Inferiority complex examples from life. What to do with feelings of inferiority? Causes of an inferiority complex

We often experience self-doubt. This can manifest itself as a bad mood, nervous tension, apathy, or a certain pattern of behavior in associative situations. Perhaps your despondency is the cause of dissatisfaction with some aspect of your life, but the fact that you have an inferiority complex should not be ruled out. We will talk about it in this article.

An inferiority complex is a combination of psychological and emotional disorders. In other words, it is a cause that can be hidden in failure, mental trauma, discrimination, physical or psychological abuse.

An inferiority complex always has a starting point from which a person will subsequently push off, compensating for his insecurity with some actions.

Immediately I would like to distinguish between the concept of inferiority complex and self-doubt. These are two concepts that are far from each other, if the latter is inherent in almost everyone, then the complex is often the foundation of a psychological or mental disorder. Due to the feeling of inferiority that accompanies this complex, a person is prone to experiencing depression and even suicidal tendencies.

The concept of an inferiority complex according to Sigmund Freud

Sigmund Freud was dubious about the concept of an inferiority complex, despite the fact that this term (complex) was first introduced by his student Carl Jung:

  • He agreed with the existence of stimulating factors that provoke a person to compensate for this disadvantage at the expense of other advantages.
  • Freud believed that it is often this "complex" that can lead a person to success.
  • But the doctor, in his usual manner, referred to an erotic origin.
  • He brought out several types of complexes, which were based on an unhealthy sexual desire.

Thus, the Oedipus complex reveals the son's sexual desire for his mother, and the Griselda complex reveals the father's unconscious attraction to his daughter when he is prone to hypercontrol and overprotection over her. Oddly enough, the second complex is a neglected consequence of the first.

But the Jocasta complex - akin to the Oedipus complex - an unhealthy sexual attraction of a mother to her son. We can observe mothers who, on a subconscious level, feel the need to overprotect their son at any age.

Sigmund Freud also brought out a few more very interesting complexes which are still relevant and applicable in our time:

  • Unrecognized genius complex. Inflated self-esteem, which makes it difficult to come to terms with the “boss-subordinate” relationship model. Such people do not stay long in one place due to disagreements with the leadership.
  • Marilyn Monroe Complex. Low self-esteem. Feeling of inferiority, which provokes you to feel your value only during sexual intimacy and constant change of sexual partners.
  • Cain complex. Envy of the older brother in relation to the younger. A complex that is often attributed to teenagers.
  • Iona complex. Low self-esteem, which lies in the fear of something good. A person experiencing this complex considers himself unworthy of being successful or happy.
  • Polycrates complex. A feeling of anxiety that after a white stripe there is always a black one. Such people live in constant fear of retribution for their quiet life.
  • Napoleon complex. A very interesting concept. This is the overcompensation that lies in the great purposefulness of short men.

Sigmund Freud came to the conclusion that the cause of the inferiority complex is the disagreement between the Self (the individual) and the Super-I (the individual's idea of ​​himself). When the difference becomes noticeably palpable, a person has an incorrect, distorted idea of ​​himself, so he begins to experience an inferiority complex.

Compensation for an inferiority complex

A person with an inferiority complex begins to feel an advantage over the situation when they sublimate their anger, resentment or tension in any direction. Thus, he tries to compensate for his lack in the situation that is available to him. But the problem is that the carrier of the complex does not always choose the right direction:

  • Many people, compensating for their complex with other advantages, find in their injury a stimulus that helps them succeed.

  • But there are people whose complex turned out to be stronger, completely destroying their faith in their own strength.
  • Many are able to feel their advantage only by humiliating and insulting others. It seems to them that, against their background, they can “grow up” in their own eyes if they artificially belittle another, more successful opponent.

All serial killers, without exception, experienced an inferiority complex. By killing their victims, they tried to compensate for their inferiority by playing the situation in reverse. Often the offenders were women. How a prime example inferiority complex: a serial maniac never rapes his victim without eliminating her. He fears judgment or ridicule from his victim.

For example, a little boy was always seen as a mistress: a white rich woman, always humiliated his mother, who served her as a housekeeper. In the future, the whole world will recognize him as the "Stocking Strangler" - a killer who chose his victims according to the type of mother's employer.

Going beyond as a modern cause of an inferiority complex

Going beyond is the modern theory of the inferiority complex. Now many psychologists are coming to the conclusion that the outdated norms of upbringing, which we absorbed from the cradle, in the future can lead to an inferiority complex and the reason for this is going beyond this model of upbringing.

