What is a modern political leader like? Political leaders Membership in the youth movement

political science

  • Gilimkhanova Gulshat Aidarovna, bachelor, student
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University

The article examines the portrait of a modern political leader, what qualities he must have in order to correspond to his status and position, and on this basis the political portrait of V.V. Putin is examined.

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High moral qualities and, above all, loyalty to public duty, concern for people, the public good and justice, honesty - all these qualities should be possessed by a modern political leader. Considering the importance of the concepts of leadership and management, hundreds of books, textbooks and monographs have been written on this topic, in which the authors try to provide answers to the main questions: Who is he - an effective leader? What role does he play in public life? What problems should he solve? In my opinion, this topic is relevant today, since it is important for the population to know which leader to follow, and in general, whether it is worth listening to him. In public life, a leader, as the central, most authoritative figure in a specific group of people, can be identified in almost every type of activity, and in any historical period. The term “leader” has two meanings:

1. an individual who has the most pronounced, useful qualities, thanks to which his activities are most productive.

Such a leader serves as a role model, a kind of “standard” to which, from the point of view of group values, other group members should adhere. The influence of such a leader is based on the psychological phenomenon of reflected subjectivity, i.e. ideal representation of other group members;

2. a person for whom a given community recognizes the right to make decisions that are most significant from the point of view of group interest.

The authority of this leader is based on the ability to rally and unite others to achieve a group goal. Such a person, regardless of the leadership style (authoritarian or democratic), regulates relationships in the group, defends its values ​​in intergroup communication, influences the formation of intragroup values, and in some cases symbolizes them.

The position of a leader forces him to be very responsible in everyday and political life, because his affairs, actions, behavior, qualities are constantly in sight and all this is more strictly assessed by people, and the success or failure of that party, that course, that direction largely depends on this whom he serves. The applicant for leadership also faces the danger of complete dissolution, absolute identification of oneself with these interests. In this case, this is no longer a leader, but simply a leader. The first and necessary quality of a modern political leader is his ability to skillfully accumulate and adequately express the interests of the broad masses in his activities. The second decisive ability of a leader is his innovativeness, that is, the ability to constantly put forward new ideas, or combine and improve them.

What is required from a political leader is not just the collection and inventory of the interests of the masses, and the indulgence of these interests, but their innovative understanding, development and correction. The third most important quality should be the leader's political awareness. Political information describes, first of all, the state and expectations of various social groups and institutions, by which one can judge the trends in the development of their relationships among themselves, with the state and various public institutions. Political information should serve, first of all, to avoid overlooking the intersections of interests of social groups, regions, nations and states as a whole. The fourth quality is a sense of political time.

In the last century, political theorists considered his ability to sense political time to be a very important trait of a leader. This was expressed by a simple formula: “Being a politician means taking timely measures.” The experience of the nineteenth century showed that compromise, the king of politics, is a very capricious creature. A leader who compromises before a certain time loses authority. A leader who compromises late loses the initiative and may suffer defeat (Gorbachev and the Baltics). Today in modern Russia such political leaders as V.V. Putin, D.A. Medvedev, V.V. Zhirinovsky enjoy great authority. According to the population, they are responsible and executive leaders who know how to make important decisions at the right time and find compromises with stakeholders.

Speaking about the political portrait of V.V. Putin, it is not easy to determine. Despite the fact that he is Yeltsin’s successor, the people consider Putin to be his opposite, that is, the population perceives Vladimir Vladimirovich as a “builder and restorer president.” Putin has a highly developed sense of reality, is capable of making concessions, knows how to find a compromise with interested parties, skillfully makes decisions and takes responsibility for them. Putin is a man of strong character, and in his activities he is accustomed to achieving goals set independently or set by necessity. In addition, he is a person of strong beliefs and values. It must be admitted that it is quite difficult to talk about Putin’s methods. Making and carrying out decisions, choosing one or another state strategy on a particular issue, new beginnings - all of this leaves the imprint of Putin’s authority. Putin uses his authority to make difficult decisions, and they are supported by the people, and, of course, the bureaucracy. Authority allows the president to make fateful decisions, including those that without such high authority would be openly called unconstitutional.

And finally, there is no doubt that Putin is an epoch-making figure in our country: they were waiting for him, they would like to see him as president in the future, and the consequences of the policies he pursued will shape the political reality of Russia for a long time. Thus, a modern political leader must be competent, charismatic, must know his audience and be able to influence it, be able to win the boundless trust of thousands of people through a friendly attitude towards them and caring satisfaction of their interests.


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There can be many reasons for becoming a politician. After all, this profession opens up opportunities that are inaccessible to mere “mortals.” Some can use power to improve life in the country. Others, on the contrary, think only about themselves and steal taxpayers’ money without a twinge of conscience.

But let's talk about how to get to government power? How to become a politician? And what will you have to sacrifice for this?

Birth of an idea

It all starts with the fact that a bright idea is born in a person’s head - to become a politician. The reason for this may be various factors. For example, having ambition and willpower, an unknown virtue decides to change the world for the better: overcome poverty, improve education, help orphans, and so on. But a simple person will not be able to do this, because he has too few powers.

The only way out is to increase the range of your capabilities. The position of deputy is best suited for these purposes. There is only one question left to solve: “How to become a politician?”

The beginning of the way

Youth is the best time to start climbing the Olympus of recognition. The first step is to take care of a good education. You need to understand that a graduate of an ordinary technical school or vocational school has a small chance of achieving success in this matter. Therefore, the educational institution should be chosen very carefully.

In addition, political activity requires certain skills and knowledge from a deputy. In this regard, it is best to focus on universities with developed economics departments. In addition, law universities are a good choice, as they will help you understand the legal framework of the country.

Any scientific or doctoral degree will be a good bonus when running an election campaign. The same applies to distinctive awards and bonuses, so you need to do your best to win first place among the best students of the chosen institution.

Nurturing personal qualities

If a person is thinking about how to become a politician, then he should work hard on himself. You need to understand that politics is a very cruel game in which the strong devour the weak. Any political activity leads to the fact that a person will have many new enemies, and one must be prepared for this.

So, what skills and qualities should a politician have?

  • Charisma. Without it, it will be very difficult to stand out from the rest.
  • Determination. Many politicians often stumble on their way, and in order to constantly get up, you need to have a strong will and always remember your goals.
  • Oratory. The ability to speak is the basis of the profession of a politician, because if a person does not know how to persuade, he may not dream of a brilliant career.
  • Endurance. Frequent stress and travel exhaust the body, so you need to be prepared for this.

