How can you read quickly and remember everything? Games for learning letters. Speed ​​reading techniques of famous people

Back in 1998, Princeton University hosted a seminar “Project PX” dedicated to high speed reading. This post is an excerpt from that seminar, taken from this article, and personal experience speed up reading.

So, “Project PX” is a three-hour cognitive experiment that allows you to increase your reading speed by 386%. The experiment was carried out on people speaking five languages, and even those suffering from dyslexia were trained to read up to 3,000 words of technical text per minute, 10 pages of text. Page in 6 seconds.

For comparison, the average reading speed in the United States is between 200 and 300 words per minute. We, due to the peculiarities of the language, have from 120 to 180 words per minute. And you can easily increase your numbers to 700-900 words per minute.

All you need is to understand the principles by which human vision works, where time is wasted during the reading process, and how to stop wasting it. When we look at the mistakes and practice not making them, you will read several times faster, not mindlessly skimming, but perceiving and remembering all the information you read.

Are you ready to start the experiment? Then let's begin.

You will need:

  • book of at least 200 pages;
  • pen or pencil;
  • timer.

The book should lie in front of you without closing (press down the pages if it tries to close without support).

You will need at least 20 minutes for one exercise session. Make sure that no one distracts you during this time.

And before we jump straight into the exercises, here are some quick tips on how to increase your reading speed.

Make as few stops as possible when reading a line of text.

When we read, our eyes move across the text not smoothly, but in jumps. Each such jump ends with fixation of attention on part of the text or stopping the gaze on an area of ​​​​about a quarter of the page, as if you were taking a photograph of this part of the sheet.

Each eye stop on the text lasts from 1/4 to 1/2 second.

To feel this, close one eye and lightly press the eyelid with your fingertip, and with the other eye try to slowly glide along a line of text. The jumps become even more obvious if you slide not along the letters, but simply along a straight horizontal line:

Well, do you feel the jumps?

Try to go back through the text as little as possible

A person who reads at an average pace often goes back to reread a missed point. This can happen consciously or unconsciously. In the latter case, the subconscious itself returns the eyes to the place in the text where concentration was lost.

On average, up to 30% of the time is spent consciously and unconsciously going back through the text.

Train your concentration to increase the coverage of words read in one stop

People with average speed reading uses central focus rather than horizontal peripheral vision. Due to this, they perceive half as many words in one visual leap.

Train skills individually

The exercises are different from each other, and you don't need to try to combine them into one. For example, if you are training your reading speed, don't worry about understanding the text. You will progress through three stages: learning the technique, applying the technique to increase speed, and reading with understanding.

The main rule is to practice your technique at three times your desired reading speed. For example, if your reading speed is currently around 150 words per minute, and you want to read 300 words per minute, you need to train to read 900 words per minute.

Step One: Determining Initial Reading Speed

First, we count how many words fit in five lines of text, divide this number by five and round. I counted 40 words in five lines: 40: 5 = 8 - an average of eight words per line.

And lastly: we count how many words fit on the page. To do this, multiply the average number of lines by the average number of words per line: 39 ⋅ 8 = 312.

Now is the time to find out your reading speed. Set the timer for 1 minute and read the text, calmly and slowly, as you usually do.

How much did you get? I have a little more than a page - 328 words.

Step two: landmark and speed

As I wrote above, returning through the text and stopping the gaze takes a lot of time. But you can very well reduce them by using a tool to track your focus.

A pen, pencil, or even your finger will serve as such a tool. After all, when counting words and lines, you probably used a pencil or finger, which helped you not to lose count? We will use it for training.

1. Technique (2 minutes)

Practice using a pen or pencil to maintain focus. Smoothly move your pencil under the line you are reading. this moment, and concentrate on the place where the tip of the pencil is now.

Set the pace with the tip of a pencil and follow it with your eyes, keeping up with stops and returns through the text. And don't worry about understanding the text, because this is an exercise to develop speed, not comprehension.

Try to complete each line in 1 second and increase your speed with each page.

Do not stay on one line for more than 1 second under any circumstances, even if you do not understand what the text is about.

With this technique, I was able to read 936 words in 2 minutes, which means 460 words per minute. Interestingly, when you follow with a pen or pencil, it seems that your vision is ahead of the pencil, and you read faster. And when you try to remove it, your vision immediately seems to disperse across the page, as if the focus was released and it began to float across the entire sheet.

