Qualitative relative possessive categories. “Divisions of adjectives by meaning. Relative adjectives. Observation of language material

Adjective - is an independent significant part of speech, combining words that

1) indicate the attribute of an object and answer questions which one?, whose?;

2) they change according to gender, number and cases, and some - according to completeness/brevity and degrees of comparison;

3) in a sentence they are definitions or the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate.

Classes of adjectives by meaning

There are three categories of adjectives based on meaning:qualitative, relative, possessive.

Quality adjectives denote quality, property of an object: its size (small ), shape (round ), color (white ), physical characteristics (warm ) , as well as the propensity of the subject to perform an action (barbed ).

Relative adjectives denote the attribute of an object through the relationship of this object to another object (book ), action (reading ) or other sign (yesterday's ). Relative adjectives are formed from nouns, verbs and adverbs; The most common suffixes for relative adjectives are the suffixes -n - ( forest ), - ov - ( hedgehog ), - in - ( poplar-in-y ), - sk - ( warehouse ), - l - ( fluent ).

Possessives adjectives denote that an object belongs to a person or animal and are formed from nouns by suffixes -in - ( mom-in ), - ov - ( fathers ), - th - ( fox ). These suffixes come at the end of the adjective stem (cf. possessive adjectivefathers and relative adjectivepaternal ).

Quality adjectives differ from relative and possessive adjectives at all linguistic levels:

1) only qualitative adjectives denote a characteristic that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent;

2) qualitative adjectives can have antonyms (quiet - loud );

3) only qualitative adjectives can be non-derivative, relative and possessive are always derived from nouns, adjectives, verbs;

4) qualitative adjectives form nouns with the meaning of an abstract attribute (strictness ) and adverbs starting with -o (strictly ), as well as adjectives with a subjective assessment suffix (blue, angry) ;

5) only qualitative adjectives have a full/short form and degrees of comparison;

6) qualitative adjectives are combined with adverbs of measure and degree (Very funny ).

Declension of adjectives

Adjectives of all categories have inconstant gender markers (in singular), number and case in which they agree with the noun. Adjectives also agree with the noun in animation if the noun is in the V. p form. plural, and for the masculine gender - and singular (cf.: I seebeautiful shoes and I see beautiful girls ).

Changing an adjective by gender, number and case is called declension of adjectives.

Qualitative adjectives in short form do not decline (expressions on bare feet, in broad daylight, are phraseological and do not reflect current state language), as well as qualitative adjectives, standing in a simple comparative and a composite built on its basis superlatives(above, above all).

In Russian there areindeclinable adjectives , which mean:

1) colors:beige , khaki , Marengo , electrician ;

2) nationalities and languages:Khanty , Mansi , Urdu ;

3) clothing styles:pleated , corrugation , bell-bottom , mini .

Fixed adjectives are also words (weight)gross , net , (hour)peak .

Their grammatical features are their invariability, adjoining to a noun, location after, and not before, the noun. The immutability of these adjectives is their constant feature.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Qualitative adjectives have an inconsistent morphological feature of degrees of comparison.

School grammar indicates that there are two degrees of comparison -comparative and superlative .

Comparative degree of the adjective indicates that the characteristic is manifested to a greater/lesser extent in a given object compared to another object (Vanya is taller than Kolya; This river is deeper than the other ) or the same item in other circumstances (Vanya is taller than he was last year; The river is deeper in this place than in that one ).

There is a comparative degreesimple and compound .

Simple comparative degree denotes a greater degree of manifestation of a characteristic and is formed from the base of adjectives with the help of suffixes -her(s), -e, -she/-same ( faster, higher, earlier, deeper ).

The simple form of the comparative degree of some adjectives is formed from another stem:pl O hoy - worse , good - better .

Sometimes, when forming a simple comparative degree, a prefix can be addedBy- ( newer ) .

The morphological features of the simple comparative degree are uncharacteristic of an adjective. This:

1) immutability,

2) the ability to control a noun,

3) use primarily as a predicate (He is taller than his father ). A simple comparative degree can occupy a position of definition only in a separate position (Much taller than the other students, he seemed almost an adult ) or in a non-isolated position with the prefix po- in the position after the noun (Buy me some fresh newspapers ).

Compound comparative degree denotes both a greater and lesser degree of manifestation of a characteristic and is formed as follows:

element more/less + adjective (more / less high ).

The difference between a compound comparative degree and a simple one is as follows:

1) the compound comparative degree is broader in meaning, since it denotes not only a greater, but also a lesser degree of manifestation of a characteristic;

2) the compound comparative degree changes in the same way as the positive degree of comparison (original form), i.e. according to gender, number and cases, and can also be in a short form (more handsome );

3) a compound comparative degree can be either a predicate or a non-isolated and isolated definition (Less interesting article was presented V this magazine . This article is less interesting than the previous one. )

Excellent the degree of comparison indicates the greatest/smallest degree of manifestation of the trait (the highest mountain) or a very large/small degree of manifestation of the trait (the kindest person).

The superlative degree of comparison, like the comparative, can be simple or compound.

Simple superlative adjective comparison denotes the greatest degree of manifestation of a characteristic and is formed from the base of the adjective with the help of suffixes -eish- / -aysh- (after k, r, x, causing alternation):kind-eysh-y, high-yish-yy.

When forming a simple superlative degree of comparison, the prefix can be usednai -: kindest .

The morphological features of the simple superlative degree of comparison of adjectives are the same as those of the adjective, i.e., variability by gender, number, case, use of the attribute and predicate in the syntactic function. The simple superlative degree of comparison of an adjective does not have a short form.

Compound superlative adjectives denotes both the greatest and the least degree of manifestation of a characteristic and is formed in three ways:

1) adding a wordmost the cleverest );

2) adding a wordmost/least to the initial form of the adjective (most/least smart );

3) adding a wordeveryone orTotal to the comparative degree (He was smarter than everyone ).

The forms of the compound superlative degree, formed in the first and second ways, have morphological features characteristic of adjectives, i.e. they change by gender, number and case, and can have a short form (most convenient ), act both as a definition and as a nominal part of the predicate. Forms of the compound superlative degree, formed in the third way, are unchangeable and act primarily as the nominal part of the predicate.

Not all qualitative adjectives have forms of degrees of comparison, and the absence simple shapes degrees of comparison are observed more often than the absence of compound forms.