Active citizenship

So, let's continue the conversation about how to become a politician. There is one important point in all this that needs to be well understood. Namely: it doesn’t matter at all how many higher education a person has and how well he can speak if other people don’t know about him.

Therefore, the main task for any young politician is to demonstrate their potential. He needs to constantly participate in various promotions and events aimed at improving the life of society. Help the poor, travel to hospitals and shelters, speak in public, and so on.

At the same time, it is best to start with small villages, because it is much easier to improve such places than to solve a number of problems in a big city. And the competition here is much lower than in the metropolis.

Political Party

If you understand how to become a politician in Russia, then you definitely need to consider such an item as joining a party. After all, without this it is simply impossible to achieve success in such a field. But how to join the party?

Well, to be honest, there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to pass the selection process, which is carried out according to certain criteria: age, education, experience, ideology, and so on. Each party has its own requirements, and there is no general approach.

What is more important is that the direction of the policy of a given cell must correspond to the ideological principles of a person. Otherwise, he will have to sacrifice his morals in order to move up the career ladder.

How to become a politician in Ukraine

Recently, the legal system in Ukraine has changed, due to which the election system has been significantly simplified. Now the candidate just needs to submit documents to the Central Election Commission, pay a fee, and he will be admitted to this process.

In addition, a candidate for a position in parliament is not required to join a party. After all, according to the new law, any citizen of Ukraine has the right to become a people's deputy. But it’s only so simple on paper; in reality, everything is much more complicated.

Election campaign

The most difficult stage is the election campaign. Few candidates overcome this barrier. Why is that?

There can be many reasons for this: an unsuccessful strategy, strong competitors, lack of funds, and so on. Therefore, before nominating oneself for a certain post, a person must soberly assess his chances. Remember: sometimes it is better to wait a little and prepare than to fail miserably by overestimating yourself.

  • 5. The concept of politics. Who is the subject of politics? Give reasons for your answer.
  • 6. The relationship between the concepts of politics and the political system of society.
  • 8. Give a general description of the system of research methods used in political science.
  • 9. The concept of “power”, the reasons and conditions of its origin. Indicate the distinctive features of political power.
  • 10. The concept of “political power”, its foundations, their characteristics and typology.
  • 13. The concept of “resources of political power”. Reveal the content of the main types of resources of political power.
  • 14. The concept of “political leadership.” What are the main differences between political leadership and its other forms? Factors that determine the nature of political leadership.
  • 15. The concept of “political leader” What distinguishes a political leader from leaders in other areas of public life?
  • 16. What qualities should a political leader have?
  • 17. Main functions and factors determining political leadership.
  • 18. The concept of “power elite”, its essence, structure, character. Traits
  • 19. Content and relationship between the concepts of “power elite” and “political elite” The role of the political elite in the political system of society.
  • 20. The concept of “political elite”, its characteristic features, structure, main functions in society.
  • 21. Basic mechanisms for the formation of the political elite. Based on a comparative analysis, show the strengths and weaknesses of the mechanisms.
  • Similarities and differences
  • 23. Essential characteristics. And the functions of the state.
  • 24. The concept of “form of government” What are the main. What forms of government exist in the modern world?
  • 25. Republican form of government, its characteristic features and modern varieties.
  • 27. Characteristic features of a federal state. Give examples of modern federations. What principles of federalism are enshrined in the modern world.
  • 28. Characteristic features of a legal state. What difficulties and difficulties are encountered on the way to building a law-based state in modern Russia.
  • 29. The concept of “political regime”, its essential characteristics. What is the difference between the concepts of “political regime” and “form of government”
  • 30. Democratic political regime: essence and fundamental characteristics. Give examples of countries with democratic political regimes.
  • 31. The essence, characteristics and main types of a totalitarian political regime. Examples
  • 32. Essence, characteristic features and main types of authoritarian political regime.
  • 33. Reveal the main reasons, factors, conditions and forms of transition to democratic politics. The regime from totalitarianism and authoritarianism.
  • 34. Define the concept of “civil society”. Reveal the characteristic features of civil society. Why is democracy the political regime in which civil society is formed?
  • 35.Interaction between civil society and the state…..
  • 36. Define the concept of “political party”. Reveal the essential features of political parties, point out their differences from interest groups, lobbying groups, and socio-political movements.
  • 37.Main functions of political parties. What are the positive and negative roles of parties in society?
  • 38. The concept of “party system”. What characteristics underlie the classification of party systems?
  • 40. The concept of “socio-political movement”...
  • 42. Contents and principles of the majoritarian electoral system, its varieties, advantages and disadvantages. Give examples of countries in which it is used?
  • 43. Proportional election. System
  • 44. Mixed elect. System.
  • 45. The concept of an election campaign, its goals and objectives, organization, financing, main stages.
  • 46. ​​The relationship between the electoral system and the type of party system...
  • 47. The concept of “political ideology”. Reveal the essential characteristics of political ideology, its role and functions in society. Name the main political ideologies of our time.
  • 48. The ideology of liberalism - everything about it and representatives.
  • 49. The main features of the ideology of conservatism, its ideological origins, key ideas and their evolution. Name the representatives of conservatism.
  • 50. The main features of social democratic ideology, its ideological origins, key ideas and their evolution. Name the representatives of social democratic ideology.
  • 16. What qualities should a political leader have?

    The distinctive features of a leader are extremely diverse; their entirety is combined into three groups: natural, moral, and professional qualities.

    Natural qualities: strength of character, will, personality magnetism, determination, hypnotic abilities, subtle intuition.

    Moral values: nobility, honesty, loyalty to public duty, concern for people (for example, helping the children of the starving Volga region), for the public good and justice.

    Professional qualifications: analytical skills, ability to quickly and accurately navigate the situation, argue against other people's opinions, political wisdom, competence, professionalism in making political decisions. decisions.

    17. Main functions and factors determining political leadership.

    Functions of political leaders:

    Analytical function, or diagnosis function. That is, a deep and comprehensive analysis of the causes of the current situation, a study of the totality of objective and subjective factors and realities.

    Function of developing an action program. In its implementation, a major role is played by the personal qualities of the political leader, his determination, energy, intelligence, intuition, courage, and ability to take on great responsibility.

    The function of mobilizing the country to implement the adopted program. Here, much depends on the skill and ability of a political leader to come into contact with all layers of society, to convince, and to attract those who are wavering to his side. History knows many examples when a program put forward by a political leader was successfully implemented.

    Innovative feature means that a political leader introduces new, constructive ideas for the social structure of society. For this purpose, new political programs and strategic plans for social development are being developed, and political structures are being updated and reorganized. By accumulating and generating new ideas and concepts, the political leader formulates new social goals and objectives, substantiates strategic priorities and tactical ways and methods of achieving them. Every political decision must be deeply thought out and carefully analyzed on a multivariate basis, since the sphere of politics is a type of risky activity that affects the fate of millions of people. The promotion of national goals and programs necessarily requires a comprehensive analysis of the social, material, financial and political resources for their implementation.

    Communication function involves reflecting the full range of needs and interests of people both in political manifestos and programs of political leaders, and in their practical activities. A political leader is a kind of accumulator of ideas and moods in society, an exponent of people’s life aspirations and desires. After all, the main meaning and purpose of all political activities of leaders is to serve people, expressing the interests of society as a whole and various social groups.

    Organizing function logically follows from the innovative and communicative functions. We are talking about mobilizing the masses to implement political programs and decisions. In order to direct and organize the actions of the masses, a political leader must have organizational qualities, the ability to win the trust of the people, awaken their social activity, uniting the efforts of all sectors of society. Determining areas for joint activities is not all it takes to achieve major changes.

    Coordination function is a continuation of the organizational one and is aimed at coordinating the actions of all subjects of political change - institutions and institutions of power, as well as practical executive decisions. The coordination function includes correlation and coordination of the activities of all branches of government: parliament, executive and judicial authorities.

    Integrative function is aimed at maintaining the integrity and stability of society, civil peace and social harmony. It provides for ensuring the viability of the political union, the unity of all political forces of society, and the cohesion of all its social groups. Political leaders are obliged to foresee the social aspects of reforms, avoid the undesirable effect of sharp stratification and polarization of society, and take proactive social and political measures in order to prevent various kinds of social explosions and conflicts.

    Factors that determine characterpolitical leadership:

    Natural qualities: strength of character, will, determination, subtle intuition. The last of these qualities distinguished the President of France, General de Gaulle. He was the first in the West to put forward the concept of détente in relations with the East and contributed to its implementation. Many years ago, de Gaulle predicted the inevitability of democratic change in Eastern Europe.

    Moral qualities of political leaders. Plato, Aristotle and Confucius spoke about their necessity for rulers. They named among these qualities honesty, loyalty to public duty, concern for people, the public good and justice.

    Professional quality political leaders are very diverse: analytical abilities, the ability to quickly and accurately navigate the situation, argue against other people's opinions, political wisdom, competence, professionalism in making political decisions. This should also include the talent to attract people, oratory, a sense of humor, the ability to persuade, arouse enthusiasm, and the ability to lead people. Taken together, these qualities provide a pronounced ability for social and government activities.


    Different cultural and historical eras, a range of political, economic and social conditions and levels of society mean the presence of leaders with different character characteristics sufficient to solve pressing problems in a group, class or organization.

    The demand for such people is especially high these days, and therefore the supply is growing. This is followed by the development of a struggle for the leadership position, which can only be occupied and held by those who have certain managerial abilities.


    In the previous lesson we studied how to change the perception of a leader and the characteristics of his character, and he focused on the fact that knowledge of the management phenomenon was thrown out of the idea that a leader should be born, believing that almost any person who is qualified and developed managerial qualities.

    It is important to know that different desires require the development of special functions: the president of a university and the general of the army, the owner of a small company and the director of multinational corporations - all their leaders, but the set of attributes necessary to succeed in a certain field and achieve success is different. At the same time, there are general character characteristics without which it is impossible to simply become a leader.

    Determination of the main characteristics of the leader of modern literature

    John Maxwell, one of the most important contemporary authors on leadership, personal and corporate development, in his book The 21 Must-Have Quality Managers, identifies the leading qualities as:


    Essential Leadership Qualities: What Makes a Good Leader

    Courage. Finding the power within and taking the first step is often much more difficult than taking any further action. Leaving your comfort zone takes courage because it is impossible to leave without delving into it. “The path will be controlled by events.”

    2. Passion. When a person is completely committed to an idea or a job, everything else seems to not exist. Passion for what you do is an important trait because you can only truly succeed through doing work that you love.


    Competence. The ability to not only show your knowledge in a certain area with words, but also to back it up with actions and, most importantly, with results, is worth it.

    4. Looking to the future. People voluntarily follow those who do not have a short-term idea, but have a global point of view, a long-term plan to implement the plan.

    On the other hand, English essayist Cyril Northcote Parkinson identifies the following controls that anyone can develop:

    • Imagination. A leader must be clear about what will happen because of his activities and what will happen at the end of the path he takes.
    • Knowledge. He needed the knowledge necessary to get out on the road.
    • Talent. Every person is endowed with talent, you just need to know how to do it.

      Martin Roger, winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature, said: “Talent without problems is like fireworks: blinded for a moment, and then nothing remains.”

    • Definition. This quality that motivates a person to act, makes him achieve a certain result every day.
    • Rigidity. Sometimes everything has to be organized and done for others to act because he believes that a leader is needed.
    • Attractiveness. One of the main characteristics of a leading character is the ability to become a magnet for people to attract them to lead followers.

    Leadership Development

    It goes without saying that a management development program is a difficult task, but quite a sure one.

    Having set a similar goal, you should be as adaptable as possible to achieving your goals in order to clearly focus on practical steps.

    Purpose and persistence are important characteristics of a leader.

    The first step is to clearly understand that it is impossible to become a leader in a day, a week, or a month. It follows that you should set specific goals, from short-term (the one you should work on first) to long-term (how you see your life in a few years).

    Exercise 2.1.

    The classic “Who am I?” exercise. Write 10 answers to this question on the list. Each answer must begin with "I" and must be specific. For example, this could be the entry “I am a student.”

    After writing down your answers, study them carefully. The goal at this stage is to figure out what is stopping you from becoming a leader. If the answers include “I'm a bad friend” or “I'm a quiet person,” think about how to correct the shortcomings and start working in this direction.

    Exercise 2.2 A leader has a clear idea of ​​the goals of his activities. Write down on a piece of paper under the heading “My Goal” everything you would like to achieve as a result of your leadership training.

    You think you may have lost your personal qualities or desires for a certain position at work. Be critical and don't overthink things, plan ahead carefully.

    As a result, you will have material for initial analysis and installation, for which this is especially important. Understand how you can become a better person, develop your missing functions, and start working every day to develop the leader within you.

    Exercise 2.3.

    Celebrate your progress. At the end of each day, make sure to write down at least 3 things for a few minutes on a piece of paper that you were most successful at that time. You have to do this even if it was a really bad day.

    This exercise will teach you to see the positive and celebrate it, and not assign it to the negative, like most people do. Positive thinking is an important element of a leader's personality. Focusing on the successful aspects of your activities will also give you extra motivation.

    Be active. It is within your power to change your life and change.

    In other words, the full responsibility for what happens to you is in your hands. Is she not satisfied with what she is now? Start working and changing.

    Get out of your comfort zone. Do something you haven't done before, but something you've dreamed of.

    Learn to dance or prepare, lift, do things you never dreamed of. Don't wait for the right opportunity or for someone to agree to join you.

    This will teach you to take a broader view of things, personalize your ideas and be independent of your choices.

    Constant personal growth. Keep growing. Be interested in the latest developments and innovations in your field of work and related fields, deepen your competence. Develop creativity and creativity. It will teach you to live by thinking and acting outside the box.

    Become a leader in your life. It's not enough to be the head of an office.

    Be active in non-work relationships with other people, family, friends with whom you play football or tennis. Gain an edge in every area of ​​your life.

    Self confidence. It is belief in one's own strength rather than arrogance and arrogance that is the mark of a leading character.

    Opportunity to communicate with people. Successful communication skills are of great importance for a manager.

    We'll talk about them in one of the next lessons.

    By remembering the above and constantly improving your individual traits, you can develop them and achieve positive results.

    Additional material for this lesson

    Also, please note that some of the test questions for this lesson and for the testing guide were based on material in the above articles.

    Now that you are familiar with the characteristics of a leader, let's move on to the next lesson.

    Test your knowledge

    If you want to test your knowledge of the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test that consists of several questions.

    Each question can only have one option. When you select one of the options, the system automatically switches to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on the transition. Keep in mind that every question is different and the options are mixed.

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    ← ← 1 Management theories 3 Useful skills →

    Political leadership— the concept is highly appreciated. However, three aspects are decisive. This:
    — personal traits of leaders;
    — tools for ensuring power;
    - situations that a leader faces.

    The combination of these three aspects largely determines the emergence of a political leader, the effectiveness and efficiency of his activities. Natural features: strength of personality, will, individual magnetism, determination, hypnosis, subtle intuition.

    Moral qualities of political leaders. Plato, Aristotle and Confucius also spoke about the need for rulers.

    Among these qualities were nobility, honesty, loyalty to public duty, concern for people, public good and justice. Professional characteristics of political leaders they are very diverse: analytical skills, the ability to quickly and accurately navigate the environment, intelligently resist the opinions of others, political wisdom, competence, professionalism in making political decisions.

    It also includes talent for attracting people, oratory talent, sense of humor, ability to persuade, enthusiasm, ability to lead people for oneself. Together these abilities provide a strong capacity for social and government activities.

    The functions performed by political leaders largely determine the goals they set and the situation and environment (economic and political) in which they must act. The situation is usually a crisis in order to implement a program of measures and implement it. Based on the above, we can identify the following three functions performed by political leaders to solve the problems of ensuring the state's recovery from the situation.

    Analytical function, or diagnostic functions.

    Leadership quality. What are the characteristics of a leader?

    Sound is a deep and comprehensive analysis of the causes of the situation, the study of all objective and subjective factors and reality.
    Action program development function.

    In their implementation, an important role is played by the personal qualities of the political leader, his determination, energy, intelligence, intuition, courage and ability to take on great responsibility. Innovative feature means that a political leader consciously introduces new, constructive ideas for the social structure of society.

    To achieve this, new political programs and strategic plans for social development are being developed, and political structures are being modernized and reorganized. Communication function includes reflection of the full range of needs and interests of people both in political manifestations and in the programs of political leaders and in practical activities.

    Political leader- a kind of battery of moods in society, an indicator of people’s life aspirations and desires. After all, the main goal and purpose of all political activities of leaders is to serve the people, to express the interests of society as a whole and various social groups.

    Organizational function logically follows the innovation and communication functions. We are talking about mobilizing the masses in the implementation of political programs and decisions in life. To lead and organize a class action, a political leader must have managerial qualities, the ability to win the trust of people, awaken their social activities, inspire and lead, uniting the efforts of all sectors of society.

    The organizational function also includes the formation of personnel and the consolidation of supporters of reforms. Coordination function is an extension of the organizational character and is designed to coordinate and coordinate the actions of all political reformers - institutions and institutions of governance and practical executive decisions.

    The coordination function includes correlation and coordination of the activities of all branches of government and energy institutions: parliament, courts and executive bodies. Integrative function designed to preserve the integrity and stability of society, civil peace and harmony.

    This ensures the survival of the political union, the unity of all political social forces and the cohesion of all its social groups. The task of maintaining consensus in society is a key function of a political leader.

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    But there are many hidden leaders among us who influence the behavior of other people, sometimes without even realizing it.

    Maybe you are one of them!

    Factrum lists ten functions that distinguish a born leader.

    You are uncomfortable and always ready to listen to other people's opinions

    If you are attracted to people because of your openness, you are a leader.

    If people often ask you for advice, then your position stands in the eyes of others.

    If you help people lead the way, then you are a leader.

    People are counting on you

    If people rely on you, then you know how to keep your word. If you show responsibility every day and every day, then others trust you, which is why you are a leader.

    A good listener and people trust you with your secrets

    The ability to listen to other people who trust you with their secrets without fear that you might use them against them is a sign of strong leadership, not to mention it is a sign of a decent person.

    If you understand that listening is more important than talking, and if people know they can trust you, you lead.

    Others follow suit

    The most powerful form of leadership is not persuasion or coercion, but personal action.

    What qualities does a true leader have?

    People can tell who has worked hard. If that person is you, then of course they follow you - and you are the leader.

    You achieve perfection

    Aristotle also said: “We are what we do more than once. Being fat is not an act, but a habit.” When you strive to achieve excellence and call others, you are telling them that you prefer to work rather than talk and promise.

    If you don't make excuses, but you maintain a high level of quality, you are a leader.

