Crypters are ethereal beings who live beyond the boundaries of three-dimensional reality. Three-dimensional reality as a projection This is how you, with your Calmness, Kind Word, and Act of Love, help your neighbor to enter your Dimension of Presence of Awareness

March 21, 2016 | 3 253

Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and dismantling of three-dimensional reality

Planetary Message from the Hathors via Tom Kenyon

Translation: Yan Lysakova
Edited by Valery Lysakov

Due to the acceleration of time and the increasing impact of cosmic forces, going far beyond the capabilities of your control, you are now in the very core of the “crescendo” of interacting Chaotic Nodes.

In past messages we called interacting chaotic events a single Chaotic Node. But in this case we are dealing with a more complex phenomenon, which we can call multiple Chaotic Nodes.

The escalation of these chaotic events affects each of you in a unique way depending on your vibrational resonance. Those of you who are sensitive to the ecosystem of this planet may be under extreme pressure as you watch it degrade and the extinction of many of its constituent species.

Another Chaotic Node, in addition to the Chaotic Node of the ecosystem, is stress and crisis in interpersonal relationships. This is a very complex, complex situation, partly due to changes in the magnetic field of your planet, which impede the functioning of short-term memory, and the continuity of the cognitive process, and these energetic shifts are increasingly intensifying. Irrational behavior, despair and feelings of hopelessness also increase accordingly. As both ecosystems and interpersonal relationships deteriorate, we expect even greater social and cultural instability.

Many people experience a growing feeling that something is going terribly wrong, and at the same time, a lack of ability to solve these problems. In this case, we agree with Albert Einstein, who said that the solution to a problem cannot be found at the level at which the problem arose.

From our perspective, the escalation of Chaotic Nodes is creating tidal waves of intense chaotic energies that many of you are finding difficult to cope with. Moreover, your automatic, reflexive way of responding to change becomes less and less effective.

On this road that you have both individually and collectively entered, there is, so to speak, a fork in the road. One of the branches of this fork leads you to a kind of insanity and an inability to function effectively. Those who follow this road will experience increased escapism. Self-destruction, self-destruction also increases significantly during this period, both at the individual and collective levels.

Many of you who have the opportunity to move from three-dimensional reality to other dimensions will take advantage of it.

Without further ado, to use one of your phrases, we could say that you are entering one of the most difficult passages of planetary transformation.

At this fork in the road, one path leads to self-destruction, madness, despair and hopelessness, and the other leads to a deep connection with one's multidimensional, interdimensional and spiritual nature. It is this fork in the road that we want to explore.

This is not an assumption. Many of those who are aware of their transcendental, interdimensional and spiritual nature may from time to time notice that instead of the path of self-knowledge, they follow the path of madness and self-destruction.

This is because your 3D reality is currently fluctuating. And the rapid changes taking place in it occur at such an accelerated pace that your biological body cannot keep up with them. And if you want to avoid the path of madness and self-destruction, you need to cope with the extreme stresses that your biological nature is subjected to.

Simply put, the prerequisite for successfully moving through this period of escalating Chaotic Nodes is deep, true contact with one's interdimensional, spiritual nature and the self-renewal that will result from such contact.

For this purpose we offer you sound meditation. We didn't involve any complex geometry here. And you don’t need to do anything special other than focusing your attention and awareness on your own physical body.

Sound patterns are direct transmissions from the regions of light into your biology. It is counteracting the chaos and confusion that creates stress within your biological nature. The meditation is quite short, since many of you are limited in time. You have to do so much in such a short time because you are trying to hold on to the old world as time speeds up. All we can tell you from our perspective is that trying to hold on to the old world, to hold the old together, is a “mission impossible.” Letting go of the old world and your “attachment” to what you need to do in it is a necessary part of your choice of the higher path.

All that is necessary for the success of this meditation is to listen to it, keeping your awareness on your own physical body, and your cellular structure will relax, freeing itself from stress and illusory states of perception, creating more opportunities for you to enter the higher path.

We call this meditation "Elevatron" because the first part is rooted in the word "evolution" and the second part deals with the electronic nature of your biological reality. This sound meditation is a direct transmission of energy from the realms of light into the bioelectrical, biochemical and quantum realities of your body with the goal of raising the vibrational level of your consciousness.

Ultimately, your personal experience of this escalation of intersecting Chaotic Nodes will depend solely on the vibrational resonance that you are or are not able to achieve. The responsibility for this passage lies solely and entirely with each of you as an individualized being embodied in time and space.

We wish you a safe journey on this high road.


Tom's thoughts and observations.

In my opinion, this is one of the most urgent messages the Hathors have ever given, and it has to do with the nature of the changes they "see" in the near future.

When I asked them about the title of their message, they responded that we had entered an accelerated phase of planetary chaos and were experiencing and witnessing the destruction of 3D reality as we knew it.

It so happened that I received this message during the initial stages of the Ebola crisis in the United States, originating in West Africa and now spreading across all political borders. I asked the Hathors about this, and they told me that the Ebola virus is only the tip of what we are facing as a result of environmental changes. In particular, they said that viruses and bacteria, hitherto unknown to Western medicine, are appearing in our environment due to the loss of forests and complex ecosystem changes that our science has yet to determine. Additionally, the Hathors say that many viruses and bacteria are mutating and will continue to do so at an accelerated rate. Some of these mutations will make their medical treatment difficult and problematic in the coming years.

Despite such frightening assumptions, the Hathors reminded me that the purpose of life is not physical survival per se, but rather the evolution of interdimensional awareness, which some call the Soul, the Atman, or the “Indestructible Drop.”

Although they could have gone deeper into the details of the degradation of our ecosystem and the problems of interpersonal relationships (both at the level of individuals and at the level of nations), they chose the topic of the problems facing us as individuals.

They are concerned that the stress of living in a radically altered 3D reality is and will continue to create what they call insanity, meaning mental and emotional instability that will impair our ability to respond adequately and timely to changing reality. In their most intense forms, people simply unequivocally lose their minds, engaging in all manner of strange and self-destructive behavior. When I asked the Hathors to expand on this topic, they said that we are, in fact, still only in the initial phase of intersecting and interacting Chaotic Nodes, so some unseen unexpected forces have not yet triggered a global “free fall”, the like of which we cannot even imagine introduce.

When they speak of a global “free fall,” they do not mean the end of the world, but the end of the world as we know it. And this metamorphosis and the emergence of new realities is happening all around us on many levels and with stunning speed.

It is this “free fall” that they are talking about when they mention that we are individually and collectively at a fork in the road, i.e. at the choice point. The point of choice where it is decided whether we will be consumed by chaotic forces or rise upward to greater harmony, despite what is happening within us and around us.


The Elevatron sound meditation is designed to help us through the current passage, which the Hathors estimate is one of the most difficult stages of planetary transformation.

Discussing the effect of this sound meditation, they said that "your cellular structure will relax, freeing itself from stress and illusory states of perception." What they mean by this cryptic statement is that Elevatron meditation reduces the body's stress reactions, and, in their opinion, an excessive reaction to stress creates delusional states of consciousness. In other words, when we are exposed to excessive stress pressure, our mental and emotional perspectives become twisted, and we respond less appropriately to our life situations than in a more “relaxed” state.

I believe that the Hathors' description of working with meditation requires no further explanation. So I won't discuss this further except to say that it's best to listen to it on headphones. Moreover, listening is believing. If this meditation “tells” you anything, I would include it in your daily anti-stress program. If she does not resonate with you, then there is no point in working with her. But whether you choose to work with this meditation or not, I think it would be wise to use some method of mentally, emotionally and spiritually centering yourself on a daily basis.

Feeling the strong energy messages coming to me from the Hathors during the transmission of this message, I remembered how our algebra teacher liked to say in the 9th grade, when we began a more complex section of mathematics: “Before it starts to get better, it will get better.” even worse".

Ultimately, how we respond to the problems and challenges of intersecting Chaotic Nodes and radical changes to our 3D reality is and always will be solely our responsibility. No one is going to save us from ourselves.

Although the tone of this message is indeed alarming, I think we would do well to maintain a reasonable sense of humor. As Mark Twain once said, “Some things in life are so serious that all you have to do is laugh.”

In my experience, this type of humor arises from the understanding that our world is largely illusory. And although our embodied part is forced to fight changes in three-dimensional reality, our transcendental, spiritual part is above this “fight”, since it exists in dimensions that do not depend on time, space and the gravity well of the Earth.

