Method of step-by-step detailing lesson plan. Branching and sequential detailing of the algorithm - Knowledge Hypermarket. Incomplete branching form

Lesson 32. Lesson topic: Method of step-by-step detailing ( 1 hour).

The purpose of the lesson: the use of programming technology - the method of step-by-step detailing, the development of subroutines.

Approximate course of the lesson: This lesson can be considered as a summary of procedural programming technology, since when solving problems with subroutines, we used the method of step-by-step detailing. Discuss with students the features of developing fairly complex software, the need to split a task into subtasks, the possibility (or even the need) for these subtasks to be solved by different executors, and the requirements for such solutions.

As an example, you can analyze the example presented in the textbook, at the same time, simulate the work of a team of program developers: discuss the general plan of the algorithm, draw up a program, and instruct students to develop the texts of subroutines, compare the solutions obtained. Be sure to pay attention to the necessity and importance(!) of the program testing process.

Summarize the lesson by discussing the system of basic concepts, questions after the paragraph.

Homework. §2.2.11, create a program using step-by-step detailing for the task: Create two one-dimensional arrays of size N and M using a random number generator. Insert the minimum element of the first array after the minimum element of the second array (if there are several minimum elements, then insert after the first of them).

Lesson 33. Lesson topic: Solving problems using the method of step-by-step detailing ( 1 hour).

The purpose of the lesson: systematization of knowledge and skills in the development of subprograms and the use of programming technology - the method of step-by-step detailing.

Approximate course of the lesson:

Disassemble homework. Find out how the students reasoned when dividing the problem into subtasks, what subroutines the students used to compose the program. The solution could be as follows:

Program Home_Work;

Type mas= arrayof integer;

var A, B:mas;

i, k,N, M:integer;

Procedure Create( var X:mas; N: integer);

var i:integer;

for i:=1 to N do X[i]:=Random(100)-50;

Procedure Print(X:mas; N: integer);

var i:integer;


for i:=1 to N do

Function Nom_Min(X:mas; N: integer):integer;

var i, N_Min:integer;

for i:=2 to N do

if X[i]

Then N_Min:=i;

Writeln("Enter the number of elements in array 1");

Writeln("Enter the number of elements in array 2");

k:=Nom_min(B, M);

(inserting the minimum element of array A after the minimum element of array B:)

For i:=M downto k+1 do

B:=B[i]; (we moved the elements of array B to the right by 1 position)

B:=A; (direct insertion)

Next, you can solve small problems in pairs, while students must develop a general algorithm, distribute responsibilities for creating subroutines, compose and debug, and test the program. For example:

1) Create two one-dimensional arrays of different sizes. Find elements belonging to both the first and second arrays.

2) Create two one-dimensional arrays of different sizes. Find elements that are in the first array and not in the second array.

3) Create two one-dimensional arrays of different sizes. Find elements that are in the second array and not in the first.

4) Create two one-dimensional arrays of different sizes. Find the maximum values ​​in each array. The array whose maximum element is greater is sorted in descending order.

Summarize the lesson and let students share their impressions of the work.

Lesson type: lesson to consolidate knowledge and learn new material.

Lesson type: combined lesson (lecture and practice).Lesson objectives: General education:

to form an idea among students about the basic concepts of the topic: branch command, incomplete form of branch command;

develop skills in developing algorithms with branching in GRIS “Strelochka”;


development of information vision of phenomena and processes of the surrounding world;


nurturing students’ information culture, attentiveness, accuracy, discipline, perseverance;

nurturing the cognitive interest of schoolchildren

Lesson structure:

I .Organizational moment (2 min.)

Greetings. Checking those present. Lesson topic message.


Written survey 2 work options


Explain using a presentation

An example of a task with two steps of detail

Explanation using the presentation “Demonstration of the algorithm with the “Ornament” branching in the Strelochka executor environment.”


V . Lesson summary (2 min.)

VI . Homework (1 min.)

During the classes:

I .Organizing time

Lesson topic: “ Branching and sequential detailing

Main topics of the paragraph:

branch command;
♦ incomplete form of branching;
♦ an example of a task with two steps of detail.
(slide 2)

II . Updating knowledge (5 min.)

