path to mastering English. Today, knowledge of this language will not surprise anyone; there are many competitors. And therefore it is especially important to recognize your knowledge and abilities. International recognition...

PET(Preliminary English Test) is your next step. This is a difficult exam, but it is possible to pass it. You will have to prove that you know English at least at the Intermediate level. What does this actually mean? You are required to confirm that you can use a foreign language in your Everyday life. Your vocabulary should be enough to be at your best in typical language situations that arise every day at work or in the walls educational institution, on vacation or in the store. You must be understood, regardless of whether you are communicating with a person face to face or talking on the phone. This level requires you to have good communication skills and a fairly large vocabulary. It is necessary to organically use language constructs that are not easy to learn, but must be able to apply. Therefore, when preparing for more complex Cambridge tests, a communicative technique is so necessary.

The stages of passing the test are the same (but the difficulty is different): reading and writing (1 hour 30 minutes), listening (30 minutes), speaking (10-12 minutes). The gradation of results seems to be the same: Pass with merit (85-100%), Pass (70-84%), Level A2 (45-69%), but this time, if you showed a language level below A2, you did not pass test.

The Cambridge ESOL website lists institutions and organizations where the PET certificate is considered a good indicator of your English. You might be hoping for a job at, say, Samsung or Buckingham Foods Ltd. Everything depends on you.

FCE(First Certificate in English). They say there are little lies, there are big lies, and then there are statistics. Technical data often doesn't tell the whole story, but in some cases numbers can speak louder than words.

So, according to statistics, this is the most popular international exam. It is taken in a hundred countries around the world, by people of different nationalities, but the vast majority are Europeans and citizens of South American countries. 88% of certificate candidates passed training courses. And most people who are willing to take this test do it for a job. The exam system is more complex compared to the two previously presented exams. The candidate must go through five stages: the first - reading (1 hour), the second - written language(1 hour 20 minutes), the third is the use of English (45 minutes), the fourth is listening (approximately 40 minutes), and the fifth is speaking (14 minutes). Candidates who successfully pass the test are given grades: A (80-100%), B (75-79%), C (60-74%). The test is considered failed if your score is less than 60%.

FCE- difficult test, but when you pass it, you will gain significant advantages over those who do not have it. The opportunity to work in such representative offices as: Yukos Services (UK) Ltd and BMW confirms this. When it comes to CAE(Certificate in Advanced English), people understand that this is a test for those who have high level language proficiency. At this level, a person must not only write and communicate competently, but must understand the interaction of language and culture, be imbued with the development of traditions and trends, and understand national characteristics. Here it is appropriate to talk about the style of communication that a candidate for the exam should be able to choose depending on the proposed situation. He is also obliged to remember the difference between British and American English and under no circumstances, even if he is provoked to do so, switch to the latter. But the most important thing is that the use of language should be harmonious and flexible, and speech should be an act of creativity.

But, having received a certificate, you can count on the fact that many universities in England will not refuse to enroll you among their employees...

The testing steps remain the same, but... You get the idea. First: reading (1 hour 15 minutes). Second: written speech (1 hour 30 minutes). Third: Use of English (1 hour). Fourth: listening (40 minutes). Fifth: conversation (about 15 minutes). Your grade is divided into: A (80-100%), B (75-79%), C (60-74%). Less... And you won’t need the assessment anyway.

Are you ready to continue learning and not stop there? CPE(Certificate of Proficiency in English) is a test that will confirm that you have stepped into high level. This exam assumes that you speak English at a native level. It is often said that you begin to know a language when you begin to think in it. There is a joke about this that you can study a language for years and be inferior in knowledge to an English janitor. In every joke, as you know, there is only a part of the joke. After all, language is not only grammatical structures and rules, it is cultural heritage people. Sometimes it only seems to us that we think in English. In fact, we think in Russian, we simply clothe our thoughts in English words. So, this is far from enough to pass this test. This certificate confirms that you speak English as well as educated native English speakers. But after passing this exam, all doors are open to you. This test is recognized by all UK universities and employers in all industries without exception. The whole world.