This is very interesting way dear from childhood, on which an inferiority complex is formed. From childhood, we were taught to live according to a single pattern:

  • study well
  • finish school with a gold medal
  • university - with honors
  • be a good specialist in your field
  • get a job in your area of ​​specialization
  • be a good employee
  • seek career advancement
  • marry early
  • have two children (preferably by the age of 25) and so on

There are several more paradigms that we manage to acquire with valuable parental advice:

  • money is hard to come by
  • funds should be spent wisely
  • to achieve something significant, you need to work hard (and even suffer)

And also the charity of some character traits that are common to all people:

  • Selfishness. It has been severely suppressed since childhood. For example, before taking the last pie, we must definitely ask if someone from the family wants it. Surely parents will allow their child to take a treat, but what happened? It's a learning process!

Reflections are taken from Andrey Kurpatov's book "Handbooks for the Egoist", who claims that this is a basic instinct common to all humans and some primates.

  • Greed. We are taught from childhood to share. In Group kindergarten we had friends and foes, but we had to share with everyone. Up to the point that some bully could complain to the teacher or even mom. Often, everyone takes the side of the offended, because no one likes greedy children.
  • Pride. This is the most important and wrong infringement of parents in the early manifestation of pride and self-esteem. We must ask for forgiveness from our parents for our disobedience, as well as forgive and be friends with our offenders. When a sense of self-worth is cherished from childhood, there is nothing to be surprised at the presence of an inferiority complex in children.

What's happening?

It is difficult to live, adhering to all the points of the script. Therefore, we often deviate from the usual pattern of "normal" life. For example, we are not in a hurry with the wedding, but for a long time we live in a civil marriage; we leave the university and follow the call of our true calling; we do not occupy a solid position, but earn extra money with needlework or simply refuse to have children. What's happening?

  • Going beyond the established scenario, we endure condemnation from loved ones. We do not receive the approving evaluation that we have been striving for since childhood, and we begin to feel our inferiority in this life.
  • Having gone beyond, we do not understand what to do next. After all, we were not taught how to live the way we want. We begin to doubt our abilities and feel our inferiority. This can easily lead to an inferiority complex problem.

Imagine that you went to pick berries along the same path every day. Once again visiting the forest, you left the path, and now the road is unfamiliar to you. The same is felt by a person who goes beyond the framework of a single correct scenario.

Female inferiority complex by Alfred Adler

The reason for the female inferiority complex, according to Adler, may be her secondary role in society. A woman is more prone to feelings of insignificance and even insignificance when in her life there was or is a man whose social role much more significant. This can be expressed in one of the following life scenarios:

overbearing father

When a little girl observes from childhood how different the social roles of a man and a woman (mother and father) differ, she begins to prioritize:

  • There is nothing wrong with the fact that people are drawn to the best, so the girl, watching such a picture, subconsciously tries on the role of a dominant (powerful father), but, becoming a woman, she understands the absurdity of the situation.
  • As a woman, she considers herself a second-rate type.
  • In all men, she will see an imperious father, before whom her mother bows.
  • The consequences of such thinking can be very different: from low self-esteem and an inferiority complex to a personality disorder.

Despotic husband

A despotic husband can cause you to suffer with an inferiority complex. I would like to immediately distinguish between the concepts of a stupid man (tyrant) and an emotionally unstable, cunning and two-faced despot. It is the second type that can destroy your concept of self-esteem. What is happening?

  • A male despot often uses the "carrot and stick" method to create the illusion of guilt.
  • A woman becomes a dependent victim in such an unhealthy relationship.
  • After a while, the woman begins to feel her own need for physical punishment. It would seem stupid, but this is the normal behavior of a person with an inferiority complex.
  • A despot man each time after a beating gives the victim a "carrot". It could be a sincere apology, an expensive gift, or a declaration of love, giving her the upper hand and the reins of power.

So, after a while, such relationships become the norm. The victim suffers beatings in order to gain his advantage, because only in this way can he feel his perfection. It is very difficult to leave such a relationship, because. the victim becomes dependent and feels a constant need to compensate for the inferiority complex.

But there is another option, this is when fate brought you together with a moral despot:

  • This is a man who himself suffers from an inferiority complex and feels that he can compensate for this only by insulting and humiliating someone, thereby imposing a sense of inferiority on his partner.
  • Only by humiliating others can he raise his dignity.
  • A woman, hearing her shortcomings - it is worth noting that despots are very cunning and will focus their attention on what you yourself feel your weakness in - begins to experience an inferiority complex.
  • The low self-esteem that she acquired thanks to the despot prevents her from leaving such a relationship. It seems to such women that they do not deserve anything more and that they deserve everything that happens to them.

exemplary brother

Children can feel jealous if they feel they are being treated unfairly. With girls, everything is somewhat more complicated, noticing that the main privileges are given to another child (that is, a brother), they begin to feel his advantage over themselves:

  • Boys are allowed a lot of things from early childhood: there is no condemnation for them if they inadvertently stained their new jeans or broke their knee climbing trees.
  • The girl is treated more demandingly, arguing this with the phrase "you're a girl."
  • The child may develop a sense of male superiority over himself.
  • In the future, going to school, these requirements are only exacerbated, because parents are often afraid of early pregnancy or bad company and try to protect their daughter.

