How injections are made. How to give an intramuscular injection in the buttock. How to give an injection in the buttock: process

Everyone knows that the injection procedure is not a simple matter and requires certain knowledge and skills. It is clear that this task is best handled by medical personnel who are fluent in the relevant skills. However, there are situations when it is difficult to seek the help of a nurse. For example, you have been prescribed a course of injections, but you don’t want to go to the clinic for one procedure and waste time in queues, and finances do not allow you to contact a private nurse. Or you have some chronic disease that requires regular medicinal injections. Or suddenly you feel unwell, you need to get an injection, and there is no time to wait for an ambulance.

Is it possible to learn how to give an injection yourself? - Definitely, yes. Let's stock up on the necessary equipment, learn the basics of theory and get down to action. The ability to give injections will definitely be useful to you: both for yourself and for your family.

Necessary equipment

In order to give an injection, we will need:

  • Medical alcohol;
  • Cotton wool or cotton pads;
  • Syringe for intramuscular injections 2-5ml;
  • Ampoule with medicine;
  • And a little determination.

Before you begin the actual activity, prepare a place where you will carefully place all the attributes necessary for the injection and wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Choose a comfortable position

Usually, when injecting yourself, you choose two positions: standing, in front of a mirror, or lying on your side. Experienced people most often perform the procedure while standing, and beginners - lying on their side. It should be noted that for a lying position, experts recommend choosing hard surfaces: a sofa with a hard mattress will suit you, or you can just lie down on the floor. I will also note that if you are an impressionable young lady, then from the “standing” position there is a high risk of fainting (from excitement, of course). Try both positions and see which angle gives you the best view.

Where to give an intramuscular injection?

For intramuscular injections, it is customary to choose the gluteal or femoral muscle. However, after an injection into the thigh, there is a risk that the leg will feel unpleasantly “pulled” from several minutes to several days. Therefore, it is optimal to inject yourself into the gluteal muscle.

Of course, the injection must be made in a strictly defined place. If you are injecting yourself for the first time, it would be a good idea to mark the point where the needle will then be inserted. To do this, take iodine and draw a cross on the buttock, thus dividing it into four parts.

The injection should be made in the upper outer square, approximately in the middle of the square. Other areas are not suitable for this, since the sciatic nerve passes there and there is a possibility of touching it.

If you have a whole course of injections coming up, don’t forget to alternate the buttocks. You and I are incredibly lucky that there are two of them: on even days, let the right buttock swell, and on odd days, the left one.

Preparing the syringe for injection

Prepare the syringe: open the package, insert the needle and cap it. Then take the ampoule with the medicine and wipe it with alcohol. In order to open the ampoule, break off its tip along a special line (sometimes instead of a line, the location of the break is indicated by a dot). Dip the needle into the medicine bottle and draw out the required amount of solution. Then press the plunger of the syringe until drops appear: this is necessary in order to release the air.

We give an injection

Take the comfortable position you chose earlier and find the place where you will inject. Wipe the injection site with a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution. The needle should be inserted at a right angle and this should be done quickly. The most painful thing is the puncture of the skin with a needle, since it is there greatest number nerve endings responsible for pain. Insert the needle decisively, with one sharp puncture - this way you will reduce discomfort to a minimum.

The needle is inserted into the buttock completely or ¾ of the way, both options are considered correct. If the needle is not inserted deep enough, then instead of an intramuscular injection we risk making a subcutaneous one, and the procedure will have to start over.

We administer the medicine

Slowly press the plunger with your thumb and begin injecting the medication. There is absolutely no need for haste here: if you inject the solution too quickly, a painful lump may form under the skin, which will cause concern for several days.

After you finish injecting the solution, take a cotton pad soaked in an alcohol solution, press it on the injection site and sharply pull out the needle. Then apply a cotton swab to the injection site and rub it - this will help the medicine disperse throughout the muscles and avoid bruising.