2. Speed ​​(3 minutes)

Repeat the technique with the tracker, but take no more than half a second to read each line (read two lines of text in the time it takes to say “twenty-two”).

Most likely, you will not understand anything at all from what you read, but that doesn’t matter. Now you are training your perceptual reflexes, and these exercises help you adapt to the system. Do not reduce speed for 3 minutes. Concentrate on the tip of your pen and the technique of increasing speed.

In 3 minutes of such a frantic race, I read five pages and 14 lines, an average of 586 words per minute. The most difficult thing in this exercise is not to slow down the speed of the pencil. This is a real block: you have been reading all your life to understand what you read, and it is not so easy to give up on it.

Thoughts cling to the lines in an effort to return to understand what it is about, and the pencil also begins to slow down. It is also difficult to maintain concentration on such useless reading, the brain gives up and thoughts fly away, which also affects the speed of the pencil.

Step three: expanding the area of ​​perception

When you concentrate your gaze on the center of the monitor, you still see its extreme areas. It’s the same with text: you concentrate on one word, but see several words surrounding it.

So, the more words you learn to see in this way using your peripheral vision, the faster you will be able to read. The expanded viewing area allows you to increase reading speed by 300%.

Beginners with normal reading speed spend their peripheral vision on the margins, that is, they run their eyes over the letters of absolutely all the words of the text, from the first to the last. In this case, peripheral vision is wasted on empty fields, and the reader loses from 25 to 50% of the time.

A pumped up reader will not “read the fields”. He will skim only a few words from a sentence, and see the rest in his peripheral vision. In the illustration below you see an approximate picture of the concentration of vision of an experienced reader: words in the center are read, and vague ones are marked by peripheral vision.

Here's an example. Read this sentence:

One day the students were enjoying reading for four hours straight.

1. Technique (1 minute)

Use a pencil to read as quickly as possible, starting with the first word of the line and ending with the last word in the line. That is, there is no expansion of the area of ​​perception yet - just repeat exercise No. 1, but spend no more than 1 second on each line. Under no circumstances should one line take more than 1 second.

2. Technique (1 minute)

Continue to pace your reading with a pen or pencil, but start reading with the second word in the line and end reading the line two words before the end.

3. Speed ​​(3 minutes)

Start reading at the third word on the line and finish three words before the end, while moving your pencil at a rate of one line per half second (two lines in the time it takes to say “twenty-two”).

If you don't understand a single line of what you read, that's okay. Now you are training your reflexes of perception, and there is no need to worry about understanding. Concentrate on the exercise as hard as you can and don't let your mind wander away from the uninteresting activity.

Step Four: Test Your New Speed

Now it's time to test your new reading speed. Set a timer for 1 minute and read on maximum speed, in which you continue to understand the text. I got 720 words per minute - twice as fast as before starting classes using this method.

These are cool indicators, but they are not surprising, because you yourself begin to notice how the scope of words has expanded. You don’t waste time on fields, you don’t go back through the text, and the speed increases significantly.

If you tried this technique right now, share your success in the comments. How many words per minute did you get before and after?

“I just sit in my office and read books,” is how one of the most successful and influential businessmen, Warren Buffett, describes his everyday day. He just sits and reads. And he advises everyone to adhere to this simple and straightforward routine.

Agree, this is quite good habit. But not everyone knows how to instill this habit in themselves and not just read books, but extract everything useful and valuable from them. If you manage to read several books a month and are content with short-term insights, but do not apply anything you read, consider that you are simply wasting your time.

How to read more and have time to comprehend everything you read, remember and apply it in life is a subject of debate among many researchers. Each of them considers it their duty to offer their own unique methodology that will help you become more perfect in this matter. However, they all agree on one thing - reading books opens up many opportunities for people to grow and achieve success.

We will tell you about the most interesting methods of reading books in this article. But first we want to cover some basics.

How fast do you read?

One of the most obvious answers to the question “How to have time to read more?” - learn to read faster. The topic of speed reading is so popular that some companies (like Staples, for example) use it in their marketing campaign. By the way, the aforementioned Staples, to promote e-books, developed and implemented technology that allows you to determine your reading speed. Unfortunately, there are no texts for Russian-speaking audiences.

