Club program for the plasterer profession. Work program of industrial training for the profession of plasterer, construction painter. Nikolaevsk-on-Amur





Moscow 2004









Approved by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation as exemplary educational program documentation for the professional training of workers

Moscow 2004

A set of educational documentation for the professional training of workers in the profession of “Plaster” from among persons with disabilities was prepared by n.s. IRPO G.S. Sorokina, head laboratory for training workers at the production site of IRPO V.A. Malysheva, researcher laboratories for training workers in production IRPO E.D. Koshelevoy.

Scientific consultant: Malysheva V.A. – head laboratory for training workers in production IRPO, Ph.D. ped. Sciences, Associate Professor.


M.P. Lukina is deputy director of the Federal Center for Social Technologies (GU), head of the educational complex.

G.I. Klyuev is an Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, a teacher of special disciplines in construction.

The educational documentation is intended for training workers in the profession of “Plasterer” from among graduates of auxiliary schools of the VIII type (for children with mental retardation).

© Sorokina G.S., Malysheva V.A., Shmelkov S.V., Kabysheva S.A., Kolkova T.E., Kosheleva E.D., Pakhomova I.A., 2004.


In accordance with the decision of the board dated June 24, 2003 No. 10/2 “On improving the vocational education of people with disabilities,” the Institute for the Development of Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education of Russia was entrusted with developing training programs in institutions of primary vocational education for persons with disabilities in construction professions (plasterer, painter, a carpenter).

This set of educational documentation was developed within the framework of the Federal Program for the Development of Education and is intended for the professional training of workers in the profession of “Plaster” from among the graduates of a special (correctional) educational school of type VIII (for children with mental retardation).

The curriculum for the profession “Plasterer” is compiled on the basis of the Curriculum Model for the professional training of persons without basic general education, developed by the educational and methodological office of the State Federal Institution of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation in 2001 and agreed with the Department of Primary Vocational Education of the Ministry of Education Russia (January 4, 2001).

The collection includes: qualification characteristics for the 2nd category, approximate educational and thematic plans in the subjects “Fundamentals of Labor Legislation”, “Ethics and Psychology of Communication”, “Environmental Protection”, “Economics of Industry and Enterprise”, thematic plans and programs for subjects “Materials Science”, “Special Technology” and industrial training to train new workers.

The qualification characteristics are compiled in accordance with the current Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Work and Professions of Workers (Issue 3 “Construction, installation, repair and construction work”, 1985).

Work at heights is contraindicated for children with mental retardation.

Duration of training is 2 years, five-day school week.

Training is divided into two types: compulsory training and elective subjects. Compulsory education includes general educational and vocational training. The list of elective subjects is determined by the educational institution and they are not only freely chosen, but also freely attended.

The duration of the academic year of the 1st year is 52 weeks and the 2nd year is 43 weeks.

Changes and additions may be made to the thematic plans of the subjects studied, taking into account the specifics of the industry within the hours established by the curriculum.

During the training process, special attention should be paid to the need to master and comply with occupational safety requirements.

Students are allowed to perform work independently only after passing the occupational safety test.

Upon completion of training, students must independently perform all work provided for in the qualification characteristics.

At the end of the training, an exam is held in the subject “Special Technology”.

Professional training of students ends with passing a qualification exam, for which 12 hours are allocated due to on-the-job training.

The qualification exam is conducted in accordance with the established procedure by a qualification commission created in accordance with current regulations.

The number of hours allocated for studying individual topics of the program, the sequence of their study, if necessary, is allowed to be changed, provided that the programs are completed in full. Changes in the content and total number of hours are considered by the educational and methodological (pedagogical) council of the educational institution and approved by its chairman.

Upon successful passing of the exams, students are issued a certificate of the established form and are assigned the 2nd initial rank in the profession being studied.


Profession: plasterer

Qualification – 2nd category

Plasterer 2nd category must know :

  1. methods and techniques for performing simple plastering work;
  2. name and purpose of hand tools and devices;
  3. methods for preparing simple plaster solutions;
  4. techniques for preparing surfaces for wet plaster;
  5. methods for repairing plastered surfaces;
  6. labor safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety rules.

Plasterer 2nd category should be able to :

  1. perform simple work when plastering surfaces and repairing plaster;
  2. nail shingles and piece shingles;
  3. nail insulating materials and metal mesh;
  4. manually prepare simple dry mixtures according to a given composition;
  5. hammer nails and braid them with wire;
  6. filter and mix solutions;
  7. transport materials within the work area;
  8. comply with labor safety, industrial sanitation and fire safety rules.


Number of weeks



I half of the year

The winter vacation

II half of the year


Summer holidays



for professional training of workers

by profession "Plaster"

from among persons with disabilities

Five day work week

Duration of training – 2 years


Course exams

Total hours

Subject study schedule

1 course

2nd year







A. Mandatory training


1. General education training

1.1. Basics of labor legislation

1.2. Ethics and psychology of communication

1.3. Environmental protection

1.4. Physical Culture

2. Vocational training


2.1. General technical (general professional) course

2.1.1. Economics of the industry and enterprise

2.1.2. Materials Science

2.2. Special course


2.2.1. Special technology

2.2.2. Industrial training


2.2.3. Internship

2.2.4. Group and individual consultations

2.2.5. Qualifying exams




B. Optional subjects

Total (A+B)


Optional subjects are determined annually and approved by the director of the educational institution.




on the subject “Fundamentals of Labor Legislation”


Name of topics

Number of hours


Labor and labor law

Employment contract

Termination of an employment contract at the initiative of the administration

Work time

Time to rest


Labor discipline

Occupational Safety and Health

Benefits for workers and employees combining work with training

Labor disputes

Social insurance

Collective agreement



in the subject "Ethics and psychology of communication"


Name of topics

Number of hours


Psychology of communication

Ethical culture

Organizational culture



in the subject "Environmental Protection"


Name of topics

Number of hours


General ecology

Social and applied ecology

Human environmental activities






in the subject "Economics of Industry and Enterprise"


Name of topics

Number of hours

Economics and its role in society

Production is the main link in the economy

Resources and factors of production

Prices, their types and functions

Distribution of income in society

Tax system

Banks and their role in the economy



in the subject "Materials Science"

Thematic plan


Name of topics

Number of hours


Properties of building materials


Materials for preparing surfaces for plaster


Decoration Materials



Auxiliary materials




Topic 1. Introduction

General information about building materials. Classification of plastering building materials. The concept of GOST for materials.

Topic 2. Properties of building materials

Mechanical, physical, chemical and technological properties. Properties of materials in relation to the action of heat, sound, electricity and water.

Topic 3. Binders

Construction gypsum. Construction lime: air and hydraulic. The clay is white and red. Cement, Types of cement. Liquid glass.

Topic 4. Materials for surface preparation

under plaster

Plaster shingles. Types, sizes. Metal mesh. Waterproofing materials. Plastering nails. Glassy canvas.

Topic 5. Solutions

General information about solutions. Types of solutions: simple and complex. Components. Properties of mortar mixtures. Mobility, definition of mobility. Special solutions. Dry mixes. Preparation of solutions.

Universal leveling compounds “Nivoplan” from MAPEL and dry mixtures for plastering work “Rotband”. Plaster mixtures produced by the German concern KNAUF based on building gypsum for interior decoration.

Topic 6. Finishing materials

Sheathing large-sized sheets of dry plaster. Fiberboard and chipboard. Decorative gypsum fiber plastic. New types of finishing materials. Mastic for fastening sheets of dry plaster.

Topic 7. Placeholders

Mountain, river and slag sand; harmful impurities in the sand. Lightweight mortar fillers.

Topic 8. Fillers

Ground chalk. Wood sawdust. White quartz sand. Wood flour.

Topic 9. Supporting materials

Primers, priming pastes, putties, their types and applications. Thinners and solvents, their purpose.

Removers, driers, acids; their application.

Materials for grinding surfaces; their types and purpose.