Now you know everything you need to inject yourself. There is nothing complicated about this, you just need to stock up on the necessary tools and find a bit of determination within yourself. Doing something for the first time is always a little scary, however, you will quickly learn how to inject yourself. And here two positive moments await us: firstly, you don’t have to stand in the corridors of the clinic to get this one-minute procedure, and secondly, most people note that a self-injection is more painless than the same procedure performed by an experienced, but the doctor's merciless hand.

Video: “Injection in the buttock and thigh”

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A situation where you urgently need to inject yourself or someone else, unfortunately, can happen to everyone at least once in their life.

We are in website We have prepared instructions for this case and warn you that you should do such things yourself only if absolutely necessary. We will consider only the simplest type of injections - intramuscular injections.


  • Make sure what you are doing is really necessary.
  • Make sure you have the correct medication prescribed by your doctor and the correct size syringe.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly and dry them with a disposable towel.
  • Find a suitable object (plate or tray) on which to place everything you will be working with and disinfect its surface.
  • Sit in an area with good lighting. Ask your “patient” to lie down: this way his muscles will be relaxed.
  • Wear sterile gloves and disinfect them with alcohol.
  • Prepare cotton swabs soaked in alcohol or alcohol wipes.

How to give an injection

  • If the medicine is cold, warm it in your hands.
  • Open the package with the syringe.
  • Treat your hands and the ampoule with an antiseptic, open it and take the medicine. If the ampoule has a rubber cap that needs to be pierced, replace the needle after taking the medicine - it may become dull.
  • If you accidentally touch the needle, it also needs to be replaced.
  • Turn the syringe upside down with the needle and release a drop of medicine to release the air.
  • On the buttock of the person to whom you will inject, mentally draw a large cross dividing it into 4 parts. Inject into the upper outer part, so you will definitely not hit the nerve.
  • Wipe the area where you will inject the medicine with an antiseptic, moving from the center to the periphery.
  • Place the needle at a 90° angle to the skin (note: this only applies to intramuscular injections).
  • In one firm, quick motion, insert the needle into the buttock. About 1/3 of the needle should remain outside.
  • Introduce the medicine slowly, this will make the “patient” more comfortable.
  • Make sure that the syringe does not twitch. You can hold it with one hand and press the piston with the other.
  • Apply an alcohol pad to the skin near the injection site. In one motion, pull out the needle and press the wound with a napkin.
  • Cap the needle and throw away used instruments.
  • Wash your hands. Well done, you did it!

If you need to inject yourself

  • In this case, it will be more difficult to hit the buttock, so use the outer thigh.
  • Sit on a chair and relax your leg. You want the middle third of the thigh on the outside.
  • The preparatory measures and the process itself are similar to those for an injection in the buttock. The skin is also pierced perpendicularly.
  • If you have trouble hitting the right spot or are very thin, use your hand to form a crease on your thigh and poke into it. Make sure that only fat is in the fold, not muscle.

  • Never reuse a syringe or needle.
  • Don’t be afraid to treat something with alcohol one more time - it’s better to be safe than sorry.

We remind you once again that if you need an injection, it is best to seek help from a doctor.

Intramuscular injections are a fairly commonly prescribed method of administering medications. After an injection, a depot of the injected solution is created in the muscles, which helps maintain the same concentration of the active substance for the required time, and a well-developed circulatory system in muscle fibers allows the drug to be quickly and completely absorbed.

The gluteal muscles are thick enough to allow an injection without fear of damaging the periosteum. In addition, the main large neurovascular bundles in the buttocks area run deep, and the chances of damaging them are much less than when injecting the medicine into other muscles.

What syringe and needle should I use for the injection?

To inject the medicine into the gluteal muscle, use a syringe equal in volume to the injected solution. Children are usually administered medications in a volume of 1 or 2 ml, for adults it is most often 5 ml, less often 10 ml. It is not recommended to inject more than 10 ml into the muscle, as this will complicate the absorption of the medicine and can lead to suppuration of the injection site. It is preferable to choose a needle for intramuscular injections with a length of 4-6 cm to prevent too deep administration of the drug and not to injure deep-lying large vessels and nerves.

