Bulychev Alice's journey main characters summary. Review of the book by K. Bulychev “Girl from Earth. Electronic reading diary

Goals: introduce the life and work of science fiction writer K. Bulychev; to interest students in his works; read an excerpt from the story “Alice’s Travels”; learn to analyze the actions of the characters, draw up a picture plan for the work, and retell the text based on it; practice fluent expressive reading skills; develop memory, speech, thinking.

Lesson progress 1

I. Organizing time

II. Examination homework

Retelling a passage about Electronics.

III. Introduction V topic. Updating knowledge

1. Watching video materials from the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet.”

2. Introductory conversation.

Guys, how many of you are familiar with this cartoon?

What is the name of his heroine? (Alice Selezneva.)

What do you know about her? (She's from the future, loves animals, her dad- cosmobiologist, director of the space zoo - studies and collects animals throughout the galaxy.)

How many of you have seen a movie about her?

Who wrote the story about Alisa Selezneva? (Kir Bulychev.)

3. Teacher's story about the writer.

The name of science fiction writer Kira Bulychev is perhaps familiar even to those who are not interested in science fiction. Both readers and viewers know this sonorous name. Who hasn’t watched the cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet” or the movie “Through the Thorn to the Stars,” based on his scripts? It was he who invented and created the city of Great Guslyar, which for some reason aliens from other worlds love to visit.

Kir Bulychev (real name - Igor Vsevolodovich Mozheiko) was born on October 18, 1934 in Moscow. In 1957 he graduated from Moscow State University pedagogical institute foreign languages Maurice Thorez. He worked as a translator and correspondent for the APN in Burma, and as a correspondent for the magazine Around the World. In 1962 he graduated from graduate school at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Since 1963 he has been working at the Institute of Oriental Studies

of the USSR Academy of Sciences. In 1965 he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “The Pagan State (XI-XIII centuries).” In 1981 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic “The Buddhist Sangha and the State in Burma.”

He began writing science fiction in 1965. He translated science fiction works of American writers into Russian.

More than 20 works written by Kir Bulychev have been filmed. Winner of the USSR State Prize in 1982 for the scripts for the film “Through Hardships to the Stars” and the full-length cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet.” Winner of the Aelita-97 science fiction award.

IV. Physical education minute

V. Reading and analysis of an excerpt from the story “Alice’s Travels”

Which Alice's adventure did you read about?

What is fantastic and unusual about what happened in the story?

VII. Lesson summary

What new did you learn in class today?

Lesson progress 2

I. Organizational moment

II. Speech warm-up

1. Reading a poem.
I In a wonderful country,

In one country
In a wonderful country

Where should you and I not be?

Boot with black tongue

In the morning he laps up milk.

And all day through the window
The potato looks out with its eye.

The bottle's neck sings,

Gives concerts in the evening,

A chair with bent legs

Dancing to the accordion.

In one country

In a wonderful country...

Why don't you believe me? (I. Tokmakova)

Read the poem "Bird Market".

2. Vocabulary work.

Name nouns that act as if they were alive. (Tongue, peephole, neck, chair.)

Find ambiguous word. (Tongue.)

Why did the poetess manage to create such a humorous poem?

3. Memorize a poem in 2 minutes.

4. Check.

III. Work on the story "Alice's Journey"

1. Conversation on the content of the story.

Today we will continue working on K. Bulychev’s fantastic work “Alice’s Journey”.

On whose behalf is the story being told? Prove it.

What do you think of the narrator? What is his character?

How did the characters react to the story with the bushes at the beginning? Did their attitude change later? Explain.

Describe Alice. What was she like?

2. Work on question 6 on p. 157 textbook.

Read and think about what words are missing in the text?

(Children read the text and complete it.)

Think about it, would anything in the work have changed if the author had not used the technique of personification?

IV. Physical education minute

V. Drawing up a picture plan

Guys, at home you should have drawn illustrations for the text. Let's look at them and select the ones that are suitable for the picture plan for the work.

(Illustrations are selected and hung on the board.)

VI. Retelling the text according to the picture plan on behalf of Alice

VII. Lesson summary

Do you like fantasy literature?

What science fiction writers have you read?
Homework: prepare a story about your favorite science fiction work, draw an illustration on a space theme.