Testing, according to good tradition, takes place in five stages. If you have successfully completed all the previous steps, you are already used to it. This time you will be given 1 hour 30 minutes for reading, 2 hours for writing, 1 hour 30 minutes for English, 40 minutes for listening, and you will demonstrate your knowledge of speaking in approximately 19 minutes.

And... there is one more step left... We must cross the threshold of 60%...

Greetings, my dear readers.

Did you know that about 70% of English language learners give up somewhere around the level Intermediate? What's next?

How do you like this my answer: we develop our knowledge further and confirm it. And the English exam will help us with this. FCE!

Today I want to tell you in detail what it is, what books to prepare for, how much it costs, when it takes place, I will show an example of the test, and also give some advice from me as a teacher.

Let's get started, I guess.

What is FCE?

This is an international test that confirms your knowledge of the language. Having passed it, you will be absolutely sure that you will be able to maintain a conversation in English on any topic, write correct letters and be confident in your vocabulary.

What does the FCE exam consist of?

There are 4 parts to the test: reading and using language, writing, listening and speaking. Let's go in order.

  • Reading and Use of English

Here you will have to cope with 3 texts and 4 tasks on grammar and vocabulary. In reading tasks can be as follows: fill in the blanks with sentences; choose the correct answer to the question; choose who mentioned this or that opinion.

As for grammar, the tasks here include choosing the appropriate word in the text; transformation one sentence into another using the proposed word and formation.

  • Letter (Writing).

Here it will be necessary to write an essay and a report, a letter, a job application and a review of your choice.

I can tell you from experience that this part is very difficult for Russian speakers, because we are not taught to write correctly at all. Therefore, you will have to write and practice a lot.

  • Listening.

Quite simple tasks for students who have paid enough attention to practice. The tasks here are as follows: choose the correct answer based on the dialogue you listened to; answer interview questions, fill in the words in the blanks; choose which of the speakers said it.

  • Speaking

The fastest stage, which lasts only 14 minutes, but it will take a lot of practice to pass it. The second part causes a lot of fear, where in a minute you need to compare two pictures and answer questions. And in the third part, where you need to discuss the diagram, your interaction with your partner is assessed. Therefore, you need to practice this part as much as possible!

You can look at a live example of this test and evaluate your capabilities right now:

How much does it cost to take the exam and when does it take place?

The cost is determined annually, but on average it is somewhere around 10,000 rubles. It is held 2 times a year: at the end of autumn and at the beginning of summer. Registration ends several months before the exam, so be careful.

Would you like some advice from a teacher? how to pass FCE?

  • Plan everything clearly.

You won't be able to pass the tests by reading several texts a month and writing a couple of essays. Build a clear preparation plan, on which days of the week you will focus on which area, and follow this plan until the very end. Discipline and regularity are the basis of good results.

  • Learn strategies.

It sounds like business, but everything is correct, I was not mistaken. Each task has its own execution strategy. For example, in listening you will immediately be given 40 seconds to prepare. And you need to use them wisely: not just read the text, but highlight the main words with a pencil and crucial points that you will focus on while listening.

  • Practice, practice, practice.

Preparing for this test usually takes 9 months. I recommend spending the last 2 months exclusively in training and repeating what you have learned.

  • Choose the right books.

Prepare yourself using good and useful textbooks from Cambridge or Oxford publishing houses. Here are a few of my favorite textbooks:

1.FCE Practice exam papers.

2.FCE Gold plus exam maximiser.

3.First Certificate practice tests.

Well, my dears, I hope you have got complete information about this exam. But I still have so much useful information for you. Subscribe to my blog newsletter and be the first to know about everything.

B2 First (FCE) (First Certificate in English) is a Cambridge exam of the third level of difficulty. Many universities recognize the FCE as evidence of intermediate level English language proficiency. The exam is designed for language course students who have completed the Pre-Advanced level.

To passB2 First (FCE), you can view the schedule and register for the appropriate date.

In 2015, the exam format was modified. The duration of the exam was reduced by combining two parts of the exam: reading + practical English.