Which part of the buttock should I inject?

For the injection, select the outer part of the buttock in its upper part. In order not to make a mistake, you need to mentally divide the buttock into 4 identical quadrants (as doctors call square areas). The middle of the upper outer quadrant is suitable for injection.

The injection area can also be determined in this way: if you step back 5-8 cm from the most protruding level of the pelvic bones (iliac crest), this will be a safe area for the injection.

What medications can be injected into the buttock?

You can give an injection in the buttock with either aqueous or oil solutions intended for intramuscular injection (this must be indicated in the annotation for the drug).

Before drawing the medicine into the syringe, it is recommended to hold the ampoule in your hand for a while to warm it up to body temperature, since a warm solution is easier to administer and dissolves faster.

When administering an oil-based medication, it is important to ensure that the needle does not enter the vessel. To do this, you need to pull the plunger towards you and see if blood flows into the syringe. If there is no blood, you can safely introduce the solution gradually. However, if blood appears in the syringe, you need to choose another injection site (you can do it in the same buttock, 1-2 cm away from the first puncture).

How to give an injection correctly?

  1. Lay the patient down on his stomach, free his buttocks from clothing. If a person gives an injection to himself, then it is allowed to do this while standing, taking into account the fact that the leg on the side of the injection must be relaxed. To do this, you need to bend it at the knee and transfer your body weight to the other leg.
  2. Wash your hands with antibacterial soap or disinfect your skin with an antiseptic to prevent infection at the injection site.
  3. The person who will give the injection must wear disposable medical gloves to protect themselves from possible blood from the wound getting onto the skin.
  4. Wipe the intended injection site (several centimeters in diameter) with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol.
  5. The syringe is held with one hand (for right-handed people this is the right hand) so that the thumb and forefinger hold the piston, and the remaining fingers hold the syringe barrel.
  6. With the other hand, stretch the skin near the puncture site. If the injection is being given to a child or thin adult with poorly developed gluteal muscles, use your fingers to gather the skin and muscle into a large fold.
  7. The syringe needle is inserted with a quick movement into the desired area to a depth of up to ¾ of its length, strictly perpendicular to the skin.
  8. Gradually pressing the plunger of the syringe releases the medicine. At the same time, the slower you inject the solution, the more painless the injection will feel.
  9. With a sharp movement (in the direction opposite to the insertion of the syringe), the needle is removed from the muscle, and cotton wool with alcohol is applied to the injection site.

What complications can there be?

After an injection (especially after the administration of antibiotics and some vitamins), a difficult-to-absorbable infiltrate may form (popularly called a “bump”). To avoid this, it is necessary to inject the medicine into the muscle as slowly as possible, and also avoid constant injections into only one buttock.

To improve the absorption of the medicine, it is recommended to draw an iodine grid on the resulting “bumps” or apply a fresh cabbage leaf. If the injection site becomes very red and painful, and your body temperature rises, you should see a surgeon to rule out a post-injection abscess.

The most serious complication from improper injection of medication into the buttock is sciatic nerve palsy. If a sharp pain appears along the back of the thigh in the first seconds of the injection, you must immediately stop administering the medicine and pull out the needle.

If you follow all the listed rules of asepsis and intramuscular injection techniques, then giving an injection in the buttock will be a fairly simple and easily accomplished task, even at home.

Injections are a rather insidious thing, because when introducing drugs into the body in this way, many factors must be taken into account. An injection in the buttock is the easiest, but to perform it you should know several nuances and reliable facts that can significantly facilitate the whole process.

Main nuances

People who are thinking about getting an injection in the buttock should know not only the process of introducing drugs into the body, but also all the main nuances.

How to properly give an injection in the buttock

Here are the main requirements and tricks that will definitely help everyone who wants to get an injection on their own:

  • Sterility. Sterility is the most important step when injecting into the buttock or administering any injection. Moreover, not only syringes, but also all items accompanying the process must be sterile. You should put gloves on your hands, and if you don’t have them, you just need to wash your hands thoroughly with soap, without touching objects that have recently been on the street or other household items whose cleanliness is in doubt. The ampoule, as well as the site of the supposed injection in the buttock, should be wiped with alcohol.
  • Age. In order to correctly give an injection in the buttock, age should also be taken into account. Directly after the injection, the skin of children should be slightly wrinkled, and that of adults slightly stretched. This will slightly reduce the pain, which is especially important for those who want to give injections to children.
  • Time intervals. Injections can only be given in the same place twice a week. Violation of this rule can lead to consequences in the form of swelling and the formation of unnecessary hematomas. If a course of injections in the buttock is prescribed, then you should choose two or three main places that are not too close to each other and alternate them;
  • Oil solutions. Injections with oily solutions differ from conventional ones, so containers containing the drug must be preheated. This can be done by holding the ampoule for several seconds over an open fire, without bringing it closer to the heat source than four to five centimeters.

How to give an injection in the buttock: process

Having learned all the basic nuances, it is quite possible to begin the process of performing injections. Videos posted on various Internet resources can tell you how to give an injection in the buttock. We liked this lesson.

Video - How to give an injection in the buttock

Here are the main stages of correct injection:

  • Preparation. At the preparatory stage, you should open the ampoule and treat the intended injection site with alcohol. The needle should not be allowed to touch any objects, as this may affect the patient in the future, especially in the case of various infections. To open the ampoules, special discs are attached to them, and after using them, the lid can be easily removed. If the contents of the ampoule are in powder form, the powder should first be diluted in the liquids intended for this purpose.
  • Determination of place. The location for the injection in the buttock plays an important role, because the wrong choice can cause a variety of reactions in the body, including immobilization of the lower part of the body. In order to choose the correct location, you should mentally divide the buttocks into four parts. Regardless of the side, you should choose top part buttocks This is very important and the wrong choice can be fatal for patients. The fact is that the lower part is dangerous because of the close location of the sciatic nerves, damage to which can lead to partial or complete paralysis.

Where to get an injection in the buttock
  • Injection. After all the necessary items are prepared, and the place is determined and disinfected, you can proceed directly to the injection in the buttock. Nerves only harm the process, so those who want to give the injection themselves should calm down as much as possible. If your hands shake strongly, you need to take a deep breath and mentally count to ten. The needle should be inserted into the buttock as quickly as possible, but trying to do it perpendicular to the skin. This method is the most painless and does not require unnecessary hesitation. There is no need to insert the needle too deeply; just half the entire length is enough. The rate of administration of the drug is purely individual and is indicated in the instructions. After complete administration of the drug, you should carefully remove the needle from the skin by pressing a cotton swab moistened with alcohol to the injection site.
  • Light pain relief. In order to slightly numb the injection site in the buttock, you should lightly rub or massage it. This helps not only to get rid of pain, but also speeds up the entry of the medicine into the body.

Making an injection yourself is quite simple, because it only requires knowledge of the elementary stages of this simple procedure. To perform it correctly, you should answer questions such as: “Where to give an injection in the buttock?”, “How to properly disinfect the place?”, “How to numb the skin after an injection?”. Knowing the answers to all questions means that a person is ready to give an injection without errors.

If the injection was given incorrectly

If you inject the buttock incorrectly, you may experience unpleasant consequences, which affects the general condition of the patient. The most harmless consequence is a hematoma, which does not require special treatment and goes away within a few days. It is quite simple to prevent the formation of a hematoma - to do this, after the injection you should lightly massage a separate area of ​​the skin.

How to give a wrong injection in the buttock - sciatic nerve

Infection can also be a consequence of a regular injection, but this rarely occurs if all objects are disinfected. Although when reusing a syringe or needle, disinfection cannot help fully. Therefore, the use of all objects touching the injection site or inserted into the skin should be single.

