“friendship” root in the word and morphemic analysis by composition. “friendship” root in the word and morphemic analysis by composition How many consonant sounds are in the word friendship

Analysis of words by composition.

The composition of the word "friendship":


Root word: friend

Suffix: b

Word ending: a

Morphemic analysis of the word friendship

Morphemic analysis of a word is usually called analysis of a word by composition - this is the search and analysis of morphemes (parts of a word) included in a given word.

Morphemic analysis of the word friendship is very simple. To do this, it is enough to follow all the rules and order of analysis.

Let's do it morpheme parsing right, but to do this we’ll just go through 5 steps:

  • determining the part of speech of the word friendship is the first step;
  • second - we highlight the ending: for mutable words we conjugate or decline, for unchangeable words (gerunds, adverbs, some nouns and adjectives, auxiliary parts of speech) - there are no endings;
  • Next we look for the basis. This is the easiest part because to define the stem you just need to cut off the ending. This will be the basis of the word;
  • The next step is to search for the root of the word. We select related words for friendship (they are also called cognates), then the root of the word will be obvious;
  • We find the remaining morphemes for friendship by selecting other words that are formed in the same way as friendship.

As you can see, morphemic analysis friendship It's easy to do. Now let's decide on the main morphemes of the word friendship and analyze it.

friendship - root suffix ending and prefix in a word

The ending in the word friendship

Ending. We find the ending in the word friendship by changing the word (declining/conjugating). In this case the ending is: a

The root of the word (in the word) friendship

Root. It is easier to determine the root of a word if you can select words of the same root and related words. For the word friendship, friendship is the root word.

Prefix in the word friendship

Console. We determine the prefix by selecting words that are also formed with this prefix. In this case, the prefix:

Suffix in the word friendship

Suffix. To determine the suffix in the word friendship, we look and select words formed suffixally, i.e. with a similar suffix. For the word friendship suffix: b

This is how we simply made a morphemic analysis of the word friendship according to its composition.

*Morphemic analysis of a word (analysis of a word by composition) - search root , consoles , suffix , graduation And word basics The analysis of the word according to its composition on the website is carried out according to the dictionary of morphemic analysis.

How to parse the word "friendship"?

    The word friendship is broken down according to its composition as follows:

    • the word has a root -friend-, cognate words - friend (alternating consonants r and w), buddy, buddy, friendliness, girlfriend
    • suffix -b-
    • ending -a, since this is a variable part of the word, i.e. friendship s, friendship at, friendship e
    • the stem of the word, this part of the word without ending, i.e. friendship
  • I understand the word friendship. The first thing I want to note is the root - druzh, then the prefix - it is not present in the word, you also need to indicate the suffix b, the ending a and the base in the word friendship - druzhb.

    I suggest below that you familiarize yourself with the morphemic analysis of the word friendship.

    Please note that there is no prefix in the word. Also, it is important to ensure that when taking the root, the letter b, which is essentially a suffix, does not get into the root.

    Morphemic analysis of the word friendship it's done like this:

    • the root in the word is friend (to be friends, friendly, to make friends);
    • the ending will be - a (friendship, friendship, friendship);
    • word suffix - b;
    • the basis of the word is friendship (everything except the ending).

    You can graphically depict the analysis like this:

    FRIENDSHIP-noun female 1 declination.

    We find the ending by changing the word: friendship, friendship, about friendship, the ending -And the basis of the word FRIENDSHIP-.

    The root of the word DRUZH-, since the same root words will be friend (alternating G-Z), friends ( alternation G-Z), be friends, girlfriend. -B- will be a suffix.

    Very good kind word- the word friendship, sometimes it becomes sad when you come across this word somewhere, but only because over the years you come to the conclusion that there is no real friendship.

    And you need to break down the word friendship like this:

    -friendship- will be the root of the word, and - A- the end of a word. The base word will be: friendship.

    In the Russian language, some words contain a rather rare suffix -b-, For example:

    match - get married b A;

    serve - serve b A;

    be friends - friend b A.

    At the noun friendship Let's isolate the inflectional morpheme - the ending -a (friendship-y, friendship-e, friendship-oh). The remaining part of friendship is its root, which is confirmed by related words: friend it, friend OK, friend natural, according to friend ka.

    As a result, the word friendship has the following morphemic composition:

    friend-b-a - root/suffix/ending.

    What? - friendship. Refers to a part of speech - a noun.

    It is a feminine noun, singular and in the nominative case. The word friendship refers to the first declension.

    Let's do it now morpheme parsing(analysis by composition) of the noun friendship:

    Let's select a few words with the same root: buddy, buddy, friends, girlfriend, drkg, etc. The root of the word is -friend. In words with the same root, there is an alternation in the root of the word w/g/z.

    Let's determine the ending of the word, for which we inflect the words according to cases:

    • Nominative case (who? what?) - friendship;
    • Genitive case (there is no one? What?) - friendship;
    • Dative case (approached whom? what?) - to friendship;
    • Accusative case (I see who? What?) - friendship;
    • Instrumental case (happy with whom? with what?) - friendship;
    • Prepositional case (talked about whom? What?) - about friendship.

    The ending of the noun friendship is -a-.

