Labor education of a child in the family. Consultation on labor education “The work of a child in the family Labor education of a preschool child in the family

Highly appreciating the importance of labor, the great Russian teacher K. D. Ushinsky emphasized that without a certainactivity, without personal participation in any work, a person loses not only physical strength, but also decreaseshis morality. Inactivity, according to Ushinsky, is one of the reasons for hooliganism among children.
The outstanding Soviet teacher A. S. Makarenko confirmed this. He brought up the most “difficult” teenagersa deep sense of humanity, honesty, truthfulness. With great skill A. S. Makarenko revealed the basics labor education of children, showed its enormous social significance and educational impact.
Useful and feasible work causes great moral satisfaction in children, creates a cheerful,cheerful mood. In work, consciousness, love and respect for the worker are born and a person, friendship grows stronger in work. Only on the basis of common labor is the real world created, developed and strengthened. team.
Labor education promotes the comprehensive development of children. Carrying out work duties, overcomingcertain difficulties, the child becomes more mobile and dexterous, more resilient and patient, observant, learns to quickly and accurately perform the assigned task. A person brought up in work will neverwill be confused in life and will always be able to overcome difficulties along the way.
Labor is extremely important for proper physical development, strengthening and improving healthstudents. By doing feasible work, children develop and grow stronger, their movements improve; whereinthe activity of the heart is regulated, blood circulation is accelerated, favorable conditions are created for rest and sleep.

Labor education is one of the most important tasks of the family.

Children need to be involved in agricultural work and cultivate a love for it. In the garden, orchard,There is always useful work to be done in public gardens. Children can successfully weed, water, harvest vegetables,applying in practice the knowledge acquired at school.
A friendly, working atmosphere in the family, examples of parents’ conscious attitude to work, their love foryour profession - all these are factors of correct labor education of students. They produceawareness that they need to work, taking part in the work of adults as much as possible.
When entrusting children with this or that work, you must definitely think about whether it is possible for them. And in order tothe assigned task was carried out consciously, children should know why they are doing it. It is very important that the childI saw the results of my labor. Therefore, every instruction must leadto useful, tangible results. Overworking, as well as inappropriate and useless work has a negative impact on children.
Habit plays an important role in labor education. which is developed as a result of everyday actions. If, for example, children get used to cleaning up the dishes after themselves or doing the laundry in the morningtheir bed, they will do this without unnecessary reminders, orders andthreats from adults.
Creating habits is the most important result of proper labor education of children. Useful for thisestablish, starting from preschool age, the responsibilities of children. Nonemust, for example, put away toys -we need to teach children to do this themselvesbark; need to teach them correctlydress and undress correctlyput your things in place,specially designated for this purpose.
“Every thing has its place” - this should become a rule. But fulfillmentit should be demanded not only from children - it equally concernsall family members without exception. As in everything, in labor education For children, the example of adults is of utmost importance. They do it rightthose parents who, instead of annoying teachings, use personal exampleteach children order, respect for other people’s work, love for work,instills in them strong work skills.
Those who do wrong are those who force girls from an early age to make the bed, wash the dishes, sweeproom, prepare dinner, etc., frees boys from housework, considering that this is a woman’s job. INAs a result, boys begin to disdain their homework. They spend their free timeoutside and avoid anything related to housework.
The task of labor education of children in the family — to accustom them to work regardless of gender and age, to teacheach of them to perform feasible work in the family, instilling in them the necessary skills. Children need to be taughtany work. The father and mother who raise white-handed children do not teach their children to work in the household (they say they will learn it themselves when they become adults) - they misunderstand love for the child. Loving children does not mean removing them from work. Those parents who truly love their children are those who take care of their comprehensivepreparing them for life.

Labor education of a child in the family

Mastery of skills labor activity should be considered as one of the main conditions education children have desires and skills work. Whatever it is child interested in the goal labor without owning labor skills, he will never achieve results. Formed labor skills and abilities serve as the basis for education children take things seriously labor, habits and desires work, be included in work of your own free will, to successfully complete it.

Labor skills and abilities different: self-care work, household work, labor in nature, manual work. Labor education children in kindergarten should not be carried out in isolation from family education, because in family there are favorable conditions for the formation in children hard work. This is, first of all, visibility, availability of a variety of home labor committed daily by adults in front of baby. IN family, together with adults the child will master work skills faster. Work delivers together with parents child's joy.

Participation in household activities labor allows the child feel involved in your concerns families, this contributes education many qualities personalities: responsiveness, caring, thrift, responsibility.

IN family child hears parents' stories about their labor. This expands the idea of adult labor, creates interest and respect for him.

Younger preschoolers pay a lot of attention education self-care skills.

Before you start teaching your baby to be independent in self-care, you need to create conditions:

Provide a permanent, convenient place for playing and storing toys so that he can take them himself and then put them away;

Make a hanger at his height so he can hang a towel or clothes;

Buy a small chair on which it would be more comfortable for him to sit;

Learn to unbutton and button your clothes, etc.

In this case, you need to use explanations and a visual demonstration of the action.

Everything needs to be taught to kids gradually, showing each action. Render to kid help should only be given when he really needs it. We must strive to ensure that the baby tries to overcome difficulties. Showing persistence and achieving results baby should definitely be praised, this encourages him to show great independence.

Kids love to play. While washing his face, he plays with water, getting dressed, turning a shoe into a car, etc. Understanding the child’s need to play, the desire to turn surrounding objects into objects for play, at the same time, we need to teach child to distinguish play from work, but persistently achieve the desired result. The game contributes to the development of child of many skills which will be useful to him in labor on self-care and when providing assistance to adults in the household. While playing with the doll, the baby dresses and undresses it, makes the crib, sweeps his corner, etc.