Completeness/brevity of adjectives

Qualitative adjectives have a full and a short form.

The short form is formed by adding positive degree endings to the stem: null ending for the masculine gender, -A for women, -O / -e for average, -s / -And for plural (deep , deepA , deepO , deepAnd ) .

A short form cannot be formed from qualitative adjectives that:

1) have suffixes characteristic of relative adjectives -sk-, -ov-/-ev-, -n- : brown , coffee , brotherly ;

2) indicate the colors of animals:brown , black ;

3) have suffixes of subjective assessment:tall , blue .

The short form has grammatical differences from the full form: it does not change by case, in a sentence it acts primarily as a nominal part of the predicate; the short form acts as a definition only in a separate syntactic position (Angry at the whole world, he almost stopped leaving the house).

In the position of the predicate, the meaning of the full and short forms usually coincides, but for some adjectives the following semantic differences are possible between them:

1) the short form denotes excessive manifestation of a trait with a negative assessment, cf..: skirt short - skirt short ;

2) the short form denotes a temporary sign, the long form - permanent, cf.:child is ill - child sick .

There are such qualitative adjectives that have only a short form:glad , much , must .

Transition of adjectives from category to category

It is possible for an adjective to have several meanings belonging to different categories. In school grammar this is called “the transition of an adjective from category to category.” Thus, a relative adjective can develop a meaning characteristic of qualitative ones (for example:iron detail (relative) -iron will (qual.) - metaphorical transfer). Possessives may have meanings characteristic of relative and qualitative (for example:Foxy burrow (possessive)- fox a cap (relative) -fox habits (quality).

Morphological analysis of the adjective

Morphological analysis of the adjective is carried out according to the following plan:

I. Part of speech. General value. Initial form (nominative singular masculine).

II. Morphological characteristics.
1. Constant signs: rank by meaning (qualitative, relative or possessive) 2. Variable signs: 1) for qualitative adjectives: a) degree of comparison (comparative, superlative), b) full or short form; 2) for all adjectives: a) case, b) number, c) gender
III. Syntactic role.

An example of morphological analysis of an adjective.

And indeed, she was beautiful: tall, thin, black eyes, like those of a mountain chamois, and looked into your soul (M. Yu. Lermontov).

1. Good (what?) - adjective,

initial form- good.

    2. Constant signs: high-quality, brief;

inconsistent signs: units. number, female genus.

    3. She (was what?)good (part of the predicate).

1. High (what?) - adjective,

    initial form - tall.

Non-constant signs: complete, positive degree of comparison, units. number, female genus, I. p..

3. She (was what?) high (part of the predicate).

    1. T-nenkaya - adjective,

the initial form is thin.

    2. Constant signs: high-quality, complete;

inconsistent signs: positive degree of comparison, units. number, female genus, I. p.

    3. She (was what?) thin(part of the predicate).

1. Black - adjective

    the initial form is black.

2. Constant signs: quality;

inconsistent features: complete, positive degree of comparison, plural. number, I. p..

3. Eyes (which ones?) black (predicate).

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-1.jpg" alt="> Classes of adjectives by meaning">!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-2.jpg" alt="> According to their meaning, adjectives are: 1. qualitative 2. relative 3."> По значению прилагательные бывают: 1. качественные 2. относительные 3. притяжательные!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-3.jpg" alt=">Qualitative adjectives Denote such a feature of an object that can manifest itself in more or less"> Качественные прилагательные Обозначают такой признак предмета, который может проявляться в большей или меньшей степени (добрый, грустный, злой, смешной, храбрый) * * * Сочетаются с наречиями очень, необыкновенно, чрезвычайно, недостаточно, слишком (очень добрый, недостаточно смешной, слишком злой, недостаточно храбрый)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-4.jpg" alt=">Qualitative adjectives Answer the question which? (which? - kind, dear)"> Качественные прилагательные Отвечают на вопрос какой? (какой? – добрый, милый) *** Могут иметь краткую форму (добрый – добр, злой – зол) и степень сравнения (Добрый – очень добрый – слишком добрый – добрее – добрейший – добр)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-5.jpg" alt=">Qualitative adjectives Compound adjectives are formed from qualitative adjectives by repeating ( kind-kind, funny-very funny)"> Качественные прилагательные От качественных прилагательных образуются сложные прилагательные путём повтора (добрый-предобрый, смешной-пресмешной) *** Образуют прилагательные с НЕ (несмешной, некрасивый, незлой, невоспитанный)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-6.jpg" alt=">Prove that these are qualitative adjectives early in the morning for fresh"> Докажите, что это качественные прилагательные ранн. . м утром на свеж. . м воздухе по низк. . му небу лёгк. . ми облаками син. . Полоска далёк. . го леса тонк. . ми ветвями!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-7.jpg" alt="> Insert letters, underline qualitative adjectives: Ut forest. . zero in"> Вставьте буквы, подчеркните качественные прилагательные: Лес ут. . нул в дремуч. . х сугробах. Вместе со снегом нал. . тели в лес д. . ковинные существа. У бел. . й реки грустит о братц. . Алёнушка. Тут вылез из сугроба л. . сной человеч. . к в снежн. . й шапк. . .!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-8.jpg" alt=">Relative adjectives Denote a characteristic of an object that cannot be manifested to a greater or lesser extent"> Относительные прилагательные Обозначают такой признак предмета, который не может проявляться в большей или меньшей степени (каменный, стеклянный, кожаный) (!Нельзя: очень каменный, более кожаный и т. д.) *** Отвечают на вопрос какой? (какой? – кожаный, деревянный)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-9.jpg" alt=">Relative adjectives Can denote the dignity of an object (gold, sand, wooden) and"> Относительные прилагательные Могут обозначать достоинство предмета (золотой, песочный, деревянный) и близость предмета к чему-либо (пришкольный, прибрежный) *** Не имеют краткой формы и степени сравнения (!Нельзя: более золотой, менее песочный, очень стеклянный и т. д.)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-10.jpg" alt=">Relative adjectives Denote the attribute of an object in relation between objects (glass table -"> Относительные прилагательные Обозначают признак предмета по отношению между предметами (стеклянный стол – стекло и стол) *** Обозначают материал (стеклянный, железный)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-11.jpg" alt=">Relative adjectives Spatial and temporal features (urban, yesterday, Russian) ***"> Относительные прилагательные Пространственные и временные признаки (городской, вчерашний, русский) *** Предназначение предмета (рыболовный, праздничный, карманный)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-12.jpg" alt=">Relative adjectives do NOT form degrees of comparison DO NOT have a short form NOT form"> Относительные прилагательные НЕ образуют степени сравнения НЕ имеют краткой формы НЕ образуют !} difficult words NOT compatible with VERY