Test on the topic:Cyclic algorithms

Option 1

1.In which of the figures is the condition checked:

2. The cyclic algorithm is:


    until there is an edge ahead, repeat



4. The body of the loop is:

    graphical way of describing the algorithm

    this is a set of instructions that describe the order of actions of the performer to achieve the result of solving a problem in a finite number of actions.

    an algorithm in which some sequence of commands must be executed several times.

5.Draw the cycle structure (block diagram)

Test on the topic:Cyclic algorithms

Option 2

1.In which of the figures is the procedure performed:

2. The cycle is:

  1. an algorithm in which some sequence of commands must be executed several times.

    graphical way of describing the algorithm

    This is an algorithmic structure in which one (or several) commands are repeated many times.

    this is a set of instructions that describe the order of actions of the performer to achieve the result of solving a problem in a finite number of actions.

3. You need to draw a horizontal line across the entire screen. Choose the right program:







    until there is an edge ahead, repeat




4. A block diagram is:

    a sequence of commands included in the algorithmic structure “cycle”.

    graphical way of describing the algorithm

    this is a set of instructions that describe the order of actions of the performer to achieve the result of solving a problem in a finite number of actions.

    an algorithm in which some sequence of commands must be executed several times.

5. Write a program for looping the algorithm.

III . Theoretical part (20 min.)

Branch command

Let's meet another GRIS team. It's called a branch command. The branch command format is:

That<серия 1>
otherwise<серия 2>
kv(slide 3)

The service word kv denotes the end of a branch.

As before, GRIS can only check two conditions: “is there an edge ahead?” or “Isn’t there an edge ahead?”<Серия>- this is one or more commands following each other. If<условие>is fair, then it is satisfied<серия 1>, otherwise -<серия 2>. An example is shown in Fig. 5.12.

(slide 4)

This branching is called complete.

Incomplete branching form

In some cases, an incomplete form of the branch command is used (Figure 5.13). For example:

if there is an edge ahead
then turn

(slide 4)

An incomplete branch command has the following format:


Here<серия>executed if<условие>fair.slide 5)

Let's create the last, relatively complex program for GRIS. In this example, you will see that using the sequential detailing method makes it easier to solve some “puzzling” problems.

Example of a task with two-step detailing

Task 6. Construct an ornament consisting of squares located along the edge of the field. The initial position of the GRIS is in the upper left corner, direction south (Fig. 5.14).

(slide 6)

Let's call the procedure that draws a chain of squares from edge to edge of the field ROW. Let's call the procedure that draws one square SQUARE. First, let's write the main program.

Ornament program
make a ROW
make a ROW
make a ROW
make a ROW
con(slide 7)

Now let's write the ROW and SQUARE procedures:

(slide 8)

The ROW procedure contains an incomplete branch in the body of the loop. The structure of such an algorithm can be called this: a loop with nested branching.

In Fig. Figure 5.15 shows a block diagram of the SERIES procedure.

The compilation of this program required two steps of detailing the algorithm, which were performed in the following sequence:

Now you know all the commands for controlling the graphical performer. They can be divided into three groups: simple commands; procedure call command; structural teams. The third group includes loop and branch commands.

(slide 9)

IV . Consolidation of knowledge (15 min.)

Development of the “Ornament” algorithm

V . Lesson summary (2 min.)

Assessing students' work in class.

VI . Homework (1 min.)

§31, questions. Preparing for the test(slide 10)

Questions and tasks

1. What is step-by-step detailing?
2. What commands can auxiliary algorithms of the last level of detail consist of?
3. What is the format of the branch command? What actions of the performer does it determine?
4. What is the difference between complete branching and incomplete branching?
5. Using step-by-step detailing, create programs for controlling the graphical performer to solve the following tasks:
draw the entire field with horizontal dotted lines;
draw squares in all four corners of the field;
draw the entire field into a square with a side equal to the pitch.