Other auxiliary materials: wax, ceresin, paraffin, salts of mineral acids and others, their use.



subject "Special technology"

Thematic plan


Name of topics

Number of hours


Occupational hygiene, industrial sanitation and injury prevention

Labor protection, electrical safety and fire safety at the enterprise

General information about buildings and structures

General information about plastering work

Tools and equipment for plastering work

Preparing surfaces for plastering

Plastering technology

Sequence of plastering work

Covering surfaces with sheets of dry plaster

Plaster quality control

Plaster repair



Topic 1. Introduction

The importance of building materials for the construction industry, production growth. Leading companies in the world producing building materials. Requirements of building codes and regulations. GOST for materials. The concept of standards.

Topic 2. Occupational hygiene, industrial sanitation

and injury prevention

Tasks of occupational hygiene and industrial sanitation and their connection with production technology. The concept of fatigue. The importance of a rational regime of work and rest. The importance of correct working posture. Working hours, hygienic requirements for work clothes, care for them and rules for storing them.

Sanitary requirements for work premises. The importance of proper lighting of the room and workplaces; lighting requirements. The need for ventilation of industrial premises. Types of ventilation.

The main harmful production factors and measures to combat them. Work in the cold season outdoors. Work in rooms with elevated temperatures, in dusty and gas-polluted air environments.

Impact of vibration and noise on the human body.

Providing first aid to victims of mechanical injuries, electrical injuries, poisoning, frostbite, fainting, heat strokes, eye injuries. Rules and techniques for transporting victims.

Procedure for reporting an accident.

Topic 3. Labor protection, electrical safety and

fire safety at the enterprise

Occupational safety requirements. Fundamentals of labor legislation. Rules and regulations on occupational safety. Labor safety supervisory authorities. Studying occupational safety instructions. Rules of conduct on the territory and in the workshops of the enterprise.

The main causes of injuries at work. Safety precautions when working as a plasterer.

Features of plastering work in winter conditions.

Electrical safety.The effect of electric current on the human body and types of electric shock. Protection against touching live parts. First aid for electric shock.

Fire safety. The main causes of fires in workshops and on the territory. Fire prevention measures. Fire stations, fire protection, instruments and alarms. Fire-fighting means. Rules of behavior in flammable places and during fires.

Topic 4. General information about buildings and structures

Classification of buildings and structures by purpose, capital density, number of storeys, materials and structures. Requirements for buildings and structures. Main parts of buildings, their characteristics.

Types of finishing works. Requirements for the finishing of buildings. Sequence of finishing work.

Topic 5. General information about plastering work

The concept of plaster, its purpose, scope.

Classification of plasters by quality and purpose.

Plaster layers. Thickness and purpose of each layer.

Dry plaster. Application area.

Advantages and disadvantages of covering surfaces with sheets of dry plaster before wet plastering.

Requirements for the quality of plastering work.

Topic 6. Tools and equipment

for plastering work

Hand tools, equipment and devices for simple plastering work (plaster trowel, trowel, falcon, wooden trowels and floats, trowel, usually hammers, axe, shovels, mortar mixers, plaster box and others).

Manual and mechanical sieves for sifting materials.

Tools for quality control of completed plaster.

Occupational safety measures when using hand tools during plastering work.

Topic 7. Preparing surfaces for plastering

General requirements for surface preparation. Preparation of brick surfaces. Preparation of wooden surfaces. Preparation of reinforced concrete and metal surfaces.

Sealing joints of dissimilar surfaces. Safety precautions when preparing surfaces.

Topic 8. Plastering technology

SNiP requirements for plastering work.

Types of plaster finishing.

Methods of performing plastering work (manual and mechanized).

The technology of applying the solution by throwing and spreading.

Leveling the solution. Covering, its application, leveling and grouting.

Smoothing the solution, methods and application.

Husk finishing technology. Technology of finishing of appendages.

Chamfers, their types, purpose and methods of rubbing.

Requirements for the quality of plaster.

Organization of the workplace and safe performance of plastering work.

Topic 9. Sequence of conduct

plastering works

Sequence of plastering of buildings. Technology for performing simple plaster.

Basic information about hanging walls and ceilings.

Purpose and design of marks and beacons. Inventory beacons, their installation.

Topic 10. Surface covering with sheets

dry plaster

Preparing sheets of dry plaster. Surface preparation. Wall cladding technology. Methods for finishing seams between sheets of dry plaster.

Safety precautions when covering surfaces with sheets of dry plaster.

Topic 11. Plaster quality control

Requirements for the quality of plaster. Assessment of plaster quality. Precision plastering. Types of defects and their characteristics.

Topic 12. Plaster repair

Defects in plaster and the reasons for their formation, methods of elimination.

Repairing defective areas. Grinding plaster.



Thematic plan


Name of topics

Number of hours

I year

I half of the year

Introductory lesson

Occupational safety and fire safety in training workshops

Construction tour

Preparing hand tools for use

Preparing surfaces for plastering

Preparation of solutions and other materials

Test work

TOTAL for the first half of the year:

II half of the year

Test work

TOTAL for the second half of the year:

TOTAL for the first year:

II course

I half of the year

Mastering plastering techniques

Training in plaster repair techniques

Test work

TOTAL for the first half of the year:

II half of the year

Carrying out a complex of plastering works

Pre-graduation practical training at workplaces

Qualifying exams

TOTAL for the second half of the year:

TOTAL for the second year:

TOTAL for the course:



Topic 1. Introductory lesson

A vocational school is a school for professionals.

Information about the school and its history.

Traditions of the school, prospects for its development. Basic enterprise, its labor traditions. Profession of a finisher. Knowledge of technological discipline in finishing works. The role of industrial training in the preparation of qualified plasterers. Training workshop. Placement of student workplaces, equipment, and building materials in it. Storage of tools, educational visual aids and technical documentation.

Working hours and internal rules in the workshop.

Topic 2. Occupational safety and fire

safety in training workshops

Causes of injuries, types of injuries, measures to prevent injuries. Basic rules and instructions for occupational safety. Basic electrical safety rules. Causes of fires, fire prevention measures. Power outage. Rules for student behavior in case of fire. Procedure for calling the fire brigade. Rules for the use of primary fire extinguishing agents. Construction and use of fire extinguishers and fire hydrants. Fire extinguishing means in the training workshop and school premises.

Topic 3. Construction tour

Construction site, its territory, location of the building under construction. Construction of the zero cycle, installation of the above-ground part of the building. Types of finishing work, the sequence of their implementation.

Conversations with engineering and technical employees of the enterprise, workers about the profession of plasterer. Familiarity with the work of teams, the division of labor among team members, and the organization of workplaces.

Excursion to the construction exhibition

Getting to know the world's leading construction companies. Work clothes from various companies, company logos, badges - free advertising.

New finishing materials from various companies, new tools, mechanization equipment.

Acquaintance with the latest technologies of finishing construction works. Energy Saving Technologies. Familiarization with the system of retraining of workers. Summarizing the results of the excursion.

Topic 4. Preparing hand tools for use

Mastering techniques for preparing hand tools for work. Removing grease, sharpening working parts of tools; techniques for working with tools; mastering the rules of care and storage of instruments.

Mastering techniques for threading and sharpening spatulas, scrapers, and plaster blades. Care and storage of hand tools. Use of scaffolds, ladders, stepladders, scaffolding.

Mastering the techniques of working with hand tools for finishing work.

Topic 5. Preparing surfaces for plastering

Production of shingle panels, filling of piece shingles for plastering surfaces. Removing mortar splashes from the surfaces of reinforced concrete elements. Stuffing nails and weaving them with wire. Cleaning metal surfaces from dirt and rust. Manual notching of concrete and other stone-like surfaces. Work quality control.

Topic 6. Preparation of solutions and other materials

Familiarization with the working compositions of solutions and dry mortar mixtures. Mastering the techniques of dispensing materials. Mastering the techniques of preparing dry mortar mixtures manually. Dosing, mixing and straining the solution manually. Determination of solution mobility using a standard cone. Transportation of the solution in stretchers, boxes inside the work area.