The most dangerous consequences are anaphylactic shock, allergic reaction and numbness.

And if numbness can be prevented only by the correct injection technique, then in order to avoid an allergic reaction, the composition of the drug should be studied in detail. In principle, all undesirable consequences of an injection in the buttock can be avoided by following all the rules for performing injections.

How to give an intramuscular injection in the buttock to yourself, a neighbor or relative?

After all, illness comes unexpectedly and most effective method introducing a drug into the human body is precisely intramuscular injection.

If you learn how to give an intramuscular injection into the buttock, you will make your life much easier. There is no need to go to the clinic or call a nurse at home. What if you are at the dacha and there is no one nearby who knows how to do this procedure?

First you need to theoretically master the course of manipulation. Then practice on a dummy or just a soft pad.

If you give the injection incorrectly, you can get serious complications. This cannot be allowed!

We will give you instructions on how to properly make an intramuscular injection into the buttock and at the same time avoid complications, which are sometimes worse than the disease itself.


How to prepare for the procedure: instructions

You should prepare for the procedure:

  • Set aside a place on the table and lay out a clean napkin;
  • Prepare a bottle of alcohol and cotton swabs;
  • Prepare an ampoule with medicine;
  • Disposable syringe for intramuscular injections;
  • Medical disposable gloves.

Procedure technique:

  • Open the bag containing the disposable syringe, put the needle with the case on the tip of the syringe;
  • Take the ampoule with the medicine in your hands and open it. Sometimes there is a red or yellow dot on the ampoule - this is an indicator where you need to break off the tip of the ampoule. If there are no clues, use a file to make a notch on the narrow end of the ampoule, wrap it in cotton wool and break it off.
  • Now take the syringe in your hands and carefully remove the cap from the needle without touching it with your hands. Take the ampoule with the medicine in left hand, and with the right one, insert the tip of the needle into the ampoule, touching its bottom. Use the plunger of the syringe to draw out all the liquid from the ampoule.

N.B. Take a syringe larger in volume than the contents of the medicine in the ampoule. For example, take a 2 ml ampoule and a 3 ml syringe;

  • Check that there is no air in the syringe. To do this, holding it up with the needle and pressing lightly on the piston, squeeze out all the air until the medicine drips out.
  • The patient lies on his stomach. Determine the place where you will give the injection. To do this, mentally divide the right or left gluteal region into 4 quadrants. You will prick in the outer upper quadrant, where there is a strong muscle layer and there are no large vessels or nerve trunks;
  • Take the syringe conveniently in right hand and bring it to the selected point at a distance of 3-4 cm from the surface of the buttock. Using the fingers of your other hand, lightly squeeze the skin fold and quickly insert the syringe approximately ¾ of the way through the needle at a right angle. Inject the medicine slowly! After insertion, quickly remove the needle and press the skin with an alcohol swab. Massage the injection site for a minute.

How to give yourself an injection in the buttock

There is nothing complicated about this either. The entire preparatory stage will be exactly the same. Stand in front of a mirror so that the buttock area is reflected in it. Select a point to administer the medication. Bring the tip 2-3 cm to the surface of the skin and confidently pierce the surface layer to a depth of ¾ of the length of the needle. Slowly press the plunger. Remove the needle from the muscle, press the skin with an alcohol swab, and massage.

Video instructions will help you master the skill of giving injections

I found two cool videos on You Tube that you should definitely watch. After watching them, I think you will have no difficulties left and you will be able to give yourself an intramuscular injection and any adult family member.

Video about how to learn how to give an injection to a loved one.

Video on how to inject yourself.

Complications when performing intramuscular injection

Before you take independent action, you need to find out about all the possible complications so as not to harm yourself or your loved ones.

Infection with hepatitis B, C virus, HIV infection.

