Aggression test. Aggression test. Fear of aggression and defensive

Aggressiveness test (Questionnaire L.G. Pochebut)

Scales : verbal aggression, physical aggression, objective aggression, emotional aggression, self-aggression.

Purpose test: Diagnosis of aggressive behavior.

Test Description

In ethnopsychological research, the problem of studying aggressive behavior occupies a special place. Determining the level of aggressiveness can help prevent interethnic conflicts and stabilize the social and economic situation in the country. Aggressive behavior is a specific form of human action, characterized by a demonstration of superiority in strength or the use of force in relation to another or a group of persons whom the subject seeks to harm.

Aggressive behavior should be considered as the opposite of adaptive behavior.

Adaptive behavior involves the interaction of a person with other people, the coordination of interests, requirements and expectations of its participants. Psychologists B. Bass and R. Darki have developed a test that assesses the level of a person's aggressive behavior.

Instructions for the test

« The proposed questionnaire reveals your usual style of behavior in stressful situations and features of adaptation in a social environment. You need to unequivocally (“yes” or “no”) evaluate the 40 statements below».



  1. During an argument, I often raise my voice.
  2. If someone annoys me, I can tell him everything I think about him.
  3. If I need to resort to physical force to protect my rights, I will do it without hesitation.
  4. When I meet a person I don't like, I can afford to subtly pinch or push them.
  5. If I get carried away in an argument with another person, I may slam my fist on the table to get attention or prove myself right.
  6. I constantly feel that others do not respect my rights.
  7. Remembering the past, sometimes I feel sorry for myself.
  8. Even though I don't show it, sometimes I get jealous.
  9. If I do not approve of the behavior of my acquaintances, then I directly tell them about it.
  10. In strong anger, I use strong expressions, I use foul language.
  11. If anyone raises a hand against me, I will try to hit him first.
  12. I get so pissed off that I throw things around.
  13. I often have a need to rearrange the furniture in the apartment or completely change it.
  14. In dealing with people, I often feel like a "powder keg" that is constantly ready to explode.
  15. Sometimes I have a desire to play an evil joke on another person.
  16. When I'm angry, I usually get gloomy.
  17. In a conversation with a person, I try to listen carefully without interrupting.
  18. In my youth, my fists often “itched” and I was always ready to use them.
  19. If I know that a person deliberately pushed me, then it can come to a fight.
  20. The creative clutter on my desktop allows me to work efficiently.
  21. I remember being so angry that I grabbed everything that came to hand and broke it.
  22. Sometimes people annoy me just by their presence.
  23. I often wonder what hidden reasons make another person do something nice for me.
  24. If I get offended, I will lose the desire to talk to anyone.
  25. Sometimes I deliberately say nasty things about a person I don't like.
  26. When I'm pissed, I yell the most vicious curse.
  27. As a child, I avoided fighting.
  28. I know for what reason and when you can hit someone.
  29. When I'm furious, I can slam the door.
  30. It seems to me that the people around me do not like me.
  31. I constantly share my feelings and experiences with others.
  32. Very often, with my words and actions, I bring harm to myself.
  33. When people yell at me, I respond in kind.
  34. If someone hits me first, I'll hit him back.
  35. It annoys me when things are out of place.
  36. If I fail to repair a broken or torn object, then in anger I break or tear it completely.
  37. Other people always seem successful to me.
  38. When I think of a person who is very unpleasant to me, I may become excited with the desire to harm him.
  39. Sometimes I feel like fate played a cruel joke on me.
  40. If someone treats me the wrong way, I get very upset about it.

Processing and interpretation of results test

Aggressive behavior in the form of manifestation is divided into 5 scales.

Verbal aggression (VA) - a person verbally expresses his aggressive attitude towards another person, uses verbal insults.

Physical aggression (FA) - a person expresses his aggression towards another person with the use of physical force.

Subject aggression (PA) - a person breaks his aggression on the objects surrounding him.

Emotional aggression (EA) - a person experiences emotional alienation when communicating with another person, accompanied by suspicion, hostility, hostility or hostility towards him.

Self-aggression (SA) - a person is not at peace and in harmony with himself; he has no or weakened psychological defense mechanisms; he is defenseless in an aggressive environment.