Topic: "Method of step-by-step detailing"
Training goal: Repeat with students the stages of solving problems on a computer: formulation, algorithm, mathematical model method, program, analysis of results. Introduce the concept of step-by-step detailing method.
Having developed the goal: To develop logical thinking, memory, interest in the subject. Ensuring students' strong and conscious mastery of the fundamentals of computer science.
Develop a goal: A culture of behavior and communication. Fostering information culture among students. Preparing students for an active, full-fledged life and work in the information society.
During the classes:
1. Org moment
2. Stage of setting the lesson goal
3. Survey d/z
Stages of solving problems on a computer: formulation, algorithm, mathematical model method, program, analysis of results.
1. A clearly formulated sequence of rules describing this process is
a) block diagram
b) algorithm *
c) one of the properties of the algorithm
2. Properties of the algorithm
a) accuracy, certainty, effectiveness
b) clarity, understandability, effectiveness
c) discreteness, certainty, mass character, effectiveness*
3. The developed algorithm can be fixed in several ways
a) graphic
b) drawing up equations, rules, formulas
c) verbal description, block diagram, in algorithmic language *
4. The information processing stage is depicted
a) rectangle *
b) rhombus
c) oval
5. Checking conditions is shown
a) rectangle
b) rhombus *
c) square
6. In a figure similar to an oval we write
a) input, output*
b) formula
c) beginning, end
7. The input of the initial data and the output of the result are recorded in...
a) parallelogram *
b) square
c) rhombus
8. Which documents are algorithms?
a) The spelling rule for prefixes ending in z, s
b) TV program guide
c) Culinary recipe for preparing a dish*
d) Instructions for assembling a cabinet sold disassembled*
9. In what cases does a sentence end correctly: An algorithm is
a) a final sequence of actions leading to the desired result for any acceptable initial data*
b) instructions to perform actions
c) a finite set of commands understandable to some performer, the execution of which leads to an unambiguous solution to the task
d) program in machine codes
10. The division of the algorithm into separate elementary actions is
a) Discreteness*
b) Certainty
c) Mass character
d) Determinism
11. Which documents are algorithms?
A) Catalog of books in the library
B) Procedure for dialing an international telephone number*
B) Recipe for making glue*
D) Wall calendar for the current year

Check: Grading criteria: 11 “+”-5, 9 “+”-4, 7 “+”-3, 5 “+”-2

4. Explanation of a new topic:
The success of any activity depends on careful planning. And the more complex the task, the more important the ability to plan your actions. The main thing will always be a clear definition of the final results, then the definition of intermediate results, without which it is impossible to achieve the goals.
This approach turns out to be the only possible one when creating complex algorithms and large programs for solving problems using a computer. This method is called step-by-step detailing of algorithms and programs. With step-by-step detailing, algorithms are written as a set of auxiliary algorithms that solve auxiliary subtasks, and each of them requires obtaining certain intermediate results.
Having developed the main algorithm, you can begin to develop “second-level” algorithms, which in turn may require further detail. Thus, the main algorithm is a plan of action that must be carried out to achieve the goal, and the essence of each action is deciphered in the corresponding auxiliary algorithm.
Using step-by-step detail to describe algorithms allows you to clearly, clearly and understandably describe how to solve problems.
The step-by-step method makes it easier to compile algorithms, because allows you to solve a problem in parts and use not yet solved problems as auxiliary algorithms. This construction is called top-down programming.
Let's consider the problem and create an algorithm using the step-by-step method.
1. There are 2 jugs with a capacity of 3L and 8L. Performer Jin can draw water from the river into each jug, pour water out of it and determine whether the water in the jug is filled to the top. Create an algorithm that will allow Jin to collect 7 liters from the river. water.
2. The performer knows how to replace one letter in a word, and from a meaningful word a meaningful word should be obtained again. Create a conversion algorithm:
a) the words GARDEN into the word CAT;
b) the words FLY into the word ELEPHANT.

5. Stage of setting the D/z: read the notes, come up with several short (no more than 15 commands) programs with errors, so that at the next lesson you can give them to your desk neighbor to debug. Having previously informed for what purpose you compiled these programs.

6. Stage of summing up the lesson.

Lesson type: Learning new material.
Lesson type: Combined.
Lesson objectives:


    introduce the method of sequential detailing for solving algorithmic problems. Promote the use of this method when solving problems;


    Promote the development of logical thinking; To promote the development of students’ creative activity and interest in the subject; To promote the development of the ability to develop algorithms using the method of sequential detailing; To promote the development of the ability to apply previously acquired knowledge when studying new material. Develop computer skills: inserting drawings, pictures, WordArt objects.


    Cultivating interest in computer science lessons and a caring attitude towards animals.

Teaching methods and techniques: explanatory - illustrative; partially - search; verbal (frontal conversation); visual (demonstration of a computer presentation); practical.
Means of education: author's presentation; "Toolkit"; E. P. Benenson, A. G. Pautova Textbook-notebook “Informatics” 3rd grade; technical (computer, multimedia projector with screen).
Equipment: blackboard, computers, multimedia installation, textbooks, notebooks.