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-13.jpg" alt="> Continue the line: Material: stone, straw... Place: underground, field... Time: spring, yesterday..."> Продолжите строчку: Материал: каменный, соломенный… Место: подземный, полевой… Время: весенний, вчерашний… По действию: отрывной, стиральная. . .!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-14.jpg" alt="> Possessive adjectives Denote that something belongs to a person"> Притяжательные прилагательные Обозначают принадлежность чего-либо к лицу или животному (лисий хвост, дедушкин огород) *** Отвечают на вопрос чей? (чей? – папин, медвежий)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-15.jpg" alt=">Suffixes of possessive adjectives: ov - (- ev -) : elephant, arctic fox;"> Суффиксы притяжательных прилагательных: ов - (- ев -): слоновый, песцовый; - ин - (- ын-): сестрицын, птицын; - ий - (-й): лисий, медвежий, заячий!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-16.jpg" alt=">Insert spellings, indicate the categories of adjectives Pr_khladny, d_kabrsky, sh_htersky, golden, dark_ya, vor_byiny,"> Вставить орфограммы, обозначить разряды имён прилагательных Пр_хладный, д_кабрьский, ш_хтёрский, з_лотой, тёмн_я, вор_бьиный, кр_сивый, сл_новая.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-17.jpg" alt="> Fourth wheel: 1. happy, cautious, brick, magical 2. natural,"> Четвёртое лишнее: 1. счастливый, осторожный, кирпичный, волшебный 2. природный, ночной, задумчивый, стеклянный 3. торжественный, беличий, туманный, багровый!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-18.jpg" alt=">Test yourself: 1. Brick 2. Thoughtful 3. Squirrel">!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-19.jpg" alt=">Samuel Marshak - “Blizzard” of V. . south, snow storm E.g. di"> Самуил Маршак - «Вьюга» В. . юга, снежная пурга Напр. . ди нам пряжи, Взбей пуш. . стые снега, Словно пух л. . бяжий. Вы проворные ткачи Вихри и метели Дайте радужной парчи Для к. . сматых елей.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-20.jpg" alt=">Well done!!! .">!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-21.jpg" alt="> Differences between qualitative and relative adjectives: Qualitative Relative"> Различия качественных и относительных прилагательных: Качественные Относительные прилагательные Имеют степень сравнения: добрее, самый добрый Не обладают ни одним из Имеют краткую форму: признаков качественных добр, молод, хорош прилагательных Могут сочетаться с наречиями «очень» , (то есть не имеют степень «необыкновенно» , «чрезвычайно» , «недостаточно» , «слишком»: сравнения, краткую форму, очень добрый – необыкновенно синонимов, антонимов и добрый – чрезвычайно добрый – т. д) слишком добрый!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-22.jpg" alt="> Qualitative adjectives Relative adjectives Form"> Качественные прилагательные Относительные прилагательные Образуют путем повтора сложные прилагательные: добрый-добрый, белый-белый Указывают на отношение одного предмета к другому: отношение медный таз – таз из меди одного Могут образовывать прилагательные с приставкой НЕ: предмета к недобрый (взгляд), недорогой (товар) другому: К ним можно подобрать антонимы: добрый – злой, хороший – плохой медный таз – таз из меди К ним можно подобрать синонимы: смутный – неясный - расплывчатый Образуют прилагательные с уменьшительно- ласкательными суффиксами: белый – беленький – беловатый Образуют наречия на -о, -е: активный – активно, искренний – искренне!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-23.jpg" alt="> Transition of adjectives from one category to another Relative Glassware"> Переход прилагательных из одного разряда в другой Относительные Стеклянная посуда – прилагательные могут стеклянное чувство (хрупкое переходить в качественные чувство) Притяжательные Лисий хвост – лисья натура прилагательные могут (хитрый) переходить в качественные Притяжательные Заячья нора – заячья шуба прилагательные могут (шуба из зайца) переходить в разряд относительных!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-24.jpg" alt="> Complete the sentences with adjectives One winter we went to the forest. In (...)"> Дополните предложения прилагательными Однажды зимой мы отправились в лес. В(…) бору было тихо. Все покрыто (…)снегом. В (…)воздухе носились (…) пушинки. Ветви украсились (…)инеем. В этом (…) наряде каждая ветка казалась (…). Великолепен вид (…) леса. Все покрыто (…) снегом. (…) воздух тонок и жгуч. Снег опушил (…) деревья и кусты. По ним скользят (…) лучи и обсыпают их (…) блеском. Но вот мороз начинает сдавать, и меркнет яркость (…) неба. (…) туча заволокла горизонт.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-25.jpg" alt="> Determine the category of the adjective Hare character; blue lampshade; wooden cornice ;"> Определите разряд прилагательного Заячий характер; голубой абажур; деревянный карниз; каменный предмет; великолепный характер; вчерашняя газета; медвежья берлога; волчий аппетит; грустный взгляд; опасное состязание; гусиная кормушка; золотое кольцо; прекрасный вечер; ненастная погода; !} clear sky; favorite hero; talented artist; ringing voice; winter morning; fresh snow.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-26.jpg" alt="> Write out the phrases from the text"> Выпишите из текста словосочетания "Существительное + прилагательное". Определите разряд прилагательных. выполните !} morphological analysis three adjectives. You speak natively, Let’s say, you speak fluently to foreign countries. you keep your way by sea, the Russian language doesn’t matter Before your companions you want to know, my baby! to show off your knowledge - Therefore, listen to the poet, In conversations or disputes, be diligent from now on, with friend or enemy, so that you can use the mighty Russian speech and confidently master it well. in Russian! This speech is full of greatness, Therefore, you, high-spirited schoolboy, of proud simplicity, be more diligent in future! There is a wealth of beautiful words in it, You owe Russian speech the power of beauty. good to own.