But Staples doesn't just provide such a widget to site visitors: the company collects and analyzes the data it receives. According to these data, 300 words per minute is the average for an adult. You can see more results below:

Average reading speed by group: students primary school, 8-9 years old (Third-grade students) - 150 words per minute; students high school, 13-14 years old (Eight grade students) - 250 words; college and university students - 450 cl; top managers - 575 words; university professor - 675 words; master of speed reading - 1500 words.

However, will speed reading help you read more? Is this the right path and is it justified? Not always. In the process of reading books, the most important thing is to understand what you read. It's no secret that people who deftly manage one and a half thousand words per minute, in fact, remember little from the text, comprehending practically nothing. So if your reading speed is average, don't worry. Gradually increase speed, but without compromising understanding. Only in this case will you be able to find the right path to having time to read more.

How much do you read?

Some people read quickly, while others read a lot. You will be surprised, but not all people are trying to save time on their favorite activity. In this case, speed reading is not an option at all. In fact, in this situation the question “How to read a lot?” disappears by itself: if a person loves to read, he will devote a lot of time to it.

According to a study by the analytical company The Pew Research Center, adults in the United States read an average of 17 books per year. How many books do you usually read in a year?

The key word here is "average". There are people who read much more than 17 books a year. There are also those who do not read them at all (19% of them, and according to the latest data for 2013, 28% of Americans). What does it mean? This means that if you start reading more, you will be head and shoulders above one third of the US population.

5 techniques that will allow you to read more books, blogs, articles

1. Speed ​​Reading: The Amazing Technique of Tim Ferriss.

His method consists of 2 techniques:

  1. Draw a pen or pencil along each line you read, just as children do when they are learning to read.
  2. Start reading each new line from at least the third word, and try to catch the first two words with your peripheral vision. Move to the next line at least three words before the end of the line itself.

Ferriss calls this technique perceptual expansion:

“Untrained readers spend up to half of their peripheral vision reading... margins. If you read lines from beginning to end, you will waste about 25-50% of your time.”

How do our eyes see?

You may have already heard that to improve your reading speed you need to use your peripheral vision. Rapid eye movements, so-called saccades (fast, strictly coordinated eye movements that occur simultaneously and in the same direction), occur constantly while we read (from the margin to the beginning of a new line, for example). Minimizing these jumps is a sure way to increase your reading speed.

Conclusion: Using your peripheral vision will help you improve your reading speed. You won't achieve record-breaking changes in speed, but you will definitely start reading faster.

2. New Spritz and Blinkist techniques

Spritz and Blinkist are two completely new unique techniques, which will help you read not only faster, but also less.

As mentioned above, when reading, a lot of time is spent moving the eyes. Spritz technology eliminates this completely.

How it works? You simply look at a small rectangle on the screen of your laptop or smartphone, in which words from the text are displayed one after another. In each word, one letter is highlighted in red: this makes it easier for the eyes to concentrate on the center of the word.

There is a special bookmarklet called OpenSpritz, which allows you to read any text you find on the Internet in this way. Below is an example of one such text, which is read at a speed of 600 words per minute.

On home page Spzirtz app you can try this technology at different speeds and different languages(including in Russian).

In addition to the revolutionary, in our opinion, Spritz technology, there is another one called Blankist. Instead of helping you read faster, Blankist only suggests reading the most important. The program splits texts into digestible parts. Each of them contains a key idea that you can read in just a couple of minutes.

3. Don't watch TV or get carried away with shopping

Shane says there are no secrets to this success. The average American spends the time he devotes to reading watching TV (35 hours a week), some kind of interactive entertainment, and shopping (at least an hour a week). Shane eliminated all these unnecessary activities from his life and used the saved time to read. In total, he reads 43 hours more per week than the average American.

4. Buy an e-reader

According to a study by The Pew Research Center, those people who use e-books, on average, they read about 24 books per year, while people without this device only manage 15. Question: do you want to read 9 more books a year than usual? If yes, then buy an e-reader. It is light and convenient, and you can devote any free minute to reading. Needless to say, in this situation you will read much more?

5. Read more, but don't read everything.

For some, this advice may seem completely illogical, but it is taken from an equally illogical book.

The book “How to Talk About Books You Haven’t Read?”

This book was written by Pierre Bayard, a professor at the University of Paris. In it, he says that people usually divide all books into those that they have read and those that they have not read:

  • books we have read;
  • books we reviewed;
  • books we've heard about;
  • books we forgot about;
  • books that have never been opened.