Lesson 87 (summarizing) Traveling through the “Land of Fantasy”

Goals: summarize knowledge on the studied section; develop memory, speech, thinking, Creative skills students.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Introductory conversation

Guys, what do you think is needed in order to
fall into wonderland?

(Children's assumptions.)

Try answering the question:

We will begin this story with a riddle - Even Alice is unlikely to answer: “What remains of the fairy tale later - After it has been told? Where, for example, is the magic horn, where did the Good Fairy fly away?” A? Eh!.. That's it, my friend, That's the whole point. (The guys answer the question.)

This is how V. Vysotsky himself answers it. It is his

They do not evaporate, they do not dissolve, Told in a fairy tale, flashed in a dream. They move to a magical wonderland. We, of course, will meet them in this fairyland. And after all, what strange things can be found in Wonderland? There are no boundaries in it - there is no need to swim, run or fly. It’s not difficult to get there, no one is forbidden, you can find yourself in it - you just have to want it.

Guys, do you think science fiction could have arisen without fairy tales?

What do science fiction literature have in common? And a fairy tale? How are they different?

The story “The Girl from the Earth” or “Alice’s Journey” was written by the Soviet science fiction writer Kir Bulychev in 1972. This story is part of a series about the adventures of Alisa Selezneva, a schoolgirl living in the distant future. Together with her father, cosmozoologist Igor Seleznev, she conquers outer space and gets into incredible adventures. Of all the stories in this series, “The Girl from Earth” is the most famous: the famous cartoon “The Secret of the Third Planet” was created based on the book. The script for the cartoon was written by the author of the book himself, Kir Bulychev. Stories about Alice's adventures to this day captivate the hearts of both young readers and loyal fans of the writer.

The meaning of the work

On the one hand, this is a fascinating story about fictional worlds and travel to other planets, and on the other, a story about childhood and a child’s worldview. The non-trivial look of the girl Alice, devoid of the conventions of the adult world, helps her defeat her enemies. This is a story in which, without any edification, it is shown where is good and where is evil.

Read the summary Kir Bulychev Alice's Journey or the Girl from Earth

“The Girl from Earth” tells the reader about one of the most interesting adventures of Alisa Selezneva. The action takes place in the future, at the end of the 21st century on planet Earth. Here, superluminal ships and robots have long come into use, the solar system is colonized, and all planets are suitable for life. The people of Earth are kind, open, honest, they do not know wars and care about the environment.

Alisa Selezneva, a second grade student, a restless and very kind girl, goes on a space expedition with her father and his team on the Pegasus ship. The purpose of the trip is to find rare species of animals to replenish the collection of the intergalactic Moscow Zoo. However, the business trip turns bad for the heroes an extraordinary adventure, related to the search for the missing famous space explorer. And it is the Pegasus team that will have to unravel the mysterious knot of events, and new friends will help Alice and her father not only acquire new types of animals, but also find the Second Captain.

On her journey, Alice will get into a stream of exciting adventures: unravel the secret of the tadpoles, see the talking bird and the diamond turtle, make friends with the flying cow Sklif and the fluffy indicator, try on the invisibility hat, save the planet inhabited by robots, escape from the insidious space pirates and reveal The Secret of the Third Planet.

Retelling of the story Alice's Journey or The Girl from Earth

A famous cartoon was created based on this story by Bulychev. But of course, in the book there is much more information and details. It all starts with the fact that Alice’s very journey (with her father on a space expedition for rare animals) is in jeopardy, because the girl and her classmates stole a gold bar from the museum!.. to make a spinner out of it. But it turns out that in the future gold has completely depreciated. And thanks to the help of friends (mostly aliens), Alice was forgiven.

However, she almost sabotaged the expedition again by hiding two classes of her friends in the starship. On their journey, earthlings are faced with the mystery of three missing captains. Hints, oddities, riddles - Alice is very interested in understanding the fate of these heroes. On the way, earthlings end up on different planets, for example, on one there live creatures that take on one form in one day, and the inhabitants of another have learned to travel in time. At the intergalactic market, Alice's father acquires many amazing animals.

The girl herself encounters the wounded bird Talker, which Alice has already seen - on the statue of captains. The talker, in the captain's voice, suggests the direction of the search. It becomes clear that the captains need to be saved! As a result, the father’s ship falls into the trap of pirates, who have been holding the captains captive for several years. Alice and her companions now also become hostages. The First Captain and his friend Verkhovtsev come to the rescue in time. One of the pirates was disguised as the latter.