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-27.jpg" alt="> Read the text and complete the tasks The greatest wealth of a people is its language !"> Прочитайте текст и выполните задания Величайшее богатство народа - его язык! Меткий и образный русский язык особенно богат пословицами. Их тысячи, десятки тысяч! Как на крыльях, они перелетают из века в век, от одного поколения к другому, и не видна 3 та безграничная даль, куда устремляет свой полет эта крылатая мудрость. . .!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-28.jpg" alt="> The eras that gave rise to proverbs are different. The diversity of human3 relationships is immense, who imprinted"> Различны эпохи, породившие пословицы. Необозримо многообразие человеческих3 отношений, которые запечатлелись в чеканных народных изречениях и афоризмах. Из бездны времени дошли до нас в этих сгустках разума радость и страдания людские, смех и слезы, любовь и гнев, вера и безверие, правда и кривда, честность и обман, трудолюбие и лень, красота истин и уродство предрассудков. Издание русских пословиц, собранных на протяжении нескольких десятилетий прошлого века диалектологом и писателем В. И. Далем, послужит великому и благородному делу изучения неисчерпаемых богатств нашей отечественной 3 культуры, великого и могучего языка нашего.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-29.jpg" alt="> Text assignment: 1. Find the adjectives in the text, related to"> Задание к тексту: 1. Найдите в тексте прилагательные, относящиеся к разным разрядам. 2. Из первого абзаца выпишите словосочетания «прилаг. + сущ. » , укажите род, число и падеж прилагательного. 3. Найдите случаи использования прилагательного в роли определения и в роли сказуемого (определите тип сказуемого). 4. Сделайте морфологический разбор указанных слов.!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-30.jpg" alt=">Test on the topic “Adjective”.">!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-31.jpg" alt=">1. General grammatical meaning of an adjective is: A) action B)"> 1. The general grammatical meaning of an adjective is: A) action B) attribute of an object C) attribute D) attribute of action

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-32.jpg" alt=">2. Morphological features of an adjective are: A) gender, number B) gender, number, case C)"> 2. Морфологические признаки прилагательного это: А) род, число Б) род, число, падеж В) род, число, лицо Г) лицо, число!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-33.jpg" alt=">3. The syntactic features of an adjective are: A) definition, predicate B) definition, circumstance C) definition,"> 3. Синтаксические признаки прилагательного это: А) определение, сказуемое Б) определение, обстоятельство В) определение, дополнение Г) дополнение, обстоятельство!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-34.jpg" alt=">4. In which row are all words adjectives? A)"> 4. В каком ряду все слова являются именами прилагательными? А) могуч, первый, сильное, лисий Б) беспощаден, выдуман, цветной, бела В) нетерпеливый, должен, хаки, сытый Г) одетый, несчастный, злой, высказан!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-35.jpg" alt="> 5. Qualitative adjectives are adjectives that mean... A) material,"> 5. Качественные прилагательные – это прилагательные, обозначающие. . . А) материал, из которого сделан предмет Б) признак по его принадлежности В) признаки, указывающие на различные качества предмета!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-36.jpg" alt="> 6. Specify relative adjectives A) young (person) , beautiful (drawing),"> 6. Укажите относительные прилагательные А) молодой (человек), красивый (рисунок), белый (снег) Б) деревянный (дом), лисий (хвост), мамин (шарф) В) весеннее (утро), железный (гвоздь), спортивная (одежда)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-37.jpg" alt="> 7. Indicate possessive adjectives A) spring (song) , winter morning),"> 7. Укажите притяжательные прилагательные А) весенняя (песня), зимнее (утро), добрый (мальчик) Б) колючий (ёж), свежий (воздух), бежевый (цвет) В) ослиные (уши), волчий (след), отцов (шарф)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-38.jpg" alt="> 8. In which row are all the adjectives qualitative? A) seaside village,"> 8. В каком ряду все прилагательные качественные? А) приморский поселок, зеленый шар, спортивная площадка Б) изумрудная зелень, правильный ответ, сложный вопрос В) плавательный бассейн, чистые руки, звонкий голос!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-39.jpg" alt="> 9. In which row are all adjectives relative? A) summer night, birch"> 9. В каком ряду все прилагательные относительные? А) летняя ночь, березовый сок, оловянное кольцо Б) утренняя почта, серебряный голос, папин шарф В) малиновое варенье, малиновый берет, каменное лицо!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-40.jpg" alt="> 10. In which series are all possessive adjectives A) wolfish howl,"> 10. В каком ряду все прилагательные притяжательные А) волчий вой, заячий тулуп, лисья речь Б) оленьи рога, рыбачий улов, бабушкин пирог В) !} washing machine, meat broth, fox hole

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-41.jpg" alt=">11. Find the adjectives, indicate their gender, select the line , in which the correct"> 11. Найди прилагательные, укажи их род, выбери строку, в которой дан правильный ответ: «Я снова здесь, в семье родной! Мой край задумчивый и нежный!» А) родной (ж. р.), задумчивый (м. р.), нежный (м. р.) Б) родной (ср. р.), задумчивый (м. р.), нежный (м. р.) В) родной (м. р.), нежный (м. р.)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-42.jpg" alt=">12. Find the adjectives, indicate their gender, select the line , in which the correct answer is given: “Early"> 12. Найди прилагательные, укажи их род, выбери строку, в которой дан правильный ответ: «Ранним утром я подошёл к величественной реке. От весенней воды тянуло свежестью. » А) ранним (м. р.), величественной (ж. р.), весенней (ж. р.) Б) ранним (ср. р.), величественной (ж. р.), весенней (ж. р.), свежестью (ж. р.) В) ранним (ср. р.), величественной (ж. р.), весенней (ж. р.)!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-43.jpg" alt=">13. Find the adjective in the simple comparative degree A) the most fast B)"> 13. Найдите прилагательное в простой сравнительной степени А) самый быстрый Б) красивейший В) ярче Г) более лёгкий!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-44.jpg" alt=">14. Indicate the adjective in the compound comparative degree A) less difficult"> 14. Укажите прилагательное в составной сравнительной степени А) менее сложный Б) сложнее В) сложнее всех Г) наисложнейший!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-45.jpg" alt=">15. Find the simple superlative adjective A) more beautiful"> 15. Найдите прилагательное в простой превосходной степени А) красивее Б) спокойнейший В) более громкий Г) менее тяжёлый!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-46.jpg" alt="> 16. Indicate the adjective in the compound superlative degree A) deeper"> 16. Укажите прилагательное в составной превосходной степени А) глубже Б) самый глубокий В) более глубокий Г) глубочайший!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-47.jpg" alt="> 17. Indicate the option without an error in the formation of the degree of comparison form adjectives"> 17. Укажите вариант без ошибки в образовании формы степени сравнения прилагательных А. острее, менее крутой, более выше Б. длиньше, самый красивый, сладчайший В. очень маленький, красивее, ниже всех Г. дольше, лучше, наивкуснейший!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-48.jpg" alt="> 18. Indicate the option with an error in the formation of the degree of comparison form adjectives"> 18. Укажите вариант с ошибкой в образовании формы степени сравнения прилагательных А) самый веселый, меньше всех, более высокий Б) моложе, более белее, твердейший В) жарче всех, самый умный, тишайший Г) чудеснейший, худший, громче всех!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-49.jpg" alt="> Answers: 1. - B 7. - C 13 . - IN"> Ответы: 1. - Б 7. - В 13. - В 2. - Б 8. - Б 14. - А 3. - А 9. - А 15. - А 4. - В 10. - Б 16. - Б 5. - В 11. - А 17. - Г 6. - В 12. - В 18. - Б!}