Who knows: maybe in order to be able to read more, you just need to look at the reading process a little differently. Obviously, the professor classifies those books that fall into the first 3 categories as read. Will this help you? Give it a try. But, to be honest, we doubt it a little.

3 effective ways remember what you read

To learn how to better assimilate what you read and retain information for many years, you need to understand the specifics of how our memory works. To do this, remember 3 key words:

  • impression;
  • associations;
  • repetition.

Let's say you read Dale Carnegie's book “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” You really enjoyed the book and want to remember as much as possible.

What should be done? Work on three levels.

Impression. You will remember much more if you emotionally work through the book. For example, you can play out some chapters in your imagination, try to feel the emotions that the author is trying to convey or is talking about. Imagine yourself as the main character of the chapters you read. You must create and manage your experiences. Thanks to them, you will be able to retain most of the information in your memory. If visual images do not help, then try reading chapters you particularly like out loud. Make the book make you feel.

Associations. The association method is known to many, but it cannot be ignored on our list, since it is characterized by record-breaking efficiency. Its essence is simple: you connect the meaning of what you read with something that is already familiar to you, and relate it to each other. In addition to the fact that this method will allow you to remember the texts better and more clearly, you will also understand them better. The rule works: it’s easier to explain something new if you compare it with something familiar.

Repetition. Repetition is the mother of learning. And that's it. The more often you return to the books you liked the most, the better you will retain them in your memory.

4 reading levels

Mortimer Adler, philosopher and author of How to Read a Book, identifies 4 levels of reading:

  1. Elementary.
  2. Inspection.
  3. Analytical.
  4. Thematic.

Each level builds on the previous one. The elementary level is taught to you in school. The inspection level is, in fact, a superficial acquaintance with a book or article, the same as “skimming.”

The most painstaking work happens at the last two levels. The analytical level involves a more thorough familiarity with the material. You literally read the book from cover to cover. During analytical reading you will have to go through 4 stages:

  1. Classify the book by subject.
  2. Briefly state what the book is about.
  3. List the main chapters and make connections between them. Describe each of these parts. Expand her role throughout the book.
  4. Identify the problem or problems the author addresses in the book. Describe them.

Finally, thematic reading requires you to read several books on the same topic and analyze each of them in relation to the other: compare, contrast, evaluate.

As you master these 4 reading levels, you will also develop the 3 memorization techniques discussed above. By dissecting the book into parts (at the analytical and thematic levels), you will consolidate in your memory the impressions you received from it. A thoughtful analysis of works on similar topics will help you better understand the material and remember it for many years.

Take notes!

Here's a little tip: take notes.

Write in the margins. Leave bookmarks. After reading the book, write a short review. Then you can return to your notes and notes and refresh your memory of the most important points from what you read.

The importance of notes and bookmarks is emphasized by Shane Parrish, already mentioned:

“After I finish a book, I put it away for a few weeks. Then I go back to it, study all the bookmarks and notes I made, re-read the chapters that I marked as important. I do this with all books without exception.”


Remember the main rule: books cannot be read, books must be studied. You should see books as an investment in your own education, and therefore in your own success. The craze for techniques that allow us to increase reading speed, which we can see today, at first glance seems to be life-saving, but they will be of no use if what you read is not comprehended and used. Learn to read correctly and you will definitely achieve excellent results.

Good luck and high conversions!

Many people love to read, and there are people who need to read something quickly and remember it. Some people can read quickly, but do not remember anything they read. Others remember everything but are slow readers. In this article you will learn how to combine fast reading with memorization.

What you need to do to read a book faster

1. Do not whisper words when reading.

2. With your eyes, follow the page not from left to right, but from top to bottom.

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3. Read several words at once, not 1 or 2.

4. Don't go back to what you read.

5. Train your peripheral vision.

6. Use it not only when reading books, but also on the street.

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7. Workouts should last longer than half an hour.

8. Read without regression, in other words, don't let your eyes go back.

9. Use the principle of the integral algorithm when reading. During integral reading, the algorithm has seven blocks:

  • Author.
  • Data.
  • Problem.
  • Factual information.
  • Features of the material.
  • Criticism.
  • Novelty.

The blocks of the algorithm should be remembered.

