Earthquake in California on September 22. Seismic monitoring or map of earthquakes online in the world. Reducing the number of buildings that can collapse

Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that on all continents of our planet there is a significant increase in cataclysms and natural Disasters, which are associated with cosmic cyclical processes and, as a consequence, global climate change. Increase in activity and frequency natural disasters on a planetary scale accounts for seismic activity. Scientists around the world are concerned about the constantly changing data on the increase in the number of earthquakes. Not only their number increases, but also the intensity, location, and nature of destructive actions.

Thus, an area of ​​special attention for scientific direction climate geoengineering and the entire world community today are two points on different hemispheres of the globe - the Yellowstone caldera in the USA and the Aira caldera in Japan. These are two huge ones underground volcano, standing at the junction of lithospheric plates. According to scientists, the activation of one of them can lead to the subsequent activation of the other, and this is not only a large-scale eruption, but also earthquakes, tsunamis and other consequences. The scale is like this global catastrophe difficult to assess.

This and other important issues of early warning of people about impending disasters were openly stated in 2014 by the global community of ALLATRA SCIENCE scientists in the report “On the Problems and Consequences global change climate on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems."


According to official terminology, an earthquake is a vibration of the earth's surface or underground points that are a reflection of the internal geological changes of the planet. The basis for this effect is the displacement of tectonic plates, which lead to ruptures earth's crust and robes. Consequently, oscillatory movements, depending on the intensity of the process, may extend to long distances, bringing with it not only a destructive effect on social infrastructure, but also a threat to people’s lives.

This issue is dealt with by a special science – seismology. Several areas are being actively studied, including: deepening the knowledge of what seismic activity is in essence and what it is connected with, possible forecasting of these natural disasters, for timely warning and evacuation of people. Like any other science, seismology can actively develop only in a mutually beneficial symbiosis with other sciences (physics, history, biology, geophysics, etc.), since the fundamental basis for all knowledge on our planet is, of course, common.

Seismic activity online and in the world.

Seismic monitoring is developing in most countries, regardless of the territory, frequency and threat of earthquakes. In addition, a seismic monitor is one of the fundamental factors in the development and preservation of the integrity of energy industry facilities. Almost every person on the planet today is an active consumer of electricity. Therefore, power plants are located in all countries and on all continents, including areas of high seismic hazard. The action of such a destructive force of nature is fraught not only with an energy disaster, but also with global environmental problems.

In order to control seismic processes (earthquakes), study them and warn the public in advance about their occurrence, seismic stations are built in designated areas. All necessary characteristics of tremors are studied - magnitude, location and depth of the source.

Earthquakes online.

Thanks to Internet technologies, data is also available to all people today: “earthquakes online.” This is the so-called earthquake map, which provides information about tremors around the world around the clock.

Active participants of the ALLATRA International Public Movement have developed the most full map seismic activity, which displays objective data from world information portals and seismic monitoring stations. Informing the public and awareness of the processes occurring on the planet, their causes and consequences is the main goal of this project.

Today, everyone can observe a significant increase in abnormal weather changes, natural disasters, and cataclysms. The active participation of all people, unification, mutual assistance and friendship, the prevalence of true moral and spiritual values ​​in society is the key to the survival of civilization in the future.

Today it is no longer a secret to anyone that on all continents of our planet there is a significant increase in cataclysms and natural disasters that are associated with cosmic cyclical processes and, as a consequence, global climate change. The increase in activity and frequency of natural disasters on a planetary scale is due to seismic activity. Scientists around the world are concerned about the constantly changing data on the increase in the number of earthquakes. Not only their number increases, but also the intensity, location, and nature of destructive actions.

Thus, an area of ​​special attention for the scientific direction of climate geoengineering and the entire world community today are two points on different hemispheres of the globe - the Yellowstone caldera in the USA and the Aira caldera in Japan. These are two huge underground volcanoes located at the junction of lithospheric plates. According to scientists, the activation of one of them can lead to the subsequent activation of the other, and this is not only a large-scale eruption, but also earthquakes, tsunamis and other consequences. The scale of such a global catastrophe is difficult to assess.

This and other important issues of early warning of people about impending cataclysms were openly stated in 2014 by the global community of ALLATRA SCIENCE scientists in the report “On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective ways to solve these problems."


According to official terminology, an earthquake is a vibration of the earth's surface or underground points that are a reflection of the internal geological changes of the planet. The basis for this effect is the displacement of tectonic plates, which lead to ruptures in the earth’s crust and mantle. As a result, oscillatory movements, depending on the intensity of the process, can spread over long distances, bringing with them not only a destructive effect on social infrastructure, but also a threat to people’s lives.

This issue is dealt with by a special science – seismology. Several areas are being actively studied, including: deepening the knowledge of what seismic activity is in essence and what it is connected with, possible forecasting of these natural disasters, for timely warning and evacuation of people. Like any other science, seismology can actively develop only in a mutually beneficial symbiosis with other sciences (physics, history, biology, geophysics, etc.), since the fundamental basis for all knowledge on our planet is, of course, common.

