Children about September

Hello, visitors of the site "Our secret"!

Summer this year did not spoil us too much. And now autumn has come. Today we are going to talk about seasons again. Each season has its own charm. Autumn is a very beautiful colorful season, harvest time.

Apples and pears ripen, a colorful forest stands.

And autumn leaves rustle pleasantly underfoot.

The sun is still shining brightly, the days are fine,

But more and more often birds fly in flocks to the south.

September for children

The first autumn month - September - is already coming to an end. It is called differently: the month of farewell to the Motherland, the month - frowning, the month - rhubarb. After all, the sky frowns more and more often, the wind roars. The trees are shedding their leaves. As soon as the leaves begin to miss the sun, they wither and quickly change their green color. They begin to turn yellow, blush, turn brown. Very beautiful shades in the autumn forest.

September story for kids. Increasingly, the leaves fall off the trees and gradually the forest loses its bright attire. This phenomenon is called leaf fall. Migratory birds gather in flocks and fly away to warmer climes. They go on a long journey at night. It's safer that way. In the dark, they will not be touched by predators, and they will easily find the way even on a dark night.

The water is cold, the air is empty. I no longer want to swim. Honey mushrooms appeared, frost on the grass. Summer is over, autumn has begun.

In the forest, everyone is preparing for the upcoming long and cold winter: stocks are being made, a place for hibernation is being prepared, the color of coats of hares, wolves, and foxes is changing.

And suddenly - the last gift of summer - dry, quiet, warm, clear weather sets in. Indian summer is coming. It's time to wander through the rustling leaves with your child, talk about the signs of autumn, see the autumn beauty together, play games. September ends. Next in line is the second autumn month - October.

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