By the way, Alice also has an invisible hat - a gift from a space merchant. By joint efforts, the pirates were defeated. The story has many beloved characters: the alien Gromozeka, the pessimist Zeleny, the pirate Veselchak U... The story teaches courage and curiosity, even in space - these are irreplaceable qualities.

The story is included in the collection “Girl from Earth”. The narration is told on behalf of Professor Seleznev.

Chapters 1 and 2

Professor Seleznev, a space biologist and employee of the Moscow Zoo, promised his daughter Alice to take her on an expedition to collect rare animals if the girl finished second grade well and did not do anything stupid. Everything was going well, but just before the holidays, Alice and her classmates stole a nugget from the school museum in order to make a spoon out of it and catch a giant pike.

Fortunately, everything worked out fine. At the end of the 21st century, a nugget weighing 1.5 kilograms was no longer of great value. Alisa's alien and earthly friends filled her house with gold nuggets, and the girl's participation in the expedition was saved.

For several weeks, Professor Seleznev and team spaceship“Pegasus” - the brave, courageous captain Poloskov and the gloomy red-bearded pessimist, mechanic Zeleny - were preparing for the expedition. The professor hardly saw Alice. Finally, everything necessary was loaded, but Poloskov could not lift the Pegasus from the surface of the Earth - the ship turned out to be too heavy.

It turned out that Alice hid two classes of children in the back streets of the ship so that they could get to the Moon and watch a football match for the Galactic Sector Cup. Forty-three “hares” were caught, and “Pegasus” set off for the Moon.

Chapters 3-6

On the Moon, Professor Seleznev met his old friend, archaeologist Gromozeka. Despite his threatening appearance - many tentacles, a huge, toothy mouth and two-meter height - Gromozeka was a kind and slightly naive creature. Having learned that Seleznev was going on an expedition to find rare animals, Gromozeka told him about the planet named after the Three Captains.

Once upon a time, three captains - one from Earth, the second from Mars and the third from the planet Fix - were famous throughout the galaxy. They explored deep space and saved entire planets from space pirates. Now their paths have diverged. The first worked on Venus, the second disappeared somewhere unknown, and the third went to a neighboring galaxy. A museum was founded in their honor on a small planet.

Gromozeka decided that Seleznev would find the diaries of captains who had probably met unusual animals useful, and advised him to talk to the museum curator, Dr. Verkhovtsev.

On the way to the planet of the Three Captains, the Pegasus delivered cargo to the scouts of Arcturus Minor. The scouts said that Doctor Verkhovtsev recently flew to them and was interested in the drawings of the “Blue Seagull” - the ship of the Second Captain, the only one of its kind. This seemed very strange to them. As a parting gift, the scouts gave Seleznev tadpoles - huge amphibians. In the ship they grew to enormous sizes, and then tiny frogs hatched from them.

Finally, the Pegasus arrived on the planet of the Three Captains. Near the museum, travelers saw a huge monument depicting captains. On the First's shoulder sat a bird with two beaks and a crown of feathers, and at the Third's feet an unusual bush grew.

Doctor Verkhovtsev, a man “resembling a kind old lady” in an old-fashioned hat, did not want to show Seleznev the captains’ diaries. Trying to help Seleznev, the doctor remembered the Empty Planet, where all animals strangely disappear; about the Skliss from the planet Shishineru and about the singing bushes, one of which is carved on the monument. Verkhovtsev said nothing about the bird with two beaks, did not show his diaries, and insisted that he had not been to Lesser Arcturus. Seleznev decided that for some reason the doctor did not trust them.

Having left the museum planet, the travelers headed to the eighth satellite of Aldebaran and found bushes that not only sang, begging for water, but could also walk. The smallest bush became attached to Alice. The girl watered it with compote, and during the trip the bush became completely spoiled.

Chapters 7-10

The travelers found the empty planet with difficulty - it was hiding behind a cloud cosmic dust. The way was suggested to them by a woman who was hunting in this sector of space for a living nebula, which, according to Professor Seleznev, does not exist.