Somewhere between these two polarities, embodied man and interdimensional freedom, there is a funny place in our consciousness. If you find this place, it will become an invaluable ally in your search for your higher path.

The era when most unusual earthly phenomena were associated with alien intelligence is receding into the past. Today, researchers who have been studying the problem of “Flying Saucers” for many years have put forward a new paradigm: many UFOs have an energetic nature; in fact, they are part of the natural environment around us. However, like many other anomalous phenomena.

It is quite possible that all mysterious and strange objects are ethereal living beings that live beyond the boundaries of three-dimensional reality - critters.

Many people know that developed photographic film can sometimes contain some mysterious creatures or objects that were not visible at the time of shooting. Such facts allowed a group of Italian scientists to hypothesize that in nature there are life forms indistinguishable to the human eye, the basis of which is plasma.
James Constable and Luciano Boccone conducted a series of experiments in order to discover these "Unknown Objects". To do this, various cameras and sensors were installed in the deserted area of ​​​​the Gulf of Genoa, which recorded any anomalous deviations and objects that appeared in their coverage area.
Ultra-sensitive film was used during the shooting process. Observations were carried out over three years, usually at night. And indeed, the experiments brought the expected results. One of the images contained an image of a luminous ball from which radiation emanated in the form of a fountain. It was like an energy explosion. Near the ball there were two more luminous formations that resembled hooks.
In other photographs from the same series, the “Hooks” gradually thickened, and the ball changed its round shape, turning into something like a burning “butterfly”.
The next time, the cameras again managed to capture the luminous ball, but now some strange processes were taking place in the object. Other photographs showed black bodies that appeared to be plasmatic or amorphous in nature. One of the pictures clearly showed a small blue ball emerging from a dome-shaped object.

Of even greater interest are images taken in areas of magnetic or radioactive anomalies or in places where animals are disturbed. They show strange creatures that look like mythical monsters. Many of the creatures had wings, reminiscent of prehistoric pterodactyls.
Such creatures have been seen in different areas of the United States. Moreover, they could be seen even with the naked eye. Also in the photographs were some translucent and shapeless structures. They moved at great speed, but adhered to a certain direction.
Using infrared radiation, scientists were able to take pictures during mountain fires. They clearly show large mushroom-shaped objects hanging above the fire. And other small objects moved above the ground at a height of about one meter. People didn't see them. A similar picture was recorded during earthquakes.
According to Boccone, these objects, which include ball lightning, are ethereal living beings that live beyond three-dimensional reality and are therefore invisible. But when certain conditions arise, these entities can be discerned. These organisms have the ability to change their size, structure, and color. This explains both intelligent ball lightning and the strange appearances and disappearances of incomprehensible celestial bodies.

D. Constable called these plasma entities “Critters” - “creatures”. According to Boccone, they were known about them in ancient times. Our ancestors called them "Devas", "shining" and "elemental spirits". Tibetan books and the teachings of the Toltec Indians contain information about numerous races living on earth, many of them of inorganic origin. It turns out that belief in spirits and fairy-tale creatures has a real basis.
Skyfish - sometimes this is the name given to mysterious creatures observed in the sky. It is quite possible that skyfish are one of the varieties of critters. They were first mentioned in 1994. Directed by Jose Escamillo, the video was filmed in New Mexico. He discovered strange objects on the film, which he initially mistook for a UFO. But later the director decided that the frame included creatures that were moving through the air at great speed.
The same creatures appeared in other videos of Escamillo. Soon he accumulated a huge amount of evidence, he even opened a special website dedicated to “Super-Speed ​​Creatures.”

It turned out that other people also saw them. Outwardly, these mysterious creatures look like worms. But they have special protrusions on the side that allow them to move through the air using wave-like movements, reaching speeds of up to 1000 kilometers per hour. These creatures differ quite greatly in size - from 30 cm to 3 meters.
They were given different names: "Solar Beings", "flying sticks". They are usually clearly visible against the background of the sun. However, the most common name was “Skyfish” - sky fish. Many researchers who study this phenomenon believe that they are living beings. Interest in them has spread throughout the world. Even hunters for them appeared - skyfishers.
The most famous skyfisher is a peasant from Japan, Kozo Ichikawa. His neighbors respectfully call him Master Ichikawa. In his village, “Heavenly fish” are often observed, most often in the mountains. Local residents call them “Tyuman”, revering them as spirits.
Ichikawa learned to catch skyfish as a child. The bait is resin melted in water containing pieces of dried tuna. However, skyfish do not live in captivity; they quickly die and decompose. After them, only a gel-like liquid mass remains, which quickly evaporates, leaving behind only a wet spot.
By the way, “Super-speed” creatures can cause a plane crash. By the way, in the footage of the plane crash at the notorious air show in Lviv, there is also a strange object that looks like a skyfish.

Is Ether Real?
If the nature of such creatures is ethereal, then what is ether itself? In ancient times, people believed that all the space around us was filled with a special substance - ether. The Romans and Greeks worshiped it as one of the main world elements. Researchers have repeatedly put forward hypotheses about the physical existence of ether, trying to prove them. According to supporters of esoteric scientists, it is the ether that gives birth to various astral entities.
According to Blavatsky, the astral is the lowest layer of the ether. The souls of the dead and doubles of animals and people live in it. Every creature has an astral double, but it consists of ether and it is almost impossible to see it with the naked eye, although its thinking is similar to the original creature. Most often, a double appears during extreme circumstances, for example, during a person’s serious illness or before his death.
Many of the sensitives have the ability to voluntarily or involuntarily place their astral body in a space where other people can see it. Some of the clairvoyants see their phantoms next to living beings.
Along with their doubles, “Dwells” in the ether and many other entities that are usually classified as otherworldly life forms. Some of them have a rather bizarre appearance - a spherical shape, which can often be mistaken for a UFO. As a rule, when seeing a ghost or other “Supernatural” creature, a person experiences great fear, sometimes even shock. Some believe that certain “Higher Powers” ​​contacted them.

Meanwhile, if we consider these phenomena from the point of view of the theory of ether, then there is nothing extraordinary or fatal in them. The “Ethers” do not come from somewhere outside, they are constantly present next to us. It’s just that at a certain moment favorable conditions are created for the subtle worlds to become perceptible to us. Perhaps this is influenced by changes in the chemical composition of the atmosphere or in our mental state.
It is likely that in the past people did not have to make any significant effort to observe and communicate with the inhabitants of the ether. Therefore, from those times many legends about brownies, spirits, elves, and fairies have been preserved. The meeting with them was not surprising for our ancestors; it was perceived as something quite ordinary.
But environmental changes, and perhaps the process of psychological adaptation to the observation of subtle entities, led to blocking of the part of the brain that is responsible for internal vision. But “Subtle” life forms can be captured using infrared photography.

Scientific confirmation.
The problem of ether is of interest not only to esotericists and parapsychologists, but also to scientists. French explorer Fr. and. Fresnel developed a theory of light based on the motionless world ether. And at the end of the 19th century, the American physicist A. A. Michelson conducted several experiments with a device he developed - an interferometer, which can measure the spectra of various elements.
Experiments have demonstrated that the spectrum of the flow of light rays that passes through a system of mirrors shifts slightly. According to the scientist, this was proof that the hypothesis of a stationary ether was incorrect.
Engineer Yu. G. Serezhenkov decided to repeat Michelson’s experiment in order to reveal the possibility of the existence of the so-called “Ethereal Light”, which arises when the earth comes into contact with the ether. The researchers believed that the interferometer developed by Michelson did not make it possible to record this wind. Serezhenkov improved the devices, which made it possible to record this effect.

According to the engineer, he conducted experiments everywhere: in the subway, on the surface, indoors. The result was the same everywhere.
The scientist demonstrated the operation of his device in front of a large audience. While in his hands, the interferometers began to sway by themselves, recording vibrations of the invisible substance. According to Serezhenkov, the “Ethereal Wind” can be used for practical purposes: to lay paths under water - the ether is present there too.
In addition, great prospects may await an invention in space technology; with its help, a light field can be formed in a rocket, which will become a source of energy.
It turns out that the ether is actually real, and there is nothing mysterious about it? But secrets are always present. Scientific theories need to be tested; perhaps in the future we will discover a large number of new properties of this unusual substance.

What are parallel realities?

How does the three-dimensional World differ from the four-dimensional one in terms of value systems and attitudes towards Being?

What is astral Reality?

Why is it so important to free yourself from the “suckers” of egregors?

What is the Last Test of Transition Initiation?

What exactly are high vibrations?

What is the Emotion Virus?