Key for test processing:

Type of aggression

approval number




1, 2, 9, 10, 25, 26, 33


3, 4, 11,1 8, 19, 28, 34


5, 12, 13, 21, 29, 35, 36


6, 14, 15, 22, 30, 37, 38


7, 8, 16, 24, 32, 39, 40

Mathematical processing. First, the scores for each of the five scales are summed up.

If the total score is above 5, this means a high degree of aggressiveness and a low degree of adaptability on the scale.

The sum of points from 3 to 4 corresponds to the average degree of aggression and adaptability. The sum of points from 0 to 2 means a low degree of aggressiveness and a high degree of adaptation for this type of behavior. The scores on all scales are then summed up.

If the sum exceeds 25 points, this means a high degree of aggressiveness of a person, his low adaptive capabilities.

The sum of points from 11 to 24 corresponds to the average level of aggressiveness and adaptability.

The sum of points from 0 to 10 means a low degree of aggressiveness and a high degree of adapted behavior.

As a result of the research, the validity of the test was checked for 483 subjects. The intrascale correlation coefficients exceed 0.35 and are significant at the 5% level.

Platonov Yu.P. Fundamentals of ethnic psychology. Proc. allowance. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003, p. 383-385.


Questionnaire L.G. Pochebut

Full name ___________________________________________________________

Group______ Age______ Date______

You need to unequivocally (“yes” or “no”) evaluate 40 statements

Conventionally, the following levels of human aggressiveness can be distinguished:
  1. Anti-aggression - a negative attitude towards any aggressive manifestations of a person.
  2. Aggression motivated by satisfaction derived from performing conditionally aggressive activities (games, wrestling, competitions) that do not have the goal of causing harm.
  3. A slight manifestation of aggressive behavior, expressed in irritability and scandals for any reason.
  4. The manifestation of aggressive behavior as a direct reaction to a conflict situation.
  5. Conditional, aggressive behavior associated with self-affirmation.
  6. Hostile aggressive behavior - persistent emotions of anger, hatred, envy, a person shows his hostility openly, but does not strive for a clash of sides.
  7. Instrumental aggressive manifestation - to achieve any significant goal.
  8. Violent aggressive actions - violence and aggression as an end in itself.
  9. Psychopathic aggressive acts are violent and often senseless aggression.
  10. Aggressive behavior based on group solidarity - aggression or even murder is committed as a result of the desire to follow group traditions
One reason for aggressive behavior is the escalating interpersonal communication.
Diagnostics of aggressiveness
Take the aggressiveness test and find out how aggressive you are.

Instructions: Read the question (statement) carefully and choose one of the suggested answers.

Tests› Aggressiveness Tests

Aggression is an emotional state that is expressed in discontent, anger and manifests itself at any age. It is possible to identify the degree of aggressiveness in adolescents aged 14 years and older using the aggressiveness test according to the Bass-Darky method.

The methodology consists of 75 questions - situations that need to be answered truthfully. After conducting a survey on tests, the data obtained are compared with the key-answer to the question and the degree of aggressiveness is determined. Diagnostics makes it possible to identify the degree of aggression, to study its cause and in the future to prevent the occurrence of increased aggressiveness.

This method of studying aggression is very important in adolescence, because it is during this period that the mental state of adolescents changes.

Aggression Test

Aggression is a psychological state of a person that contains the threat of psychological or physical harm.

It can manifest itself in various forms and degrees. To determine how aggressive you are or how quickly you can get angry, perhaps with the help of free online tests that are developed by experts and presented in the form of specific situations. To obtain the correct result, it is necessary to provide truthful answers, exactly as you would have done in a particular situation.

Level of aggressiveness

Aggression is characteristic of each person, only in some it is weakly manifested or not manifested at all, and in some aggressiveness is manifested strongly and harms others.

It is possible to determine the level of a person's aggressiveness with the help of online tests, which are provided free of charge on the Internet. The questionnaire consists of a series of questions - life situations that need to be answered.

Aggressiveness Tests

According to the results of testing, on the basis of the answers, an index of aggression is determined with a characteristic of the results obtained.

Diagnostics of the state of aggression (Bass-Darky questionnaire)

Based on many years of observation, the famous psychologist BassaDarki compiled his own questionnaire, which represents situations that occur daily. For these situations, there are questions that need to be answered. It should be noted that the questions are structured in such a way as to exclude public opinion as much as possible in the testing process.

Method Aggressive behavior

Methodology Aggressive behavior is a set of questions that must be answered positively or negatively. Questions tailored to life situations that occur daily.

When answering questions, you need to focus, give the most truthful answer in order to get the degree of aggressive behavior of a person.

Test for the level of aggression

The test for the level of aggression will reveal the scale of your predisposition to conflicts and scandals, cruelty, anger, rage and show how unbalanced you are or vice versa.

Your aggressiveness

A. Assinger test (Assessment of aggressiveness in relationships)

What causes your anger?

Test for aggressiveness in a relationship

Are you prone to self-aggression and self-destruction?


Affiliation Questionnaire

Bass Darky aggressiveness test

Aggressiveness test L. G. Pochebut

Test of internal aggressiveness S. Dayhoff

Assinger test Aggression diagnostics

Online Aggression Test: Are You Too Aggressive?

consisting of 20 questions| | ranging 3.8 out of 5 points

Aggression is a common behavioral reaction of a person who is in a special stressful situation.

However, aggressive manifestations are not always appropriate and stable.

People who suffer from excessively frequent rages are usually not the most pleasant conversationalists, of course, they are not particularly interested in anyone.

And how well do you experience destructive emotions under the influence of stimuli? Do you know how to channel negative energy into a positive channel or cross the Rubicon, which gives you extra money? Make sure you don't get too aggressive with this aggression test...

Psychological test Are you too aggressive? You can access the Internet for free (without registration and without sending SMS).

Aggressive tests:

  • Katia| | Hutai
    Are you too aggressive? - Class
  • Leah| | Kolomna
    Are you too aggressive? — The test is very interesting and interesting, there are problems that are sometimes difficult to answer, and the test is generally good.
  • government| | Kishinev
    Are you too aggressive? - Nothing
  • Alexander| | Kyiv
    Are you too aggressive? "I read the truth."
  • Vika| | FAMILIES
    Are you too aggressive? - Good

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On our website we present questionnaires, tests, questionnaires for psychodiagnostics for

Aggressiveness test (LG Pochebut questionnaire)

scales: verbal aggression, physical aggression, objective aggression, emotional aggression, self-aggression.

Purpose of the test

Diagnostics of aggressive behavior

Test Description

In ethnopsychological research, the problem of studying aggressive behavior occupies a special place.

Aggression test

Determining the level of aggression can help prevent ethnic conflicts and stabilize the socio-economic situation in the country. Aggressive behavior. A specific form of human activity characterized by the demonstration of power over force or the use of force against any other group of persons who are inclined to cause harm.

Psychologists B. Bass and R. Darki have developed a test that assesses the level of a person's aggressive behavior.

Testing Instructions

Instructions. “The proposed questionnaire shows your usual behavior in stressful situations and adaptive characteristics in a social environment. You must always rate the 40 statements below unambiguously (“yes” or “no”).”


2. If someone bothers me, I can tell him everything that I think about him.
3. If I need to use physical force to protect my rights, I will do so without hesitation.
4. When I meet an uncomfortable person, I can afford to grab them or press them immediately.
5. Being a great interest in another person, I can draw attention to myself with my fist on the table or prove my point.
6. I constantly think that others do not respect my rights.

8. Although I can't imagine the performance, sometimes I get jealous.
9. If I do not approve of the behavior of my friends, tell them about it directly.
10. With strong anger, I use strong language, wrong language.
11. If someone picks me up by hand, I will try to hit him first.
12. I am so angry that I throw different objects.

14. When I work with people, I often feel like a "powder bark" that is constantly ready to explode.

16. When I get angry, I usually turn dark.
17. In a conversation with a person, I try to listen carefully without interrupting me.

19. If I know that the person deliberately suppressed me, the case can be resolved.
20. Difficult desk clutter allows me to work efficiently.
21. I remember how I was so angry that I grabbed everything that was under my hand and I broke it.
22. Sometimes people just annoy me with their presence.
23. I often wonder what hidden reasons make me something good for another person.
twenty fourth

25. Sometimes I deliberately say disgust to a person whom I do not like.
26. When I was raped, I scream the most terrible violence.
27. As a child, I avoided coping.
28. I know why and when someone might hit.
twenty ninth

30. It seems to me that the people around me do not like me.
31. I constantly share my feelings and experiences with others.
32. Very often, with my words and actions, I am harmful.
33. When people yell at me, I respond in kind.
34. If someone hits me for the first time, I will remove it.
35. It worries me when objects are out of place.
36. If I am unable to repair a broken or broken object, I will tear it to anger or tear it completely.
thirty seventh

Other people are always successful.
38. When I think of a person who is very unpleasant for me, I can be delighted with the desire to suffer.
39. Sometimes it seems to me that fate has turned me into a cruel joke.
40. If someone treats me badly, I get very upset about it.

Key for test processing:

Aggression assertion type number
VA Yes: 1,2,9,10,25,26,33 No: 17
FA Yes: 3,4,11,18,19,28,34 No: 27
PA Yes: 5,12,13,21,29,35,36 No: 20
EA Yes: 6,14,15,22,30,37,38 No: 23
CA Yes: 7,8,16,24,32,39,40 No: 31

Mathematical processing.

Based on research, the validity of the test was tested in 483 subjects. Intrashallastic correlation coefficients exceed 0.35 and are important at the 5% level.

Information sources

Platonov Yu.P. Fundamentals of ethnic psychology.

Textbook. addition. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003, p. 383-338.

Methodology "Types of aggressiveness"

There are a lot of different factors in our life that can upset and anger us or, in other words, make us aggression- a personality property expressed in the preference for the use of violent methods to achieve their goals; desire to harm others.

But our reaction to these factors is very important: how adequate it is in relation to the circumstances.

How correctly we assess the situation, for example, did the conflict really arise or did it arise inside us because we misinterpreted the situation or it arose because you provoked it.

But as we know, aggression can be both constructive, for example, in self-defense, and destructive, destructive, when a person deliberately shows it in order to offend, cause harm.

Aggressiveness test (Assinger test) allows you to make a self-report on how correct you are in relations with people, whether it is easy to communicate with you and to what extent aggressiveness as a personality trait inherent in you.

The psychological test "Test for aggressiveness" from the section "Psychology of emotions" contains 20 questions

psychological tests

Aggression test (LG Pochebut questionnaire)

counterweights: verbal aggression, physical aggression, objective aggression, emotional aggression, self-aggression.

Purpose of the test: Diagnosis of aggressive behavior.

Test Description

In ethnopsychological research, the problem of studying aggressive behavior occupies a special place. Determining the level of aggression can help prevent inter-ethnic conflicts and stabilize the socio-economic situation in the country.

Aggressive behavior is a specific form of human behavior characterized by a demonstration of reality or the use of force against another person or group of persons who wish to cause harm.

Aggressive behavior should be seen as a contrast to adaptive behavior.

Flexible behavior involves the interaction of a person with other people, the coordination of interests, requirements and expectations of participants.

psychologists B.

Azinger Aggression Test

Bass and R. Darki have developed a test that assesses the degree of aggressive behavior of a person.

Testing Instructions

“The proposed questionnaire shows your usual behavior in stressful situations and adaptive characteristics in a social environment. You must always rate the 40 statements below unambiguously (“yes” or “no”).”


  1. I often give my voice during an argument.
  2. If someone bothers me, I can tell him everything that I think about him.
  3. If I have to use physical force to protect my rights, I will do so without hesitation.
  4. When I encounter an unpleasant person, I can afford to grab him or drag him through unnoticed.
  5. After a lot of interest in a discussion with another person, I may bang my fist on the table to get attention or prove my point.
  6. I constantly think that others do not respect my rights.
  7. Sometimes I feel the memory of the past.
  8. Although I do not imagine the performance, I sometimes envy with envy.
  9. If I don't approve of my friends' behavior, I will tell them directly.
  10. With strong anger I use strong language, wrong language.
  11. If someone raises their hand to me, I will first try to hit him.
  12. I'm so angry that I throw different things.
  13. Often I have to rearrange the furniture in the apartment or completely replace it.
  14. When I deal with people, I often feel like a "trash can" that is constantly ready to explode.
  15. Sometimes I have a desire to play a joke on another person.
  16. When I'm angry, I usually go dark.
  17. In a conversation with a man, I try to listen carefully without interrupting me.
  18. In my youth, I often "scratched my fists" and I always prepared them for use.
  19. If I know the person deliberately pushed me, then there might be a fight.
  20. The creative clutter on my desktop allows me to work efficiently.
  21. I remember that I was so angry that I grabbed everything that was under my hand and I broke it.
  22. Sometimes people just interrupt me with one of them.
  23. Often I wonder what secret makes me do something nice for another person.
  24. If I get hurt, I will lose the desire to talk to anyone.
  25. Sometimes I deliberately say disgust to a person I don't like.
  26. When I'm raped, I scream my worst oath.
  27. As a child, I avoided coping.
  28. I know why and when someone might hit.
  29. When I get raped, I can get in the door.
  30. It seems to me that the people around me do not like me.
  31. I constantly share my feelings and experiences with others.
  32. I very often get sick with my words and actions.
  33. When people yell at me, I respond the same way.
  34. If someone hits me the first time, I hit him in return.
  35. It worries me when things are gone.
  36. If I can't repair a broken or torn object, then I smash it into anger or rip it apart completely.
  37. Other people are always successful.
  38. When I think of a very embarrassing person, I can get excited about wanting to get hurt.
  39. Sometimes I feel like I had a cruel joke.
  40. If someone treats me badly, I get very upset about it.

