Exercises on the stylistics of the Russian language. Exercises on the stylistics of the Russian language Types and techniques of editing official documents

Exercise 115. Compare the sentences in the left and right columns. Explain why there is a need for stylistic editing of the sentences in the left column.

These functions are entrusted to advertising departments. These functions are assigned to the advertising departments.
The museum displays relics presented by delegations. The museum displays gifts presented by delegations.
The main strength of Siberia is its abundant mineral resource base. The strength of Siberia lies in its rich mineral resource base.
They work like the most notorious specialists. They work as the most experienced specialists.
The association “Zarya” donated five girls’ dresses for the exhibition. The Zarya association presented five women's dresses of youth cut for the exhibition.
Wearing fur coats, felt boots, and warm mittens, our spectators did not perceive the frost. Wearing fur coats, felt boots, and warm mittens, our spectators did not notice the frost.
Having won this match, Zenit took a step up one step on the podium. Having won this match, Zenit moved up one step on the podium.
Now our children are beginning to experience their first school difficulties. Now our children are beginning to overcome their first school difficulties.
Pensioners sat comfortably under the shady trees. Pensioners sat comfortably under shady trees.
In this battle, shrapnel shot through both of his legs. In this battle he was wounded by shrapnel in both legs.

Exercise 116. Combine words from the left and right columns into phrases, taking into account the peculiarities of their compatibility. Please indicate possible options.

Antique, classic. Mythology, languages.
Innate, born. Talent, intelligence.
Hospitable, welcoming, hospitable. Welcome, owner, man.
Disastrous, harmful. Influence, action.
One, one. Moment, moment.
Long, long, long, lasting, long lasting. Impact, period, path, fees, credit.
Nominate, express, correct, eliminate. Hypothesis, guess, shortcomings, mistakes.
Find, find. Support, support.
Discover, discover. Law, regularity.
Prove, justify. Theorem, theory.
To foretell, to predict. Defeat, success.
Expand, increase, increase. Opportunities, potential, level.

Exercise 117. Try to explain why the highlighted combinations are incorrect.

1. The governor paid special attention to the shortcomings achieved. 2. Serious problems hit young entrepreneurs by surprise. 3. We pay special attention to this problem. 4. Athletes from many countries will start in Tokyo. 5. Much attention was provided for the improvement of the city. 6. The premiere of the ballet was honored by the President and Prime Minister. 7. Educational work plays a leading role in the activities of the environmental commission. 8. In recent years, there has been a rapid growth in our cinematography. 9. Our greenhouse has been providing the city with young vegetables for several decades. 10. Already in his deep youth A.S. Pushkin began to write poetry. 11. Friendly matches of the national team with the teams of Ukraine and Slovenia played a major role in the preparation for the championship.

Exercise 118. In the sentences below, find speech errors associated with a violation of lexical compatibility. Edit the sentences.

1. Now only hardcore fans of this sport remember the victories of our hockey players. 2. High school students have experienced a decline in academic performance this year. 3. Dog grazing is prohibited in the park. 4. The warehouse is closed for an indefinite period due to the arrival of cockroaches. 5. Leading importance in the work of the committee is attached to the moral education of youth. 6. The records continue. 7. Children read the verse, standing scattered. 8. My body gave way on my legs from fatigue. 9. The guitar sobbed hysterically, the drum groaned. 10. You have to spend a lot of nerves reading letters from veterans. 11. There was a frost and the corn was severely affected. 12. By the time the apartment was exchanged, the wife, her mother and some things were registered in it. 13. The head of the district administration did not come empty-handed; he presented the school with a library. 14. There are still people who profess the opinion of communist leaders. 15. The experienced fraudster immediately suspected something was wrong and suddenly left the apartment. 16. Experts will not remember such a fruitful score in matches of this level. 17. Advanced technology improves many shortcomings. 18. Grandmother nods affectionately with her wrinkled face. 19. The rate of accidents in the mine has increased. 20. Nilovna appears as a woman beaten down from fear.

1. The changes that have taken place in the country over the past 5-6 years are irreversible.
2. The spectator, coming on stage, said deep gratitude to the artists. 3. The first issue of the magazine was greeted with great interest by readers. 4. When approving the documentation, the director puts his signature on it. 5. It is always difficult for an accountant to prepare an annual report in a short time. 6. The playwright shows the “bottom” that is prepared for losers in this cruel world of anger and self-interest. 7. More than a hundred people moved into the newly built hostel. 8. While working in the trade union system, he held selective positions. 9. He showed economic interest in solving business issues. 10.V. Mayakovsky stood at the springs new poetry. 11. He is a complete ignoramus in art. 12. None of the injections given by our nurse were sick. 13. I evaluate your words as slander.