Lesson plan:

Org. moment (1-2 min) Checking homework (5 min) Studying new material (15 min) Physical education minute (3 min) Preparing for independent work (1-2 min) Independent work (5 min) Defense of your work (3 min) Summing up results (3 min) Reflection (2 min)


1. Organizational moment.
Slide No. 1
- The topic of our lesson is “Method of sequential detailing.” Today in the lesson we will get acquainted with how...

    create complex algorithms; Let's continue to learn how to use a computer; meet animals from the Red Book.

2. Checking homework
Slide No. 2
At home, you made a multi-level list consisting of two elements.
Open your notebooks and compare them with the list on the screen
1. Endangered species
1.1 Amur tiger.
1.2 East Siberian leopard.
1.3 Ussuri sika deer.
2. Few species
2.1 Amur cat.
2.2 Himalayan bear.
2.3 Sakhalin musk deer.
3. Rare species
4. Little-studied species
4.1 Giant shrew.
5. Recovering species
5.1. Bison
- Which animals, thanks to the care of people, are no longer in danger of extinction? (Bison) go to Slide No. 18 and back.
- Which animals are little studied? (Shrew) Slide No. 17
- Rare species? (Not presented in the textbook)
- Name the animals that belong to small species. (musk deer, bear) Slides No. 15 and No. 20
- Which animals’ lives are of particular concern? (Deer, leopard, tiger) Slides No. 19, 16, 14 (film)

3. New topic “Method of sequential detailing”
Slide No. 3
- The plan shows a forest area with a large number of fires. Rare animals listed in the Red Book of Russia are in trouble. We need to create a rescue algorithm for the Fireman.
- Which animals are at risk?
- Which animals require special care?
- Look in the textbook and help compose the algorithm (elements of the algorithm gradually appear on the screen)
Slide No. 4(Stage 1)

    Start Extinguish the fires around the Amur tiger Extinguish the fire near the Ussuri sika deer. Extinguish the fires near the bison. Extinguish the remaining fires. End

We have compiled a larger algorithm. It is clear to us, but not clear to the performer Fireman.
Slide No. 5(stage 2)
- Let’s clarify exactly how we will perform each step of the “Animal Rescue” algorithm. We will try to extinguish fires in such an order that the Firefighter flies to the reservoir as little as possible.
- Which fire will we put out first and why? ( Let's put out fire P5 first, because it's the biggest.)
- Which one after P5 and why? ( We will put out fire P4 second, since the complexity of fires P5 and P4 in total is 800, that is, the water from the tank is completely used.)
- The remaining fires around the tiger can be extinguished in any order.
- After the tiger, we are going to save the deer. What fire is next? ( P7)
- After the deer, we save the bison. ( P1)
- And is the extinguishing completed? ( P8, P9)
Animal Rescue Algorithm


Extinguish the fire P5 Extinguish the fire P4 Extinguish the fire P2 Extinguish the fire P3 Extinguish the fire P6 Extinguish the fire P7 Extinguish the fire P1 Extinguish the fire P8 Extinguish the fire P9


It became clearer to us in what order to extinguish fires? ( Yes)
- But the Fireman does not understand such commands.
Slide number 6 ( Stage 3)
- Let's refine the algorithm so that the Fireman can execute it. To do this, we will use the Fireman’s commands in the recording of the algorithm. (GET WATER, FLY, CARCASS)
- What commands need to be written into the algorithm for the Fireman to put out the fire P5? (PICK WATER, FLY(4,3), CARCASS(500) Etc. until P7
The algorithm that was compiled at the third stage is even more detailed. How many teams does it have? (21)
- Can a firefighter execute this algorithm? ( Yes)
- Let's remember how we created this algorithm?

    First, a larger algorithm. Then they gradually clarified how to execute each command. The algorithm became more detailed, more detailed.