Processing and interpretation of test results

Aggressive behavior in the form of manifestation is divided into 5 scales.

  • Verbal aggression (VA). A person verbally expresses an aggressive attitude towards another person, uses verbal insults.
  • Physical aggression (FA) - a person expresses his aggression against another person using physical force.
  • Thematic aggression (PA) - a person breaks aggression on the objects surrounding him.
  • Emotional abuse (EA) is a person that is an emotional distance when communicating with another person, followed by suspicion, hatred, hatred or ill will.
  • Self-Response (SA) - a person is not at peace and in harmony with himself; absence or weakening of psychological defense mechanisms; carefree is in an aggressive environment.

Key for test processing:

Mathematical processing.

First, the points are summed for each of the five scales.

If the score is above 5, this means a high degree of aggression and a low degree of flexibility on the scale.

The sum of points from 3 to 4 corresponds to the average degree of aggression and adjustment. The sum of the results from 0 to 2 means a low degree of aggression and a high degree of adaptation for this type of behavior. The results are then summed across all scales.

If the sum exceeds 25 points, this means a high degree of human aggression, its low adaptability.

The sum of points from 11 to 24 corresponds to the average degree of aggressiveness and flexibility.

A score of 0 to 10 means low aggression and high adaptive behavior.

Based on research, the validity of the test was tested in 483 subjects.

Intrashallastic correlation coefficients exceed 0.35 and are important at the 5% level.

Platonov Yu.P. Fundamentals of ethnic psychology. Textbook. addition. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2003, p. 383-385.


Galina Ilya Yurievich! Thank you very much for your sessions, in which I was lucky to take part. Thanks to them, I became more confident in many issues and situations that previously caused anxiety and concern. You taught me how to deal with this in a short amount of time. It's a pleasure to deal with a high-level professional!

Anna Ilya Yurievich, it is difficult to find words to express my gratitude to you for your help. I remembered in what state and with what thoughts I met the last year, 2017. I remember those feelings of bitterness, anxiety that did not come out of me under any circumstances. Finally, I left this desire for self-destruction and now I can breathe differently. Thank you!

Tatyana Thank you, Ilya Yurievich, for the advice. Indeed, it allowed me to look at my life situation from a different angle. Thanks again!

Vladimir Thank you very much for your advice! Indeed, I noticed that memories pop up at a time when I have a bad mood or irritability, but I could not understand that this is a defense mechanism. At his next appearance, I will try to talk about what exactly causes irritation, instead of plunging into memories.

Daria Thank you very much for your help! I am very glad you helped me understand myself and showed me a new way to improve my life!

Aggressiveness test (Questionnaire L.G. Pochebut)

Scales: verbal aggression, physical aggression, objective aggression, emotional aggression, self-aggression.

Purpose of the test: Diagnosis of aggressive behavior.

Test Description

In ethnopsychological research, the problem of studying aggressive behavior occupies a special place. Determining the level of aggressiveness can help prevent interethnic conflicts and stabilize the social and economic situation in the country. Aggressive behavior is a specific form of human action, characterized by a demonstration of superiority in strength or the use of force in relation to another or a group of persons whom the subject seeks to harm.

Aggressive behavior should be considered as the opposite of adaptive behavior.