Is there an alternative to not lowering the vibration?

What exactly is HUMILITY?



Greetings to you, Dear Friends, Those whom We call Family, Representatives of the United House of Light and Love!

Have you ever felt yourself or other people as “not of this world”?

Have you felt at least once that you are talking to a Person, and He reacts so “strangely” to your words, understands you “wrong”, as if He “flew from another planet”?

Parallel Realities...

How is it possible: two People are close, but at the same time so far from each other?

So what are parallel realities?

Parallel Realities are the Presence in one moment of Here and Now of multidimensional Manifestations of Existence.

Let us turn to the question of different value systems, to the question of the attitude to Being, to all Existence - about WORLDVIEW.

Because Reality is determined by how you VIEW THE WORLD!

So, three-dimensional Reality is a Dimension of dense duality.

The system of values ​​among people of the three-dimensional world has a consumer nature, a craving for destruction and power, and a pessimistic vision of the World.

Fourth Dimensional Reality is the Reality of the thinning veil, the Reality of Awakening Awareness and Unconditional Love.

Four-dimensional Reality, relatively speaking, consists of two more Worlds:

– Astral Reality or the World of Passion, the last Test of the Initiation of the Transition.

Astral Reality is the Space of Lessons,….

in which an increasingly awakened Man tries to disconnect from egregors, which are “energy and mental traps”: egregors of power, sex, money, ideologies, gender, etc.

Remember the movie "The Matrix"?

Remember the Matrix Man's suckers?

This is a multidimensional reminder of the energy manipulations of egregors.

Gradually, Man is freed from the power of these egregors, which form, in essence, a three-dimensional astral worldview, a system of values, what a Man will prefer and what to reject, who to love and who to hate.

The last egregor from which every awakening Man is freed is the egregor of disbelief in himself, in his Divine Origin, Destination - the egregor of “unworthiness”.

As soon as you have passed the last Test of Initiation of the Transition to the Higher Fourth Dimension for the presence of Spiritual Pride; as soon as you stop evaluating and condemning the Being of your neighbors;

as soon as you have forgiven yourself and everyone around you, you are initiated into the Sacraments of Unconditional Love and move to the next, higher vibration frequency, Dimension of Reality.

– The Higher Fourth Dimension is the Reality of Peace, Joy and Love.

This is the Reality of Freedom.

There are more Lessons here. But they are not karma, but a test, a training of the Spirit.

And most importantly, what is the essence of this Dimension is that Man begins to fulfill his Divine Purpose, free from drama, passions, and egregors.

Pay attention to how you, exactly you, perceive Reality at the moment Now?

It is very important that each Message from Home is not informational, exciting reading, but practical help for you at the time of the Transition, another milestone of Wisdom.

Now let's give an example.

Imagine a Man standing on top of a mountain.

He is filled with peace, breathes the air of Freedom, sends Love and Goodness to all Humanity, the Planet, the Universe. Oh, He is immensely happy!

He sees Beauty, hears the singing of birds and the sound of the Wind of Change for Good; He feels the Joy of Being, inhales Health, feels Confidence in his Divine Creation of Reality. For with His Happiness He CREATES NOW!

He raises the vibrations of the Planet!

He creates a beautiful Space of Light for himself and at the same time for EVERYONE!

At this moment, these high impulses of Love emanating from this Blessed Person absolutely really help those in need of this Energy.


Dear Family, high vibrations are the RAW MATERIALS FOR THE CREATION OF GOOD.

At the moment Now there are people who need a kind word, psychological support, and sincere help.

As soon as a Gaia Man experiences Love for the World around him,...

He directs the Energy of Love into the Space of the Planet:

people come to the sufferer completely unexpectedly and help in a completely real way; the patient, with all appropriateness, receives Energy to Awareness of the cause of his karmic responsibility and is healed;

a truce comes to the centers of war; Natural disasters are canceled or their impact is weakening.


That is why We constantly call you to the natural expression of your Divine Essence - to Love.

For only Love is capable of Doing Good!

When you are happy, a Cloud of Grace is created around you, which is sent to those in need! SO BE HAPPY, DEAR! You are happy, and many, very many are happy!


Strengthens the Creation of Good, the Pure Intention to help people. Your Real Help to Your Neighbors also enhances the effect of the Energy of Love.

And now, Dear Family, let us return to the Man who stands on the mountain and feels Grace. What dimension is He in now?

In the Higher Fourth Dimension of Awareness.

And now, we ask you to imagine another picture: the same Man returned from a mountain trip to his city.

He needs to come to a government agency to fill out documents.

And now see the Meeting of two parallel Realities: three-dimensional and the Higher four-dimensional. The employee of the institution is irritated, arrogant, dissatisfied with his work, his subordinates, and his clients.


This employee is currently a carrier of the Virus of Emotions, which has the ability to be transmitted along the “emotional chain” and lower the vibrations of those around him.

And now Our Happy Man, inspired by the mountain journey, enters this space of dense duality in order to complete the paperwork.

Do you remember that feeling when, having completed meditation, a spiritual journey, inspired by Love and new knowledge, you meet a Person who is trying to get you “out of yourself” (out of the State of Harmony)?

And sometimes you lose your temper, you feel resentful and annoyed because you were so happy, and this Person lowered your vibrations.

You have just been in the Higher Fourth Dimension, and now you feel emotional pain, irritation and are in the lower fourth dimension of Reality, where the pendulums of emotions and passions dominate, where the colors are black and white, and the sounds of others are very unpleasant to hear, where you feel lonely and unprotected.

Are you familiar with this State of transition from the Higher Dimensions to the lower?

Is there an alternative not to lower vibrations, to maintain the State of Love within yourself?

Of course it exists!

And this is called a LESSON IN HUMILITY.


Now let's return to our hero and the situation with the employee.

This servant is none other than a “spiritual testing simulator” for Man.

This is a test of Humility.

An employee of a government agency tried this way and that to take the Man “out of Himself” - from the State of Balance of the Energy of Love. But, Dear Ones, the fact is that the Virus of Emotions has not penetrated the Human Consciousness. Why?


And the employee sees that the Person does not react at all emotionally to his unconscious provocation, is not afraid, and does not speak angry words in response.

The employee thinks: “What a strange Man! It’s like he’s not from this world!”


And the employee has a CHOICE: to accept the Gift of Peace coming from Man or not.

Have you encountered such a situation?

With such a situation, when next to you is an irritated, emotionally unbalanced Person who sees everything in a dark color?

While you are completely calm and trying to convey this State to your neighbor?


You wait patiently for the Person to decide to soothe their pain. In no case do you identify his condition with yourself, do not be offended, do not condemn him.

And the Virus of Emotions, the Virus of Conflicts (the most ancient Source of all Wars), not finding a new “victim”, transforms into the Energy of Peace, because Energy does not disappear into nowhere, it is only capable of being modified, moving from one State to another.

And next to you... there is already a calmed down, pacified man who was “beside himself” and is now “at peace with himself”!

This is how you, with your Calmness, Kind Word, and Act of Love, help your neighbor to enter your Dimension of the Presence of Awareness!

You do not go down, following the Virus of Emotions, on the contrary, you give a helping hand and let your neighbor into your World of Joyful Reality!

This is a True Miracle!

This is the Creation of Heaven on Earth!

This work is an attempt to understand the Truth. How successful it was, the Future will show.
The author asks for your understanding of the numerous neologisms he used in this work. Their use was necessary, on the one hand, to introduce and explain new realities of Existence, and as an attempt to explain in earthly language what is very difficult to express in words, on the other.


From a certain point of view, one can consider the wear and tear of physical matter – aging – as a result of the action of “drag” or friction of time and space – i.e. Reality. The density of Reality, and, consequently, the deterioration of biomatter is higher in large cities and points of maximum concentration of Reality density.