This method of constructing an algorithm is called BY METHOD OF CONSISTENT DETAILIZATION. Slide No. 7
- Open the textbook page 59
Slide No. 8 Examination. Slide No. 21 Clue

4. Physical education minute

5. Preparing for With Independent work
Slide No. 9
- Now look at the tasks the puppy offers you to choose from:

Draw a picture in defense of animals from the “Red Book” Print a text in defense of animals from the “Red Book” page 60 No. 53 and No. 54

Slide No. 10, 11
(I show which ones and explain how you can prepare posters in defense of animals)

6. Independent work Slide No. 12(it is empty so the children can work creatively)

7. Protecting your work

8. Summing up.
Slide No. 13
- What animals are protected? (Show pictures on a slide, and children remember and name)
They began to disappear due to the fault of people. Countless numbers were killed for beautiful skins, fur, and meat. And when they came to their senses, it was almost too late. Although, unfortunately, there are species of animals that have disappeared forever. But they also wanted and want to live. It depends on you and me whether they will live. Today they thank you for the lesson and really hope that we will not let them into trouble.

9. Reflection
- What did you do in class?
- What happened?
- What didn’t work out?
- What is worth thinking about?

Technological map of the Russian language lesson in the 3rd grade of OS "Harmony", teacher Popova O.A.
Topic of Presentation. Training in drawing up a plan, detailing actions, verbal drawing using present tense verbs (“We retell and tell again”)
Formation of the ability to convey the content of a story according to plan
Formation of UUD:
- Personal UUD: Elements of the ability to evaluate one’s achievements, to realize the limits of one’s own knowledge and skills. The desire to use a variety of language means and exercise control over their choice. Formation of a positive attitude towards learning the Russian language.
- Regulatory UUD: Set, accept and maintain a learning task. Plan your actions to solve specific language and speech problems, reflect the action plan in memos, carry out actions, use speech to regulate your actions. Carry out self-control actions during the activity and after completion, make the necessary adjustments at various stages, check.
- Cognitive UUD: Read and understand the specified educational text, clarify your knowledge. Use the textbook instructions to solve the questions. Understand information presented in schematic form, analyze it, compare it, translate it into verbal form. Understand the general method of action for solving certain specific tasks and carry it out. - Observe language material, carry out targeted actions of analysis, comparison, transformation, analogy, inference, grouping, classification, systematization, generalization. Demonstrate linguistic thinking. Collectively establish cause-and-effect relationships, make inferences, conclusions, generalizations.
- Communicative UUD: Retell and create written texts, use the speech secrets of writers, trying to comply with the norms of the literary language, show a sense of words, take care of the accuracy and clarity of expression of thoughts, choose linguistic means for this.
Planned result Subjects:
- Collectively analyze the text: understand the topic and its main idea, reflect the topic and main idea in the title; observe the construction of the text, the connection of sentences, identify and title its parts, understand the meaning of the action of drawing up a plan; notice language means that increase the expressiveness of the text.