    You have a positive attitude

    Positive, optimistic people make others happier. Having a positive outlook doesn't mean you turn a blind eye to a problem, but it does allow you to find something good in almost every situation and know that they will all adjust eventually. If you are inherently inspired by being optimistic and motivating others, then you are a leader.

    Treat people with respect

    Knowledge can give you power, intelligence can give you an advantage, but by treating others with respect, you will always receive respect in return.

    If you look for a good site in everyone and respect them for who they are, people are greatly appreciated and you lead.

    Genuinely cared about others

    If you share environmental knowledge, give it a chance to succeed; If you pay attention to their well-being and do everything to help them achieve their best, you are a leader.

    You are confident and enthusiastic

    Most people talk to each other to figure out how to behave.

    If you want to make sure that you are moving towards your goal and don't get in the way of obstacles along the way. If you work in the right direction and anticipate the result, you are in charge.

    Did you consider yourself a normal person?

    Re-evaluate as above. You may have always been a leader without knowing it!

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    MixStuff 06/10/2016

    A man who leads...

    The requirements for the counselor and for his professional activities were always high and varied. And this is fair, because the personality of the counselor is a unique pedagogical tool, “an instrument for touching the student’s personality.”

    Professionally significant qualities of a counselor, leader of a children's group

    • Activity – the ability to act purposefully, energetically, assertively.
    • Initiative – creative manifestation of activity, putting forward ideas and proposals.
    • Organization – the ability to plan and design one’s activities, to show consistency and composure.
    • Sociability – openness to others, willingness to communicate, need to interact with people.
    • Quick wit – the ability to get to the essence of phenomena, to see their causes and consequences.
    • Perseverance – manifestation of willpower, perseverance, ability to see things through to the end.
    • Self-control – the ability to control your feelings, actions and behavior in difficult situations.
    • Observation – the ability to see subtle but significant details.
    • Independence – independence in judgment, the ability to take initiative and responsibility.

    Requirements of camp leaders for counselors and teachers

    • Positive self-image and the ability to realize your potential.
    • Believing that you can have a positive impact on children's lives.
    • Ability to work productively in direct contact with other people.
    • Ability to take responsibility and motivate others.
    • Ability to interact with children of different ages and interests.
    • Respectful attitude towards all races, cultures, religions.
    • The ability to energetically get down to business, move forward, overcoming difficulties.
    • Creative thinking.
    • Understanding that there is a lesson to be learned from every situation.
    • Willingness to be controlled by colleagues close in age.
    • Willingness to do without the comforts of home and work with lack of sleep.
    • The ability to feel good in conditions of lack of privacy.
    • The ability to keep your personal life private.

    Self-reflection of a counselor

    Summer, for all its significance in the life of an individual child and your life as a leader, is just a short, fleeting period of time.

    You will not have the opportunity to leisurely observe everything; you will be constantly in the turmoil of events. In this “vanity of vanities” there is a danger of not having time to observe, reflect, remember, or “stop a moment” to comprehend what is happening.

    In order not to return from the camp with a feeling of joyless fatigue from not understanding what you did, why you did it, why you did it, you need to think before starting work:

    • about the motives of your activities as a squad leader;
    • about the difficulties in the work of a counselor;
    • about what children's recreation in a camp is;
    • about children in a summer holiday situation, about their expectations, interests;
    • about individual manifestations of age-related characteristics of children in a situation of organized summer recreation;
    • about one’s own pedagogical capabilities in changing children’s lives for the better;
    • about one’s own pedagogical competence (pedagogical and psychological knowledge, abilities and skills);
    • about your personal qualities and their impact on the success of the leader’s work;
    • about the values ​​that children must master, using the uniqueness of the situation of the upcoming holiday in the conditions of a children's health camp;
    • about productive relationships with the administration and colleagues and ways to establish such relationships;
    • about your concerns (possibly fears) in connection with the upcoming activity.

    At the end of the shift, analyze how your expectations from your own work as a counselor coincided with reality.

    Identify the dynamics of personal changes.

    The success of a counselor depends on how well he can analyze and evaluate his work and current events; Does he know how to learn from mistakes and benefit from mistakes?

    Leader qualities. What qualities does a leader have?

    Analyzing the day you lived (or the work you did), find answers to the following questions:

    • What did I succeed and failed today and why?
    • What took up too much of my time?
    • What will I do tomorrow to work more efficiently?

    Five Finger Analysis Method takes five minutes. Look at your palm and think:

    • little finger (M - “thought”): what knowledge and experience have I acquired today?
    • unnamed (B - “is the goal close?”): what did I do today to achieve my goal?
    • average (C - “state of mind”): what was my mood, what did it depend on?
    • indicative (U - “service”): how could I help other people, how could I please them?
    • big (B - “body vigor”): how did I feel physically, what did I do for my health?

    What should be recorded to understand the work done?

    • Your behavior in various situations of your own pedagogical activity.
    • Your attitude to events and phenomena, opinions and assessments of children and adults.
    • Your emotional state in pedagogical situations of varying degrees of difficulty.
    • Positive and negative pedagogical experience of fellow counselors, your understanding and misunderstanding of the motives of children’s actions, the hidden meaning of children’s questions, their reactions to your pedagogical influence.
    • Difficulties in activity and communication experienced by you, your students and colleagues.
    • Unplanned positive and negative effects in your work.

    Regulatory and legal aspects of the activities of a children's health camp

    Job Descriptions

    A clear distribution of functional responsibilities makes it possible to resolve issues of training and advanced training of teaching staff to work in a children's health camp.

    Head (leader) of the camp (shift):

    • together with the teachers' council, determines the camp development strategy;
    • draws up a staffing table, determines the job responsibilities of personnel;
    • bears responsibility for the life and health of children and employees, for creating safe working and recreational conditions in the camp;
    • organizes planning of camp activities aimed at the health and development of children;
    • is responsible for organizing the registration of children;
    • conducts safety training with registration in a special journal;
    • monitors the performance of staff duties and internal regulations;
    • monitors compliance with a pedagogically appropriate daily routine developed and approved by the pedagogical council;
    • carries out control and analysis of the effectiveness of ongoing activities, taking into account the principle of rational combination of various types of educational activities;
    • is responsible for the implementation of the camp program;
    • provides methodological assistance to educators;
    • monitors compliance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and is responsible for the organization and quality of food;
    • draws up an analytical report on the activities of the camp shift.

    Senior teacher (teacher-organizer):

    • carries out daily work to create conditions for the health, education and development of children;
    • plans and organizes educational work based on the age characteristics of children and in accordance with the goals of the health campaign;
    • builds health-improving work in accordance with the principle of rational alternation of different types of activities: work, active recreation, cognitive activity, games, communication;
    • bears responsibility for maintaining a pedagogically appropriate daily routine.

    developed and approved by the camp’s pedagogical council;

    • controls the organization of children's meals;
    • keeps records of children's attendance at various events;
    • ensures that children comply with occupational health and safety requirements;
    • conducts individual work with children;
    • bears responsibility for the safety of life and health of children in the camp;
    • interacts with parents and persons replacing them.

    Squad leader, squad teacher, squad teacher:

    • bears full legal responsibility for the life, health and safety of the children entrusted to him;
    • bears financial responsibility for the safety of camp property;
    • carries out himself and ensures strict observance of discipline and order by children in accordance with the established internal rules of the camp;
    • organizes the participation of the detachment in all general cultural, sports, recreational and labor events of the camp, and is also obliged to have a work plan for the detachment, agreed upon with the camp administration;
    • provides assistance in organizing children's self-government;
    • ensures that children comply with sanitary and hygienic standards, monitors compliance with the established order in residential buildings, the dining room and on the camp territory;
    • monitors children's compliance with the rules of behavior in the dining room and eating;
    • organizes the duty of children in residential buildings, the dining room, and on the camp territory assigned to the detachment.

    Physical education instructor:

    • conducts educational, training and educational work using a variety of techniques and teaching methods;
    • instructs squad teachers on organizing sports events in squads;
    • organizes and conducts health and physical education events using effective methods of sports training and health improvement;
    • carries out daily exercises;
    • recruits children who do not have medical contraindications to the section.

    recreational sports groups;

    • takes measures for the physical rehabilitation of children with health problems;
    • keeps systematic records of children's attendance at sections and sports groups;
    • bears responsibility for the safety of life and health of children.

    Medical worker:

    • exercises control over compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards and rules developed for children's health camps;
    • provides first aid for injuries and illnesses;
    • provides transportation of sick children to medical institutions;
    • controls the quality of food and the cleanliness of the catering unit;
    • exercises control over the planning and organization of sports and recreational activities, taking into account the health status of children;
    • accompanies children on excursions and other cultural events outside the camp.

    Additional education teacher (club leader):

    • organizes and conducts the work of children's interest groups;
    • takes part in organizing children's leisure activities;
    • together with other teachers, plans work and adjusts plans for the educational process;
    • identifies the interests, needs, difficulties and problems of children, provides them with timely assistance and support;
    • contributes to the creation of comfortable conditions and personal safety in the camp.

    Characteristics of a Leader

    Who is a political leader and what qualities should he have?

    Meneghetti. Psychology of a leader. - M.: NNBF Ontopsychology", 2001> includes many values: composure, precise knowledge of the goal and the means necessary to achieve it, the ability to implement plans, supported by experience, connections, business techniques. Therefore, the foundation of leadership is the opening opportunities and their conscious implementation.

    The leader is the starting point of a system of values ​​that, despite all their diversity, are always focused on serving humanity, no matter in what historical space the leader lives and develops his activities.

    From this follows the fundamental characteristic of a leader - the ability to serve and solve problems in the space around him, thereby praising himself.

    I see a leader as a person who knows how to benefit others and is the fastest to find the optimal solution to universal problems, realizing himself in this. The leader is faced with the task of realizing the context - be it in politics, economics, medicine, science or any other field of activity. But in solving this problem, the leader pursues the highest goal of his own development, which brings him satisfaction.

    A leader progresses if he proves his ability to be the most functional for society.

    Along with this, there are ordinary, “average” values. “Average”, that is, standing in the middle, they are common to everyone, indicating what values, responsibilities, morals, norms of sexual and marital relations, principles of raising children, etc.

    must be accepted by everyone. A leader can have ten families, a woman can have ten children, but only the internal hierarchy of values ​​is taken into account, how the leader positions himself. A leader can adhere to anything, but he, without ignoring the fulfillment of so-called universal obligations or stereotypes, does not realize his original uniqueness through them.

    When relationships with family, with a child, with a partner, social connections, ideological attitudes, etc. become conditioning, it is not caused by family or ideology, as such.

    The fact is that the approach of the subject himself turns his relationship into a heavy bond. This means that a relationship with another person limits opportunities, restrains activity, and reduces the subject’s ability to develop.

    In other words, in these relationships the subject empties himself, uses up his values, and begins to lack the space to move forward to greatest efficiency.

    Essential is the leader's ability to responsibly and rationally earn his own freedom of action, while observing all laws and conventions. A leader cannot succeed without autonomy, because as soon as his initiative, worthy in itself, goes against the interests of a partner or family, the law will take the side of the latter, and society will be able to subject to physical violence a subject who dares to violate previously assumed obligations.

    A leader must be highly rational and never lose sight of the dictates of the law. The inclusion of the third element, society, gives each act of the leader historical and legal weight, can control the material sphere and cause financial difficulties, so he should always keep the law in sight.

    A leader is free to do whatever he wants: get married, have children, but the path preferred by his ambition and potential must remain inviolable, it cannot be conditioned by anyone or anything.

    A woman leader can plan her life path: I am not at all arguing that children and family are necessarily contraindicated for leadership. Historical superstructures are not sufficient to determine personality. It all depends on how ready she is, how viable she is, how she belongs to herself, and how she has kept her own internal project intact.

    How a leader plans and develops a strategy for his activities is very important: within him there must invariably be a willingness to go further.

    While performing ordinary human duties, a leader must never lose sight of his most important path.

    Considering the importance and fundamental concepts of leadership and management, hundreds of books, textbooks, and monographs have been written on this topic, in which the authors try to give comprehensive answers to the main questions: Who is he - an effective leader? What role does he play in public life? What problems should he solve? What criteria should I meet? Taking into account that, in our deep conviction, it is management activity that is the determining condition for the very existence of any social institution, its effective functioning and development, we have also addressed this problem several times (“Manager of the 21st century, who is he and where can we get him?” http ://inance.ru, “Managing a leader bypassing his consciousness and self-government scheme” http://inance.ru/2015/04/samoupravlenie/, etc.). Leadership, which is understood as the constant priority and legitimate influence of a person occupying a position of power on society or a group, is an integral part of management activities.