The phenomenon of three-dimensional physical Reality (that is, what surrounds us) has various characteristics. These characteristics are divided, like time and space (, into constant (constant) and variable (variables). In our manifested world, the speed and direction (vector) of Reality are constant, and density and volume are variable.
Let's consider one constant and one variable characteristic of Reality.
Velocity (speed) characteristic of physical three-dimensional Reality is a constant value, otherwise chaos would reign in the world. After all, in order to destroy the world, it is not at all necessary to blow it up. It is enough to simply “correct” one of the constants of Reality in the logoic matrix of the Earth through information transposition. A change in the gravitational force constant, for example, would lead to a break in the genetic-molecular connections of all life forms on the planet, and a change in the speed of the physical three-dimensional Reality would lead to mass madness. Thank God, the Logoic Matrix of Earth Reference Constants is in a safe “place”.
In order to better understand the velocities characteristic of physical three-dimensional Reality, let us imagine a video recorder or a film projector. We see a dynamic image as a result of the movement of individual static frames at a constant speed, which creates the effect of the reality of what is happening. The film speed should be 24 frames per second. The realization of our physical three-dimensional Reality occurs in a similar way. The Crystal (Core) of the Earth acts as a video recorder, and the role of a cassette is a set of probabilistic realities, from which the Crystal of the Earth “selects” one single version of the manifested (realized) Reality. The frames are information capsules broadcast from the system of worlds of probabilistic realities.
What happens if you change the speed of Reality realization in the Earth Crystal? You've probably all seen television images in accelerated or slow motion. So imagine if this happens in our real life! That is why the speed of our physical three-dimensional Reality is a constant value.
As noted earlier (, our physical three-dimensional Reality has a physical meaning only within the 144-kilometer rhombic grid - the web that envelops the Earth. “Network of Reality” - these are the shackles and chains with which a person is chained to the Earth. They are the ones who prevent him from taking off and traveling across the vast expanses of the Universe. Man is designed in such a way that he simply cannot live without the energy of his Reality. What then should we do with the astronauts? Starships, as has been shown, are “equipped” with special generators that simulate the astronaut’s “native” reality. In the case of our “near-earth dwellers,” everything is much simpler, since our physical three-dimensional Reality has the property of volume elasticity, measured by the corresponding coefficient.
Cosmonauts, going beyond the 144 km border of earthly Reality, locally stretch it, taking the part of it necessary for their life “with them.” Of course, such elasticity has its limit, but, fortunately, not all of humanity makes regular flights into space.
Understanding this property of Reality in the format of its impact on humans will give humanity in the future the key to the possibility of interplanetary and interstellar flights in the physical body.


Over time, in future races, humanity will discover the virtually limitless energy potential contained in Reality (time and space). When the chronoid and spacioid split (torsion and antitorsion), or when they merge, colossal energy is released. The energy contained in 1 cubic meter. meter of space, could provide the energy needs of today's humanity for several years.
As a result of applying the technique of reality substitution, an exchange of MBAC (matrix block of an alternative continuum) occurs, which consists of a logical sequence of Reality pixels. In other words, one block of reality is replaced by a parallel alternative reality, and at the same time, the MBAK of parallel reality moves into our reality. After the undesirable situation is eliminated, a reverse exchange occurs.
How can one distinguish “normal” reality from an alternative, borrowed one? Over time, in the process of opening the Heart and Consciousness, people will learn to recognize and perceive different types of the Unified Reality of the Universe. The ability to recognize Reality is an important step towards liberation from the illusions of three-dimensional reality and Knowledge of the Truth!

It should be noted that there are two fundamental components of Reality: obligatory (karmic, obligatory) and variable (non-karmic, changeable).
Obligatory Reality is physical constants, such as the relief of the Earth's surface, the cyclicity of the seasons, gravity, the speed of light, karmically significant world events, etc. However, a person is almost instantly faced with the need to make a choice from one of the variable versions of Reality, which becomes for him an actualized (manifested) Reality.
Every moment of life a person makes a choice: to do this or that, to go somewhere or not to go, to call someone or not, etc. The total number of such possible or variable versions of Reality is 144,000. This means that karmically predetermined events will happen to him in any case (although, of course, in certain cases, with the permission of the Higher Powers, this parameter of Reality can be changed), since these are obligatory components of Reality. Variable components of Reality depend on the decision made by a person. It is important to realize that there is ALWAYS a choice of Reality, albeit in a limited format. In truth, the 144,000 variants of variable versions of Reality can be considered practically unlimited freedom of action. For example, if a person is in prison, then prison is an obligatory reality for him, but at each moment of his imprisonment a person can choose one of 144,000 versions of the variable component of the Unified Reality (for example, look at the door or not, move the mattress or not, smoke or no, etc.).
The ability to program the physical three-dimensional Reality is actively used by the Higher Powers to achieve their evolutionary goals or to fulfill the Law of Karma. There is a technology of matrix-segmented imprinting of Reality. This technology is creative and available to entities that have uncovered at least 6 DNA helices and 51% of the cerebral cluster compartments of the brain. Its essence lies in the fact that a probabilistic version of Reality is created, which is logically consistent with the previous and subsequent course of events. The creative (created) block version of Reality is then imprinted, like an injection, into our physical 3D Reality, without erasing its main version or disrupting its logical cause-and-effect relationships. The human consciousness perceives the alternative imprinted Reality as factual and builds its attitude towards it (i.e. behavior) accordingly. For example, a person was getting ready to go somewhere, and an accident was going to happen on the road. For a person it is not karmically obligatory. He will wait a long time for a bus that never appears. In reality, the bus is simply erased from his version of Reality. As a result, the trip is canceled or delayed. Phantoms of people or objects can also be imprinted, which will force a person to perform a particular action.
A parallel alternate reality is also called the "25th frame of Reality" or the "thirteenth reality".
Just like in the physical world, a person perceives only 24 frames of reality per second. The 25th frame of Reality is a separate probabilistic reality, the evolutionary meaning of which is to provide “rear support” - the ability to change seemingly inevitable events.
Currently, in Space there is a fierce battle between the forces of Light and Darkness for control of the “thirteenth reality.” The one who controls it has practically unlimited possibilities in controlling humanity


Previously, it was reported about the principles of organizing three-dimensional reality, which, in its semantic purpose, resembles theatrical scenery or flight simulators.
Three-dimensional reality is virtual. That is why the ancient sages called our world maya - illusion. The creators of the movie "The Matrix" came close to the meaning of truth. Virtual reality is made up of individual realities. The events taking place on Earth can be likened to a computer program, the purpose of which is to create conditions for the evolution of a three-dimensional person. The programmer just clicks the keyboard to change the scenery. Our reality is programmed based on the need for karmic circumstances. The world around us is scenery, virtuality, a special program, but people, and, most importantly, their attitude to changing the scenery, are real! This is the essence of all manipulations.
True reality was replaced by virtual reality after 10 DNA helices were “cut out” from a person (2 remained).
Double-stranded DNA cannot distinguish between virtuality. Humanity now resembles a bullfight in an amphitheater: the bulls fight to the death “just like that,” and the spectators, the owners of the bulls, watch this with pleasure. The pleasure of killing is their food, and they have a lot of bulls.
However, there comes a time when many bulls take off their virtual helmets and realize reality. Their consciousness opens up to the level of programmers. People who study and believe in the possibility of transforming physical matter with thought are truly the saviors of humanity, the creators of their reality.
With the help of thought you can change the consequential manifested reality. By adding, substituting, transferring, interchanging, etc. All this is causal transplasticity, i.e. changing matter mentally.
Soon it will be possible to perform mental implants - implanting special genes into bodies to achieve one or another physical effect. This is now being done by the Curators of the Earth, but in the Transition Period it will be done by a special team of the Earth - a team of mental surgeons from among people. The purpose of implantation is to save the physical bodies of those people who have retained the necessary spiritual and evolutionary potential.


The energy of Reality is represented by the total energy of time and space. The circulation of time is carried out along the meridians, and space - along the parallels of the Earth. This movement creates a constant subtle magnetic field that “holds” our physical three-dimensional Reality in the 144,000 km range. Beyond this, the reality is completely different, alien to the earthling. The Earth's axis is a thin-material antenna that captures cosmic energy, which, flowing through the North and South Poles, also forms a magnetic field. The North Pole corresponds to the minus sign, and the South Pole corresponds to the plus sign. In the center of this field is the Core (Crystal) of the Earth. The energy of the magnetic field pushes time and space to the equator and Greenwich through special Reality Portals, which ensures constant circulation and renewal of our Reality.


The Reality Defect can be demonstrated by comparing the value of 1 degree of latitude at the equator and at the pole. If at the equator it is 110.573 m, then at the pole it is 111.697 m. Where does the 1.124 m of our Reality go? Obviously, we are dealing with the transition of space into time. As the density of space increases, the density of time decreases. When a person crosses time zones, he ends up either in a conditional past or future. The vibration frequency of Reality changes, so the body needs adaptation, i.e. frequency synchronization.

Reality can be analogized to a modern computer. The computer (“hardware”) is our brain. However, it cannot work without software (“software”). The operating system in which our brain operates - the computer - is our physical three-dimensional Reality. The Quantum Transition is a planetary “upgrade” of software, the replacement of one Reality program with another, more advanced, four-dimensional one.