At a younger age, such instructions should be given to kid that he can execute: put bread on the table, put spoons, bring grandma shoes, etc. Such orders are delivered child's joy, because he is aware of his involvement in useful deeds.

Kids show great interest in what adults do at home, in their actions, in the results labor. This interest should be encouraged. And if parents do not remove anyone interested in their work baby, try to satisfy his curiosity, evoke in him a feeling of gratitude to those who works, he develops respect for the work of those around, desire appears work. Adults should take advantage of opportunities to thank them for their attention. All this contributes to the formation of baby respect for adults and their labor.

Those who believe that as a child grows up needs less care and that as he develops as a conscious being it will be easier to influence him are deeply mistaken. With every week, with every month, the child’s connections with the outside world become more complex, he begins to develop logical thinking, memory, initiative, and more and more knowledge is required to guide his development.

Let us remind you that one of the main pedagogical requirements is an individual approach to each child. Your ability to select available physical exercises and games taking into account the child’s health and development is of great importance. It is necessary to take into account the level of development of the motor system and qualities such as dexterity and speed of movement. Sedentary, lethargic children who exhibit timidity, uncertainty, stiffness and tension in their movements need to be more interested, stimulate their mobility, increase activity, and instill in them a sense of self-confidence. It must be borne in mind that passivity and lethargy can be a consequence of physical weakening, and this requires great care in regulating their load in activities and games.

In classes with active but unbalanced children, who are characterized by slight excitability, often excessive mobility, and quick distractibility, the ability to interest them is also required. Then they become more attentive and restrained. It is advisable to give them tasks that require organization and endurance. An individual approach makes it possible to develop many positive qualities and character traits of a child, and eliminate or smooth out negative ones.

Visual clarity in teaching is of great importance in classes with children. We must strive to show them movements in a lively and interesting way, and make extensive use of a variety of toys and aids during games and gymnastics. And, of course, the positive emotional connotation of these activities is very important. But one demonstration is not enough for proper assimilation. The child's attention is still largely unstable. Therefore, he does not always perceive well what an adult shows. The word should come to the rescue; with your explanations you need to direct his attention in the right direction. This method can help master the movements: as if directly participating in the movement of the child himself, for example, move his hand in the right direction; holding his hands, throw the ball with him. Thanks to such techniques, the child feels his movements better, and with their repetition, the correct skill of execution is reinforced.

Guys need close attention. However, this does not mean that adults should deal with them all the time. This is not only unnecessary, but even harmful. We repeat that what is required from adults is mostly reasonable guidance. Be sure to involve preschoolers in practical activities in the form of feasible participation in labor. You have an important task - to involve children in work activities that are feasible for them, to develop a positive emotional attitude towards it.

Children who systematically engage in a variety of physical exercises more easily master work skills, they develop correct posture and coordination of movements. In turn, work educates and physically develops children. Therefore, it is so important to teach them from an early age to perform simple self-care duties and help elders in the family.

All these factors determine the relevance of the chosen topic.

The object of the study are preschool children.

The subject of the study is the work of preschool children in family and kindergarten settings.

The purpose of writing a term paper is to show the importance and necessity of the work of preschoolers both in the family and in kindergarten.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of labor education of preschool children.

2. Consider the content of educational work for preschool children.

3. Analyze the procedure for organizing the work activities of preschool children in a family environment.

4. Show the role of adults in organizing the work of preschool children.

5. Analyze the organization of collective work in a kindergarten.

Structurally, the course work consists of an introduction, two parts, a conclusion and a list of references.

1 Methodological foundations of labor education

1.1 Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of labor education of preschool children

Consciousness as the highest form of the psyche is characterized by a number of characteristics. These include the active nature of reflection, which includes not only modeling the properties of external influences that are the source of an image or thought, but also changing these properties under the influence of human activity, that is, labor. The internal dialectic of consciousness - the transition from sensation to thought through language - is regulated by practice. As consciousness, mental activity is a dynamic correlation of sensory and logical knowledge, their system, which works as a single whole and determines each individual knowledge. This working system is the state of man's wakefulness, or, in other words, the specifically human characteristic of wakefulness is consciousness.

This, of course, is nothing new, but such a rapprochement of consciousness and wakefulness, carried out with the greatest care by P.P. Blonsky, allows us to understand consciousness itself as one of the manifestations of human work, as the internal plan of human activity, influencing the external conditions of human life. It is known that human consciousness is a product of development.

From a certain age, a child becomes aware of the effect, the result of the action he performs, precisely because this result is clear and visible. One can even say that the initial facts of consciousness are the child’s perception and experience of the results of his own action, objective in the form of self-service (dressing or feeding) or play, graphic action (constructing an image on the plane of a sheet). Consequently, consciousness appears as an integral part of the effect of the action and is therefore inevitably instantaneous. However, in the process of upbringing and accumulation of life experience, such immediacy is gradually replaced by the internal connectedness of states of consciousness, since not only the effects of actions are realized, but also the processes of the child’s activity. Mainly under the influence of speech and the assimilation with its help of social experience and historically established methods of activity, consciousness spreads to the entire process of activity, and the sequence of this spread is reverse, that is, it comes from the end (action effect). There comes a time, usually around the age of five or six, when the child’s consciousness completely embraces the entire process of activity, starting with preparation for action in the form of an emerging plan and intention, a known internal plan planned for a particular period of action, initially short, and then all more expanding in its time ranges.