The empty planet turned out to be very mysterious. On the day of her arrival, the rivers and seas were teeming with fish, the next day the fish disappeared, but many birds appeared, then the birds were replaced by animals. Finally, Alice realized that the Empty Planet is inhabited by one species of animal, whose representatives can turn into anyone.

The expedition then headed to the planet Blook, where the largest collector's bazaar in that sector of the galaxy was located. Local residents, Ushans, carefully examined the Pegasus and said that some person almost destroyed the planet. He sold worms that fed on air and multiplied rapidly, and the inhabitants of Blook almost died from suffocation. Now the Ushans have to check all spaceships arriving from the solar system. Looking at the photograph of the criminal, the travelers recognized Doctor Verkhovtsev. The Ushans also complained that someone had exterminated their favorite birds - the talkers.

The Pegasus crew stayed at a hotel for earthlings. There, Professor Seleznev and Alisa accidentally noticed Doctor Verkhovtsev, who immediately hid from them. The receptionist complained about the bad behavior of this guest and gave his room number. The room turned out to be empty. Coming out of it, the travelers encountered a very fat man. The fat man said that the man living here had recently left and probably went to the market.

Seleznev and Alisa also went to the market, where the professor got into trouble several times, confusing the sellers with the animals they were selling. Alice approached a dwarf seller who was selling invisible fish that could not even be grabbed. Seleznev decided that it was a scam, but he had to pay for the fish, which, as the seller claimed, the professor had loosed while trying to catch. Having softened, the dwarf gave Alice a weightless invisibility hat.

Then they helped the alien, who looked like a two-headed snake, catch an animal that had run away from her - an indicator that expressed its emotions by changing color. Seleznev wanted to buy an indicator, but the animal wanted it to be given as a gift, which the owner did.

Having met a family of Ushans who wanted to buy a talker, Seleznev decided that the Moscow Zoo would also need this rare bird, which can fly among the stars. He and Alice searched the entire bazaar, bought eighteen rare animals, but did not find the talker.

Finally they met a frightened Ushan who was selling a talker. The wounded bird itself flew to him. Some kind of old man in a hat, very similar to Doctor Verkhovtsev, tried to force Ushan to sell him the talker. He refused, and all sorts of misfortunes befell him. Unable to bear it, Ushan carried the talker to the market. The travelers were not afraid of troubles and bought a talker - a large bird with two beaks and a crown of feathers, similar to the one that sat on the shoulder of the First Captain.

On the way to the hotel the bird began to talk. The travelers found out that it was the talker of the First Captain - the bird spoke in his voice. Unexpectedly, the fat man from the hotel found them. Seeing the talker, he demanded it for himself and fell behind only when he saw the ushan policemen. Then Doctor Verkhovtsev caught up with them and also tried to get the talker. Seleznev had to call Poloskov for help, who flew in on a boat and took them to the Pegasus.

Chapters 11 and 12

The travelers were already on the Pegasus when there was a knock on the hatch. It was a fat man. He called himself Veselchak U, apologized and gave Seleznev a very rare diamond turtle.

The team had already decided to fly for the Skliss to the planet Sheshineru, when suddenly the talker spoke again. It turned out that the First Captain gave the bird to the Second so that he could send the talker for help if things got difficult. The bird remembered everything, down to the last word, and the captains knew how to make it speak. The talker said slowly: “Set a course for the Medusa system.” It turned out that it was there that the Second Captain got into trouble. Poloskov decided to fly to the captain’s aid, although Zeleny predicted all sorts of troubles.

On the way, “Pegasus” nevertheless visited Sheshineru. As soon as the spaceship landed at the cosmodrome, miracles began - some little green men entered the refrigerator on a locked ship and stole all the pineapples. It turned out that these are the inhabitants of the planet. They had invented pills that allowed them to travel to the past and future, and were now wandering around in time. They knew that in the future Alice would stand up for them before Poloskov, so they went back in time and boldly took the pineapples. The little people solemnly met Alice, who still knew nothing about them.

The Pegasus left Sheshinera, capturing a cow-like Skliss with long membranous wings, and turned toward the Medusa system.

Chapters 13 and 14

Pegasus did not immediately enter the Medusa system. Poloskov received a distress signal from the planet Shelezyaka. Shelezyaka was once an ordinary planet with water, an atmosphere, animals and plants, but then it was inhabited by robots from a crashed starship. The robots used up all the water and minerals, the atmosphere disappeared, and animals and plants became extinct. Now the robots were struck by an epidemic - they could not move.