One of the reasons for the impossibility of traveling in a physical body to other worlds for an earthly person is the incompatibility of systems of realities. Continuum constants and other parameters of time and space would instantly destroy the human body if it found itself in a different system of reality. In other words, the software versions of realities in different three-dimensional worlds are not always compatible. In such cases, an Adapter of Reality Compatibility (ARC) is needed, which every person has in a latent state. Its activation is possible when an individual reaches a level of inclusion of at least 6 DNA helices and 51% of the brain - i.e. when a person reaches the level of God-man of the Sixth Race. Activated APC guarantees flexible adaptation in any realities up to and including the four-dimensional space-time continuum.
The final encapsulation (or capture) of the only reality scenario that will become actualized (realized) occurs at a distance of 40 days from the moment of implementation of the probabilistic scenario on the earthly physical plane.
First, 40 days before actualization on the physical plane, a version of reality is realized on the causal plane, 9 days before – on the mental plane, 3 days before – on the astral plane. There is an earthly sign of a cracked mirror. Its meaning is that some “bad” event is already happening on the Subtle Planes, and after a few days they “reach” our physical plane. It is almost impossible to change reality when it has already reached the 40-day “finish line”.
In exceptional cases, such a change is carried out only by Higher Powers in accordance with the Law of Divine Intervention.


Earthly physical three-dimensional reality is constantly broadcast, like television, at a given projection speed. The screen for visualizing Reality is the surface of the planet, more precisely the 144 km zone. The Earth Crystal contains something that performs the functions of a cathode ray tube, broadcasting reality onto the screen in waves, i.e. into our world. The broadcast of Reality occurs in the form of a beam-like spraying along parallels (space) and meridians (time). The splitting or broadcasting of Reality occurs informationally; energy supply is carried out through the energies of time and space, which in themselves are neutral. The Earth's axis, as already noted, plays the role of an antenna for receiving information. The transmitter of the main versions of Reality is the Crystal of the Sun, in which the karmic selection of 12 main versions of probabilistic reality for the Earth takes place.
The center of the Reality screen - zero degrees of latitude and longitude - is located in the Gulf of Guinea, next to Africa and Ascension Island. From this “point of zero Reality” the waves of Reality propagate along parallels to the point “Portal West” (180 degrees west of the zero point), and along the meridians to the “Portal East” (180 degrees east of the zero point). Reality waves also spread along meridional lines to the North Pole and South Pole Portals.
The most important role in the transmission of waves of Reality belongs to the equator. On the Subtle Plane, it represents an energy waveguide (“pipe”) into which the flow of Reality enters. After a certain distance, along the physical equator, branches occur from this waveguide in the form of parallel and meridional branches, through which a certain amount of Reality spreads across the surface of the Earth.
The pattern of propagation of Reality waves is very similar to the principle of operation of an ordinary fountain: one round pipe, from which many smaller pipes extend, into which water flows under pressure.
Many tubes merge into a single whole, and we see a beautiful, integral flow of water. Naturally, it can be modified by adjusting the water pressure, etc. Add to this the variations of light and sound, and you have a conceptual copy of Reality. The equator is structured in a similar way on the Subtle Plane, where pressure inside the waveguide of Reality is created due to the energy of the Earth’s Core.
As already noted, the energy of time and space is uninformative, i.e. she is neutral. Reality can be realized on the physical plane only through the fertilization of chronoids (structural particles of time), spasioids (structural particles of space) and inforns (structural particles of information).
The process of realizing Reality is a manifestation of the Cosmic Law of Divisibility of Spirit and can be realized through the following analogy: having one lit candle, you can light any number of other candles from it, and your candle will continue to burn.

Three-dimensional physical Reality emanates from special Portals - “continuum sprayers” - four-dimensional structures in the causal matrix of the Earth. As already noted, constant (obligatory or interactive) Reality consists of time and space. The equator and Greenwich meridian are divided into 12 sections of 30 degrees. Every twelfth degree is marked with a continuum spray. Time, like a fountain, is dispersed along the equator along the meridional vector, i.e. clockwise, with the reference point (zero point) at Greenwich. Space is dispersed along a parallel vector. The equator and the prime meridian thus serve as the axes of Reality, through which the dispersion of the Three-Dimensional Physical Reality occurs. Moreover, the spray vectors are oppositely directed.
Continuum atomizers are connected by torsion waveguides to the Crystal (Core) of the Earth, from which the energy-informational substance comes, forming an interactive three-dimensional Reality.
Constantly receiving this substance, these sprayers consistently and evenly distribute Reality across their coverage zones, as a result of which the energy of Reality smoothly spreads over the surface of the Earth: from the equator to the North, to the North Pole; to the South, to the South Pole; from the prime meridian to the point “West” (0 deg. N, 90 deg. W – area of ​​the Galapagos Islands, not far from Ecuador); and to the point “East” (0 deg. N, 90 deg. E - a point in the Indian Ocean, not far from Indonesia). In these four Portals, the manifested (actualized, realized) Reality is folded and transmitted (already as the past) back to the Earth Crystal, where it becomes what people call history, recording itself in the Akashic Chronicles.
Thus, the process of the Cycle of Reality in Nature is obvious. This cycle consists of its own cycles of different durations. Reality comes out of the Earth's Crystal as information, is fertilized by the physical energy of time and space, as well as the energy of the earth's elements, is realized on the physical plane and returns to the Crystal - the Planetary Logos of the Earth. Now we are very close to the end of a huge three-dimensional reality megacycle, and we are preparing for Quantum Ascension - the transition to Fourth Dimensional Reality.


The current reality of manifestation is our life - the events and situations that we experience in parallel life experiences.
Let us consider a scheme for the implementation of this reality in planetary and individual cases.
The entire surface of the Earth is divided into twelve-degree squares - pyramids (120 N-120 E), and the equator is divided into 90 segments of 144 km. each (4+4+4=12). It is necessary to draw up a map of the Earth based on the following formula: Places of Power and Portals will be visible to the “naked eye.”
In the Galactic Beam there are special optical-information channels through which the main probabilistic realities are transformed onto Earth. The Earth Crystal has something like a laser information capture device, like a laser gun: a CD player. In the Planetary Logos there is an information matrix - a program for implementing the current reality of manifestation. There are 12 channels of probabilistic realities in the Galactic Ray, which together contain the entire information set for the formation of earthly manifested reality. The choice of 12 life scenarios is made from a huge number. The selection is made by the Lords of Karma. Imagine a 12-disc CD player that constantly switches between different discs to play a previously recorded optical disc. Likewise, the laser-gun complex of the Earth Crystal constantly “switches” between the 12 main probabilities, taking the necessary information blocks from them and implementing them in the continuous reality of the Earth. This is very reminiscent of a movie, each second of which is made up of 24 (12x2) frames. The speed of the tape is constant, as a result of which we see a real image. This analogy is also embedded in the concept of the formation of our current reality of manifestation. Frames are information blocks from different probabilistic realities. They necessarily comply with the law of cause-and-effect development, i.e. logically follow from one another. If, for example, there is a house in one block, then it must be in the subsequent frame.
Thus, logoic selection and formation of our reality takes place in the Crystal of the Earth. Further, the information fertilizes the matter of time and space and spreads it across the surface of the Earth, which is perceived by people through the 5 senses.
Taken together, it turns out that one of the 12 realities is realized on the three-dimensional Earth, and 11 unrealized probabilities descend through the outlet information channels of the Earth Crystal and go “home” through the South Pole. This is the scheme for creating a three-dimensional current reality of manifestation.
The formation of a person’s individual life occurs in a similar way. His Manifestation Crystal reads probabilities and puts them into a mosaic of life. Man is the creator of his own reality, we just forgot about it. He can consciously shape his life on the basis of the principle of free will and within the limits of acceptable karmic consequences.


Three-dimensional physical Reality is, in fact, the software products of the Higher Powers that created the Earth and man. It is based on information (emanation of the Divine First Thought) and the energy of the elements (elements) of the Earth.
Three-dimensional interactive Reality functions similarly to... a microwave oven. If we liken the Earth to the inner chamber of a microwave oven, we get the following diagram: the magnetron of the oven generates microwave radiation, converting it from electromagnetic waves. Microwave radiation is absorbed by the food inside the oven. As a result of microwave oscillations, the food heats up. A glass of water is always placed in the oven as a precaution: if the oven is turned on and the chamber is empty, the microwaves will not be absorbed and will overload the system, resulting in a possible short circuit. Water will always absorb excess microwaves. In a similar way, the Earth Crystal generates Reality - a terral magnetron. The products or consumers of Reality microwaves are biomass, incl. a person, or rather his brain - consciousness. However, during sleep (delta vibrations) or meditation or fast REM sleep (alpha vibrations), a person is not exposed to three-dimensional Reality! This occurs due to the fact that the interaction of Reality with consciousness (resonance of Reality) is possible only when the human brain generates Beta frequencies, i.e. actively awake. If suddenly all people fell asleep at the same time, then the Earth could perish, since the microwaves of Reality would remain unabsorbed. Therefore, a protective option was provided - “a glass of water”. It is also the Earth Crystal. If the point of reality non-absorption is reached, he begins to independently absorb the excess Reality. Of course, this was not always the case. But when man appeared on Earth, appropriate software modifications were made to the Crystal.
Due to the fact that three-dimensional physical Reality unfolds like an image on a monitor, it is necessary to introduce the concept of its minimum value - the pixel (grain) of Reality. The Reality Pixel is an indivisible particle in the form of a twelve-sided crystal. It contains information about one of the main versions of the actualized Reality and 12 additional versions of probabilistic realities. Thus, fertilization of the energies of time and space with information occurs, as a result of which the phenomenon of manifested (actualized, realized) Reality, registered by a person, is formed. The collection of pixels forms a “chessboard” of three-dimensional physical Reality.


Advanced reflection technique.
The essence of the technique is that in the mental field all events occur earlier. The information capture of the Earth Crystal, which forms the current reality of manifestation, is multidimensional.
By reading information from the mental field it is possible to obtain data about upcoming natural disasters. It is possible to prevent disasters by transferring the event to a probabilistic reality. The disadvantage of this method is that a catastrophe still happens and brings destruction in the parallel world. Another drawback is that the work is carried out in the World of Consequences, albeit at the highest level.
The Higher Initiates, who are now in the physical bodies of those who have undergone the Initiation of the Planetary Logos, must work more professionally. For this there is a method of logoic recoding:
First, initiates dive into the Casual Heart of the Earth Crystal and read information from the matrix, which will soon “select” events from probabilistic realities. Thus, information about disasters is obtained.
Entrance to the Crystal is carried out through the central Interdimensional Portal (IDP). Next, there are two options for working (remember that there are events that are karmically inevitable and those that can be changed). The first option: for example, a critical voltage has accumulated in a certain populated area and an earthquake is necessary to discharge it. The earth does not want people to die at all, but it needs detente, otherwise it may die. Only people can help avoid casualties! They can (and have done this before!) artificially relieve tension by mooding the mental channel and releasing energy outside. Before this, you need to find a portal that is ready for such an energy exchange. Everyone needs the Earth's energy, so there are no problems. then the “plug” opens, the excess energy, like a champagne cork, flies out into space. The problem is solved, people are saved.
The second option is to reprogram the event information matrix of the Earth Crystal.
Sometimes only the first option is possible, sometimes only the second.
Through the Earth Crystal, it is possible to influence any material or biological object on Earth, from bacteria to a continent. Influence is possible through influence on the Personal Logic Matrix (PLM) of the object located in the Crystal. It is also necessary to localize the location of the object if it is different from the location of the workers. The influence is carried out through twelve-degree Pyramids, which are responsible for a specific place on the Earth’s surface.
It is obvious that a person’s perception of Reality would be impossible without his having a special apparatus - a brain or consciousness, or more precisely, a so-called additive implant in his brain. It is very important to realize that the REALITY OF A PERSON EXISTS ONLY IN HIS CONSCIOUSNESS! He himself creates and creates his Reality (its variable part). Whatever his attitude to Reality is, such is his Reality! “If you want to change the world, change your attitude towards it!” - says ancient wisdom.
Those Forces of the Cosmos, which literally stole 10 DNA helixes from a person and blocked up to 95% of his brain, made him an addict of three-dimensional Reality. The fact is that the cerebral (brain) additive implant releases special ethereal emanations, which, during the evolution of man on Earth, have developed in man the effect of “reality addiction” or dependence. If he stopped paying attention to time and space, they would cease to exist for him! Have you ever wondered if you can exist without time and space? The Forces of Darkness have tried their best: a person cannot live without his virtual, illusory reality, which he considers the Only and True Reality! Even a short stay in a confined space, without the ability to monitor the passage of time, causes disruption of the nervous system and further madness in people. Claustrophobia, by the way, is a “product” of the activity of a brain implant. The endocrine system of the human body synthesizes a special, as yet unknown to science, hormone for the perception of Reality - perceptin. It is perceptin that determines a person’s perception of three-dimensional physical Reality. Analogy with hallucionogens. The perception of Reality at the hormonal level is the subject of serious scientific research, since it is the result of the biochemical interaction of different glands of the body. The hypothalamus is responsible for hormonally ensuring a person’s perception of Reality, the thymus is responsible for the fact that a person thinks that he is aging. Everything was done to turn man from a creator into a slave.
From a certain point of view, one can consider the wear and tear of physical matter – aging – as a result of the action of “drag” or friction of time and space – i.e. Reality. The density of Reality, and, consequently, the wear and tear of biomatter is higher in large cities and points of maximum concentration of Reality density (see Fig. 2).
The human brain can rightfully be considered a “dream factory” - a generator of Reality, in which the source material is probabilistic information, and the final product is actualized Reality or life experience.
It has already been noted that Reality is formed from constant (obligatory) and variable components. Man is the carrier and creator of the variable part of Reality. His brain is a “reactor” for the production of variable Reality.
The cerebral-brain reactor is encoded to the electromagnetic operating frequency of the physical world. In people who develop spiritually, i.e. constantly increase the frequency of auric vibration, now, in the Transitional Time, the phenomenon of conflict of Realities can be observed. The result is a “revolutionary situation”: the “tops” (Higher Self) don’t want to live like this anymore, but the “bottoms” (physical body and consciousness) cannot. This is an extremely difficult test, it culminates in the birth of the Radiant body of the God-Man of the Sixth Race.
Due to our ignorance and lack of awareness of the true nature of our Reality, we have been controlled for a long time. When certain Forces needed a portion of the corresponding energy, some adjustments were simply made to the Reality program. As a visual illustration, we recommend that you pay attention to football fans during an exciting match or go to any Internet center and look at the crazy eyes of gamers playing computer games! Everything is the same as in our EVERYDAY life: REALITY IS VIRTUAL, THOUGHTS AND EMOTIONS ARE REAL! Thus, our brain is the most powerful programmable generator of ILLUSIONS! He who can control Reality can easily control and use a person! For a long time, this topic was taboo and the Dark Ones suppressed all attempts by humanity to learn the truth and their Divine nature. Of course, if a person realizes his Godlikeness and gains his sight, then the Dark Forces will lose control over humanity, and, consequently, will lose the source of their nutrition. This will be tantamount to their destruction. Therefore, the ongoing Armageddon is a battle between the Forces of Light and Darkness for their existence, as well as for control over the Earth.
Our Reality can also be likened to the fabric of a canvas: from a variety of different threads, the hand of the Logos selects strictly defined threads, connects them and creates a unique ornament. Likewise, earthly Reality is formed from numerous probabilistic Realities - threads - and after that acquires a certain karmic ornament.

The Earth Crystal is a multi-CD player that constantly works with discs – the consciousnesses of people. The constant (obligatory) components of Reality are transmitted to these disks. The maximum capacity of human matrices of the Earth Crystal Reality is 6.666.666.666. Biblical human number. This figure corresponds to the maximum population of planet Earth. A larger number of individual Reality capsules are simply not provided for in the RAM of the Earth Logos. And without Reality, as already noted, a person cannot live.

