The name of Russian folk games and fun. Russian folk games: names and rules

Games of any nation, and especially Russian folk games (names and rules, as well as songs, dances, fairy tales), clearly reflect the culture of people. Reveal the most important character traits.

In the game and on the road people will be recognized

By the way people behave in games, you can get an impression of what kind of people are in life, everyday life, relationships with others. For a long time in Russia - from early spring to the first autumn showers, and then in the snowy winter - on all folk and Christian holidays, people gathered to celebrate the celebration together. These celebrations never did without games. The folk games of the Russian people reflect the age-old experience of people - this is entertainment and training at the same time. It is fun, noisy, with songs, dances, round dances. This is joy and pleasure, it is wide, as the soul of the Slavs is wide. Meanwhile, any game always requires intelligence, develops ingenuity, resourcefulness, speed of reaction. The Russians have gathered and are gathering crowded teams competing in strength, dexterity, and endurance. And at the same time, team cohesion, mutual assistance, support in difficult moments reigns between the players. Competitions are held in the fresh air and therefore strengthen health, train the body, and contribute to the development of endurance.

Unity in Diversity

The names of the folk games of the Russian people are capacious, concise, memorable. They were invented by people themselves: wise, observant, inventive, quick-witted. Each individual game, when it was played in different regions of Russia, added its own nuances, its own local flavor. Such games were accompanied by songs and playing local musical instruments. Therefore, the name of Russian folk games in different places could also differ.

Spiritual man is a strong man

Almost all Russian folk outdoor games are rooted in religion, reminiscent of ancient pagan rites in their colorfulness. In the culture of Russia there were no priests and sacrifices, but there was worship of the earth and the sun, water and fire. And in everyday life there was cruel exploitation and hard peasant labor. All this was transferred to folk art and reflected in the name of Russian folk games. Echoes of rituals can be seen even now in the rites and games for Shrovetide, Christmas, Trinity, etc. On the night after the longest summer day, boys and girls converged on the banks of the rivers. They burned bonfires, competed in jumping over the fire, bathed in order to meet the rising sun in purity. The girls wove wreaths and let them float down the river. And the guys took out a wreath of their betrothed from the water. And what kind of folk game appeared from the old Russian rite, where the guys sang: “It’s not the fire that burns, it’s not the resin that boils, it’s the heart that boils and burns for the red maiden”? It's a Burner game.

In the game, in the field

Without hunting - and the man is a blockhead

Before involving children in the game, adults must definitely love it themselves sincerely. Moreover, without knowing the name of Russian folk games, the history of the appearance of one or another of them, if you do not take into account the color and features, you will not achieve an educational moment. Not to achieve a full and capacious manifestation of talents. Children, if the fun is interesting for them, play enthusiastically, sometimes to the point of complete fatigue. But at the same time, they experience joy from communication and victories, and sometimes just grief from defeat. And you need to be able to make sure that these strong emotions are only for the benefit of the child. Russian folk games for children are an example of the high skill of educators and teachers. One of the goals facing teachers is to develop the imagination and ingenuity of the child. It is important that children do not just memorize the rules, but be able to improvise, compose them themselves. Encouragement of independence in games and at the same time a sense of comradeship and solidarity can hardly be overestimated. Children from junior to senior love the Fanta game, which has a wide field for developing and demonstrating talents. Up to five participants can play. First, the leaders are chosen, there should be two of them. The hosts collect forfeits from all participants. It can be any small items, it is important that they are different and accurately identify the owner. Collecting forfeits is already fun and exciting. If there are few participants, you can collect more than one forfeit from each. And then one of the presenters is blindfolded, and the other selectively takes out forfeits and asks: “What should this phantom do?” And here it is important that the second presenter be inventive and have a good one. You can specify in advance the possible range of tasks, there are no restrictions on humor. When all the forfeits are returned to the participants, a whole performance begins with songs, dances, and humor.

It's not a duck, it's a white swan

The little ones especially enjoy role-playing games. Russian folk games for preschool children are based on copying family relationships, tender and trusting. While playing, children absorb warmth and love. So, in the Russian folk game "Duck" a bright and affectionate image of the duck's mother is created. The leader, to a gentle song, shows simple movements that the smallest ones try to repeat. There are also varieties of such a game when they show the characteristic movements of different pets, and the children guess and repeat. Remember poems about these animals. The winner is the one who more accurately shows his favorite animal, tells a rhyme, and maybe sings a song about him.

"I was born a gardener"

For long winter evenings there are Russian folk games indoors. The names of the most beloved and fascinating are known to many. These are mostly intellectual games that require knowledge, skills and experience. Children's games are "Edible - not edible" or "I was born a gardener." It is also a whole mass of board games, starting with Spillikins, where strength of character, skill and perseverance are important. Sticks of the same size are chosen as spillikins. They pour them into a slide on the table, and then take turns trying to take out as many sticks as possible without breaking the slide. The turn passes to the next player at the slightest violation of the hill. The winner is the one who has the most sticks after parsing the entire slide. The game is made more difficult by pulling out the sticks with one hand, or with a hanging hand, or with a stick, and not with your fingers.

Money and the game will not bring to good

Any nation has games where money is put on the line as a win. Russian gambling is no exception. These are games for adults. And folk experience confirms that they do not end well.

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