As such expansion occurs, the possibility arises of retaining the goals of the activity in consciousness for a longer period of time. From awareness of individual moments of action, the child moves completely to purposeful, planned activity - this is the path of individual development of consciousness, thanks to which the entire state of wakefulness becomes a continuous “stream of consciousness”, switched from one type of activity to another.
The peculiarity of this course of development makes it possible to understand one of the most remarkable features of consciousness - the relative continuity of its states, forming a community of various mental processes and their relation to the “I”, that is, to the self-consciousness of the subject. The mechanism of this continuity of states of consciousness is the development of associations, the formation of associative series from them, and from them associative, complexly branched systems and intersystems, information flows. However, in the process of the formation of each new system from certain associative masses, dissociation occurs, the separation of elements of previously formed associations. Associated with these moments of dissociation is a break in the continuity of associative flows, when at some time the general state of conscious regulation of activity is replaced by the unconscious flow of the process. The nature of such a flow differs from the states that arise as a result of long-term automation of certain acts, when an initially conscious action becomes unconscious.

One way or another, the functioning and the very formation of consciousness is understandable only as a characteristic of the regulation of activity, the practical interaction of a person with the outside world. Consciousness as an active reflection of objective reality is the regulation of human practical activity in the world around him.

Thanks to the accumulation of life experience, that is, the experience of reflection and practical activity itself, the assimilation through the language of historically established knowledge, consciousness becomes the totality of a person’s subjective relationships to nature, society, people and himself. But there is a more general subjective attitude, which in a certain sense gives rise to consciousness itself: the attitude towards work, practical activity, through which a person does not adapt to the environment, but subordinates it to his own needs, forces it to serve the needs of society. This transformative power of people’s labor impact on nature is realized in various forms of human creative activity, but what is common to these forms is the subjective attitude towards work as the main value that forms the inner world of man.

In preschool pedagogy and child psychology, until recently, there were widespread ideas that all the actions of a child are phenomena of play activity, which is historically generated by work, ontogenetically is a preparation for learning and work, but is itself decisively incompatible with work.

In early childhood and preschool age, movements are objectified and become human actions through speech (secondary signal) regulation and orientation toward historically established social standards, but only supposedly insofar as they are included in play activity. The position about the special formative role of play in the mental development of a child does not require proof. However, this role cannot and should not mask the process of the child’s real life, which is carried out not through play, but through work, albeit very elementary ones. Without these actions, a child can hardly satisfy any of his needs, of course, from the moment adults stop spoon-feeding him. All actions of so-called self-care (feeding, dressing and putting on shoes, caring for oneself, one’s room, etc.), participation in household work constitute an important aspect of the child’s daily life in the family.

The disdainful attitude of pedagogy and psychology towards this side of a child’s life is based on the premise of the “technical” significance of such actions, which do not have an impact on the mental development of children.

As Ananyev B.G. noted, only very recently the theory of preschool education began to develop methods of labor education for young children, but mainly in the conditions of nurseries and kindergartens, that is, public education. Labor education of children, both in the conditions of public and family education, begins with the organization of a regime and lifestyle with the active participation of the child himself through the so-called self-service. Then, in special conditions of public education (kindergarten, especially school), this elementary form of labor activity is combined with various activities of socially useful work, which is an extremely important means of educating younger generations.

Making toys and various crafts from natural materials is painstaking, interesting, unusual and very enjoyable work. In order for children to be able to do it willingly, it is necessary to develop imagination, good feelings, and with mastery of the skill comes dexterity in work. A. S. Makarenko drew attention to the importance of using natural materials in a child’s activities. He pointed out that materials (clay, wood, paper, etc.) “are closest to normal human activity: from materials man creates values ​​and culture... There is a lot of good realism in the material toy, but at the same time there is space for imagination, not just imagination, but great creative imagination.”

The life of a good friendly family, no matter how big or small, should be built on the principle of the life of a team, all members of which have certain responsibilities, the fulfillment of which teaches children to take each assigned task responsibly. A. S. Makarenko wrote: “The child who received the correct labor education in the family will in the future undergo his special training with great success. And those children who have not had any work experience in the family cannot obtain good qualifications, they suffer various failures, they turn out to be poor workers, despite all the efforts of government institutions.” Therefore, it is the preschool institution that should help the family purposefully continue working on labor education, developing independence and initiative, and caring for tools and materials.

Children often bring acorns, cones, and branches from their walks; from the excursion to the pond - beautiful pebbles and shells. Children spend a long time looking at the collected material, sorting it out, feeling it, and examining it. This helps to remember the shape, colors, and properties of each type of material.

Meetings with nature expand children’s understanding, improve their ability to look closely at various phenomena, and maintain the integrity of perception when creating crafts from natural materials.

Making crafts requires dexterous actions from the child, and if at first he could damage the toy with an inaccurate hand movement, then later, in the process of systematic work, the child’s hand gains confidence, accuracy, and the fingers become flexible. All this is important for preparing the hand for writing and for educational activities at school. Manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills - consistency in the work of the eye and hand, improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, and accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making crafts, a system of special skills and abilities is gradually formed. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest streams that feed the source of creative thought.”

1.2 Content of educational work for preschool children

Doable “kind” and “smart” work, work often associated with play, is precisely the necessary activity of a preschool child (in addition to the actual play) that meets his age characteristics. The systematic inclusion of a child’s work activity in the process of his upbringing in the family and kindergarten immeasurably increases the self-worth of the preschool period, as well as the level of preparation for school and, ultimately, for adult life.

At the same time, we must not forget that the success of labor education is impossible without special attention to the individuality of the child. After all, every person, including small ones, is a unique, peculiar person with his own interests, affections, capabilities, and character traits.

Direct communication with living nature gives the child more vivid ideas than books and pictures. Therefore, already in early age groups, conditions are created for children’s daily communication with nature, corners of nature are organized where children have the opportunity to observe fish, birds, plants, see the teacher’s care for them, and receive the first basic work skills.

The work activity of a preschooler must be organized so that work has something in common with play and is an integral part of it. This is how a child learns, gets used to working, without noticing that this is no longer a game.