10. Must be able to extract keywords and build semantic series based on them.

11. Eliminate articulation and inner speech when reading. To do this, do the following exercise:

It is a push-pull tap with 4 strikes first and two later, and an increase in strike force on the initial element of each tap. It is enough to read for twenty hours with this exercise to mature new program functioning of the brain, which ensures the processing of information that comes through the visual channel.

12. For the development of the peripheral system, the Schultz table should be used. This is a square divided into 25 cells, 20x20 cm and numbers up to 25, written in the cells in a certain order. Eight such tables are created, in each the numbers should be scattered differently and your task is to quickly find all the numbers from 1 to 25 in an extremely short time.

13. Master reading vertically, fixing key words and semantic sequences using the “storming method”. Choose small books, draw vertical lines on their pages and read them so that you learn to fit 15 seconds per page without losing the meaning of what you read.

Self-hypnosis when reading quickly

  • When reading without regression - “I can cope, I read quickly”
  • When reading using the integral algorithm method - “I manage to read quickly, I remember all seven blocks of the algorithm (quote the contents of all blocks). I find the key words."
  • When articulation is suppressed - “I can read quickly, I suppress articulation, I remember the rhythm that suppresses it.”
  • Peripheral reading – “I read very quickly. I have a wonderful memory. Everything is remembered by itself without effort.”

Video lessons

When you look at the text for many hours, and a little later there is nothing or some scraps of knowledge left in your head, it is demotivating. After a bad experience, many people decide that studying is simply not for them, and next time there is no point in straining themselves. But if nature has deprived you of an excellent memory, then you can and should learn to remember.

How to better remember what you read

Memory, almost like muscles, needs training and development. The whole process can be divided into five stages.

Reading Comprehension

To remember a text or topic, you first need to understand the meaning of what you read. If you don't understand the topic you're studying, even dozens of hours of looking at long rows of letters or numbers won't improve anything. At best, you can learn something by heart, like a poem, but then everything will quickly fly out of your head. It helps to listen to a third person explain the material again. It is advisable that the main terms be supported by images, graphs or diagrams.

Reading aloud

When it’s already clear to you what it’s about we're talking about Basically, start reading out loud. Read everything several times slowly and with expression. Read more interesting or key passages with a different intonation or strength. Thanks to this, you will retain part of the knowledge in your memory not only in written form, but also in audio form.
Don’t try to remember everything at once; learn in meaningful chunks.

Note down key passages

Rewrite the materials in their entirety, or take notes on key passages. It is best to write it down rather than type it on the computer. The fact is that what is written by hand is remembered better. It is also important not to write a continuous block of text, but to try to make everything visually attractive. Alternate letter sizes and use colors and underlining in key passages. In this case, you can use various illustrations or diagrams.

Try to reproduce all new knowledge in your memory

New knowledge needs to be reproduced in memory at least several times in order for it to be permanently consolidated. When you have read, rewritten and shortened everything, after a short pause, try to remember everything systematically. That is, recite everything from beginning to end. If you get stuck somewhere, try to remember the sound or visual image you created while repeating. If you can't remember, pause for a minute or two. Drink coffee or tea, walk around the room, switch to something else for a short time.

Remember a sound or visual image

Then try to reproduce in your memory everything that accompanied you while studying, that is, sounds, images, etc. Paradoxically, even distracting moments during memorization help - a phone call, noise on the street. If this doesn’t help, try to remember at least the abbreviated content. Then pause for 15-30 minutes, after which read the rewritten text again, or at least the part on which you are stuck. After half an hour, check again whether you remember everything without errors or gaps. Depending on how much time you have left, repeat the process the next day or a couple of hours later.

Tricks to help you remember material

It helps if it doesn't work at all foreign language or formulas.
Write down words and phrases on pieces of paper and hang them throughout the apartment. Constantly bumping into them, you will remember them involuntarily.

2. Use gadgets

While repeating out loud the material you need to remember, turn on the microphone. Then you can turn on the recording and listen to it in transport, while jogging or while cooking dinner.

3. Movement helps you remember.

Psychiatrists say that physical activity activates the brain. It’s not for nothing that many scientists and writers dictated their immortal works while circling the room. Try walking around the room while listening to the text.

4. Study in your sleep

There is a belief among students that if you put a book under your pillow at night, the material will be remembered by itself. There is some truth in this, although before you put a textbook under your pillow, you need to read it. Reading immediately before going to bed and immediately after waking up is remembered better.

