Mother's maiden name is Anastasia Myskina. Sergey Mamedov - member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation: biography, business and politics, personal life. Beginning a career as a presenter

“Sport is mentally exhausting. That’s why there were all the injuries,” the athlete recalls.

Is there life after sports? Especially if you were the first Russian Roland Garros singles champion? Famous tennis player Anastasia Myskina told AiF about purely personal things and admitted that she did not intend to become a mother of many children.

“I’ve been fighting with someone all these years”

People still pester me about why I left tennis. The answer is obvious: because sport, if you do it professionally, exhausts you simply inhumanly, grinds you down... You know, if you constantly fight with someone for many years, in the end you simply don’t have any moral strength left.

And today I have no competition with anyone! It ended at 26 years old. And now I’m not going to prove anything to anyone. As it turned out, life outside the tennis court turned out to be no less cruel than the sport itself... I could not answer many of the simplest questions, while for my ordinary peers, “non-sports”, all this was elementary... Relationships, life principles ... I rethought a lot in my life - after my sports career ended. I even started dressing differently!

The programs that I am offered to host on TV are ridiculously similar to situations in my personal life. When I gave birth to my second child, I was offered to host a program about weight loss, “Family Size.” It couldn’t have come at a better time - after giving birth, I was naturally overweight. I started to lose weight, but gained it back during my third pregnancy. So I'm fighting with him again. How? I eat less!

“Daughter? Let's think about it! "

Now, as a mother of three sons, I host a program about children “Main People” and again I draw a lot for myself here. Recently, one mother came to our “Home” with a “problem child.” After listening to this woman, I realized that the problem was with her! Motherhood is work. If before you lived for yourself, now you live for your children. Previously, I could pack up in a few hours and go to the other side of the world, but now I understand that, even if I’m incredibly busy at work, I have to return at a certain time. You no longer belong to yourself, your whole life is devoted to these little creatures to whom you gave life and for whom you are responsible.

Together with the boys, we wash, read, and play. This morning they all woke up, we built houses with them, assembled pyramids, played, tinkered, and I left for work. In my understanding, a nanny is not a substitute for a mother, but simply an assistant who will look after the children while I am at work. In the evening I will put the boys to bed, read fairy tales, and hug. But this is such an idyll for us now. In fact, at first everything did not go smoothly; childhood jealousy began. When Zhenya found out that he was going to have a brother, he reacted very badly and cried constantly.

I admit, it was very difficult to see this. As is typical, the son said: “Take it back and throw it away, please.” I constantly talked to him, explained that my attitude towards him would not change in any way. And then Zhenya tenderly fell in love with Gosha. Now they can't live without each other! Gosha gets up with the words: “Where is Zhenya?” and does everything like Zhenya. Now this is a love that I hope will last them a lifetime. And they love Pasha very much. They kiss him all the time, and Zhenya finds out which cheek to kiss him on - the right or left, depending on which cheek he has already been kissed on. ( Laughs.) And Gosha simply repeats everything after Zhenya. You know, in these moments, watching my boys adore each other, I feel the happiest in the world. They say it’s true that a woman’s happiness is family, children...

My husband and I try to give our sons memorable holidays. (Myskina’s husband is a businessman Sergey Mamedov. - Ed.) We invite our favorite children's heroes - Masha and the Bear, Luntik, and blow soap bubbles. When I watch these performances, I am happier, in my opinion, more than the boys themselves!

To be honest, I never thought that I would become a mother of many children. I did not plan a third child. My pregnancy was a surprise for all of us... The first son, the second - everything was thought out and planned. And then again - and here it is... But it’s nice! Where there are two, there are three. Especially three boys. All three of them can start crying, some just for company. And everyone wants to be held! This is a collapse! Our grandmothers say: there are three heroes, but what about the beautiful princess? We are used to having more children in the house. And the boys ask for a sister. They can be understood: the boy is a boy in Africa too. And they want a girlfriend. But I'm not ready yet. I already have a year and a half difference between my children. She didn’t really recover - Zhenya, Gosha, Pasha were born one after another. But let's see about my sister!

Two weeks ago, 36-year-old Anastasia Myskina announced her separation from her common-law husband, politician and businessman Sergei Mamedov. The couple separated after 11 years of marriage. Fans of the couple were quite surprised by their decision. It was rumored that Mamedov had another woman.

Recently, details of Myskina’s separation from her husband appeared in the media. It is argued that the man is truly happy in his new relationship. According to journalists, Mamedov’s chosen one was businesswoman Suzanna Karpova, who is a co-owner of a fashionable chain of premium beauty salons. Women's establishments are visited not only by show business stars - Elka, Alsou, Elena Temnikova, but also by many society ladies.