Topic 7. Mastering plastering techniques

Instruction on the content of classes, organization of the workplace and labor safety. Familiarization with the types of surfaces to be plastered.

Hand tools used to prepare stone-like surfaces. Care of tools and their storage.

Techniques for preparing stone-like surfaces for plastering: notching, jointing, cleaning with steel brushes.

Materials and tools used in the preparation of wooden surfaces. Types and rates of consumption of materials. Techniques for wedging boards, treating with an antiseptic, stuffing insulating materials, piece shingles, shingle panels.

Techniques for preparing reinforced concrete and metal surfaces, tightening joints of dissimilar surfaces and channels, stretching the mesh over the frame, reinforcing the plaster coating by driving nails and braiding them with wire.

Preparation of solutions. Preparing tools and equipment for work; caring for them.

Techniques for preparing simple, lean and fatty solutions by manual and mechanized methods. Checking the mobility of solutions with a standard cone.

Techniques for throwing the solution onto the surface. Preparing and caring for tools. Techniques for applying solution from a box to a falcon. Techniques for throwing mortar onto a wall with a plaster spatula from the falcon “from left to right.” Elements of the technique: working posture, position of the scapula in the hand, sequence and nature of movements, force of throwing the solution. Throwing mortar onto the top, middle and bottom parts of the wall.

Mastering the techniques of throwing mortar with a plaster spatula from the falcon “from right to left” on the upper, middle and lower parts of the wall.

Techniques for throwing mortar with a plaster spatula from a falcon into husk corners and on slopes.

Techniques for spreading mortar on walls using a falcon and a trowel. Techniques for spreading mortar on mesh surfaces with a plaster spatula from a falcon.

Plaster layers; applying spray, primer, covering. Leveling the solution with a falcon, a trowel, a rule; checking the evenness of the plaster as a rule. Preparation of solution for the covering layer. Determining the composition of the solution, the size of the aggregate, filtering the solution and checking its mobility.

Techniques for applying, leveling and grouting the covering layer. Grouting in a circular and continuous manner. Smoothing the covering layer.

Techniques for rubbing husk, bevel corners and chamfers with simple and shaped polishers.

Techniques for throwing mortar from a box with a plaster spatula, falcon, ladle.

Inspection and measuring instruments used when hanging surfaces. Checking the accuracy of readings of control and measuring instruments.

Mastering techniques for determining the angle of slope using a square with a movable bar.

Quality control of completed plastering works.


Topic 8. Training in work techniques

for plaster repair

Instruction on the content of classes, organization of the workplace and labor safety.

Familiarization with the types, volumes, technology and organization of repair plastering work. Preparation of workplaces, materials and tools.

Mastering the techniques of cleaning from plaques, beating loose plaster, selecting and preparing mortar for repair work, jointing and filling cracks, plastering broken areas, grinding plaster, husks, appendages, slopes.

Mastering techniques for repairing dry plaster using wet and dry methods.

Quality control of work performed.


Topic 9. Performing a complex of plastering works

Instruction on the content of classes, organization of the workplace and labor safety.

Performing plastering work by students as part of complex teams under the guidance of qualified workers, provided for by the qualification characteristics in accordance with the current SNiP, technical conditions and standards for the production of work.

Preparing surfaces for plastering.

Notching concrete and other stone-like surfaces, cutting seams of stone surfaces, stuffing piece shingles onto wooden surfaces. Removing mortar splashes from reinforced concrete elements. Stuffing nails and weaving them with wire. Cleaning metal surfaces from dirt and rust.

Plastering surfaces.

Throwing, leveling the mortar on the surface, applying a covering and grouting in a “round” or “running” manner.

Plaster repair.

Removing old plaster, removing stains, removing old wallpaper, cleaning weak paint. Applying the solution to broken areas, leveling, grinding the plaster. Joining and greasing of cracks with grouting pastes and their treatment. Grouting joints between floor slabs. Quality control.

The work is carried out using the latest technologies, materials, tools, devices, high-performance labor methods and on the basis of technical documentation used in construction.

Topic 10. Pre-graduation practical training

in the workplace

Performing by students, as part of teams of qualified plasterers, the entire range of plastering works provided for by the qualification characteristics in accordance with building codes, rules and technical conditions.

The work is carried out using the latest technologies, materials, tools, devices, high-performance labor methods on the basis of technical documentation in accordance with the standards of workers of the corresponding category.

The main types of work performed by students during pre-graduation practical training:

  • manual production and nailing of shingles, reed plaits and plaster shingles;
  • manual preparation of dry mixtures (gartzovka) according to a given composition;
  • punching sockets manually with supply of plugs;
  • filtering and mixing solutions;
  • transportation of materials within the work area.

Note. A detailed program of pre-graduation practical training, taking into account the specific conditions of the base enterprise and the specialization of students, the students’ mastery of modern equipment and technologies, techniques and methods of work, is developed at the school with the participation of the enterprise, reviewed by the methodological commission and approved by the management of the school.



Examination cards are exemplary; their content, if necessary, can be adjusted by the teacher of the educational institution, reviewed by the methodological commission and approved by the director of the educational institution.

Ticket No. 1

  1. Plaster layers. Types and purpose.
  2. Technology for preparing reinforced concrete surfaces for plastering.
  3. Rules of industrial sanitation when performing finishing work.

Ticket number 2

  1. Types of plasters by quality.
  2. Technology of applying solutions by throwing.
  3. Rules for providing first aid in case of accidents.

Ticket number 3

  1. Dry and monolithic plaster. Application area.
  2. Technology for performing simple plaster.
  3. Safety requirements when working at height.

Ticket number 4

  1. Tools and equipment for plastering work.
  2. Technology for preparing brick surfaces for plastering.
  3. The main causes of fires at construction sites.

Ticket number 5

  1. Cementing materials and their purpose.
  2. The influence of “fat” and “lean” solutions on the quality of plastering.
  3. Causes of plaster defects, methods for correcting them.

Ticket number 6

  1. Fillers: purpose and application.
  2. Types, sequence and methods of performing work when repairing plastered surfaces.
  3. Types of injuries when performing finishing work and measures to prevent them.

Ticket number 7

  1. Auxiliary materials and their purpose.
  2. Types, sequence and methods of performing work when plastering niches.
  3. Rules for storing tools and accessories.

Ticket number 8

  1. Types and brands of plaster mortars. Requirements for plaster mortars.
  2. Technology of applying solutions by spreading.
  3. Hygienic requirements for work clothes, their care and storage rules.

Ticket number 9

  1. Gypsum binders, their properties.
  2. Methods and techniques for applying plaster mortar to the surface.
  3. Organization of the workplace when plastering internal surfaces manually.


Ticket number 10

  1. Air lime, its use in mortars.
  2. Technology for finishing husk and truncated corners.
  3. Rules for lifting and storing materials on external scaffolding and scaffolding.

Ticket number 11

  1. Cements and their types. Cement grades used in construction.
  2. Purpose, device and methods of using a measuring tool when performing plastering work.
  3. Rules of behavior in flammable places and fire.

Ticket number 12

  1. Additives to binding materials, their classification according to purpose.
  2. Types, sequence and methods of covering, grouting and smoothing surfaces.
  3. Occupational diseases and preventive measures.

Ticket number 13

  1. Mastics, their properties and application.
  2. Technology for preparing and plastering vertical surfaces over a metal mesh.
  3. Fire safety rules at construction sites.

Ticket number 14

  1. Dry mortar mixtures, their use in plastering work.


  1. Methods for finishing seams between sheets of dry plaster.
  2. Occupational safety requirements for the construction and use of scaffolding and scaffolding.

Ticket number 15

  1. Additives, binder accelerators, their purpose and properties.
  2. Technological process of preparing wooden surfaces for plastering.
  3. Occupational safety when repairing plaster.