It must be remembered that for a two or three year old child, fastening a button is already work, and quite complex and painstaking.

While playing at home, the child helps his mother put things in order, puts away his toys and clothes, helps with cooking, and helps care for pets.

In a kindergarten there are many more opportunities to organize the work activity of a preschooler. It should be noted that in kindergarten preschoolers work collectively, which increases their interest in work and at the same time teaches them to cooperate and help each other.

In kindergartens there are corners of nature in which children, watching birds, fish, and plants, help care for them, feed the animals, water the plants, and carry out other instructions from the teacher.

Also, during walks, children, under the guidance of a teacher, collect natural materials, from which later, during labor education lessons, they make toys and crafts, which teaches children perseverance, hard work, and develops fine motor skills.

The work of making toys from natural materials can be individual or collective. Like adults, collective work brings great joy to children due to its coherence and clear organization. It is especially important here that children understand the effectiveness of collective work and realize its advantages.

In kindergarten, in older groups, children are on duty to help teachers maintain order in the group, bring food from the kitchen, collect used dishes after lunch, etc.

It is also possible for teachers to use other forms and types of work activity in kindergarten.

Parents of preschoolers need to be interested in what kind of work their children do in a preschool institution, while continuing their labor education at home. The older children become, the more responsibilities they should be assigned, the more complex tasks they should perform, and the less work should be associated with play.

1.3 Organization of work activity in a family environment

Children who have not been accustomed to work since childhood often do not know what to do in their spare time. Everything is not going well for them. Unnoticed, a bad habit of spending time aimlessly appears; they prefer to watch games and how others work than to do any work themselves. Hence the tendency to idleness and laziness. This should not be allowed under any circumstances. Otherwise, the child will grow up poorly adapted to working independent life.

It is necessary to be closer to the guys' games. Without restricting their independence, lead them. Good advice and practical example can encourage them to take more perfect actions and help them master the basics of various labor movements. Young children, while playing, quietly move on to self-care activities and running errands for adults, to activities for the common benefit. As they get older, they increasingly begin to distinguish play from work.

In preschool age, work is closely related to play and everyday activities. It is expressed mainly in basic self-care (dressing, washing, cleaning toys, etc.) and performing individual tasks and hygiene requirements. Young children are not so interested in the result as in the process of work itself; they still have difficulty distinguishing between play and work. With proper upbringing, work will stand out to them as an independent activity, and gradually they will begin to understand its meaning. Such work contributes to the development of focus, responsibility, and the desire to achieve results.

Children acquire their first labor skills, for example, by helping to set the table at home. It is useful to involve them in caring for indoor plants, small animals, working in the garden in the summer, etc. The children also willingly work on making simple toys from paper, cardboard, and plasticine. This work is creative in nature and helps to master working skills using tools such as scissors and a hammer. It is necessary that the content and form of the work be close to children's interests and capabilities. However, we must not forget that any work requires some effort from the child and overcoming difficulties. Of course, these efforts should be feasible, not cause overwork, but arouse the desire to return to a certain task again and again and do it better and faster. Labor education plays an important role in preparing children for the conditions of the upcoming school.

With age, it is necessary to gradually complicate the tasks for the child. It is necessary to give him more independence in performing various tasks, to cultivate in him a love of mental and physical labor.

In a family there will always be a wide variety of jobs that require physical labor that is feasible for children. Their work responsibilities for self-care, caring for the house, flowers, gardening and others must be included in the daily routine, taking approximately 30 to 45 minutes a day. Doing work well done by children brings them great satisfaction and makes them want to help their elders more. It is useful to involve them in the manufacture of sports equipment for general use, as well as in work on equipment within the yard of the sports ground that is feasible for them. This will teach them to appreciate the work of others. Make sure that work is conducive to strengthening the health and physical strength of children. When teaching children to use it, instill in them a love of creative actions.

It is necessary that the child understands the importance of the task entrusted to him for the family. In addition, it is important that he is able to carry out what is required properly, receiving appropriate instructions from his family in a timely manner. This especially applies to work involving significant effort or techniques that require special manual skill. It is necessary to teach children not to make unnecessary, unnecessary movements, to use energy sparingly, to maintain a certain rhythm in their work, and to check how they perform it.

2.1 The role of adults in organizing the work of preschool children

Introducing a child to independent feasible work, his acquaintance with the work of adults is the most important means of forming the moral foundations of the child’s personality, its humanistic orientation, and strong-willed qualities.

Doable “kind” and “smart” work, work often associated with play, is precisely the necessary activity of a preschool child (in addition to the actual play) that meets his age characteristics. The systematic inclusion of a child’s work activity in the process of his upbringing in the family and kindergarten immeasurably increases the self-worth of the preschool period, as well as the level of preparation for school and, ultimately, for adult life.

At the same time, we must not forget that the success of labor education is impossible without special attention to the individuality of the child. After all, every person, including small ones, is a unique, peculiar person with his own interests, affections, capabilities, and character traits.

Let's consider the role of adults in organizing the work of preschool children using the example of organizing work to create toys from natural materials.

It is advisable to use various forms of collective work of children to develop their skills in planning their activities, taking into account a common goal, and the ability to distribute operations. Collective work has a great influence on the formation in children of the beginnings of collectivism, friendly, benevolent relationships, mutual assistance, and camaraderie. The results of collective work, especially those approved by adults, inspire the children and encourage them to perform new crafts. They take on every job with great emotional enthusiasm. Thus, with the correct organization of the educational process, working with natural materials becomes an effective means of the harmonious development of children.

The methodology for organizing the work of preschool children with natural materials is based on the principles of didactics: from simple to complex. In this case, the principle of repetition of actions becomes important (for example, when performing new crafts, the teacher relies on the skills that were required and developed in children earlier).