Physical interactive three-dimensional Reality spreads across the Earth according to the principle of a chain reaction, where its pixels (twelve-sided thin-material information crystals) successively transmit waves of Reality in a chain. They form the fabric of Reality - a crystalline lattice covering the entire surface of the Earth. The physical area of ​​Reality megacrystals is 12 square degrees. There are also crystals of larger and smaller sizes. Inside the crystals, 7 zones of compression of Reality are distinguishable, differing in the density of the reality flow. The closer to the center, the denser the Reality, the stronger the swamp of three-dimensional Reality holds a person. These are usually zones of karmic work. The base points of the crystal - the pyramids - are the places where the pixels of Reality are connected into a single mosaic. In these zones the density of Reality waves is minimal, from them you can easily go to other dimensions and Realities. Typically, various interdimensional Portals are located in such places.
Crystals (pyramids) Realities are fourfold. The four pyramids form a single crystal structure, in which each vertex is oriented to its own side of the world and serves as a conductor of a certain energy and element. Peaks oriented to the North and South transmit the energy of time, while those oriented to the West and East transmit the energy of space.
Reality can only exist in an interactive (interacting) mode with the obligatory presence of its consumer - the mind, no matter whether it is represented by a stone or a person. Existence is arranged in such a way that the mind, up to a certain evolutionary level, must be “secondary” in relation to Reality. Reality is still primary, i.e. First, an event occurs, and only after that does the mind react to it. Interactive physical three-dimensional Reality is, therefore, a provocative - causal factor that forces a person to react to it. Knowing how to control Reality, certain Forces of the Cosmos have been manipulating a person through his Reality for a long time, while achieving the goal of satisfying their energy needs. And these Forces feed on negative human mental and emotional emanations. This is very reminiscent of earthly experiments with mice: if they want to get pain, they apply electric current to a certain part of their brain; they want to evoke a feeling of pleasure - they influence another. At the same time, the mice emanate the necessary brain vibration.
The Four-Dimensional Radiant God-Man of the Sixth Race will be characterized by a fundamentally new evolutionary quality: the ability to create Reality (both variable and obligatory!). In the coming Kingdom of the Spirit, the vector of reality programming will change. If three-dimensional Reality is the cause of the Existence of three-dimensional consciousness, then in four-dimensionality man himself will be the cause of Reality!
In other words, the God-man of the New World will create and manage his Reality through his Consciousness and Heart, and not Reality will manage and dominate over him. Reality will submit and become secondary, and the consciousness of Man – the Creator – will be primary.
Currently, the Hierarchy of Darkness is making desperate attempts to prevent humanity from recognizing the Truth of its Reality.
The God-man of the Sixth Race will simultaneously consciously exist in several Realities. Technically, it will look like a stretch of the point of its assembly (manifestation) between the Third Center (Manipura) and the higher chakra centers. For this purpose, the Higher Forces of Light are currently actively using the “reality stretching” exercise for some people. Its essence lies in stretching the human assemblage point from Manipura to Anahata. With each stretching of the assemblage point, the latter acquires the characteristics of dimensional elasticity. Reaching the extended assemblage point of the Fourth (Heart) Center (i.e. simultaneously being in two chakra centers) will mean a person’s readiness for the Quantum Transition. This process is quite painful and painful for the physical body, mainly due to the resistance of consciousness and body cells. Therefore, the Teachers of Light, under whose control such operations are carried out, are extremely careful and prudent. Everything they do to us is necessary for our own good and salvation.
The difficulty of knowing the Truth and the real Reality also lies in the fact that each dimension of Existence is fenced off by a frequency barrier - a mirror. Every time a person tries to see the Higher Worlds, he sees a reflection of himself in the mirror! This dimensional mirror is also the boundary of the level of consciousness. To pass it and reach a higher level of the Universe, you need to SYNCHRONIZE YOUR AURIC VIBRATIONS WITH THE NATURAL FREQUENCY OF VIBRATIONS OF THE MIRROR! In general, the Universe is a nesting doll: multidimensional worlds are nested within each other and represent mirror spheres that reflect themselves.
A person will become the creator of Reality when he realizes its essence! His awareness of his Divine origin and purpose, meditation, prayer, astrological exits, celestology, in general, engaging in any spiritual and energetic practice, doing good and creating Love abstracts our brain from the shackles of a three-dimensional prison - an illusory physical programmable Reality. As a result, he stops consuming it or reduces the amount of consumption. At the same time, he becomes involved and begins to realize the True Reality of the Cosmos.
There is such a charade: “The surrounding reality is delirium caused by a lack of alcohol in the blood.” At first glance this seems like a joke. But, if you think about it more closely, this is not such a joke. After all, it is known that when drugs or alcohol are added to the body, its biochemical composition changes. As a result, a person, as it were, stretches, moves into another Reality, into another state of consciousness, and begins to exist simultaneously in two Realities. True, if he drinks too much, then he leaves our Reality completely. It’s not for nothing that they say that the sea is knee-deep for a drunk. Hidden strength and abilities awaken in a person, resistance to trauma increases, etc. This phenomenon remains to be fully investigated.

The information version of physical Reality is formed from information blocks (frames) coming from the worlds of probabilistic realities. There are at least as many worlds of probabilistic reality as there are thoughts emanating from humanity on Earth. Before a probabilistic reality generated by a person himself is designated as a “candidate” for physical implementation, it will undergo a thorough selection test. In general, strong, stable thought forms of humanity, for example collective ones, have a chance to be realized on Earth. Egregors play a direct role in the process of formation of Reality. Thus, from multi-billion dollar probabilities, 144,000 karmic versions are first selected, then, as actualization approaches, 12,000, then 144, then 49, 12, 7 and finally 3. The final decision on the choice of one - the only version of the Reality of Manifestation occurs in the Causal Hall of the Crystal Earth. Of course, ALL versions of probabilistic Reality EXIST, but only one is selected from them, which will become Reality for everyone!
At the moment when, as a result of karmic selection, only 13 versions of probabilistic realities remain, their collapse or encapsulation will occur. This should happen at a distance of three days from the point of actualization (manifestation) at the standard speed of Reality.
The situation can be likened to conception; Over the course of 9 months, the realities “mature”, during which they interact with each other. Preparation and selection is underway from one single version, which will become our manifested (actualized) Reality. But, as already noted, the Earth Crystal constantly selects block frames of probabilistic realities, which are destined to be realized in the physical manifested three-dimensional Reality.
However, this scheme only works under normal conditions. As the change of Races or Quantum Transition approaches, the phenomenon of collapsing the number of probabilistic realities is observed. Now in the thin sphere of the Earth there is a process of accelerated curtailment of processes associated with systems of probabilities. The zones of the Earth Crystal, in which the selection of probabilistic realities previously took place, are closing. This means that almost every human thought is now recorded directly in the karma-forming zone of his Personal Logoic Matrix. Now more than ever, it is important to monitor the purity of your thoughts and emotions!
Everything is moving towards a decisive moment when there will only be 12 possible versions of Reality, the number of which will constantly decrease. The Quantum Transition will occur when only 2 possible versions of Reality remain: either/or; Not really; life or death.


During the entire Fifth Race, everything related to the possibility of controlling Reality was taboo by the Masters of the Earth. Any attempts to get closer to understanding the mystery of the structure of the World were cruelly suppressed, because for the Black-Essences it meant a loss of control over the two-spiral three-dimensional people.
However, now the situation has changed dramatically. No one and nothing can anymore keep a person from getting closer to the Creator, realizing his Divine nature and Creative destiny. A person begins to see clearly, to see the previously invisible Subtle World, and to realize that he is the Son of God, and not a slave, as it has been explained to him for millennia.
In the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis, first the majority, and then only a select few could control the flows of Reality. Some of the most ancient creative techniques for creating (managing) Reality are becoming available to modern humanity.
Many probably remember the plot from the famous movie “The Matrix”, in which the main character dodges a bullet flying at him.
In general, there are several options for human behavior in such situations:
1. Slowing down the local time segment;
2. Stretching a local area of ​​space;
3. Real replacement (substitution).

These techniques can be used by people who can learn them to neutralize critical situations (avoiding road accidents, collisions of ships, aircraft, mitigating injuries, etc.) both in relation to themselves and in relation to others.
The technique of time dilation consists of a mental-volitional psychoenergetic impulse impact on the trajectory of an unwanted object, as a result of which its physical three-dimensional speed slows down to such a level that a person can easily dodge it. The essence of the spatial stretching technique is similar (increasing the length of an object’s trajectory, as a result of which its physical speed slows down).
The technique of reality substitution (substitution) is that, with a mental-volitional impulse of consciousness, a person momentarily pushes an unwanted object out of our physical three-dimensional reality into a parallel alternative reality. As a result of this, the phenomenon of automatic reverse displacement of an alternative reality into our reality, and ours into an alternative one, occurs. As a result of this manipulation, our bullet only hits the energy-informational phantom man in a probabilistic alternative reality. In this case, no harm is caused to the real person.
In life, it looks as if a translucent cloud with visually distinguishable convection currents of air (as from a heated object) is forming around the person at whom the bullet is flying. This is the result of energy-information exchange between realities: when one reality is replaced by another, heat is released on our physical plane and the air temperature locally increases. Everything is the same as in cases with poltergeists and ghosts.
Initiates of Lemuria and Atlantis also used the Cobra Capture technique. Its essence lies in the fact that their collective consciousness could burst into the flow of probabilistic realities with lightning speed immediately before they were read by the Earth Crystal (i.e., before its very implementation) and pull out unwanted block frames (information about events). As a result of such manipulation, the actualized (manifested physical) Reality could be adjusted as necessary. In this way, wars, mass deaths, natural disasters, etc. were prevented.