Ivliev A.A. etc. Finishing construction work. – M.: IRPO, ed. Center Academy, 2003.

Chicherin I.I. Civil works. – M.: Profobrizdat, 2001.

Smirnov V.A. and others. Materials science. – M.: IRPO, ed. Center Academy, 2003.

Gusarova E.A., Mitina T.V., Yu.O. Polezhaev. Construction drawing. – M.: IRPO, ed. Center Academy, 2003.

Golitsin A.N. Fundamentals of industrial ecology. – M.: IRPO, Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2002.




Explanatory note………………………………...


Qualification characteristics………………….


Sample curriculum for professional

training of workers in the profession “Plasterer” for the 2nd category ……………………………………………………


Thematic plan “Fundamentals of labor legislation”



Thematic plan “Ethics and psychology of communication” ...


Thematic plan “Environmental protection”…..


Thematic plan “Economics of the industry and enterprise”



Thematic plan and program of the subject “Matter”

science" ……………………………………………………………..


Thematic plan and program of the subject “Special technology”……………………….........


Thematic plan and production program

training ………………………………….....................


Sample exam papers………………...




Sorokina Galina Sergeevna

Malysheva Valentina Aleksandrovna

Kosheleva Ekaterina Dmitrievna

Collection of curricula and programs for the professional training of workers in the profession of “Plasterer” from among persons with disabilities.

Responsible for the release V.A. Malysheva

Computer layout E.D. Kosheleva

The program is intended for professional training in the profession of plasterer, construction painter, graduates of schools of the 8th type.

The program is useful for industrial training masters working with correctional groups.


Contents of the industrial training work program

1. Explanatory note

This curriculum of an educational institution of primary vocational education of the State Educational Institution NPO “Vocational School No. 34” is intended for the professional training of graduates of type 8 correctional schools in the profession of plasterer, construction painter in accordance with the list of vocational training approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of April 1, 2011. No. 1440. Construction painter 00066, Plasterer 19727.

The curriculum is developed based on:

Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) for the profession of primary vocational education (NPO) 270802.10 Master of finishing construction works approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No. 373 of April 16, 2010.

2. Thematic plan for industrial training

Topic name

Number of hours

Introductory lesson

Safety and fire safety

Construction tour

PM. Installation of frame-cladding structures

Preparation of various surfaces for finishing

PM. Plastering work

Carrying out work on simple plastering of surfaces and repair of plaster

Performing work of medium complexity on plastering surfaces and repairing plaster

PM. Carrying out facing works with tiles and slabs, PM. Carrying out facing works using synthetic materials

Carrying out simple work on tiling with ceramic, glass, asbestos-cement and other tiles

PM. Carrying out painting work

Performing simple painting and surface repair work

Performing moderately complex work on painting and repairing surfaces

Topic No. 1. Introductory lesson

Instructing on safety measures, industrial sanitation, fire safety for construction. Familiarity with the nature of the work of construction organizations and workplaces.

Topic No. 2 Preparing various surfaces for finishing

Preparing the surface for plaster according to the instructions. Stuffing shingles on walls. Cleaning walls and ceilings from dust. Cleaning the ceiling from stains. Cleaning walls from paint composition.

Topic No. 3.4 Performing simple and medium-complexity work on plastering surfaces and repairing plaster.

Preparation of plaster solutions with various components, application of solutions to the surface with various tools and methods. Leveling and grouting. Plastering corners, slopes, niches, window and door openings, columns. Quality control of work performed.

Mixing solutions in mortar mixers, supplying solutions with mortar pumps to plastering areas.

Organization of the workplace according to the assignment. Carrying out plaster repair work. Sealing cracks, peeling areas, repairing violations in rods. Repair of plaster of columns, beams, platbands, cornices, window and door openings, staircases.

Quality control of work performed.

Topic No. 5 Performing simple work on tiling with ceramic, glass, asbestos-cement and other tiles.

Organization of the workplace according to the received task.

Preparation of the surface for cladding. Carrying out hanging of various surfaces. Wall cladding with glazed tiles on cement mortar, on mastic. Laying diagonal ceramic tiles. Laying floor tiles. Repair of tiled floors and tiled surfaces.

Committee of Education and Science of the Volgograd Region

GKOU for orphans and children left without parental care

"Krasnoyarsk special (correctional) general education boarding schoolVIIIkind."

Reviewed by the teachers' training committee Approved by the teaching council

labor training "___"____________

«___»______________ №____

School director N.V. Zhernovnikov

Club program

"Master OK"

Age: 12-16 years

Plastering and painting teacher

P. Krasny Yar

Explanatory note.

The additional educational program of the “Merry Trowel” circle is designed for 1 year of study and is of an individual and group nature. This program provides for the preparation of students to independently perform production tasks at the level of 1 category of qualification characteristics in the specialty of mason.

The simplicity of education, the availability of tools, and the availability of work allow students in grades 5-9 to engage in stone work. Classes in the “Merry Trowel” circle allow you to significantly influence the labor education of students and rationally use your free time.

The novelty of this program is that it involves the practical implementation of tasks when working with stone and realizes the creative individuality of each student.

The relevance of the program lies in the combination of mental and physical labor. The program aims to reveal children's need to create and realize their capabilities.

Pedagogical feasibility: program topics help students become familiar with the features of construction-related professions: mason, plasterer, painter, tiler, and also contributes to the development of students’ creative (individual) abilities.

The goal of the program is to consolidate the skills and abilities acquired in plastering and painting lessons, prepare students for further acquisition of the construction profession, prepare students for family life, housekeeping, construction and repair work at home.

The basis of the educational objectives of the additional educational program of the “Merry Trowel” circle.


Master the techniques of working with stone, safety precautions when working with stone;

Teach students to use control and measuring instruments;

Learn to work with various tools and devices;

Learn how to perform some types of masonry.


Develop skills and abilities when working with stone and tools;

Develop hand motor skills;

Develop spatial imagination;

Develop logical thinking, memory, horizons.


Cultivate interest in the construction profession;

Foster hard work and respect for working people;

Foster a sense of camaraderie and collectivism;

Develop skills to work in a team of different ages.


Development of spatial perception and sensorimotor coordination;

Development of attention and self-control;

Development of the personal sphere;

Increasing the cognitive and creative search activity of children.

The distinctive features of the program are that it is aimed at working with stone using astringent solutions. The educational program is modified, developed using the program for plastering and painting. Sections have been introduced taking into account the interests of students in a special correctional school and their psychophysical capabilities. Students in grades 5-9 participate in the implementation of the program.

The developed program in its thematic content is applicable for both middle and senior students.

Conditions for the implementation of the program: the direction of the circle’s work depends on the material resources of the school. The teacher, based on the material resources of the school and the level of preparedness of the student, has the right to change the topics of classes.

Classes should be conducted in a plastering and painting workshop that meets sanitation and fire safety requirements and is equipped with the necessary tools and equipment.

To implement the creative ideas of students studying in a circle, the following materials are required:

Container for solution;


Hammer - pickaxe;




The duration of the program is 1 year. The main forms of work in the circle are theoretical and practical classes: conversations, explanations, stories, practical work, masonry samples. Club members must wear work uniform during classes. Forms of organizing educational activities: group and individual.

Class schedule: 78 hours per year, 4 hours per week, 2 hours with each group of students. The group capacity is 5 people.

Expected learning outcomes. During the implementation of this program, students must acquire knowledge, practical skills and skills in the execution of masonry. Particular attention should be paid to safety regulations. At the final lessons, children must demonstrate their practical skills. I would like to hope that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired during the circle will contribute to the professional orientation of students and their self-determination in life.

Children should know:

Principles of workplace organization and basic safety rules;

Principles of selecting tools for their intended purpose;

Methods for checking the correctness of masonry;

Techniques and methods for performing masonry;

Types of solutions and methods of their preparation;

Types of masonry;

Technological process of performing stone work.