To correctly develop skills in working with the simplest tools and materials, it is necessary to show and explain the teacher, certain practical actions of children (exercises) under the supervision of an adult who monitors the correct execution of operations and the formation of the skill.

The teacher knows well how the children in his group feel about work, whether they want and can work. He judges this by how they accept the adult’s task, how independently they set the goal of the work, how they motivate it (“why are we doing this”).

The incentive for children to show creativity when making toys from natural materials is encouragement and approval of the child’s success.

Ready-made children's works have a great impact on children. They help develop children’s interest in this work and encourage them to take initiative in improving their skills in working with natural materials. For this purpose, the group organizes an exhibition of children's works.

For the full development of a child’s work orientation, parents and adults close to him should be introduced early to work, respect, interest in the work of adults, the desire to do something useful for others should be instilled in him, to bring others joy with his work (for example, to give a gift to his mother, grandmother, March 8, toys for kids, garlands for decorating a group room, etc.), i.e., cultivate social motivation for work.

A child in the process of labor (manual, in particular) feels like an adult, and this consciousness that he is working, working like an adult, brings him joy, supports his interest and love for work.

The teacher organizes work on the toy taking into account these principles, while ensuring that all children are provided with the necessary tools and materials and that safety rules are followed.

Children will be more successful in making toys from natural materials if they have the opportunity to do it in other activities. For example, natural materials can also be used in modeling classes: various seeds, nut shells, moss, acorns, their cups, etc. Children love to make appliques from pumpkin seeds and dried leaves. In these classes, children get acquainted with a new technique for gluing appliqué: they apply glue not to the part, but to the place where it will be applied. They enjoy laying out mosaic patterns on plasticine-covered boards made from seeds, painted with ink in different colors. Such activities contribute to the development of small muscles of the hands and the development of creative ingenuity.

The production of a planned toy is preceded by a lot of preparatory work. Before starting to create crafts, children are given excursions into nature (to a forest, park, botanical garden, to a river, a forest belt and other places). At the beginning, excursions are carried out often (if it is in kindergarten, then targeted walks can be used for this purpose). On such excursions, it is important to teach children to look more closely at the unique beauty of nature, to see the beauty in slender birch trees, majestic oak groves, and the soft rustle of grass.

During the excursion, the teacher reminds the children that the bark of dried or felled trees (pines, birches) is used to make toys from natural materials; fallen branches and seeds of trees and shrubs. In front of the children, the teacher can make 1-2 simple toys (for example, a dragonfly, a fish, etc.). This will contribute to the formation of interest in making crafts from natural materials. On the excursion you can take boxes for collecting various leaves, lionfish, seeds, and during the excursion you can organize the collection of branches and twigs that will be needed for making various toys. The teacher tells the children how to collect natural materials, emphasizing that acorns, cones, and berries must be whole and unbruised. Offers to sort the material by type, size, color, placing it in large baskets or boxes.

In the preparatory group, children can already do a lot on their own. During the excursion, they make toys, collect materials, and see images of future crafts. The teacher reminds the children of the requirements for the collected material. For this purpose, organizes the game “Collecting Material”. Together with the children, he determines the location of the receiving sorting point, selects a forest (park) duty officer who will monitor nature conservation, a quality controller for the collected material, etc.

Working on a toy develops children's orientation and research activity. Therefore, it is important that the teacher does not explain everything himself during the process of making the toy. Good results can be achieved when children are forced to think out, complete, and analyze actions themselves.

Thus, children’s work in making crafts from natural materials begins with mastering the method of making a toy according to a model made by the teacher in advance. Seeing an object in front of them, children can easily analyze the structure of the craft, determine how to connect the parts, think through and plan the course of the upcoming project. To master this skill, the teacher invites the children to create several toys based on the model he created during the analysis of the task. At the same time, the teacher must ensure that all his actions are accurate and that all children can see them. If after this the children find it difficult to start working, the teacher again explains the sequence of making the toy.

After successfully mastering the method of making a toy according to a sample, you can move on to making a toy according to a drawing (photo). And here the use of a schematic sketch of a toy, which will facilitate the transition from visual-effective thinking to concrete-figurative thinking, can be of great help to children. A. R. Luria pointed out the effectiveness of using this technique. He noted that in the model sample nothing was visible except the outline. This puts the child in unusual conditions of independent creative activity and contributes to the manifestation and development of his creative thinking.

Work using drawing models can be structured as follows. The components of almost all toys are slightly modified geometric shapes that children can easily draw. In the first such lesson, after analyzing the sample, the teacher invites the children to see how he will draw a model of the toy being performed, after which they repeat on paper the drawing given by the teacher. In the future, at the initial stage of using a drawing of a toy model, the teacher should help the children make it correctly, after which the children will be able to. make such a drawing yourself.

Using this technique will enable children to imagine the overall progress of a task, constantly see a goal in front of them, a project for the result of the work, and at the same time will contribute to the development of ideas and creative thinking.

The application of the proposed sequence for the production of drawings of toys, of course, does not exclude any changes that the teacher can make. The teacher himself can find successful methods of working when analyzing a sample in order to interest children (make a riddle about the subject, etc.).

Summarizing the analysis of the work of making crafts from natural materials according to a sample, we can outline a general characteristic scheme of the work sequence:

1. Examination and analysis of a toy sample.

2. Establishing a step-by-step sequence of its production with preliminary planning of the progress of work.

3. Choosing a method for connecting parts of the toy.

4. Selection of materials and tools (with the help of a teacher or independently).

5. Making a toy.

6. Analysis and evaluation of children's toys.

Children’s work according to design is of great educational importance when making crafts from natural materials. Such activities help children develop the ability to independently plan activities. Before starting work, the child must first outline the actions, determine their sequence (what to do first, how to connect the torso and head in a toy, etc.). And often children succeed in this already in the senior group, and by the end of their stay in kindergarten they successfully complete the task as planned, according to the conditions.