Task 3. Combine words from the left and right columns into phrases, taking into account the peculiarities of their lexical compatibility.

1. Antique, classic, innate, born, hospitable, cordial, hospitable, destructive, harmful, single, one, long, long, long long-term, lasting. mythology, languages, talent, intelligence, reception, host, man, influence, action, moment, moment, impact, period, path, fees, credit.
2. Nominate, express, fix, find, eliminate, find, find, put on, leave, discover, open, prove, justify, foretell, predict, expand, increase, increase. hypothesis, guess, shortcomings, mistakes, support, support, imprint, trace, law, regularity, theorem, theory, defeat, success, opportunities, potential.

In the audience

Exercise 1. From the words in brackets, choose the one you need.

  1. The hero pronounces a (secret, sacred, cherished, faithful) oath.
  2. We heard (amazing, wild, frantic) screams.
  3. You can’t (fear, be frightened, be afraid, be afraid, be afraid, be timid, tremble) of everything in the world, you have to be (brave, brave, courageous, decisive, daring, fearless).

Task 2. Find errors in the use of homonyms and polysemantic words.

1. The excursionists listened to the explanations of the group leader. 2. At the museum we were shown ancient paintings. 3. The football players left the battlefield without goals. 4. The doctor’s duty is to bring the patient to the end. 5. In front of the school we see broken flower beds. This is the work of our students. 6. There are grammatical errors in test papers. 7. Over the previous year, the clinic lost 5 doctors. 8. By the evening, the students hoped to prepare a film about how the last competition beauty.

Task 3. Indicate speech errors, edit sentences.

1. He began writing songs in his deep youth, and only now fame fell on his gray-haired head. 2. These years have seen rapid growth in our cinematography. 3. He set so many world records that only die-hard sports statistics buffs remember them. 4. Dog grazing is prohibited. 5. The warehouse is closed for a sanitary day due to the arrival of cockroaches. 6. It is prohibited to place household and industrial waste dumps. 7. An elderly house is for sale. 8. The lecture for childless parents is postponed to Thursday. 9. Students in our group have seen a deterioration in their discipline and academic performance this semester. 10. In recent years, government organizations have increased their attention to developing cooperation in the development of measures to protect the biosphere from pollution.

Task 4. Find errors related to verbosity, determine their type and correct the sentences.

1. I have already talked about my autobiography in introductory article. 2. The institute has developed new methods and developments on this problem. 3. The patient was immediately admitted to the hospital. 4. Already at the beginning creative path the writer's strengths and weaknesses were identified. 5. She had very huge eyes. 6. The president of the company called on everyone to cooperate together. 7. It is necessary to weigh our economic chances realistically and without illusions.

Task 5. Determine whether foreign words are used correctly in sentences . Use the Dictionary foreign words" Add to proposals if clarification is necessary.

1. The city’s universities are constantly improving educational process, the student population is growing. 2. She devoted twenty-five years of her biography to science. 3. Violators of order, as a rule, are subject to fines and other sanctions. 4. Ancient cities were the citadel of Russian national architecture. 5. As the qualifying tournament showed, Finnish athletes remain the most serious opponents to our skiers.
6. Rastrelli accumulated Russian culture. 7. The main attention in this book is paid to the early manifestations, the debut of asthma. 8. Our city is characterized by exhibition expansion.

Task 6. Find “split predicates” and replace them with synonymous verbs.

1. Yesterday I was on duty in the school canteen. 2. The teacher conducted a survey of all students. 3. Before the graduation party, parents asked the students to have fun. 4. We clean the classroom every day.

Task 7. Note cases of unjustified use of outdated words, neologisms, stylistically reduced vocabulary, dialectisms, professionalisms and jargon, clericalism. Correct the sentences.

1. Just the thought of him caused a hitherto unfamiliar trembling inside. 2. Therefore, there is a proposal to support Russian art and move the Cannes Film Festival a few days ahead. 3. The delivery of books from the library was delayed. 4. Spring this year is as choppy as autumn. 4. This story is quite similar to the plot of an action film. 5. I have a lot of different interesting thoughts spinning in my head. 6. This film turned out to be a completely flat action movie. 7. Blood sampling is carried out in the fifth room. 8. Repairing a car will take a long time. 9. It is necessary to give another injection. 10. By evening it cleared up for a while. 11. The wipe ended up in the coat pocket. 11. Due to lack of discipline, the class did not go to the theater. 12. The father did not dare to appear on the horizon of his daughter’s life. 13. The above students did not come to school.