Src="https://present5.com/presentation/3/-106532311_439218107.pdf-img/-106532311_439218107.pdf-50.jpg" alt=">Well done!!! .">!}

There are three categories of adjectives according to their meaning: qualitative, relative, possessive.

Quality adjectives denote the quality, property of an object: its size (large), shape (round), color (blue), physical characteristics (cold), as well as the tendency of the object to perform an action (chatty).

Relative adjectives denote the attribute of an object through the relationship of this object to another object (book), action (reading) or another attribute (yesterday). Relative adjectives are formed from nouns, verbs and adverbs; the most common suffixes of relative adjectives are the suffixes -n- (forest-n-oy), -ov- (ezh-ov-y), -in- (poplar-in-y), -sk- (warehouse-sk-oh) , -l- (run-l-y).

Possessives adjectives denote that an object belongs to a person or animal and is formed from nouns with the suffixes -in- (mam-in), -ov- (otts-ov), -ii- (fox-ii). These suffixes appear at the end of the adjective stem (cf. the possessive adjective fathers-ov and the relative adjective fathers-ov-sk-ii).

Quality adjectives differ from relative and possessive adjectives at all linguistic levels:

1) only qualitative adjectives denote a characteristic that can manifest itself to a greater or lesser extent;

2) qualitative adjectives can have antonyms (deep - shallow);

3) only qualitative adjectives can be non-derivative, relative and possessive are always derived from nouns, adjectives, verbs;

4) qualitative adjectives form nouns with the meaning of an abstract attribute (strictness) and adverbs ending in -o (strict-o), as well as adjectives with a suffix of subjective assessment (zl-yush-y);

5) only qualitative adjectives have a full/short form and degrees of comparison;

6) qualitative adjectives are combined with adverbs of measure and degree (very large, but not *very reading).

Thus, we see that qualitative adjectives are grammatically opposed to relative and possessive adjectives, which, in turn, are grammatically very similar. The difference between relative and possessive adjectives is manifested only in the type of their declension (see declension of adjectives), which gives grounds for many researchers to combine them into one group of relative adjectives, into which, with the consistent grammatical separation of parts of speech, also ordinal numerals and pronominal adjectives fall.

Declension of adjectives

Adjectives of all categories have inconstant signs of gender (in the singular), number and case, in which they agree with the noun. Changing an adjective by gender, number and case is called declension of adjectives.

Qualitative and relative adjectives are declined in the same way. This type of declension is called adjectival. In the singular, their endings differ depending on the gender and quality of the consonant ending the stem: hard version (new), soft version (blue).

Possessives adjectives are declined differently: in some cases they have endings characteristic of the adjective declension, in others - endings characteristic of the substantive declension. This type of declension is called mixed (fox tail).

Qualitative adjectives in short form are not declined (expressions barefoot, in the middle of the day phraseologized and do not reflect the modern state of the language), as well as qualitative adjectives in the simple comparative and the compound superlative degree built on its basis (above, above all).

In Russian there are indeclinable adjectives , which mean:

1) colors: beige, khaki, marengo, electric;

2) nationalities and languages: Khanty, Mansi, Urdu;

3) clothing styles: pleated, corrugated, flared, mini.

Fixed adjectives are also words (weight) Gross Net, (hour) peak.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives

Qualitative adjectives have an inconsistent morphological feature of degrees of comparison. School grammar indicates that there are two degrees of comparison - comparative and superlative. It is more correct to distinguish three degrees of comparison - positive, comparative and superlative. Positive degree comparison is the initial form of the adjective, in relation to which we recognize other forms as expressing the greater / lesser or the greatest / least degree of the attribute.

comparative adjective indicates that the attribute is manifested to a greater / lesser extent in this object compared to another object (Petya is taller than Vasya; This river is deeper than the other) or the same object in other circumstances (Petya is taller than he was last year; This year The river is deeper in that place than in that one).

There is a comparative degree simple and compound.

The simple comparative degree denotes a greater degree of manifestation of a characteristic and is formed as follows:

basis of the positive degree + formative suffixes -ee(s), -e, -she/-zhe (fast-ee, higher-e, earlier-she, deeper).

If at the end of a stem of a positive degree there is an element k/ok, this segment is often truncated: deep-y - deep-zhe.

Some adjectives have suppletive forms, that is, formed from another base: bad - worse, good - better.

When forming a simple comparative degree, a prefix can be added By-(newer). A simple comparative degree with a prefix is ​​used if the adjective occupies the position of an inconsistent definition (Give me a newer newspaper) and does not require introducing into the sentence what this attribute is being compared with. If there is in a sentence both what is being compared and what is being compared with, the prefix adds a conversational connotation ( These boots are newer than those).

Compound comparative degree denotes both a greater and lesser degree of manifestation of a characteristic and is formed as follows:

element more/less + positive degree (more/less high).

The difference between a compound comparative degree and a simple one is as follows:

1) the compound comparative degree is broader in meaning, since it denotes not only a greater, but also a lesser degree of manifestation of a characteristic;

2) the compound comparative degree changes in the same way as the positive degree of comparison (original form), i.e., according to gender, number and cases, and can also appear in a short form (more beautiful);

3) a compound comparative degree can be either a predicate or a non-isolated and isolated definition ( Less interesting article was presented in this magazine. This article is less interesting than the previous one.)