The exam takes two days. On the first day, the reading and practical English, writing and listening sections are taken, and on the second - speaking.

Reading and Practical English(1 hour 15 minutes)

During this stage of the exam, the student must be able to read and understand texts taken from fiction and scientific literature, newspapers, and magazines. Also at this stage, understanding of the language system is tested by performing various vocabulary, syntactic and text tasks.

The first part consists of 7 parts and includes 52 questions:

  • texts with gaps and answer options to fill them in (8 questions),
  • texts with gaps without answer options (8 questions),
  • word formation (8 questions),
  • key transformations of words (6 questions),
  • task to understand the content of the text, choice from several answer options (6 questions),
  • task to understand the structure of the text, filling in the gaps in the text (6 questions),
  • task on perception of certain information from the text, correlation with possible options (10 questions).

In parts 1, 2, 3 and 7, one point is given for each correct answer. In parts 4, 5 and 6, two points are given for each correct answer. The grade for this assignment counts for 40% of the overall exam grade.

Letter(1 hour 20 minutes)

The second part includes 2 written tasks of 140-190 words each:

  • compulsory essay writing (agree or disagree with a statement, express an opinion, argue your point of view, compare and contrast ideas and points of view, come to a conclusion);
  • choose one task out of three (types written works: article, informal or official letter or email, report or review).

The task based on a previously read text will be abolished in 2015.

This stage is designed to test skills in performing various types of written work. The task is assessed depending on the quality of the work, the amount of vocabulary used, the organization of the material and the coherence of the text, spelling and punctuation, and content.

Listening(approximately 40 minutes)

The fourth part includes 30 questions and consists of 4 parts:

  • several short monologues or dialogues (approximately 30 seconds each; choice of three answer options; 8 questions);
  • monologue (3-4 minutes; note-taking, form filling and sentence completion; 10 questions);
  • 5 short monologues (approximately 30 seconds each; matching with possible options; 5 questions);
  • dialogue (3-4 minutes; choice of three possible answers; 7 questions).

The assignment requires one point for one correct answer. The grade for this assignment is worth 20% of the overall grade for the exam.

To perform this work, audio materials with various text samples are used.

This part of the exam is designed to assess the following skills: understanding the essence of the dialogue and text; ability to recognize details or specific information and understand the meaning of words from context.

Colloquial speech(14 minutes)

The fifth part consists of 4 parts:

  • interview (2 minutes);
  • card with an individual task (4 minutes);
  • joint task (4 minutes);
  • discussion (4 minutes).

The grade for this assignment is worth 20% of the overall grade for the exam.

This part of the exam is completed using additional material.

The test is designed to test candidates' ability to use spoken English in a variety of situations. Assessed: grammar, lexicon, speech literacy, pronunciation, interactive communication. The test takes the form of a conversation between two examiners and two candidates.

In case there is an odd number of candidates, the last candidate joins the last pair.

Exam score

For successful completion The FCE candidate must:

  • understand the main idea of ​​the text describing practical and abstract subjects;
  • take an active role in discussions on technical topics within one's own competence;
  • speak freely with a native speaker without mutual effort;
  • communicate easily on various topics;
  • discuss international news;
  • be able to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of a particular situation.

Three times a year, 1-2 weeks before the start of registration for B2 First (FCE), Language Link conducts trial exams in Moscow,

FCE stands for First Certificate in English(First Cambridge Certificate). Its other name is Cambridge English: First. This is part of the Cambridge English General Exam series. In terms of complexity, it corresponds to the European Framework of Reference for Languages.

FCE comes in two versions: Cambridge English: First(for adults) and (for schoolchildren). Both versions have the same difficulty level and structure. Each of them includes four sections: reading and using language, writing, listening, speaking. The difference between them is only in the topics of texts for reading and recordings for listening. In the version for schoolchildren, they are focused on the interests and experiences of children and adolescents.

FCE Exam Structure

  1. Reading and language use

  2. Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes

    By “language use” we mean knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. This section consists of seven parts and includes 52 questions. The texts in the section in total do not exceed 3000-3500 words. The examinee is required not only to understand the content of texts, but also to distinguish between styles: artistic, journalistic, advertising, informational.

