Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic: Good

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic: “Give people kindness”

Author: Schukina Lyudmila Alexandrovna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 174", Voronezh
Material Description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic "Give kindness to people." This material will be useful for educators of the older group. This is a summary of a cognitive lesson aimed at forming an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe spiritual beauty and mental health of a person.

Synopsis of direct educational activities in the senior group on the topic: "Give people kindness"

Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative", "Artistic and aesthetic", "Speech", "Cognitive".

Target: To give children an idea of ​​spiritual beauty and mental health of a person.
Educational: to form an idea of ​​the meaning of goodness for harmony and happiness.
Speech: activate the words "thank you", "please", "excuse me" in the speech of children, develop coherent speech.
Developing: develop the ability to help and empathize with people.
Educational: to cultivate the desire to give joy and good mood to loved ones.
Handout: trays, cards with printed words "sorry", "thank you", "hello", "goodbye"
Methodological techniques: game, conversation, solving a problem situation, physical education minute, task, productive activity. Educator:
Invented by someone, simple and wise
When meeting, say hello: "Good morning!"
- Good morning! Sun and birds
-Good morning! smiling faces!
And everyone becomes kind, trusting
Let the good morning last until the evening!
caregiver: Children, I am very glad to see that you are in a good mood. We will start our day today by sending each other good thoughts, good feelings. Let's say our good wishes to each other. I have in

Hands "good heart". I want to give it to Veronica and wish her all the best.
Game "Good thoughts, good feelings"
Educator: I want to ask you to tell about what you felt when you sent each other kind thoughts and good feelings?
(It was fun, it became very good, I felt good, I liked it, it's interesting to play like that ...)
caregiver: Guys, how do you understand the proverb: "A healthy mind in a healthy body"? This proverb says that a person has a body and a soul. When the body is sick, the soul is also sick. And vice versa, if the soul is sick, the body is also bad. What happens when the body is sick?
(Headache, sore throat, difficulty walking, medication...)
Educator: what happens to a person when his soul feels bad, what does he feel?
(The mood is bad, sad, sad, you are not happy about anything ...)
Educator: How can the sickness of the soul be cured?

(To regret, visit, give something, cheer, give an interesting toy ...)
caregiver: Well done, children! Say magic words to each other. If kindness lives in the world, adults and children rejoice.
Proverbs about kindness
- Good is good everywhere.
- Everyone is busy, he wants good for himself.
- Life is given for good deeds.
Everyone loves goodness, but not everyone loves it.
- A good person teaches good.
- A kind word and the cat is pleased.
- A kind person will do the job rather than an angry one.
Educator: Guys, remember and name what good and evil fairy-tale characters do you know?
(Cat Leopold and mice, Cinderella and stepmother, Needlewoman and Sloth, etc.)
Educator: In life, it happens that people do good and bad deeds. Let's take a look at real life situations.
1. The girl is crying. During the walk there was a quarrel between the girls.
Teacher: What happened? Is it possible to help grief with tears?
Girl: Nastya and I played ball. And the ball rolled into the puddle, I wanted to get the ball and fell into the puddle, Nastya began to laugh out loud, and I cried loudly.
Educator: Did Nastya do the right thing? What would you do in her place? Let's help the girls make peace.
Educator: If you are the culprit of a quarrel, be the first to admit guilt. Magic words will help you with this: I'm sorry, let me help you, let's play together ...
2. The girl did not sit on her chair, the boy pushed her and sat down himself. The girl began to cry. Did the boy do the right thing? What would you do in his place?
Children: Ask to get up from the chair, bring her her chair ...
Educator: When you hear kind words, the soul becomes warmer. Kindness heals the soul. Good deeds, good thoughts are the best medicine for the soul. So that the soul does not get sick, you must, first of all, be kind yourself. Here we will play good words and good deeds. I will begin to read poems, and you in unison, together, should supplement them:
- Even an ice block will melt from the word warm
Children: Thank you!
- The old stump turns green when it hears
Children: Good afternoon!
- If you can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom
Children: Thank you!
- A polite and developed boy speaks when meeting
Children: Hello!
- When they scold us for pranks, we say
Children: I'm sorry!
- And in Russia, in Ukraine, in Denmark, at parting, they say
Children: Goodbye!
The task:
There are words in the tray. Find among the printed words the word that begins with the letter "I", "Z", "S" ("sorry", "hello", "thank you"). Find an expression that consists of two words and begins with the letter "D".
When I was walking towards you, a strong wind blew, the “magic word” fell and the letters broke, they need to be restored. (Goodbye).
Educator: Well done, how many magic words do you know! A kind word can cheer up every person in a difficult moment, dispel a bad mood.

Hello golden sun
hello blue sky
Hello gentle breeze
Hello little oak
We live in the same area
I welcome you all!
(Perform movements in accordance with the text).
Collective work "Draw a heart of kindness"

caregiver: Children, let's draw a big heart of kindness with you (paint over the heart with fingers).

Educator: Look, now we have a “Heart of Kindness” in our group. It will send us its warmth, wish good and help us to study. I propose to call this heart of kindness "Calendar of good deeds." In it, we will celebrate your good deeds and the deeds that you did during the day. Now fold both hands near your chest, open your palms, imagine that they contain as many good feelings as they can fit. You are very pleased to feel warm. Place as much goodness in your heart as possible. (Join hands and attach to chest). You felt the warmth of your soul, the warmth of the hearts of all who are now close to you.
Educator: I want you to feel good all day today. This heart can endow all people with kindness, but for this you need to let it go along with wishes. It is in our hands to make the world kinder and happier! (blow on palms).

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