The travelers found the robot on duty and took him to the Pegasus. Mechanic Zeleny found the cause of the epidemic: someone added diamond chips to the robots' lubricant.

The robot recognized the talker - this wounded bird flew to Shelezyaka from the Medusa system, and the robots replaced its wing with a prosthesis. Then a small spaceship landed on the planet and needed repairs. Its owner - the man in the hat - found out that the robots had cured and released the talker, and became terribly angry. Then a man was seen near a storage facility with machine oil, after which the epidemic began. Apparently, the matter could not have happened here without Verkhovtsev.

Leaving the robots with a barrel of clean lubricant, the travelers hurried to the Medusa system. The first planet of the system turned out to be full of mirages. Professor Seleznev found that mirages were created by local animals that looked like round pebbles. These animals showed everything they saw both in reality and in the imagination of visitors to the planet. Among the mirages, the travelers noticed Doctors Verkhovtsev and Veselchak U - they shook hands and then argued about something. Then they saw the mirage of the Blue Seagull flying away from the planet.

The talker said that we should look on the third planet, and the Pegasus went to it.

Chapters 15-18

There were many animals and plants on the third planet. There was even a terrible bird, a croc, the size of a small plane. She confused Alice, dressed in a yellow fluffy jumpsuit, with her chick and took her to the nest, where the girl found a fragment of a saucer with the inscription “Blue Gull”.

There are especially many flowers on the nameless planet. The talker led the travelers to a perfectly round clearing, overgrown with fine grass, around which mirrored flowers grew. They brought a bouquet of these flowers to the ship. Soon the films that made up the convex mirror cores began to die off. It turned out that the flowers recorded everything that happened around them. In the resulting “film in reverse,” Seleznev and his friends again saw Verkhovtsev and Veselchak U.

Green decided to cut off a layer of films to see the more distant past, but a curious indicator pushed the mechanic under the elbow, and the flower was ruined. At this time, a crash was heard from the wardroom - someone destroyed the remaining flowers, and the talker disappeared. Soon the bird appeared. She rolled a diamond turtle in front of her. The animal turned out to be a robot spy. It was it that destroyed the flowers.

Chapters 19-24

Poloskov decided to transport the Pegasus to a clearing with mirror flowers. Just before the start, a ship landed near the Pegasus, from which Verkhovtsev ran out. Poloskov immediately picked up the spaceship and landed it in the middle of the clearing, where there were no more flowers. Having landed, the Pegasus fell straight into the lair of space pirates.

In the same dungeon, which looked like a huge concrete pan with a lid, stood the Second Captain’s spaceship, the Blue Seagull. Pirates also appeared here - Verkhovtsev and Veselchak U. For four years they tried to force the Second to come out. Now the pirates threatened that they would torture the travelers if the captain did not give them some galaxy.

Before leaving the ship, the Second told his story. Long ago, three captains cleared the galaxy of pirates, but some of them survived and were waiting for a chance to take revenge. The captains parted, but soon the Second received a message from the Third: he was returning from a neighboring galaxy with the formula for absolute fuel - galactium - which was given to him by the local residents. The pirates intercepted the message and lured both captains into a trap. The pirates cut the ship of the Third, and it ended up in their clutches. The second locked himself in his invulnerable spaceship, but managed to send a talker for help. He knew that the First would look for him - that was the agreement between them.

Having finished the story, the Second quickly jumped off the ladder and opened fire on the pirates. And then the First appeared in the dungeon, accompanied by... another doctor Verkhovtsev.

Alice and the talker brought help. In her bag, the girl found an invisibility hat, given to her on the planet Blook. Invisible, Alice got out of the dungeon, and the talker led her through the intricate passages. In one of the dark corners, Alice found a grate behind which someone was moaning.

Alice found help for First and Verkhovtsev right near the exit. The captains quickly neutralized the pirates. The pirate disguised as Verkhovtsev turned out to be a large insect-like Rat from the dead planet Krokrys. The pirate ruined the reputation of Dr. Verkhovtsev so much that he stopped trusting people. He suspected something was wrong, told everything to the First and began to follow Seleznev’s expedition, which led him to this planet. Seleznev provided the strongest cage for the Rat.