Task 8. Come up with phrases in which the combinations suggested below would be used: a) as free ones; b) as phraseological.

Open your mouth, stew in your own juice, throw a pebble into the garden, wash dirty linen in public, keep a stone in your bosom, walk past, extend your hand, tuck it in your belt.


1. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G., Kashaeva E.Yu. Russian language and culture of speech. – Rostov-on-Don, 2001.

2. Oral and writing business person: a reference book. – M., 2000.

3. Culture of Russian speech / Ed. OK. Graudina, E.N. Shiryaeva. – M., 1999.

4. Rosenthal D.E., Dzhanzhakova E.V., Kabanova N.P. Handbook of Spelling and Literary Editing. – M., 2001.

5. Russian language and speech culture: Textbook / Ed. prof. IN AND. Maksimova. – M., 2000.

Insert the words that most accurately express the idea; motivate your choice. (See the words at the end of the exercise for the words the author used.)

Man... (invented, found, found, invented, created) words for everything that he discovered... (in the world, in the universe, on earth). But this is not enough. He... (named, explained, defined, pointed to) every action and state. He... (named, designated, explained, baptized, defined) with words the properties and qualities of everything that surrounds him. The dictionary... (reproduces, defines, displays, reflects, records) all changes... (occurring, occurring, existing) in the world. He... (impressed, reflected, preserved) the experience and wisdom of centuries and, keeping pace, accompanies life,... (movement, progress, development) of technology, science, art. He can... (select, name, designate, define, point to) any thing and has the means to... (express, designate, explain, convey, communicate) the most abstract and generalized ideas and concepts.

Exercise 2. Analyze the author's edits (words crossed out by the writer when working on the text are shown in brackets, words written in the author's hand are in italics); explain lexical substitutions, motivate the use of words entered into the text during auto-editing.

I. 1. (They fell silent) Peaceful fun has disappeared, like a dream, like the morning fog. 2. Dubrovsky (decided) settled in his house. 3. The same disabled person who (stitched) repaired his uniform in the commandant’s front came in. 4. Their screams are heard from afar, and the roar (slightly wanders) echoes them through the forests (P.).

II. 1. Well-fed, white, important (geese) birds walked along the dam to this side of the pond. “A well-fed bird,” said Lagutin, “fed (steamed bran) with steamed wheat.” 2. “You, dear soul, (go, and I’ll go) go... and tell the commissioner: (I want) I need to look around here, this and that, spin around, talk with the men.” 3. - (Well, go, go) Well, turn, turn the cart, otherwise they will see us again. - Lagutin sighed again, turned the cart and angrily hit (with the reins) the backside of the gelding (A.T.) with a twig.

III. 1. ...He [Chekhov] ... burst into sweet, sincere (and deep) laughter. 2. He demanded (ordinary) everyday stories from writers. 3. Further, on the same side, in the very corner, there is a door through which Anton Pavlovich’s single bedroom is visible... 4. I now very vividly remember the squeeze of his big, (dry) and hot hand... 5. But often in On (good) warm mornings he could be seen on the bench behind the house... (Kupr.)

3. Exercise 3. Instead of dots, insert the desired word or phrase; motivate your choice.

1. On the site of a small factory... (erected, built, created) a large woodworking plant. 2. Depending on the specific conditions, the installation can be... (built, assembled, created, installed) both in an open area and indoors. 3. Already in October, the farmer began... (ship, deliver, send, hand over) green onions to the capital’s stores. 4. Technologist Kalinina proposed... (remake, transform, modernize, update, change) the design of two... (large, large, powerful, huge) horizontal boring machines. 5. At the carpet factory in... (last, last, past) year, production improved. Already... (released, manufactured, produced, made) 867 sq. meters... (products, carpets and runners, carpet products). 6. It is known... (to anyone, everyone, everyone) that even the most... (good, excellent, wonderful, magnificent, excellent) ... working conditions are not yet... (determine, decide, provide, guarantee) success. 7. In this work, the author managed... (reveal, reveal, sing, depict, describe, imagine) tragic events in the life of... (his generation, his peers, his contemporaries). 8. This... (flaw, flaw, defect) in a detail can be... (seen, identified, determined, noticed, noted) with the naked eye. 9. The winner of the competition... (awarded, appropriated, issued, allocated) a prize. 10. In the new hotel... (primary, paramount, main, leading, most important) attention is paid to... (good, excellent, impeccable, optimal, attentive) guest service.