Superlative comparison indicates the greatest/smallest degree of manifestation of the trait (the highest mountain) or a very large/small degree of manifestation of the trait (the kindest person).

The superlative degree of comparison, like the comparative, can be simple And composite.

Simple The superlative degree of comparison of an adjective denotes the greatest degree of manifestation of a characteristic and is formed as follows:

basis of positive degree + formative suffixes -eysh- / -aysh- (after k, g, x, causing alternation): good-eysh-y, high-aysh-y

When forming a simple superlative degree of comparison, the prefix nai-: the kindest can be used.

Composite The superlative degree of comparison of adjectives denotes both the greatest and the least degree of manifestation of a characteristic and is formed in three ways:

1) element the most + positive degree (the smartest);

2) element most/least + positive degree (most/least smart);

3) simple comparative degree + element of everything / everyone (He was smarter than everyone else).

Not all qualitative adjectives have forms of degrees of comparison, and the absence of simple forms of degrees of comparison is observed more often than the absence of compound forms. The absence of simple comparative and superlative degrees may be due to

1) with the formal structure of the adjective: if the adjective contains a suffix that coincides with the suffixes of relative adjectives, it may not have a simple comparative degree (emaciated - *more emaciated, *emaciated, advanced - *more advanced);

2) with the lexical meaning of the adjective: the meaning of the degree of manifestation of the attribute can already be expressed at the base of the adjective - in its root (barefoot - * barefoot) or in the suffix (tolst-enny - * fatter, angry - * feisty, white-ish - *whiter, blue-ish - *blue).

Compound forms of degrees of comparison are not formed only for words with a semantic limitation, i.e. in the second case. So, there are no forms *more feisty, *less whitish, but there are forms less emaciated, more advanced.

Completeness/brevity of adjectives

Qualitative adjectives have a full and a short form.

Short form is formed by adding positive degree endings to the stem: for the masculine, -a for the feminine, -о / -е for the neuter, -ы / -и for the plural (deep-, deep-a, deep-o, deep-i ).

A short form is not formed from qualitative adjectives, which

1) have the suffixes characteristic of relative adjectives -sk-, -ov-/-ev-, -n-: brown, coffee, brotherly;

2) indicate the colors of animals: brown, black;

3) have suffixes of subjective assessment: tall, blue.

The short form has grammatical differences from the full form: it does not change according to cases, in a sentence it appears primarily as a nominal part of the predicate (cases like beautiful girl); the short form acts as a definition only in a separate syntactic position ( Angry to the whole world, he almost stopped leaving the house).

In the position of the predicate, the meaning of the full and short forms usually coincides, but for some adjectives the following semantic differences are possible between them:

1) the short form denotes excessive manifestation of a characteristic with a negative assessment, cf.: short skirt - short skirt;

2) the short form denotes a temporary sign, the full form - permanent, cf.: the child is sick - the child is sick.

There are such qualitative adjectives that have only a short form: glad, much, obliged.

Transition of adjectives from category to category

It is possible for an adjective to have several meanings belonging to different categories. In school grammar this is called “the transition of an adjective from category to category.” Thus, a relative adjective can develop a meaning characteristic of qualitative ones (for example: iron part (relative) - iron will (quality) - metaphorical transfer). Possessives may have meanings characteristic of relative and qualitative ones (for example: fox hole (possessive) - fox hat (relative) - fox habits (qualitative). Qualitative adjectives, used terminologically, function as relative (voiceless consonants). When In this case, the adjective retains the type of its declension, but often changes morphological characteristics: qualitative ones lose degrees of comparison and a short form (for example, it is impossible to say * This consonant is deaf), and relative ones, on the contrary, can acquire these characteristics (With each word his voice became more and more honeyed , and his habits are becoming more and more fox-like.).

In this lesson you will expand your knowledge about adjectives and learn about the categories of adjectives by meaning.

Topic: Adjective

Lesson: Classifying adjectives by meaning

1. Distinctive features of adjectives

We know that every word in a language belongs to one or another part of speech. By what signs can one distinguish an adjective from other parts of speech?

1. Adjectives answer questions Which? whose?

2. Adjectives denote a characteristic of an object

3. Adjectives relate to nouns and agree with them in number and case, and in the singular - in gender

Now we have named the common features of adjectives.

2. Places of adjectives

Adjectives have properties that allow us to divide them into three large groups. Or, as we say, discharges.

Let's select adjectives for the word pencil.






If we asked sister Masha for a pencil, then we can say that it Machines or sisters.

Look at the last adjectives. They answer the question whose? Such adjectives are called possessive. They indicate that an object belongs to someone.

The adjectives we named first ( thin, small, beautiful), - quality. They denote the qualities of an object, that is, those characteristics that can appear in an object to a greater or lesser extent. This could be color, size, shape and so on.

Adjectives of the second group ( wooden, plastic) are called relative. They denote a feature of an object that cannot be expressed to a greater or lesser extent. These adjectives denote the material from which an object is made, a sign of an object by time or place of its existence, a sign of an object by purpose, and more. When using such adjectives in phrases, we can easily replace them with nouns.

For example:

Wood house - house made of wood

Winter day - winter day

3. How to determine the category of an adjective?

Determining which category an adjective belongs to is quite simple. To do this, you need to perform the following algorithm:

1. Ask a question:

If the adjective answers the question whose?, before us is a possessive adjective.

But if the adjective answers the question Which?, go to the next step.

2. Form a short form or any degree of comparison from the name of the adjective.

If you can do this, then we have a quality adjective.

And if not, then it’s relative.

Let's try to determine the categories of adjectives from the quatrains:

From evil wolf -

IN earthen crack.

By cold dew -

TO cunning fox.

For convenience, we can put adjectives in the nominative singular case.

Wicked(Which?). Let's try to form degrees of comparison: angrier, the most evil.

This means that we have a qualitative adjective.

Zemlyannaya (which?). Let's try to form degrees of comparison. One hole cannot be more earthy than another. And it’s impossible to form a short form from this adjective. We have a relative adjective.

Adjectives cold And cunning are also high quality because they answer the question Which? and from them we can form degrees of comparison ( the coldest, the most cunning).