    Let’s make a reservation right away that ideal people, and therefore ideal leaders, do not exist in life, but, it goes without saying, the more distinctive features inherent in leaders, and among them there are mandatory ones, a person possesses, the more successfully he acts and the more significant his results. activities.


    Let's start with the mandatory criteria, in the absence of which all the others, which are highly desirable, still play a secondary role. These include:

    High moral qualities and, above all, loyalty to public duty, concern for people, the public good and justice, honesty. And we started with morality for the reason that, firstly, we are convinced: it is precisely this that is the dominant system of interdependent assessments that bind together all the requirements for a leader and guide his actions to achieve the goals that society expects from him, and secondly, We are confident in the harmfulness of the liberal approach to the place of morality in management activities, which was “clearly formulated” during a round table at the Gorbachev Foundation in 1995 by Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.N. Moiseev: “At the top (in context we are talking about the hierarchy of power - our explanation when quoting) there may be a scoundrel, a bastard, a careerist, but if he is an intelligent person, a lot has already been forgiven him, because he will understand that something what he does is needed by the country” (“Perestroika. Ten years later”).

    The presence of an objectively leading type of psyche, that is, a stable orientation of one’s behavior towards an objectively possible future, regardless of how those around him with other psychotypes, who may not understand the actions of the leader, do not support them and even resist them, react to the decisions made by the individual. Simply put, the objectively leading type of psyche in all circumstances is characterized by loyalty to a certain dream and belief in its feasibility in life.

    Among men it occurs statistically more often than among women, since it is impossible without orientation of behavior towards the distant future, although there are also women who are characterized by this type of psyche. The objectively leading type of psyche (for short, the leading type) is understood as the inability to impose one’s will on others and prescribe a style of behavior - this is despotism, which can come from both immediateness and foresight, as well as from the times of the Stone Age; it is also understood that a person is not superior to other people according to some indicators recognized by society as record achievements; It also means the inability to be a “ringleader”, a formal or informal leader in a certain team.

    An objectively leading type of psyche can be perceived by others as despotism, but reckless and short-sighted despotism under the slogan “It will be my way, not yours!” will always remain despotism, and the objectively leading type of psyche will always remain the objectively leading type of psyche, no matter how it is perceived by those who are characterized by some other type of psyche.

    A mosaic worldview is a worldview in which all the semantic units with which the psyche operates are definitely mutually interconnected. This certainty of relationships can be either unambiguous (once and for all), or multiple - statistically ordered, from which each time an unambiguous certainty of relationships is selected, conditioned by specific circumstances of real life, fantasy, and intentions.

    It should be taken into account that this type of worldview is divided into two subtypes depending on what exactly the individual makes as the origin of his coordinates and the basis for the manager’s actions should be:

    • God-centered worldview - the world is perceived as a set of mutually nested systems and processes, the source and end point of which is God (“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end”). They understand that there is a certain Providence of God, and that if they go against it, then the entire system of the universe will hinder their actions (http://inance.ru/2015/05/filolog/).
    • “I (Ego)-centric” worldview is the second subtype of worldview, in which people realize that everything in the world is interconnected and interdependent, but they place themselves and their desires at the center of this system. They are not aware of God’s Providence (or they are aware of it, but do not take it into account in their intentions) and act within the framework of God’s Permission. These people are most often carriers of a demonic mental structure.

    An alternative to a mosaic worldview is a kaleidoscopic worldview - a worldview in which individuals consider it normal to avoid building a system of certain relationships between semantic units in their psyche.

    We call the worldview of the first type mosaic. It is even difficult to call the second a worldview, since it is capable of carrying many facts, concepts, etc., but does not carry within itself one thing - a holistic picture of the World, although fragments - semantic units - from which the picture of the world can, in principle, be composed, in are present, sometimes in abundance and detail.

    And if the first is like a mosaic stained glass window, then the second is like a kaleidoscope, in which the same multi-colored glass pieces from which the stained glass window is made are sprinkled. Every time the “tube of a kaleidoscope” is shaken by life’s circumstances or when new “pieces of glass” - semantic units - are added to it, they randomly pour out, forming a new pattern, perhaps beautiful and whimsical, but having nothing in common with a “mosaic stained glass window”, more or less repeating in less detail the image of the World in the psyche of an individual with a different organization and target orientation of the intellect. Kaleidoscopic and self-centric mosaic worldviews are a poor basis for effective management activities.

    A sufficient level of mastery of the psychological structure of a manager’s professional activity as a result of previously acquired high-quality education and mandatory management experience.


    In addition to the mandatory ones, there are also necessary qualities, the presence of which, without a doubt, allows the leader to carry out management activities efficiently and effectively. Despite the fact that they are extremely diverse, their entirety can still be combined into several large groups, namely:

    Intellectual qualities - intelligence, logic, memory, intuitiveness, analytical abilities, breadth of outlook, quick thinking, competence, conceptuality, preferably a sense of humor.

    Business qualities - organization, discipline, reliability, diplomacy, thriftiness, flexibility, initiative, independence, responsibility, willingness and ability to take risks.

    Personal qualities - goodwill, tact, decency, strength of character, vigilance, attentiveness, sociability, adaptability.

    And even physiological ones - attractive appearance (face, height, figure, weight), voice (diction), good health, high performance, energy.

    And not at all superfluous for a leader are the talent to attract people, oratory, the ability to persuade, arouse enthusiasm, and the ability to lead people.

    At the same time, no moral, intellectual, or personal virtues by themselves turn a person into a leader. Constant work on oneself, both before taking a leadership position, and especially during the period of being in power, aimed at improving moral, managerial and organizational qualities is one of the decisive conditions for the successful activity of a leader. The ability to form a team, unite it, define goals, set the necessary tasks for society, formulate a program that will unite it - these are also necessary modern requirements for a leader.

    A political leader at the level of regional governance, and it is from this level that a political leader begins, is required to unite the interests of a broad public base of power. What matters here is not only the personal qualities of the leader, but also his ability to formulate general political demands, display high critical and constructive, creative qualities, communicate with a much wider range of people and convince them. The leader in this situation is removed from those whom he leads. His personal qualities are revealed to them weaker or completely lose significance, but his leadership receives a moral assessment. He must take her into account. His success or failure is perceived very emotionally. Therefore, the ability of a leader to capture moods, know the true needs of people and express their interests is of great importance, which is one of the prerequisites for achieving positive results.