Such injustice can leave with age without a trace, or, on the contrary, develop an inferiority complex in a girl.

Male inferiority complex

Men also tend to experience an inferiority complex. Often this is the result of upbringing or an overwhelming niche that is imposed on all boys from childhood, saying “you are a boy”, “don’t be a girl”, etc. to him. It is not surprising that the child begins to complex. Self-doubt appears, and the child feels inferior, experiencing such complexes in adulthood:

  • Boss complex. This is an attempt to fill their courageous niche - which was mentioned earlier - in full. Such a syndrome manifests itself if women or their character traits were critically belittled or their parents were too demanding on the child.
  • Complex in male power. Another niche is imposed by society. There is an established opinion in the world that a man should always be ready for sexual exploits. Oddly enough, this is not the case. Such a complex can lead a man to real disorders of erectile dysfunction.
  • Hercules complex. In other words, it's the henpecked syndrome. When a woman, whose social role is weaker than a man's, begins to force a man to do things that are unusual for him (washing, putting things in order in the house, etc.), he feels that his libido is being diminished. As a result, the Hercules complex develops.
  • Don Juan Complex. The need to increase one's own libido at the expense of the initiative to break off romantic relationships.
  • Alexander Complex. This is the most sophisticated type of complex. Due to discrimination against sexual minorities, a man is able to experience his inferiority even in completely inappropriate cases. For example, when someone jokes about his masculinity or suggests wearing a pink or blue shirt. But this complex can be a consequence when he, a man, is a subconscious admirer of same-sex relationships. Such men are very afraid of exposure and, in order to dodge this, write themselves down in the ranks of "homophobes".

Some complexes can be attributed to a number of "inevitable". They do not have a natural cause, to which all life processes are subject - aging. It would seem illogical, because a man is like a good whiskey, the older the better, but the fear of death is inherent in everyone. Therefore, men are very worried about their aging, tying new complexes to themselves:

  • King David Complex. This is a way to “rejuvenate” at the expense of a mistress. Men who experience this complex tend to compensate for their age through sex, and sometimes living together with young girls.

  • Kotovsky Complex. Baldness for a man is akin to impotence. You should not look for meaning in this, the fact remains: when a man begins to go bald, it seems to him that he is losing his masculine power. Such men are very easy to figure out in the crowd, noticing the slightest loss, they shave their heads to zero.

Inferiority complex in children

Studies of the inferiority complex according to Adler are encouraging. Because uncertainty in the early years is characteristic of many children. With the right approach of parents, such children are able not only to get rid of this complex, but also to achieve some success. A child may suffer from an inferiority complex for several reasons:

  1. Physical handicap. Especially this reason can be attributed to the development of an inferiority complex in adolescents. This may be short stature, dysfunction of a limb, or unsightly appearance. Sometimes children are very cruel, and for a fragile child's psyche, this is a real trauma that can easily lead to an inferiority complex.
  2. Lack of parental attention. Lack of parental support reduces a child's self-confidence. Children are not able to reveal their inner potential on their own and this is another reason for the development of the complex. The indifferent attitude of parents makes the child inferior.
  3. Overprotective parenting. Children who grow up in greenhouse conditions are completely unsuitable for life. Such a child is unable to make independent decisions and the responsibility for their actions incredibly frightens them. Such a parenting model can lead a child to an inferiority complex and develop alcohol or drug addiction.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex?

Despite the fact that Wayne Dyer's book How to Get Rid of an Inferiority Complex was published in 2015, even ordinary people and lovers of self-development literature came to the conclusion that the title was too loud. In fact, this manual is for those who doubt their abilities and do not know how to properly manage their lives, but the book does not give recommendations in essence and title.

Treatment for the inferiority complex has not yet been invented, so it is useless to fight it. But! It is worth considering that the situation is not at all a stalemate, on the contrary, you can derive considerable benefits from your complex:

  • For example, according to Alfred Adler, an inferiority complex can lead to success.
  • As mentioned in the article above, a person who has signs of an inferiority complex is able to compensate for his lack at the expense of other advantages.

Sigmund Freud admired the King of Prussia and the last German Emperor Wilhelm II. He suffered from an inferiority complex due to a physiologically congenital "deformity": one arm was 15 cm shorter than the second. Not experiencing compensation in maternal love, he achieved incredible heights, but he never forgave his parent for such an attitude.