Karpov’s alleged chosen one refrains from interviews with journalists, and the businessman himself does not comment on his personal life. He made an exception only in mid-December, when he submitted an official statement about his separation from Anastasia Myskina. The couple wrote that they had been coming to this decision for several years, trying to maintain the relationship. But all the couple's attempts were in vain.

“Our life priorities and principles diverged more and more in different directions. In the end, we both came to the conclusion that breaking up would be the best way out of this situation - an open and honest action for both of us. We remain close people to each other, parents of three wonderful sons, which, of course, will allow us to continue to maintain good relations and continue to raise our children together,” said the address from Myskina and Mamedov.

// Photo: Vladimir Trefilov / RIA Novosti

The famous tennis player has been with the businessman and politician since the mid-2000s. Anastasia and Sergei have several children together - 9-year-old Evgeniy, 7-year-old Georgy and 5-year-old Pavel. The couple never registered their relationship, although, according to journalists, the sports star waited a long time for a proposal from her chosen one. Mamedov and Myskina lived in a luxurious house in the village of Zhukovka near Moscow. According to Express Newspaper, the entrepreneur has long had a new passion.

Before starting an affair with Mamedov, the sports star dated hockey players. At different times, Anastasia had relationships with Alexander Stepanov and Konstantin Korneev. According to rumors, the latter even planned to propose to Myskina and bought her a platinum ring with three diamonds. Konstantin and the tennis player were seen together in a jewelry store, but the man denied speculation about the upcoming wedding.

Anastasia Myskina is a world-famous tennis player from Russia. She is one of those who became popular in the world of sports due to coincidences. However, Anastasia always expresses the greatest gratitude for her profession to her parents.

The childhood of a famous tennis player

From an early age, Nastya was an ordinary child who did not particularly stand out from her peers. When asked about her future profession, the girl never answered that Anastasia Myskina is a tennis player in the future. In principle, she never thought about becoming an athlete. However, fate, as always, knows everything better than us. Anastasia’s parents were also not athletes, but they both loved active recreation, so they often took tennis rackets out into nature. The girl's mom and dad loved to play tennis outdoors.

This hobby of her parents did not particularly attract little Anastasia Myskina, but she had to pick up a racket and play another game with her dad. Thus, her daughter’s talent for tennis was noticed, which was later confirmed by more than one professional coach in this sport.

Myskina's first achievements

From the moment Nastya went to school, parents began to think about where it would be better to send their daughter to develop her sports talent. Their choice fell on the sports club in Moscow “Spartak”. The girl got one of the best coaches - Rauza Islanova. As you know, she was the coach of the world famous tennis player Marat Safin. She's his mother. Here the young athlete met Elena Dementieva. She, like Anastasia Myskina, later became one of the best in the world of tennis.

They still maintain close and warm relations. They always support each other and want victory, despite the fact that they could be avid competitors.

Athlete's career

After Anastasia graduated from school, she immediately became one of those who joined the Russian national team. Then exactly a year later she snatched victory in one of her first singles tournaments in Palermo. Many people envied such success of the young tennis player Anastasia Myskina. Also, the press and most coaches did not attach importance to the girl’s victory and were unable to evaluate it adequately.

At that time, the first star of the tennis court was Anna Kournikova, and it was simply unrealistic to “outdo” her. Especially for such an inexperienced and young girl. Despite this, Nastya set high goals for herself and achieved them flawlessly.

Anastasia never suffered from the particular intrusiveness of journalists. On the one hand, this could upset the girl, but she took only advantages from the situation: no one distracted her from work and she had enough time to train.

In 2003, the biography of Anastasia Myskina as a tennis player was enriched by another significant event. She entered the list of the best rackets in the world. In the same year she was awarded the title of the country's first racket.

2005 was one of the worst years in the athlete’s career. Her intimate photographs were stolen. Because of this, Anastasia had problems working with the team, and over time she refused to work as part of them. Nastya got a job as a television presenter, then she was invited to the position of commentator on a sports channel.

Personal life of Anastasia Myskina

The girl never hid information about her person. This also applies to her personal life. At the beginning of the athlete’s career, many were interested in the tennis player’s rather impressive height, about which many journalists could only write speculation. So, in one of the interviews it became clear that Anastasia Myskina’s height is 1.74 m.

Nastya’s personal life has been known since the moment when she was in a relationship with the famous hockey player Alexander Stepanov. Then, when they broke up, the athlete switched to another hockey player, but of a higher rank - captain Konstantin Korneev.