5. Don't read while eating

Never read anything you need to remember while eating. Give your brain a break and enjoy your food. Taking a break will help you concentrate better on your studies after eating.

6 Everything is individual

Every person is an individual. Memorization processes occur differently for everyone. Try different methods and you will definitely find your fail-safe method!

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Time is one of the most valuable resources in modern society. That’s why you want to do a lot as soon as possible in order to save it. This includes the need to accelerate the pace of education. How to learn to read quickly and is it possible? Of course yes. At the same time, the age and initial skills of students do not play a big role. But don’t think that there is some trick that, if you learn, you will be able to devour books in minutes. Learning to speed read is a whole set of exercises and techniques, by practicing which you can significantly reduce the time it takes to process printed information.

How to learn to read quickly: exercises and techniques

  1. If you pronounce words out loud while reading, the speed of learning the material decreases noticeably. After all, it’s one thing to skim a line with your eyes, and quite another to perform a series of articulatory manipulations in order to reproduce what you read. Therefore, the first thing to consider is to refuse is to refuse to pronounce words. Including to myself. After all, this also happens often. So, there is no need to reproduce the words. To wean yourself from this, you can, for example, put your finger on your lips and make sure they remain motionless. You can also moo or make some monotonous sound. This way, at first, you will be able to occupy your speech apparatus with something. And later this may no longer be necessary.
  2. When young children learn to read, they love move your finger along the line from letter to letter. It's easier to concentrate this way. Why not use the same technique, because learning to read faster will become easier. It is enough just to gradually speed up the movement of your finger and your gaze will move faster each time. This means your reading speed will increase.
  3. In order to make running along the lines even faster, you need to try develop peripheral vision. This will allow you to stop your gaze two or three words before the end of the line and move on to the next one. And also right away on the third or fourth word. This way, time will not be wasted “going through” empty fields. To improve peripheral vision, you can practice with the Schulte table and the like. How to learn to read quickly using various gadgets? There are electronic applications that show each word one by one at high speed. This eliminates the need to waste time moving your eyes. Ideally, you should not move your gaze along the line at all, but look at the page and see a large piece of text at once, perceive it as if taking a photograph. This will require much more practice, but such a skill will significantly save time spent on reading.
  4. To learn how to read as quickly as possible, you should start perceive not each word separately, but whole phrases, if the words in them form something unified in meaning. Let's say “pits in a plum.” You can “see” only nouns, but the brain will add the preposition on its own.
  5. Most likely, the question of how to learn to read faster arises because you need to quickly assimilate a significant amount of information, and not for the sake of special performance in scribbling. If so, the following advice will also help. The fact is that not all information in the text (unless it is a loan agreement, for example) requires mandatory reading. Therefore, some lines, paragraphs and even chapters can sometimes be safely skipped. This will increase the speed of reading a particular book.
  6. Takes a lot of time rereading. You have to turn to him if you didn’t manage to master the material the first time. To avoid this, you need to focus on reading and at the same time draw images in your imagination, creating a complete picture brick by brick. If everything is done correctly, then the absence of one or two building blocks will not have much meaning and there will be no need to reread.
  7. Ideal silence or monotonous low sounds - Better conditions for mental work. Because learning to read faster is not so easy, it is better to comply with these conditions. Good lighting will also allow you to see more in a book, literally.
  8. In order not to waste time reading unnecessary and unimportant material, you can highlight only key words from it. It is also suggested to read the beginning and last sentence of the paragraph, as well as headings and subheadings. If the book is large, the topic is familiar, and there is no time to study the Talmud, then it is quite possible to limit yourself to the introduction and conclusion. As a rule, the most important thoughts are concentrated in these sections.
  9. To monitor your results, you can measure the number of words you read per minute every day. It is important to exercise daily. Don't expect results too quickly. But if you really try and study like a diligent student, then over time you will understand that you have succeeded in learning to read faster.
  10. You should not start training with complex tests . It’s better to take something already familiar, without intricate and incomprehensible terms or thoughts. And then gradually take on more difficult tasks. And it is also important to treat reading not as a boring and obligatory activity, but as a way to obtain valuable information.

If everything doesn’t work out right away, you shouldn’t despair, because learning to read quickly may not be possible right away. But once this skill is mastered, you can devote much more time to your favorite activities. For example, reading interesting books.

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