Unfortunately, a person cannot get rid of an inferiority complex. Once having experienced a mental trauma, he will not be able to let go of this feeling of acquired inferiority, and subconsciously will return to this.

With the help of psychologists, it can be blunted or suppressed, but sooner or later it will still make itself felt. Psychologists such as Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler and Carl Jung came to this conclusion.

If you think about it, then all successful individuals have experienced an inferiority complex. This is not a reason to fall into despair, as you have already understood, the main thing is to correctly sublimate your potential, aimed at compensating for an inferiority complex.

There are many correct examples, when it was mental trauma that motivated many today. famous people. For example, Lady Gaga, Oprah Winfrey, Marilyn Monroe and Pamela Anderson were sexually abused as children, and Tim Roth recently admitted that he was abused by his own grandfather. And yet, despite this, these people have achieved considerable heights. There is only one conclusion: you never need to “give up” and then you can solve any problem, including coping with an inferiority complex.

Video: "Inferiority complex"

What could be worse than the feeling that you are the worst of all, that you are superfluous at this celebration of life. You take an observant position in the darkest corner - notorious, cowering inside from a sickening feeling of your own inferiority, you watch how other people live. You look, but you do not live by yourself. Hatred of yourself and the people around you for their superiority over you. Is this life?

Many people, dissatisfied with themselves and their attitude towards themselves, are wondering - how to get rid of an inferiority complex?

« Love yourself and the inferiority complex will pass!"- "experts" philosophize on the Internet. " Accept yourself the way you are!”- advise the gurus on the psychological support forums. These tips do not work, do not help. Love yourself? Do not make me laugh. Feeling of one's own inferiority and inferiority in all respects: from appearance to social status, is there anything to love for?

Inferiority complex - what is it?

Those suffering from this disease, acutely feeling their own inferiority in comparison with other people, are unable to live, getting pleasure and joy - dissatisfaction with themselves is always felt in the background.

Inferiority complex - the wording is quite general, vague. To get rid of such an insidious, vile and powerful "enemy", you need to know him by sight, understand the psychological aspects of this phenomenon.

Let's try to decompose this complex problem into its components. After analyzing many forums, I have identified the most common "symptoms":

The word inferiority is perceived as a middle name.
Unwarranted guilt. Feelings of resentment: at parents, people, life.
Destructive envy.
The habit of underestimating, devaluing one's personal qualities.
Suspiciousness, fears.
Fear of embarrassment, indecision.
Disapproval of one's appearance.
Constantly comparing yourself to other people.

The list can be continued, probably endlessly, but let's move on to the main question: how to deal with an inferiority complex and is it even possible? Let's look at this question with the help of training materials " System-Vector Psychology» Yuri Burlan.

Inferiority complex in the most ... ideal

These, in every sense, wonderful people - thoughtful, honest, straightforward. They strive to do everything perfectly, because the love of perfectionism is their natural quality. These are the owners of the anal vector.

Why can such a person feel flawed, suffer from an inferiority complex?

Possessing an ideal memory, in addition to pleasant ones, people with an anal vector remember very well unpleasant moments (gained negative experience) that can influence their life scenario even after many years.

Since childhood, striving to be the best, a child with an anal vector will try his best to get his reward - praise. First of all, from the closest, most significant person for himself - from his mother. Mom for anal children is sacred.

Imagine the following picture:

What do we get as a result? Since childhood, doubts about one's own strengths and abilities are laid. No matter how much he wants to become the best in the eyes of the dearest person, no matter what he does, he cannot. For a person with an anal vector, who is naturally doubtful, lacking determination and initiative, this can turn into a very difficult problem and a feeling of inferiority. What is often called complex. In addition to this, a sense of resentment is rapidly developing, which will become a serious obstacle to a happy life and self-realization in society.

To understand how to cope with the feeling of inferiority in this case, it is important to understand yourself and understand what became the trigger. You can do this by realizing the peculiarities of your psyche.

Struggling with an inferiority complex... emotionally

If a person has a combination of anal and visual vector, then the problem may be aggravated due to the inherent suspiciousness of the visual vector.

The visual vector gives a person a rich imagination and hyper-emotionality, which, unfortunately, can work against their owner if he is in a state of fear.

What is the result? An indecisive person with an anal vector is already afraid of public shame, and the presence of a visual vector increases the problem in scale. Constant doubts and fears: “And if it doesn’t work out ...” - as a result, desires remain unfulfilled, and the feeling of one’s own inferiority and worthlessness grows every day. Breaking yourself and becoming bold and confident is unlikely to succeed. It is not profitable to fight with yourself, it is much more productive to start understanding the peculiarities of the psyche and act according to your nature.

