Mental health Personal health Mental health, according to the definition of the World Health Organization, is a state of well-being, - presentation

Mental Health Personal Health Mental health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a state of well-being in which a person can fulfill their own potential, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively and productively, and contribute to their community. Mental health is not only mental, but also personal health. A psychologically healthy person is reasonable, open to cooperation, protected from the blows of life and armed with the necessary tools to cope with life's challenges.

Adequate perception of the environment, conscious actions, activity, efficiency, purposefulness, the ability to establish close contacts, a full-fledged family life, a sense of affection and responsibility towards loved ones, the ability to draw up and implement one's life plan, focus on self-development, personal integrity. A psychologically healthy person is reasonable, open to cooperation, protected from the blows of life and armed with the necessary tools to cope with life's challenges.

A state that characterizes the process and result of the normal development of subjective reality within an individual life; the maxim of psychological health is the unity of the viability and humanity of the individual. "Psychological health" characterizes the personality as a whole (in contrast to "mental health", which is related to individual mental processes and mechanisms). Psychological health includes various components of human life: the state of mental development of the child, his mental comfort; adequate social behavior; the ability to understand oneself and others; better realization of development potential in various activities; the ability to make choices and take responsibility for them. ! Mental Health = Mental Health + Personal Health

There are two main signs by which one can judge mental health: 1. The positive mood in which the person is. The basis is such states as: Complete calmness Self-confidence Inspiration 2. A high level of mental capabilities, thanks to which a person is able to get out of various situations associated with anxiety, fear. In order to be healthy, you need to LEARN to maintain the mental well-being of your body.

The World Health Organization identifies the following criteria for mental health: awareness and a sense of continuity, constancy and identity of one's physical and mental "I". a sense of constancy and identity of experiences in situations of the same type. criticality to oneself and one's own mental production (activity) and its results. correspondence of mental reactions (adequacy) to the strength and frequency of environmental influences, social circumstances and situations. the ability to self-govern behavior in accordance with social norms, rules, laws. the ability to plan one's own life activity and implement these plans. the ability to change the way of behavior depending on changing life situations and circumstances

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