    Let’s not forget, of course, to highlight the suffix -b-.

    The base of the word will be -friend- (word root + suffix).

    Word friendship is a feminine noun in singular. We begin analyzing a word by its composition by identifying the ending by changing it by case. Friendship, friendship, friendship - a changeable part of the word, that is ending, is -A. Therefore, the basis of the word is friendship.

    The words with the same root for our word friendship are: to be friends, to make friends, girlfriend. This suggests that the root of the word is friendly, and there is only one suffix in the word, and this is: -b-. There is no prefix in the word. The morphemic analysis of the word friendship is over.

    The word friendship is a feminine inanimate noun. Let's break the word down:

    1) Let's start with the ending: friendship, friendship, friendship. From this it is clear that the ending is a;

    2) The root in the word is a combination of friends;

    3) A suffix is ​​b;

    4) The basis of the word is friendship.



In a word friendship:
1. 2 syllables (dru -zhba);
2. stress falls on the 1st syllable: friendship

  • 1st option

1 ) Transcription of the word “friendship”: [friendship].

d - [d] - acc., hard (boys) , ringing (boys). Deaf people do not voice before sonorants (see V.N. Musatov, p. 73).A paired sound in terms of hardness/softness is always hard before a hard sound.
R - [R] - acc., hard (boys) , ringing (unpaired), sonorant. The sound [r] is an unpaired voiced sound, so it is pronounced the same way as it is written.Before letters A, O, at, uh, s
at - [у́] - vowel, percussion ; below see §§ 9, 10.
and - [and] - acc., hard (unpaired) , ringing (boys). Voiced ones are not deafened before voiced ones. Below see §§ 68, 106.
b - [b] - acc., hard (boys) , ringing (boys). Before a vowel sound there is no replacement of a consonant in terms of voicedness/voicelessness.Before letters A, O, at, uh, s syllables paired in terms of hardness and softness are always pronounced firmly.
A - [ъ] - vowel, unstressed; see below § 48.

6 letters, 6 sounds



§ 9

§ 9. The vowel [y] both under stress and in unstressed syllables is pronounced in accordance with the spelling. It is designated in writing by the letters y and y.

§ 10

§ 10. Letter at denotes the sound [y] in the following positions; a) at the beginning of the word: mind, face, blow, remove; b) after vowels: science, spider, learn, vy learn, sous, clown; c) after hard consonants: bough, fluff, bush, noise, beetle, puchok, bug, fist, make noise, candied fruit, machine gun, rogue, vykup, ledge; d) after soft hissing [h] and [sch]: chutko, chub, pike, eccentric, chugun, eccentrics, touching, crying.

§ 48

§ 48. In overstressed syllables, after hard consonants, except for the vowels [ы] and [у] (about them, see §§ 5-13), the vowel [ъ] is pronounced, which is denoted in writing by the letters o and a.

Thus, in place of the letters A And O in overstressed syllables the vowel [ъ] is pronounced: a) vý dan (pronounced [vý dān]), selected (pronounced [vý brnʹ]), pulled out (pronounced [vý taskl]), worked tal (pronounced [raboʹ tʹl]), by fences (pronounced [пъ-заbó ъм]), on the fences (pronounced [нъ-зabó ръх]), behind the fences (pronounced [зъ-зabó ръмь]), cow (pronounced [ко́ въ]), windows ( pronounced [о́ кнъ]), dela (pronounced [dé l]), squeezed out (pronounced [vý zhъl]), through the puddles (pronounced [pa-lú zhъm]), in the puddles (pronounced [v-lú zhъh] ), behind the puddles (pronounced [za-lú zh'mi]), puddle (pronounced [lúzh]), you scratched (pronounced [vý tsarʹpʹl]), chicken (pronounced [kuricz]), in the faces (pronounced [pa-u face]); b) take out (pronounced [vý nъs]), throw (pronounced [vý brъs]), head (pronounced [golvu]), on the head (pronounced [na -gulvu]), on the house (pronounced [na - dʹm], narrow (pronounced [у́ зак]), behind the house (pronounced [za-dó mъm]), on the old (pronounced [na-stá rъm]), behind the ditch (pronounced [z-kana voy] ), hay (pronounced [se ́ n]), delo (pronounced [de ́ l]), a lot (pronounced [mno ́ g]), na ́ do (pronounced [na ́ d]).

Thus, if the ending of the form is unstressed. n. and gen. p.un. h. matter and cases or forms average. and female birth past the time has set and set (there is business and there is no business; the sun has set and the moon has set) are pronounced the same way - with a vowel [ъ] at the end: [del ъ], [зхади лъ]. The TV forms are also pronounced the same. p.un. hours and dates p.m. h. husband and average genera: technicians and technicians, fences and fences, barrels and barrels, chairs and chairs: [technics], [fences], [dulums], [chairslam].

Note. At the end of some unchangeable words of foreign language origin, in place of the letter o in an overstressed syllable, the vowel [o] can be pronounced without reduction, for example: aviso (can be pronounced [zo]), veto (can be pronounced [to]), credo (can be pronounced [ to]), legato (can be pronounced [to]), allegro (can be pronounced [ro]). For such words, pronunciation marks are given in the dictionary.

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