Many crafts are made by children using the same type of material and using the same methods. The teacher helps children identify these techniques and ways of working, teaches them to generalize and transfer them to the making of new crafts. Here it is especially important to maintain continuity in work and rely on previously acquired knowledge. The purpose of forming such generalized ways of working is to develop interest in manual labor, the ability to make crafts, and creative abilities.

When creating toys, the teacher teaches children to combine natural materials. For example, to make a funny bird, you can take a pine cone for the body, make the head from a small acorn of a specific shape, the neck from a branch, the legs from small twigs, and the tail can be a bright fluffy feather. Seeds of various plants (rowan, sunflower, watermelon seeds, etc.) are used as eyes for birds, animals, and people. For legs and paws, curved tree branches and twigs with an interesting bend are suitable. Deer antlers are intricately curved branches. Cups (bulls) of acorns are a good replacement for hats or pants for little people. Tree bark serves as a good stand for homemade toys when you are planning to make a souvenir toy. From maple and ash lionfish, the ears of a hare, the beard of Karabas-Barabas, the tail and mane of a horse are excellent.

Teaching such skills is best done when children make toys according to design. So, in the production of “The Wayfarer” they use rose hips, but there were none in this lesson. The teacher asks the children what material can replace rose hips and what can be made from it.

In kindergarten, work with natural materials can be organized in the afternoon in a group room or in a work corner (well lit) with a subgroup of children (6-7 people) or with all children (depending on the type and stage of work) once a week . The first toys are simple in their design and connection methods, so all children can take part in their production. When learning a new technique in the process of making a toy (using an awl, stacks), children must be divided into subgroups. At the same time, it is better not to conduct lessons with them according to the plan, especially at first, when children have not yet learned to correlate plans with their capabilities, when their practical skills are still imperfect, and the ability to analyze the upcoming work is not sufficiently developed. By organizing the work of children into subgroups, the teacher will see each child and it will be easier for him to provide individual assistance and control over the children’s actions.

You can work on toys made of birch bark and cattails simultaneously with the entire group of children, since the preparation of the material (cutting birch bark, cattails) is mainly done by the teacher before work, especially when using an awl and stacks.

The production of toys from straw and shells should be organized into subgroups, since these are more complex toys and it will be difficult for the teacher to monitor the actions of all children.

Final assessments are carried out with all children and in subgroups, depending on their development of the skill of teamwork and the ability to negotiate with each other during its distribution. The teacher outlines subgroups of children taking into account their desires and skills. The composition of subgroups may change. The teacher keeps records of successes and failures in a separate notebook and is guided by these records in his work.

As we see, the teacher directs the children’s activities, stimulates them, and supports them. Where necessary, he prompts, helps the child discover his own mistake, and feel more confident and “adult.”

2.2 Organization of collective work in a kindergarten

Kindergarten, being the initial stage of the general education system, provides education for preschool children. The most important task of forming a harmoniously developed, spiritually rich personality is to cultivate in every person the need for work, a clear awareness of the need for conscientious work for the common good.

Forming interest and love for work is one of the main tasks of raising children. Various types of work of preschool children (household, manual, work in nature) contain the origins of early identification of abilities, personal gifts, and the correct choice of profession in the future.

One of the main forms of collective work in a kindergarten is duty.

When supervising the work of those on duty, one should take into account the individual characteristics of children: one needs to be given timely assistance so that the child does not feel powerless, otherwise he will lose interest in work; praise another in front of his comrades and parents for his conscientious attitude to his work; the third, on the contrary, may be influenced by a remark made in front of all the children, in front of the parents; the fourth is strongly influenced by the positive examples of his comrades. Sometimes, it may be necessary to remove a child from duty for dishonest attitude towards duties.

As children master work skills, the role of the teacher should change: he may no longer be directly involved in the children’s work, but he exercises daily control, which the children feel all the time (as soon as you weaken it for two or three days, some lose interest in performing duties) .

It is necessary for children to inform the teacher when they have completed their work and ask them to check what they have done. If any omission is discovered or it turns out that something was done incorrectly, the child corrects or completes it. It’s good to evaluate the work of those on duty at the end of the day.

You can periodically conduct reports from duty officers to the team when transferring duties. Children tell the whole group how they cared for plants and animals, and what new and interesting things they noticed. The teacher involves the children themselves in assessing the work of those on duty. Such reports to the team increase the responsibility of those on duty for fulfilling their duties.

An important condition for cultivating hard work is a feeling of satisfaction and joy from the results of work. Therefore, when assessing duties, it is necessary to emphasize that the good condition of plants and animals is associated with conscientious performance of duties.

All children should be systematically involved in cleaning the corner of nature. Collective cleaning requires clear organization of work and preparation of the necessary conditions.

It is necessary to distribute the load so that the children can finish the work at the same time. It is important to ensure that everyone, being a participant in a common cause, learns to carry out the instructions given to him and to bring the work he has begun to completion.

During work, the teacher must have all children in sight, provide timely assistance to those in need, and maintain a cheerful mood and desire to do the job well.

At the end of the cleaning, it is necessary to restore order in the group: put everything in its place, inspect everything, and give the children a feeling of satisfaction from the collective work done. “The corner became clean, beautiful, and you did it all together,” says the teacher. It is especially necessary to emphasize the importance of collective work: what is difficult and time-consuming to do alone, can be easily and quickly done by everyone together.

Thanks to participation in collective work, children develop such valuable qualities as friendship, the ability to distribute work among themselves, help a friend in difficulties, rejoice in the success of others, and obey the demands of their comrades.