Is it possible to determine the category of adjectives by morphemic composition? Sometimes you can. The point is that suffixes an, yang, enn are used when we form adjectives from nouns denoting material, substance. These will be relative adjectives: leather en y.

But if the adjective has no suffixes at all, then we have a quality adjective. For example , fast.

Adjectives of all three categories can move from one category to another. But only when they are used figuratively. For example:

Golden ring. In this case the adjective golden relative. But in the phrase golden character adjective gold will be qualitative, as it denotes the quality of a person.

Wolf mouth In this case, we have a possessive adjective. But in the phrase wolf fur coat this adjective acts as a relative adjective because it refers to the material from which the object is made.

Some relative adjectives were so often used in speech to mean qualitative that they gradually finally lost their original meaning and are now perceived by us only as qualitative in modern Russian. Adjectives, for example, have gone this way stormy, outrageous and many others.

4. Qualitative adjectives

Qualitative adjectives differ from relative and possessive adjectives at all linguistic levels.

1. Designate a feature that may appear in an object to a greater or lesser extent

2. Can have antonyms: evil/good

3. Always non-derivative

But possessive and relative are always derivative, that is, formed from nouns, adjectives, verbs.

4. From qualitative adjectives you can form nouns of abstract meaning: severity

And adverbs in - O: strictly.

Adjectives with subjective evaluation suffixes: blue, angry.

5. Only they can have degrees of comparison and a short form

6. Only they can be combined with adverbs of measure and degree: very big, very strict

5. Formation of relative and possessive adjectives

Relative adjectives are formed from nouns, verbs and adverbs. The most common suffixes for their formation are the suffixes - l-, For example, fluent; -sk-, For example, human; -in- - poplar; -ov- - hedgehog; -n- - forest.

Possessive adjectives are formed only from nouns. Using suffixes - th- - fox, -ov- - fathers, -in- - mom's.


  1. Russian language. 6th grade: Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.
  2. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades: V.V. Babaytseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. About the categories of adjectives ().
  2. Additional tasks ().


Sort adjectives into categories (qualitative, relative, possessive).

Tin soldier, tin eyes, cold day, long train, brave act, a kind person, stupid question, heart muscle, heartfelt greetings, stone house, stone face, short dress, fat boy, blue scarf, Moscow metro, children's literature, double chin, wool suit, lead bullet, lead clouds, city park, heavy briefcase, heavy industry, deaf old man, deaf consonant, grandfather's office, machine work, tit's nest, crow's foot, dog's kennel, cleft mouth, wolf's fur coat, wolf's appetite, deer antlers, Marines, dog cold, Katyusha's bicycle, grinding machine, snake venom, snake smile, vegetable oil, lean face, mouse tail, neighbor's garden, grandiose plans, observant person, tragic fate, wooden voice, chicken paw, chicken soup, squirrel collar, iron will, grandfather's words, bird hubbub, hare's hat, December frosts, school uniform, Seryozhin's portfolio, Barents Sea, Bering Strait.

2. Exercise 2.

Write by inserting the missing letters. Underline the adjectives and determine their category.

The whiteness of the snow made the paws turn even more green. The steam of the uneasy lowlands rose to the level of the tree peaks and crumbled on the birch branches.Countless showers of tiny beads sparkled on the sun. The frost slowly began to silver everything that had even a small amount of moisture. The forest river, which just yesterday was rushing towards the snowstorms, began to be crushed by silver teeth. Transparent ice confidently poured into the middle of the stream, compressing the current with an unbreakable armor. And everything around shone noisily, sparkled, sparkled. But, barely having time to warm up, our great luminary began to turn red and fall to the distant treetops. Purple wings, moving into the depths of the darkening expanse, descended lower and lower. In the constellation Gemini, the awakened Mars, the god of the Roman pagans, the patron of wars and conflagrations, flashed its red eye. But this shine immediately disappeared, lost in the twinkling of countless stars. And now, near and distant clusters of stars hung over the world. Only the month, glowing bright yellow, but still not (with, from) this light, seemed very close to the frosty forest ground. (According to V. Belov)

The attribute of an object is indicated by the name PR or directly by the lexical meaning of its stem (yellow, crimson, cheerful), or through the relation of an object to other objects (brick house, annual report, gas stove, newspaper information etc.). In addition, adjectives can indicate that an object belongs to a person or animal (uncle's bicycle, cat's house).

Depending on how and what feature is denoted by the adjective, as well as on what grammatical properties the adjective has, all adjectives are divided into the following main groups: qualitative, relative, possessive.

Qualitative adjectives These are adjectives that denote signs, properties and qualities of objects that are primarily perceived by us directly, i.e. are direct names of features. The lexical meanings of qualitative adjectives are varied. They represent colors (white, crimson, light brown, brown, gray),

spatial concepts (straight, left, wide),

quality (sour, salty, hot, heavy, strong),

character traits (responsive, stingy, welcoming),

external, physical or bodily, qualities of people and animals (curly, thick) and other signs.

Qualitative adjectives are non-derivative, and in such cases they express the meaning of the attribute using the semantics of the root (white, blue, angry, stupid, deaf). In derived suffixal qualitative adjectives, the derivational morpheme often expresses a meaning that can be understood in quantitatively: branchy, bony, talkative, grumpy, tempting, wormy, attractive, entertaining, fanged, hairy. The suffix of a qualitative adjective never expresses an undifferentiated relationship to the generating base; it always contains some component of individualizing semantics. Complex qualitative adjectives include in their structure the motivating basis of a qualitative adjective: long-armed, bow-legged, thick-bellied, dark red, light blue.

Qualitative adjectives have the following lexical and grammatical features:

1) availability of full and short form: white, -aya, -oe; -s; strong And white, -a, -o, -s; strong, -a, -o, -i;

2) the possibility of forming degrees of comparison: expensive, more expensive, more expensive, most expensive; smarter, smarter, smartest etc.;

3) the presence of forms of subjective assessment (diminutives, affectionate and other suffixes): light - light, lightish, fair, fair and etc.;

4) the possibility of forming adverbs from most qualitative adjectives -o, -e: beautiful - beautiful, colorful- colorful, exciting - exciting, excessive - unnecessary;

5) the ability to enter into antonymic pairs of words: bright- dim, light- dark, good - evil, tall- short;

6) the possibility of forming abstract nouns using suffixes -from-, -from-, -ost, -is, -in-, -st-o and others: emptiness, steepness, stinginess, flowability, size, wealth and etc.;

7) qualitative adjectives form phrases expressing gradual relationships (the value of the intensity of the attribute): very dark, completely stupid, ugly thin, frighteningly black, unusually kind, extremely frank.