Children should be able to:

Organize the workplace rationally, follow safety rules;

Use the tool for its intended purpose.;

Make markings and use control and measuring tools;

Carry out masonry of stone structures;

Do the work yourself;

Treat school property with care.

Criteria and indicators for assessing students' knowledge.

Theoretical level of knowledge;

The degree of mastery of working techniques when working with tools and devices;

Application of acquired knowledge in practice;

Compliance with technological requirements;

Quality of work performed;

Compliance with safety regulations.


Desire to work;

Cognitive activity and creativity;


Partnerships in teamwork.

Forms for summarizing the results of the program.

Practical work of students;

Participation of children in the improvement of the school grounds, renovation of premises, etc.

Educational and thematic plan.

1 year of study 78 hours.

Number of hours

Practical work

The importance of stone work. T.B. during stone work.

Natural stone materials.

Materials for masonry.

Binding materials.

Tools and materials used in masonry.

General information about brickwork. Types of bricks.

Brick edges. Types and purpose of masonry.

Section II. Preparation of solutions. Suture dressing systems. Carrying out masonry.

Instruction on T.B. and P.P.B.

Preparation of air and hydraulic solutions.

Preparation of clay-sand solutions.

Suture dressing systems.

Carrying out masonry work (working with a constructor).

Section III. Types of suture dressing systems.

Instruction on T.B. and P.P.B.

Single-row suture ligation system. Single-row chain ligation system.

Three-row suture ligation system.

Multi-row suture ligation system

Section IV. Bricklaying (practical work).

Instruction on T.B. and P.P.B.

Testing and measuring instrument, its use and purpose.

Laying brick structures (practical work). School improvement work.

Section I. Introduction to the material and tools. Types of masonry. 20h.

Topic 1.1 Occupational safety, fire safety during the work of a plaster and painting workshop.

Topic 1.2 General information about masonry. T.B. when performing work

Topic 1.3 Types of natural stone materials, extraction and processing.

Topic 1.4 Types of materials for stone work.

Topic 1.5 Clay, lime, gypsum. Cement brands.

Topic 1.6 Air hydraulic solutions, their features. The procedure for preparing the solution.

Topic 1.7 Mason's tool.

Topic 1.8 Types of bricks. Types of brick structures.

Topic 1.9 Brick faces. Masonry elements.

Section II. Suture dressing systems. Carrying out masonry. 18h.

Topic 2.1 Labor protection. Fire safety.

Topic 2.2 Technology for preparing air and hydraulic solutions. Proportion ratio.

Topic 2.3 Preparation of clay-sand mortar.

Topic 2.4 Suture dressing systems (single-row, three-row, multi-row).

Topic 2.5 Carrying out masonry (working with a constructor).

Topic 3.1 Instruction on T.B. when working in a training workshop, instruction on P.P.B.

Topic 3.2 Control and measuring tools (level, plumb line, tape measure, square, rod). How to use the tool.

Topic 3.3 Single-row suture ligation system. Single-row chain ligation system. Brickwork. Practical work (working with a construction set, working with stone).

Topic 3.4 Three-row suture dressing system (laying pillars in brick, 1.5 2 2.5). Laying columns.

Topic 3.5 Multi-row suture ligation system. Laying walls, corners, piers. Laying end to end, pressed, half end to end.

Section IV. Masonry (practical work) 18h.

Topic 4.1 Instruction on T.B. when working in a training workshop or on a construction site.

Topic 4.2 Instrumentation and operating procedures.

Topic 4.3 Execution of masonry. Organization of mason's work. Unstitching.

Methodological support of the program by sections and topics.

Name of sections and topics.

Class form

Techniques and methods

Means of education

Section I. Introduction to the material and tools. Types of masonry.

Introductory lesson. Occupational Safety and Health. T.B. when working in the workshop.


Tables, magazine on T.B.

General information about masonry. T.B. when performing work.


Illustrations, tables, posters.

Rubble, crushed stone, wedge. Purpose and application.


Textbook, tables.

Clay and its properties. Sand, lime brick.



Materials for masonry.

Gypsum. Cement brands.

Explanation, work in notebooks.


Binding materials.

Features and advantages of solutions. Air and hydraulic solutions.

Explanation, demonstration.



Mason's tools: trowel, pick, cord, jointer, level.

Explanation, demonstration.


Tools and accessories.

Solid ceramic brick. Hollow ceramic brick. Sand-lime brick.

Explanation, demonstration, work with the textbook.


Stone materials.

Brick faces: poke, spoon, bed. Masonry elements: internal and external, verst, catfish.

Explanation, demonstration.


Tables, textbook, constructor.

Section II. Preparation of solutions. Suture ligation system. Masonry.

Instruction on T.B. and P.P.B. when working in a training workshop.



The ratio of the proportions of binders and water, fillers (sand), the procedure for preparing the solution.

Explanation, demonstration.


Cards, tasks.

The ratio of the proportions of clay, water and sand. T.B. when preparing the solution.

Explanation, demonstration.



Suture ligation system. Application of these systems.

Explanation, demonstration.


Tables, designer.

Laying corners of 0.5 1 1.5 bricks.

Practical implementation.


Tables, designer.

Section III. Types of suture dressing systems. 22h.


Tables, magazine on T.B.

Testing and measuring instruments (level, plumb line, square, rule rod, tape measure). Rules for working with the tool.

Demonstration, explanation.


Tables, textbook, handouts.

Laying a corner in brick, laying a wall in brick.

Practical implementation.


Task cards, materials, tools.

Laying pillars in brick, 1.5 2 2.5 bricks, laying columns.

Practical implementation.


Tools, materials, tables.

Laying the wall along a cord-fitting line.

Practical implementation.


Tool, material, tables

Section IV. Bricklaying. Practical work.

Introductory lesson on labor protection. PPB. T.B. when working in a training workshop.


Magazine on T.B.


Demonstration, explanation.



Laying brick structures (improving the school grounds)

Practical implementation.


Tools, materials.

Class equipment. Each student must have:









Master OK;

Tie cord;



For the leader of the circle work:

1.Yu.I.Krylov “Foundations and masonry”

2. A.V. Aleksandrovsky “Construction business”

For students:

1. S.V. Bobrikova “Technology of plastering and painting”

The purpose of the circle: to enable students to consolidate the skills acquired in industrial training lessons, to take initiative when performing work, to gain skills in working with additional equipment. The result of the circle’s work is the introduction of various devices into training, the development of new products, visual aids in classrooms, participation in exhibitions of technical creativity.










Designed by a master

industrial training

Stetsik V.A.

Simferopol 2014



Explanatory note

The “Metalist” club is made up of 1st and 2nd year students who have shown interest in their profession, are creative in their work, and show initiative.

The purpose of the circle is to enable students to consolidate the skills acquired in industrial training lessons, to take initiative when performing work, and to gain skills in working with additional equipment.

The work of the circle is organized on the basis of a locksmith workshop. The circle uses tools, equipment, and visual aids from a locksmith workshop, as well as a turning and welding workshop.

During the work of the circle, students get acquainted with the organization and inventive and rationalization work, its significance in mechanical engineering. Take part in the production of visual aids and equipment for workshops and offices.

The result of the work of the circle is the introduction of various devices into training, the development of new products, visual aids in classrooms, participation in exhibitions of technical creativity.

The purpose and objectives of the program of the technical creativity club “Metalist”

Purpose of the program: formation of scientific and technical knowledge, development of creative cognitive, inventive and professional abilities of school students through introduction to technical creativity.



● to develop special competencies of students in the field of technical design;

● develop professional competence;

● develop cognitive competence;

● develop information competence;

● improve communicative competence;

● develop social and civic competence;

● develop organizational competence;


● cultivate civic qualities of the individual, patriotism;

● cultivate a friendly attitude towards others;

● create the need for self-organization: accuracy,

Hard work, basic self-control, independence, skill

Finish what you start.