Is it worth it to deal with complexes due to excess weight?

It is worth noting separately the complexes in women due to excess weight. Most often, it is the owners of the anal vector who suffer because of this. Due to a slow metabolism and psychological inability to severely limit themselves in the absorption of various goodies, they easily gain weight.

In pursuit of the generally accepted "standards" of beauty, they, feeling their alleged inferiority in comparison with the divas from the covers and to no avail, torment themselves with diets, try to play sports. In the end, tired of fighting with themselves, they seize the stress received from unsuccessful attempts to limit themselves, feeling guilty for their weak character.

Unfortunately, these women do not know that not everyone needs to be the owner of model parameters. Showing off the parameters of 90-60-90 and being distinguished by love for diets and sports is good for skin-visual girls, this is their nature, and their psyche is directly opposite to the psyche of girls with an anal vector.

Because of the imperfect, subjectively, of course, figure, experiences and feelings of inferiority often arise not only in women, but also in men. System-vector psychology explains that the structural features of the body are directly related to the human psyche. If one visit is enough gym and the effect will be obvious, then another requires a completely different approach.

Realizing your psychological nature, you can understand the causes of your problem, easily get rid of really extra pounds, bring your body back to its natural norm and stop being a hostage to false attitudes and feelings of inferiority.

Inferiority complex in leaders by nature, how to deal with?

You look at such people and sigh sadly: “I wish I could be like that!”. Successful businessmen, engineers, people who know how to organize their business. Money is always in abundance, self-confident, punchy and always striving to be the first. People with a skin vector, they are. Unless, of course, they have psychological traumas that deprive them of all these benefits.

How can one suffer from a sense of inferiority and be insecure, whose psyche is aimed at success and superiority, and anyone will envy the ability to earn money?

In system-vector psychology, there is such a thing as a loser complex. Any undertaking by a leather worker with this complex is doomed to failure. Consciously, he naturally desires success, good earnings, but every time something interferes. A person seems to be haunted by constant failures and he gets into regular troubles in different ways.

What are the reasons for this situation? This happens if in childhood the skin child was often humiliated, maybe even beaten. People with a skin vector have a very flexible psyche that is able to adapt to any conditions. Initially, since childhood, he strives for success, but if he is constantly verbally humiliated or beaten, then he is forced to adapt to such conditions. To protect against pain, the brain secretes natural opiates to relieve pain. Further, the scenario “painful = pleasant” is formed, and subsequently it is possible to enjoy life only after a portion of pain, humiliation.

Consciously, he still wants victories, but his psyche has learned to enjoy differently. The desire for masochism repressed into the subconscious turns a person with a skin vector into a loser. From one failure to another, a feeling of inferiority grows, from failure to failure, he becomes more and more insecure and unhappy.

There is another property of skin people that can make them feel their inferiority - envy.

The natural desire of the skin man to compete in order to be first has two outcomes:

To compete with those who are better in order to overtake - this makes a person competitive, makes him realize his talents as much as possible.
To envy those who are more successful, seeking to devalue other people's successes, and not to receive their own.

Whether envy will be destructive to oneself or will spur one to action depends on the psychological state there is a person.

When, with the help of system-vector psychology, we understand what drives us, we have the opportunity to change our lives.

“... After 3 months, I realized what it means to live excitedly! When I read about it in other reviews, I always tried to imagine how it could be for me, but for me it turned out to be completely different than I imagined ... "
Anastasia G., Moscow

“...During the course of the training, I suddenly re-experienced one important sensation that I once experienced in early childhood. From that distant time, when I was 4-5 years old and I was just beginning to realize myself, I clearly remember one of my thoughts: “It’s good that I am exactly the way I am ...”
Olga Ch., philologist, candidate of philological sciences, university lecturer, St. Petersburg

Getting rid of feelings of inferiority and inferiority is a process that anyone can do. You can start it right now with the free online training "Systemic Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written using the materials of Yuri Burlan's online training "System-Vector Psychology"

often read

is a set of emotions, thoughts and behavior, reflecting a sense of one's own inferiority, a belief in the superiority of others. It is manifested by insecurity, fear of making mistakes, avoidance of communication, envy, experiencing one's own failure, inability to achieve goals. It becomes the basis for the development of depression, obsessive-compulsive neurosis, anxiety disorder. Diagnosis is carried out by the method of clinical conversation and psychological testing. For treatment, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, trainings are used.


F32 F43.2

General information

The concept of an inferiority complex was developed by the Austrian psychoanalyst A. Adler. He studied the formation of compensatory mechanisms in children with developmental defects, and considered the feeling of inferiority as the result of a physical deviation, and later as a universal driving force of development. Successful experience of overcoming difficulties forms strong personality traits, failures contribute to the strengthening of the complex. This explains its prevalence in Western society, where great importance is attached to the personal achievements of a person. Gender roles affect the manifestation of this symptom complex: men experience it more severely, with neurotic disorders and hypercompensation.


The leading role in the development of the complex is played by the characteristics of the physical condition and education. According to the theory of A. Adler, the causes act in early childhood. Demographic, social, political, religious, ethnic factors contribute to the maintenance and intensification of symptoms. The most likely causes of an inferiority complex include:

  • Physical handicaps. The effectiveness and success of a person can be limited by the inferiority of the body, unattractiveness (disproportionality, asymmetry, completeness). This group includes congenital and acquired defects, features of appearance.
  • Education mistakes. The experience of a sense of inferiority occurs when excessive parental care interferes with the skill of independent problem solving. Another option for destructive parenting is insufficient attention, comparison with more successful children, lack of praise and encouragement.
  • Negative experience. Career failures family life, intimate relationships contribute to the development of self-doubt. In women, the complex can be caused by divorce, in men - by the lack of a well-paid job.
  • Unreasonable criticism of others. The level of self-esteem is affected by incorrect statements of significant people: parents, spouse, brother, sister, boss. A common example is the use of overgeneralizations: "you never can", "you always lose".


An inferiority complex is formed during early childhood, when a child begins to understand that not all desires can become a reality, and the possibilities for realizing his intentions are limited. First, limitations are detected at the physical level - the lack of skills, the presence of needs, material barriers. Later realized psychological boundaries determined by upbringing, relationships with other people.

Before school age successful way compensation is a game. The child tries on roles, uses fantasy for the figurative embodiment of desires. Schoolchildren find themselves in a system of requirements, grades, and the need for real achievements. The fear of being inferior is formed - unloved, rejected, lonely. On the one hand, this fear becomes the driving force of development, on the other hand, it hinders productive activity. The complex is fixed in the personality structure in the presence of negative factors - the experience of failures, non-constructive criticism, lack of support from loved ones.

Symptoms of an inferiority complex

The main manifestation of the complex is the experience of one's own inferiority and inferiority. Destructive behavior includes isolation, limited contacts, fear of being active, making a mistake, being the object of ridicule or condemnation. People avoid communication, new acquaintances, public speaking. They do not show initiative at work, they are rarely satisfied with their activities. Women tend to present themselves as a victim, men mask their uncertainty with increased aggressiveness, an accusatory position. Arrogance, addiction to alcohol, demonstration of external attributes of success (expensive clothes, accessories, cars) are characteristic.

Productive behavior with an inferiority complex is called hypercompensation. Internal tension and dissatisfaction with oneself becomes a motivating force. To avoid negative experiences, people overcome limitations by willpower. So, a person with stuttering becomes an announcer, a person with motor impairments becomes an athlete, a school "triple student" graduates from the institute, receives a diploma with honors. Achievement compensates for the feeling of insecurity for a while. However, if the complex has become part of the personality, people have to constantly work, achieve success in order to gain the approval and admiration of others.


Prolonged and acute experience of an inferiority complex leads to the development of neurotic disorders. In childhood, speech disorders (stuttering, stammering), involuntary muscle twitches, nightmares and fears are formed. In adults, depression with an anxiety component is the most common complication. Less commonly, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, psychosomatic illnesses develop. With destructive behavior, there is a risk of desocialization - family and friendship relations are violated, people dissolve marriages, quit their jobs.


Psychologists, psychotherapists, psychiatrists are engaged in the identification of an inferiority complex. The diagnostic process is carried out in stages: Family status patient, living conditions, education, professional activity. The experienced feeling of inferiority is included in the personality structure, determined by character traits, type of temperament. Therefore, the survey is aimed at the study of the emotional and personal sphere. The following methods are used:

  • clinical conversation. Characterized by complaints of emotional tension, uncertainty, fear, if necessary, to be active, speak in public, get acquainted. It is possible that the patient is excessively involved in some activity that allows compensating for the experience of inferiority - sports, cooking, household, cosmetic procedures, making money (no days off, irregular working hours).
  • Questionnaires. Comprehensive tests for the study of emotions, personality and narrowly focused questionnaires are used: SMIL (a standardized multifactorial method for studying personality), the Dembo-Rubinshtein self-assessment scale, D. A. Leontiev’s Meaningful Life Orientations test. The results reveal emotional instability, tension, low self-esteem, increased levels of stress, neuroticism.
  • Projective methods. Drawing and interpretive tests make it possible to detect experiences denied by the patient, which is especially important when examining men seeking to overcompensate the complex. The "Drawing of a Man" test, Thematic Apperceptive Test, Rosenzweig's Frustration Test are used.