Initiated priests entered the Karmic (causal) level of the Earth Crystal in their Subtle bodies and forcibly implanted the information block of the version of the probabilistic Reality they needed immediately before scanning it with the reading diamond of the Crystal (i.e., actualizing the physical Reality). Unrealized reality was displaced into the worlds of probabilities. This method is also known as the borrowed reality method. As a result of its use, it was possible to prevent unwanted evolutionary events, such as waves and natural disasters. Sometimes the priests even succeeded in directly implanting the thought form they created into the Causal compartment of the Earth Crystal. In other words, they could create Reality!
But, unfortunately, over time they began to abuse their gift and violate the Laws of the Cosmos. The energies of Reality, one of which is known to us as psychic, began to be used for the evil of the world, as a result of which these civilizations were destroyed.

change from 11/19/2012


In many ways it's the film "Contact" was the most revealing film of all time thanks to the stunning realism achieved through the involvement of over 25 media reporters, including many of the most famous. Moreover, the film includes a speech from President Bill Clinton, transforming the film into a Disclosure-type trip through LSD into a hallucinogenic rabbit hole, into a parallel reality where the construction and use of alien portal technology is demonstrated in front of the entire world.

In an attempt to add a sense of reality to the events, the film features CNN news commentators. More than 25 news reporters from CNN appear in the film, and the programs "Larry King Live" and "Crossfire" are also included. News reports featuring Bill Clinton were digitally altered to make it appear that he was talking about alien contact. This was not originally planned in the film; Zemeskis invited Sidney Poitier to play the role of the president, but the actor turned down the role in favor of the film “The Jackal.”

Shortly after Poitier's refusal, in August 1996, Zemeskis saw NASA's announcement. The director explained: “Clinton gave a speech about finding life on Mars, and I swear to God, it seemed like it was written for this movie. When he said the phrase “We will continue to listen carefully to what this planet tells us.”, I just fell into a precipitate. I froze with my mouth wide open.”

Wilcock's signature 2012 Mystery spends a significant amount of time on how the film Contact was used to reveal highly classified technology, gradually preparing us for a full public Disclosure sometime in the future. The same film uses a lot of material derived from Daniel. Stephen Greer said that Sagan, of course, was a member of a high-level insider group working with UFOs known as the Majestic 12. This “leak” came to Greer from many insider sources. According to his sources, Majestic staff discovered an unfortunate error in Sagan's doctoral dissertation. Apparently it was enough to ruin Sagan's career and deprive him of his doctorate. And as so often happens in the insider world, this incriminating personal detail was used as leverage to force Sagan to keep his mouth shut.

However, the film "Contact" is overloaded with insider information. Most notably, the device, built from "downloaded" alien blueprints, turned out to be almost identical in appearance and operation to the highly classified "Mirror Project". The Mirror was first mentioned in the late 1990s, in Timothy Goode's book Alien Contact. Since 2000, Dan Burish has provided much more information.

The basic idea is this: The Mirror allows you to scan the future with what insiders call “99.999% accuracy.” In fact, one of them once said, “Why do you think no major world leader has been killed recently? Because now we are able to “edit” history if we see something we don’t like.”

Wilcock believes that there are highly advanced aliens capable of creating purely artificial timelines in order to outwit humans playing with time scanning technology. In biblical terms these would be Seraphim and Cherubim. In terms, these would be sixth density aliens responsible for “controlling and transforming the planet's population.”

In his book, Source Field Studies, Wilcock compiled everything he had learned about Mirror technology from various insiders. By the time he introduced the Mirror technology into the book, he was already promoting the sound science of landscape viewing, backed by hundreds of data points from credible, cutting-edge scientists.


All photons, electrons, neutrons, protons, subatomic particles, atoms and molecules between the “particle” state and the “wave” state. This simple observable phenomenon has baffled scientists since 1924, when de Broglie postulated that all matter has a wave aspect. He received the Nobel Prize in 1929 for this breakthrough. In 1925, Werner Heisenberg picked up the baton, and by 1927 he formulated the “uncertainty principle,” which is still revered almost as a religious dogma by modern scientists.

So, basically, the uncertainty principle states that in the quantum realm, everything is both a wave and a particle at the same time. You cannot solve a problem because it cannot be solved. The universe is built on uncertainty. This is the answer. But Wilcock never believed that everything worked this way, nor did he believe that the paradox was insoluble. In practical terms, over the last 85 years, scientists have learned that essentially all “solid” matter is constantly appearing and disappearing, materializing and dematerializing, it just happens too quickly for us to notice the difference.


New science in the book Source Field Studies says that when a “particle” becomes a “wave,” it propagates through time, existing in the past, present, and future simultaneously. Matter continuously fluctuates, moving in and out of this “parallel reality” in which time becomes three-dimensional.

If we can eliminate the “pressure” that is created by energetic forces within our three-dimensional world, matter will naturally move into a parallel reality - and stay there. If you build a machine that eliminates pressure, you can eliminate and restore pressure as needed. Therefore, you now have a “portal” or teleportation device.


The basic idea behind the Mirror device is this: three charged rings rotate around a simple container of water. A charge rotating at high speed creates a spherical electromagnetic screen through which nothing passes. This means that inside the water container you cannot receive any signals from any radio, cell phone, satellite or wireless internet.

The most interesting thing is that the “pressure” holding the water molecules in our physical reality is then released by this screen. In this case, water molecules naturally move into a parallel reality and remain in it, forming a “portal” between our world and the universe of three-dimensional time.

“The machine is a time accelerator. It works by creating a change in momentum or energy of matter inside a Schrödinger box. In fact, making a Schrödinger box is very easy. The core is a very strong shield of electromagnetism. The box is shielded from electricity. Inside there is a special container filled with warm water at room temperature - 35 o C. It does not conduct electricity, is not metal and must have a magnetic field close to or equal to zero. And finally, it should not be subject to sound vibration, and the entire machine should not move in any way. Any external pulsations will cause the device to stop working. The form of a machine is determined by its function, similar to how a similar problem is solved in the case of conventional machines, except that the core must survive into the future. If someone breaks it in the future, it stops working in the present. And in general, the older the machine, the better it works...”/Hove/


Although the phrase “the universe of three-dimensional time” sounds very strange, it is actually very familiar to us. Every night in our dreams we all go there. Ghosts are shadows of people moving in this parallel reality. Clairvoyants can study phenomena occurring in our space and time, using the “astral body” to travel through parallel reality.

And what's even better, every molecule of matter that exists in our reality has an exact counterpart in a parallel universe. Otherwise it could not exist, according to the new physics developed on the basis of these principles. This means that when you go to an alternate universe, everything around you looks pretty familiar, at least in a lot of ways. Right now this alternate universe is all around us. It is everywhere, but you cannot touch it with your physical body. Only with the mind.

Until you acquire exotic technology like the Mirror or a teleportation device. And even then, everyone will look similar. The only difference is this: where you look from determines what time you observe.


The spherical electromagnetic screen created in the Mirror also neutralizes the natural “rotating fields” within our gravitational field. It turns out that these “gravitational-rotating” waves, as the Russian scientist Terletsky calls them, or “torsion fields” are the secret of space, time, matter, energy, biological life and consciousness.

Wilcock coined the term “Source Field” as a single phrase that adequately described the spirit and impact of these exciting new scientific breakthroughs. As the book says, Gravity is the Source Field. The Source Field is Gravity. That's how simple it is. Gravity has been woefully underestimated, thanks in part to the suppression of science by secret government programs.


One of the strangest things discovered by new science is time is controlled by gravity. Gravity is the energy that creates matter, and it is the gravitational flow that determines the rate at which time passes in a given object or place. If you are able to neutralize the rotating fields in gravity, or shield gravity completely, you release the pressure that holds matter in a particle state.

Then all the matter inside this region shifts from the particle state to the wave state, and remains there. As far as we sense, the object becomes invisible. Once you create such a “null zone” in our gravitational field, you automatically open a direct portal allowing you to travel to a parallel universe. Along with this, a potential “lift” is created, which can be used as

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