Adaptive behavior involves the interaction of a person with other people, the coordination of interests, requirements and expectations of its participants. Psychologists B. Bass and R. Darki have developed a test that assesses the level of a person's aggressive behavior.

Instructions for the test

“The intended questionnaire reveals your usual style of behavior in stressful situations and features of adaptation in the social environment. You need to unequivocally (“yes” or “no”) evaluate the 40 statements below.”


    If someone annoys me, I can tell him everything I think about him.

    If I need to resort to physical force to protect my rights, I will do it without hesitation.

    When I meet a person I don't like, I can afford to subtly pinch or push them.

    If I get carried away in an argument with another person, I may slam my fist on the table to get attention or prove myself right.

    I constantly feel that others do not respect my rights.

    Remembering the past, sometimes I feel sorry for myself.

    Even though I don't show it, sometimes I get jealous.

    If I do not approve of the behavior of my acquaintances, then I directly tell them about it.

    In strong anger, I use strong expressions, I use foul language.

    If anyone raises a hand against me, I will try to hit him first.

    I get so pissed off that I throw things around.

    I often have a need to rearrange the furniture in the apartment or completely change it.

    In dealing with people, I often feel like a "powder keg" that is constantly ready to explode.

    Sometimes I have a desire to play an evil joke on another person.

    When I'm angry, I usually get gloomy.

    In a conversation with a person, I try to listen carefully without interrupting.

    In my youth, my fists often “itched” and I was always ready to use them.

    If I know that a person deliberately pushed me, then it can come to a fight.

    The creative clutter on my desktop allows me to work efficiently.

    I remember being so angry that I grabbed everything that came to hand and broke it.

    Sometimes people annoy me just by their presence.

    I often wonder what hidden reasons make another person do something nice for me.

    If I get offended, I will lose the desire to talk to anyone.

    Sometimes I deliberately say nasty things about a person I don't like.

    When I'm pissed, I yell the most vicious curse.

    As a child, I avoided fighting.

    I know for what reason and when you can hit someone.

    When I'm furious, I can slam the door.

    It seems to me that the people around me do not like me.

    I constantly share my feelings and experiences with others.

    Very often, with my words and actions, I bring harm to myself.

    When people yell at me, I respond in kind.

    If someone hits me first, I'll hit him back.

    It annoys me when things are out of place.

    If I fail to repair a broken or torn object, then in anger I break or tear it completely.

    Other people always seem successful to me.

    When I think of a person who is very unpleasant to me, I may become excited with the desire to harm him.

    Sometimes I feel like fate played a cruel joke on me.

    If someone treats me the wrong way, I get very upset about it.

Processing and interpretation of test results

Aggressive behavior in the form of manifestation is divided into 5 scales.

    Verbal aggression (VA) - a person verbally expresses his aggressive attitude towards another person, uses verbal insults.

    Physical aggression (FA) - a person expresses his aggression towards another person with the use of physical force.

    Subject aggression (PA) - a person breaks his aggression on the objects surrounding him.

    Emotional aggression (EA) - a person experiences emotional alienation when communicating with another person, accompanied by suspicion, hostility, hostility or hostility towards him.

    Self-aggression (SA) - a person is not at peace and in harmony with himself; he has no or weakened psychological defense mechanisms; he is defenseless in an aggressive environment.

Key for test processing:

Type of aggression

approval number

1, 2, 9, 10, 25, 26, 33

3, 4, 11,1 8, 19, 28, 34

5, 12, 13, 21, 29, 35, 36

6, 14, 15, 22, 30, 37, 38

7, 8, 16, 24, 32, 39, 40

Mathematical processing. First, the scores for each of the five scales are summed up.

If the total score is above 5, this means a high degree of aggressiveness and a low degree of adaptability on the scale.

The sum of points from 3 to 4 corresponds to the average degree of aggression and adaptability. The sum of points from 0 to 2 means a low degree of aggressiveness and a high degree of adaptation for this type of behavior. The scores on all scales are then summed up.

If the sum exceeds 25 points, this means a high degree of aggressiveness of a person, his low adaptive capabilities.

The sum of points from 11 to 24 corresponds to the average level of aggressiveness and adaptability.

The sum of points from 0 to 10 means a low degree of aggressiveness and a high degree of adapted behavior.

As a result of the research, the validity of the test was checked for 483 subjects. The intrascale correlation coefficients exceed 0.35 and are significant at the 5% level.

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