The travelers were about to fly away when Alice remembered the prisoner in the underground dungeon. It turned out to be the Third, half dead from illness and hunger. With great difficulty, Professor Seleznev brought him back to life.

Both spaceships were already standing on the surface of the planet when a third starship descended from the sky towards them, followed by a strange gray cloud. This was the wife of the First, who nevertheless caught the living nebula. While the nebula was being wrapped in a net, Veselchak U tried to escape and was carried away by a croc bird.

IN last time travelers gathered at the lunar base. The captains decided to explore the neighboring galaxy, and Alice asked to join them later, when she grew up. She promised to take her father with her: “Biologists are needed on any expedition.”

N. Borovkov

Who among us does not know about the world famous book by L. Carroll “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland”! I really liked the story, and I reread it often and with great pleasure.
Still, it’s a little disappointing that this wonderful book is not about the adventures of my contemporary. I would really like to read about the adventures of a girl who studies with me or at least in a parallel class. And I met Alice! True, not exactly the way I wanted, but more on that later.
I love going to a bookstore and never leave without a new book. Once I saw Kirill Bulychev’s book “The Girl from the Earth” there. It includes fantastic stories and novellas: “Alice’s Journey” and “Alice’s Birthday”. I eagerly opened the book. And what do I see! Alice! I was a little scared: is it possible? famous name give the heroine another book, will she justify him?
But the fears were in vain. Alice from the 21st century turned out to be worthy of her famous namesake from the 19th century: just as brave and decisive, naive and curious, cheerful and cunning. She knows and can do a lot. Which of you can tell me what to feed the brontosaurus (the egg from which it hatched was found on the banks of the Yenisei). The learned adults fed him bamboo and bananas. And if I was fed only bananas, I would probably be tired of life. And Brontya, as the huge brontosaurus was affectionately called, fell ill. What would have happened to him if not for Alice! It was she who thought of treating him to a delicious white roll. And since then they have been friends. Which of you can boast of friendship with a brontosaurus, a Martian or the famous space heroes - the Three Captains? Don't be upset, read the book, and Alice will make friends with all of them and even with Gromozeka!
You probably thought: “Well, no, this Alice is just an extraordinary girl!” What do you! She is the most ORDINARY girl. (I won’t hide: sometimes it’s unpleasant to read books about your contemporaries, even from the future, who are very unusual, very serious and very smart). In general, Alice is her own person, she loves her class and, of course, will try to help her classmates get to the Moon, where a football match is taking place for the cup of the Galactic Sector Earth - Planet Fix.
Dear Alice, in her 21st century, the century of spaceships, space contacts, robots, she believes in fairy tales. And this helps her out more than once. How needed was a completely invisible invisibility hat, which Alisin’s dad didn’t believe in so much (and our dads don’t believe in them too much). Well, who believed in the ghost Alice knew (yes, Alice had a ghost friend), who, by the way, turned out to be Professor Kuraki: his experience in transferring matter over a distance was not entirely successful. Oh, what would happen without Alice!
The story "Alice's Journey" is captivating. Here I am, together with Alice, flying from one planet to another (don’t think that she is a naughty girl who flew into space alone: ​​she was with her dad), helping someone, catching someone.
You will say: “Ha, this does not exist in life.” I don't agree with you. When you read Bulychev’s book, you believe in Alice, although she does not study with me, or even in a parallel class. And we learn about how she saved the entire planet from a terrible disease in the story “Alice’s Birthday.” And, imagine, we believe again!
When you finish reading the book “The Girl from the Earth”, you will probably be very sorry to part with Alice, and you will again want to re-read this book, which teaches you to dream, believe in fairy tales, in goodness, teaches you to be brave, inquisitive, teaches you to be kind.

One of the first in the ranks of domestic science fiction writers is Igor Mozheiko, known to everyone under the pseudonym Kir Bulychev. He is the “father” of Alisa Selezneva, a schoolgirl from the 21st century, whose adventures both adults and children enjoy reading about.

From the series of works about Alice, the fantastic story “The Girl from Earth” is very interesting. The content, main characters and writing history are covered in this article.