It would seem that you are doing everything according to the rules. Maintain asepsis! What problems could there be? And here are the ones! Unfortunately, there are quite a few people who can be virus carriers and don’t even know about it. But their blood is dangerous for healthy people. Giving an intramuscular injection is potentially dangerous in terms of infection.

Advice: Use only disposable syringes! And second! Wear disposable medical gloves for manipulation!

Formation of infiltrates

Dense, moderately painful lumps or lumps deep in the muscle at the injection site are formed for several reasons:

  • The patient is prescribed a large number of injections and they are given too close to each other;
  • Seals are formed if the medicine was stored in the refrigerator before direct use;
  • Injecting the medicine very quickly into the muscle promotes the formation of lumps.

Advice: Change injection sites daily (day - right buttock, day - left). Warm the ampoule slightly in warm palms. Give the medicine slowly. If bumps appear, apply an iodine mesh, warm the seals with a heating pad, and apply a vodka compress at night. The slightest pain and redness at the site of “cold” infiltrates is a reason to consult a doctor about the development of an abscess.

Abscesses at the injection site

A serious complication associated with the entry of microbes into the gluteal muscle during the injection. The reason is non-compliance with the basics of asepsis. The first symptoms of a gluteal abscess: malaise, increased body temperature, local redness of the skin, swelling, the skin at the site of the abscess is hot, troubling throbbing pain.

Advice: Without wasting time, contact a surgeon. Most likely, antibiotics will be prescribed. If a purulent cavity has already formed, a cross-shaped incision will be made, the wound will be washed, drained, an aseptic bandage will be applied and the abscess will be treated further.


Often after the injection the wound bleeds for a long time. Apparently you hit a small vessel. The next day, a small or even extensive hematoma may form at the injection site. In principle, there is nothing terrible about this. Just after removing the needle, you need to press down firmly on the tampon, hold it for a minute or two and massage. The resulting hematomas then resolve and disappear without a trace.

Oil or air embolism

It does not occur often, only if you violate the rules for preparing for intramuscular injections: for example, you did not completely release all the air from the syringe. In addition, sometimes doctors prescribe oil-based injections or suspensions to the patient.

If you make an injection unsuccessfully and get into a vessel, such a medicine can clog them, disrupt tissue nutrition, and necrosis will occur. Or drops of the medicine will penetrate into the general bloodstream and reach vital important organs, for example, a pulmonary embolism will occur, which can even result in death.

Advice: Still, don’t make oil medicines or suspensions yourself. Check the syringe for air. Read the labels on medications carefully. Among them there are those that cannot be injected intramuscularly, only into a vein, otherwise they cause tissue necrosis. For example, Cavinton.

Anaphylactic shock

A very serious complication that can happen to anyone. Very rare, but there are cases of drug intolerance.

Advice: If you have never taken a medicine prescribed by a doctor before, it is better not to risk it and do the first injection at the clinic. There are all conditions for rapid response in such situations. What to do if the needle breaks

If the patient, from fear of the injection, shakes and shrinks into a ball, and when the needle enters the muscle, he tenses and suddenly twitches, theoretically the needle can break and remain in the muscle. This will cause fear not only in the patient, but also in the person doing the injection.

Advice: Calm yourself and reassure the patient. The needle will not move anywhere from the injection site. The main thing is not to let the patient move. If the tip of the needle sticks out above the surface of the skin, you can try to remove it with tweezers, after carefully wiping it with alcohol.

If the fragment is not visible, call a doctor or an ambulance. In any case, you and your patient will get away with a slight fright.

If the needle gets into the nerve trunk on the buttock

There are difficult patients: exhausted, when the muscle layer on the buttocks is minimal. Or the patient has scoliosis of the spine, displacement of the pelvic bones and it is also difficult to determine where the outer upper quadrant is located, where it is recommended to place the injection.

IN difficult cases possible injury to the nerve trunks in the gluteal region. This will cause shooting pain, maybe even radiating to the leg or perineum, and numbness in areas of the skin.

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