● develop students’ logical and technical thinking;

● develop communication skills, the ability to work in a team;

● develop the ability to express thoughts in a clear logical sequence, defend your point of view, analyze the situation and independently find answers to questions through logical reasoning;

● develop curiosity and interest in solving creative and inventive problems, designing, and manufacturing metal products.

Distinctive features of this additional educational program from existing educational programs.The additional educational program has been adapted and adjusted based on the developed program for the technical creativity club, authored by N.P. Yarovaya. from the city of Khabarovsk.Age of students participating in the implementation of this additional educational program15 - 18 years old. The level of the program of the technical creativity club “Metalist” is determined on the basis of compliance of the content of the program with the requirements for the result of additional educational basic general and secondary (complete) general education.

Timing for the implementation of the additional educational program.

The program is designed for 1 year of study. The duration of the educational process is 120 hours.

Forms and mode of classes. The training regime for the program complies with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards SanPiN–03 in terms of determining the recommended training regime, as well as the requirements for ensuring the safety of students in accordance with regulatory and instructional documents of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

● 1 year of study 2 lessons per week for 2 hours;

Forms of classes:

● theoretical training sessions;

● practical training sessions;

● creative learning activities;

● excursions;

● exhibitions;

● presentations;

● rationalization;

● project activities;

● educational and research conference;

● study of specialized literature;

● familiarization with new equipment, gardening tools;

● production of products according to the program;

● consultations with specialists.

When organizing independent work and work on individual assignments, instruction, consultation, development and implementation of individual creative projects, and examination are used. The program of the technical creativity club “Metalist” creates conditions for the acquisition of general (universal) methods of action (abilities and skills) that allow a person to understand the situation and achieve results in different types of activities, which forms the basis of the competency-based approach in additional education.

The program of the technical creativity club “Metalist” is aimed at developing the following key and professional competencies:

● cognitive competence (the ability to learn throughout life, both in personal professional and social aspects; the use of observations, measurements, modeling; combining known activity algorithms in situations that do not involve their standard application);

● information competence (the ability to work with different sources of information; the ability to make critical judgment in relation to the information received; mastery of telecommunication technologies in communicating with people; computer literacy, the ability to use plans and notes, sign systems (tables, diagrams, etc.), work in graphic editors;

● communicative competence (mastery of various means of written and oral communication; selection of forms of verbal and non-verbal communication that are adequate to situations, methods of forming and formulating thoughts; mastery of ways to present oneself and one’s activities);

● social and civic competence (compliance with social and cultural norms of behavior, rules of a healthy lifestyle; the ability to navigate social situations and take adequate positions; the ability to resolve conflicts in a non-violent way; the ability to live and communicate with people of other languages, religions and cultures; readiness to participation in positive social changes);

● organizational competence (planning and managing one’s own activities; mastering the skills of monitoring and evaluating activities; the ability to take responsibility for one’s own actions; mastery of methods of joint activities).

● special competences in the field of educational activities of the technical direction of additional education for children.

Expected results:

● the ability of students to produce technical objects according to a sample, drawing, or rationalization proposals;

● students’ ability to implement rationalization proposals into practice;

● students’ ability to use correct technical terminology, technical concepts and information in speech;

● developing skills for safe work with tools and devices when processing various materials;

● formation of interest in technical types of creativity;

● education of civic qualities of the individual, patriotism;

● fostering a friendly attitude towards others;

● formation of needs for self-organization: accuracy, hard work, the basics of self-control, independence, the ability to complete the work started;

● development of logical and technical thinking of students;

● development of communication skills, ability to work in a team;

● development of skills to express thoughts in a clear logical sequence, defend your point of view, analyze the situation and independently, find answers to questions through logical reasoning;








Introductory lesson. Safe working conditions.


Organization of invention and

rationalization work.

Concept of metal processing.


Chopping, cutting, straightening, bending.


Hole processing techniques.

Thread cutting.

Techniques for finishing holes.

Detachable and permanent connections

Final lesson.



  1. Introductory lesson.Familiarize yourself with the work of the circle and workshop equipment. Safety requirements. Goals and objectives of the circle.
  2. Excursion. Introduce the company, its products, and the organization of its work.
  3. Organization of inventive and rationalization work.Using an example from an enterprise, show the need for this work. Preparation of proposals for rationalization.
  1. Familiarize yourself with the types of metal processing.Advanced, modern processing techniques. Selecting the type of processing depending on the requirements for the product. Learn to use measuring and testing tools. Advanced control methods.
  2. Marking. Planar and spatial markings. The tool used and how to use it.

Practical work.Marking blanks for canopies, hooks, holders. Fulfilling orders for equipping offices and workshops.

  1. Chopping, cutting, straightening and bending.Familiarize yourself with the techniques for performing cutting work with a chisel, a cross-cutting tool on a plate, in a vice and at the level of the vise jaws. Cutting metal with and without the formation of chips, choosing a tool, preparing it for work. Techniques for performing work. Modern methods of metal cutting. Familiarize yourself with the types of workpiece deformations and metal straightening techniques. Methods of bending blanks and methods of straightening metal. Methods of metal bending, tools and devices used.
  1. Filing. The essence of filing, metal processing methods that replace it. Tool for manual and mechanical filing. Control of treated surfaces. Sawing and fitting - essence, purpose, techniques used. Devices and jigs for filing and sawing. Techniques for working on milling and turning machines.

Practically work.Making devices for practicing skills when filing. Manufacturing of devices for assembling and drilling chairs.

  1. Hole processing techniques.Drilling and reaming holes using jigs and quick-change chucks. Sharpening drills depending on the workpiece material. Countersinking and countersinking of holes. Use of a combined tool. Reaming holes manually and on machines.

Practical work.Manufacturing of jigs for drilling tables and chairs. Fulfilling orders for equipment of workshops and offices. Work on the manufacture of a universal machine.

  1. Thread cutting.Types of threads. Determining the diameter of a rod for an external thread. Selecting the drill diameter for internal threads depending on the thread pitch. Techniques for cutting internal and external threads on a machine and manually.

Practical work.Work on the manufacture of a universal machine. Fulfilling orders for equipping offices and workshops. Production of visual aids.

  1. Finishing techniques.Scraping - purpose and methods of scraping. Decorative scraping. Sharpening scraper. Lapping - purpose and methods of lapping flat, cylindrical and conical surfaces, materials used.

Practical work.Lapping, polishing, decorative scraping of exhibits. Preparation for the exhibition.

  1. Detachable and permanent connections.Riveting - the tool used, types and techniques of riveting. Riveting of various materials, production of rivets. Soldering - types of soldering, tools and materials used. Soldering with soft and hard solders. Electric welding. Gluing. Types of glue. Bonding techniques. Assembling spline and key connections. Preparation for assembly of landing connections, their types.

Practical work.Assembly of a universal machine, straightening devices. Fulfilling orders for equipping offices and workshops.

12.Final lesson.Summing up the work. Organization of the exhibition. Recommendations for working in the summer.

Regional state budgetary professional educational institution "Nikolayevsky-on-Amur Industrial and Humanitarian College"

Agreed I approve

Chairman of the PCC Deputy Director of HR

N.V. Abramova _________A.G.Anisimova

"___"______________20___ "____"____________20___

Educational program circle

technical creativity

By profession: "Painter, Plasterer"

additional teacher Abramova N.V.



The program is modified based on the programs:

- “Applied creativity” Programs for additional education of children. M.2008 p.28

From extracurricular work to preschool activities.

Explanatory note.

Curriculum and program of the technical creativity club:

“Inspiration” is intended for additional classes with students in order to increase the level of professional knowledge, develop cognitive creative activity in the profession of “Painter, Plasterer”.

Additional education of the school sets itself three main goals: the implementation of the relationship between additional education and the main one, the comprehensive development of the personality of students, as well as the education of a worthy citizen - and is based on the principles of universal accessibility, focus on the comprehensive development of the child and free services.