    In addition, it is not only the leader’s presence of even the entire complex of these attributes that determines the leader’s position. Two more aspects determine the efficiency and effectiveness of its activities. These are the “instruments of power” that he uses to solve the problems facing him and the situation that the leader faces.

    “Instruments of power” is a conditional name. We are talking about what a political leader can rely on to achieve his goals. Typically, these “instruments” include political parties, legislative bodies, administrative resources, the media, that is, everything that can create conditions for contacts between a political leader and the masses. At the same time, it must be borne in mind that under certain conditions these resources can turn into forces that oppose the leader’s position and the fulfillment of the tasks set by him.

    The situation that a political leader faces may be calm, but in real life today it is more often complex, and often a crisis. At the same time, the level of intensity of the crisis situation is different. In accordance with the situation, the leader must make adequate decisions aimed at solving existing problems, overcoming the crisis and minimizing its consequences.

    To top it all off, you need to clearly understand that leadership itself is a managerial status, a social position associated with making power decisions; as a rule, this is a leadership position. This interpretation of leadership follows from the structural-functional approach, which involves viewing society as a complex, hierarchically organized system of social positions and roles. Occupying positions in this system related to the performance of managerial functions (roles) gives a person the status of a leader. In other words, leadership is a position in society that is characterized by personal-psychic leadership - the ability to direct and organize the collective behavior of people.


    However, there are also mechanisms for controlling the leader himself, bypassing his consciousness. We have already discussed this topic in detail in an article of the same name (http://inance.ru/2015/04/samoupravlenie/), we will present a fragment of it that will be useful to know for current and future managers.

    In a crowd-“elite” society, it is possible to identify a scheme for anonymous remote control by leaders, bypassing the control of both their own consciousness of each of them and the majority of society. At the same time, few of them really understand how and where the decisions they put into practice are developed and approved. The principles of constructing this kind of remote control system for “bosses” as lunar rovers are shown in the figure below.

    Scheme of remote control of a leader bypassing the control of his consciousness in a crowd-“elite” society http://8kob.ru/userfiles/2041/image/120/1.png

    The diagram shows a hierarchy of structures and a certain leader heading one of them. This kind of structure can be the apparatus of the head of state, a ministry, a special service, a research institute, a laboratory within it, a design bureau, an editorial office, etc. The structure is a kind of staffing table. The personnel filling the cells of the staffing table can be divided into two categories:

    • hardware “riffraff” who “do whatever they can do, as long as they don’t work”;
    • working professionals who more or less “follow the cause.”

    From among the latter, one more subset can be distinguished - several people whose opinions as professionals are important for the leader of the structure when managing it. In the diagram, one of these specialists is indicated and called the actual secret adviser of the “leader”.

    But people don't spend all their time at work. There is also a circle of informal communication. At the same time, “actual secret advisers” of many public leaders or figures, widely known in narrow circles of specialists, enter the homes of popular personalities, whose opinions are more or less authoritative throughout society. Many other people also enter the houses of such “stars”. Among them may be school and university friends of “star authorities” who themselves are not deprived of talent.

    And although for various reasons they could not or did not want to acquire high titles, their highly authoritative friends listen to their opinion, in relation to whom they act as actual secret advisers at home. In fact, they are the “guardians” of general social “authorities” - cult personalities.

    Many of those intellectuals who were and are outraged by Stalin’s cult of personality are themselves cult personalities, along with those pop, sports and show business stars who do not care about social problems in general. But if you look at public life as a whole, then there is no difference in a society with one cult personality for everyone, or in it there are many cult personalities created in order to satisfy the crowd’s need for sycophancy and domination.

    Guardians may know that they are carrying out a guardianship mission, but can be used in the dark in the same way as actual privy councilors. Either directly or through a certain number of intermediate links, representatives of hereditary clans of healers of the concept of public management reach out to the guardians. They can be caregivers since childhood. This could be a village grandfather, grandmother, neighbor in the country somewhere hundreds of kilometers from the “guardian’s” main place of residence. It is possible that even without receiving a higher education, he is, however, a person with whom the “guardian” is interested in talking “about life”; It is possible that he has had this interest since childhood.

    We looked at this system starting from the leader of the structure. But historically, in reality, systems of this kind of remote control of a leader are purposefully built over the course of years and decades in the opposite direction: from healers of concepts to public leaders of branches of social activity. Also, the leaders themselves, in some cases, are created during the deployment of such a system and are promoted to one or another post in the same way as pieces move on a chessboard in one or another strategy of a chess game.

    Some specificity to this process in society is given by the fact that the “chessboard” is completed as necessary or some squares are broken out of it, as well as the fact that pawns and other pieces have some activity and freedom in choosing goals and methods of their implementation, but Everyone in a crowd-“elite” society, to the extent of understanding, works to achieve their goals, and to the extent of differences in understanding, works - at the same time - to achieve the goals of those who understand more. Within the limits of power of a certain concept of public management, the healers (the bosses, the creators) of this concept understand the most.

    And when comparing various incompatible concepts, the healers of each of them, to the extent of understanding Objective Reality, work on their own concept, and to the extent of the difference in understanding, they work - at the same time - on the concept of those who understand Life deeper and more widely.


    To summarize, we would like to emphasize the fact that leadership is the most effective leadership style, a way of organizing power in a society with a developed political consciousness of its social strata. At the same time, a political leader must constantly remember that members of modern society are thoughtful participants in political life, moreover, as a rule, having the opportunity to consciously choose their leader or, at least, evaluate his activities. The leader’s behavior should convince them that his actions are correct and beneficial, and not dictated by some negative motives. Society, for its part, must also understand that it cannot manipulate the leader. Social and political partnership, mutual understanding of the leader, his team and the population are the basis of the politics of our time.

    Thus, in the modern environment, leadership must be seen as a factor that constantly plays a positive role in a developing society. Therefore, efforts must be made to ensure that leaders fulfill their role, which includes, first of all, an accurate definition of the most necessary personal qualities and institutional support, the effectiveness of which is directly dependent on the active citizenship of each of us.

    And one last thing. Our firm belief is that leaders are not born, although the qualities received from God and parents are not at all superfluous in this process - leaders are made. And self-education and self-education play a decisive role in this process, that is, constant internal work on oneself. It is to educate oneself, not to learn something, that is, to acquire various skills, but by working on oneself and one’s education, a person can become a leader and benefit people.

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