The listed lexico-grammatical features distinguish qualitative PRs from possessive and relative ones. However, not every high-quality PR has all these features. The presence of individual features is directly dependent on the time of appearance of a particular PR in the language, on its semantics, morphological structure and stylistic affiliation. So, high-quality PR cool (great swimmer), shock (strike team) and others, originally PR relatives, as well as adjectives with suffixes -oe-, -ev-,-sk- etc. (business, white, comic, friendly) do not form short forms and forms of subjective assessment.

Qualitative PRs, naming a sign that is not manifested to a greater or lesser extent (sick, lame, blind, barefoot, naked, oblique, bald, dumb etc.) do not have degrees of comparison.

Thus, the noted lexical and grammatical features of qualitative PR are to a certain extent conditional. Nevertheless, the presence of at least some of them makes it possible to distinguish qualitative PRs from possessive and relative ones, which do not have all these features.

Relative adjectives are called those PRs that denote a characteristic not directly, but through its relationship to another object, phenomenon or action, i.e. indirectly. They mean

attitude towards the person (human weaknesses, children's fun),

to action (crushing machine, washing machine),

to time and place (morning hour, city transport, local resident),

to the number (triple somersault),

to an abstract concept (religious views, idealistic delusions) etc.

General lexical meaning relative adjectives are invariable and can be defined as “relating to a given subject,” “characteristic of a given subject.” This circumstance makes it possible to replace relative adjectives with prepositional-nominal combinations with the words from which these adjectives are formed (most often with nouns). For example: silver bowl- silver bowl; vegetable stew- vegetable stew etc.

Morphologically, relative adjectives differ from qualitative ones. They, as a rule, do not form degrees of comparison, short forms and forms of subjective assessment, do not have antonyms, do not form adverbs -o, -e etc.

Unlike qualitative adjectives, which are basically root (primitive), relative adjectives in the overwhelming majority have a derived base, and they are characterized by special word-forming suffixes (for example, -an-, -yan-, -sk-, -oe-, -ev- and etc.: sand, silver, factory, laurel, chintz).

Qualitative and relative PRs in modern Russian are not closed groups. The grammatical boundary between them is fluid, since the semantic features that make it possible to distinguish one category of adjectives from another undergo changes.

Qualitative adjectives are stable in their meanings. They become relative only in terminological combinations: light industry, heavy industry, voiced consonant, voiceless consonant, ferrous metallurgy.

Almost all relative adjectives have a connotation of quality in their meaning, which, as a result of certain reasons, sometimes develops into an independent meaning. For example, relative adjectives golden, iron, stone, steel, wooden, fraternal, cool, theatrical, concert and many others can be used in their basic meaning as relative adjectives ( gold bracelet, iron grille, stone house, steel cable, wooden fence, mass grave, chalkboard, theater scenery) and in the meaning of qualitative adjectives (golden character, iron will, stone face, nerves of steel, wooden voice, brotherly union, theatrical gesture).

Relative adjectives, moving into the category of qualitative adjectives, sometimes (as a phenomenon of the individual author’s style) acquire the morphological features of the latter, for example, a short form: We write that the day was golden(M.); degrees of comparison: His gait became more and more wooden(Cor.); And the colonel himself, who, the more he drank, became increasingly drunk, and the other officers were in a desperate mood(Fad.); ability to form abstract nouns and adverbs in -o, -e: And now we come to the poem “Beyond the Distance,” where the sovereign scale of time and space, and the Sovietness of poetic thought, seem to be fused together, where Tvardovsky appears before the reader as who he was in life and in literature(V. Roslyakov); They didn’t know the roles, they played woodenly, hesitantly(Ch.). We will characterize such adjectives as relatively qualitative.

Some relative adjectives, as a result of being used in the meaning of qualitative, finally lost their original meaning and became qualitative adjectives. For example, adjectives have gone through this development path. outrageous, seductive, attentive, stormy and many more etc.

Possessive adjectives indicate that an object belongs to a specific person or (less often) an animal: fathers, sisters, Lisin, cats etc. The semantic basis of possessive adjectives is an indication of the owner - the individual.

As a rule, possessive adjectives are formed from nouns denoting animate objects using suffixes -in, -nin, -n-iy, -ov, -ev. For example: Lisa - Lysin; brother - brother; daughter - daughter, daughter; father- fathers; Vladislav- Vladislavlev).

Possessive PRs, formed from nouns denoting inanimate objects, are very rare. Their use is characteristic of the individual style of individual authors, for example, V.V. Mayakovsky: rib arches, blanket quilting; at N.S. Tikhonova: bird cherry stingrays.

Using possessive adjectives with suffixes -in, -nin, -ov (-ev) as part of free phrases is limited to colloquial styles of language.

In other styles of language, possessive adjectives are usually used as elements of individual phraseological units (Procrustean bed, pillars of Hercules, tantalum flour, crocodile tears etc.) or elements of complex scientific terms (voltaic arc, caesarean section, Antonov fire, Archimedes screw, Graves' disease etc.).

In the history of Russian literary language possessive adjectives were the basis for the formation of many surnames, given names, and geographical names (Petrov, Tsaritsyn, Kyiv, Alexandrov, Ivanovo and so on.).

PRs are also possessive -y, -ya, -ye: deer, fox, goat. Unlike possessive PRs on -in, -nin, -ov (-ev) they denote a common ancestral affiliation, and not belonging to one person or animal.

This same group of PRs also includes PRs on -other (chicken, duck, donkey and so on.). Adjectives on -y, -other in modern Russian they usually denote a property inherent in one or another living creature. This semantic feature allows these PRs to relatively easily pass into the category of relative and even qualitative adjectives. For example: bear den, wolf tail- possessive PR; disservice, voracious appetite- qualitative adjectives, etc.

Special mention should be made about adjectives with the suffix -sk-. They are relative ( Tolstoy readings), but can be used in possessive meaning (Tolstoy's autograph), but they do not become possessive.

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