Along with basic education, additional education touches on aspects of training, education and development of students. This is manifested in the development of their creative abilities, intelligence, and spiritual world, which contributes to successful social adaptation. Nurturing students’ personal qualities and self-responsibility helps to organize their free time productively. Self-realization in communication at school allows you to maintain the status of a student, stimulate learning motivation, develop adequate self-esteem and create psychological comfort in the learning process.

When working with students, additional education teachers are faced with speech problems, complexities, inability to cope with stress, and with socially vulnerable children. Also with children of the seventh and eighth types of education.

As a result of close interaction between the teacher and students, each child has the opportunity to realize himself, apply his skills and participate in the life of the world at his level, in the way he knows how. It is focused on the child’s personality, on the development of his abilities, inclinations, and individuality; to prepare him for life among people, interaction with them; on self-knowledge and self-education of the child; to create an atmosphere of social security, interaction and mutual understanding, and creative community in the school.

In the pedagogical encyclopedia, creative abilities are defined as the ability to create an original product, a product, in the process of working on which the acquired knowledge, abilities, skills, individuality, and artistic creativity are independently applied.

From a philosophical point of view, creativity includes the ability to creatively imagine, observe, and think outside the box.

Thus, creativity is the creation, on the basis of what exists, of something that has not yet existed. These are the individual psychological characteristics of the child, which do not depend on mental abilities and are manifested in the child’s fantasy, imagination, special vision of the world, and his point of view on the surrounding reality.

As part of the educational program for the profession “Master of finishing construction works,” students gain knowledge of how to handle tools, the characteristics of building materials, and study in theory and practice the technological process of manufacturing products.

The club's classes allow students to receive additional information on labor training: the children get acquainted with the culture and history of their native land, with different types of decorative and applied arts of the people living in their native area, with visual materials and drawing techniques (gouache, appliqué).

Students' activities are aimed at solving and implementing in the material various problems associated with the production of first the simplest, then more complex products and their artistic design.

Based on the products offered for viewing, one gets acquainted with the professions: plasterer, tiler, construction painter and touches on the professions of mosaicist, artist, decorator

Already in elementary (correctional) school, students try themselves in the role of a specialist in one profession or another. Students fantasize, express their opinions, prove their point of view on performing this or that work, and develop artistic taste.

The program is designed for students aged 15 to 18 years. Age limits may vary depending on the individual characteristics of adolescents.

The program material includes theoretical and practical classes. Particular attention is paid to developing practical skills and abilities to handle hand and power tools. During classes, special attention is paid to safety issues.

The work of the circle is aimed at the labor, aesthetic, and moral education of students. The “Inspiration” circle develops creative abilities - a process that permeates all stages of a teenager’s personality development, awakens initiative and independence in decision-making, the habit of free self-expression, and self-confidence.

Everyone is welcome to join this team. Students who show a fairly stable, long-term interest in specific types of practical work activities, design and manufacture of products, and performing practical work are united for classes in a circle.

Circle documentation includes:

Thematic plan and program of the technical creativity circle - 360 hours;

Explanatory note;

Educational and methodological support.

Organization of additional training in the profession: “Master of finishing construction works” is carried out in accordance with the program and curriculum.

The program was developed taking into account new modern production technologies.

Creative work in the classroom is carried out taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics and capabilities of students.

Goals of circle work

    Development of creative abilities of students, education of hard work, perseverance, patience, mutual assistance, mutual assistance.

    Providing additional knowledge on labor training.

    To revive interest among teenagers in professions related to the work of a finisher (plasterer, painter, tiler)

    Fostering love and respect for one’s work and the work of an adult, love for one’s native land and oneself.

    Formation of a personality with a broad creative outlook, education of a general culture, instilling in students moral standards of behavior.

    Educational purpose - development of the personality of a teenager capable of creative self-expression through mastering the basic technology of making products with his own hands.

The goals will be achieved provided that the student is interested in creating something new and has a great desire to do everything with his own hands.


Educational objectives

    Training in compliance with occupational health and safety requirements;

    Learn to make crafts, paintings and souvenirs using various materials: wood, plywood, fiberboard, chipboard, wallpaper, varnishes, paints, ceramic tiles, from natural materials;

    Teach how to do work collectively and develop students’ design abilities.

Developmental tasks.

    Development of a system of knowledge and skills necessary for the future owner of the house.

    Develop imagination and fantasy, attention, memory, patience, hard work, interest in the history of the native land, its culture;

    Development of creative abilities.

Educational tasks.

    Form a civic position and patriotism.

    To cultivate aesthetic taste, a sense of beauty, pride in one’s

completed work.

3. Nurture and develop artistic taste and respect for work.

4. Foster a sense of camaraderie and a sense of personal responsibility.

Features of the organization of the educational process

The program is designed for 1 year of study:

4 hours a week,

160 hours per year.

Students study the subject, develop their talents, and acquire positive communication skills.

The circle organizes the upbringing and education of teenagers in a mixed age group.

The leading type of activity is practical.

In total, the circle is allocated 4 hours a week: - 2 days a week for 2 hours.

Extracurricular activities are organized in the afternoon; they are aimed at developing communication skills, creative inclinations and abilities, respect for the dignity of people with different abilities, and a culture of behavior.

Planning and organization of training for students in the circle is carried out in accordance with the curriculum and industrial training program for the profession: “Painter, Plasterer”.

Expected Result

By the end of the year of study students should know:

The role of technology and technology of artistic processing of materials in the development of civilization;

Properties of the most common materials (when choosing a material, its classification and purpose for the project);

The role of design in transformative activities, the main stages of project implementation;

Rules for the execution of drawings, sketches, technical drawings.

By the end of the year of study Students should be able to:

Organize your workplace rationally, follow safety rules;

Carry out the development of simple projects, design simple products taking into account design requirements;

Draw up or select a technological sequence for manufacturing a product depending on the technical and technological requirements imposed on it and existing conditions;

Perform basic technological operations and select materials, workpieces, tools, fixtures, equipment;

Assemble products according to the diagram, drawing, sketch and control its quality;

Perform at least one type of artistic processing of materials, taking into account regional conditions and traditions;

Analyze economic activity, demonstrate

entrepreneurial initiative.

Make at least one product, take part in competitions, Olympiads, exhibitions, fairs.

Logistical support for the implementation of the educational program.

Explication of the equipment of the workshops of the technical creativity circle “Inspiration”



1 Instruction class

Student desk

Student chair

Teacher's desk

Teacher's chair


Display wall

Clothes hanger

Sample shelf

Doorway with frame

2 Preparation room

Teacher's desk

Sideboard for educational elements

Material rack


Poster table

Shelf for thematic folders

Shower room

Wash basin

3 Training workshops

Study walls

Study walls with window opening

Study walls with doorway

Clay box

Sand box

Shagged boards

Wooden educational wall

Boxes for solution

Tool cabinet

Tile box


Drinking tap

Wall elements for plastering door slopes

Rectangular columns

4 Coloring

Tool rack

Cabinet for building materials

Lime slaking container


Workshop allows you to carry out all technological operations inherent in the artistic processing of various building materials and their waste.

Location of the lesson:

Workshop of plasterers and painters. There is a passport for this premises, which contains all the data on the carpentry workshop.


    Thematic plan


    Club class schedule

    Student attendance log for the circle

I approve

Deputy Director for HR




by profession:"Painter"

Type of occupation

Distribution by half-year

Number of weeks – 40

Number of hours -160




Total for the course – 160 hours

I approve

Deputy Director for HR



Thematic plan

mug "Inspiration »

Name of topics

Number of hours

Number of hours

Introduction. Tools, devices, materials. Safety precautions. Development of the circle's logo


Color. Color finishing


Excursion to the House of Creativity

Using various materials to make tablets for software and technical lessons

Decorative finishing from building materials

The use of painting materials in making sketches for visual aids

Excursion to the exhibition of technical creativity in d/d 1, d/d 2. Safety precautions

Varnishing materials

Using cardboard

Use of wood material

Working with wallpaper

Working with fabrics

Devices for performing plastering and painting works

Exhibition of technical creativity of the “Inspiration” circle

Didactic material

Head of the “Inspiration” circle / N.V. Abramova/


Technical creativity mug

By profession:"Painter. Plasterer"


Name of topics

1st half of the year

Topic 1


Familiarization with the work of the circle. Creative works.

Tools, devices, materials.

Development of the circle's logo.

Safety precautions. Electrical fire safety.

Topic 2


Selecting an applique pattern.

Layout, reveal.

Manufacturing of tablets, frames.

Gluing the applique.

Creating an application background.

Wallpaper application based on “Russian folk tales”.

Topic 3


Color circle.


Mixing colors.

Achromatic colors.

Chromatic colors

Color finishing.

Topic 4


Types of stencils.

Making stencils. Safety precautions

Application of stencils.

Edging stencils.

Topic 5


Excursion to the exhibition of the House of Creativity. T.B.

Excursion to schools, d/d -1, d/d -2. T.B.

Topic 6

Using various materials in making tablets for technical and software lessons.

Manufacturing of tablets.

Sawdust tablets.

Broken glass tablets.

Wallpaper tablets.

Tablets made from matches.

Tablets made of thread, glue, putty.

Samples of decorative plaster.

Manufacturing of tablets for cladding vertical surfaces.

Layout: "Meloter"

Layout: “Power Grout”

Topic 7

Decorative finishing from building materials.

Panel: “Aquarium”

Panel: “Seashore”

Making New Year's toys.

Making Christmas trees from building materials.

Production of decorative New Year's decorations.

Decorating classrooms.

Decoration of New Year's costumes. Hall decoration.

Tea party.

2nd half

Continuation of topic 7

Making samples from Terraco putty.

Making panels from glass beads: “New building”.

Tablet: “Vibrating sieve”

Tablet: “Solution pipeline.”

Topic 8

The use of painting materials in making sketches for visual aids.

Performing the “Color Wheel” sketch

Drawing the color wheel

Carrying out the sketch “Airbrush on glass”.

Applying a stencil using an oil paint sprayer.

Carrying out a sketch: “Painting with patterned rollers”

Coloring drawing: “Painting with pattern rollers”

Execution of the sketch: “Cutting”

Coloring picture: “Cutting”.

Topic 9

Excursion to the exhibition of technical creativity in d/d 1, d/d2

Topic 10

Varnishing materials

Panel: “People of the North.”

Varnishing the panel: “People from the North.”

Varnishing of decorative items.

Topic 11

Using cardboard

Layout: "Wooden stand"

Layout: “Niche, pilaster.”

Layout: “Column with Entasis.”

Topic 12

Use of wood material.

Making a model of arches

Making a mock-up of pads

Making socket samples

Making a layout: “Door block”

Tablet: “Tiling with ceramic tiles.”

Tablet: “Covering cards with carpet mosaics”

Tablet: “Tiling by brands and beacons”

Tablet: “Tiling using a template”

Tablet: “Simple plaster”

Tablet: "Improved plaster"

Tablet: “High quality plaster.”

Tablet: “Hanging the surface.”

Tablet: “Design of stamps and beacons.”

Layout: “Plastering of rectangular columns”

Layout: “Plastering round columns”

Layout: “Plastering columns with flutes”

Making a template: “Architectural rods”.

Stuffing metal plates onto a template"

Production of mini-tools for plastering work.

Making mini tools for painting work.

Topic 13

Working with wallpaper

Wall newspaper from the wallpaper “Bouquet of Flowers.

Making borders from wallpaper.

Making an album: “Types of wallpaper.”

Stand: “Types of Wallpaper”.

Tablets: “Defects in wallpaper work.”

Table: “Defects in wallpaper work.”

Wallpaper quality table: “Tolerances”.

Samples: “Wallpaper repairs.”

Topic 14

Working with fabrics

Tablet: “Motley window sill.”

Tablet: “Fabrics instead of wallpaper.”

Replacing the upholstery of old stools with new ones.

Varnishing fabric on stools.

Topic 15

Devices for performing plastering and painting works"

Making mini stepladders.

Manufacturing – mini stairs

Production of mini-scaffolding.

Using masking tape to repair furniture (stool)

Using masking tape to repair furniture (cabinets)

Using masking tape to repair furniture (tables)

Making mini cycles from cardboard.

Making a device for painting windows.

Manufacturing of frame fixtures for the craftsman's workplace.

Production of sheets (cutting plywood, hardboard, gypsum fiber board, chipboard).

Assembling the device for the master's workplace.

Design of the device.

Topic 16

Exhibition of technical creativity of the “Inspiration” circle

Topic 17

Didactic material

Compiling crossword puzzles on construction topics.

Compiling chainwords on construction topics.

Compiling puzzles on a construction topic.

Game: “Do you know building material”

Watching videos: “Using building materials in various crafts”

Compiling cards - tasks and punched cards on a construction topic.

Quiz: “Interesting and curious in construction.” Tea party.

I approve

Deputy Director for HR

__________A.G. Anisimova


Timetable of classes

technical creativity mug

Class days

Class hours

Master p/o


From 14.00-16.00

Abramova N.V.




Publisher: Moscow.


* Scientific and methodological journal. School and production.

* Consulting magazine on construction, repair and

Finishing work. Construction technologies. M. ZAO


* M.E. Vitvitskaya. Tutorial. Finishing work.

M..LLC “IKTC “LADA”, 2004. (“Your Home”)

* A.V. Loskutov. Cosmetic repairs: quickly, efficiently,

Inexpensive / Series “For home and income”. – Rostov-on-Don:

"Phoenix", 2004.

prof. education. – M.: IRPO; Publishing center "Academy" 1998.

press, 2005

Publishing title.

Publishing title.

Publishing title.

* V. Dubov. 30 European-quality renovation projects for your home. Adviсe

top-class designers. Rostov on Don. 2006

* V.M. Melnikov. Workshop. Tile work for home and

earnings. Rostov on Don. 2008

* A.G. Krasichkova. The right house. Finishing work. Bathroom,

kitchen, toilet. M.: RIPOL classic, 2008

* L.N. Smirnova.- The right house. Drywall. Gag by step.

Encyclopedia of modern renovation. M.: RIPOL classic, 2008

* DVD video “Architecture”


Educational and methodological support

* Magazine. Apartment answer (to the apartment question)

* Magazine. I am my own master. Arrangement and repair.

Publisher: Moscow.

* Magazine. strON. Construction. Arrangement. New

technologies. Publisher: Moscow.

* Educational popular science magazine. Children. Technique.


* A.A. Ivliev. Finishing construction work: Textbook. for the beginning

prof. education. – M.: IRPO; Publishing center "Academy" 1998.

* L.M. Lebedeva. Plasterer's Handbook. Publishing center "Academy"

* V.A. Smirnov. Materials Science. Finishing work.

Textbook for the beginning prof. Education / M.: ProfObrIzdat, 2001

* R.E. Arzumanyan. Illustrated manual for painters:

Tutorial for beginners prof. education, - M. Stroyizdat

* S. Sukhova. Crafts from all sorts of things. -2nd ed. – M.: Iris-

press, 2005

* V.S. Kuzin. Art. Publishing House

* Literature series - learning to draw.

* N.M. Sokolnikova Fundamentals of composition. Textbook. Obninsk

Publishing title.

* N.M. Sokolnikova Basics of drawing. Textbook. Obninsk

Publishing title.

* N.M. Sokolnikova Fundamentals of painting. Textbook. Obninsk

Publishing title.

* A series of videos on the topics of finishing work.

* Video series: “Housing Issue”

* A series of computer disks on the topic: “Housing Question”

* DVD video “Architecture”

* DVD video “Materials of the Future”

* DVD video “Design and Interior” Design. Construction.


* DVD video electronic encyclopedia. I want to know everything: “Cars

And technology. Man and technology.

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