The relationship with the latter was so serious that the couple was thinking about getting engaged and had already purchased rings. But, alas, this did not happen. Which, as it turned out later, is fortunate!

Some time after the breakup, Nastya finds out that she is pregnant. She denied the press’s speculation that this was Konstantin’s child. And in one of the interviews she admitted that she was carrying under her heart a baby from Sergei Mamedov, a famous businessman.

The further fate of the athlete

From the moment she met Sergei, Anastasia carefully hid her personal life, but she was unable to hide her joy of motherhood. She showed with all her appearance that she was happy and was looking forward to this baby.

They began to live in a civil marriage with Kostya. When Nastya gave birth to her first child, they got married. Then two more additions awaited their family: in 2010 and 2012. From happiness that his wife gave birth to three sons, Konstantin could not find any place. He helped his wife in every possible way, supported her and fulfilled all her whims.

Divorce of Myskina and Mamedov

For many, the couple's divorce came as a shock. They lived together for 11 years and suddenly decided to separate. Their sons Georgy, Evgeny and Pavel do not suffer from this in any way. As Anastasia admits, their interests with Sergei began to diverge over time. However, for several more years there were attempts to save the marriage, but to no avail. The couple divorced, but they are both raising children.

After the divorce, Nastya and Sergey maintain warm and friendly relations. This is not only because of the children, but also because over 11 years of marriage they have become really close people to each other.

Are your sons into sports or not?

Anastasia insists in every possible way that she will not direct her children in a direction where they have no cravings and desires. Since childhood, they have been accustomed to an active lifestyle. But no one will force them into sports. They must make their own decisions, including in choosing a profession.

In anticipation Federation Cup, which will be held from April 16 to 17 at the small sports arena Luzhniki, we met with the captain of our team - a famous tennis player Anastasia Myskina. The famous athlete as a member of the Russian national team twice won the prestigious tournament and considers this victory one of the most important in her career. Despite the fact that Myskina no longer plays, she has not left the world of tennis and continues to contribute to the development of this sport. From the first seconds of meeting Nastya, she charmed me with her openness and sincerity. She is a shining example of how a woman can combine family and her favorite job. Read about sports, raising children and relationships with your husband in an exclusive interview with Anastasia Myskina! Suit, top, Alexander Terekhov; brooch, Flower Me; sneakers, Marina Rinaldi My entire childhood was associated exclusively with sports.

My dad really wanted a boy, because at one time he himself could not become a professional football player, his parents were against it, and, apparently, he decided to realize his ambitions through me. My first coach was the mother of Dinara and Marat Safin - the wonderful Rauza Mukhamedzhanovna Islanova. She noticed me and said that I was very active and that something could come of me. That’s how I got into the Olympic Reserve School, and my tennis career began. In my youth, I often felt that I was being discriminated against, that they wanted to do me bad. All my peers went to dances and hung out, but I had to go to a tournament or train. The resentment of defeats sometimes made me doubt whether I should continue playing tennis. You worked and worked and stumbled, it’s hard to go through such moments. Sometimes you dream about lost matches at night, and sometimes you can’t sleep, remembering an offensive defeat.

I still remember the defeat at the 2004 Olympics in Athens, and I feel bad. For me then, only victory was important, so when I went out to play for third place, I no longer had the strength or desire. We were brought up during the Soviet school, and then the Olympics were all that was worth striving for in professional sports. These competitions are watched by the whole world and the country you represent. Tennis gained great popularity somewhere, probably closer to the 2000s. I was certainly pleased that people recognized and remembered how you played, how you won something. I haven't played for about nine years now, but people still wish me luck sometimes. ( Laughs.) At such moments I understand that all this was not in vain. In any sport you need to be tough and sportily arrogant. I often go to competitions and see how young athletes compete with each other, everyone is eager to beat each other. Previously, there was also competition, but much softer, there were no sharp corners.
Dress, tuxedo, Alexander Terekhov; necklace, vintage showroom “Chiffonniere” Suit, IZBA Rouge; necklace, vintage showroom “Chiffonniere”

Many athletes take a long time to decide before leaving the sport. It's like leaving work, and going nowhere. I didn't have that decision because I stopped due to injury. I had to make a choice - either go for surgery, or try to wait until it heals and continue playing. And from this pause its consequences simply followed - work on television, three children, family. Children should be sent to tennis if parents are ready for difficulties and want to devote a certain part of their life to their child, while time and financial resources are needed. But it's worth it. It’s so interesting, so exciting – travel, new friends! However, you will have to go through many difficulties. As I got older, I became much tougher. Now I can control my emotions. But I can be touched by some cartoon, because I mostly go to cartoons with my children.