Seismic activity online and in the world.

Seismic monitoring is developing in most countries, regardless of the territory, frequency and threat of earthquakes. In addition, a seismic monitor is one of the fundamental factors in the development and preservation of the integrity of energy industry facilities. Almost every person on the planet today is an active consumer of electricity. Therefore, power plants are located in all countries and on all continents, including areas of high seismic hazard. The action of such a destructive force of nature is fraught not only with an energy disaster, but also with global environmental problems.

In order to control seismic processes (earthquakes), study them and warn the public in advance about their occurrence, seismic stations are built in designated areas. All necessary characteristics of tremors are studied - magnitude, location and depth of the source.

Earthquakes online.

Thanks to Internet technologies, data is also available to all people today: “earthquakes online.” This is the so-called earthquake map, which provides information about tremors around the world around the clock.

Active participants of the ALLATRA International Public Movement have developed the most complete map of seismic activity, which displays objective data from world information portals and seismic monitoring stations. Informing the public and awareness of the processes occurring on the planet, their causes and consequences is the main goal of this project.

Today, everyone can observe a significant increase in abnormal weather changes, natural disasters, and cataclysms. The active participation of all people, unification, mutual assistance and friendship, the prevalence of true moral and spiritual values ​​in society is the key to the survival of civilization in the future.

On July 4, 2019, one of the most powerful earthquakes in California occurred, causing fires, downed power lines, broken water pipes and cracks in buildings. Since the emergency declaration, seismologists who study the causes of earthquakes have recorded 3,000 other tremors. In their opinion, about 30,000 more earthquakes will occur in the United States in the coming days.

The first tremors occurred at 10 a.m., 196 kilometers from the Californian city of Los Angeles. No one was injured as a result of this earthquake, but a day later there was a stronger aftershock with a magnitude of 7.1. It turned out to be more destructive - about 200,000 people were left without electricity. There were also reports of casualties.

The strongest earthquake in California

The earthquake that occurred is the strongest in the history of California over the past 20 years. The last shock of magnitude 7.1 was recorded in the south of the state back in 1999, but at that time, fortunately, no one was hurt. However, there were many earthquake victims in 1994, when tremors destroyed about 40,000 buildings, left 20,000 people homeless, injured more than 7,000 people and killed about 60 city residents.

Fortunately, this time the incident did not cause major destruction. Experts believe that in the coming days they will be able to record up to 30,000 tremors, but their strength will be much less than that of the main one. It will all end with the earth shaking with a minimum magnitude that can only be detected with the help of special instruments. Residents of California won't even notice them.

California earthquake video

Although the incident did not cause much damage, residents of Los Angeles and nearby cities were seriously scared. An emergency happened to someone right during a theatrical performance, where all the actors and spectators had to run out of the shaking building in panic. Someone was at work at that time and was dodging goods falling from the shelves.

The owners of the houses suffered minor damage, which became covered with noticeable cracks. The inside of some rooms will also have to be repaired, because the vibrations knocked paintings off the walls and clearly damaged the floor and walls. The destruction of the foundation of some structures completely led to their bending.

Earthquake destroys home in California

Also, the consequences of the earthquake can be seen in the Mojave Desert, which is covered with deep cracks.

Earthquake in California: latest news

After a series of earthquakes, Californians began to worry about the occurrence of another, stronger shock. According to the US Geological Survey, people have nothing to worry about - the possibility of another strong earthquake extremely small. Experts have confirmed their opinion that catastrophic earthquakes occur only after a long period of seismic activity, and in California in Lately There was a long period of silence.

Also, some people began to fear that tremors could trigger an eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano. It is believed that such a catastrophe could cause a long winter, during which humanity will not be able to grow plants and will begin to starve. Scientists again believe that people worry in vain, because for an eruption the volcano’s magma must be 50% melted, and this moment it is melted to a maximum of 15%.

Yellowstone supervolcano

What causes earthquakes?

The main cause of tremors is considered to be the movement of tectonic plates, which are constantly moving blocks that make up the Earth’s shell. They are set in motion during temperature changes in the bowels of the planet - when heated, the plates rise up, and when cooled, they fall down.

Where do most earthquakes occur?

Oddly enough, California is considered one of the most earthquake-prone places on Earth. It is located on the territory of the so-called San Andreas Fault, a 1,300-kilometer intersection of the Pacific and North American tectonic plates. Earthquakes in this region can occur at any time, so it can be said that all 39 million Californians are constantly risking their lives.

San Andreas Fault

Japan is still the record holder for the number of destructive earthquakes. One of the very first such disasters was recorded back in 869 - it was accompanied by a tsunami and received official name Jogan-Sanriku earthquake. The number of victims was about 1000 people.

One of the most recent major earthquakes is the Great East Japan Earthquake of 2011. The magnitude of the tremors reached 9.1 points - the resulting tsunami affected the USA, Canada and even Russia. During this disaster, 15,896 people died, 6,157 were injured, and 2,536 are considered missing.