Meet the author

Igor Vsevolodovich was born on October 18, 1934 in Moscow. His father Vsevolod Mozheiko is a nobleman by birth, his mother Maria Bulycheva is from an officer family, she graduated from Smolny

In 1957, the future science fiction writer graduated from MGI foreign languages them. Maurice Thorez, in 1962 - postgraduate study at the Institute of Oriental Studies at the USSR Academy of Sciences, after 3 years he defended his candidate's thesis, and in 1981 - his doctorate.

Having such a solid scientific background, he showed himself most clearly in the field of literature. He published under a pseudonym made up of the name of his beloved wife Kira and his mother’s maiden name.

He became the author of more than a hundred works, which were translated into dozens of foreign languages. His fantastic novels and stories were published in multi-million copies not only at home, but also abroad. His ideas formed the basis of popular films and cartoons. In 1982 he was awarded the title of laureate of the USSR State Prize, in 1997 he became a laureate of the Aelita Prize, and in 2002 he received the title of Knight of the Order of Fantasy Knights.

One of his most successful works was a series about a girl from the future, Alisa Selezneva. Over the years, the author kept returning to this character, beloved by millions of adults and children. The last story, “Alice and Alicia,” was written by Kir Bulychev in 2003, a couple of months before his death.

To get to know one of the interesting stories about a schoolgirl of the 21st century we offer our readers summary.

"The Girl from Earth": the history of the book

This work is only one of many in the series about Alisa Selezneva. Bulychev composed “The Girl from the Earth” in 1972. The story was first published in 1974 under the title "Alice's Journey", and later it was republished under the titles "Alice and the 3 Captains" and "The Girl from Earth". This book has been translated into 17 languages!

A shortened version of the work for children younger age published as "The Mystery of the Third Planet". Based on it, a cartoon of the same name was shot, the script for which was written by Kir Bulychev himself. It was for this work that he was awarded the State Prize.

Meet the Characters

Before moving on to presenting the content of the story, it is necessary to get acquainted with its characters. Who is the story about in the fantasy fairy tale "The Girl from Earth"? The main characters are, of course, Alice, her father (director of the Moscow Zoo, professor of cosmobiology Seleznev), the brave commander Poloskov and the pessimistic flight mechanic Zeleny.

In addition to them, many more minor characters are involved: 3 captains, space pirates, the architect Gromozek from the planet Chumaroz, residents of various planets from other solar systems and even other galaxies, the amazing Talker bird, stray bushes and the Indicator.

Earthlings and aliens are very different from each other. This is precisely what Kir Bulychev emphasized. "The Girl from Earth" is a book that tells that they are very different, but treat each other with respect and understanding, following the supergalactic rules of behavior to maintain order and peace in the Universe. This is one of the most important ideas in a children's fairy tale. It teaches tolerance towards each other, regardless of skin color, nationality and religion.

“The Girl from Earth” is a fantastic story that begins with Professor Seleznev’s story that in the summer a space expedition will go to other star systems in search of rare and unusual animals to replenish the collection of the Moscow Zoo. Alice was also supposed to go on the expedition, but a couple of days before the start of the trip, she and her classmates started an adventure, as a result of which she almost lost her place on the ship. But everything was settled in time, and the spacecraft with 4 passengers on board took off.

Here we can present only a brief summary. "The Girl from Earth" consists of 24 chapters, which tell not about how the expedition collected animals on different planets, but about how she unraveled the complicated and mysterious case of the disappearance of the famous three captains. This is a real detective story with transformations, spies, a chase, even an invisible cap.

The heroes fall into the traps of villains, fight with space pirates, but emerge victorious and make many new friends along the way. Unfortunately, a summary cannot convey the atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding that reigns among the main characters.

"The Girl from Earth" is a story not about some unattainable heroes, but about ordinary people with its shortcomings. They are also angry, cunning and afraid, but at the same time they find the strength to overcome difficulties with dignity.

find 10 differences

The cartoon "The Secret of the Third Planet" is very fascinating, but differs in details from the plot of the book. There are only three main characters in the cartoon - Alice, her father and Zeleny, who combines the duties of a spaceship captain and a mechanic in one person. There are only two captains; the space pirates, the Talker bird and the Indicator are described differently. Some characters are missing, such as the wandering bushes and the inhabitants of the planet Shishener.

We really hope that the summary presented here will arouse the reader’s interest in the fantastic stories of Kir Bulychev. "The Girl from Earth" is a book that needs to be read in its entirety.

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