Treatment of an inferiority complex

Helping patients is based on psychotherapy methods. Classes are aimed at identifying positive and negative sides personality of the patient, mastering the skills of introspection, productive communication, emotional stress, elimination of fears. Therapy is carried out with a specialist, independently and in a group:

  • Individual psychotherapy. Techniques of the humanistic, psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavioral approaches are used. During the sessions, the reasons for the development of complexes are clarified, destructive beliefs about one's own personality are corrected, an analysis of strong and weak qualities is carried out, techniques of relaxation, self-regulation, and positive thinking are mastered.
  • Introspection. The patient performs part of the psychotherapeutic work independently. It is recommended to keep personal diaries, noting successes, achievements and mistakes (in the form of experience). Recordings allow you to objectively evaluate your positive aspects, learn to analyze actions and their results without the negative influence of emotions.
  • Group trainings. In group sessions, patients practice communication, learn to respond constructively to criticism, resolve conflicts, while maintaining the stability of self-esteem. The exchange of positive emotions between participants increases confidence, motivation for action.

Forecast and prevention

Compensation for an inferiority complex is successful when a person is aware of its presence and uses the techniques offered by a psychotherapist - introspection, stopping negative thoughts, improving communication skills, accepting criticism. The basis of prevention is proper education. It is necessary to avoid overprotection, allow the child to be independent, make mistakes and treat them as experiences. You can not compare his successes with the achievements of other children, humiliate him after failures and mistakes. It is important to teach introspection: after receiving a bad mark, losing a competition, you should support the child and discuss what needs to be done to get a better result in the future.

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Everyone sometimes experiences an attack of uncertainty, especially in difficult life moments: making an important decision, difficult choice, on the eve of a significant event (exam, interview) or demonstration performance (creative, sports), when you need faith in yourself and your strengths, abilities and capabilities.

A situation where important life moments are accompanied by increased excitement and anxiety is standard model behavior that fits into psychological norms, and it is characteristic of everyone.

But not everyone has the ability to step over these psychological barriers and bring the work they have started to a successful completion, especially if the result may be a personal defeat: employer refusal, unsuccessful performance, failure in an exam, failure in love.

What it is

The concept of "inferiority complex" was introduced into the scientific terminology of the section of psychology by the German psychoanalyst Alfred Adler. He singled out the following components of the complex:

  1. Strong and constant;
  2. strong and undeveloped self-esteem;
  3. feeling superior to others.

In a simplified version, it can be described as a “loser complex”, in classical literature it is described as a “superfluous person complex”.

A notorious person is convinced of his own uselessness, inferiority, insignificance, insolvency.

The complex is based on fear: to be inferior, unnecessary to anyone, lonely, rejected, superfluous. This fear is rooted in the main unconscious fear of death.

An inferiority complex forms related interdependent complexes, one of them is a superiority complex, expressed in boasting and arrogance. For example, a number of crimes of young people become the result of a complex of superiority of a person over those people over whom he was able to rise due to the crime committed.

Characteristic features

Internal symptoms

  • Destructive inadequate self-criticism, reaching the level of self-abasement;
  • dependence on someone else's opinion, assessment, especially on praise;
  • constant anxious tension caused by the fear of making a mistake, which can develop into a fear of people or turn a person into a tyrant.

External signs

An inferiority complex is often expressed in a constant desire to compensate for one's own shortcomings by:

  • Demonstrative behavior, which in men can be aggressive;
  • on display;
  • demonstration of status symbols;
  • pronounced arrogance, sometimes taking a rude form.

Complexity can manifest itself in children in speech defects, and bring an adult to psychological dependence:

  1. From a self-sufficient independent person;
  2. from alcohol;
  3. from drugs;
  4. from computer games.

The extreme manifestation of the complex - or even suicide attempts.


According to Adler, the emergence of a sense of inferiority refers to early childhood, when the child is faced with a forced limitation on the realization of his desires by the level of development of physical capabilities.

In the future, a person falls under the influence of two types of limiters:

  1. Physical Features: age features, natural flaws;
  2. Psychological abilities as a result of mistakes in upbringing and personality formation.

An inferiority complex is laid down in childhood for a number of reasons:

  • Physical or cosmetic imperfections;
  • unfavorable conditions for the formation of independence skills due to excessive parental care and control;
  • lack of parental support and attention low level self-confidence and self-confidence, inferior self-esteem;
  • discrimination;
  • serious psychological trauma;
  • repeated failures accompanied by exaggerated and even derogatory criticism from significant people.