Consequences of the 2011 Japan earthquake

One of the most serious earthquakes in modern history occurred in Armenia on December 7, 1988. Strong tremors with a magnitude of up to 7.2 destroyed almost the entire northern part of the republic, where about 1 million people lived. The disaster claimed the lives of 25 thousand people, 514 thousand local residents were left homeless, and 140 thousand people became disabled.

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The consequences of the earthquake in Mexico, which occurred on September 19, clearly showed Californians what can happen to the residents of the state if no action is taken.

Company Alpha Structural, based in Los Angeles, is renovating the first floor of an apartment complex that was wood framed before 1978. Thicker steel beams and columns, reinforcement and more stable partitions are installed here.

The numerous destroyed buildings in Mexico City were a stark reminder of what was to come in California. “Every 20 to 25 years, Los Angeles experiences a major earthquake,” says Mark Schlaich, vice president of technology at Alpha Structural. It's been 23 years since the 6.7 Northridge earthquake hit the city in 1994. “Statistically, it’s coming,” Slajic added.

Reducing the number of buildings that can collapse

In a 2008 study, the United States Geological Survey (USGS) found that the probability of an earthquake measuring 6.7 or greater in California within the next 30 years was greater than 99%. An earthquake along the San Andreas Fault in Southern California could kill about 1,800 people. The study notes that 53 thousand people could be affected by the earthquake, and damage would reach $214 billion. In October 2015, Los Angeles officials took the most drastic measures in the country, requiring about 14,000 buildings to be strengthened to withstand a major earthquake.

The only problem with the retrofit in Los Angeles, seismologists say, is the cost of the process, which is happening too slowly and is expected to be completed in 2022.

San Francisco passed a similar retrofitting law in 2013. This process was divided into four stages. The last stage of modernization will end in 2018.

"Efforts to retrofit buildings in the city will undoubtedly change estimates of estimated damage across the state," says geophysicist Doug Daig, who serves as the earthquake early warning coordinator for the USGS.

Development of an earthquake early warning system

There is another tool that will save lives and reduce costs in the wake of an earthquake.

The Earthquake Early Warning System - EEW - is the best available technology that gives seconds - sometimes minutes - notice that an earthquake is approaching.

The system could use seismometers hidden underground to detect critical moments before they spread to all areas. And sensors located throughout the West Coast will record this data in real time.

These 30-60 seconds can change a lot, says engineer CalTech and professor. Children may have time to jump under tables or move to a safer area in the school; or trains may stop.

“This system should provide as much as possible more information to make the best decisions during an earthquake,” says Heaton.

As for the earthquake in Mexico, the early warning system notified people about it 30 seconds before it started. This allowed them to leave the buildings or move to safer areas.

Mexico installed a reliable warning system after the 1985 earthquake. Almost 5 thousand people died then.

An early warning system has also existed in Japan for decades. Today, cell phones and school alarms sound in unison when an earthquake is about to strike.

But in the United States, an early warning system is under development due to federal funding constraints.

USGS says only 40% of the required sensors for an EEW system are in the ground.

What's stopping you?

“We only have two-thirds of the annual operating funds,” says David Heaton. “We are trying to create a system with a limited funding stream.”

"I can't help but think about Mexico City and the people who died under the rubble... We don't want to see the same situation here," he says. “I’m afraid we will regret not doing this when we had the opportunity.”

USGS and seismological laboratory CalTech began EEW research in 2006 on a shoestring budget, relying on federal funding and some private donations. They created a beta version of the system in 2012 and released a pilot program earlier this year.

This year, due to the lack of national urgency for EEW, the Trump Administration did not initially plan to provide funding for the USGS EEW system. Following demands from members of Congress, tentative funding for USGS EEW was restored to $10.2 million this year. Last year, the state of California also allocated $10 million to develop an EEW system.

But the USGS says the EEW system will cost approximately $38 million to build and $16 million a year to operate and maintain.

"It's frustrating," Heaton says. “If you look at other countries, they got freedom and a message after big earthquakes. We'd like to do this before everything happens."

Attention to other countries' disasters and political priorities are among the reasons for the slow rollout of the EEW system.

Using Mexico City as an example, Heaton explains what would happen in the event of a 7.6 magnitude earthquake in Southern California.

“You'll see hundreds of old concrete frame buildings fall,” he says. "You will see the collapse of many tall buildings, built before 1995. We might even see the collapse of modern high-rise buildings. This could be a very bad scenario."

If a large earthquake hits Los Angeles, more than 100,000 people — even as many as 300,000 people — could be displaced, said Aram Sahakian, general manager of the Los Angeles Department of Emergency Management.

As cities and states try to prepare for an earthquake, seismologists and city officials are also advising residents to prepare themselves.

“You, your family and your neighbors should be prepared to not get an answer if you call 911. You should be able to survive on your own for hours or days,” says Aram Sahakyan.

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