Exercise 3. What caused the illogicality and absurdity of the statement in the given sentences? Eliminate logical and lexical errors, formulate your thoughts correctly.

1. When you read poetry, you come across now unknown words: cheeks, hand, flame, voice. Writers used them to create fiction color of antiquity. 2. We learn about this woman, so different from her letters, something new that makes her related to the composer; we see her face reading his letter, her thin figure walking along beautiful park. 3. The ballerina creates a heartfelt image of Giselle - from a joyful girl who believes in love to the tragic death of the heroine. 4. I love Moscow very much, and how can I not love it, because I myself am from Tambov. 5. The sprinkler system has already been put into operation; The long streams that shoot up early in the morning do not fall until late in the evening, watering the meadow with the herbs growing on it. 6. Many hundreds of people go to farms every morning to do the usual, most everyday things - produce milk, raise livestock and poultry. 7. Farm workers must strictly adhere to the calving schedule of cows.

Exercise 4. Indicate speech errors, edit sentences.

1. He began writing songs in his deep youth, and only now fame fell on his gray-haired head. 2. These years have seen rapid growth in our cinematography. 3. Ivanov has been working in this difficult area for a long time, and doing a good job. But in the last two years, he began to have negative glimpses. 4. He set so many world records that only die-hard sports statistics buffs remember them. 5. Dog grazing is prohibited. 6. The warehouse is closed for a sanitary day due to the arrival of cockroaches. 7. It is prohibited to place household and industrial garbage dumps. 8. An elderly house is for sale. 9. The lecture for childless parents is postponed to Thursday. 10. Students in our group have seen a deterioration in their discipline and academic performance this semester. 11. In our work, leading importance is attached to moral and labor education.

Exercise 5. Indicate lexical errors in the following sentences, highlighting cases of violation of semantic and grammatical compatibility. Edit the sentences.

1. A young birch oak grove grew green outside the outskirts. 2. Children recite a poem while standing scattered. 3. The film “Return of the Black Blonde” is showing in cinemas. 4. It was so crowded on the bus that someone suggested: “Stand flat, then it will be freer!” 5. The records continue. 6. Suddenly she noticed: a cat was walking along the corridor on tiptoe. 7. Most of the time passes fruitlessly. 8. The teacher suggested that we write test orally. 9. At the zoo, a small kangaroo sat in a cage and cleaned its feathers. 10. There has been a tremendous improvement in living conditions. 11. Experience recent years inevitably shows the correctness of these gloomy forecasts. 12. Extensive testing of this vitamin bioactive cream led to extremely positive results. 13. The stranger mounted his horse and rode off on foot. 14. A three-year-old Parisian sits barefoot in a sandbox and, digging in the sand, wears the simplest dirty dress with grace and ease. Who taught her grace? 15. My body gave way on my legs from fatigue. 16. The restaurant was filled with a cheerful hubbub, the guitar sobbed hysterically, the drum groaned. 17. Several new enterprises and public transport have appeared in our town. 18. Stand still and don’t swing your eyes (from the teacher’s speech in kindergarten). 19. This is how I clench my fists on my hands and feet! (child’s speech) 20. Yesterday I took a plane and flew to Moscow (from the speech of a foreigner).

Exercise 6. In the given sentences, indicate the phrases in which lexical compatibility is violated. Replace lexical equivalents that caused speech errors.

1. You have to spend a lot of nerves reading letters from veterans. 2. The above metal did not arrive at the customer plant. 3. By the time the apartment was exchanged, a wife, daughter and belongings were registered in it. 4. Grief did not break this woman, her love for work, her courage. 5. There are people who, having done a lot, good and useful, are quietly and modestly silent about it. 6. The teacher must give advice and comments to his students. 7. There was a frost and the corn was severely affected. 8. We completed the task confidently. 9. Sponsors gave the school a library and board games. 10. The mentor scolded me with all his heart for breaking the cutter. 11. I don’t think there are people who would seriously profess the opinion of this eccentric. 12. When a pilot sits in the cockpit of a rough plane, he thinks: who will be first, if not me? 13. But the sergeant was not destined to complete the investigation. On the evening of July 28, the ship “Mstislav Keldysh” suddenly left the scene of the incident, leaving a funeral wreath on the waves. 14. I ask for your permission to order me half a ton of coal.

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