In the process of developing labor skills and abilities, consistency in the work of two educators, as well as an agreement with the group’s nanny-cleaner, is of great importance. The teacher explains to the nanny the importance of duty and collective work of children, reveals their content. It is very important to teach the nanny/cleaner the correct techniques for caring for plants and animals. It is also advisable that she participate in collective cleaning.


Varied work brings children a lot of joy and contributes to their all-round development. In the process of work, a love for nature, a careful and caring attitude towards it is cultivated. Children develop an interest in work activity and a conscious, responsible attitude towards it. In a team, children learn to work together and help each other.

Working in nature has great educational value. It broadens children's horizons and creates favorable conditions for solving problems of sensory education. Working in nature, children become familiar with the properties and qualities, states of natural objects, and learn ways to establish these properties. The teacher teaches children to focus on the properties of natural objects to perform labor actions. So, to determine whether a plant needs watering, you need to take into account its condition (elasticity, density of leaves and stem). As a result, children develop a standard idea of ​​the properties, qualities, and states of natural objects.

In the process of working in nature, children develop knowledge about plants (properties and qualities of plants, their structure, needs, main stages of development, methods of cultivation, seasonal changes), about animals (appearance, needs, methods of movement, habits, lifestyle, seasonal changes). Children learn to make connections between conditions, the way of life of an animal in nature and ways to care for it in a corner of nature.

In the process of work, practical skills are formed, intellectual skills are developed: planning work, selecting materials and tools, outlining a sequence of operations, distributing them over time and between labor participants, evaluating results, etc.

Labor creates favorable conditions for the physical development of children, since in most cases it takes place in the air, is varied in nature, and this contributes to the development of movements and strengthening the child’s nervous system.

Children's aesthetic needs are satisfied through work. Doing work that is feasible and interesting brings them joy, and this is the basis for instilling in the future a desire to work and a sustainable interest in work.

Work only has educational significance if its organization and content meet certain pedagogical and hygienic requirements.

The most important pedagogical requirement is the organization of work that is varied in content. Only varied work arouses interest in children and a desire to participate in it.

In the process of work, it is necessary to develop practical skills and abilities in unity with knowledge. With such an organization of work, the child acquires not only the skills, but also the knowledge he needs in his future work activity.

An important pedagogical requirement is the awareness of work, which involves revealing to the child its goals, results and ways to achieve them.

Children's work activities should be systematically made more difficult. Skills become more complex, the range of knowledge is enriched, children’s observation and planning skills develop.

Work activity must be regular. It is important for the teacher to introduce every child to it.

Children's work must be feasible. The physical effort expended by the child should not cause overwork. Otherwise, he develops a negative attitude towards work assignments. The duration of work depends on its nature and the age of the children: in the younger group - within 5-7 minutes, in the middle group - from 10 to 15 minutes with a short rest depending on the nature of the work, in older preschool age - 15-25 minutes with a break for rest or change in the nature of work.

It is necessary to ensure the correct posture of children when working. It is important that children do not stay in the same position for a long time. To this end, you should alternate one type of work with another. Tools must be absolutely safe and correspond to the height and strength of the child, but at the same time it is necessary that the equipment is not toy, but real.

Children's work is organized in the form of individual assignments, collective work and duty.

Individual assignments are used in all age groups of kindergarten, but are of particular importance in younger groups, where work activity is just being mastered. With an individual form, the child performs the entire labor process himself. This allows the teacher to teach the child labor actions, provide assistance, monitor the performance of labor operations, evaluate activities, and take into account individual characteristics. All this helps to develop labor skills and abilities, promotes responsibility for the assigned work, perseverance, accuracy, and habits of work effort.

Collective work makes it possible to develop work skills and abilities in all children in the group. Collective work unites children, develops the ability to accept a common goal of work, negotiate, jointly plan actions, coordinate them, help each other, and evaluate work.

In its structure, collective work can be organized as general work (several children or the whole group participate in the work, each child receives a separate task; the results of the work of all children are combined into one common result, for example: each child in a corner of nature wipes the leaves of plants , as a result, everyone together made the plants clean) and joint work (several children participate in the work; the labor process is divided into several operations, each of which is carried out by one of the participants or a group of children; each participant in the work does his own operation and passes the object on, for example: Some children dig up the earth, others level it, others make beds).

Duty duties are one of the most common forms of organizing children's work in kindergarten. Duty involves children alternately performing a constant and specific range of duties. In the corner of nature, children begin to be on duty in the older group. During their duties, they improve their skills in working in nature, social motives for work are formed, etc.

List of used literature

1. /Stadial development of individual consciousness and work. /Ananyev B.G. M.: 2004

2. /Teach children to work./ Bure R.S., Godina G.N. – M., 1983

3. /Education of a preschooler at work / Ed. V.G. Nechaev. – M., 1983

4. /What can be made from natural materials: A manual for kindergarten teachers. garden / Gulyants E. K., Bazik I. Ya. - M.: Education, 1984

5. /How to introduce preschoolers to nature /Ed. P.G. Samorukova. – M., 1983

6. Makarenko A. S. Soch., vol. 4, p. 398

7. /Nature corner in kindergarten./Markovskaya M.M. – M., 1989

8. /Observation and work of children in nature. /Manual for kindergarten teachers. garden Ed. 3rd, revised and corr. M., “Enlightenment”, 1976

9. /I give my heart to children./Sukhomlinsky V.A. Kyiv, 1973, p. 258

10. /Teacher and children/ Bure R.S., Ostrovskaya L.F. M. Education 1985

11. /Cultivating a culture of behavior in preschool children/ Peterina S.V. M. Enlightenment 1986

12. /To educate a tactful interlocutor/ D/v No. 8-85

13. /Child and peers/ D/in No. 9-88

14. /On the education of cultural and hygienic skills/ Yakovenko T., Khodonetskikh Z. D/v No. 8-79

15. /About neatness and neatness/ Teplyuk S. D/v No. 9-88

16. /Preschool pedagogy// Textbook for students of a secondary pedagogical educational institution/ Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. -M., Ed. "Academy", 1998

17. /Moral and labor education of children in kindergartens. // edited by R.S. Bure-M., 1987.

