Extracurricular activities for children 7-9 years old. Spring games and fun

Abstract of the open lesson. Lesson topic: "Spring games and fun"

Target: Increasing children's interest in the cultural traditions of the Russian people through folk games.
1. Introduce children to ancient folk games;
2. Teach the basic rules of the game.
1. To introduce students to Russian folk games as the traditions of Russian culture;
2. To develop in students an awareness of the importance of teamwork;
3. Develop their logical thinking, memory, ability to work in a group and individually.
1. Through folk art (games, nursery rhymes), to form interest in Russian culture.
2. To cultivate love and respect for the traditions and history of their country.
Lesson type:
Combined, a lesson of studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge.
Lesson form: Lesson game.
Methods: verbal. visual.
Lesson duration: 45 minutes.
Equipment: multimedia projector, screen, laptop.
Props: colored ribbon, hat, two sticks 30 cm long, painted mushrooms, nuts, berries

Lesson progress:

1. Organizational.
The entrance of children to the hall.
Teacher: Hello guys! Come in and take your seats. Let's check the log to see if everyone is present. (Checking students in the journal). I am very pleased that you came to the open class today.
And now attention, we begin.
2. Reporting the topic of the lesson. Introduction to new material.
A soundtrack of the sounds of spring sounds, birds chirp, drops are heard.
The evil blizzard has vanished,
The night became shorter than the day.
A warm wind blows from the south
Drops fall, ringing.
The sun warming the earth
Drives ice from our hill.
Because to us guys
Spring beauty is coming!
At the beginning of our lesson, you heard the sounds of awakening spring nature, birds singing, spring drops. And it became easy and fun on the soul from the fact that the snow will soon melt, nature will bloom with bright colors, children will spend more time on the street, walk and play different games. How many games do you know that you can play outside?
Today we will get acquainted with the spring folk calendar, play the spring games of our grandparents. Let's learn rhymes and rhymes.
The theme of our lesson is called "Spring games and fun."
So ... In ancient times, the people in Russia celebrated many different holidays during the year. Winter, summer, autumn and of course spring. What holidays that came from antiquity do you know? (Christmas, Epiphany, Maslenitsa, Easter.

That's right, but especially the Russian people revered the spring holidays, because they were looking forward to the arrival of spring, and then summer.
According to the folk calendar, spring was celebrated three times.
The first meeting was on February 15 - Candlemas.

On Sretenye, winter and spring meet. The people used to say "At the Candlemas, a snowball - a fire in the spring" i.e. rain in spring. "If the sky is starry, winter will not end soon."

But here comes March 22, the day of the spring equinox. In Russia, this day was called Magpies, the second meeting of spring. The first birds arrive on Magpies. People in the old days used to say: "Larks will fly to Magpies, how many thawed patches, so many larks." From time immemorial, Magpies baked "Larks" from bread dough. Grandmothers gave "larks" to their grandchildren, and they ran out into the street, called friends and comrades from all over the village, called for spring. They planted treats on sticks and started playing games.
And now we will play these games with you. But first, listen to the safety rules!
We will play outdoor games, so pushing and offending each other is strictly prohibited. Listen carefully to the rules of the game and follow the rules.
So let's continue.

The first game is called "Gardener and Sparrow". But before we start the game, let's learn the rhyme. She will help us choose the drivers.
One, two, three, four, five,
We're here to play.
Magpies flew to us
And they told you to drive.
Learning counting rhymes for children. The choice of two leading gardeners and a sparrow.
Attention, the rules of the game.
Stand in a circle (dance) and hold hands. In the round dance stands the Gardener in a hat, and behind the round dance there are two sparrows. Slowly moving in a circle, we repeat the words:
Sparrow is small, gray, remote,
Drifting around the yard, collecting crumbs.
In the garden he runs with crumbs for lunch.
The round dance raises its hands, the sparrow must run into the circle, take nuts from the center of the circle and carry them into the mink outside the circle. The gardener must stain the sparrow, that is, touch it with his hand (but not hit it). The round dance should prevent the gardener, close the gate when the gardener approaches. The task is clear. Then get ready and start. (The game runs several times).
The next game our grandparents played is called "Oh yes bird, what a bird!"
Get back into the circle. Who remembers the counting? Let's count and choose the driver.
Attention, game condition! All participants stand in a circle. The driver, picking up any object, puts it on the floor and says:
Oh yes bird, what a bird!
What an eagle bird!
The neighbor picks up the object and quickly answers:
Oh yes bird, what a bird!
What a bird - a raven!
The game continues until all the players name the bird. The one who repeats or makes a mistake is out of the game.
Playing the game
These are the games our grandparents played on the Magpies. Well, we continue our work. I will ask you to take your seats and listen to the continuation.

The third meeting of spring is called the "Annunciation", the holiday is celebrated on April 7th. According to Christian tradition, on this day an angel brought the good news to the Virgin Mary that she would become the mother of the "son of God." This is one of the biggest holidays of spring. People, animals and birds rejoice on this day, and even the sun itself plays and shimmers brightly. In the old days they said that on this day "the red maiden does not weave braids, the bird does not nest", everyone should rest. According to ancient legend, the cuckoo violated this custom, tried to build a nest, but was punished by the fact that she would never have her own nest and was forced to lay eggs in other nests. And it was also customary to release birds from cages on the Annunciation, as if bringing nature a bloodless sacrifice.
What did people do on this holiday if it was impossible to work. Of course, they walked, gathered a feast, and the children went outside to play.
And the game is on again
Get into a round dance.

The game is called "Dawn - lightning". Please stand in a circle, let's learn the nickname.
Zarya-lightning, red maiden,
I walked across the field, dropped the ribbons,
Gold ribbons, blue ribbons,
The rings are entwined - I went for water!
For the game we need one driver. Who will remember our counting rhyme?
Children choose a leader.
The driver walks behind the circle with the tape, and the rest say the words.
With the last words, the leader carefully places the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape, and they both run in different directions in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes the dawn. The game is repeated.
Dove game. For this game, we need to divide into two teams, let's count on the first second. The first and second numbers are combined into groups and stand at the starting position. On my command. the first participant squats and holding a stick under his knees, jumps to the finish line on two legs and back. Then passes the baton to the next one. During the game you can not push each other. The task is clear, then we got ready ..... we started.
The game is running.
These are the spring games played in the old days. Please take your seats.
3. Reflection. Consolidation of acquired knowledge.
Guys! Today you got acquainted with the old Russian folk games that our distant ancestors played when they were waiting for spring. We got acquainted with the traditions of the Russian people in the celebration of spring holidays. We learned to listen carefully to the rules of the game and follow them.
And now I want to ask you what you remember from our lesson, riddles will help us with this.
1. When winter meets spring for the first time, what is the name of the holiday? Candlemas
2. The second meeting of spring, when the larks arrived,
What was it called in the old days and when was it celebrated? Magpies, March 22.
3. The third meeting of spring was called the "Annunciation", but when was it celebrated? April 7th.
4. For what the cuckoo was punished on the feast of the Annunciation. Made a nest.
Soon the snow will melt, the grass will turn green, it will become warm and sunny outside. Do not sit at home, go outside and teach the guys in the yard to play old games.
4. Final stage.
Our lesson has come to an end. All of you did a great job today, the game was the whole lesson with us. She told a lot of interesting things, taught me to remember and honor the old traditions. With the help of the game, you have learned to be more attentive and kinder towards each other.
5. Summing up.
Actively participated in the lesson (Name the names of the children). Let's thank each other with a round of applause. Goodbye, see you again.

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