Such polar conditions of upbringing, both receiving limited attention from parents, and its overabundance in the form, equally negatively affect the formation of personal self-perceptions, the makings of a self-confident, independent and self-sufficient person.

If we generalize and bring all the reasons "under a common denominator", then we can designate the main one as follows: any hard uncompromising suppression of a person's individuality, starting from childhood.

Features of the complex in men

The most common reason for the development of a male inferiority complex is the mother's excessive love for her son or the lack of maternal unconditional love, support and positive evaluation.

The inferiority complex differs in men and women in the way it is experienced.

In men, the feeling of inferiority and the desire to compensate for it is most often expressed in arrogant treatment, aggressiveness, predilection for things that emphasize status - in everything that can be attributed to evidence of masculinity.

Varieties of inferiority complex syndromes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdistribution of a sense of self-inferiority in men:

    King David Syndrome

    The "boss" syndrome

    The constant need to prove their masculine superiority and their masculinity in all positions.

    Napoleon Syndrome

    An irrepressible desire for success, fueled by exorbitant vanity and ambition. Most of all applies to men of short stature.

    Lost Time Syndrome

    It manifests itself in the age period when the energy capabilities of a man decrease (after 50 years).

    male impotence syndrome

    The most painful fear of a man.

    Lot syndrome

    Zealous attitude towards all applicants for a daughter.

    Hercules Syndrome

    It occurs in case of dependence, especially material, on a woman.

    Kotovsky's syndrome

    Fear of baldness. They prefer to hide it by shaving their heads.

    Don Juan Syndrome

    The manifestation of initiative in breaking off relations with a woman.

    Alexander Syndrome

    Fear of being classified as a man with a non-standard sexual orientation.

Manifestation in women

Women are much more emotional than men, therefore they are more prone to both feelings and a critical attitude towards themselves and their shortcomings. Almost every representative of the weaker sex has an inferiority complex in her psychological space.

The most frequently recurring cause is exclusively female in nature: dissatisfaction with one's appearance.

Here are the most common reasons:

  • Dissatisfaction with their external and physical data;
  • denial of one's gender;
  • developed guilt complex;
  • male rejection;
  • fear of loneliness;
  • unrealized potential;
  • suspiciousness about the fact that no one loves.

What is dangerous

The feeling of worthlessness and inferiority can lead to a number of disorders of a person’s psychological health:

  • psychological dependence leading to self-destruction;
  • thoughts of suicide.

It is necessary to overcome your complex so that it does not have destructive consequences for the psyche and does not lead to the degradation of the personality.

Diagnosis and treatment

Children's fantasy easily compensates for the feeling of inferiority: in games, the child realizes his most transcendental dreams.

Notorious adults compensate for feelings of insecurity and inferiority in other ways:

  • In creativity;
  • in the tyranny of others;
  • in megalomania;
  • in immersion in the fictional world of cinema, series, computer games or in the Internet space.

The most psychologically healthy acceptable way to compensate is to achieve success. Success in any area subject to your abilities and desires will preserve and increase your self-esteem, personal self-sufficiency and usefulness.

To achieve success, it is necessary to overcome complexes, insecurity, get rid of the feeling of one's own failure.

12 steps to overcome

Highlight your uniqueness. We are all different, each of us has his own purpose, role and place. We must accept it and appreciate it.

You should not adjust yourself to the accepted standards of someone: neither external nor internal: creative, intellectual, behavioral (but this does not apply to moral and ethical standards of behavior).

  1. Understand the cause of your complex. Look at the unfair words and actions addressed to you in an adult way: these are not your mistakes, but those of those people - classmates, teachers, parents. Let go of your resentment. Recognize the fallacy of their issued characteristics and the inconsistency of its reality. Find positive contradictions to their negative evaluation. For example, you are not stupid, you are capable because... Or your appearance has its own individual merits, such as...
  2. Change the vector of your thoughts about yourself from .
  3. Analyze and write down your strengths and weaknesses: advantages and disadvantages.
  4. Recognize your shortcomings and deal with them. Everything can be corrected. You just have to really want it.
  5. Emphasize your strengths, including appearance.
  6. Do not transfer criticism to your personality - this applies only to a specific situation, and not to the personality as a whole.
    Remember, the complex is not due to criticism, but due to your reaction to it.
  7. Associate with self-sufficient, independent people.
  8. Gain experience in communication, do not avoid people.
  9. Engage in personal and spiritual growth, intellectual and physical development.
  10. Focus on people worthy of emulation.
  11. Read educational literature.
  12. Keep a diary of daily personal assessments, especially of your own success in overcoming feelings of inadequacy.

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