18. /Cultivating hard work in preschoolers //Markova T.A. -M., 1991

19. /Education of preschool children in the process of work// Sergeeva D.V. - M., 1987

20. /Labor education of children for children //edited by Vasilyeva-M., 1984

21. /Formation of experience of collective activity/Bure R.S. M., 1991

22. /Raising hardworking people //Bure R.S., Ostrovskaya L.F. Teacher and children - M., 1985

Labor education in the family.

Primary school teacher Kirsanova V.L.

MBOU boarding school No. 8 in Sayanogorsk

"Education itself, if it wishes happiness to a person,

should not raise him for happiness,

and sentence him to the work of his life."

K.D. Ushinsky

Constantly keeping a child busy and being enthusiastic about his work is a reliable guarantee that he will not become an empty, worthless person.

Labor education in the family lays the foundation for children for their future righteous life. A person unaccustomed to work has one path - the search for an “easy” life. As a rule, he ends poorly. If parents want to see their child on this path, they can afford the luxury of removing themselves from labor education.

What parent would not be flattered by the words: “Your children are very neat,” “Your children are so well-mannered,” “Your children are so hardworking.” Which of them would not want their children to give preference to sports rather than cigarettes, work rather than alcohol, intense self-education rather than wasting time. But for this you need to work long and hard in the field of education. The most important place in family education is occupied by labor education.

The task of a child’s labor activity in the family is the development of his moral, physical and mental qualities, the development of his personality, and his involvement in work.

One of the important qualities that should be developed and formed in a child is hard work.

Hard work – a moral quality that expresses a positive attitude towards work, manifested in work activity and diligence. Work is one of the means of personal self-affirmation. Playing sports is also work, and simply physical labor associated with movements and muscular exercises, with being in the fresh air, strengthens strength and health, increases vital energy. It is wrong to think that in labor education only muscles or external qualities are developed - vision, touch, fingers, etc. Physical development in work, of course, is also of great importance, being an important and absolutely necessary element. But the main benefit of labor affects the mental and spiritual development of the child. Work develops mental abilities, intelligence, and creative ingenuity.

One of the important conditions for labor education in a modern family is the systematic work activity of the child at home. It will contribute to the development in him of such personal qualities as responsibility, accuracy, respect for the work of others, which will develop a labor consciousness in him, will contribute to the emergence of hard work, and as a result, the skills and abilities necessary in further work activity.

Makarenko A.S. on the labor education of children in the family, he believed that even young children should be given not one-time assignments, but constant tasks designed for months and even years so that they would be responsible for the work assigned to them for a long time, and how they would do it - let them decide and be responsible for the decision themselves. By doing this you will set an organizational task for the children. Consequently, the more complex and independent the work task, the better it will be in pedagogical terms. For example: you can instruct your child for a long time to monitor the cleanliness of a certain room, water the flowers in the room or throughout the apartment, set the table before dinner, take care of his father’s desk, clean the room, cultivate a certain area of ​​the family garden or flower garden and take care of behind him, etc.

Collective work days of the family and joint activities play a large educational role. During labor, intense communication occurs, children become more frank, and this helps parents better understand and help them. Working together with adults allows children to learn the skills of properly organizing their workplace, rational work methods, and safety rules. You can involve children in improving the apartment and creating conditions for the most complete rest. Finally, there is always a need to improve your street, your neighborhood, where you can organize collective affairs together with your neighbors. There is no joint activity - there is no reason or opportunity for communication.

Parents must remember that the child will be a member of a working society, therefore, his importance in this society, his value as a citizen will depend solely on how much he will be able to take part in social work, how prepared he will be for this work. By nature, all people have approximately the same ability to work, but in life some people know how to work better, others worse, some are capable only of the simplest work, others are capable of more complex and, therefore, more valuable work. These various labor qualities are not given to a person by nature, they are brought up in him throughout his life and, especially, from early childhood, when a child is taught to put away his toys, things, books; instill self-service skills, because this is also work. You need to do everything with pleasure, have the right attitude towards work and get joy from it - this also depends on the parents. Any work contributes to moral and spiritual education.

Labor is the main educator. It is necessary to help the child see in him the source of development of his abilities, to prepare him for an active working and social life, for a conscious choice of profession (role-playing games, observing the work of a doctor, salesman, conductor, etc.). In the process of labor education, he learns about the surrounding reality, systematizing and consolidating knowledge, he expands his horizons, and in the future becomes more diligent in his studies, which is also work.

Labor has always been a source of beauty, and labor education in the family will allow a child to directly perceive the beauty of labor, feel its transformative power, its attractiveness. The task of labor education in the family is to make the child’s work morally significant.

It is very important to prepare a child for work in a team that unites interests, where moral traits develop: friendship, mutual assistance, collective creativity in work, establishing interdependence and consistency in work, an atmosphere of high moral and material responsibility, criticism and self-criticism.

Thus, the labor education of a child in the family must be properly and pedagogically expediently organized.

  1. A.S. Makarenko. “Lectures on raising children” ped. essays in 8 volumes, volume 4.
  2. A.S. Makarenko. "Family and raising children." Tutorial. M. Pedagogy, 1984, 200s
  3. A.S. Makarenko. Lectures on raising children. General conditions of family education. Textbook / A.S. Makarenko - M. Knowledge 1984. 400 p.
  4. L.A. Sandpiper. Family education: Textbook, M. Education, 2003.

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