  3. Letter

  4. Duration: 1 hour 20 minutes

    The letter section consists of two parts. Part 1 contains one compulsory question - essay writing. Part 2 gives three possible options for writing a text of 140-190 words: an article, a letter (regular or electronic), a report or a review.

  5. Listening

  6. Duration: about 40 min.

    The listening section consists of four parts and includes audio recordings of dialogues and monologues from various sources: news programs, radio broadcasts, speeches of famous speakers and public speeches.

    It is necessary that the examinee demonstrate a wide range of listening skills: understanding the essence of the conversation, the attitudes and opinions of the interlocutors, and recognizing details.

  7. Colloquial speech

  8. Duration: 14 min.

    This section consists of four parts and is taken jointly with other examinees. Candidates are required to engage in discussion, express opinions, exchange ideas and be able to reach general decision through discussion.

Evaluation of results

After passing the test, you will receive a separate score for each of the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking), as well as a score for your English language skills. These five scores are averaged to give overall result for the exam. The results are correlated with the Common European Framework of Reference for Proficiency foreign language(CEFR). All candidates, without exception, receive a document reflecting the points they have scored. Those who successfully pass the exam also receive a certificate. Here's how the scores compare to the CEFR:

Candidates who score less than 140 points receive only their marks sheet, without a certificate.

  1. Before taking the FCE, familiarize yourself with its format and possible tasks in detail. Go through a few trial options yourself.

  2. Always start with the easiest questions to which you know the answer. There is a limited time to complete the FCE, so if you are unsure of the answer to a question, put it off until later.

  3. Keep track of the time. Take practice versions of the test and calculate how long each part takes you. Respect time limits. If the writing section is 80 minutes long, do not spend more time on it because otherwise you will not have time to complete other assignments.

  4. In the reading section, start not with the text itself, but with questions about it. This way you can save valuable time. You do not need to fully understand the entire text. The main thing is to answer questions to him. Therefore, it will be faster to look for answers to questions in the text rather than read it thoughtfully. The sequence of questions, as a rule, coincides with the chronology of sentences in the text.

  5. In the letter section, write about something you can explain clearly, even if you don't agree with it. Your ability to correctly construct sentences, structure text, and use a variety of vocabulary is tested, and not your personal opinion on any issue. Write to the point, do not try to fill the volume of text by paraphrasing the same thought.

  6. During listening, do not try to remember every word spoken - in this case, you will quickly lose concentration and miss important information. As you listen, you can mark keywords and phrases, this will be enough to get the overall picture. If you can't listen and take notes at the same time, focus only on listening.

  7. During the speaking stage, be confident and speak clearly and loudly. Do not stop until the allotted time is complete. It's better to be interrupted than to think you have nothing more to say. Do not repeat what other candidates have said - you are required to answer on your own. Remember that the examiner is not interested in your opinion on this or that issue; It is important for him to see your ability to competently construct a speech, express a point of view and argue for it.

  8. If possible, do not leave answer fields blank. Even if you don’t know the correct answer, try to guess - maybe you’ll get lucky.

How to prepare

You can prepare for FCE in linguistic schools, with a tutor or on your own. For self-study you will need teaching aids and thematic sites.


Complete first certificate

This manual covers all sections of FCE. It comes with a CD with listening materials. You can prepare for it yourself.

Cambridge English: First for Schools

This textbook is intended for schoolchildren. It is designed to familiarize students with the FCE format and the tasks that are possible. It also comes with an audio disc.

First Certificate Gold

Here, in addition to numerous tasks and exercises, the authors give advice that will help during the FCE exam: which phrases are best to use, which tasks to complete first, etc.


Collected here general information about the FCE exam, tips for passing it and, of course, online exercises in all sections: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

This is the official website of the FCE exam. Here you can find the most up-to-date information about its features and format changes, as well as free trial materials available for download.

A large collection of FCE exam exercises compiled by experienced teacher Alex Case.

Video about the international FCE exam:

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