I know how to make friends and treat people sincerely. My circle of friends is very small, and I value and respect those people who are with me. Motherhood has changed me a lot. Priorities and inner peace have changed, greater responsibility has appeared, because it’s one thing when you live for yourself, walk and drive wherever you want, you can go to bed late and wake up late. Now I can’t afford this; in any situation I have to get up and send the children to school. I'm a tough mom. I have three boys, and despite the fact that they are bullies, they are very obedient. But our dad is very kind and loves to spoil the children. In our family, I play the role of the evil cop. ( Laughs.) My whole life revolves around my children. I try to spend as much time as possible with my family. On weekdays I can afford evening meetings and business trips, but we always spend weekends with the children.
Top, skirt, Alexander Terekhov; necklace vintage showroom “Chiffonniere”; bracelet, ( Rachel Zoe; cap, @audrey_style_

My eldest son plays football, the middle son plays swimming, the youngest has not chosen anything yet, he is the most stubborn among us. My husband is categorically against children playing sports professionally. They must be smart like him, so now all our energy is focused on studying. When I was appointed captain of the team in the Fed Cup, at first I experienced real euphoria! But then I realized the responsibility that I now bear not only for my children, but also for the athletes. When everything goes well and you win, it’s very cool, but when you mess up somewhere, you get a barrage of criticism. I have closed myself off from sports journalists and do not give interviews, because most of them do not even understand what they are writing about. When you work and strive for the best result, and journalists are just waiting for the moment when they can pounce on you, it is very unpleasant. I don't think anyone likes criticism at all., but nevertheless it is impossible without it, because this is an analysis of your work, your actions, this is quite natural. Another thing is who it comes from.

For me, the main thing is the children. As soon as I understand that they lack my communication, my attention, I will naturally leave my job. About two years ago I had a choice: either work in the Fed Cup or television. I left the second one so that I could devote time to my family. But if I don’t work and develop, this won’t lead to anything good either. You need to find some kind of balance so that both you and your children are satisfied with your life. My husband still dreams of a girl, but I don’t. (Laughs.) My friend and I often joke that I played tennis for half my life, and now I’m pregnant for half my life. During my first pregnancy I gained almost 30 kg, but I never had problems with weight, so I didn’t even understand that I needed to somehow monitor it. Between pregnancies, I simply did not have time to lose those extra pounds. A year ago, I lost weight dramatically and became slimmer than when I played tennis. I don't go on a diet, but I watch my weight. The most effective thing is not to eat bread and sweets in the evenings.
Dress, Alexander Terekhov; jacket, Poustovit; hat, Eugenia Kim; necklace vintage showroom “Chiffonniere”; shoes, Salvatore Ferragamo I would like to believe that my parents are proud of me

Because they did everything to make me who I became. And I am incredibly grateful to them. I had difficult periods with my dad, because he forced me to go through many obstacles, overcome them, and, naturally, this relationship developed against the backdrop of tennis. Now he has another family and two boys, whom he also sent to sports, we communicate well. My parents taught me that family is the most important thing, no matter what you do. I think that’s why I ended my career relatively easily. I always knew that tennis is some part of my life, but sooner or later it will end, but then comes what is really important.

My husband and I met in the last year of my career. I am very grateful to him, because he helped me endure changes more easily, smoothed out all the corners and brightened up the rough moments. At the same time, he allowed me to remain a woman who can take care of herself, mind her own business, and build a career. I respect him very much and thank him for our children. I can’t even imagine how I lived without them before. My husband looked after me very beautifully. I wish he would remember this sometimes. ( Laughs.) At that time I was undergoing surgery in Germany, I couldn’t walk normally, and I had to return to Moscow. And I told him: “Listen, what should I fly in? It’s winter outside, the cast is about to be removed, and I can’t even put on sneakers.” He replied: “Don’t worry, you’ll get there somehow.” Then he calls and says: “I gave you something there, come down and get it.” I go out and he’s standing in the hotel lobby with felt boots. These are such beautiful actions.

We are both very characterful, and sometimes it is difficult for us to make concessions, but it seems to me that we are together because we are very stubborn. He likes that about me, and I like that about him. We have been together for 10 years, and we don’t need to prove anything to each other, the main thing in our family is love and respect. Of course, I have achieved some degree of success. My career was quite short compared to everyone else who played tennis at a professional level. But in this short period I won a certain number of tournaments, which I am very proud of. Now I have a dream, and I am moving towards it. If I implement this project and it becomes in demand, then I will consider that I have achieved success. For now I can only say that this has nothing to do with tennis.

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