- Use spelling skills when making entries
Be able to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher; plan your action in accordance with the task; make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made (Regulatory UUD).
Be able to listen and understand the speech of others; express your thoughts orally (Communicative UUD).
Be able to navigate your knowledge system; analyze objects; find answers to questions in the text and illustrations; transform information from one form to another: compose answers to questions (Cognitive UUD).
Basic concepts Text plan, topic, main idea
Interdisciplinary connections Russian language, literary reading
- basic
- additional Soloveychik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S. Textbook of the Russian language “To the secrets of our language” 3rd grade, 2 hours.
Soloveychik M.S., Kuzmenko N.S. Problem book part 2
Educational presentation
Organization of space Frontal work, individual work, in pairs
Technology of carrying out Activities
students activities
teachers Tasks for students, the completion of which will lead to the achievement of planned results Planned results
Subject UUD
I. Motivation for learning activities (2 min)
Goals: - updating the requirements for the student from educational activities;
- creating conditions for students to develop an internal need for inclusion in educational activities;
- clarification of the type of lesson;
- clarification of the thematic framework. They discuss the rules of behavior in class and explain why these rules need to be followed.
They pronounce the motto of the lesson and determine the type of lesson.
clarifies the thematic framework. Psychological mood for the lesson Be able to express your thoughts orally; negotiate with classmates together with the teacher about the rules of behavior and communication and follow them (Communicative UUD).
II. Formulating the topic of the lesson, setting a goal. Motivating students' learning activities (5 min)
Goals: organizing the formulation of the lesson topic by students;
- organizing the setting of lesson goals by students;
- motivating students for further activities.
Recording numbers in notebooks, designing the type of work.
With the help of the teacher, they formulate the topic of the lesson. With the help of the teacher, they set the goal of the lesson. Organizes the formulation of the lesson topic by students
Organizes the setting of lesson goals by students - Read the topic of our lesson. Guess what we have to do in class today.
Checking homework
Construct sentences when answering questions.
Be able to express your thoughts orally (Communicative UUD).
Be able to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher (Regulatory UUD).
III. Creative acquisition and application of knowledge in a new situation (problem tasks) (18 min)
Goals: work on the content of the text of the presentation, familiarization with drawing up a PLAN; Compare the words in the title by meaning and structure, identifying similarities and differences. They read and collectively analyze texts from the point of view of theme, main idea, structure, and used language means. Title the texts and its parts; comprehend the concept of “plan”, analyze ready-made samples of plans and draw up their own... Observe the choice of language means, the construction of sentences and their connections, draw conclusions about the “secrets” of the authors. They correlate texts and illustrations, supplement (if there is a task) the texts with their judgments.
Reproduce narrative texts, accumulate experience in constructing such texts, discuss the method of action when drawing up a plan; learn to use different forms of verbs; write summaries, purposefully re-read them, look for opportunities for improvement, and edit them. They use the entire range of spelling skills.
Updates students' knowledge and creates a problematic situation.
Organizes work on assignments according to instructions
Introduction of the concept of “analysis of a word as a part of speech”
Updating of reference knowledge
Task 392 – Write the title in your notebook.
– How are the verbs used in the topic similar in structure?
- What is the difference?
– Explain the difference in their meaning.
– Why is the word “again” used in the title?
- Choose a synonym for it.
Task 393 – (The teacher reads the text for the first time.)
– Did you guess what the animal did?
– Open the textbooks on p. 22 and look at the drawing.
- What did the hamster do?
– What words can you use to express your attitude towards a hamster? (Admiration, surprise.)
– Is it possible to end the story with such a sentence?
– What sign did you put at the end of the sentence?
– Read possible sentence options to convey admiration and surprise.
- How can you title the story?
Task 394 – – How many parts does the text consist of?
– How are they separated?
– What do they say?
– Highlight the words in the text that can be used to name the main thing that the parts tell about.
– If we write these words in a column under numbers, we will get a plan:
1) Bird's nest.
2) What to do?
3) Nakhodka.
4) Guessed it!
- How do you think a plan can be useful when retelling, when creating your own story?
Task 395 – work on the content of the text - Collectively analyze the text: understand the topic and its main idea, reflect the topic and main idea in the title; observe the construction of the text, the connection of sentences, identify and title its parts, understand the meaning of the action of drawing up a plan; notice language means that increase the expressiveness of the text.
- Retell the text in writing and create short narrative texts based on different sources; improve the text after recording.
- Use spelling skills when making entries. Be able to exchange impressions about past holidays, choose the most accurate synonyms and antonyms to express thoughts and feelings. (Communicative UUD)
Observe language material (changes in words), analyze it, compare, classify, construct, draw inferences, conclusions, generalize (Cognitive UUD)
IV. Control task (15 min)
Purpose: writing the text of the presentation; work according to instructions T, R Construct answers to questions, perform the actions specified in the task Organize work on the task in pairs
Coordinates the actions of students in case of difficulties. Task 396 – Read the lines of the task. Let's clarify what a plan is.
Act according to the instructions “Text”, “Editor” Recognize and accept the learning task. Take into account the collectively identified guidelines for your actions. Distinguish between the method and the result of an action; control the process and results of activities (one’s own and others’); evaluate the correctness of actions and make the necessary adjustments. Be able to plan your action in accordance with the task (Regulatory UUD).

V. Reflection on learning activities in the lesson, instructions on homework (5 min)
Goals: work on the formation of adequate self-esteem of students. Perform self-assessment of work and make corrections.
They hand over their notebooks for checking.
Write down homework. Organizes reflection.
Gives grades for the lesson.
Gives instructions for homework. – What new actions will you perform using reminders T, R?
Complete the sentences:
Today I found out...
It was interesting…
It was difficult…
I completed tasks...
I realized that...
At home: Task 398 Ability to self-assessment based on the criterion of success in educational activities (Personal UUD).
Be able to express your thoughts orally (Communicative UUD).
Be able to assess the correctness of an action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment (Regulatory UUD).

Read also: